Example #1
    def wrapper(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs):
        transaction = current_transaction()

        if transaction is None:
            return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)

        def _args(request, *args, **kwargs):
            return request

        view = instance
        request = _args(*args, **kwargs)

        # We can't intercept the delegated view handler when it
        # is looked up by the dispatch() method so we need to
        # duplicate the lookup mechanism.

        if request.method.lower() in view.http_method_names:
            handler = getattr(view, request.method.lower(),
            handler = view.http_method_not_allowed

        name = callable_name(handler)

        # The priority to be used when naming the transaction is
        # bit tricky. If the transaction name is already that of
        # the class based view, but not the method, then we want
        # the name of the method to override. This can occur
        # where the class based view was registered directly in
        # urls.py as the view handler. In this case we use the
        # priority of 5, matching what would be used by the view
        # handler so that it can override the transaction name.
        # If however the transaction name is unrelated, we
        # preferably don't want it overridden. This can happen
        # where the class based view was invoked explicitly
        # within an existing view handler. In this case we use
        # the priority of 4 so it will not override the view
        # handler name where used as the transaction name.

        priority = 4

        if transaction.group == 'Function':
            if transaction.name == callable_name(view):
                priority = 5

        transaction.set_transaction_name(name, priority=priority)

        with FunctionTrace(transaction, name=name):
            return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
Example #2
    def wrapper(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs):
        transaction = current_transaction()

        if transaction is None:
            return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)

        def _args(request, *args, **kwargs):
            return request

        view = instance
        request = _args(*args, **kwargs)

        # We can't intercept the delegated view handler when it
        # is looked up by the dispatch() method so we need to
        # duplicate the lookup mechanism.

        if request.method.lower() in view.http_method_names:
            handler = getattr(view, request.method.lower(),
            handler = view.http_method_not_allowed

        name = callable_name(handler)

        # The priority to be used when naming the transaction is
        # bit tricky. If the transaction name is already that of
        # the class based view, but not the method, then we want
        # the name of the method to override. This can occur
        # where the class based view was registered directly in
        # urls.py as the view handler. In this case we use the
        # priority of 5, matching what would be used by the view
        # handler so that it can override the transaction name.
        # If however the transaction name is unrelated, we
        # preferably don't want it overridden. This can happen
        # where the class based view was invoked explicitly
        # within an existing view handler. In this case we use
        # the priority of 4 so it will not override the view
        # handler name where used as the transaction name.

        priority = 4

        if transaction.group == 'Function':
            if transaction.name == callable_name(view):
                priority = 5

        transaction.set_transaction_name(name, priority=priority)

        with FunctionTrace(transaction, name=name):
            return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
Example #3
def wrap_view_handler(wrapped, priority=3):

    # Ensure we don't wrap the view handler more than once. This
    # looks like it may occur in cases where the resolver is
    # called recursively. We flag that view handler was wrapped
    # using the '_bw_django_view_handler' attribute.

    if hasattr(wrapped, '_bw_django_view_handler'):
        return wrapped

    name = callable_name(wrapped)

    def wrapper(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs):
        transaction = current_transaction()

        if transaction is None:
            return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)

        transaction.set_transaction_name(name, priority=priority)

        with FunctionTrace(transaction, name=name):
                return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)

            except:  # Catch all

    result = FunctionWrapper(wrapped, wrapper)
    result._bw_django_view_handler = True

    return result
Example #4
def wrap_handle_uncaught_exception(middleware):

    # Wrapper to be applied to handler called when exceptions
    # propagate up to top level from middleware. Records the
    # time spent in the handler as separate function node. Names
    # the web transaction after the name of the handler if not
    # already named at higher priority and capture further
    # errors in the handler.

    name = callable_name(middleware)

    def wrapper(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs):
        transaction = current_transaction()

        if transaction is None:
            return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)

        def _wrapped(request, resolver, exc_info):
            transaction.set_transaction_name(name, priority=1)

                return wrapped(request, resolver, exc_info)

            except:  # Catch all

        with FunctionTrace(transaction, name=name):
            return _wrapped(*args, **kwargs)

    return FunctionWrapper(middleware, wrapper)
Example #5
    def wrapper(wrapped):
        # The middleware if a class method would already be
        # bound at this point, so is safe to determine the name
        # when it is being wrapped rather than on each
        # invocation.

        name = callable_name(wrapped)

        def wrapper(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs):
            transaction = current_transaction()

            if transaction is None:
                return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)

            before = (transaction.name, transaction.group)

            with FunctionTrace(transaction, name=name):
                    return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)

                    # We want to name the transaction after this
                    # middleware but only if the transaction wasn't
                    # named from within the middleware itself explicity.

                    after = (transaction.name, transaction.group)
                    if before == after:
                        transaction.set_transaction_name(name, priority=2)

        return FunctionWrapper(wrapped, wrapper)
Example #6
def wrap_handle_uncaught_exception(middleware):

    # Wrapper to be applied to handler called when exceptions
    # propagate up to top level from middleware. Records the
    # time spent in the handler as separate function node. Names
    # the web transaction after the name of the handler if not
    # already named at higher priority and capture further
    # errors in the handler.

    name = callable_name(middleware)

    def wrapper(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs):
        transaction = current_transaction()

        if transaction is None:
            return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)

        def _wrapped(request, resolver, exc_info):
            transaction.set_transaction_name(name, priority=1)

                return wrapped(request, resolver, exc_info)

            except:  # Catch all

        with FunctionTrace(transaction, name=name):
            return _wrapped(*args, **kwargs)

    return FunctionWrapper(middleware, wrapper)
Example #7
def callback_wrapper(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs):
    transaction = current_transaction()

    if transaction is None:
        return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)

    name = callable_name(wrapped)

    # Needs to be at a higher priority so that error handler processing
    # below will not override the web transaction being named after the
    # actual request handler.

    transaction.set_transaction_name(name, priority=2)

    with FunctionTrace(transaction, name):
            return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)

        except:  # Catch all
            # In most cases this seems like it will never be invoked as
            # bottle will internally capture the exception before we
            # get a chance and rather than propagate the exception will
            # return it instead. This doesn't always seem to be the case
            # though when plugins are used, although that may depend on
            # the specific bottle version being used.

Example #8
    def __call__(self, *args):

        # Temporary work around due to customer calling class method
        # directly with 'self' as first argument. Need to work out best
        # practice for dealing with this.

        if len(args) == 2:
            # Assume called as unbound method with (self, request).
            instance, request = args
            # Assume called as bound method with (request).
            instance = self._bw_instance
            request = args[-1]

        assert instance != None

        transaction = current_transaction()

        if transaction is None:
            return self._bw_next_object(*args)

        # This is wrapping the render() function of the resource. We
        # name the function node and the web transaction after the name
        # of the handler function augmented with the method type for the
        # request.

        name = "%s.render_%s" % (
                instance), request.method)
        transaction.set_transaction_name(name, priority=1)

        with FunctionTrace(transaction, name):
            return self._bw_next_object(*args)
Example #9
def callback_wrapper(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs):
    transaction = current_transaction()

    if transaction is None:
        return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)

    name = callable_name(wrapped)

    # Needs to be at a higher priority so that error handler processing
    # below will not override the web transaction being named after the
    # actual request handler.

    transaction.set_transaction_name(name, priority=2)

    with FunctionTrace(transaction, name):
            return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)

        except:  # Catch all
            # In most cases this seems like it will never be invoked as
            # bottle will internally capture the exception before we
            # get a chance and rather than propagate the exception will
            # return it instead. This doesn't always seem to be the case
            # though when plugins are used, although that may depend on
            # the specific bottle version being used.

Example #10
    def wrapper(wrapped):
        # The middleware if a class method would already be
        # bound at this point, so is safe to determine the name
        # when it is being wrapped rather than on each
        # invocation.

        name = callable_name(wrapped)

        def wrapper(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs):
            transaction = current_transaction()

            if transaction is None:
                return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)

            before = (transaction.name, transaction.group)

            with FunctionTrace(transaction, name=name):
                    return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)

                    # We want to name the transaction after this
                    # middleware but only if the transaction wasn't
                    # named from within the middleware itself explicity.

                    after = (transaction.name, transaction.group)
                    if before == after:
                        transaction.set_transaction_name(name, priority=2)

        return FunctionWrapper(wrapped, wrapper)
Example #11
def wrap_view_handler(wrapped, priority=3):

    # Ensure we don't wrap the view handler more than once. This
    # looks like it may occur in cases where the resolver is
    # called recursively. We flag that view handler was wrapped
    # using the '_bw_django_view_handler' attribute.

    if hasattr(wrapped, '_bw_django_view_handler'):
        return wrapped

    name = callable_name(wrapped)

    def wrapper(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs):
        transaction = current_transaction()

        if transaction is None:
            return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)

        transaction.set_transaction_name(name, priority=priority)

        with FunctionTrace(transaction, name=name):
                return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)

            except:  # Catch all

    result = FunctionWrapper(wrapped, wrapper)
    result._bw_django_view_handler = True

    return result
Example #12
def _bw_wrapper_RequestHandler__execute_(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs):
    # Prior to Tornado 3.1, the calling of the handler request method
    # was performed from within RequestHandler._execute(). Any prepare()
    # method was called immediately and could not be a coroutine. For
    # later versions of Tornado, if the prepare() method is a coroutine
    # and the future cannot be completed immediately, then the handler
    # request method will be called from _execute_method() instead when
    # prepare() completes.

    handler = instance
    request = handler.request

    # Check to see if we are being called within the context of any sort
    # of transaction. If we aren't, then we don't bother doing anything and
    # just call the wrapped function.

    transaction = retrieve_current_transaction()

    if transaction is None:
        return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)

    # If the method isn't one of the supported ones, then we expect the
    # wrapped method to raise an exception for HTTPError(405). Name the
    # transaction after the wrapped method first so it is used if that
    # occurs.

    name = callable_name(wrapped)

    if request.method not in handler.SUPPORTED_METHODS:
        return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)

    # Otherwise we name the transaction after the handler function that
    # should end up being executed for the request. We don't create a
    # function trace node at this point as that is handled by the fact
    # that we wrapped the exposed methods from the wrapper for the
    # constructor of the request handler.

    name = callable_name(getattr(handler, request.method.lower()))

    # Call the original RequestHandler._execute(). So long as the
    # prepare() method is not a coroutine which doesn't complete
    # straight away, then the actual handler function handler should
    # also be called at this point.

    return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
Example #13
def _bw_wrapper_RequestHandler__execute_(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs):
    # Prior to Tornado 3.1, the calling of the handler request method
    # was performed from within RequestHandler._execute(). Any prepare()
    # method was called immediately and could not be a coroutine. For
    # later versions of Tornado, if the prepare() method is a coroutine
    # and the future cannot be completed immediately, then the handler
    # request method will be called from _execute_method() instead when
    # prepare() completes.

    handler = instance
    request = handler.request

    # Check to see if we are being called within the context of any sort
    # of transaction. If we aren't, then we don't bother doing anything and
    # just call the wrapped function.

    transaction = retrieve_current_transaction()

    if transaction is None:
        return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)

    # If the method isn't one of the supported ones, then we expect the
    # wrapped method to raise an exception for HTTPError(405). Name the
    # transaction after the wrapped method first so it is used if that
    # occurs.

    name = callable_name(wrapped)

    if request.method not in handler.SUPPORTED_METHODS:
        return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)

    # Otherwise we name the transaction after the handler function that
    # should end up being executed for the request. We don't create a
    # function trace node at this point as that is handled by the fact
    # that we wrapped the exposed methods from the wrapper for the
    # constructor of the request handler.

    name = callable_name(getattr(handler, request.method.lower()))

    # Call the original RequestHandler._execute(). So long as the
    # prepare() method is not a coroutine which doesn't complete
    # straight away, then the actual handler function handler should
    # also be called at this point.

    return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
Example #14
def _bw_wrapper_IOLoop_add_callback_(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs):
    transaction = retrieve_current_transaction()

    if transaction is None:
        return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)

    name = callable_name(wrapped)

    def _args(callback, *args, **kwargs):
        return callback

    callback = _args(*args, **kwargs)

    params = dict(callback=callable_name(callback))

    with FunctionTrace(transaction, name, params=params, terminal=True):
        return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
Example #15
def _bw_wrapper_IOLoop_add_callback_(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs):
    transaction = retrieve_current_transaction()

    if transaction is None:
        return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)

    name = callable_name(wrapped)

    def _args(callback, *args, **kwargs):
        return callback

    callback = _args(*args, **kwargs)

    params = dict(callback=callable_name(callback))

    with FunctionTrace(transaction, name, params=params, terminal=True):
        return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
Example #16
    def wrapper(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs):
        transaction = current_transaction()

        if callable(name):
            # Start Hotfix v2.2.1.
            #if instance and inspect.ismethod(wrapped):
            #    _name = name(instance, *args, **kwargs)
            #    _name = name(*args, **kwargs)

            if instance is not None:
                _name = name(instance, *args, **kwargs)
                _name = name(*args, **kwargs)
            # End Hotfix v2.2.1.

        elif name is None:
            _name = callable_name(wrapped)

            _name = name

        # Helper for obtaining the appropriate application object. If
        # has an activate() method assume it is a valid application
        # object. Don't check by type so se can easily mock it for
        # testing if need be.

        def _application():
            if hasattr(application, 'activate'):
                return application
            return application_instance(application)

        # Check to see if we are being called within the context of an
        # existing transaction. If we are, then we will record the call
        # as a function trace node instead. This situation can occur
        # when a function wrapped with Celery task decorator is called
        # explicitly in the context of an existing transaction.

        if transaction:
            with FunctionTrace(transaction, callable_name(wrapped)):
                return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)

        # Otherwise treat it as top level background task.

        with BackgroundTask(_application(), _name, 'Celery'):
            return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
Example #17
 def __iter__(self):
     name = callable_name(self._bw_wrapped)
     iterable = iter(self._bw_generator)
     while 1:
         transaction = current_transaction()
         with FunctionTrace(
               transaction, name, group='Python/Twisted/Generator'):
             yield next(iterable)
Example #18
    def wrapper(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs):
        transaction = current_transaction()

        if callable(name):
            # Start Hotfix v2.2.1.
            #if instance and inspect.ismethod(wrapped):
            #    _name = name(instance, *args, **kwargs)
            #    _name = name(*args, **kwargs)

            if instance is not None:
                _name = name(instance, *args, **kwargs)
                _name = name(*args, **kwargs)
            # End Hotfix v2.2.1.

        elif name is None:
            _name = callable_name(wrapped)

            _name = name

        # Helper for obtaining the appropriate application object. If
        # has an activate() method assume it is a valid application
        # object. Don't check by type so se can easily mock it for
        # testing if need be.

        def _application():
            if hasattr(application, 'activate'):
                return application
            return application_instance(application)

        # Check to see if we are being called within the context of an
        # existing transaction. If we are, then we will record the call
        # as a function trace node instead. This situation can occur
        # when a function wrapped with Celery task decorator is called
        # explicitly in the context of an existing transaction.

        if transaction:
            with FunctionTrace(transaction, callable_name(wrapped)):
                return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)

        # Otherwise treat it as top level background task.

        with BackgroundTask(_application(), _name, 'Celery'):
            return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
Example #19
def transaction_name_delegate(*args, **kwargs):
    transaction = current_transaction()
    if transaction:
        if isinstance(args[1], six.string_types):
            f = args[1]
            f = callable_name(args[1])
    return (args, kwargs)
Example #20
    def _bw_stack_context_function_wrapper_(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs):

        # We can come in here with either an active transaction
        # or a request with a transaction bound to it. If there
        # is an active transaction then call the wrapped function
        # within function trace and return immediately.

        transaction = retrieve_current_transaction()

        if transaction is not None:
            name = callable_name(wrapped)

            with FunctionTrace(transaction, name=name):
                return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)

        # For the case of a request with a transaction bound to
        # it, we need to resume the transaction and then call it.
        # As we resumed the transaction, need to handle
        # suspending or finalizing it.

        transaction = resume_request_monitoring(request)

        if transaction is None:
            return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)

            name = callable_name(wrapped)

            with FunctionTrace(transaction, name=name):
                return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)

        except:  # Catch all.
            record_exception(transaction, sys.exc_info())

            if not request_finished(request):
                suspend_request_monitoring(request, name='Callback/Wait')

            elif not request.connection.stream.writing():

                suspend_request_monitoring(request, name='Request/Output')
Example #21
    def _bw_stack_context_function_wrapper_(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs):

        # We can come in here with either an active transaction
        # or a request with a transaction bound to it. If there
        # is an active transaction then call the wrapped function
        # within function trace and return immediately.

        transaction = retrieve_current_transaction()

        if transaction is not None:
            name = callable_name(wrapped)

            with FunctionTrace(transaction, name=name):
                return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)

        # For the case of a request with a transaction bound to
        # it, we need to resume the transaction and then call it.
        # As we resumed the transaction, need to handle
        # suspending or finalizing it.

        transaction = resume_request_monitoring(request)

        if transaction is None:
            return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)

            name = callable_name(wrapped)

            with FunctionTrace(transaction, name=name):
                return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)

        except:  # Catch all.
            record_exception(transaction, sys.exc_info())

            if not request_finished(request):
                suspend_request_monitoring(request, name='Callback/Wait')

            elif not request.connection.stream.writing():

                suspend_request_monitoring(request, name='Request/Output')
Example #22
    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        transaction = current_transaction()

        settings = global_settings()

        rollup = 'Database/all'

        with FunctionTrace(transaction, callable_name(self.__wrapped__),
                terminal=True, rollup=rollup):
            return self.__connection_wrapper__(self.__wrapped__(
                    *args, **kwargs), self._bw_dbapi2_module, (args, kwargs))
Example #23
def _bw_wrapper_Flask_before_request_wrapped_(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs):
    transaction = current_transaction()

    if transaction is None:
        return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)

    name = callable_name(wrapped)


    with FunctionTrace(transaction, name):
        return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
Example #24
def wrapper_Resource_method(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs):
    transaction = current_transaction()

    if transaction is None:
        return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)

    name = callable_name(wrapped)

    with FunctionTrace(transaction, name):
        return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
Example #25
 def __exit__(self, exc, value, tb):
     transaction = current_transaction()
     name = callable_name(self.__wrapped__.__exit__)
     with FunctionTrace(transaction, name):
         if exc is None:
             with DatabaseTrace(transaction, 'COMMIT',
                 return self.__wrapped__.__exit__(exc, value, tb)
             with DatabaseTrace(transaction, 'ROLLBACK',
                 return self.__wrapped__.__exit__(exc, value, tb)
Example #26
 def __exit__(self, exc, value, tb):
     transaction = current_transaction()
     name = callable_name(self.__wrapped__.__exit__)
     with FunctionTrace(transaction, name):
         if exc is None:
             with DatabaseTrace(transaction, 'COMMIT',
                 return self.__wrapped__.__exit__(exc, value, tb)
             with DatabaseTrace(transaction, 'ROLLBACK',
                 return self.__wrapped__.__exit__(exc, value, tb)
Example #27
    def close(self):
            with FunctionTrace(self.transaction, name='Finalize',
                if hasattr(self.generator, 'close'):
                    name = callable_name(self.generator.close)
                    with FunctionTrace(self.transaction, name):

        except: # Catch all
Example #28
def _bw_wrapper_Flask_before_request_wrapped_(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs):
    transaction = current_transaction()

    if transaction is None:
        return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)

    name = callable_name(wrapped)


    with FunctionTrace(transaction, name):
        return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
Example #29
    def __enter__(self):
        transaction = current_transaction()
        name = callable_name(self.__wrapped__.__enter__)
        with FunctionTrace(transaction, name):
            cursor = self.__wrapped__.__enter__()

        # The __enter__() method of original connection object returns
        # a new cursor instance for use with 'as' assignment. We need
        # to wrap that in a cursor wrapper otherwise we will not track
        # any queries done via it.

        return self.__cursor_wrapper__(cursor, self._bw_dbapi2_module,
                self._bw_connect_params, None)
Example #30
    def __enter__(self):
        transaction = current_transaction()
        name = callable_name(self.__wrapped__.__enter__)
        with FunctionTrace(transaction, name):

        # Must return a reference to self as otherwise will be
        # returning the inner connection object. If 'as' is used
        # with the 'with' statement this will mean no longer
        # using the wrapped connection object and nothing will be
        # tracked.

        return self
Example #31
    def __enter__(self):
        transaction = current_transaction()
        name = callable_name(self.__wrapped__.__enter__)
        with FunctionTrace(transaction, name):

        # Must return a reference to self as otherwise will be
        # returning the inner connection object. If 'as' is used
        # with the 'with' statement this will mean no longer
        # using the wrapped connection object and nothing will be
        # tracked.

        return self
Example #32
    def __enter__(self):
        transaction = current_transaction()
        name = callable_name(self.__wrapped__.__enter__)
        with FunctionTrace(transaction, name):
            cursor = self.__wrapped__.__enter__()

        # The __enter__() method of original connection object returns
        # a new cursor instance for use with 'as' assignment. We need
        # to wrap that in a cursor wrapper otherwise we will not track
        # any queries done via it.

        return self.__cursor_wrapper__(cursor, self._bw_dbapi2_module,
                                       self._bw_connect_params, None)
Example #33
    def close(self):
            with FunctionTrace(self.transaction,
                if hasattr(self.generator, 'close'):
                    name = callable_name(self.generator.close)
                    with FunctionTrace(self.transaction, name):

        except:  # Catch all
Example #34
    def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
        transaction = current_transaction()

        if transaction is None:
            return self.wsgi_application(environ, start_response)

        name = callable_name(self.wsgi_application)

        with FunctionTrace(transaction, name='Application',
            with FunctionTrace(transaction, name=name):
                result = self.wsgi_application(environ, start_response)

        return _WSGIApplicationIterable(transaction, result)
Example #35
def _bw_wrapper_Task_start_(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs):
    # This wrapper is used around the start() method of the Task class.
    # The Task class executes a callback and we track that as a function
    # trace, naming it after the function the Task holds.

    transaction = retrieve_current_transaction()

    if transaction is None:
        return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)

    name = callable_name(instance.func)

    with FunctionTrace(transaction, name):
        return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
Example #36
def wrap_url_resolver(wrapped):

    # Wrap URL resolver. If resolver returns valid result then
    # wrap the view handler returned. The type of the result
    # changes across Django versions so need to check and adapt
    # as necessary. For a 404 then a user supplied 404 handler
    # or the default 404 handler should get later invoked and
    # transaction should be named after that.

    name = callable_name(wrapped)

    def wrapper(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs):
        transaction = current_transaction()

        if transaction is None:
            return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)

        if hasattr(transaction, '_bw_django_url_resolver'):
            return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)

        # Tag the transaction so we know when we are in the top
        # level call to the URL resolver as don't want to show
        # the inner ones as would be one for each url pattern.

        transaction._bw_django_url_resolver = True

        def _wrapped(path):
            # XXX This can raise a Resolver404. If this is not dealt
            # with, is this the source of our unnamed 404 requests.

            with FunctionTrace(transaction, name=name, label=path):
                result = wrapped(path)

                if type(result) == type(()):
                    callback, callback_args, callback_kwargs = result
                    result = (wrap_view_handler(callback, priority=5),
                            callback_args, callback_kwargs)
                    result.func = wrap_view_handler(result.func, priority=5)

                return result

            return _wrapped(*args, **kwargs)

            del transaction._bw_django_url_resolver

    return FunctionWrapper(wrapped, wrapper)
Example #37
def wrap_url_resolver(wrapped):

    # Wrap URL resolver. If resolver returns valid result then
    # wrap the view handler returned. The type of the result
    # changes across Django versions so need to check and adapt
    # as necessary. For a 404 then a user supplied 404 handler
    # or the default 404 handler should get later invoked and
    # transaction should be named after that.

    name = callable_name(wrapped)

    def wrapper(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs):
        transaction = current_transaction()

        if transaction is None:
            return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)

        if hasattr(transaction, '_bw_django_url_resolver'):
            return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)

        # Tag the transaction so we know when we are in the top
        # level call to the URL resolver as don't want to show
        # the inner ones as would be one for each url pattern.

        transaction._bw_django_url_resolver = True

        def _wrapped(path):
            # XXX This can raise a Resolver404. If this is not dealt
            # with, is this the source of our unnamed 404 requests.

            with FunctionTrace(transaction, name=name, label=path):
                result = wrapped(path)

                if type(result) == type(()):
                    callback, callback_args, callback_kwargs = result
                    result = (wrap_view_handler(callback, priority=5),
                            callback_args, callback_kwargs)
                    result.func = wrap_view_handler(result.func, priority=5)

                return result

            return _wrapped(*args, **kwargs)

            del transaction._bw_django_url_resolver

    return FunctionWrapper(wrapped, wrapper)
Example #38
    def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
        transaction = retrieve_current_transaction()

        if transaction is None:
            return self.wsgi_application(environ, start_response)

        name = callable_name(self.wsgi_application)

        with FunctionTrace(transaction,
            with FunctionTrace(transaction, name=name):
                result = self.wsgi_application(environ, start_response)

        return _WSGIApplicationIterable(transaction, result)
Example #39
def _bw_wrapper_handler_(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs):
    transaction = current_transaction()

    if transaction is None:
        return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)

    name = callable_name(wrapped)

    # Set priority=2 so this will take precedence over any error
    # handler which will be at priority=1.

    transaction.set_transaction_name(name, priority=2)

    with FunctionTrace(transaction, name):
        return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
Example #40
def _bw_wrapper_handler_(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs):
    transaction = current_transaction()

    if transaction is None:
        return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)

    name = callable_name(wrapped)

    # Set priority=2 so this will take precedence over any error
    # handler which will be at priority=1.

    transaction.set_transaction_name(name, priority=2)

    with FunctionTrace(transaction, name):
        return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
Example #41
def wrap_template_block(wrapped):

    name = callable_name(wrapped)

    def wrapper(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs):
        transaction = current_transaction()

        if transaction is None:
            return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)

        with FunctionTrace(transaction, name=instance.name,
            return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)

    return FunctionWrapper(wrapped, wrapper)
Example #42
def _bw_wrapper_Flask_handle_http_exception_(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs):
    transaction = current_transaction()

    if transaction is None:
        return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)

    name = callable_name(wrapped)

    # Because we use priority=1, this name will only be used in cases
    # where an error handler was called without an actual request
    # handler having already being called.

    transaction.set_transaction_name(name, priority=1)

    with FunctionTrace(transaction, name):
        return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
Example #43
def wrap_template_block(wrapped):

    name = callable_name(wrapped)

    def wrapper(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs):
        transaction = current_transaction()

        if transaction is None:
            return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)

        with FunctionTrace(transaction,
            return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)

    return FunctionWrapper(wrapped, wrapper)
Example #44
def _bw_wrapper_Flask_handle_http_exception_(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs):
    transaction = current_transaction()

    if transaction is None:
        return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)

    name = callable_name(wrapped)

    # Because we use priority=1, this name will only be used in cases
    # where an error handler was called without an actual request
    # handler having already being called.

    transaction.set_transaction_name(name, priority=1)

    with FunctionTrace(transaction, name):
        return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
Example #45
def _bw_wrapper_Flask_handle_exception_(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs):
    transaction = current_transaction()

    if transaction is None:
        return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)

    # The Flask.handle_exception() method is always called in the
    # context of the except clause of the try block. We can therefore
    # rely on grabbing current exception details so we have access to
    # the addition stack trace information.


    name = callable_name(wrapped)

    with FunctionTrace(transaction, name):
        return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
Example #46
def _bw_wrapper_RequestHandler_render_(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs):
    # Intended to track time spent rendering response content, but
    # adding in the wrapper causes Tornado's calculation of where
    # templates are stored to fail as it walks the stack and looks at
    # where the calling code was stored and assumes templates exist in
    # that directory if an absolute path is not provided. Thus not being
    # used for now.

    transaction = retrieve_current_transaction()

    if transaction is None:
        return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)

    name = callable_name(wrapped)

    with FunctionTrace(transaction, name=name):
        return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
Example #47
def _bw_wrapper_RequestHandler_render_(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs):
    # Intended to track time spent rendering response content, but
    # adding in the wrapper causes Tornado's calculation of where
    # templates are stored to fail as it walks the stack and looks at
    # where the calling code was stored and assumes templates exist in
    # that directory if an absolute path is not provided. Thus not being
    # used for now.

    transaction = retrieve_current_transaction()

    if transaction is None:
        return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)

    name = callable_name(wrapped)

    with FunctionTrace(transaction, name=name):
        return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
Example #48
def _bw_wrapper_Flask_handle_exception_(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs):
    transaction = current_transaction()

    if transaction is None:
        return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)

    # The Flask.handle_exception() method is always called in the
    # context of the except clause of the try block. We can therefore
    # rely on grabbing current exception details so we have access to
    # the addition stack trace information.


    name = callable_name(wrapped)

    with FunctionTrace(transaction, name):
        return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
Example #49
    def get(self, status, default=None):
        transaction = current_transaction()

        if transaction is None:
            return self.__wrapped__.get(status, default)

        handler = self.__wrapped__.get(status)

        if handler:
            name = callable_name(handler)
            transaction.set_transaction_name(name, priority=1)
            handler = FunctionTraceWrapper(handler, name=name)
                    group='StatusCode', priority=1)

        return handler or default
Example #50
def wrap_url_resolver_nnn(wrapped, priority=1):

    # Wrapper to be applied to the URL resolver for errors.

    name = callable_name(wrapped)

    def wrapper(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs):
        transaction = current_transaction()

        if transaction is None:
            return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)

        with FunctionTrace(transaction, name=name):
            callback, param_dict = wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
            return (wrap_view_handler(callback, priority=priority), param_dict)

    return FunctionWrapper(wrapped, wrapper)
Example #51
    def wrapper(wrapped):
        # The middleware if a class method would already be
        # bound at this point, so is safe to determine the name
        # when it is being wrapped rather than on each
        # invocation.

        name = callable_name(wrapped)

        def wrapper(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs):
            transaction = current_transaction()

            if transaction is None:
                return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)

            with FunctionTrace(transaction, name=name):
                return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)

        return FunctionWrapper(wrapped, wrapper)
Example #52
def wrap_url_resolver_nnn(wrapped, priority=1):

    # Wrapper to be applied to the URL resolver for errors.

    name = callable_name(wrapped)

    def wrapper(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs):
        transaction = current_transaction()

        if transaction is None:
            return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)

        with FunctionTrace(transaction, name=name):
            callback, param_dict = wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
            return (wrap_view_handler(callback, priority=priority),

    return FunctionWrapper(wrapped, wrapper)
Example #53
    def wrapper(wrapped):
        # The middleware if a class method would already be
        # bound at this point, so is safe to determine the name
        # when it is being wrapped rather than on each
        # invocation.

        name = callable_name(wrapped)

        def wrapper(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs):
            transaction = current_transaction()

            if transaction is None:
                return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)

            with FunctionTrace(transaction, name=name):
                return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)

        return FunctionWrapper(wrapped, wrapper)
Example #54
    def get(self, status, default=None):
        transaction = current_transaction()

        if transaction is None:
            return self.__wrapped__.get(status, default)

        handler = self.__wrapped__.get(status)

        if handler:
            name = callable_name(handler)
            transaction.set_transaction_name(name, priority=1)
            handler = FunctionTraceWrapper(handler, name=name)

        return handler or default