def start_detect(self): if self.executor is not None: self.executor[1]() self.executor = None self.proc["text"] = "Detect" return cpus = int(self.cpu_sel.get()) raw_ar =":") if len(raw_ar) != 2: showerror("Invalid data", "Invalid aspect ratio", master=self) return try: ar = tuple(int(a) for a in raw_ar) except ValueError: showerror("Invalid data", "Invalid aspect ratio", master=self) return try: from_ = self.from_.get() except ValueError: showerror("Invalid data", "Invalid start frame", master=self) return try: to = except ValueError: showerror("Invalid data", "Invalid end frame", master=self) return self.proc["text"] = "Stop" self.progress["max"] = len(xrange(from_, to + 1, 2)) * len( Tester.testers) self.progress["value"] = 0 self.reset_plots(from_, to) self.reset_data() executor = Executor(self.filename, range(from_, to + 1, 2), self.framecb(), aspect_ratio=ar, cpus=cpus) cb, stop = executor.test() self.after(1, self.sync) self.executor = (executor, stop, cb)
def start_detect(self): if self.executor is not None: self.executor[1]() self.executor = None self.proc["text"] = "Detect" return cpus = int(self.cpu_sel.get()) raw_ar =":") if len(raw_ar) != 2: showerror("Invalid data", "Invalid aspect ratio", master=self) return try: ar = tuple(int(a) for a in raw_ar) except ValueError: showerror("Invalid data", "Invalid aspect ratio", master=self) return try: from_ = self.from_.get() except ValueError: showerror("Invalid data", "Invalid start frame", master=self) return try: to = except ValueError: showerror("Invalid data", "Invalid end frame", master=self) return self.proc["text"] = "Stop" self.progress["max"] = len(xrange(from_, to+1, 2))*len(Tester.testers) self.progress["value"] = 0 self.reset_plots(from_, to) self.reset_data() executor = Executor(self.filename, range(from_, to+1, 2), self.framecb(), aspect_ratio=ar, cpus=cpus) cb, stop = executor.test() self.after(1, self.sync) self.executor = (executor, stop, cb)
def run(): vars = docopt.docopt(__doc__) fstep = range(*(int(i) for i in vars["FRAMES"].split(":"))) hstep = range(*(int(i) for i in vars["HEIGHTS"].split(":"))) src = vars["SRC"] app = Executor(src, hstep, fstep) cb, stop = app.test() class _data(object): testers = {} res_before = {} lock = threading.Lock() @classmethod def init(cls): for name, tester in Tester.testers.items(): data = [[], [], []] cls.testers[name] = data plots, names = [],[] for name, tester in Tester.testers.items(): pyplot.subplot(211) plt = pyplot.scatter([], [], color=tester.color) plots.append(plt) names.append(name) pyplot.grid() pyplot.legend(plots, names, loc='upper left', bbox_to_anchor=(0, 1)) plots, names = [],[] for name, tester in Tester.testers.items(): pyplot.subplot(212) plt = pyplot.scatter([], [], color=tester.color) plots.append(plt) names.append(name) pyplot.grid() pyplot.legend(plots, names, loc='upper left', bbox_to_anchor=(0, 1)) @classmethod def on_new_item(cls, tester, width, height, frame, result, image): if tester not in cls.res_before: cls.res_before[tester] = result return diff = result - cls.res_before[tester] heights, results, actual = cls.testers[tester] with cls.lock: heights.append(height) results.append(diff) actual.append(result) cls.res_before[tester] = result def datathread(): while cb(_data.on_new_item): pass _data.init() thread = threading.Thread(target=datathread) thread.daemon = True thread.start() def _update(): pyplot.subplot(211) plots, names = [], [] for name, tester in Tester.testers.items(): with _data.lock: heights, delta, results = _data.testers[name] plt = pyplot.scatter(heights, delta, color=tester.color, marker="x") plots.append(plt) names.append(name) pyplot.title("Resolution Rescaling Image Comparison [d/dx]") pyplot.legend(plots, names, loc='upper left', bbox_to_anchor=(0, 1)) pyplot.subplot(212) plots, names = [], [] for name, tester in Tester.testers.items(): with _data.lock: heights, delta, results = _data.testers[name] plt = pyplot.scatter(heights, results, color=tester.color) plots.append(plt) names.append(name) pyplot.title("Resolution Rescaling Image Comparison") pyplot.legend(plots, names, loc='upper left', bbox_to_anchor=(0, 1)) pyplot.draw() pyplot.subplot(211) pyplot.grid() pyplot.subplot(212) pyplot.grid() tstart = time.time() while thread.is_alive(): if time.time()-tstart > 5: _update() tstart = time.time() pyplot.pause(.5) _update() stop() import numpy as np def is_outlier(points, thresh=5): """ Returns a boolean array with True if points are outliers and False otherwise. Parameters: ----------- points : An numobservations by numdimensions array of observations thresh : The modified z-score to use as a threshold. Observations with a modified z-score (based on the median absolute deviation) greater than this value will be classified as outliers. Returns: -------- mask : A numobservations-length boolean array. References: ---------- Boris Iglewicz and David Hoaglin (1993), "Volume 16: How to Detect and Handle Outliers", The ASQC Basic References in Quality Control: Statistical Techniques, Edward F. Mykytka, Ph.D., Editor. """ if len(points.shape) == 1: points = points[:,None] median = np.median(points, axis=0) diff = np.sum((points - median)**2, axis=-1) diff = np.sqrt(diff) med_abs_deviation = np.median(diff) modified_z_score = 0.6745 * diff / med_abs_deviation return modified_z_score > thresh for name, tester in Tester.testers.items(): heights, results, _ = _data.testers[name] results = np.array(results) mask = is_outlier(results) outliers = np.array([results, np.arange(len(results), dtype=np.uint16)]).T[mask] ibefore = None for val, i in outliers: if ibefore is None: ibefore = (i, val) continue if i - ibefore[0] > 1: ibefore = (i, val) continue if ibefore[1] < 0: ibefore = (i, val) continue print("Possible interesting point at height: %d@%s" % (heights[int(ibefore[0])], name)) ibefore = (i, val)