Example #1
    def _parse_bmap(self):
        """ Parse the bmap file and initialize corresponding class instance
        attributs. """

            self._xml = ElementTree.parse(self._f_bmap)
        except ElementTree.ParseError as err:
            raise Error("cannot parse the bmap file '%s' which should be a " \
                        "proper XML file: %s" % (self._bmap_path, err))

        xml = self._xml
        self.bmap_version = str(xml.getroot().attrib.get('version'))

        # Make sure we support this version
        major = int(self.bmap_version.split('.', 1)[0])
        if major > SUPPORTED_BMAP_VERSION:
            raise Error("only bmap format version up to %d is supported, " \
                        "version %d is not supported" \
                        % (SUPPORTED_BMAP_VERSION, major))

        # Fetch interesting data from the bmap XML file
        self.block_size = int(xml.find("BlockSize").text.strip())
        self.blocks_cnt = int(xml.find("BlocksCount").text.strip())
        self.mapped_cnt = int(xml.find("MappedBlocksCount").text.strip())
        self.image_size = int(xml.find("ImageSize").text.strip())
        self.image_size_human = human_size(self.image_size)
        self.mapped_size = self.mapped_cnt * self.block_size
        self.mapped_size_human = human_size(self.mapped_size)
        self.mapped_percent = (self.mapped_cnt * 100.0) / self.blocks_cnt

        blocks_cnt = (self.image_size + self.block_size - 1) // self.block_size
        if self.blocks_cnt != blocks_cnt:
            raise Error("Inconsistent bmap - image size does not match " \
                        "blocks count (%d bytes != %d blocks * %d bytes)" \
                        % (self.image_size, self.blocks_cnt, self.block_size))
Example #2
    def _parse_bmap(self):
        """ Parse the bmap file and initialize corresponding class instance
        attributs. """

            self._xml = ElementTree.parse(self._f_bmap)
        except  ElementTree.ParseError as err:
            raise Error("cannot parse the bmap file '%s' which should be a " \
                        "proper XML file: %s" % (self._bmap_path, err))

        xml = self._xml
        self.bmap_version = str(xml.getroot().attrib.get('version'))

        # Make sure we support this version
        major = int(self.bmap_version.split('.', 1)[0])
        if major > SUPPORTED_BMAP_VERSION:
            raise Error("only bmap format version up to %d is supported, " \
                        "version %d is not supported" \
                        % (SUPPORTED_BMAP_VERSION, major))

        # Fetch interesting data from the bmap XML file
        self.block_size = int(xml.find("BlockSize").text.strip())
        self.blocks_cnt = int(xml.find("BlocksCount").text.strip())
        self.mapped_cnt = int(xml.find("MappedBlocksCount").text.strip())
        self.image_size = int(xml.find("ImageSize").text.strip())
        self.image_size_human = human_size(self.image_size)
        self.mapped_size = self.mapped_cnt * self.block_size
        self.mapped_size_human = human_size(self.mapped_size)
        self.mapped_percent = (self.mapped_cnt * 100.0) / self.blocks_cnt

        blocks_cnt = (self.image_size + self.block_size - 1) / self.block_size
        if self.blocks_cnt != blocks_cnt:
            raise Error("Inconsistent bmap - image size does not match " \
                        "blocks count (%d bytes != %d blocks * %d bytes)" \
                        % (self.image_size, self.blocks_cnt, self.block_size))
Example #3
    def _initialize_sizes(self, image_size):
        """ This function is only used when the there is no bmap. It
        initializes attributes like 'blocks_cnt', 'mapped_cnt', etc. Normally,
        the values are read from the bmap file, but in this case they are just
        set to something reasonable. """

        self.image_size = image_size
        self.image_size_human = human_size(image_size)
        self.blocks_cnt = self.image_size + self.block_size - 1
        self.blocks_cnt /= self.block_size
        self.mapped_cnt = self.blocks_cnt
        self.mapped_size = self.image_size
        self.mapped_size_human = self.image_size_human
Example #4
    def _initialize_sizes(self, image_size):
        """ This function is only used when the there is no bmap. It
        initializes attributes like 'blocks_cnt', 'mapped_cnt', etc. Normally,
        the values are read from the bmap file, but in this case they are just
        set to something reasonable. """

        self.image_size = image_size
        self.image_size_human = human_size(image_size)
        self.blocks_cnt = self.image_size + self.block_size - 1
        self.blocks_cnt /= self.block_size
        self.mapped_cnt = self.blocks_cnt
        self.mapped_size = self.image_size
        self.mapped_size_human = self.image_size_human
Example #5
    def __init__(self, image, dest, bmap=None):
        """ The same as the constructor of the 'BmapCopy' base class, but adds
        useful guard-checks specific to block devices. """

        # Call the base class constructor first
        BmapCopy.__init__(self, image, dest, bmap)

        self._batch_bytes = 1024 * 1024
        self._batch_blocks = self._batch_bytes / self.block_size
        self._batch_queue_len = 6
        self._dest_fsync_watermark = (6 * 1024 * 1024) / self.block_size

        self._sysfs_base = None
        self._sysfs_scheduler_path = None
        self._sysfs_max_ratio_path = None
        self._old_scheduler_value = None
        self._old_max_ratio_value = None

        # If the image size is known (i.e., it is not compressed) - check that
        # it fits the block device.
        if self.image_size:
                bdev_size = os.lseek(self._f_dest.fileno(), 0, os.SEEK_END)
                os.lseek(self._f_dest.fileno(), 0, os.SEEK_SET)
            except OSError as err:
                raise Error("cannot seed block device '%s': %s " \
                            % (self._dest_path, err.strerror))

            if bdev_size < self.image_size:
                raise Error("the image file '%s' has size %s and it will not " \
                            "fit the block device '%s' which has %s capacity" \
                            % (self._image_path, self.image_size_human,
                               self._dest_path, human_size(bdev_size)))

        # Construct the path to the sysfs directory of our block device
        st_rdev = os.fstat(self._f_dest.fileno()).st_rdev
        self._sysfs_base = "/sys/dev/block/%s:%s/" \
                           % (os.major(st_rdev), os.minor(st_rdev))

        # Check if the 'queue' sub-directory exists. If yes, then our block
        # device is entire disk. Otherwise, it is a partition, in which case we
        # need to go one level up in the sysfs hierarchy.
            if not os.path.exists(self._sysfs_base + "queue"):
                self._sysfs_base = self._sysfs_base + "../"
        except OSError:
            # No problem, this is just an optimization.

        self._sysfs_scheduler_path = self._sysfs_base + "queue/scheduler"
        self._sysfs_max_ratio_path = self._sysfs_base + "bdi/max_ratio"
Example #6
    def __init__(self, image, dest, bmap = None):
        """ The same as the constructor of the 'BmapCopy' base class, but adds
        useful guard-checks specific to block devices. """

        # Call the base class constructor first
        BmapCopy.__init__(self, image, dest, bmap)

        self._batch_bytes = 1024 * 1024
        self._batch_blocks = self._batch_bytes / self.block_size
        self._batch_queue_len = 6
        self._dest_fsync_watermark = (6 * 1024 * 1024) / self.block_size

        self._sysfs_base = None
        self._sysfs_scheduler_path = None
        self._sysfs_max_ratio_path = None
        self._old_scheduler_value = None
        self._old_max_ratio_value = None

        # If the image size is known (i.e., it is not compressed) - check that
        # it fits the block device.
        if self.image_size:
                bdev_size = os.lseek(self._f_dest.fileno(), 0, os.SEEK_END)
                os.lseek(self._f_dest.fileno(), 0, os.SEEK_SET)
            except OSError as err:
                raise Error("cannot seed block device '%s': %s " \
                            % (self._dest_path, err.strerror))

            if bdev_size < self.image_size:
                raise Error("the image file '%s' has size %s and it will not " \
                            "fit the block device '%s' which has %s capacity" \
                            % (self._image_path, self.image_size_human,
                               self._dest_path, human_size(bdev_size)))

        # Construct the path to the sysfs directory of our block device
        st_rdev = os.fstat(self._f_dest.fileno()).st_rdev
        self._sysfs_base = "/sys/dev/block/%s:%s/" \
                           % (os.major(st_rdev), os.minor(st_rdev))

        # Check if the 'queue' sub-directory exists. If yes, then our block
        # device is entire disk. Otherwise, it is a partition, in which case we
        # need to go one level up in the sysfs hierarchy.
            if not os.path.exists(self._sysfs_base + "queue"):
                self._sysfs_base = self._sysfs_base + "../"
        except OSError:
            # No problem, this is just an optimization.

        self._sysfs_scheduler_path = self._sysfs_base + "queue/scheduler"
        self._sysfs_max_ratio_path = self._sysfs_base + "bdi/max_ratio"
Example #7
    def _set_image_size(self, image_size):
        """ Set image size and initialize various other geometry-related
        attributes. """

        if self.image_size is not None and self.image_size != image_size:
            raise Error("cannot set image size to %d bytes, it is known to " \
                        "be %d bytes (%s)" % (image_size, self.image_size,

        self.image_size = image_size
        self.image_size_human = human_size(image_size)
        self.blocks_cnt = (self.image_size + self.block_size - 1) // self.block_size

        if self.mapped_cnt is None:
            self.mapped_cnt = self.blocks_cnt
            self.mapped_size = self.image_size
            self.mapped_size_human = self.image_size_human
Example #8
    def _set_image_size(self, image_size):
        """ Set image size and initialize various other geometry-related
        attributes. """

        if self.image_size is not None and self.image_size != image_size:
            raise Error("cannot set image size to %d bytes, it is known to " \
                        "be %d bytes (%s)" % (image_size, self.image_size,

        self.image_size = image_size
        self.image_size_human = human_size(image_size)
        self.blocks_cnt = (self.image_size + self.block_size - 1) // self.block_size

        if self.mapped_cnt is None:
            self.mapped_cnt = self.blocks_cnt
            self.mapped_size = self.image_size
            self.mapped_size_human = self.image_size_human
Example #9
    def generate(self, include_checksums=True):
        Generate bmap for the image file. If 'include_checksums' is 'True',
        also generate checksums for block ranges.

        # Save image file position in order to restore it at the end
        image_pos = self._f_image.tell()


        # Generate the block map and write it to the XML block map
        # file as we go.
        self.mapped_cnt = 0
        for first, last in self.filemap.get_mapped_ranges(0, self.blocks_cnt):
            self.mapped_cnt += last - first + 1
            if include_checksums:
                chksum = self._calculate_chksum(first, last)
                chksum = " chksum=\"%s\"" % chksum
                chksum = ""

            if first != last:
                self._f_bmap.write("        <Range%s> %s-%s </Range>\n" %
                                   (chksum, first, last))
                self._f_bmap.write("        <Range%s> %s </Range>\n" %
                                   (chksum, first))

        self.mapped_size = self.mapped_cnt * self.block_size
        self.mapped_size_human = human_size(self.mapped_size)
        self.mapped_percent = (self.mapped_cnt * 100.0) / self.blocks_cnt


        except IOError as err:
            raise Error("cannot flush the bmap file '%s': %s" %
                        (self._bmap_path, err))

Example #10
    def generate(self, include_checksums=True):
        Generate bmap for the image file. If 'include_checksums' is 'True',
        also generate checksums for block ranges.

        # Save image file position in order to restore it at the end
        image_pos = self._f_image.tell()


        # Generate the block map and write it to the XML block map
        # file as we go.
        self.mapped_cnt = 0
        for first, last in self.filemap.get_mapped_ranges(0, self.blocks_cnt):
            self.mapped_cnt += last - first + 1
            if include_checksums:
                chksum = self._calculate_chksum(first, last)
                chksum = " chksum=\"%s\"" % chksum
                chksum = ""

            if first != last:
                self._f_bmap.write("        <Range%s> %s-%s </Range>\n"
                                   % (chksum, first, last))
                self._f_bmap.write("        <Range%s> %s </Range>\n"
                                   % (chksum, first))

        self.mapped_size = self.mapped_cnt * self.block_size
        self.mapped_size_human = human_size(self.mapped_size)
        self.mapped_percent = (self.mapped_cnt * 100.0) /  self.blocks_cnt


        except IOError as err:
            raise Error("cannot flush the bmap file '%s': %s"
                        % (self._bmap_path, err))

Example #11
    def __init__(self, image, bmap, chksum_type="sha256"):
        Initialize a class instance:
        * image  - full path or a file-like object of the image to create bmap
        * bmap   - full path or a file object to use for writing the resulting
                   bmap to
        * chksum - type of the check sum to use in the bmap file (all checksum
                   types which python's "hashlib" module supports are allowed).

        self.image_size = None
        self.image_size_human = None
        self.block_size = None
        self.blocks_cnt = None
        self.mapped_cnt = None
        self.mapped_size = None
        self.mapped_size_human = None
        self.mapped_percent = None

        self._mapped_count_pos1 = None
        self._mapped_count_pos2 = None
        self._chksum_pos = None

        self._f_image_needs_close = False
        self._f_bmap_needs_close = False

        self._cs_type = chksum_type.lower()
            self._cs_len = len(hashlib.new(self._cs_type).hexdigest())
        except ValueError as err:
            raise Error("cannot initialize hash function \"%s\": %s" %
                        (self._cs_type, err))

        if hasattr(image, "read"):
            self._f_image = image
            self._image_path = image.name
            self._image_path = image

        if hasattr(bmap, "read"):
            self._f_bmap = bmap
            self._bmap_path = bmap.name
            self._bmap_path = bmap

            self.filemap = Filemap.filemap(self._f_image)
        except (Filemap.Error, Filemap.ErrorNotSupp) as err:
            raise Error("cannot generate bmap for file '%s': %s" %
                        (self._image_path, err))

        self.image_size = self.filemap.image_size
        self.image_size_human = human_size(self.image_size)
        if self.image_size == 0:
            raise Error("cannot generate bmap for zero-sized image file '%s'" %

        self.block_size = self.filemap.block_size
        self.blocks_cnt = self.filemap.blocks_cnt
    def _parse_bmap(self):
        Parse the bmap file and initialize corresponding class instance attributs.

            self._xml = ElementTree.parse(self._f_bmap)
        except ElementTree.ParseError as err:
            # Extrace the erroneous line with some context
            xml_extract = ""
            for num, line in enumerate(self._f_bmap):
                if num >= err.position[0] - 4 and num <= err.position[0] + 4:
                    xml_extract += "Line %d: %s" % (num, line)

            raise Error("cannot parse the bmap file '%s' which should be a "
                        "proper XML file: %s, the XML extract:\n%s" %
                        (self._bmap_path, err, xml_extract))

        xml = self._xml
        self.bmap_version = str(xml.getroot().attrib.get('version'))

        # Make sure we support this version
        self.bmap_version_major = int(self.bmap_version.split('.', 1)[0])
        self.bmap_version_minor = int(self.bmap_version.split('.', 1)[1])
        if self.bmap_version_major > SUPPORTED_BMAP_VERSION:
            raise Error("only bmap format version up to %d is supported, "
                        "version %d is not supported" %
                        (SUPPORTED_BMAP_VERSION, self.bmap_version_major))

        # Fetch interesting data from the bmap XML file
        self.block_size = int(xml.find("BlockSize").text.strip())
        self.blocks_cnt = int(xml.find("BlocksCount").text.strip())
        self.mapped_cnt = int(xml.find("MappedBlocksCount").text.strip())
        self.image_size = int(xml.find("ImageSize").text.strip())
        self.image_size_human = human_size(self.image_size)
        self.mapped_size = self.mapped_cnt * self.block_size
        self.mapped_size_human = human_size(self.mapped_size)
        self.mapped_percent = (self.mapped_cnt * 100.0) / self.blocks_cnt

        blocks_cnt = (self.image_size + self.block_size - 1) / self.block_size
        if self.blocks_cnt != blocks_cnt:
            raise Error("Inconsistent bmap - image size does not match "
                        "blocks count (%d bytes != %d blocks * %d bytes)" %
                        (self.image_size, self.blocks_cnt, self.block_size))

        if self.bmap_version_major > 1 or \
           (self.bmap_version_major == 1 and self.bmap_version_minor == 4):
            # In bmap format version 1.0-1.3 the only supported checksum type
            # was SHA1. Version 2.0 started supporting arbitrary checksum
            # types. A new "ChecksumType" tag was introduce to specify the
            # checksum function name. And all XML tags which contained "sha1"
            # in their name were renamed to something more neutral. This was an
            # change incompatible with previous formats.
            # There is a special format version 1.4, which should not have been
            # ever issued, but was released by a mistake. The mistake was that
            # when implementing version 2.0 support we mistakenly gave it
            # version number 1.4. This was later on fixed and format version
            # 1.4 became version 2.0. So 1.4 and 2.0 formats are identical.
            # Note, bmap files did not contain checksums prior to version 1.3.
            self._cs_type = xml.find("ChecksumType").text.strip()
            self._cs_attrib_name = "chksum"
            self._bmap_cs_attrib_name = "BmapFileChecksum"
        elif self.bmap_version_minor == 3:
            self._cs_type = "sha1"
            self._cs_attrib_name = "sha1"
            self._bmap_cs_attrib_name = "BmapFileSHA1"

        if self._cs_type:
                self._cs_len = len(hashlib.new(self._cs_type).hexdigest())
            except ValueError as err:
                raise Error("cannot initialize hash function \"%s\": %s" %
                            (self._cs_type, err))
Example #13
    def _parse_bmap(self):
        Parse the bmap file and initialize corresponding class instance attributs.

            self._xml = ElementTree.parse(self._f_bmap)
        except  ElementTree.ParseError as err:
            # Extrace the erroneous line with some context
            xml_extract = ""
            for num, line in enumerate(self._f_bmap):
                if num >= err.position[0] - 4 and num <= err.position[0] + 4:
                    xml_extract += "Line %d: %s" % (num, line)

            raise Error("cannot parse the bmap file '%s' which should be a "
                        "proper XML file: %s, the XML extract:\n%s" %
                        (self._bmap_path, err, xml_extract))

        xml = self._xml
        self.bmap_version = str(xml.getroot().attrib.get('version'))

        # Make sure we support this version
        self.bmap_version_major = int(self.bmap_version.split('.', 1)[0])
        self.bmap_version_minor = int(self.bmap_version.split('.', 1)[1])
        if self.bmap_version_major > SUPPORTED_BMAP_VERSION:
            raise Error("only bmap format version up to %d is supported, "
                        "version %d is not supported"
                        % (SUPPORTED_BMAP_VERSION, self.bmap_version_major))

        # Fetch interesting data from the bmap XML file
        self.block_size = int(xml.find("BlockSize").text.strip())
        self.blocks_cnt = int(xml.find("BlocksCount").text.strip())
        self.mapped_cnt = int(xml.find("MappedBlocksCount").text.strip())
        self.image_size = int(xml.find("ImageSize").text.strip())
        self.image_size_human = human_size(self.image_size)
        self.mapped_size = self.mapped_cnt * self.block_size
        self.mapped_size_human = human_size(self.mapped_size)
        self.mapped_percent = (self.mapped_cnt * 100.0) / self.blocks_cnt

        blocks_cnt = (self.image_size + self.block_size - 1) / self.block_size
        if self.blocks_cnt != blocks_cnt:
            raise Error("Inconsistent bmap - image size does not match "
                        "blocks count (%d bytes != %d blocks * %d bytes)"
                        % (self.image_size, self.blocks_cnt, self.block_size))

        if self.bmap_version_major > 1 or \
           (self.bmap_version_major == 1 and self.bmap_version_minor == 4):
            # In bmap format version 1.0-1.3 the only supported checksum type
            # was SHA1. Version 2.0 started supporting arbitrary checksum
            # types. A new "ChecksumType" tag was introduce to specify the
            # checksum function name. And all XML tags which contained "sha1"
            # in their name were renamed to something more neutral. This was an
            # change incompatible with previous formats.
            # There is a special format version 1.4, which should not have been
            # ever issued, but was released by a mistake. The mistake was that
            # when implementing version 2.0 support we mistakenly gave it
            # version number 1.4. This was later on fixed and format version
            # 1.4 became version 2.0. So 1.4 and 2.0 formats are identical.
            # Note, bmap files did not contain checksums prior to version 1.3.
            self._cs_type = xml.find("ChecksumType").text.strip()
            self._cs_attrib_name = "chksum"
            self._bmap_cs_attrib_name = "BmapFileChecksum"
        elif self.bmap_version_minor == 3:
            self._cs_type = "sha1"
            self._cs_attrib_name = "sha1"
            self._bmap_cs_attrib_name = "BmapFileSHA1"

        if self._cs_type:
                self._cs_len = len(hashlib.new(self._cs_type).hexdigest())
            except ValueError as err:
                raise Error("cannot initialize hash function \"%s\": %s" %
                            (self._cs_type, err))
Example #14
    def _parse_bmap(self):
        Parse the bmap file and initialize corresponding class instance attributs.

            self._xml = ElementTree.parse(self._f_bmap)
        except  ElementTree.ParseError as err:
            # Extrace the erroneous line with some context
            xml_extract = ""
            for num, line in enumerate(self._f_bmap):
                if num >= err.position[0] - 4 and num <= err.position[0] + 4:
                    xml_extract += "Line %d: %s" % (num, line)

            raise Error("cannot parse the bmap file '%s' which should be a "
                        "proper XML file: %s, the XML extract:\n%s" %
                        (self._bmap_path, err, xml_extract))

        xml = self._xml
        self.bmap_version = str(xml.getroot().attrib.get('version'))

        # Make sure we support this version
        self.bmap_version_major = int(self.bmap_version.split('.', 1)[0])
        self.bmap_version_minor = int(self.bmap_version.split('.', 1)[1])
        if self.bmap_version_major > SUPPORTED_BMAP_VERSION:
            raise Error("only bmap format version up to %d is supported, "
                        "version %d is not supported"
                        % (SUPPORTED_BMAP_VERSION, self.bmap_version_major))

        # Fetch interesting data from the bmap XML file
        self.block_size = int(xml.find("BlockSize").text.strip())
        self.blocks_cnt = int(xml.find("BlocksCount").text.strip())
        self.mapped_cnt = int(xml.find("MappedBlocksCount").text.strip())
        self.image_size = int(xml.find("ImageSize").text.strip())
        self.image_size_human = human_size(self.image_size)
        self.mapped_size = self.mapped_cnt * self.block_size
        self.mapped_size_human = human_size(self.mapped_size)
        self.mapped_percent = (self.mapped_cnt * 100.0) / self.blocks_cnt

        blocks_cnt = (self.image_size + self.block_size - 1) / self.block_size
        if self.blocks_cnt != blocks_cnt:
            raise Error("Inconsistent bmap - image size does not match "
                        "blocks count (%d bytes != %d blocks * %d bytes)"
                        % (self.image_size, self.blocks_cnt, self.block_size))

        if self.bmap_version_major >= 1 and self.bmap_version_minor >= 3:
            # Bmap file checksum appeard in format 1.3 and the only supported
            # checksum type was SHA1. Version 1.4 started supporting arbitrary
            # checksum types. A new "ChecksumType" tag was introduce to specify
            # the checksum function name. And all XML tags which contained
            # "sha1" in their name were renamed to something more neutral.
            if self.bmap_version_minor == 3:
                self._cs_type = "sha1"
                self._cs_attrib_name = "sha1"
                self._cs_type = xml.find("ChecksumType").text.strip()
                self._cs_attrib_name = "chksum"

                self._cs_len = len(hashlib.new(self._cs_type).hexdigest())
            except ValueError as err:
                raise Error("cannot initialize hash function \"%s\": %s" %
                            (self._cs_type, err))
Example #15
    def _parse_bmap(self):
        Parse the bmap file and initialize corresponding class instance attributs.

            self._xml = ElementTree.parse(self._f_bmap)
        except ElementTree.ParseError as err:
            # Extrace the erroneous line with some context
            xml_extract = ""
            for num, line in enumerate(self._f_bmap):
                if num >= err.position[0] - 4 and num <= err.position[0] + 4:
                    xml_extract += "Line %d: %s" % (num, line)

            raise Error("cannot parse the bmap file '%s' which should be a "
                        "proper XML file: %s, the XML extract:\n%s" %
                        (self._bmap_path, err, xml_extract))

        xml = self._xml
        self.bmap_version = str(xml.getroot().attrib.get('version'))

        # Make sure we support this version
        self.bmap_version_major = int(self.bmap_version.split('.', 1)[0])
        self.bmap_version_minor = int(self.bmap_version.split('.', 1)[1])
        if self.bmap_version_major > SUPPORTED_BMAP_VERSION:
            raise Error("only bmap format version up to %d is supported, "
                        "version %d is not supported" %
                        (SUPPORTED_BMAP_VERSION, self.bmap_version_major))

        # Fetch interesting data from the bmap XML file
        self.block_size = int(xml.find("BlockSize").text.strip())
        self.blocks_cnt = int(xml.find("BlocksCount").text.strip())
        self.mapped_cnt = int(xml.find("MappedBlocksCount").text.strip())
        self.image_size = int(xml.find("ImageSize").text.strip())
        self.image_size_human = human_size(self.image_size)
        self.mapped_size = self.mapped_cnt * self.block_size
        self.mapped_size_human = human_size(self.mapped_size)
        self.mapped_percent = (self.mapped_cnt * 100.0) / self.blocks_cnt

        blocks_cnt = (self.image_size + self.block_size - 1) / self.block_size
        if self.blocks_cnt != blocks_cnt:
            raise Error("Inconsistent bmap - image size does not match "
                        "blocks count (%d bytes != %d blocks * %d bytes)" %
                        (self.image_size, self.blocks_cnt, self.block_size))

        if self.bmap_version_major >= 1 and self.bmap_version_minor >= 3:
            # Bmap file checksum appeard in format 1.3 and the only supported
            # checksum type was SHA1. Version 1.4 started supporting arbitrary
            # checksum types. A new "ChecksumType" tag was introduce to specify
            # the checksum function name. And all XML tags which contained
            # "sha1" in their name were renamed to something more neutral.
            if self.bmap_version_minor == 3:
                self._cs_type = "sha1"
                self._cs_attrib_name = "sha1"
                self._cs_type = xml.find("ChecksumType").text.strip()
                self._cs_attrib_name = "chksum"

                self._cs_len = len(hashlib.new(self._cs_type).hexdigest())
            except ValueError as err:
                raise Error("cannot initialize hash function \"%s\": %s" %
                            (self._cs_type, err))
Example #16
    def __init__(self, image, bmap, chksum_type="sha256", log=None):
        Initialize a class instance:
        * image  - full path or a file-like object of the image to create bmap
        * bmap   - full path or a file object to use for writing the resulting
                   bmap to
        * chksum - type of the check sum to use in the bmap file (all checksum
                   types which python's "hashlib" module supports are allowed).
        * log     - the logger object to use for printing messages.

        self._log = log
        if self._log is None:
            self._log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

        self.image_size = None
        self.image_size_human = None
        self.block_size = None
        self.blocks_cnt = None
        self.mapped_cnt = None
        self.mapped_size = None
        self.mapped_size_human = None
        self.mapped_percent = None

        self._mapped_count_pos1 = None
        self._mapped_count_pos2 = None
        self._chksum_pos = None

        self._f_image_needs_close = False
        self._f_bmap_needs_close = False

        self._cs_type = chksum_type.lower()
            self._cs_len = len(hashlib.new(self._cs_type).hexdigest())
        except ValueError as err:
            raise Error("cannot initialize hash function \"%s\": %s" %
                        (self._cs_type, err))

        if hasattr(image, "read"):
            self._f_image = image
            self._image_path = image.name
            self._image_path = image

        if hasattr(bmap, "read"):
            self._f_bmap = bmap
            self._bmap_path = bmap.name
            self._bmap_path = bmap

            self.filemap = Filemap.filemap(self._f_image, self._log)
        except (Filemap.Error, Filemap.ErrorNotSupp) as err:
            raise Error("cannot generate bmap for file '%s': %s"
                        % (self._image_path, err))

        self.image_size = self.filemap.image_size
        self.image_size_human = human_size(self.image_size)
        if self.image_size == 0:
            raise Error("cannot generate bmap for zero-sized image file '%s'"
                        % self._image_path)

        self.block_size = self.filemap.block_size
        self.blocks_cnt = self.filemap.blocks_cnt