Example #1
def Transfer(addr_from, addr_to, amount):
    if amount <= 0:
        print("Invalid amount!")
        return False

    if len(addr_to) != 20:
        print("Invalid addr_to!")
        return False

    if not CheckWitness(addr_from):
        print("No privilege!")
        return False

    context = GetContext()

    key_from = concat("balance/", addr_from)
    balance_from = Get(context, key_from)
    if balance_from < amount:
        print("Insufficient balance!")
        return False

    key_to = concat("balance/", addr_to)
    balance_to = Get(context, key_to)

    balance_from -= amount
    balance_to += amount
    Put(context, key_from, balance_from)
    Put(context, key_to, balance_to)

    OnTransfer(addr_from, addr_to, amount)

    return True
Example #2
def PostGeolocation(addr, geolocation, timestamp):
    if len(addr) != 20:
        print("Invalid address!")
        return False

    if not CheckWitness(addr):
        print("No privilege!")
        return False

    context = GetContext()
    b = Get(context, "block/NRC")

    key = concat(b, "/cnt")
    cnt = Get(context, key) + 1
    Put(context, key, cnt)

    key = Concat4(b, "/", cnt, "/ts")
    Put(context, key, timestamp)

    key = Concat4(b, "/", cnt, "/addr")
    Put(context, key, addr)

    key = Concat4(b, "/", cnt, "/geo")
    Put(context, key, geolocation)

    return True
Example #3
def Deploy():
    Method for the NEP5 Token owner to use in order to deploy an initial amount of tokens to their own address

    :return: whether the deploy was successful
    :rtype: bool

    isowner = CheckWitness(OWNER)

    if isowner:

        print("ok to deploy")
        context = GetContext()

        total = Get(context, 'totalSupply')

        if len(total) == 0:

            Log("WILL DEPLOY!")

            Put(context, OWNER, PRE_ICO_CAP)

            Put(context, "totalSupply", PRE_ICO_CAP)

            OnTransfer(0, OWNER, PRE_ICO_CAP)

            return True
            print("ALREADY DEPLOYED, wont do it again")

    print("only owner can deploy")
    return False
Example #4
def CanWithdrawNeo():

    print("[can withdraw Neo]")

    tx = GetScriptContainer()
    context = GetContext()

    for output in tx.Outputs:
        shash = GetScriptHash(output)
        output_asset_id = GetAssetId(output)

        if output_asset_id == NEO_ASSET_ID:
            print("Asset is Neo")


            return False

    return True

    saved_timestamp = Get(context, "timestamp")

    Notify("saved_timestamp: ", saved_timestamp)

    current_timestamp = GetHeight()

    Notify("current_timestamp: ", current_timestamp)

    return current_timestamp > (saved_timestamp + 4)
Example #5
    def isChallenged(self, ID: bytes):
        ctx = GetContext()

        keyFrontRunnerSetTimestamp = concat(b'FrontRunnerSetTimestamp', ID)
        frontRunnerSetTimestamp = Get(ctx, keyFrontRunnerSetTimestamp)

        isChallenged = (frontRunnerSetTimestamp != 0)
        return isChallenged
Example #6
def _TimeHasExpired():
    context = GetContext()
    currentHeight = GetHeight()
    print("got current height")
    currentHeader = GetHeader(currentHeight)
    print("got current block...")
    endTime = Get(context, 'endTime')
    return endTime < currentHeader.Timestamp
Example #7
def GetCorrectOracleCountForInstance(game_type, instance_ts):
    k1 = concat(key_prefix_game_type, game_type)
    k2 = concat(key_prefix_game_instance, instance_ts)
    k12 = concat(k1, k2)
    key = concat(k12, key_prefix_game_instance_correct_count)
    context = GetContext()
    v = Get(context, key)
    return v
Example #8
def CreateNewGame(client_hash, game_type):
    if isGameTypeLive(game_type):
        return "Game is Already Live"
        key = concat(key_prefix_game_type, game_type)
        context = GetContext()
        Put(context, key, client_hash)
    return "Success"
Example #9
def isGameTypeLive(game_type):
    key = concat(key_prefix_game_type, game_type)
    context = GetContext()
    v = Get(context, key)
    if v == 0:
        return False
        return True
Example #10
def Register(domain, owner):
    context = GetContext()
    occupy = Get(context, domain)
    if occupy != None:
        return False
    Put(context, domain, owner)
    Push('Register', domain, owner)
    return True
Example #11
def DeletePendingWithdrawal(account):

    context = GetContext()
    account_pending = concat(account, 'pending')

    Delete(context, account_pending)

    return True
Example #12
def HasVINHold(txid, index):

    context = GetContext()
    hold_id = concat(txid, index)

    item = Get(context, hold_id)

    return item
Example #13
def GetPrediction(game_type, instance_ts):
    k1 = concat(key_prefix_game_type, game_type)
    k2 = concat(key_prefix_game_instance, instance_ts)
    k12 = concat(k1, k2)
    key = concat(k12, key_prefix_game_instance_prediction)
    context = GetContext()
    v = Get(context, key)
    return v
Example #14
    def challengeOutcome(self, ID: bytes, newOutcome: int, challenger: bytes,
                         contractAddress: bytes):
        ctx = GetContext()

        #check witness
        ischallenger = CheckWitness(challenger)
        if not ischallenger:
            #print('Must be challenger to challenge')
            return False

        #check if outcome is set
        isSet = self.isOutcomeSet(ID)
        if not isSet:
            #print('Outcome is not set yet')
            return False

        #check if is already challenged
        isChallenged = self.isChallenged(ID)
        if isChallenged:
            #print('Oracle is already be challenged')
            return False

        #check if challengePeriod over
        isChallengePeriodOver = self.isChallengePeriodOver(ID)
        if isChallengePeriodOver:
            #print('Challenge period is over')
            return False

        challengeAmount = self.getChallengeAmount(ID)

        #transfer challengeAmount to this contract account address
        isok = self.deposit(challenger, contractAddress, challengeAmount)

        if not isok:
            #print('Deposit Failed')
            return False

        keyOutcomeAmountT = concat(challenger, ID)
        keyOutcomeAmount = concat(newOutcome, keyOutcomeAmountT)
        Put(ctx, keyOutcomeAmount, challengeAmount)

        keyTotalOutcomeAmounts = concat(newOutcome, ID)
        Put(ctx, keyTotalOutcomeAmounts, challengeAmount)

        keyTotalAmount = concat(b'TotalAmount', ID)
        totalAmount = Get(ctx, keyTotalAmount)
        totalAmount = totalAmount + challengeAmount
        Put(ctx, keyTotalAmount, totalAmount)

        keyFrontRunner = concat(b'FrontRunner', ID)
        Put(ctx, keyFrontRunner, newOutcome)

        now = self.now()
        keyFrontRunnerSetTimestamp = concat(b'FrontRunnerSetTimestamp', ID)
        Put(ctx, keyFrontRunnerSetTimestamp, now)

        return True
Example #15
def CheckHasPendingWithdrawal(account):

    context = GetContext()

    account_has_pending = concat(account, 'pending')

    pending = Get(context, account_has_pending)

    return pending
Example #16
def Delete(domain):
    context = GetContext()
    occupy = Get(context, domain)
    if occupy != None:
        return False
    # Put(context, domain, owner)
    Push('Delete', domain)

    return True
Example #17
def PlaceVINHold(account, txid, index):

    context = GetContext()

    hold_id = concat(index, txid)

    Put(context, hold_id, account)

    return True
Example #18
def GetPendingWithdrawal(account):

    context = GetContext()

    account_pending = concat(account, 'pending')

    result = Get(context, account_pending)

    return result
Example #19
def get_url_info(code):
    """ Returns all the information available for the considered code. """
    context = GetContext()
    contextkey_for_url = get_contextkey_for_url(code)
    contextkey_for_sender = get_contextkey_for_sender(code)
    url = Get(context, contextkey_for_url)
    sender = Get(context, contextkey_for_sender)
    result = [url, sender]
    return result
Example #20
def get_circulation():
    Returns the amount of tokens in circulation.

        int: The total number of tokens that are in circulation.
    context = GetContext()
    return Get(context,in_circulation_key)
Example #21
def DoTransfer(t_from, t_to, amount):
    Method to transfer NEP5 tokens of a specified amount from one account to another

    :param t_from: the address to transfer from
    :type t_from: bytearray

    :param t_to: the address to transfer to
    :type t_to: bytearray

    :param amount: the amount of NEP5 tokens to transfer
    :type amount: int

    :return: whether the transfer was successful
    :rtype: bool

    if amount <= 0:
        print("cannot transfer zero or less")
        return False

    from_is_sender = CheckWitness(t_from)

    if from_is_sender:

        if t_from == t_to:
            return True

        context = GetContext()

        from_val = Get(context, t_from)

        if from_val < amount:
            print("Insufficient funds")
            return False

        if from_val == amount:
            print("Removing all funds!")
            Delete(context, t_from)

            difference = from_val - amount
            Put(context, t_from, difference)

        to_value = Get(context, t_to)

        to_total = to_value + amount

        Put(context, t_to, to_total)

        OnTransfer(t_from, t_to, amount)

        return True
        print("from address is not the tx sender")

    return False
Example #22
def Query(domain):
    context = GetContext()
    owner = Get(context, domain)

    Push('query', domain)
    if owner != None:
        return False

    return owner
Example #23
def CreateNewGame(client_hash, game_type):
    if client_hash.isGameTypeLive(game_type):
        return "Game is Already Live"
        key = concat(key_prefix_game_type,game_type)
        context = GetContext()
        Put(context, key, client_hash)
    return "Success"
Example #24
def RegisterPrediction(game_type, instance_ts, oracle, prediction):
    k1 = concat(key_prefix_game_type, game_type)
    k2 = concat(key_prefix_game_instance, instance_ts)
    k12 = concat(k1, k2)
    k3 = concat(key_prefix_game_instance_oracle, oracle)
    k123 = concat(k12, k3)
    key = concat(k123, key_prefix_game_instance_prediction)
    context = GetContext()
    Put(context, key, prediction)
Example #25
def RefundPromo(buyer, promo_id):
    Refund all of buyer's purchased tickets for specified promo

        buyer (str): buyer's public key
        promo_id (str): promo unique id

        (bool): True if successfully refunded

    # Checks for if args are valid and refund conditions are met

    promo = get_promo_storage_keys(promo_id)

    promo_exists = IsPromoExist(promo_id)
    expired = IsPromoExpired(promo_id)

    context = GetContext()
    min_count = Get(context, promo.min_count_key)
    purchased_count = Get(context, promo.purchased_count_key)
    count_met = purchased_count >= min_count

    if promo_exists:
        # Cannot issue refund if minimum number of tickets has been sold past deadline
        if expired and count_met:
            Log('Refund no longer allowed, promo refund deadline has passed and the minimum number of tickets has been sold'
            return False

    buyer_key = concat(promo_id, buyer)
    refund_quantity = Get(context, buyer_key)
    if not refund_quantity:
        Log('No purchases found using given public key and promo_id')
        return False

    # Refund tickets

    Delete(context, buyer_key)

    price_per_person = Get(context, promo.price_per_person_key)

    refund_amount = refund_quantity * price_per_person
    refund_address = GetCallingScriptHash()
    OnRefund(refund_address, refund_amount)

    # update purchased_count
    purchased_count -= refund_quantity
    Put(context, promo.purchased_count_key, purchased_count)

    return True
Example #26
def do_fetch():
    Fetch current list value from storage.

    :return: the stored list value
    :rtype: list
    context = GetContext()
    list_bytes = Get(context, KEY)
    return deserialize_bytearray(list_bytes)
Example #27
def do_delete():
    Delete the storage and reset back to its default state.

    :return: indication success execution of the command
    :rtype: bool
    context = GetContext()
    Delete(context, KEY)
    return True
Example #28
def GetOraclePrediction(game_type, instance_ts, oracle):
    k1 = concat(key_prefix_game_type, game_type)
    k2 = concat(key_prefix_game_instance, instance_ts)
    k12 = concat(k1, k2)
    k3 = concat(key_prefix_game_instance_oracle, oracle)
    k123 = concat(k12, k3)
    key = concat(k123, key_prefix_game_instance_prediction)
    context = GetContext()
    v = Get(context, key)
    return v
Example #29
def GetOracleAtIndexN(game_type, instance_ts, index):
    k1 = concat(key_prefix_game_type, game_type)
    k2 = concat(key_prefix_game_instance, instance_ts)
    k3 = concat(key_prefix_game_instance_index, index)
    k12 = concat(k1, k2)
    key = concat(k12, k3)
    # This registers the Oracle in the nth slot
    context = GetContext()
    v = Get(context, key)
    return v
Example #30
def RegisterOracle(game_type, instance_ts, oracle, slot_n):
    k1 = concat(key_prefix_game_type, game_type)
    k2 = concat(key_prefix_game_instance, instance_ts)
    k3 = concat(key_prefix_game_instance_index, slot_n)
    k12 = concat(k1, k2)
    key = concat(k12, k3)
    # This registers the Oracle in the nth slot
    context = GetContext()
    Put(context, key, oracle)
    k4 = concat(key_prefix_game_instance_oracle, oracle)
    key = concat(k12, k4)
    # This registers the Oracle in the Game Instance
    context = GetContext()
    Put(context, key, 1)
    # This updates the counter
    key = concat(k12, key_prefix_game_instance_count)
    context = GetContext()
    Put(context, key, slot_n)
    return True