Example #1
def invoke_a(addr):
    sc_a = RegisterAppCall(addr, 'op', 'args')
    res = sc_a('test', 'sth')
Example #2
def invoke_a1(addr):
    sc_a = RegisterAppCall(addr, 'op', 'args')
    res = sc_a('test1', '')
    return res
Example #3
from boa.interop.Neo.Runtime import GetTrigger, CheckWitness
from boa.interop.Neo.TriggerType import Application, Verification
from boa.interop.System.ExecutionEngine import GetExecutingScriptHash, GetCallingScriptHash
from boa.interop.Neo.App import RegisterAppCall

OWNER = b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'

# mainnet
#MCT_SCRIPTHASH = b'?\xbc`|\x12\xc2\x87642$\xa4\xb4\xd8\xf5\x13\xa5\xc2|\xa8'
# privatenet
MCT_SCRIPTHASH = b'\x8dKL\x14V4\x17\xc6\x91\x91\xe0\x8b\xe0\xb8m\xdc\xb4\xbc\x86\xc1'

# mainnet
#MCTContract = RegisterAppCall('a87cc2a513f5d8b4a42432343687c2127c60bc3f', 'operation', 'args')
# privatenet
MCTContract = RegisterAppCall('c186bcb4dc6db8e08be09191c6173456144c4b8d',
                              'operation', 'args')

def Main(operation, args):

    trigger = GetTrigger()

    if trigger == Verification():
        if CheckWitness(OWNER):
            return True

        return False

    elif trigger == Application():

        if operation == 'hello':
Example #4
from boa.interop.Neo.App import RegisterAppCall

CalculatorContract = RegisterAppCall('9e17cd49e4a198e8825b775bd685a4d0818a757',
                                     'operation', 'a', 'b')

def Main(operation, a, b):

    result = CalculatorContract(operation, a, b)

    return result
This code demonstrates atomic NEP-5 token swap on Neo using NEP-5+ tokens

from boa.interop.Neo.Runtime import GetTrigger, CheckWitness
from boa.interop.Neo.TriggerType import Application, Verification
from boa.interop.System.ExecutionEngine import GetExecutingScriptHash, GetCallingScriptHash
from boa.interop.Neo.App import RegisterAppCall
from boa.builtins import concat

OWNER = b'\xdc\xcbK\xc2\xeb4TV\xe0\x15\xf9>|\t\xad\xfa\xcc\xea\x1ez'
minimum_hold = 10000 * 100000000  # contract must maintain this amount of tokens for staked storage

TOKEN1 = b'\xe7\xb12\xb9\x95\xf4=\xbb\xdd\xd2\xa3&\x8a\x04\xa2\xae\x08\x1e\xff\x9a'
TOKEN2 = b'\xe7\xb2\x06\xc4\xc6#\xebGKQ\x03>M\x10\xdd\x94\xc9\xcb\xd9\x81'

Token1Contract = RegisterAppCall('9aff1e08aea2048a26a3d2ddbb3df495b932b1e7', 'operation', 'args')
Token2Contract = RegisterAppCall('81d9cbc994dd104d3e03514b47eb23c6c406b2e7', 'operation', 'args')

def Main(operation, args):

    trigger = GetTrigger()

    if trigger == Verification():
        if CheckWitness(OWNER):
            return True

        return False

    elif trigger == Application():
        if operation == 'setExchangeRate':
            if not CheckWitness(OWNER):
Example #6
from boa.interop.Neo.App import RegisterAppCall
from boa.interop.System.Runtime import Log

# Here "749a701ae89c0dbdab9b4b660ba84ee478004219" should your OPE4 contract hash, pls note it's not reversed version
OEP4Contract = RegisterAppCall('749a701ae89c0dbdab9b4b660ba84ee478004219',
                               'operation', 'args')

def Main(operation, args):
    if operation == "transfer":
        if len(args) != 3:
            Log("len(args)!=3 ")
            return False
        return CallNep5Contract("transfer", args)
    # Here you can define the method name "Name" to anything you want
    if operation == "Name":
        # This "name" below should be consistent with your OEP4Contract methods
        return OEP4Contract("name", 0)
    # Here you can define the method name "BalanceOf" to anything you want
    if operation == "BalanceOf":
        # This "balanceOf" below should be consistent with your OEP4Contract methods
        return OEP4Contract("balanceOf", args)

def CallNep5Contract(operation, params):
    return OEP4Contract(operation, params)
Example #7
from boa.interop.Neo.App import RegisterAppCall

CalculatorContract = RegisterAppCall(
    '86d58778c8d29e03182f38369f0d97782d303cc0', 'operation', 'a', 'b')

def Main(operation, a, b):

    result = CalculatorContract(operation, a, b)

    return result
Example #8
from boa.interop.Neo.App import RegisterAppCall
from boa.interop.System.Runtime import Log

YouLeContract = RegisterAppCall('731aa306346c486c126d86b17624f8e970b097ee',
                                'operation', 'a', 'b', 'c')

def Main(operation, args):
    if operation == "CallNep5Contract":
        if len(args) != 4:
            return False
        from_acct = args[0]
        to_acct = args[1]
        value = args[2]
        hash_a = args[3]
        return CallNep5Contract(from_acct, to_acct, value, hash_a)

def CallNep5Contract(from_acct, to_acct, value, contractHash):
    res = YouLeContract("transfer", from_acct, to_acct, value)
    if res != "\x01":
        raise Exception()
    return True
Example #9

from boa.interop.Neo.Runtime import GetTrigger, CheckWitness
from boa.interop.Neo.TriggerType import Application, Verification
from boa.interop.System.ExecutionEngine import GetExecutingScriptHash, GetCallingScriptHash, GetScriptContainer
from boa.interop.Neo.Transaction import GetHash
from boa.interop.Neo.App import RegisterAppCall
from boa.builtins import concat

# address that will stake the tokens for the contract to have storage
OWNER = b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'

# TestNet - CTX
MCT_HASH = b'\xe7\xb12\xb9\x95\xf4=\xbb\xdd\xd2\xa3&\x8a\x04\xa2\xae\x08\x1e\xff\x9a'
MCTContract = RegisterAppCall('9aff1e08aea2048a26a3d2ddbb3df495b932b1e7', 'operation', 'args')

# MaiNet - MCT
#MCT_HASH = b'?\xbc`|\x12\xc2\x87642$\xa4\xb4\xd8\xf5\x13\xa5\xc2|\xa8'
#MCTContract = RegisterAppCall('a87cc2a513f5d8b4a42432343687c2127c60bc3f', 'operation', 'args')

OnError = RegisterAction('error', 'message')

def Main(operation, args):

    trigger = GetTrigger()

    if trigger == Verification():
        return False  # no withdrawals allowed, even by contract owner
Example #10
Deployment in neo-python:

import contract mct-dapp-template.py 0710 05 False False
wallet tkn_send MCT {from address} {dApp contract address} {minimum stake}

from boa.interop.Neo.Runtime import GetTrigger, CheckWitness
from boa.interop.Neo.TriggerType import Application, Verification
from boa.interop.System.ExecutionEngine import GetExecutingScriptHash, GetCallingScriptHash
from boa.interop.Neo.App import RegisterAppCall

OWNER = b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'

MCT_SCRIPTHASH = b'?\xbc`|\x12\xc2\x87642$\xa4\xb4\xd8\xf5\x13\xa5\xc2|\xa8'

MCTContract = RegisterAppCall('a87cc2a513f5d8b4a42432343687c2127c60bc3f', 'operation', 'args')

def Main(operation, args):

    trigger = GetTrigger()

    if trigger == Verification():
        if CheckWitness(OWNER):
            return True

        return False

    elif trigger == Application():

        if operation == 'hello':
            print('hello world!')
Example #11
from boa.interop.Neo.App import RegisterAppCall

OEP4Contract = RegisterAppCall('1b86175747d0c1490d5b48b20b10584e378ed947', 'operation', 'args')

def Main(operation, args):
    if operation == 'transfer':
        return OEP4Contract('transfer', args)

    return False
Example #12
from boa.interop.Neo.TriggerType import Application, Verification
from boa.interop.System.ExecutionEngine import GetExecutingScriptHash, GetCallingScriptHash
from boa.interop.Neo.Blockchain import GetHeight
from boa.interop.Neo.Action import RegisterAction
from boa.interop.Neo.App import RegisterAppCall
from boa.interop.Neo.Storage import *

ctx = GetContext()

TUT_Scripthash = b"\x82N\xca\xfd\xcd\xd91}\xd8\xb2`\x89\xfb|\x88x\xdb\xc2\'\xae"
OWNER = b'\xdc\xcbK\xc2\xeb4TV\xe0\x15\xf9>|\t\xad\xfa\xcc\xea\x1ez'
KOTH_KEY = b'TheKing'
INCREMENT = 1000000000

KingNotify = RegisterAction('new_king', 'address', 'next_bounty', 'king_name')
TUT_Contract = RegisterAppCall('ae27c2db78887cfb8960b2d87d31d9cdfdca4e82',
                               'operation', 'args')

def Main(operation, args):

    trigger = GetTrigger()

    if trigger == Verification():
        if CheckWitness(OWNER):
            return True

        return False

    elif trigger == Application():

        if operation == 'currentKing':
Example #13
from boa.interop.Neo.App import RegisterAppCall

contractA = RegisterAppCall('a5813ff2d3825caf2a52396f23b9e50a9aa7a7c8', 'operation', 'args')

def Main(operation, args):

  contractA('testtesttest', [12345])
Example #14
from boa.interop.Neo.App import RegisterAppCall

CalculatorContract = RegisterAppCall(
    'operation', 'a', 'b')

def Main(operation, a, b):

    result = CalculatorContract(operation, a, b)

    return result
Example #15
class MCTManager:
    Wrapper for the MCT Storage Calls
    ctx = RegisterAppCall('c186bcb4dc6db8e08be09191c6173456144c4b8d',
                          'operation', 'args')

    def get(self, key):
        return self.ctx('Get', [key])

    def delete(self, key):
        return self.ctx('Delete', [key])

    def put(self, key, value):
        return self.ctx('Put', [key, value])

    def transfer(self, my_hash, amount):
        return self.ctx('transfer', [my_hash, OWNER, amount])

    def deserialize(self, data):

        # neo-boa bug, Something is require here for some reason...

        collection_length_length = substr(data, 0, 1)

        collection_len = substr(data, 1, collection_length_length)

        new_collection = list(length=collection_len)

        offset = 1 + collection_length_length

        newdata = data[offset:]

        for i in range(0, collection_len):

            datalen_len = substr(newdata, 0, 1)

            data_len = substr(newdata, 1, datalen_len)

            start = 1 + datalen_len
            stop = start + data_len

            data = substr(newdata, start, data_len)

            new_collection[i] = data

            newdata = newdata[stop:]

        return new_collection

    def serialize_array(self, items):
        item_length = self.serialize_length_item(items)

        output = item_length

        for item in items:
            itemlen = self.serialize_length_item(item)

            output = concat(output, itemlen)

            output = concat(output, item)

        return output

    def serialize_length_item(self, item: list):
        thing_len = len(item)

        if thing_len <= 255:
            byte_len = b'\x02'
            byte_len = b'\x04'

        out = concat(byte_len, thing_len)

        return out