Example #1
def Main(operation):

    # create an array
    stuff = ['a', 3, ['j', 3, 5], 'jk', 'lmnopqr']

    # serialize it
    to_save = Serialize(stuff)
    Put(ctx, 'serialized', to_save)

    if operation == 1:
        return to_save

    elif operation == 2:

        to_retrieve = Get(ctx, 'serialized')
        return to_retrieve

    elif operation == 3:

        to_retrieve = Get(ctx, 'serialized')
        deserialized = Deserialize(to_retrieve)
        return deserialized

    elif operation == 4:

        to_retrieve = Get(ctx, 'serialized')
        deserialized = Deserialize(to_retrieve)
        return deserialized[2]

    return False
Example #2
def GetUserPublications(args):
    user = args[0]

    context = GetContext()

    publications_key = concat('publications', user)

    publications = Get(context, publications_key)

    user_publications = []

    if not publications:
        return [True, user_publications]

    publications = Deserialize(publications)

    # Go through each user publication and get details
    for i in range(0, len(publications)):
        publication_key = concat(publications_key, sha1(publications[i]))

        publication = Get(context, publication_key)
        publication = Deserialize(publication)

        # Append only if publication is active
        if publication[5]:

    return [True, user_publications]
Example #3
def GetNewPublications():
    context = GetContext()

    publications = Get(context, 'new_publications')

    new_publications = []

    if not publications:
        return [True, new_publications]

    publications = Deserialize(publications)

    # Go through each new publication and get details
    for i in range(0, len(publications)):
        user = publications[i][0]
        name = publications[i][1]

        publications_key = concat('publications', user)
        publication_key = concat(publications_key, sha1(name))

        publication = Get(context, publication_key)
        publication = Deserialize(publication)

        # Append only if publication is active
        if publication[5]:

    return [True, new_publications]
Example #4
def unFollow(ctx, uid, uFAddr, index_a, index_b):
    Unfollow another user

        uid -> unique user id
        uFAddr -> to-follow script hash
        index_a -> Index of iterated storage of uid, for the following of fUid
        index_b -> Index of iterated storage of FUid, for the follow of uid
    uFUid = isRegistered(ctx, uFAddr)
    if not uFUid == False:
        if uFUid == uid:
            Notify("User cannot unfollow himself")
            return False
        if isFollowing(ctx, uid, uFUid):
            #User has to be follower, respecitve follower has to be followed by user
            a_temp = GetThree(ctx, uid, ".following.", index_a)
            a_temp_d = Deserialize(a_temp)
            b_temp = GetThree(ctx, uFUid, ".followers.", index_b)
            b_temp_d = Deserialize(b_temp)
            if a_temp_d[0] == uFUid and b_temp_d[0] == uid:
                # Count unfollowing += 1 for uid
                ##a_save = Get(ctx, uid)
                ##a_save_d = Deserialize(a_save)
                ##a_count = a_save_d[8]
                ##aa_count = a_count + 1
                ##a_save_d[8] = aa_count
                ##a_save_s = Serialize(a_save_d)
                ##Put(ctx, uid, a_save_s)
                updateAccCount(ctx, uid, 8, False)

                # Count unfollowed += 1 for uFUid
                ##b_save = Get(ctx, uFUid)
                ##b_save_d = Deserialize(b_save)
                ##b_count = b_save_d[7]
                ##bb_count = b_count + 1
                ##b_save_d[7] = bb_count
                ##b_save_s = Serialize(b_save_d)
                ##Put(ctx, uFUid, b_save_s)
                updateAccCount(ctx, uFUid, 7, False)

                # Mark index as unfollowed for uid
                PutThree(ctx, uid, ".following.", index_a, "unfollowing")
                # Mark index as unfollowed for uFUid
                PutThree(ctx, uFUid, ".followers.", index_b, "unfollowed")

                #Set follow indicator = false
                PutThree(ctx, uid, ".followcheck.", uFUid, False)

                OnUnfollow(uid, uFUid)
                return True
            Notify("Following and Follower indexes do not match")
            return False
        Notify("User is not following.")
        return False
    Notify("User to unfollow not registered")
    return False
Example #5
def checkCat(owner):
    exists = Get(ctx, owner + "CAT")
    if len(exists) != 0:
        tmp = Deserialize(exists)
        return exists
    return False
Example #6
def buyCat(from_acc, animal, amount):
    if not CheckWitness(from_acc):
        Notify("Not the owner, can't buy")
        return False

    tmplist = Get(ctx, from_acc + "CAT")
    if len(tmplist) != 0:
        delist = Deserialize(tmplist)
        Put(ctx, from_acc + "CAT", Serialize(delist))
        Put(ctx, from_acc + "CAT", Serialize([animal]))

    current_balance = Get(ctx, from_acc)
    if current_balance <= amount:
        Notify("Insufficient funds")
        return False
    to_balance = Get(ctx, TOKEN_OWNER)
    to_balance += amount
    Put(ctx, TOKEN_OWNER, to_balance)
    current_balance -= amount
    if current_balance != 0:
        Put(ctx, from_acc, current_balance)
        Delete(ctx, from_acc)
    OnTransfer(from_acc, TOKEN_OWNER, amount)
    return True
Example #7
def del_serialized(ctx, key, value):
    list_bytes = Get(ctx, key)
    new_list = []
    deleted = False
    if len(list_bytes) != 0:
        deserialized_list = Deserialize(list_bytes)

        for item in deserialized_list:
            if item == value:
                deleted = True

        if (deleted):
            if len(new_list) != 0:
                serialized_list = Serialize(new_list)
                Put(ctx, key, serialized_list)
                Delete(ctx, key)
            print("Target element has been removed.")
            return True

    print("Target element has not been removed.")

    return False
Example #8
def add_to_board_list(board_id):
    serialized_list = Get(ctx, AD_LIST_KEY)
    board_list = Deserialize(serialized_list)
    serizlized_list = Serialize(board_list)
    Put(ctx, AD_LIST_KEY, serizlized_list)
    return True
Example #9
def get_ad_count():
    serialized_list = Get(ctx, AD_LIST_KEY)
    if not serialized_list:
        return 0

    board_list = Deserialize(serialized_list)
    return len(board_list)
Example #10
def deserialize(data):
    This function deserialize's an offer from storage
    :param data:
    :return: data
    return Deserialize(data)
Example #11
def vote(args):
    Vote for a proposal
    :param args: list of arguments [PROPOSAL_ID, VOTE]
    :return: bool, result of the execution
    if len(args) != 2:
        return False

    # get proposal from storage
    proposal_id = args[0]
    proposal_storage = Get(ctx, proposal_id)

    # check proposal existence
    if not proposal_storage:
        print("Proposal not found")
        return False

    # get caller address
    references = GetScriptContainer().References
    if len(references) < 1:
        return False
    caller_addr = references[0].ScriptHash

    # check if address already voted
    if Get(ctx, concat(proposal_id, caller_addr)):
        print('Already voted')
        return False

    # Deserialize proposal array
    proposal = Deserialize(proposal_storage)

    # iterate authorized address
    index = 0
    while index < len(proposal[3]):
        if proposal[3][index] == caller_addr:
            authorized = True
        index += 1

    if not authorized:
        print('Not allowed to vote')
        return False

    # increment vote counter
    if args[1] == 1:
        proposal[1] = proposal[1] + 1
        proposal[2] = proposal[2] + 1

    # serialize proposal and write to storage
    proposal_storage = Serialize(proposal)
    Put(ctx, proposal_id, proposal_storage)

    # mark address as voted
    Put(ctx, concat(proposal_id, caller_addr), True)

    return True
Example #12
def count(args):
    Count the votes of a proposal
    :param args: list of arguments [PROPOSAL_ID]
    :return: Array, return proposal
    if len(args) != 1:
        return False

    # get proposal from storage
    proposal_id = args[0]
    proposal_storage = Get(ctx, proposal_id)

    # check proposal existence
    if not proposal_storage:
        print("Proposal not found")
        return False

    # deserialize proposal array
    proposal = Deserialize(proposal_storage)

    # get proposal description
    description = proposal[0]

    # get proposal votes
    votes_yes = proposal[1]
    votes_no = proposal[2]

    return proposal
Example #13
def validatePublicationAuction(context, args):
    owner = args[0]
    name = args[1]
    date = args[2]

    date = date + 0

    if date < MIN or date > MAX:
        print('Date must be within bounds')
        return False

    modulo = (date - SECONDS_IN_HOUR * -TIMEZONE) % SECONDS_IN_DAY
    if modulo != 0:
        print('Date must be 00:00 in contract timezone')
        return False

    publications_key = concat('publications', owner)
    publication_key = concat(publications_key, sha1(name))
    publication = Get(context, publication_key)

    if len(publication) == 0:
        print('Publication does not exist')
        return False

        publication = Deserialize(publication)

        if not publication[5]:
            print('Publication is not currently active')
            return False

    return publication_key
Example #14
def get_space_ids(ctx):
    ids = Get(ctx, KEY_SPACE_IDS)

    if ids:
        return Deserialize(ids)
        return []
Example #15
def GetAuctionWinner(args):
    owner = args[0]
    name = args[1]
    date = args[2]

    context = GetContext()

    publication_key = validatePublicationAuction(context, args)
    if not publication_key:
        return [False, 'Invalid auction params']

    date = date + 0

    auction_key = concat(publication_key, sha1(date))
    bids_key = concat(auction_key, 'bids')
    bids = Get(context, bids_key)

    if not bids:
        print('No bids')
        return [False, 'No bids']

    bids = Deserialize(bids)

    best_bid = bids[len(bids) - 1]

    return [True, best_bid]
Example #16
def GetCurrentAuctionWinner(args):
    owner = args[0]
    name = args[1]

    context = GetContext()

    date = getWarpedTime(context) + (
        SECONDS_IN_DAY -
        getWarpedTime(context) % SECONDS_IN_DAY) + SECONDS_IN_HOUR * -TIMEZONE

    publication_key = validatePublicationAuction(context, args)
    if not publication_key:
        return [False, 'Invalid auction params']

    date = date + 0

    auction_key = concat(publication_key, sha1(date))
    bids_key = concat(auction_key, 'bids')
    bids = Get(context, bids_key)

    if not bids:
        print('No bids')
        return [False, 'No bids']

    bids = Deserialize(bids)

    best_bid = bids[len(bids) - 1]

    return [True, best_bid]
Example #17
def DeletePublication(args):
    sender = args[0]
    name = args[1]

    if not CheckWitness(sender):
        print('Account owner must be sender')
        return [False, 'Account owner must be sender']

    context = GetContext()

    publications_key = concat('publications', sender)
    publication_key = concat(publications_key, sha1(name))

    publication = Get(context, publication_key)
    if not publication:
        print('Publication does not exist')
        return [False, 'Publication does not exist']

    publication = Deserialize(publication)
    if not publication[5]:
        print('Publication has already been deleted')
        return [False, 'Publication has already been deleted']
    Check for active bids etc here - revisit if time (OOS)

    publication[5] = False

    Put(context, publication_key, Serialize(publication))

    return [True, '']
Example #18
def GetAuctionByMonth(args):
    owner = args[0]
    name = args[1]
    date = args[2]

    context = GetContext()

    publication_key = validatePublicationAuction(context, args)
    if not publication_key:
        return [False, 'Invalid auction params']

    auctions = []

    # For simplicity, assume given first day of month & always retreive 31 days worth of info
    for days in range(0, 30):
        next_date = date + days * SECONDS_IN_DAY
        auction_key = concat(publication_key, sha1(next_date))
        auction_info = Get(context, auction_key)

        if auction_info:
            auction_info = Deserialize(auction_info)

    return [True, auctions]
Example #19
def cancel_bookinng(ctx, space_id, guest_address, date):
    if not CheckWitness(guest_address):
        return False

    booking_id = _build_booking_id(space_id, date)
    serialized_booking = Get(ctx, booking_id)
    if not serialized_booking:
        return False
    booking = Deserialize(serialized_booking)

    # guest_address, start_at, approved, canceled
    start_at = booking[1]
    canceled = booking[3]

    height = GetHeight()

    if height > start_at:
        return False

    if canceled:
        return False

    booking[3] = True
    Put(ctx, booking_id, Serialize(booking))

    return_percent = _caluclate_return_percent(start_at, height)
    OnBookingCancel(space_id, date, return_percent)

    return return_percent
Example #20
def get_challenge(ctx, challenge_key):
    Log("Retrieving challenge.")
    to_retrieve = Get(ctx, challenge_key)
    if to_retrieve:
        challenge = Deserialize(to_retrieve)
        return challenge
    return False
Example #21
def removePostId(postId):
    Notify("[!] Remove PostID to all_posts object")
    serial = Get(GetContext(), get_all_ids)
    all_posts = Deserialize(serial)
    new_serial = Serialize(all_posts)
    Put(GetContext(), get_all_ids, new_serial)
    Notify("[!] Removed PostID from all_posts object")
Example #22
def check_board_exist(board_id):
    serialized_list = Get(ctx, AD_LIST_KEY)
    board_list = Deserialize(serialized_list)
    for _id in board_list:
        if _id == board_id:
            return True
    print('Board not found')
    return False
Example #23
def removeQuestionId(questionId):
    Notify("[!] Remove QuestionID to all_question_ids object")
    serial = Get(GetContext(), get_all_ids)
    all_question_ids = Deserialize(serial)
    new_serial = Serialize(all_question_ids)
    Put(GetContext(), get_all_ids, new_serial)
    Notify("[!] Removed QuestionID from all_question_ids object")
Example #24
def addQuestionId(questionId, question):
    Notify("[!] Add QuestionID to all_question_ids object")
    serial = Get(GetContext(), get_all_ids)
    all_question_ids = Deserialize(serial)
    all_question_ids[questionId] = question
    new_serial = Serialize(all_question_ids)
    Put(GetContext(), get_all_ids, new_serial)
    Notify("[!] Added QuestionID to all_question_ids object")
Example #25
def get_rates(_type):
    result = Get(context, _type)
    if result != bytearray(b''):
        rates = Deserialize(result)
        if len(rates) > 0:
            return rates

    return []
Example #26
def addPostId(postId, title):
    Notify("[!] Add PostID to all_posts object")
    serial = Get(GetContext(), get_all_ids)
    all_posts = Deserialize(serial)
    all_posts[postId] = title
    new_serial = Serialize(all_posts)
    Put(GetContext(), get_all_ids, new_serial)
    Notify("[!] Added PostID to all_posts object")
Example #27
def get_bet(from_address, bet_id, option):
    # bet_id and option will be concatenated. They must be string
    result = Get(context, from_address + bet_id + option)
    if result != bytearray(b''):
        result = Deserialize(result)
        if result > 0:
            return result

    return 0
Example #28
def addPostId(postId):
    Notify("[!] Add PostID to all_posts object")
    serial = Get(GetContext(), get_all_ids)
    all_posts = Deserialize(serial)
    new_serial = Serialize(all_posts)
    Put(GetContext(), get_all_ids, new_serial)
    Notify("[!] Added PostID to all_posts object")
Example #29
def put_serialized(ctx, key, value):
    list_bytes = Get(ctx, key)
    if len(list_bytes) != 0:
        lst = Deserialize(list_bytes)
        lst = [value]
    list_bytes = Serialize(lst)
    Put(ctx, key, list_bytes)
    return True
Example #30
def getWhitelistAdmins():
    Gets a list of current KYC admins

    :return: (list): a list of kyc admins
    admins_serialized = Get(ctx, KYC_Admin_Key)
    if len(admins_serialized):
        return Deserialize(admins_serialized)
    return []