Example #1
def manualSetResult(date, index, gameid, hscore, vscore):
    _require(CheckWitness(operaterAddress) or CheckWitness(adminAddress))
    #update the bet
    betKey = _concatKey(BetPrefix, gameid)
    betmap = Deserialize(Get(ctx, betKey))
    if betmap[Finished] == True:
        return False
    gk = _concatKey(_concatKey(GamePrefix, date), index)
    gameMap = Deserialize(Get(ctx, gk))
    _require(gameid == gameMap[GameID])
    gameMap[HTeamScore] = hscore
    gameMap[VTeamScore] = vscore
    Put(ctx, gk, Serialize(gameMap))
    winnerkey = HomeList
    betinfos = betmap[winnerkey]
    winnerBets = betmap['HomeTotal']
    if hscore < vscore:
        winnerkey = VistorList
        winnerBets = betmap['VisitorTotal']
    betmap[Finished] = True

    totalBets = betmap['HomeTotal'] + betmap['VisitorTotal']
    _distributeRewards(totalBets, winnerBets, betinfos)
    Put(ctx, betKey, Serialize(betmap))
    return True
Example #2
def TransferFrom(sender, from_acct, to_acct, amount):
    if amount < 0:
        return False
    if CheckWitness(sender) == False:
        return False
    if len(to_acct) != 20:
        return False
    appoveKey = concat(concat(APPROVE_PREFIX, from_acct), sender)
    approvedAmount = Get(ctx, appoveKey)
    if approvedAmount < amount:
        return False
    if approvedAmount == amount:
        Delete(ctx, appoveKey)
        Put(ctx, appoveKey, approvedAmount - amount)

    fromKey = concat(TRANSFER_PREFIX, from_acct)
    fromBalance = Get(ctx, fromKey)
    if fromBalance < amount:
        return False
    if fromBalance == amount:
        Delete(ctx, fromKey)
        Put(ctx, fromKey, fromBalance - amount)

    tokey = concat(TRANSFER_PREFIX, to_acct)
    toBalance = Get(ctx, tokey)

    Put(ctx, tokey, toBalance + amount)
    Notify(['transfer', from_acct, to_acct, amount])
    return True
Example #3
def transfer(from_acct, to_acct, amount):
    Transfer amount of tokens from from_acct to to_acct
    :param from_acct: the account from which the amount of tokens will be transferred
    :param to_acct: the account to which the amount of tokens will be transferred
    :param amount: the amount of the tokens to be transferred, >= 0
    :return: True means success, False or raising exception means failure.
    if len(to_acct) != 20 or len(from_acct) != 20:
        raise Exception("address length error")

    if CheckWitness(from_acct) == False:
        return False

    # This part is marked as commits since transferring of 0 MYT should fire event, too.
    # if from_acct == to_acct or amount == 0:
    #     return True

    fromKey = concat(BALANCE_PREFIX, from_acct)
    fromBalance = Get(ctx, fromKey)
    if amount > fromBalance:
        return False
    if amount == fromBalance:
        Delete(ctx, fromKey)
        Put(ctx, fromKey, fromBalance - amount)

    toKey = concat(BALANCE_PREFIX, to_acct)
    toBalance = Get(ctx, toKey)
    Put(ctx, toKey, toBalance + amount)

    Notify(['transfer', from_acct, to_acct, amount])

    return True
Example #4
def _settleAccounts(roundNumber, explodePoint, effectiveEscapeAcctPointList):
    effectiveEscapeAcctPointOddsProfitList = []
    totalOngForAdminToBeSub = 0
    for effectiveEscapeAcctPoint in effectiveEscapeAcctPointList:
        account = effectiveEscapeAcctPoint[0]
        escapePoint = effectiveEscapeAcctPoint[1]
        # Require(escapePoint < explodePoint)
        if escapePoint < explodePoint and escapePoint >= 100:
            odds = escapePoint
            betBalance = getPlayerBetBalance(roundNumber, account)
            ongBalanceForPlayerToBeAdd = Div(Mul(betBalance, odds),
            totalOngForAdminToBeSub = Add(totalOngForAdminToBeSub,
            effectiveEscapeAcctPointOddsProfit = []
                Sub(ongBalanceForPlayerToBeAdd, betBalance))
            Put(GetContext(), concatKey(ONG_BALANCE_KEY, account),
                Add(getOngBalanceOf(account), ongBalanceForPlayerToBeAdd))
    Put(GetContext(), TOTAL_ONG_FOR_ADMIN,
        Sub(getTotalOngForAdmin(), totalOngForAdminToBeSub))
    return effectiveEscapeAcctPointOddsProfitList
Example #5
def join(addr, amount):
    # 临时这么搞
    info = {
        0: 'count',
        1: 'acc1',
        2: 'amount1',
        3: 'acc2',
        4: 'amount2',
        5: 'acc3',
        6: 'amount3'
    context = GetContext()
    count = Get(context, 'count')
    if count is None:
        count = 0
    count += 1

    if count >= 3:
        Notify('No more seat')
        return False

    acc_key = info[2 * count - 1]
    amount_key = info[count * 2]

    Put(context, acc_key, addr)
    Put(context, amount_key, float(amount))
    Put(context, 'count', count)

    return True
Example #6
def bankerInvest(account, ongAmount):
    invest ong to become a banker
    :param account:
    currentRound = getCurrentRound()
    if getRoundGameStatus(currentRound) == STATUS_OFF:
        newRound = Add(currentRound, 1)
        if Add(getRunningVaultPercentage(newRound),
               getDividendForBankersPercentage(newRound)) != 98:
            runVaultPercentage = getRunningVaultPercentage(currentRound)
            dividendPercentage = getDividendForBankersPercentage(currentRound)
                concatKey(concatKey(ROUND_PREFIX, newRound),
                          DIVIDEND_FOR_BANKERS_PERCENTAGE), dividendPercentage)
                concatKey(concatKey(ROUND_PREFIX, newRound),
                          RUNNING_VAULT_PERCENTAGE), runVaultPercentage)
                "setParameters", newRound, runVaultPercentage,
        Put(GetContext(), CURRENT_ROUND_KEY, newRound)
            concatKey(concatKey(ROUND_PREFIX, newRound), ROUND_STATUS),
        Notify(["startNewRound", newRound])

    _bankerInvest(account, ongAmount)

    return True
def createMultiTypeToken():
    Index = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
    tokenNameList = ['name1', 'name2', 'name3', 'name4', 'name5', 'name6', 'name7', 'name8']
    tokenSymbolList = ['PS1', 'PS2', 'PS3', 'PS4', 'PS5', 'PS6', 'PS7', 'PS8']
    tokenSupplyList = [100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 0]

    for index in Index:
        # get name, symbol, totalsupply
        tokenName = tokenNameList[index]
        tokenSymbol = tokenSymbolList[index]
        tokenTotalSupply = tokenSupplyList[index]

        tokenId = TOKEN_ID_LIST[index]

        # initiate token name
        Put(GetContext(), concatkey(tokenId, NAME), tokenName)
        # initiate token symbol
        Put(GetContext(), concatkey(tokenId, SYMBOL), tokenSymbol)
        # initiate token totalSupply
        Put(GetContext(), concatkey(tokenId, TOTAL_SUPPLY), tokenTotalSupply)

        # transfer all the tokens to admin
        Put(GetContext(), concatkey(concatkey(tokenId, BALANCE), admin), tokenTotalSupply)

        # Notify(['transfer', '', admin, tokenId, tokenTotalSupply])
        TransferEvent('', admin, tokenId, tokenTotalSupply)

    return True
Example #8
def createGameByOracleRes(gameId):

    # # make sure the result hasn't be saved before
    # Require(not getGameResult(gameId))

    # make sure the request has been sent out to the oracle contract
    sentReqTxhash = Get(GetContext(),
                        concatKey(SENTREQHASH_FORMGAME_PREFIX, gameId))
    response = OracleContract('GetOracleOutcome', [sentReqTxhash])

    res = Deserialize(response)

    # extract game and disk info from res
    # make sure gameId is consistent with that provided within response
    # gameId, diskIdList, betEndTime
    diskIdList = [1, 2, 3]
    betEndTime = 100

    Put(GetContext(), concatKey(GAME_DISKID_PREFIX, gameId),
    Put(GetContext(), concatKey(GAME_BET_ENDTIME_PREFIX, gameId), betEndTime)

    return True
def createMultiKindsPumpkin():
    Index = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
    pumpkinKindsName = [
        'name1', 'name2', 'name3', 'name4', 'name5', 'name6', 'name7', 'name8'
    pumpkinKindsSymbol = [
        'PS1', 'PS2', 'PS3', 'PS4', 'PS5', 'PS6', 'PS7', 'PS8'
    pumpkinKindsTotalSupply = [100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 0]

    for index in Index:
        # get name, symbol, totalsupply
        tokenName = pumpkinKindsName[index]
        tokenSymbol = pumpkinKindsSymbol[index]
        tokenTotalSupply = pumpkinKindsTotalSupply[index]

        tokenId = TOKEN_ID_LIST[index]

        # initiate token name
        Put(GetContext(), concatkey(tokenId, NAME), tokenName)
        # initiate token symbol
        Put(GetContext(), concatkey(tokenId, SYMBOL), tokenSymbol)
        # initiate token totalSupply
        Put(GetContext(), concatkey(tokenId, TOTAL_SUPPLY), tokenTotalSupply)

        # transfer all the pumpkin tokens to admin
        Put(GetContext(), concatkey(concatkey(tokenId, BALANCE), admin),

        # Notify(['transfer', '', admin, tokenId, tokenTotalSupply])
        TransferEvent('', admin, tokenId, tokenTotalSupply)

    return True
def createMultiTypeToken():
    Index = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
    tokenNameList = [
        'TokenNameFirst', 'TokenNameSecond', 'TokenNameThird',
        'TokenNameFourth', 'TokenNameFifth'
    tokenSymbolList = ['TNF', 'TNS', 'TNH', 'TNO', 'TNI']
    tokenSupplyList = [100000, 200000, 300000, 400000, 500000]

    for index in Index:
        # get name, symbol, totalsupply
        tokenName = tokenNameList[index]
        tokenSymbol = tokenSymbolList[index]
        tokenTotalSupply = tokenSupplyList[index]

        tokenId = TOKEN_ID_LIST[index]

        # initiate token name
        Put(GetContext(), concatkey(tokenId, NAME), tokenName)
        # initiate token symbol
        Put(GetContext(), concatkey(tokenId, SYMBOL), tokenSymbol)
        # initiate token totalSupply
        Put(GetContext(), concatkey(tokenId, TOTAL_SUPPLY), tokenTotalSupply)
        # transfer all the tokens to admin
        Put(GetContext(), concatkey(concatkey(tokenId, BALANCE), admin),
        TransferEvent('', admin, tokenId, tokenTotalSupply)

    return True
Example #11
def sell(_account, _tokenAmount):

    # setup data
    # burn the sold tokens
    # update dividends tracker
    # update the amount of dividends per P3D
    # emit the onTokenSell event
    # Make sure _account's balance is greater than _tokenAmount that is gonna be sold
    _tokenBalance = balanceOf(_account)
    Require(_tokenAmount <= _tokenBalance)
    _ongAmount = _tokenToOng(_tokenAmount)
    _dividendsOng = Div(Mul(_ongAmount, dividendFee_), 100)
    _taxedOng = Sub(_ongAmount, _dividendsOng)

    # burn the sold token
    Put(GetContext(), TOTAL_SUPPLY_KEY, Sub(totalSupply(), _tokenAmount))

    # Update the token balance of _account
    Put(GetContext(), concatKey(_account, TOKENBALANCE_SUFFIX), Sub(_tokenBalance, _tokenAmount))

    # Update pricePerToken_
    _totalSupply = totalSupply()
    if _totalSupply > 0:
        _pricePerToken = Get(GetContext(), PRICE_PER_TOKEN_KEY)
        _pricePerToken_Increase = Div(Mul(_dividendsOng, ongMagnitude_), _totalSupply)
        Put(GetContext(), PRICE_PER_TOKEN_KEY, Add(_pricePerToken, _pricePerToken_Increase))

    # emit event
    OnTokenSell(_account, _tokenAmount, _taxedOng)
Example #12
def bet(account, ongAmount):
    currentRound = getCurrentRound()
    Require(getRoundStatus(currentRound) == STATUS_ON)
    Require(_transferONG(account, ContractAddress, ongAmount))
    Put(GetContext(), TOTAL_ONG_FOR_ADMIN, Add(getTotalOngForAdmin(),
        concatKey(concatKey(ROUND_PREFIX, currentRound),
                  concatKey(ROUND_PLAYER_BET_BALANCE_KEY, account)),
        Add(getPlayerBetBalance(currentRound, account), ongAmount))
    # roundPlayersList = getRoundPlayersList(currentRound)
    # if not _checkIsInRoundPlayersList(account, roundPlayersList):
    #     roundPlayersList.append(account)
    #     Put(GetContext(), concatKey(concatKey(ROUND_PREFIX, currentRound), ROUND_PLAYER_ADDRESS_LIST_KEY), Serialize(roundPlayersList))
    luckyBalanceToBeAdd = 0
    if _checkReferral(account):
        # give the referral 10% more Lucky
        luckyBalanceToBeAdd = Div(
            Div(Mul(Mul(ongAmount, getLuckyToOngRate()), 110), 100), Magnitude)
        luckyBalanceToBeAdd = Div(Mul(ongAmount, getLuckyToOngRate()),
    Put(GetContext(), concatKey(LUCKY_BALANCE_KEY, account),
        Add(getLuckyBalanceOf(account), luckyBalanceToBeAdd))
    Put(GetContext(), LUCKY_TOTAL_SUPPLY_KEY,
        Add(getLuckySupply(), luckyBalanceToBeAdd))
    Notify(["bet", currentRound, account, ongAmount])
    return True
Example #13
def buy(id, fromAcc):
    # 获取倒计时结束时间 并判断 是否已结束
    endTimeDeserialize = Get(GetContext(), ENDTIME)
    endTime = Deserialize(endTimeDeserialize)
    if GetTime() >= endTime:
        reset(2, id, fromAcc)
        # 获取所有国家
        regionDeserialize = Get(GetContext(), REGION)
        region = Deserialize(regionDeserialize)
        for item in region:
            if item[0] == id:
                # 拿到目标购买国家进行交易
                param = state(Base58ToAddress(fromAcc),
                              Base58ToAddress(item[2]), item[1] - 1)
                res = Invoke(0, OntContract, "transfer", [param])
                if res != b'\x01':
                    Notify("buy error.")
                    return False
                # 每一次给合约内部转1个币
                paramContract = state(Base58ToAddress(fromAcc),
                                      selfContractAddress, 1)
                resContract = Invoke(0, OntContract, 'transfer',
                # 倒计时增加用户消耗的币 * 10 秒
                endTime = endTime + item[1] * 10
                Put(GetContext(), ENDTIME, Serialize(endTime))
                # 将购买用户设置为最后一次购买人
                Put(GetContext(), LASTBUY, Serialize(fromAcc))
                # 更新国家信息以及价格
                item[1] = (item[1] - 1) * 2 + 1
                item[2] = fromAcc
        Put(GetContext(), REGION, Serialize(region))
        Notify("buy success.")
        return True
Example #14
def reset(type, id, fromAcc):
    # 获取所有国家
    regionDeserialize = Get(GetContext(), REGION)
    region = Deserialize(regionDeserialize)
    # 获取最后一个购买人
    lastBuyDeserialize = Get(GetContext(), LASTBUY)
    lastBuy = Deserialize(lastBuyDeserialize)
    # 计算下一次倒计时
    endTime = GetTime() + cycle
    # 获取合约内部的总金额
    param = state(selfContractAddress)
    unboundOngAmount = Invoke(0, OntContract, 'balanceOf', param)
    # 把合约内的所有币转给最后一个购买人
    paramContract = state(selfContractAddress, Base58ToAddress(lastBuy),
    resContract = Invoke(0, OntContract, 'transfer', [paramContract])
    # 重新设置倒计时
    Put(GetContext(), ENDTIME, Serialize(endTime))
    # 所有地区价格重置为2
    for item in region:
        item[1] = 2
    Put(GetContext(), REGION, Serialize(region))
    if type == 1:
    if type == 2:
        buy(id, fromAcc)
Example #15
def payToPlay(account, ongAmount):
    Require(ongAmount >= 100000000)
    currentId = Add(getCurrentRound(), 1)

    Require(_transferONG(account, ContractAddress, ongAmount))
    Put(GetContext(), ROUND_ID_NUMBER_KEY, currentId)

    Put(GetContext(), concatKey(currentId, ID_UNPAID_PLAYER_KEY), account)

    Put(GetContext(), concatKey(currentId, account), ongAmount)

    Put(GetContext(), TOTAL_ONG_FOR_ADMIN, Add(getTotalOngForAdmin(),
    # deal with Lucky sending and referral Lucky sending
    _referralLuckyBalanceToBeAdd = 0
    acctLuckyBalanceToBeAdd = Div(Mul(ongAmount, getLuckyToOngRate()),
    ############### Transfer Lucky TWO times to account and referral ###############
    # transfer LUCKY to account
    params = [ContractAddress, account, acctLuckyBalanceToBeAdd]
    revesedContractAddress = Get(GetContext(), LUCKY_CONTRACT_HASH_KEY)
    res = DynamicAppCall(revesedContractAddress, "transfer", params)
    referral = getReferral(account)
    if len(referral) == 20:
        # transfer LUCKY to referral
        _referralLuckyBalanceToBeAdd = Div(
            Mul(acctLuckyBalanceToBeAdd, getReferralBonusPercentage()), 100)
        params = [ContractAddress, referral, _referralLuckyBalanceToBeAdd]
        res = DynamicAppCall(revesedContractAddress, "transfer", params)

    Notify(["payToPlay", currentId, account, ongAmount])
    return True
Example #16
def takeOwnership(toAcct, tokenID):
    transfer the approved tokenId token to toAcct
    the invoker can be the owner or the approved account
    toAcct can be any address
    :param toAcct: the account that will be assigned as the new owner of tokenId
    :param tokenID: the tokenId token will be assigned to toAcct
    :return: False or True
    if len(toAcct) != 20:
        raise Exception("toAcct illegal!")
    tokenOwner = ownerOf(tokenID)

    if not tokenOwner:
        return False
    approveKey = concatkey(APPROVE_PREFIX, tokenID)
    approvedAcct = Get(ctx, approveKey)

    if CheckWitness(tokenOwner) != True and CheckWitness(approvedAcct) != True:
        return False

    Delete(ctx, approveKey)
    ownerKey = concatkey(OWNER_OF_TOKEN_PREFIX, tokenID)
    Put(ctx, ownerKey, toAcct)

    fromBalance = balanceOf(tokenOwner)
    toBalance = balanceOf(toAcct)
    # to avoid overflow
    if fromBalance >= 1 and toBalance < toBalance + 1:
        Put(ctx, concatkey(OWNER_BALANCE_PREFIX, tokenOwner), fromBalance - 1)
        Put(ctx, concatkey(OWNER_BALANCE_PREFIX, toAcct), toBalance + 1)

    Notify(['transfer', tokenOwner, toAcct, tokenID])

    return True
Example #17
def bankerWithdrawBeforeExit(account):
    if CheckWitness(account) == False:
        # bankerWithdrawBeforeExit: Check witness failed!
        Notify(["Error", 401])
        return 0

    ongShareInRunningVault = getRunVaultShare(account)
    if ongShareInRunningVault <= 0:
        # bankerWithdrawBeforeExit: banker's dividend is not greater than 0
        Notify(["noShare", account])
        return 0
    currentRound = getCurrentRound()
    bankerBalanceInRunVault = getBankerBalanceInRunVault(currentRound, account)
    if getRoundGameStatus(currentRound) == STATUS_ON and bankerBalanceInRunVault > 0:
        # update the bankers' investment amount
        oldBankersInvestment = getBankersInvestment(currentRound)
        Put(GetContext(), concatKey(concatKey(ROUND_PREFIX, currentRound), BANKERS_INVESTMENT_KEY), Sub(oldBankersInvestment, getBankerInvestment(currentRound, account)))
        # delete the banker's investment balance
        Delete(GetContext(), concatKey(concatKey(ROUND_PREFIX, currentRound), concatKey(BANKER_INVEST_BALANCE_PREFIX, account)))

    Require(_transferONGFromContact(account, ongShareInRunningVault))
    # update total ong
    Put(GetContext(), TOTAL_ONG_KEY, Sub(getTotalONG(), ongShareInRunningVault))
    # update real time run vault
    Put(GetContext(), concatKey(concatKey(ROUND_PREFIX, currentRound), REAL_TIME_RUNNING_VAULT), Sub(getRealTimeRunningVault(currentRound), ongShareInRunningVault))

    Notify(["bankerWithdrawShare", currentRound, account, ongShareInRunningVault])
    return ongShareInRunningVault
Example #18
def transfer(toAcct, tokenID):
    transfer the token with tokenID to the toAcct
    :param toAcct: to account address
    :param tokenID: the unique token's ID, type should be ByteArray
    :return: False means failure, True means success.
    tokenOwner = ownerOf(tokenID)
    if CheckWitness(tokenOwner) == False:
        return False
    if len(toAcct) != 20:
        raise Exception('address length error!')

    ownerKey = concatkey(OWNER_OF_TOKEN_PREFIX, tokenID)
    fromAcct = Get(ctx, ownerKey)
    balanceKey = concatkey(OWNER_BALANCE_PREFIX, fromAcct)
    fromBalance = Get(ctx, balanceKey)
    if fromBalance >= 1:
        # decrease fromAccount token balance
        Put(ctx, balanceKey, fromBalance - 1)
        raise Exception('fromBalance error')
    # set the owner of tokenID to toAcct
    Put(ctx, ownerKey, toAcct)
    # increase toAccount token balance
    balanceKey = concatkey(OWNER_BALANCE_PREFIX, toAcct)
    Put(ctx, balanceKey, balanceOf(toAcct) + 1)

    Notify(['transfer', fromAcct, toAcct, tokenID])

    return True
Example #19
def transfer(fromAcct, toAcct, tokenId, amount):
    transfer amount of tokens in terms of tokenId token from fromAcct to the toAcct
    :param fromAcct:
    :param toAcct:
    :param tokenId:
    :param amount:

    balanceKey = concatkey(tokenId, BALANCE)
    fromKey = concatkey(balanceKey, fromAcct)
    fromBalance = Get(GetContext(), fromKey)
    if amount > fromBalance:
        return False
    if amount == fromBalance:
        Delete(GetContext(), fromKey)
        Put(GetContext(), fromKey, fromBalance - amount)

    toKey = concatkey(balanceKey, toAcct)
    toBalance = Get(GetContext(), toKey)
    Put(GetContext(), toKey, toBalance + amount)

    # Notify(["transfer", fromAcct, toAcct, tokenId, amount])
    TransferEvent(fromAcct, toAcct, tokenId, amount)

    return True
Example #20
def takeOwnership(toAcct, tokenID):
    take the approved token
    :param toAcct: spender
    :param tokenID: this tokenID should be approved by its owner to toAcct
    :return: False or True
    if CheckWitness(toAcct) == False:
        return False
    tokenOwner = ownerOf(tokenID)
    if not tokenOwner:
        return False
    approveKey = concatkey(APPROVE_PREFIX, tokenID)
    approvedAcct = Get(ctx, approveKey)
    if approvedAcct != toAcct:
        return False

    Delete(ctx, approveKey)
    ownerKey = concatkey(OWNER_OF_TOKEN_PREFIX, tokenID)
    Put(ctx, ownerKey, toAcct)

    fromBalance = balanceOf(tokenOwner)
    toBalance = balanceOf(toAcct)
    # to avoid overflow
    if fromBalance >= 1 and toBalance < toBalance + 1:
        Put(ctx, concatkey(OWNER_BALANCE_PREFIX, tokenOwner), fromBalance - 1)
        Put(ctx, concatkey(OWNER_BALANCE_PREFIX, toAcct), toBalance + 1)

    Notify(['transfer', tokenOwner, toAcct, tokenID])

    return True
Example #21
def sendMessage(from_addr, to_addr, encrypt, message):
    send message to some address
    :param from_addr:
    :param to_addr:
    :param encrypt:
    :param message:

    if CheckWitness(from_addr) == False:
        return False

    timestamp = GetTime()

    msg = {
        'FROM': from_addr,
        'ENCRYPT': encrypt,
        'MESSAGE': message,
        'TIMESTAMP': timestamp

    countkey = concatkey(messageCountPrefix, to_addr)
    count = Get(ctx, countkey)

    Put(ctx, concatkey(concatkey(messageboxPrefix, to_addr), count + 1),
    Put(ctx, countkey, count + 1)

    Notify(['sendMessage', from_addr, to_addr, count + 1])
    return True
Example #22
def createOneToken(name, url, type):
    create a new token
    :param name:
    :param url:
    :param type:
    # Notify(["111_createOneToken begins"])
    # generate tokenID
    timestamp = GetTime()
    totalSupply = Get(ctx, TOTAL_SUPPLY)
    newTotalSupply = totalSupply + 1
    Put(ctx, TOTAL_SUPPLY, newTotalSupply)
    tmp = concatkey(concatkey(selfAddr, timestamp), newTotalSupply)
    tokenID = sha256(tmp)
    # construct token map
    token = {'ID': tokenID, 'Name': name, 'Image': url, 'Type': type}
    Notify(["111_createOneToken", newTotalSupply, tokenID, concatkey(TOKEN_ID_PREFIX, tokenID)])
    Put(ctx, concatkey(TOKEN_INDEX_PREFIX, newTotalSupply), tokenID)
    ownerKey = concatkey(OWNER_OF_TOKEN_PREFIX, tokenID)
    Put(ctx, ownerKey, admin)
    Put(ctx, concatkey(TOKEN_ID_PREFIX, tokenID), Serialize(token))
    # add to adminBalance
    adminBalance = Get(ctx, concatkey(OWNER_BALANCE_PREFIX, admin))
    Put(ctx, concatkey(OWNER_BALANCE_PREFIX, admin), adminBalance + 1)
    # Notify(["333_createOneToken ends"])
    return True
#################### For testing usage only ends ######################
Example #23
def transfer(from_acct,to_acct,amount):
    Transfer amount of tokens from from_acct to to_acct
    :param from_acct: the account from which the amount of tokens will be transferred
    :param to_acct: the account to which the amount of tokens will be transferred
    :param amount: the amount of the tokens to be transferred, >= 0
    :return: True means success, False or raising exception means failure.
    if len(to_acct) != 20 or len(from_acct) != 20:
        raise Exception("address length error")
    if CheckWitness(from_acct) == False or amount < 0:
        return False

    fromKey = concat(BALANCE_PREFIX,from_acct)
    fromBalance = Get(ctx,fromKey)
    if amount > fromBalance:
        return False
    if amount == fromBalance:
        Put(ctx,fromKey,fromBalance - amount)

    toKey = concat(BALANCE_PREFIX,to_acct)
    toBalance = Get(ctx,toKey)
    Put(ctx,toKey,toBalance + amount)

    # Notify(["transfer", AddressToBase58(from_acct), AddressToBase58(to_acct), amount])
    # TransferEvent(AddressToBase58(from_acct), AddressToBase58(to_acct), amount)
    Notify(['Transfer successful', from_acct, to_acct, amount])
    TransferEvent(from_acct, to_acct, amount)
    return True
Example #24
def bankerInvest(account, ongAmount):
    invest ong to become a banker
    :param account:
    currentRound = getCurrentRound()
    if getRoundGameStatus(currentRound) == STATUS_OFF:
        newRound = Add(currentRound, 1)
        if currentRound == 0:
        if Add(getRunningVaultPercentage(newRound),
               getDividendForBankersPercentage(newRound)) != 98:
        Put(GetContext(), CURRENT_ROUND_KEY, newRound)
            concatKey(concatKey(ROUND_PREFIX, newRound), ROUND_STATUS),
        Notify(["startNewRound", newRound])

    _bankerInvest(account, ongAmount)

    return True
Example #25
def Settle(outcome):
    context = GetContext()

    settlementBeginTimestamp = Get(context, SETTLEMENT_BEGIN_TIMESTAMP_KEY)
    if settlementBeginTimestamp == None:
        date = currentTimestamp()
        Put(context, SETTLEMENT_BEGIN_TIMESTAMP_KEY, date)

    settlementsCount = Get(context, SETTLEMENT_COUNT_KEY)
    if len(settlementsCount) == 0:
        settlementsCount = 1
        settlementsCount += 1
    Put(context, SETTLEMENT_COUNT_KEY, settlementsCount)

    count = Get(context, BETS_COUNT_KEY)
    i = 0
    while i < count:
        betOutcomeKey = concat(BET_OUTCOME_KEY, i)
        betOutcome = Get(context, betOutcomeKey)
        if (betOutcome == outcome):
            #Player won
            playerAddressKey = concat(BET_ADDRESS_KEY, i)
            playerAddress = Get(context, playerAddressKey)

            betAmountKey = concat(BET_AMOUNT_KEY, i)
            betAmount = Get(context, betAmountKey)

            transfer(OWNER_ADDRESS, playerAddress, betAmount)
        i += 1

    Put(context, SETTLEMENT_END_TIMESTAMP_KEY, currentTimestamp())
    return True
Example #26
def RegisterCompanyPerson(companyAddr, personAddr):
    key = concatAll(['company_', companyAddr, '_persons'])
    keyM = concatAll(['company_', companyAddr, '_persons_map'])
    curVal = Get(ctx, keyM)
    curValList = []
    if curVal is not None:
        curValList = Deserialize(curVal)

    for i in range(0, len(curValList)):
        if personAddr == curValList[i]:
            return True

    val = makeValue(curValList, '$')

    # company address
    person = Deserialize(Get(ctx, concatAll(['person_', personAddr, '_map'])))
    person["company_address"] = companyAddr
    Put(ctx, concatAll(['person_', personAddr, '_map']), Serialize(person))

    Put(ctx, key, val)
    Put(ctx, keyM, Serialize(curValList))
    Put(ctx, concat("person_", personAddr), companyAddr)
    return True
Example #27
def Transfer(from_acct, to_acct, amount):

    if from_acct == to_acct:
        return True
    if amount == 0:
        return True
    if amount < 0:
        return False
    if CheckWitness(from_acct) == False:
        return False
    if len(to_acct) != 20:
        return False
    fromKey = concat(TRANSFER_PREFIX, from_acct)
    fromBalance = Get(ctx, fromKey)
    if fromBalance < amount:
        return False
    if fromBalance == amount:
        Delete(ctx, fromKey)
        Put(ctx, fromKey, fromBalance - amount)

    tokey = concat(TRANSFER_PREFIX, to_acct)
    toBalance = Get(ctx, tokey)

    Put(ctx, tokey, toBalance + amount)
    Notify(['transfer', from_acct, to_acct, amount])
    return True
Example #28
def Deploy():
    Constructor of this contract. Only deployer hard-coded can call this function
    and cannot call this function after called once.
    Followings are initialization list for this token
    1. Transfer the owner to the deployer. (Owner can mint and burn the token)
    2. Supply initial coin to the deployer.
    ctx = GetContext()

    Require(CheckWitness(DEPLOYER))         # only can be initialized by deployer
    Require(not Get(ctx, 'DEPLOYED'))       # only can deploy once

    # disable to deploy again
    Put(ctx, 'DEPLOYED', 1)

    # the first owner is the deployer
    # can transfer ownership to other by calling `TransferOwner` function

    # supply the coin. All coin will be belong to deployer.

    return True
Example #29
def RegisterPerson(person_id, phone_number, cpr_cert=""):
    ctx = GetContext()

    cpr_status = cpr_cert and VerifyPerson(cpr_cert)
    person = {'cpr': cpr_status}
    Put(ctx, PERSON_KEY + person_id, Serialize(person))

    if cpr_status:
        # create persons list
        cpr_persons_list = Get(ctx, CPR_LIST_KEY)
        Notify(['in cpr_status', CPR_LIST_KEY])
        if cpr_persons_list is not None:
            cpr_persons_list = Deserialize(cpr_persons_list)
            cpr_persons_list = []
        cpr_persons_list.append([person_id, phone_number])

        Put(ctx, CPR_LIST_KEY, Serialize(cpr_persons_list))
    # persons_list = Get(ctx, PERSONS_LIST_KEY)
    # if persons_list is not None:
    #     persons_list = Deserialize(persons_list)
    # else:
    #     persons_list = []
    # persons_list.append(person_id)
    # Notify('Persons List')
    # Put(ctx, PERSONS_LIST_KEY, Serialize(persons_list))

    return True
Example #30
def collectDividendOf(addr):
    put present dividend into dividend vault, update profit per token and dividend vault
    :param addr:
    :return: True means it has been successfully run
    nouse = Require(CheckWitness(addr))
    unsharedProfitPerTokenBefore = profitPerTokenAfterOf(addr)
    _profitPerToken = Get(GetContext(), PROFIT_PER_TOKEN_KEY)
    # if addr is a manager, he will share 25% more of holder dividends
    _unsharedProfitIntervalPerToken = Sub(_profitPerToken, unsharedProfitPerTokenBefore)
    # _addrTokenBalance = balanceOf(addr)
    # Notify(["1111 in collectDividendOf", _profitPerToken, unsharedProfitPerTokenBefore, _addrTokenBalance])
    _sharedRawProfitTillNow = 0
    if checkManager(addr):
        _sharedRawProfitTillNow = Mul(_unsharedProfitIntervalPerToken, Div(Mul(balanceOf(addr),125), 100))
        _sharedRawProfitTillNow = Mul(_unsharedProfitIntervalPerToken, balanceOf(addr))
    # collect the present dividend to dividend vault
    _sharedProfitTillNow = Div(_sharedRawProfitTillNow, largeNumber_)
    _dividendVault = dividendOf(addr)
    _newDividendVault = Add(_dividendVault, _sharedProfitTillNow)
    Put(GetContext(), concatKey(addr, DIVIDEND_VAULT_SUFFIX), _newDividendVault)
    Put(GetContext(), concatKey(addr, PROFIT_PER_TOKEN_AFTER_SUFFIX), _profitPerToken)
    # Notify(["2222 in collectDividendOf", _dividendVault, _sharedProfitTillNow, _newDividendVault])

    return _newDividendVault