Example #1
 def render_to_response(self, context, **response_kwargs):
     bgg = BoardGameGeek()
     results = bgg.search(
         search_type = ['boardgame']
     result_dict = [{'id': 'bgg_{0}'.format(r.id), 'name': "{0} ({1})".format(r.name, r.year)} for r in results]
     filtered_results = list(dict((v['id'], v) for v in result_dict).values())
     return JsonResponse(
         {"results": filtered_results}
Example #2
class CommentHandler(object):
    def __init__(self, UID, botdb):
        self._botdb = botdb
        self._botname = UID
        self._header = (
            '^*[{}](/r/r2d8)* ^*issues* ^*a* ^*series* ^*of* ^*sophisticated* '
            '^*bleeps* ^*and* ^*whistles...*\n\n'.format(self._botname))
        self._footer = ''

        dbpath = pjoin(getcwd(), '{}-bgg.db'.format(self._botname))
        self._bgg = BGG(cache='sqlite://{}?ttl=86400'.format(dbpath))

    def _bggQueryGame(self, name):
        '''Try "name", then if not found try a few other small things in an effort to find it.'''
        name = name.lower().strip(
        )  # GTL extra space at ends shouldn't be matching anyway, fix this.
        if not name:
            return None

        if len(name) > 128:
            log.warn('Got too long game name: {}'.format(name))
            return None

        # Search IDs when name format is '#1234'
        if re.search('^#(\d+)$', name):
            game = self._bgg.game(name=None, game_id=name[1:])
            if game:
                log.debug('found game {} via searching by ID'.format(name))
                return game

        game = self._bgg.game(name)
        if game:
            return game

        # embedded url? If so, extract.
        log.debug('Looking for embedded URL')
        m = re.search('\[([^]]*)\]', name)
        if m:
            name = m.group(1)
            game = self._bgg.game(name)
            if game:
                return game

        # note: unembedded from here down
        # remove 'the's
        log.debug('removing "the"s')
        tmpname = re.sub('^the ', '', name)
        tmpname = re.sub('\sthe\s', ' ', tmpname)
        if tmpname != name:
            game = self._bgg.game(tmpname)
            if game:
                return game

        # add a "the" at start.
        log.debug('adding "the" at start')
        game = self._bgg.game('The ' + name)
        if game:
            return game

        # various substistutions.
        subs = [('[?!.:,]*', '', 'removing punctuation'),
                ('\sand\s', ' & ', 'and --> &'),
                ('\s&\s', ' and ', '& --> and')]
        for search, sub, logmess in subs:
            tmpname = re.sub(search, sub, name)
            if tmpname != name:
                game = self._bgg.game(tmpname)
                if game:
                    return game

        # well OK - let's pull out the heavy guns and use the search API.
        # this will give us a bunch of things to sort through, but hopefully
        # find something.
        return self._bggSearchGame(name)

    def _bggSearchGame(self, name):
        '''Use the much wider search API to find the game.'''
        items = self._bgg.search(
        if items and len(items) == 1:
            log.debug('Found exact match using search().')
            return self._bgg.game(items[0].name)

        # exact match not found, trying sloppy match
        items = self._bgg.search(
            name, search_type=BoardGameGeekNetworkAPI.SEARCH_BOARD_GAME)
        if items and not len(items):
            log.debug('Found no matches at all using search().')
            return None

        if items and len(items) == 1:
            log.debug('Found one match usinh search().')
            return self._bgg.game(items[0].name)

        if not items:
            return None

        # assume most owned is what people want. Is this good? Dunno.
        most_owned = None
        for i in items:
            game = self._bgg.game(None, game_id=i.id)
            # GTL the lib throws an uncaught exception if BGG assessed too quickly.
            # GTL - this needs to be fixed in the library.
            if getattr(game, 'expansion', False):
                log.debug('ignoring expansion')
                if not most_owned:
                    most_owned = game
                    most_owned = game if getattr(
                        game, 'owned', 0) > most_owned.owned else most_owned

        if most_owned:
            return most_owned

        return None

    NO_SORT_KEYWORD = 'nosort'
    DEFAULT_SORT = 'sort_name'
        'sort_name': lambda g: g.name,
        'sort_year': lambda g: g.year,
        'sort_rank': lambda g: g.rank
        # TODO

    def _findGames(self, items, sort='name'):
        # convert aliases to real names. It may be better to do this after we don't find the
        # game. Oh, well.
        #   I think this might be better behavior, since it makes it easy to
        #   replace findable-but-unlikely results with the more popular result
        #   that was probably intended. -TDHS
        for i in range(len(items)):
            real_name = self._botdb.get_name_from_alias(items[i])
            if real_name:
                items[i] = real_name

        # filter out dups.
        items = list(set(items))
        items = [unquote(b) for b in items]

        games = []
        not_found = []

        seen = set()
        for game_name in items:
            log.info('asking BGG for info on {}'.format(game_name))
                # game = self._bgg.game(game_name)
                game = self._bggQueryGame(game_name)
                if game:
                    if game.id not in seen:
                    # don't add dups. This can happen when the same game is calledby two valid
                    # names in a post.

            except boardgamegeek.exceptions.BoardGameGeekError as e:
                log.error('Error getting info from BGG on {}: {}'.format(
                    game_name, e))

        # sort by game name because why not?
        if sort and sort in self.SORT_FUNCTIONS:
            fn = self.SORT_FUNCTIONS.get(sort)
            games = sorted(games, key=fn)

        return [games, not_found]

    def _getBoldedEntries(self, comment):
        body = comment.body
        # bolded = re.findall(u'\*\*([^\*]+)\*\*', body)
        # Now I've got two problems.
        bolded = re.findall(
        if not bolded:
                'Got getinfo command, but nothing is bolded. Ignoring comment.'
            log.debug('comment was: {}'.format(body))
        # we now have all the games.

        if comment.subreddit.display_name.lower() == 'boardgamescirclejerk':
            cjgames = ['Gloomhaven', 'Patchwork', 'Scythe']
            bolded = [choice(cjgames), 'Keyforge', 'Keyforge', 'Keyforge']
        return bolded

    def _getInfoResponseBody(self,
        assert mode
        assert gameNames

        [games, not_found] = self._findGames(gameNames, sort)

        # disallow long mode for
        if mode == 'long' and len(games) > 6:
            mode = 'short'

        if comment.subreddit.display_name.lower() == 'boardgamescirclejerk':
            not_found = None

        if not_found:
            log.debug('not found: {}'.format(', '.join(not_found)))

        if games:
            log.debug('Found games {}'.format(','.join(
                ['{} ({})'.format(g.name, g.year) for g in games])))
            log.warn('Found no games in comment {}'.format(comment.id))

        log.warning('Using mode {} and columns {}'.format(mode, columns))

        if mode == 'short':
            infos = self._getShortInfos(games)
        elif mode == 'long':
            infos = self._getLongInfos(games)
        elif mode == 'tabular':
            assert columns
            infos = self._getInfoTable(games, columns)
            infos = self._getStdInfos(games)

        # append not found string if we didn't find a bolded string.
        if not_found:
            not_found = [
                '&objecttype=boardgame&q={}&B1=Go)'.format(n, quote(n))
                for n in not_found
                '\n\nBolded items not found at BGG (click to search): {}\n\n'.
                format(', '.join(not_found)))

        response = None
        if len(infos):
            response = self._header + '\n'.join([i for i in infos
                                                 ]) + self._footer
            # TODO: why the copied list?

        return response

    def _getPlayers(self, game):
        if not game.min_players:
            return None

        if game.min_players == game.max_players:
            players = '{} p'.format(game.min_players)
            players = '{}-{} p'.format(game.min_players, game.max_players)

        return players

    DISPLAY_MODES = ['short', 'standard', 'long', 'tabular']
    DEFAULT_DISPLAY_MODE = 'standard'

    def getInfo(self,
                comment: praw.models.Comment,
                subcommands: list,
                config: dict,
        '''Reply to comment with game information. If replyTo is given reply to original else
        reply to given comment.'''
        if self._botdb.ignore_user(comment.author.name):
            log.info("Ignoring comment by {}".format(comment.author.name))

        mode = None
        if len(subcommands) > 0 and subcommands[0].lower(
        ) in self.DISPLAY_MODES:
            mode = subcommands[0].lower()
            mode = self.DEFAULT_DISPLAY_MODE
        columns = subcommands[1:] if mode == 'tabular' else None

        sort = self.DEFAULT_SORT
        if self.NO_SORT_KEYWORD in subcommands:
            sort = None
            for sort_type in self.SORT_FUNCTIONS.keys():
                if sort_type in subcommands:
                    sort = sort_type

        footer = '\n' + config['footer'] if 'footer' in config else ''

        bolded = self._getBoldedEntries(comment)
        response = None
        if bolded:
            response = self._getInfoResponseBody(comment, bolded, mode,
                                                 columns, sort)
        if response:
            if replyTo:
                replyTo.reply(response + footer)
                comment.reply(response + footer)
            log.info('Replied to info request for comment {}'.format(
            log.warn('Did not find anything to reply to in comment {}'.format(

    def _getShortInfos(self, games):
        infos = list()
        for game in games:
            players = self._getPlayers(game)
            info = (' * [**{}**](http://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/{}) '
                    ' ({}) by {}. '.format(
                        game.name, game.id, game.year,
                        ', '.join(getattr(game, 'designers', 'Unknown'))))
            if players:
                info += '{}; '.format(players)
            if game.playing_time and int(game.playing_time) != 0:
                info += '{} mins '.format(game.playing_time)


        return infos

    def _getStdInfos(self, games):
        infos = list()
        for game in games:
            players = self._getPlayers(game)
            info = ('[**{}**](http://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/{}) '
                    ' ({}) by {}. {}; '.format(
                        game.name, game.id, game.year,
                        ', '.join(getattr(game, 'designers',
                                          'Unknown')), players))

            if game.playing_time and int(game.playing_time) != 0:
                info += '{} minutes; '.format(game.playing_time)

            if game.image:
                info += '[BGG Image]({}) '.format(game.image)

            info += '\n\n'

            data = ', '.join(getattr(game, 'mechanics', ''))
            if data:
                info += ' * Mechanics: {}\n'.format(data)
            people = 'people' if game.users_rated > 1 else 'person'
            info += ' * Average rating is {}; rated by {} {}. Weight: {}\n'.format(
                game.rating_average, game.users_rated, people,
            data = ', '.join([
                '{}: {}'.format(r['friendlyname'], r['value'])
                for r in game.ranks
            info += ' * {}\n\n'.format(data)

            log.debug('adding info: {}'.format(info))

        return infos

        'year': 'Year Published',
        # 'designers': 'Designers',
        # 'artists': 'Artists',
        'rank': 'BGG Rank',
        'rating': 'Average Rating',
        'score': 'Geek Score (Weighted Rating)',
        'rating_median': 'Median Rating',
        'rating_stddev': 'Rating Standard Deviation',
        'raters': 'Rating Count',
        'owners': 'BGG Owner Count',
        # 'playercount': 'Player Count (min-max)'
        'id': 'BGG ID'

    def _getGameColumn(self, game: boardgamegeek.games.BoardGame, column):
        if column == 'year':
            return str(game.year)
        elif column == 'rank':
            return str(game.boardgame_rank)
        elif column == 'rating':
            return str(game.rating_average)
        elif column == 'score':
            return str(game.rating_bayes_average)
        elif column == 'rating_median':
            return str(game.rating_median)
        elif column == 'rating_stddev':
            return str(game.rating_stddev)
        elif column == 'raters':
            return str(game.users_rated)
        elif column == 'owners':
            return str(game.users_owned)
        elif column == 'id':
            return str(game.id)
        return 'unknown `{}`'.format(column)

    def _getInfoTable(self, games, columns):
        rows = list()
        # build header
        header = 'Game Name'
        alignment = ':--'
        unknownColumns = list()

        for column in columns:
            if column not in self.ALLOWED_COLUMNS:
                log.info('Unknown tabular column {}, skipping'.format(column))
            header = header + '|' + self.ALLOWED_COLUMNS[column]
            alignment = alignment + '|:--'

        columns = [c for c in columns if c not in unknownColumns]

        # build rows
        for game in games:
            row = '[**{}**](http://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/{})'.format(
                game.name, game.id)
            for column in columns:
                row = row + '|' + self._getGameColumn(game, column)
            log.info('adding info: {}'.format(row))

        return rows

    def _getLongInfos(self, games):
        infos = list()
        for game in games:
            players = self._getPlayers(game)
            info = (
                'Details for [**{}**](http://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/{}) '
                ' ({}) by {}. '.format(
                    game.name, game.id, game.year,
                    ', '.join(getattr(game, 'designers', 'Unknown'))))
            if players:
                info += '{}; '.format(players)
            if game.playing_time and int(game.playing_time) != 0:
                info += '{} minutes; '.format(game.playing_time)
            if game.image:
                info += '[BGG Image]({}) '.format(game.image)
            info += '\n\n'

            data = ', '.join(getattr(game, 'mechanics', ''))
            if data:
                info += ' * Mechanics: {}\n'.format(data)
            people = 'people' if game.users_rated > 1 else 'person'
            info += ' * Average rating is {}; rated by {} {}\n'.format(
                game.rating_average, game.users_rated, people)
            info += ' * Average Weight: {}; Number of Weights {}\n'.format(
                game.rating_average_weight, game.rating_num_weights)
            data = ', '.join([
                '{}: {}'.format(r['friendlyname'], r['value'])
                for r in game.ranks
            info += ' * {}\n\n'.format(data)

            info += 'Description:\n\n{}\n\n'.format(game.description)

            if len(games) > 1:
                info += '------'

            log.debug('adding info: {}'.format(info))

        return infos

    def repairComment(self, comment: praw.models.Comment, subcommands: list,
                      config: dict):
        '''Look for maps from missed game names to actual game names. If
        found repair orginal comment.'''
        if self._botdb.ignore_user(comment.author.name):
            log.info("Ignoring comment by {}".format(comment.author.name))
        # The repair is done by replacing the new games names with the old (wrong)
        # games names in the original /u/r2d8 response, then recreating the entire
        # post by regenerating it with the new (fixed) bolded game names. The just replacing
        # the orginal response with the new one.
        log.debug('Got repair response, id {}'.format(comment.id))

        if comment.is_root:
            # error here - this comment should be in response to a u/r2d8 comment.
            log.info('Got a repair comment as root, ignoring.')

        parent = comment.parent()
        if parent.author.name != self._botname:
                'Parent of repair comment is not authored by the bot, ignoring.'

        # Look for patterns of **something**=**somethingelse**. This line creates a dict
        # of something: somethingelse for each one pattern found.
        repairs = {
            match[0]: match[1]
            for match in re.findall('\*\*([^\*]+)\*\*=\*\*([^\*]+)\*\*',

        pbody = parent.body
        for wrongName, repairedName in repairs.items():
            # check to see if it's actually a game.
            log.info('Repairing {} --> {}'.format(wrongName, repairedName))
            alias = self._botdb.get_name_from_alias(repairedName)
            tmp_name = alias if alias else repairedName
            tmp_game = self._bggQueryGame(
                tmp_name)  # with caching it's ok to check twice
            if tmp_game:
                # In the parent body we want to replace [NAME](http://... with **NAME**(http://
                pbody = pbody.replace('[' + wrongName + ']',
                                      '**' + tmp_name + '**')
                    '{} seems to not be a game name according to BGG, ignoring.'

        # Now re-bold the not found strings so they are re-searched or re-added to the not found list.
        for nf in re.findall(
            pbody += ' **{}**'.format(nf)

        # now re-insert the original command to retain the mode.
        grandparent = parent.parent()
        modes = list()
        if not grandparent:
            log.error('Cannot find original GP post. Assuming normal mode.')
            modes = re.findall('[getparent|get]info\s(\w+)', grandparent.body)

        targetmode = modes[0] if modes else self.DEFAULT_DISPLAY_MODE

        parent = parent.edit(pbody)
        bolded = self._getBoldedEntries(comment)
        new_reply = self._getInfoResponseBody(parent, bolded, targetmode)

        # should check for Editiable class somehow here. GTL
        log.debug('Replacing bot comment {} with: {}'.format(
            parent.id, new_reply))

    def xyzzy(self, comment: praw.models.Comment, subcommands: list,
              config: dict):
        comment.reply('Nothing happens.')

    def getParentInfo(self, comment: praw.models.Comment, subcommands: list,
                      config: dict):
        '''Allows others to call the bot to getInfo for parent posts.'''
        if self._botdb.ignore_user(comment.author.name):
            log.info("Ignoring comment by {}".format(comment.author.name))

        log.debug('Got getParentInfo comment in id {}'.format(comment.id))

        if comment.is_root:
            # error here - this comment should be in response to a u/r2d8 comment.
            log.info('Got a repair comment as root, ignoring.')

        parent = comment.parent()

    def alias(self, comment: praw.models.Comment, subcommands: list,
              config: dict):
        '''add an alias to the database.'''
        if not self._botdb.is_admin(comment.author.name):
            log.info('got alias command from non admin {}, ignoring.'.format(

        response = 'executing alias command.\n\n'
        # TODO: use bold fn
        for match in re.findall('\*\*([^\*]+)\*\*=\*\*([^\*]+)\*\*',
            mess = 'Adding alias to database: "{}" = "{}"'.format(
                match[0], match[1])
            response += mess + '\n\n'
            self._botdb.add_alias(match[0], match[1])


    def getaliases(self, comment: praw.models.Comment, subcommands: list,
                   config: dict):
        if self._botdb.ignore_user(comment.author.name):
            log.info("Ignoring comment by {}".format(comment.author.name))

        aliases = self._botdb.aliases()
        response = 'Current aliases:\n\n'
        for name, alias in sorted(aliases, key=lambda g: g[1]):
            response += ' * {} = {}\n'.format(alias, name)

        log.info('Responding to getalaises request with {} aliases'.format(

    def expandURLs(self, comment: praw.models.Comment, subcommands: list,
                   config: dict):
        if self._botdb.ignore_user(comment.author.name):
            log.info("Ignoring comment by {}".format(comment.author.name))

        replyTo = None
        mode = None
        if len(subcommands) > 0 and subcommands[0].lower(
        ) in self.DISPLAY_MODES:
            mode = subcommands[0].lower()
            mode = self.DEFAULT_DISPLAY_MODE

        footer = '\n' + config['footer'] if 'footer' in config else ''

        body = comment.body
        urls = [
            ('#' + id)
            for id in re.findall('boardgamegeek.com/(?:boardgame|thing)/(\d+)',

        response = self._getInfoResponseBody(comment, urls, mode)
        log.error('footer {} ({})'.format(footer, type(footer)))
        if response:
            if replyTo:
                replyTo.reply(response + footer)
                comment.reply(response + footer)
            log.info('Replied to info request for comment {}'.format(
            log.warn('Did not find anything to reply to in comment {}'.format(

    def removalRequest(self, comment: praw.models.Comment, subcommands: list,
                       config: dict):
        # if self._botdb.ignore_user(comment.author.name):
        #     log.info("Ignoring comment by {}".format(comment.author.name))
        #     return

        # for now removals are limited to admins
        if not self._botdb.is_admin(comment.author.name):
            log.info('got remove command from non admin {}, ignoring.'.format(

        if comment.is_root:
                'removal requested on top-level comment {}, ignoring'.format(

        botmessage: praw.models.Comment = comment.parent()
            # delete the post
            # attempt to unmark the parent as read
            if not botmessage.is_root:
        except boardgamegeek.exceptions.BoardGameGeekError as e:
            log.error('Error deleting comment {} by {}'.format(
                original.id, original.author.name))
Example #3
class CommentHandler(object):
    def __init__(self, UID, botdb):
        self._botdb = botdb
        self._botname = UID
        self._header = (
            u'^*[{}](/r/r2d8)* ^*issues* ^*a* ^*series* ^*of* ^*sophisticated* '
            u'^*bleeps* ^*and* ^*whistles...*\n\n'.format(self._botname))

        dbpath = pjoin(getcwd(), u'{}-bgg.db'.format(self._botname))
        self._bgg = BGG(cache=u'sqlite://{}?ttl=86400'.format(dbpath))

    def _bggQueryGame(self, name):
        '''Try "name", then if not found try a few other small things in an effort to find it.'''
        name = name.lower().strip(
        )  # GTL extra space at ends shouldn't be matching anyway, fix this.
        if not name:
            return None

        if len(name) > 128:
            log.warn('Got too long game name: {}'.format(name))
            return None

        game = self._bgg.game(name)
        if game:
            return game

        # Well OK, how about game ID?
        if not re.search(u'([^\d]+)', name):  # all digits is probably an ID
            game = self._bgg.game(name=None, game_id=name)
            if game:
                log.debug('found game {} via searching by ID'.format(name))
                return game

        # embedded url? If so, extract.
        log.debug('Looking for embedded URL')
        m = re.search('\[([^]]*)\]', name)
        if m:
            name = m.group(1)
            game = self._bgg.game(name)
            if game:
                return game

        # note: unembedded from here down
        # remove 'the's
        log.debug('removing "the"s')
        tmpname = re.sub('^the ', '', name)
        tmpname = re.sub('\sthe\s', ' ', tmpname)
        if tmpname != name:
            game = self._bgg.game(tmpname)
            if game:
                return game

        # add a "the" at start.
        log.debug('adding "the" at start')
        game = self._bgg.game('The ' + name)
        if game:
            return game

        # various substistutions.
        subs = [('[?!.:,]*', '', 'removing punctuation'),
                ('\sand\s', ' & ', 'and --> &'),
                ('\s&\s', ' and ', '& --> and')]
        for search, sub, logmess in subs:
            tmpname = re.sub(search, sub, name)
            if tmpname != name:
                game = self._bgg.game(tmpname)
                if game:
                    return game

        # well OK - let's pull out the heavy guns and use the search API.
        # this will give us a bunch of things to sort through, but hopefully
        # find something.
        return self._bggSearchGame(name)

    def _bggSearchGame(self, name):
        '''Use the much wider search API to find the game.'''
        items = self._bgg.search(
        if items and len(items) == 1:
            log.debug('Found exact match using search().')
            return self._bgg.game(items[0].name)

        # exact match not found, trying sloppy match
        items = self._bgg.search(
            name, search_type=BoardGameGeekNetworkAPI.SEARCH_BOARD_GAME)
        if items and not len(items):
            log.debug('Found no matches at all using search().')
            return None

        if items and len(items) == 1:
            log.debug('Found one match usinh search().')
            return self._bgg.game(items[0].name)

        if not items:
            return None

        # assume most owned is what people want. Is this good? Dunno.
        most_owned = None
        for i in items:
            game = self._bgg.game(None, game_id=i.id)
            # GTL the lib throws an uncaught exception if BGG assessed too quickly.
            # GTL - this needs to be fixed in the library.
            if getattr(game, 'expansion', False):
                log.debug('ignoring expansion')
                if not most_owned:
                    most_owned = game
                    most_owned = game if getattr(
                        game, 'owned', 0) > most_owned.owned else most_owned

        if most_owned:
            return most_owned

        return None

    def _getInfoResponseBody(self, comment, mode=None):
        body = comment.body
        # bolded = re.findall(u'\*\*([^\*]+)\*\*', body)
        # Now I've got two problems.
        bolded = re.findall(
        if not bolded:
                u'Got getinfo command, but nothing is bolded. Ignoring comment.'
            log.debug(u'comment was: {}'.format(body))

        # convert aliases to real names. It may be better to do this after we don't find the
        # game. Oh, well.
        for i in xrange(len(bolded)):
            real_name = self._botdb.get_name_from_alias(bolded[i])
            if real_name:
                bolded[i] = real_name

        # filter out dups.
        bolded = list(set(bolded))
        bolded = [unquote(b) for b in bolded]

        games = []
        not_found = []

        if comment.subreddit.display_name.lower() == u'boardgamescirclejerk':
            cjgames = [[u'Dead of Winter: A Crossroads Game'], [u'Scythe']]
            bolded = choice(cjgames)
            bolded = ['Scythe', 'Scythe', 'Scythe']

        seen = set()
        for game_name in bolded:
            log.info(u'asking BGG for info on {}'.format(game_name))
                # game = self._bgg.game(game_name)
                game = self._bggQueryGame(game_name)
                if game:
                    if game.name not in seen:
                    # don't add dups. This can happen when the same game is calledby two valid
                    # names in a post.

            except boardgamegeek.exceptions.BoardGameGeekError as e:
                log.error(u'Error getting info from BGG on {}: {}'.format(
                    game_name, e))

        # sort by game name because why not?
        games = sorted(games, key=lambda g: g.name)

        # we now have all the games.
        mode = u'short' if len(games) > 6 else mode
        # not_found = list(set(bolded) - set([game.name for game in games]))

        if comment.subreddit.display_name.lower() == u'boardgamescirclejerk':
            not_found = None

        if not_found:
            log.debug(u'not found: {}'.format(u', '.join(not_found)))

        if games:
            log.debug(u'Found games {}'.format(u','.join(
                [u'{} ({})'.format(g.name, g.year) for g in games])))
            log.warn(u'Found no games in comment {}'.format(comment.id))

        # get the information for each game in a nice tidy list of strings.
        # get the mode if given. Can be short or long or normal. Default is normal.
        if not mode:
            m = re.search(u'getinfo\s(\w+)', body, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
            if m:
                mode = m.group(1).lower() if m.group(1).lower() in [
                    u'short', u'long'
                ] else mode

        if mode == u'short':
            infos = self._getShortInfos(games)
        elif mode == u'long':
            infos = self._getLongInfos(games)
            infos = self._getStdInfos(games)

        # append not found string if we didn't find a bolded string.
        if not_found:
            not_found = [
                '&objecttype=boardgame&q={}&B1=Go)'.format(n, quote(n))
                for n in not_found
                u'\n\nBolded items not found at BGG (click to search): {}\n\n'.
                format(u', '.join(not_found)))

        response = None
        if len(infos):
            response = self._header + u'\n'.join([i for i in infos])

        return response

    def _getPlayers(self, game):
        if not game.min_players:
            return None

        if game.min_players == game.max_players:
            players = '{} p'.format(game.min_players)
            players = '{}-{} p'.format(game.min_players, game.max_players)

        return players

    def getInfo(self, comment, replyTo=None, mode=None):
        '''Reply to comment with game information. If replyTo isot given reply to original else
        reply to given comment.'''
        if self._botdb.ignore_user(comment.author.name):
            log.info("Ignoring comment by {}".format(comment.author.name))

        response = self._getInfoResponseBody(comment, mode)
        if response:
            if replyTo:
            log.info(u'Replied to info request for comment {}'.format(
            log.warn(u'Did not find anything to reply to in comment'.format(

    def _getShortInfos(self, games):
        infos = list()
        for game in games:
            players = self._getPlayers(game)
            info = (u' * [**{}**](http://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/{}) '
                    u' ({}) by {}. '.format(
                        game.name, game.id, game.year,
                        u', '.join(getattr(game, u'designers', u'Unknown'))))
            if players:
                info += '{}; '.format(players)
            if game.playing_time and int(game.playing_time) != 0:
                info += '{} mins '.format(game.playing_time)


        return infos

    def _getStdInfos(self, games):
        infos = list()
        for game in games:
            players = self._getPlayers(game)
            info = (u'[**{}**](http://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/{}) '
                    u' ({}) by {}. {}; '.format(
                        game.name, game.id, game.year,
                        u', '.join(getattr(game, u'designers',
                                           u'Unknown')), players))

            if game.playing_time and int(game.playing_time) != 0:
                info += '{} minutes; '.format(game.playing_time)

            if game.image:
                info += '[img]({}) '.format(game.image)

            info += '\n\n'

            data = u', '.join(getattr(game, u'mechanics', u''))
            if data:
                info += u' * Mechanics: {}\n'.format(data)
            people = u'people' if game.users_rated > 1 else u'person'
            info += u' * Average rating is {}; rated by {} {}. Weight: {}\n'.format(
                game.rating_average, game.users_rated, people,
            data = u', '.join([
                u'{}: {}'.format(r[u'friendlyname'], r[u'value'])
                for r in game.ranks
            info += u' * {}\n\n'.format(data)

            log.debug(u'adding info: {}'.format(info))

        return infos

    def _getLongInfos(self, games):
        infos = list()
        for game in games:
            players = self._getPlayers(game)
            info = (
                u'Details for [**{}**](http://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/{}) '
                u' ({}) by {}. '.format(
                    game.name, game.id, game.year,
                    u', '.join(getattr(game, u'designers', u'Unknown'))))
            if players:
                info += '{}; '.format(players)
            if game.playing_time and int(game.playing_time) != 0:
                info += '{} minutes; '.format(game.playing_time)
            if game.image:
                info += '[img]({}) '.format(game.image)
            info += '\n\n'

            data = u', '.join(getattr(game, u'mechanics', u''))
            if data:
                info += u' * Mechanics: {}\n'.format(data)
            people = u'people' if game.users_rated > 1 else u'person'
            info += u' * Average rating is {}; rated by {} {}\n'.format(
                game.rating_average, game.users_rated, people)
            info += u' * Average Weight: {}; Number of Weights {}\n'.format(
                game.rating_average_weight, game.rating_num_weights)
            data = u', '.join([
                u'{}: {}'.format(r[u'friendlyname'], r[u'value'])
                for r in game.ranks
            info += u' * {}\n\n'.format(data)

            info += u'Description:\n\n{}\n\n'.format(game.description)

            if len(games) > 1:
                info += u'------'

            log.debug(u'adding info: {}'.format(info))

        return infos

    def repairComment(self, comment):
        '''Look for maps from missed game names to actual game names. If
        found repair orginal comment.'''
        if self._botdb.ignore_user(comment.author.name):
            log.info("Ignoring comment by {}".format(comment.author.name))
        # The repair is done by replacing the new games names with the old (wrong)
        # games names in the original /u/r2d8 response, then recreating the entire
        # post by regenerating it with the new (fixed) bolded game names. The just replacing
        # the orginal response with the new one.
        log.debug(u'Got repair response, id {}'.format(comment.id))

        if comment.is_root:
            # error here - this comment should be in response to a u/r2d8 comment.
            log.info(u'Got a repair comment as root, ignoring.')

        parent = comment.reddit_session.get_info(thing_id=comment.parent_id)
        if parent.author.name != self._botname:
                u'Parent of repair comment is not authored by the bot, ignoring.'

        # Look for patterns of **something**=**somethingelse**. This line creates a dict
        # of something: somethingelse for each one pattern found.
        repairs = {
            match[0]: match[1]
            for match in re.findall(u'\*\*([^\*]+)\*\*=\*\*([^\*]+)\*\*',

        pbody = parent.body
        for wrongName, repairedName in repairs.iteritems():
            # check to see if it's actually a game.
            log.info(u'Repairing {} --> {}'.format(wrongName, repairedName))
            alias = self._botdb.get_name_from_alias(repairedName)
            tmp_name = alias if alias else repairedName
            tmp_game = self._bggQueryGame(
                tmp_name)  # with caching it's ok to check twice
            if tmp_game:
                # In the parent body we want to replace [NAME](http://... with **NAME**(http://
                pbody = pbody.replace(u'[' + wrongName + u']',
                                      u'**' + tmp_name + u'**')
                    u'{} seems to not be a game name according to BGG, ignoring.'

        # Now re-bold the not found strings so they are re-searched or re-added to the not found list.
        for nf in re.findall(
            pbody += u' **{}**'.format(nf)

        # now re-insert the original command to retain the mode.
        grandparent = parent.reddit_session.get_info(thing_id=parent.parent_id)
        modes = list()
        if not grandparent:
            log.error(u'Cannot find original GP post. Assuming normal mode.')
            modes = re.findall(u'[getparent|get]info\s(\w+)', grandparent.body)

        if modes:
            log.debug(u'Recreating {} mode from the GP.'.format(modes[0]))
            pbody += u' /u/{} getinfo {}'.format(self._botname, modes[0])
            pbody += u' /u/{} getinfo'.format(self._botname)

        parent = parent.edit(pbody)
        new_reply = self._getInfoResponseBody(parent)

        # should check for Editiable class somehow here. GTL
        log.debug(u'Replacing bot comment {} with: {}'.format(
            parent.id, new_reply))

    def xyzzy(self, comment):
        comment.reply(u'Nothing happens.')

    def getParentInfo(self, comment):
        '''Allows others to call the bot to getInfo for parent posts.'''
        if self._botdb.ignore_user(comment.author.name):
            log.info("Ignoring comment by {}".format(comment.author.name))

        log.debug(u'Got getParentInfo comment in id {}'.format(comment.id))

        if comment.is_root:
            # error here - this comment should be in response to a u/r2d8 comment.
            log.info(u'Got a repair comment as root, ignoring.')

        m = re.search(u'getparentinfo\s(\w+)', comment.body, re.IGNORECASE)
        mode = None
        if m:
            mode = u'short' if m.group(1).lower() == u'short' else u'long'

        parent = comment.reddit_session.get_info(thing_id=comment.parent_id)
        self.getInfo(parent, comment, mode)

    def alias(self, comment):
        '''add an alias to the database.'''
        if not self._botdb.is_admin(comment.author.name):
            log.info(u'got alias command from non admin {}, ignoring.'.format(

        response = u'executing alias command.\n\n'
        for match in re.findall(u'\*\*([^\*]+)\*\*=\*\*([^\*]+)\*\*',
            mess = u'Adding alias to database: "{}" = "{}"'.format(
                match[0], match[1])
            response += mess + u'\n\n'
            self._botdb.add_alias(match[0], match[1])


    def getaliases(self, comment):
        if self._botdb.ignore_user(comment.author.name):
            log.info("Ignoring comment by {}".format(comment.author.name))

        aliases = self._botdb.aliases()
        response = u'Current aliases:\n\n'
        for name, alias in sorted(aliases, key=lambda g: g[1]):
            response += u' * {} = {}\n'.format(alias, name)

        log.info(u'Responding to getalaises request with {} aliases'.format(