Example #1
 def reflected_velocity(self, delta_time: float,
                        boid: Boid) -> Tuple[float, float]:
     """Returns the x and y movements, if these would take the boid outside of the window
     boundary then (0, 0) is returned and the velocity is reflected"""
     x_velocity = boid.x_velocity
     y_velocity = boid.y_velocity
     delta_x = x_velocity * delta_time
     delta_y = y_velocity * delta_time
     if self.on_border(boid, delta_x, delta_y):
         if self.on_vertical_border(boid, delta_y):
             x_velocity = -x_velocity
         if self.on_horizontal_border(boid, delta_x):
             y_velocity = -y_velocity
         rotation = Vector(x_velocity,
                           y_velocity).rotation_normalized() * 3.14
         if x_velocity < 0:
             boid.rotation = rotation
             boid.rotation = -rotation
         return (0, 0)
         return (delta_x, delta_y)