Example #1
 def __init__(self, freq, mincutoff=1.0, beta=0.0, dcutoff=1.0):
     if float(freq) <= 0:
         raise ValueError("freq should be >0")
     if float(mincutoff) <= 0:
         raise ValueError("mincutoff should be >0")
     if float(dcutoff) <= 0:
         raise ValueError("dcutoff should be >0")
     self.__freq = float(freq)
     self.__mincutoff = float(mincutoff)
     self.__beta = float(beta)
     self.__dcutoff = float(dcutoff)
     self.__x = SingleExponentialFilter(self.__alpha(self.__mincutoff), variant="lowpass")
     self.__dx = SingleExponentialFilter(self.__alpha(self.__dcutoff), variant="lowpass")
     self.__lasttime = None
Example #2
class OneEuroFilter:

    # FIXME: find a better name for beta and dcutoff?
    def __init__(self, freq, mincutoff=1.0, beta=0.0, dcutoff=1.0):
        if float(freq) <= 0:
            raise ValueError("freq should be >0")
        if float(mincutoff) <= 0:
            raise ValueError("mincutoff should be >0")
        if float(dcutoff) <= 0:
            raise ValueError("dcutoff should be >0")
        self.__freq = float(freq)
        self.__mincutoff = float(mincutoff)
        self.__beta = float(beta)
        self.__dcutoff = float(dcutoff)
        self.__x = SingleExponentialFilter(self.__alpha(self.__mincutoff), variant="lowpass")
        self.__dx = SingleExponentialFilter(self.__alpha(self.__dcutoff), variant="lowpass")
        self.__lasttime = None

    def __alpha(self, cutoff):
        te = 1.0 / self.__freq
        tau = 1.0 / (2 * math.pi * cutoff)
        return 1.0 / (1.0 + tau / te)

    def __call__(self, x, timestamp=None):
        # ---- update the sampling frequency based on timestamps
        if self.__lasttime and timestamp:
            self.__freq = 1.0 / (timestamp - self.__lasttime)
            # print "OneEuroFilter: updating frequency, now %s Hz"%self.__freq
        self.__lasttime = timestamp
        # ---- estimate the current variation per second
        prev_x = self.__x.lastValue()
        dx = 0 if prev_x is None else (x - prev_x) * self.__freq
        edx = self.__dx(dx, timestamp, alpha=self.__alpha(self.__dcutoff))
        # ---- use it to update the cutoff frequency
        cutoff = self.__mincutoff + self.__beta * math.fabs(edx)
        # ---- filter the given value
        # print "cutoff:", cutoff, "alpha:", self.__alpha(cutoff)
        return self.__x(x, timestamp, alpha=self.__alpha(cutoff))

    def getURL(self):
        return "fltr:/oneeuro?freq=%g&mincutoff=%g&beta=%g&dcutoff=%g" % (

    def __str__(self):
        return self.getURL()

    def generateConfigurations(freq, cutoffstep, maxcutoff, betastep, maxbeta, dcutoffs=[1.0]):
        nbcutoffsteps = int(math.floor((maxcutoff - cutoffstep) / cutoffstep))
        cutoffs = [(i + 1) * cutoffstep for i in range(nbcutoffsteps + 1)]
        betas = [i * betastep for i in range(int(math.floor(maxbeta / betastep) + 1))]
        if dcutoffs is None:
            dcutoffs = cutoffs
        configs = [(freq, mincutoff, beta, dcutoff) for mincutoff in cutoffs for beta in betas for dcutoff in dcutoffs]
        return ["fltr:/oneeuro?freq=%g&mincutoff=%g&beta=%g&dcutoff=%g" % args for args in configs]

    def randomConfiguration(freq, **params):
        # FIXME: we're in dire need of heuristics and fancy
        # probability distributions...
        maxcutoff = params.setdefault("maxcutoff", 20)  # FIXME: this is an arbitrary choice
        if "mincutoff" not in params:
            # will be in (0.0, maxcutoff]
            params["mincutoff"] = maxcutoff - maxcutoff * numpy.random.random_sample()
        if "beta" not in params:
            maxbeta = params.get("maxbeta", 100.0)
            # will be in [0.0, maxbeta)
            params["beta"] = maxbeta * numpy.random.random_sample()
        if "dcutoff" not in params:
            # will be in (0.0, freq]
            params["dcutoff"] = freq - freq * numpy.random.random_sample()
        return "fltr:/oneeuro?freq=%g&mincutoff=%g&beta=%g&dcutoff=%g" % (