def plot3(): p = figure(title='something', x_axis_label='date', x_axis_type='datetime') df = pd.read_csv('chart.csv') df3 = pd.read_csv('df3d.csv') output_file("stacked_bar.html") p = Bar(df3, label='Country', values='Population wo access water', stack='category', color=color(columns='category', palette=['Orange', 'Red'], sort=False), legend='top_right') script, div = components(p) df4 = df[df['status'] == 'water supplier'] output_file("bar.html") q = Bar(df4, label='Country', values='Possible water provider', legend=False, color="Green") script2, div2 = components(q) return render_template('plot3.html', script=script, div=div, script2=script2, div2=div2)
def plot_scores2(self): if self.scores is None: return None scores = np.vstack(self.scores) data = OrderedDict() for i in xrange(len(self.class_labels)): data[self.class_labels[i]] = scores[:2, i] s1 = Bar(data, cat=['precision', 'recall'], title="Per Class Scores", width=500, height=500, legend=True, tools="pan,resize,box_zoom,hover,save,reset") data = OrderedDict() for i in xrange(len(self.class_labels)): data[self.class_labels[i]] = scores[3:4, i] s2 = Bar(data, cat=['support'], title="Support", width=500, height=500, legend=True, tools="pan,resize,box_zoom,hover,save,reset") p = hplot(s1, s2) script, div = components(p) return (script, div)
def goChart(label, stack_or_group, values, ylabel=None, color=None): convertPDFDate(workingPDF, keyFields[0]) if ylabel is None: ylabel=values label=label if isinstance(label, (list, tuple)) else [label] if stacked: charts.append( Bar(workingPDF, label=CatAttr(columns=label, sort=False), stack=stack_or_group, color=color, values=values, legend=self.showLegend(), ylabel=ylabel)) else: charts.append( Bar(workingPDF, label=CatAttr(columns=label, sort=False), group=stack_or_group, color=color, values=values, legend=self.showLegend(), ylabel=ylabel))
def draw_regional_fig_bokeh(make, model, year): """ Returns a bar graph figure rendered in Bokeh; for cars similar to the given car, groups price and mileage according to region in greater Boston """ try: min_auto_year = int(year) - 2 max_auto_year = int(year) + 2 except: min_auto_year = 2012 max_auto_year = 2016 listings = get_listings(make, model, year) df = pd.DataFrame(data=listings) if len(df) == 0: return row() #"No results found, check your spelling" df['mileage'] = df.apply(lambda row: get_mileage(row['description']), axis=1) df['price'] = df.apply(lambda row: get_price(row['price']), axis=1) df['region'] = df['link'].str[1:5] df['year'] = df.apply(lambda row: get_year(row['description']), axis=1) df['full_region'] = df.apply( lambda row: region_dict[row['region'].strip('/')] if row['region'].strip('/') in region_dict else None, axis=1) mileage_count = len(df[df['mileage'].notnull()]) title1 = 'Average Price of Used {0} {1}, {2}-{3}, by region, n={4}'.format( make, model, min_auto_year, max_auto_year, len(df)) title2 = 'Average Mileage of Used {0} {1}, {2}-{3}, by region, n={4}'.format( make, model, min_auto_year, max_auto_year, mileage_count) bar1 = Bar(df, label='full_region', values='price', agg='mean', title=title1, legend=None, xlabel="Region", ylabel="Price", y_range=(0, 20000)) bar2 = Bar(df, label='full_region', values='mileage', agg='mean', title=title2, legend=None, xlabel="Region", ylabel="Mileage", y_range=(0, 150000), color='dodgerblue') return row(bar1, bar2)
def author_frequency_barplot(nb_top_ners=50, tf=True): if tf: output_file('../figures/tf_authors.html') ner_freqs = pickle.load(open('../workspace/tf.m', "rb")) else: output_file('../figures/df_authors.html') ner_freqs = pickle.load(open('../workspace/df.m', "rb")) top_ners = [w for w, _ in ner_freqs.most_common(nb_top_ners)] top_freqs = [c for _, c in ner_freqs.most_common(nb_top_ners)] names = [] for name in top_ners: name = name.replace('*', '') if '(' in name: name = name.split('(')[0].strip() name = ' '.join([n.lower().capitalize() for n in name.split('_')]) name = ''.join([ c for c in unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', name) if not unicodedata.combining(c) ]) names.append(name) data = pd.DataFrame({'values': top_freqs[:25], 'labels': names[:25]}) bar1 = Bar(data, label=CatAttr(columns=['labels'], sort=False), values='values', title='Author Frequency (1-25)', width=800, height=400) xaxis =[1] xaxis.major_label_standoff = 0 xaxis.major_label_orientation = np.pi / 2 xaxis.major_label_standoff = 6 xaxis.major_tick_out = 0 data = pd.DataFrame({'values': top_freqs[25:50], 'labels': names[25:50]}) bar2 = Bar(data, label=CatAttr(columns=['labels'], sort=False), values='values', title='Author Frequency (25-50)', width=800, height=400) xaxis =[1] xaxis.major_label_standoff = 0 xaxis.major_label_orientation = np.pi / 2 xaxis.major_label_standoff = 6 xaxis.major_tick_out = 0 p = vplot(bar1, bar2) save(p)
def main(): # check recalculation request if 'recalculate' in request.args: if request.args.get('recalculate') == 'True': betalyzer.recalculate() # build sector betas bar chart sector_betas = betalyzer.df_tickers.groupby('sector')['beta'].mean() bk_sector_betas = Bar(sector_betas, plot_width=550, plot_height=400, legend=None) bk_sector_betas_script, bk_sector_betas_div = components(bk_sector_betas) # build market cap betas bar chart mktcap_betas = betalyzer.df_tickers.groupby( 'market_cap_decile')['beta'].mean() bk_mc_betas = Bar(mktcap_betas, plot_width=550, plot_height=400, legend=None) bk_mc_betas_script, bk_mc_betas_div = components(bk_mc_betas) # build market cap scatter plot scatter = Scatter(betalyzer.df_tickers, x='market_cap_log', y='beta', plot_width=550, plot_height=400) scatter_script, scatter_div = components(scatter) # build line plot for top three stocks top_tickers = betalyzer.df_tickers['ticker'].head(3) bk_history = Line(betalyzer.df_betas[top_tickers], plot_width=550, plot_height=400) bk_history_script, bk_history_div = components(bk_history) return render_template( 'main.html', dt_tickers=betalyzer.df_tickers.to_dict(orient='records'), bk_sector_betas_script=bk_sector_betas_script, bk_sector_betas_div=bk_sector_betas_div, bk_mc_betas_script=bk_mc_betas_script, bk_mc_betas_div=bk_mc_betas_div, scatter_script=scatter_script, scatter_div=scatter_div, bk_history_script=bk_history_script, bk_history_div=bk_history_div)
def createBokehChart(self): data = self.getWorkingPandasDataFrame() keyFields = self.getKeyFields() valueFields = self.getValueFields() clusterby = self.options.get("clusterby") stacked = self.options.get("charttype", "grouped") == "stacked" subplots = self.isSubplot() # self.debug("keyF={0}, valueF={1}, cluster={2}, stacked={3}".format(keyFields[0], valueFields[0], clusterby, stacked)) charts = [] params = [] if subplots and len(valueFields) > 1: for val in valueFields: series = clusterby if clusterby is not None else False values = val params.append((values, series)) elif clusterby is not None and len(valueFields) <= 1: params.append((valueFields[0], clusterby)) else: series = '_'.join(valueFields) values = blend(*valueFields, name=series.replace('_', ','), labels_name=series) if clusterby is not None: self.addMessage( "Warning: 'Cluster By' ignored when you have multiple Value Fields but subplots option is not selected" ) params.append((values, series)) for p in params: if stacked: b = Bar(data, label=keyFields[0], values=p[0], stack=p[1], legend=self.showLegend()) else: b = Bar(data, label=keyFields[0], values=p[0], group=p[1], legend=self.showLegend()) charts.append(b) return charts
def withplotly(self, dfMergeWithInfo): import plotly.plotly as py import pandas as pd from plotly.graph_objs import * import plotly'******', api_key='15EhVCwBDqWBANW8zQ2A') data = Data([ Bar( x=dfMergeWithInfo["videoSid"], y=dfMergeWithInfo["playCount"] ) ]) layout = Layout( title='2014 MN Capital Budget', font=Font( family='Raleway, sans-serif' ), showlegend=False, xaxis=XAxis( tickangle=-45 ), bargap=0.05 ) fig = Figure(data=data, layout=layout) plot_url = py.plot(data,filename='MN Capital Budget - 2014') py.image.save_as(fig, 'mn-14-budget.png')
def vidEngageDistributionOneVideo(videoID): factor = sorted([ vidEngageUsers[user][i] for user in vidEngageUsers for i in vidEngageUsers[user] if i == videoID ][:30], reverse=True) print factor userNames = [ i[0] for i in sorted([(u.replace('.json', ''), vidEngageUsers[u][j]) for u in vidEngageUsers for j in vidEngageUsers[u] if j == videoID][:30], key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) ] hover = HoverTool(tooltips=[ ("(x,y)", "($x, $y)"), ]) TOOLS = ['resize, save, pan, box_zoom, wheel_zoom', hover] output_file("h.html") bar = Bar(factor, userNames, title="Distribution of Video Engagement for ", width=1000, height=1000, ylabel='Video Engagement Factor') show(bar)
def _generate_his3_bokeh(self, data_list_bokeh_his3, output_path): bars = [] for data_set in data_list_bokeh_his3: bar = Bar(data_set, values='No Reads [nt]', stack='sample', label='Length [nt] of aligned reads', agg='sum', legend='top_left', width=1500, bar_width=1.0, color='Black', tools=[ HoverTool(tooltips=[("Read length", "@x"), ("No of reads", "@height")]) ], title='Length & Frequency of Aligned Reads') bar.legend.background_fill_alpha = 0.5 bars.append(bar) plots = column(*bars) html = file_html(plots, CDN, 'Alignment Stats') with open(output_path + '/Length & Frequency of Aligned Reads.html', 'w') as output_bokeh_his3: output_bokeh_his3.write(html)
def frequency(self, dataframe, width=None, height=None, palette=None, title="Frequency plot", x_axis_label=None, y_axis_label="Frequency", grid=None): palette = self.get_option('palette') if palette is None else palette width = self.get_option('width') if width is None else width if not height: width, height = self.golden_ratio(width, height) palette = self._palette(palette, len(dataframe.index)) bar = Bar(dataframe, color=palette, values='frequency', ylabel=y_axis_label, xlabel=x_axis_label, title=title, width=width, height=height) if grid is not None: grid.append(bar) return grid return bar
def plotDateGrid(date): # Assert given date is available. assert date in authorKey(df, 'Capella', 'date'), 'No entries for this date.' # Create list of fitting dataframes tempList = [ biblioList[s] for s in range(len(biblioList)) if biblioList[s]['date'][0] in [date] ] # sort by occuring diagrams dfDATE = sorted(tempList, key=lambda tempList: tempList['Count'].sum(), reverse=True) plotListDATE = [] for x in range(len(dfDATE)): titleS = dfDATE[x]['biblio'][0] + '; ' + str( dfDATE[x]['date'][0]) + ' CE' b0 = Bar(dfDATE[x], title=titleS, label='biblio', values='Count', group='diaTyp', bar_width=1, ylabel='Diagrams', palette=viridis(14), width=250, height=250, legend=False) b0.xaxis.major_label_orientation = "horizontal" b0.xaxis.axis_label = '' plotListDATE.append(b0) plotGrid = gridplot(plotListDATE, ncols=3) show(plotGrid)
def plot_memory_hist(self, mode='overview'): # Output to static HTML file output_file_name = self.get_output_file_name() output_file_name += "_memory_hist_" + mode output_file(output_file_name + '.html', title=output_file_name) # List of histogram figures figures = [] data_df = [] for trace in self.traces: mem_info = trace.get_memory_hists(mode) figures.append(mem_info['hist']) data_df.append(mem_info['info']) # Plot mean and median comparison bar charts bars = [] for access_type_index in range(len(data_df[0])): data_df_list = [] for index, item in enumerate(data_df): data_df_list.append(data_df[index][access_type_index]) data_dfs = pd.concat(data_df_list) access_location = data_dfs['location'][0] fig_bar = Bar(data_dfs, values='value', group='sched', color='color', legend='center', label='type', title=access_location + ': Mean and Median', ylabel='Cycles') bars.append(fig_bar) figures.append(bars) # Plot all figures plot = gridplot(figures) show(plot)
def fnCreate_Chart_Bar(df): pd.options.html.border=0 plot = Bar(df, 'Sub_Attbt', values='FY2013', title="Total DISPL by Attribute", bar_width=0.4) plot.logo=None script, div = components(plot,CDN) return script, div
def traits(): with open(join(dirname(__file__), '..\\output\\profile.txt')) as personality_text: personality_insights = PersonalityInsightsV3( version="2017-02-11", username="******", password="******") s = json.dumps( personality_insights.profile(, indent=2) socialAttributes = json.loads(s) for item in socialAttributes: my_dict = {} if isinstance(socialAttributes[item], list): for i in socialAttributes[item]: d = {} try: d[i['name']] = i['percentile'] sTraits.append(i['name']) percentile.append(i['percentile']) except: pass else: pass d['sTraits'] = sTraits d['percentile'] = percentile df = pd.DataFrame(d) p = Bar(df, 'sTraits', values='percentile', title="Social Traits", plot_width=1200, plot_height=800) output_file('index/templates/index/traits.html')
def recognize_image(): img_data = re.sub(r'^data:image/.+;base64,', '', request.form['img']) img_bytes = base64.b64decode(img_data) img = img = img.split()[3] # remove alpha iarr = np.array(img) flat = iarr.flatten() threshold(flat) clf = joblib.load(os.path.join(CLASSIFIERS_DIR, 'svc.pkl')) results = clf.predict([flat]) prob = clf.predict_proba([flat])[0] print (results, clf.decision_function([flat])) print (prob, np.where(prob == prob.max()), type(np.where(prob == prob.max())[0][0])) # Render chart d = {'values': prob} df = pd.DataFrame(d) p = Bar(df, values='values', label='index', title="SVC predict_proba", legend=False, toolbar_location=None) plot_script, plot_div = components(p) return jsonify({'status': 'ok', 'svc': {'predicted': int(results[0]), 'prob': int(np.where(prob == prob.max())[0][0]), 'bokeh_js': plot_script, 'bokeh_div': plot_div} })
def bar_response(results_list, output_path): output_dir = os.path.join(output_path, "charts") if os.path.isdir(output_dir) is False: os.mkdir(output_dir) tools = "pan,wheel_zoom,box_zoom,reset,hover,save" for df in results_list: print(df) p = Bar(df, label='hh_type', values='perc_res', stack='digital', title="a_title", legend='top_right', tools=tools) hover = p.select_one(HoverTool) hover.point_policy = "follow_mouse" hover.tooltips = [ ("count", "@height"), ] output_file_path = os.path.join(output_dir, 'test bar.html') output_file(output_file_path) show(p)
def _plot_bokeh_read_no_per_lib(self, gene_quanti_combined_raw, data_bokeh_overview): try: colors = [ 'Black', 'DarkSlateGray', 'MediumVioletRed', 'DarkCyan', 'Indigo', 'DarkBlue', '#a6cee3', '#1f78b4', '#b2df8a', '#33a02c', '#fb9a99', '#e31a1c', '#fdbf6f', '#ff7f00', '#cab2d6', '#6a3d9a', '#ffff99', '#b15928' ] except IndexError: sys.stderr.write("Appearently the number of features to be " "plotted exceeds '18'. Exiting\n") sys.exit(2) plots = [] for data_set in data_bokeh_overview: pl = Bar(data_set, values='Gene count', label='Library', agg='sum', stack='Features_Orientation', palette=colors, tools=[ HoverTool(tooltips=[("No of reads", "@height")]), BoxZoomTool(), ResetTool(), PanTool(), WheelZoomTool() ]) pl.legend.background_fill_alpha = 0.5 plots.append(pl) self._plot_bokeh_correlation(gene_quanti_combined_raw, plots)
def plot_top_topic_of_author_by_year(self, df_author_eval, plot=True): '''needs output from plot_author_evolution_plot(a_id) as input Plots the top topic of the author for the given year''' years = [y for y in range(1987, 2017)] dc = df_author_eval.cumsum(axis=1) p = [dc[y].idxmax() for y in years] if (plot): #,p) # df_f = pd.DataFrame({'Years': years, 'TopTopic': p}) output_file("toptopicbyyear.html") pl = Bar(df_f, 'Years', values='TopTopic', title="Bar Plot of top Topic", color='blue', legend=False) show(pl) print("The author changed the topic %d times" % len(np.unique(p))) print("\n Following are the topics:") for i in np.unique(p): print("\nTopic %d" % (i + 1)) print('\n Top Words:') print(self.model.show_topic(i)) print('\n') return p
def topic_evolution_by_year(self, topic, sp=True): year_dist = self.year_dist topic_score = [] for i in range(len(year_dist)): topic_score.append(year_dist[i].sum()[topic]) tf = pd.DataFrame({ 'Topic' + str(topic) + 'Score': topic_score, 'Year': [y for y in range(1987, 2017)] }) # ax=tf.plot(kind='bar') # ax.set_xticklabels([y for y in range(1987,2017)], rotation=90) # # output_file("topicevolutionbyyear.html") p = Bar(tf, 'Year', values='Topic' + str(topic) + 'Score', title="Bar Plot of Topic %d score for all years " % topic, color='green', legend=False) if (sp): show(p) print('\n Following are the top words in topic %d:' % topic) print(self.model.show_topic(topic)) return topic_score, p
def __get_figure_bar(self, dataframe_main, column_name, xlabel, ylabel): if not is_all_zeros(dataframe_main[column_name]): mean = np.round_(dataframe_main[column_name].mean(), 4) # Save to file if ENABLE_SEABORN: output_file_name = self.__report_file.split('.')[0] output_file_name += '_' + xlabel + '_' + column_name + '.eps' fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) ax.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) title = 'Avg: ' + column_name + '=' + str(mean) bar_plot = dataframe_main[column_name].plot(ax=ax, kind='bar', table=True, title=title) bar_plot.figure.savefig(output_file_name) bar_plot.figure.clf() # Bokeh draw bar_ratio = Bar(dataframe_main, values=column_name, label='ModuleId', xlabel=xlabel, ylabel=ylabel, title='Avg: ' + column_name + '=' + str(mean)) return bar_ratio
def bar_color_by_year(): df = odo(g.ds, pd.DataFrame) df1 = df.groupby(['production_year', 'color' ]).size().reset_index().rename(columns={0: 'count'}) sums = df.groupby( ['production_year', 'color']).agg('size').reset_index().groupby('production_year').sum() df1['prc'] = df1.apply(lambda x: x[2] * 100 / sums.loc[x[0]], axis=1) form = CarsRelativeValuesForm(request.args, csrf_enabled=False) field = 'prc' if 'submit' in request.args and form.validate( ) and else 'count' p = Bar( df1, values=field, label='production_year', stack='color', legend=False, #'top_right', title='Colors by Year of production', xlabel="Year", ylabel="Count", ) p.background_fill_color = "beige" return render(p, dict(form=form))
def plot_crashes_vs_year(air_data, method, save_fig=True): """ 姣忓勾绌洪毦鏁板垎鏋� """ if method == 'sns': # Seaborn 缁樺浘 plt.figure(figsize=(15.0, 10.0)) sns.countplot(x='Year', data=air_data) # 瑙e喅matplotlib鏄剧ず涓枃闂 plt.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['SimHei'] # 鎸囧畾榛樿瀛椾綋 plt.rcParams[ 'axes.unicode_minus'] = False # 瑙e喅淇濆瓨鍥惧儚鏄礋鍙�-'鏄剧ず涓烘柟鍧楃殑闂 plt.title(u'绌洪毦娆℃暟 vs 骞翠唤') plt.xlabel(u'骞翠唤') plt.ylabel(u'绌洪毦娆℃暟') plt.xticks(rotation=90) if save_fig: plt.savefig('crashes_year.png') elif method == 'bokeh': # Boken 缁樺浘 p = Bar(air_data, 'Year', title='绌洪毦娆℃暟 vs 骞翠唤', plot_width=1000, legend=False, xlabel='骞翠唤', ylabel='绌洪毦娆℃暟') p.xaxis.major_label_orientation = pi / 2 output_file('crashes_year.html') show(p)
def fnCreate_Chart_Bar1(df,strS): pd.options.html.border=1 label1=CatAttr(columns=['Airline'], sort=False) plot = Bar(df, label=label1, values='Ticket Price',group='Airline', title="Average of Ticket Price- Airline wise" + strS, legend=False, bar_width=100, xlabel='Airlines',ylabel='Average Ticket Price') plot.logo=None script, div = components(plot,CDN) return script, div
def mount_bar_grap(self): bar = Bar(, values='frequência', label='Palavras', return file_html(bar, CDN)
def systemEvolutionBarPlot(df, yLabel, values): with Timer(key='systemEvolutionBarPlot', verbose=True): p = Bar(df, label='snapshot', values=values, agg='sum', stack='software', legend='bottom_left', bar_width=0.5, xlabel="Snapshots", ylabel=yLabel, responsive=True, height=200,tools='hover') glyph_renderers = bar_source = [glyph_renderers[i].data_source for i in range(len(glyph_renderers))] hover = hover.tooltips = [ ('software',' @software'), ('value', '@height'), ] p.xaxis.formatter=FuncTickFormatter.from_py_func(getWeekStringTick) p.axis.minor_tick_line_color = None p.background_fill_color = "#fafafa" p.legend.location = "top_left" p.toolbar.logo = None p.toolbar_location = None legend=p.legend[0].legends p.legend[0].legends=[] l = Legend( location=(0, -30)) l.items=legend p.add_layout(l, 'right') return p
def test_database(): mongo_helper = MongoDBHelper('yelp') five_star_reviews = stars=5).count().execute().get() four_star_reviews = stars=4).count().execute().get() three_star_reviews = stars=3).count().execute().get() two_star_reviews = stars=2).count().execute().get() one_star_reviews = stars=1).count().execute().get() xyvalues = OrderedDict() xyvalues["xy"] = [ one_star_reviews, two_star_reviews, three_star_reviews, four_star_reviews, five_star_reviews ] x_labels = ["1 star", "2 star", "3 star", "4 star", "5 star"] bar = Bar(xyvalues, x_labels, title="Review Stars", xlabel="Stars", ylabel="Review") output_file("reviews.html") show(bar)
def calculate_average_accuracy(self, confusion_matrix): if confusion_matrix is None: return None scores = [] n = np.shape(confusion_matrix)[0] mean_acc = 0 for index, r in enumerate(confusion_matrix): ss = sum(r) if ss != 0: scores.append(float(r[index]) / ss) scores = np.hstack((scores, np.mean(scores))) class_labels = self.class_labels[:] class_labels.append('average') data = {"accuracy": scores} s = Bar(data, cat=class_labels, title="Per Class Accuracy", xlabel='categories', ylabel='accuracy', width=500, height=500, tools="pan,resize,box_zoom,hover,save,reset", stacked=True, palette=["#ec5d5e"]) hover = hover.tooltips = OrderedDict([ ('accuracy', '@accuracy'), ]) p = hplot(s) script, div = components(p) return (script, div)
def feature(): # House Price Vs #Bedroom p1 = figure(width=550, height=500,background_fill='#e9e0db')['Beds'], ri.df_final['Housing_price'], fill_color="#cc6633",line_color = "#cc6633",size = 20,alpha = 0.5) p1.title = "House Price Vs #Bedroom" p1.grid.grid_line_alpha=0 p1.xaxis.axis_label = 'Number of Bedrooms' p1.yaxis.axis_label = 'House Price Per SQFT' p1.ygrid.band_fill_color="olive" p1.ygrid.band_fill_alpha = 0.1 script1, div1 = components(p1) defaults.width = 550 defaults.height = 500 p2 = Bar(ri.df_final,label = 'Beds',values = 'Housing_price',agg= 'mean') script2, div2 = components(p2) # House Price Vs #Bathroom p3 = figure(width=550, height=500,background_fill='#e9e0db')['Baths'], ri.df_final['Housing_price'], fill_color="#cc6633",line_color = "#cc6633",\ size = 20,alpha = 0.5) p3.title = "House Price Vs #Bedroom" p3.grid.grid_line_alpha=0 p3.xaxis.axis_label = 'Number of Bathrooms' p3.yaxis.axis_label = 'House Price Per SQFT' p3.ygrid.band_fill_color="olive" p3.ygrid.band_fill_alpha = 0.1 script3, div3 = components(p3) p4 = Bar(ri.df_final,label = 'Baths',values = 'Housing_price',agg= 'mean') script4, div4 = components(p4) p5 = Bar(ri.df_final,label = 'Beds',values = 'Beds',agg= 'count') script5, div5 = components(p5) p6 = Bar(ri.df_final,label = 'Baths',values = 'Baths',agg= 'count') script6, div6 = components(p6) return render_template('FeaturePlots.html',script1= script1, div1=div1,script2=script2,div2=div2,\ script3=script3,div3=div3,script4=script4,div4=div4,script5=script5,div5=div5,\ script6=script6,div6=div6)
def graph(): """GENERATE TWEETS """ my_list = onlinetweetsappv9.vars["regions_selected"] all_tweets = [] # Has to be here, not in app_functions. def generate_1_tweet(my_list): """Uses tweet generator from my app_functions module to append 1 tweet to all_tweets. """ for tweet in app_functions.tweet_generator(my_list): # returns 1st tweet return all_tweets.append(tweet) def generate_x_tweets(my_list): """ Generates a desired number of tweets. I.e. Runs the tweet generator x-times. """ NUMBER_OF_TWEETS = 3 count = NUMBER_OF_TWEETS while count > 0: generate_1_tweet(my_list) count = count - 1 def main_function(my_list): data = {} for each in my_list: if each == "WestUSA": generate_x_tweets(each) li = app_functions.count_matches(all_tweets) data.update({"WestUSA":li}) elif each == "EastUSA": generate_x_tweets(each) li = app_functions.count_matches(all_tweets) data.update({"EastUSA":li}) elif each == "Canada": generate_x_tweets(each) li = app_functions.count_matches(all_tweets) data.update({"Canada":li}) return data """MAKE GRAPH """ data = main_function(my_list) df = pd.DataFrame(data.items(), columns=["region", "count"]) plot = Bar(df, "region", values="count", title="Selected Regions") """RENDER TEMPLATE """ script, div = components(plot, CDN) g = all_tweets pre_choice = onlinetweetsappv9.vars["regions_selected"] pr_choice = [str(x) for x in pre_choice] choice = " & ".join(str(x) for x in pr_choice) return render_template("graph.html", graph=g, choice=choice, script=script, div=div)