class Card(Column):

    active_header_background = Nullable(
        String, help="Background color of active Card header.")

    button_css_classes = List(
        String, help="CSS classes to add to the Card collapse button.")

    collapsed = Bool(True, help="Whether the Card is collapsed.")

    collapsible = Bool(
        True, help="Whether the Card should have a button to collapse it.")

    header_background = Nullable(String,
                                 help="Background color of the Card header.")

    header_color = Nullable(String,
                            help="Color of the header text and button.")

    header_css_classes = List(String,
                              help="CSS classes to add to the Card header.")

    header_tag = String('div', help="HTML tag to use for the Card header.")

    hide_header = Bool(False, help="Whether to hide the Card header")

    tag = String('tag', help="CSS class to use for the Card as a whole.")
Example #2
File: Project: xtaje/panel
class VTKPlot(HTMLBox):
    A Bokeh model that wraps around a vtk-js library and renders it inside
    a Bokeh plot.

    __javascript__ = [vtk_cdn]

    __js_require__ = {"paths": {"vtk": vtk_cdn[:-3]},
                      "shim": {"vtk": {"exports": "vtk"}}}

    __implementation__ = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), 'vtk.ts')

    append = Bool(default=False)

    data = String(help="""The serialized vtk.js data""")

    camera = Dict(String, Any)

    enable_keybindings = Bool(default=False)

    orientation_widget = Bool(default=False)

    renderer_el = Any(readonly=True)

    height = Override(default=300)

    width = Override(default=300)
Example #3
class IonRangeSlider(InputWidget):
    # The special class attribute ``__implementation__`` should contain a string
    # of JavaScript, TypeScript or CoffeeScript code that implements the web broser
    # side of the custom extension model or a string name of a file with the implementation.

    __implementation__ = 'extensions_ion_range_slider.ts'
    __javascript__ = ["",
    __css__ = ["",

    # Below are all the "properties" for this model. Bokeh properties are
    # class attributes that define the fields (and their types) that can be
    # communicated automatically between Python and the browser. Properties
    # also support type validation. More information about properties in
    # can be found here:

    disable = Bool(default=True, help="""
    Enable or disable the slider.

    grid = Bool(default=True, help="""
    Show or hide the grid beneath the slider.

    start = Float(default=0, help="""
    The minimum allowable value.

    end = Float(default=1, help="""
    The maximum allowable value.

    range = Tuple(Float, Float, help="""
    The start and end values for the range.

    step = Float(default=0.1, help="""
    The step between consecutive values.

    callback = Instance(Callback, help="""
    A callback to run in the browser whenever the current Slider value changes.

    callback_throttle = Float(default=200, help="""
    Number of microseconds to pause between callback calls as the slider is moved.

    callback_policy = Enum(SliderCallbackPolicy, default="throttle", help="""
    When the callback is initiated. This parameter can take on only one of three options:
       "continuous": the callback will be executed immediately for each movement of the slider
       "throttle": the callback will be executed at most every ``callback_throttle`` milliseconds.
       "mouseup": the callback will be executed only once when the slider is released.
       The `mouseup` policy is intended for scenarios in which the callback is expensive in time.
 def test_Bool(self) -> None:
     p = Bool()
     with pytest.raises(ValueError) as e:
     assert matches(
         r"expected a value of type bool or bool_, got junk of type str")
Example #5
class JSONEditor(HTMLBox):
    A bokeh model that allows editing JSON.

    data = Any()

    menu = Bool(True)

    mode = Enum("tree",

    search = Bool(True)

    selection = List(Any)

    schema = Nullable(Dict(String, Any), default=None)

    templates = List(Any)

    __javascript_raw__ = [
        '[email protected]/dist/jsoneditor.min.js'

    __css_raw__ = [
        '[email protected]/dist/jsoneditor.min.css'

    def __javascript__(cls):
        return bundled_files(cls)

    def __css__(cls):
        return bundled_files(cls, 'css')

    def __js_skip__(cls):
        return {'JSONEditor': cls.__javascript__}

    __js_require__ = {
        'paths': {
            "//[email protected]/dist/jsoneditor.min"
        'exports': {
            'jsoneditor': 'JSONEditor'
        'shim': {
            'jsoneditor': {
                'exports': "JSONEditor"
class IonRangeSlider(InputWidget):
    # The special class attribute ``__implementation__`` should contain a string
    # of JavaScript or TypeScript code that implements the web browser
    # side of the custom extension model or a string name of a file with the implementation.

    __implementation__ = 'extensions_ion_range_slider.ts'
    __javascript__ = [
    __css__ = [

    # Below are all the "properties" for this model. Bokeh properties are
    # class attributes that define the fields (and their types) that can be
    # communicated automatically between Python and the browser. Properties
    # also support type validation. More information about properties in
    # can be found here:

    disable = Bool(default=True,
    Enable or disable the slider.

    grid = Bool(default=True,
    Show or hide the grid beneath the slider.

    start = Float(default=0, help="""
    The minimum allowable value.

    end = Float(default=1, help="""
    The maximum allowable value.

    range = Tuple(Float,
    The start and end values for the range.

    step = Float(default=0.1,
    The step between consecutive values.

    callback = Instance(Callback,
    A callback to run in the browser whenever the current Slider value changes.
Example #7
class DataTabulator(HTMLBox):
    """A Bokeh Model that enables easy use of Tabulator tables

    configuration = Dict(String, Any)

    columns = List(Instance(TableColumn), help="""
    The list of child column widgets.

    download = Bool(default=False)

    editable = Bool(default=True)

    filename = String(default="table.csv")

    follow = Bool(True)

    frozen_rows = List(Int)

    groupby = List(String)

    hidden_columns = List(String)

    layout = Enum('fit_data', 'fit_data_fill', 'fit_data_stretch', 'fit_data_table', 'fit_columns', default="fit_data")

    source = Instance(ColumnDataSource)

    styles = Dict(Int, Dict(Int, List(String)))

    pagination = Nullable(String)

    page = Nullable(Int)

    page_size = Int()

    max_page = Int()

    sorters = List(Dict(String, String))

    theme = Enum(*TABULATOR_THEMES, default="simple")

    theme_url = String(default=THEME_URL)

    __css__ = [THEME_URL+'tabulator_simple.min.css']

    __javascript__ = [

    __js_require__ = {
        'paths': {
            'tabulator': JS_SRC[:-3]
        'exports': {'tabulator': 'Tabulator'}
Example #8
class Knob(HTMLBox):
    title = String(default="")
    value = Float(default=0)
    writable = Bool(default=False)
    scrollable = Bool(default=False)
    digits = Int(default=3)
    decimals = Int(default=3)
    max = Float()
    min = Float()
    wrap = Bool(default=False)
    unit = String()
    active = Bool(default=True)
Example #9
class AcePlot(HTMLBox):
    A Bokeh model that wraps around a Ace editor and renders it inside
    a Bokeh plot.

    __javascript__ = [

    __js_skip__ = {'ace': __javascript__}

    __js_require__ = {
        'paths': {
            ('ace', ('ace/ace', 'ace/ext-language_tools')):
        'exports': {
            'ace': 'ace'
        'shim': {
            'ace/ext-language_tools': {
                'deps': ["ace/ace"]
            'ace/ext-modelist': {
                'deps': ["ace/ace"]

    code = String()

    theme = Enum(ace_themes, default='chrome')

    filename = String()

    language = String()

    annotations = List(Dict(String, Any), default=[])

    readonly = Bool(default=False)

    print_margin = Bool(default=False)

    height = Override(default=300)

    width = Override(default=300)
Example #10
class Video(HTMLBox):

    loop = Bool(False, help="""Whether the video should loop""")

    paused = Bool(False, help="""Whether the video is paused""")

    time = Float(0, help="""
        The current time stamp of the video playback""")

    throttle = Int(250, help="""
        The frequency at which the time value is updated in milliseconds.""")

    value = Any(help="Encoded file data")

    volume = Int(0, help="""The volume of the video player.""")
Example #11
class VTKSynchronizedPlot(AbstractVTKPlot):
    Bokeh model for plotting a VTK render window

    arrays = Dict(String, Any)

    arrays_processed = List(String)

    enable_keybindings = Bool(default=False)

    one_time_reset = Bool(default=False)

    rebuild = Bool(default=False, help="""If true when scene change all the render is rebuilt from scratch""")

    scene = Dict(String, Any, help="""The serialized vtk.js scene on json format""")
Example #12
class JsonEditor(InputWidget):
    # The special class attribute ``__implementation__`` should contain a string
    # of JavaScript (or CoffeeScript) code that implements the JavaScript side
    # of the custom extension model or a string name of a JavaScript (or
    # CoffeeScript) file with the implementation.

    __implementation__ = 'json_editor.ts'
    __javascript__ = ["straxui/static/jsoneditor.min.js"]
    __css__ = ["straxui/static/jsoneditor.min.css"]

    # Below are all the "properties" for this model. Bokeh properties are
    # class attributes that define the fields (and their types) that can be
    # communicated automatically between Python and the browser. Properties
    # also support type validation. More information about properties in
    # can be found here:

    disable = Bool(default=True,
    Enable or disable the editor.

    json = Any(default={},
    The actual json string to edit.
Example #13
class AwesompleteInput(TextInput):
    """ Single-line input widget with auto-completion. """

    __implementation__ = ""
    __css__ = [
    __javascript__ = [

    completions = List(String,
    A list of completion strings. This will be used to guide the
    user upon typing a substring of a desired value.

    min_chars = Int(default=1,
    Minimum characteres the user has to type before the autocomplete
    popup shows up.

    max_items = Int(default=10,
    Maximum number of suggestions to display.

    auto_first = Bool(default=False,
    Whether the first element should be automatically selected
class DotBuilder(BarBuilder):
    """Produces Dot Glyphs for groups of data.

    Handles dot plot options to produce one to many dots,
    which are used to describe the values of aggregated groups of data.


    line_alpha = Float(default=1.0)

    # ToDo: Support easier adding of one attr without reimplementation
    default_attributes = {
        'label': CatAttr(),
        'color': ColorAttr(),
        'line_color': ColorAttr(),
        'stack': CatAttr(),
        'group': CatAttr(),
        'marker': MarkerAttr(),

    stem = Bool(False,
    Whether to draw a stem from each do to the axis.

    glyph = DotGlyph
Example #15
class AbstractVTKPlot(HTMLBox):
    Abstract Bokeh model for vtk plots that wraps around a vtk-js library and
    renders it inside a Bokeh plot.

    __javascript__ = [vtk_cdn]

    __js_skip__ = {'vtk': [vtk_cdn]}

    __js_require__ = {
        "paths": {
            "vtk": vtk_cdn[:-3]
        "exports": {
            "vtk": None
        "shim": {
            "vtk": {
                "exports": "vtk"

    renderer_el = Any(readonly=True)

    orientation_widget = Bool(default=False)

    camera = Dict(String, Any)

    height = Override(default=300)

    width = Override(default=300)
Example #16
class VegaPlot(LayoutDOM):
    A Bokeh model that wraps around a Vega plot and renders it inside
    a Bokeh plot.

    __javascript_raw__ = [

    def __javascript__(cls):
        return bundled_files(cls)

    def __js_skip__(cls):
        return {
            'vega': cls.__javascript__[:1],
            'vegaLite': cls.__javascript__[1:2],
            'vegaEmbed': cls.__javascript__[2:]

    __js_require__ = {
        'paths': {
            "vega": ""
        'exports': {
            'vega-embed': 'vegaEmbed',
            'vega': 'vega',
            'vega-lite': 'vl'

    data = Nullable(Dict(String, Any))

    data_sources = Dict(String, Instance(ColumnDataSource))

    events = List(String)

    show_actions = Bool(False)

    theme = Nullable(

    throttle = Dict(String, Int)
Example #17
class AcePlot(HTMLBox):
    A Bokeh model that wraps around a Ace editor and renders it inside
    a Bokeh plot.

    __javascript__ = ['',

    __js_require__ = {'paths': {'ace': '',
                                'ace_lang_tools': ''},
                      'exports': {'ace': 'ace'}}

    code = String()

    theme = String(default='chrome')

    language = String(default='python')

    annotations = List(Dict(String, Any), default=[])

    readonly = Bool(default=False)

    height = Override(default=300)

    width = Override(default=300)
class HorizontalBoxZoomTool(Drag):

    __implementation__ = "horizontalBoxZoomTool.ts"

    dimensions = Enum(Dimensions, default="both")
    overlay = Instance(BoxAnnotation, default=DEFAULT_BOX_OVERLAY)
    match_aspect = Bool(default=False)
Example #19
class Player(Widget):
    The Player widget provides controls to play through a number of frames.

    start = Int(help="Lower bound of the Player slider")

    end = Int(help="Upper bound of the Player slider")

    value = Int(0, help="Current value of the player app")

    step = Int(1, help="Number of steps to advance the player by.")

    interval = Int(500, help="Interval between updates")

    direction = Int(0,
        Current play direction of the Player (-1: playing in reverse,
        0: paused, 1: playing)""")

    loop_policy = Enum('once', 'reflect', 'loop', default='once')

    show_loop_controls = Bool(True,
                              help="""Whether the loop controls
        radio buttons are shown""")

    width = Override(default=400)

    height = Override(default=250)
Example #20
class FileDownload(InputWidget):

    auto = Bool(False, help="""Whether to download on click""")

    button_type = Enum(ButtonType,
    A style for the button, signifying it's role.

    clicks = Int(0,
    A private property that used to trigger ``on_click`` event handler.

    data = String(help="""Encoded URI data.""")

    label = String("", help="""The text label for the button to display.""")

    filename = String(help="""Filename to use on download""")

    _transfers = Int(0,
    A private property to create and click the link.

    title = Override(default='')
class FontAwesomeIcon(AbstractIcon):
    """ A "stock" icon based on FontAwesome. """

    __implementation__ = "fontawesome_icon.ts"
    __dependencies__ = {"font-awesome": "^4.6.3"}

    icon_name = Enum(NamedIcon,
    What icon to use. See
    for the list of available icons.

    size = Float(1,
    The size multiplier (1x, 2x, ..., 5x).

    flip = Enum("horizontal",
    Optionally flip the icon horizontally or vertically.

    spin = Bool(False,
    Indicates a spinning (animated) icon. This value is ignored for
    icons that do not support spinning.
Example #22
def test_Property_wrap() -> None:
    types = [
        Enum("Some", "a", "b"),
        Tuple(Any, Any),
        Interval(Float, 0, 1),
        Either(Int, String),

    for x in types:
        for y in (0, 1, 2.3, "foo", None, (), [], {}):
            r = x.wrap(y)
            assert r == y
            assert isinstance(r, type(y))
Example #23
class VideoStream(HTMLBox):

    format = Enum('png', 'jpeg', default='png')

    paused = Bool(False, help="""Whether the video is paused""")

    snapshot = Bool(False, help="""On change generate a snapshot of the current video frame""")

    timeout = Float(None, help="""
        The timeout between snapshots (if None snapshot only generated
        when snapshot property is changed""")

    value = Any(help="""Snapshot Data""")

    height = Override(default=240)

    width = Override(default=320)
Example #24
class VTKJSPlot(AbstractVTKPlot):
    Bokeh model for plotting a 3D scene saved in the `.vtk-js` format

    data = String(help="""The serialized vtk.js data""")

    enable_keybindings = Bool(default=False)
Example #25
class VTKVolumePlot(AbstractVTKPlot):
    Bokeh model dedicated to plot a volumetric object with the help of vtk-js

    ambient = Float(default=0.2)

    colormap = String(help="Colormap Name")

    controller_expanded = Bool(default=True,
        If True the volume controller panel options is expanded in the view""")

    data = Nullable(Dict(String, Any))

    diffuse = Float(default=0.7)

    display_slices = Bool(default=False)

    display_volume = Bool(default=True)

    edge_gradient = Float(default=0.2)

    interpolation = Enum(enumeration('fast_linear', 'linear', 'nearest'))

    mapper = Dict(String, Any)

    nan_opacity = Float(default=1)

    render_background = String(default='#52576e')

    rescale = Bool(default=False)

    sampling = Float(default=0.4)

    shadow = Bool(default=True)

    slice_i = Int(default=0)

    slice_j = Int(default=0)

    slice_k = Int(default=0)

    specular = Float(default=0.3)

    specular_power = Float(default=8.)
Example #26
class AbstractVTKPlot(HTMLBox):
    Abstract Bokeh model for vtk plots that wraps around a vtk-js library and
    renders it inside a Bokeh plot.

    __javascript_raw__ = [vtk_cdn]

    def __javascript__(cls):
        return bundled_files(AbstractVTKPlot)

    def __js_skip__(cls):
        return {'vtk': cls.__javascript__}

    __js_require__ = {
        "paths": {
            "vtk": vtk_cdn[:-3]
        "exports": {
            "vtk": None
        "shim": {
            "vtk": {
                "exports": "vtk"

    axes = Instance(VTKAxes)

    camera = Dict(String, Any)

    color_mappers = List(Instance(ColorMapper))

    height = Override(default=300)

    orientation_widget = Bool(default=False)

    interactive_orientation_widget = Bool(default=False)

    width = Override(default=300)

    annotations = List(Dict(String, Any))
Example #27
class LatexLabelSet(LabelSet):
    __javascript__ = [katex_js]
    __css__ = [katex_css]
    __implementation__ = "latex_label_set.ts"

    display_mode = Bool(default=False,
        Whether to use display mode for the LaTeX labels.
Example #28
class State(Model):

    json = Bool(False, help="Whether the values point to json files")

    state = Dict(Any, Any, help="Contains the recorded state")

    widgets = Dict(Any, Any)

    values = List(Any)
Example #29
class JSON(Markup):
    A bokeh model that renders JSON as tree.

    depth = Either(Int, Float, default=1, help="Depth to which the JSON tree is expanded.")

    hover_preview = Bool(default=False, help="Whether to show a hover preview for collapsed nodes.")

    theme = String(default='dark', help="Whether to expand all JSON nodes.")
class BootstrapSelect(InputWidget):
    __javascript__ = [
        "[email protected]/dist/js/bootstrap-select.min.js",
        "[email protected]/dist/js/i18n/defaults-pl_PL.min.js"
    __css__ = [
        "[email protected]/dist/css/bootstrap-select.min.css"
    alt_title = String(default="")
    options = List(Tuple(String, Tuple(Either(Int, String), String)))
    value = List(Tuple(Either(Int, String), String))
    actions_box = Bool(default=False)
    live_search = Bool(default=False)
    # show_subtext = Bool(default=False)
    select_all_at_start = Bool(default=False)
    count_selected_text = String(default='')
    none_selected_text = String(default='')
    selected_text_format = String(default='')
    none_results_text = String(default='')
Example #31
 def test_Bool(self):
     p = Bool()
     with pytest.raises(ValueError) as e:
     assert not str(e).endswith("ValueError")
Example #32
 def test_Bool(self, detail):
     p = Bool()
     with pytest.raises(ValueError) as e:
         p.validate("junk", detail)
     assert str(e).endswith("ValueError") == (not detail)