def _set_tools(self): wheel_zoom = WheelZoomTool() pan = PanTool() box_zoom = BoxZoomTool() box_select = BoxSelectTool() crosshair = CrosshairTool() tap = TapTool() save = SaveTool() reset = ResetTool() self.lasso_select = LassoSelectTool( renderers=self.circles, # default = all available renderers select_every_mousemove=False, # to enhance performance ) self.lasso_select.overlay.line_alpha=0.9 self.lasso_select.overlay.line_color="black" self.lasso_select.overlay.fill_alpha=0.2 self.lasso_select.overlay.fill_color="grey" hover = self._get_hover_tool() = ( pan, box_zoom, self.lasso_select, box_select, crosshair, save, reset, tap, wheel_zoom ) self.plot.add_tools(*
def create_viewer(title, y_range, toolbar_location=None, toolbar_sticky=False, tools="", plot_width=annotatorSettings.viewerWidth, plot_height=annotatorSettings.defaultViewerHeights, x_axis_type='datetime', add_tools=True): viewer = figure( title=title, tools=tools, plot_width=plot_width, plot_height=plot_height, toolbar_location=toolbar_location, # toolbar_sticky=False, x_axis_type=x_axis_type, y_range=y_range, ) viewer.xaxis.formatter = DatetimeTickFormatter( years=["%F %T"], months=["%F %T"], days=["%F %T"], hours=["%F %T"], hourmin=["%F %T"], minutes=["%F %T"], minsec=["%F %T"], seconds=["%F %T"], milliseconds=["%F %T.%3N"], ) # Create tools to add to ekgViewer. wheel_zoom = WheelZoomTool() tap_tool = TapTool() resizeTool = ResizeTool() box_select = BoxSelectTool(dimensions="width") hover = HoverTool( point_policy='snap_to_data', line_policy='nearest', tooltips=[ ("index", "$index"), ("Time", "@x{%F %T.%3N %Z}"), ("Value", "@y"), # ("Time", '@time'), ], formatters={"x": "datetime"}, ) if add_tools: viewer.add_tools(hover, box_select, tap_tool, resizeTool) viewer.toolbar.active_drag = box_select viewer.toolbar.active_scroll = wheel_zoom viewer.toolbar.active_tap = tap_tool return viewer
def _set_tools(self): wheel_zoom = WheelZoomTool() pan = PanTool() box_zoom = BoxZoomTool() box_select = BoxSelectTool() crosshair = CrosshairTool() tap = TapTool() save = SaveTool() lasso_select = LassoSelectTool( select_every_mousemove=False, # enhance performance ) code = """ var projections = require("core/util/projections"); var x = special_vars.x var y = special_vars.y var coords = projections.wgs84_mercator.inverse([x, y]) return coords[%d].toFixed(2) """ tooltips = ''' <style> .bk-tooltip>div:not(:nth-child(-n+5)) {{ display:none; }} .bk-tooltip>div {{ background-color: #dff0d8; padding: 5px; }} </style> <b>STATION: </b> @{STNNBR} <br /> <b>LON: </b> @X_WMTS{custom} <br /> <b>LAT: </b> @Y_WMTS{custom} <br /> ''' hover = HoverTool(toggleable=True, mode='mouse', tooltips=tooltips, renderers=[self.env.wmts_map_scatter], formatters={ 'X_WMTS': CustomJSHover(code=code % 0), 'Y_WMTS': CustomJSHover(code=code % 1), }) tools = (pan, box_zoom, lasso_select, hover, crosshair, tap, wheel_zoom) self.env.wmts_map.add_tools(*tools) # set defaults self.env.wmts_map.toolbar.active_drag = pan self.env.wmts_map.toolbar.active_inspect = [crosshair, hover] self.env.wmts_map.toolbar.active_scroll = wheel_zoom self.env.wmts_map.toolbar.active_tap = None
def makedoc(doc): source = ColumnDataSource(dataframe) image_holder = ColumnDataSource({ 'image': [], 'x': [], 'y': [], 'dx': [], 'dy': [] }) tools = [ ResetTool(), PanTool(), WheelZoomTool(), TapTool(), BoxSelectTool(), PolySelectTool(), UndoTool(), RedoTool() ] pca = figure(title='PCA', x_range=[minx - 0.05 * rangex, maxx + 0.05 * rangex], y_range=[miny - 0.05 * rangey, maxy + 0.05 * rangey], sizing_mode='scale_both', tools=tools) glyphs =, x='x', y='y') sel = figure(title='Selected image', x_range=[0, 1], y_range=[0, 1], sizing_mode='scale_both') image_canvas = sel.image_rgba('image', 'x', 'y', 'dx', 'dy', source=image_holder) def load_selected(attr, old, new): print('new index: ', new.indices) if len(new.indices) == 1: # could be empty selection update_image_canvas_single(new.indices[0], data=dataframe, source=image_holder) elif len(new.indices) > 1: update_image_canvas_multi(new.indices, data=dataframe, source=image_holder) glyphs.data_source.on_change('selected', load_selected) fig = row([pca, sel], sizing_mode='stretch_both') doc.title = 'Bokeh microscopium app' doc.add_root(fig)
def __create_tools(cls, **hoverkwargs): return [ TapTool(), BoxSelectTool(dimensions='width'), BoxSelectTool(dimensions='height'), BoxSelectTool(), WheelZoomTool(), BoxZoomTool(), ResetTool(), SaveTool(), HoverTool(tooltips=[('workflow', '@Workflow'), ('activity', '@Activity'), ('result', '@Result'), ('duration', '@DurationStr'), ('started', '@StartedOnTimestampStr'), ('ended', '@EndedOnTimeStampStr')], formatters={ 'started': 'printf', 'ended': 'printf' }, show_arrow=True, **hoverkwargs) ]
def _set_tools(self): wheel_zoom = WheelZoomTool() pan = PanTool() box_zoom = BoxZoomTool() box_select = BoxSelectTool() crosshair = CrosshairTool() tap = TapTool() save = SaveTool() reset = ResetTool() # TODO: add only to one plot, maybe with n_plot self.lasso_select = LassoSelectTool( renderers=self.circles, # default all available renderers select_every_mousemove=False, # enhance performance ) tooltips = ''' <style> .bk-tooltip>div:not(:nth-child(-n+5)) {{ display:none; }} /* .bk-tooltip-custom + .bk-tooltip-custom {{ display: none; sometimes everything is hidden with this }} */ .bk-tooltip>div {{ background-color: #dff0d8; padding: 5px; }} </style> <b>INDEX: </b> @INDEX <br> <b>{x}: </b> @{x} <br> <b>{x}_FLAG_W: </b> @{x}_FLAG_W <br> <b>{y}: </b> @{y} <br> <b>{y}_FLAG_W: </b> @{y}_FLAG_W <br> '''.format(x=self.x, y=self.y) hover = HoverTool( # TODO: try to make this toggleable renderers=self.circles, toggleable=True, mode='mouse', tooltips=tooltips, ) tools = ( pan, box_zoom, self.lasso_select, box_select, crosshair, save, reset, tap, wheel_zoom ) self.plot.add_tools(*tools)
def make_region_plot(src, src_gene, src_tss, src_rna, fixed_yaxis=None): ''' Construct pileup plot based on src ''' # output_file(html_output) # flatten list of lists in count column of src, find max value of absolute expression frag_count_range = max( map(abs, [x for count in['count'] for x in count])) if len(['y_plus']) > 0: rna_count_range = max(max(['y_plus']), max(abs(['y_minus']))) else: rna_count_range = 0 count_range = max(frag_count_range, rna_count_range) if fixed_yaxis: ymin = -1 * (fixed_yaxis) ymax = fixed_yaxis else: ymin = -(count_range + 1) ymax = count_range + 1 # draw blank figure of correct size with tools p = figure(y_range=(ymin, ymax), plot_width=900, plot_height=700, tools=[ BoxSelectTool(), BoxZoomTool(), PanTool(), WheelZoomTool(), SaveTool(), ResetTool() ], toolbar_location='above') legends = [] # format axis and colors p.xaxis.axis_label = 'position' p.xaxis.major_label_orientation = pi / 4 p.xaxis[0].formatter.use_scientific = False # p.xaxis[0].ticker=FixedTicker(ticks=range(start, end, 100)) p.yaxis.axis_label = 'log normalized activity' patches = p.patches(source=src, xs='position', ys='count', fill_color='color', line_color=None, alpha=0.50) legends.append( LegendItem(label='promoter activity (plus strand)', renderers=[patches], index=0)) legends.append( LegendItem(label='promoter activity (minus strand)', renderers=[patches], index=1)) # draw RNA lines if len(['x_minus']) > 0: plus_line = p.line(x='x_plus', y='y_plus', line_color='#528ecb', line_width=2, source=src_rna) legends.append( LegendItem(label='RNA-seq (plus strand)', renderers=[plus_line], index=0)) minus_line = p.line(x='x_minus', y='y_minus', line_color='#ef8137', line_width=2, source=src_rna) legends.append( LegendItem(label='RNA-seq (minus strand)', renderers=[minus_line], index=1)) # add second y-axis for TSS strength max_tss = max(map(abs,['y0'])) p.extra_y_ranges = { 'tss': Range1d(start=-(max_tss * 4), end=(max_tss * 4)) } p.add_layout(LinearAxis(y_range_name='tss', axis_label='TSS expression'), 'right') # draw vertical rectangle p.quad(top='top', bottom='bottom', left='left', right='right', color='color', source=src_tss, y_range_name='tss') # draw horizontal line for arrow p.segment(x0='x0', y0='y0', x1='x1', y1='y1', color='color', source=src_tss, line_width=4, y_range_name='tss') # center of triangle is endpoint of segment tri = p.triangle(x='x1', y='y1', size=9, angle='angle', angle_units='deg', color='color', source=src_tss, y_range_name='tss') legends.append(LegendItem(label='inactive TSS', renderers=[tri], index=9)) legends.append(LegendItem(label='active TSS', renderers=[tri], index=0)) # plot genes p.rect(x='gene_center', y='gene_center_y', width='gene_width', color='gene_color', height=10, height_units='screen', source=src_gene) p.triangle(x='tri_x', y=0, size=20, angle='angle', angle_units='deg', fill_color='gene_color', line_color=None, source=src_gene) p.text(x='gene_center', y='gene_center_y', text='gene_name', text_color='black', text_align='center', text_baseline='middle', text_font_size='10pt', source=src_gene) p.add_layout(Legend(items=legends), 'below') return p
annotation = mainViewer.line(x=[], y=[], color='navy', visible=True, line_width=3) ppgDataSource = ppgLine.data_source ppgLineMarkersDataSource = ppgLineMarkers.data_source qosDataSource = qosMarkers.data_source annotatedDataSource = annotation.data_source #### Describe how selected data are handled. #### selected_circle = Circle(fill_color='navy', visible=True) nonselected_circle = Circle(fill_color='navy', visible=False) ppgLineMarkers.selection_glyph = selected_circle ppgLineMarkers.nonselection_glyph = nonselected_circle wheel_zoom = WheelZoomTool() tap_tool = TapTool() box_select = BoxSelectTool(dimensions="width") hover = HoverTool( point_policy='snap_to_data', line_policy='nearest', tooltips=[ ("index", "$index"), ("Value", "@y"), # ("desc", "@desc"), ("Time", '@time'), ("Note", "@notes"), ], renderers=[ qosMarkers, ppgLineMarkers, ] )
def __init__(self, dataset, parameters): self.dataset = dataset # Set up the controls self.specials = Selector( name="Specials", kind="specials", css_classes=["specials"], entries={ "Color-magnitude diagram": "cmd", "Period vs. radius": "pr", "Period vs. transit duration": "pdt", }, default="Color-magnitude diagram", ) = Selector( name="Datasets", kind="datasets", css_classes=["data"], entries={"TOI Catalog": "toi", "Confirmed Planets": "confirmed"}, default="Confirmed Planets", ) self.xaxis = Selector( name="Build-Your-Own", kind="parameters", css_classes=["build-your-own"], entries=parameters, default="ra", title="X Axis", ) self.yaxis = Selector( kind="parameters", css_classes=["build-your-own"], entries=parameters, default="dec", title="Y Axis", ) self.size = Selector( name="Sides", kind="parameters", css_classes=["sides"], entries=parameters, default="dist", title="Marker Size", none_allowed=True, ) self.color = Selector( kind="parameters", css_classes=["sides"], entries=parameters, default="dist", title="Marker Color", none_allowed=True, ) # Set up the plot self.source = ColumnDataSource( data=dict(x=[], y=[], size=[], color=[]) ) self.plot = figure( plot_height=600, plot_width=700, title="", tooltips=[("TIC ID", "@ticid")], sizing_mode="scale_both", ) x="x", y="y", source=self.source, size="size", color=linear_cmap( field_name="color", palette=Viridis256, low=0, high=1 ), line_color=None, ) self.plot.add_tools( BoxSelectTool(), BoxZoomTool(), LassoSelectTool(), PanTool(), PolySelectTool(), TapTool(), WheelZoomTool(), WheelPanTool(), ZoomInTool(), ZoomOutTool(), HoverTool(), CrosshairTool(), ResetTool(), ) # Register the callback for control in [ self.specials,, self.xaxis, self.yaxis, self.size, self.color, ]: control.widget.on_change("value", self.callback) # Load and display the data self.callback(None, None, None)
def create_bk_fig(x=None, xlab=None, x_min=None, x_max=None, ylab=None, fh=None, fw=None, title=None, pw=None, ph=None, x_axis_type="linear", y_axis_type="linear", x_name=None, y_name=None, **kwargs): """ Generates a bokeh figure Parameters ---------- x :obj:`DataArray` Contains x-axis data xlab : :obj:`str` X-axis label x_min : :obj:`float` Min x value x_max : :obj:`float` Max x value ylab : :obj:`str` Y-axis label fh: :obj:`int` True height of figure without legends, axes titles etc fw: :obj:`int` True width of figure without legends, axes etc title: :obj:`str` Title of plot pw: :obj:`int` Plot width including legends, axes etc ph: :obj:`int` Plot height including legends, axes etc x_axis_type: :obj:`str` Type of x-axis can be linear, log, or datetime y_axis_type: :obj:`str` Can be linear, log or datetime x_name: :obj:`str` Name of the column used for the x-axis. Mostly used to form tooltips y_name: :obj:`str` Name of the column used for the y-axis. Also used for tooltips add_grid: :obj:`bool` Whether or not to add grid add_title: :obj:`bool` Whether or not to add title to plot add_xaxis: :obj:`bool` Whether or not to add x-axis and tick marks add_yaxis: :obj:`bool` Add y-axis or not fix_plotsize: :obj:`bool` Enforce certain dimensions on plot. This is useful for ensuring a plot is not obscure by axes and other things. If activated, plot's dimensions will not be responsive. It utilises fw and fh. Returns ------- p : :obj:`Plot` A bokeh Plot object """ add_grid = kwargs.pop("add_grid", False) add_title = kwargs.pop("add_title", True) add_xaxis = kwargs.pop("add_xaxis", False) add_yaxis = kwargs.pop("add_yaxis", False) fix_plotsize = kwargs.pop("fix_plotsize", True) # addition plot specs pl_specs = kwargs.pop("pl_specs", {}) # additional axis specs ax_specs = kwargs.pop("ax_specs", {}) # ticker specs ti_specs = kwargs.pop("ti_specs", {}) plot_specs = dict(background="white", border_fill_alpha=0.1, border_fill_color="white", min_border=3, name="plot", outline_line_dash="solid", outline_line_width=2, outline_line_color="#017afe", outline_line_alpha=0.4, output_backend="canvas", sizing_mode="stretch_width", title_location="above", toolbar_location="above") plot_specs.update(pl_specs) axis_specs = dict(minor_tick_line_alpha=0, axis_label_text_align="center", axis_label_text_font="monospace", axis_label_text_font_size="10px", axis_label_text_font_style="normal", major_label_orientation="horizontal") axis_specs.update(ax_specs) tick_specs = dict(desired_num_ticks=5) tick_specs.update(ti_specs) # Define frame width and height # This is the actual size of the plot without the titles et al if fix_plotsize and not(fh or fw): fw = int(0.98 * pw) fh = int(0.93 * ph) # define the axes ranges x_range = DataRange1d(name="p_x_range", only_visible=True) y_range = DataRange1d(name="p_y_range", only_visible=True) if x_min is not None and x_max is not None and x_name.lower() in ["channel", "frequency"]: x_range = Range1d(name="p_x_range", start=x_min, end=x_max) y_range.only_visible = False # define items to add on the plot p_htool = HoverTool(tooltips=[(x_name, "$x"), (y_name, "$y")], name="p_htool", point_policy="snap_to_data") if x_name.lower() == "time": p_htool.tooltips[0] = (x_name, "$x{%d-%m-%Y %H:%M}") p_htool.formatters = {"$x": "datetime"} p_toolbar = Toolbar(name="p_toolbar", tools=[p_htool, BoxSelectTool(), BoxZoomTool(), # EditTool(), # BoxEditTool(), # RangeTool(), LassoSelectTool(), PanTool(), ResetTool(), SaveTool(), UndoTool(), WheelZoomTool()]) p_ticker = BasicTicker(name="p_ticker", **tick_specs) # select the axis scales for x and y if x_axis_type == "linear": x_scale = LinearScale(name="p_x_scale") # define the axes and tickers p_x_axis = LinearAxis(axis_label=xlab, name="p_x_axis", ticker=p_ticker, **axis_specs) elif x_axis_type == "datetime": x_scale = LinearScale(name="p_x_scale") # define the axes and tickers p_x_axis = DatetimeAxis(axis_label=xlab, name="p_x_axis", ticker=p_ticker, **axis_specs) elif x_axis_type == "log": x_scale = LogScale(name="p_x_scale") p_x_axis = LogAxis(axis_label=xlab, name="p_x_axis", ticker=p_ticker, **axis_specs) if y_axis_type == "linear": y_scale = LinearScale(name="p_y_scale") # define the axes and tickers p_y_axis = LinearAxis(axis_label=ylab, name="p_y_axis", ticker=p_ticker, **axis_specs) elif x_axis_type == "datetime": y_scale = LinearScale(name="p_y_scale") # define the axes and tickers p_y_axis = DatetimeAxis(axis_label=xlab, name="p_y_axis", ticker=p_ticker, **axis_specs) elif y_axis_type == "log": y_scale = LogScale(name="p_y_scale") # define the axes and tickers p_y_axis = LogAxis(axis_label=ylab, name="p_y_axis", ticker=p_ticker, **axis_specs) # Create the plot object p = Plot(plot_width=pw, plot_height=ph, frame_height=fh, frame_width=fw, toolbar=p_toolbar, x_range=x_range, x_scale=x_scale, y_range=y_range, y_scale=y_scale, **plot_specs) if add_title: p_title = Title(align="center", name="p_title", text=title, text_font_size="24px", text_font="monospace", text_font_style="bold",) p.add_layout(p_title, "above") if add_xaxis: p.add_layout(p_x_axis, "below") if add_yaxis: p.add_layout(p_y_axis, "left") if add_grid: p_x_grid = Grid(dimension=0, ticker=p_ticker) p_y_grid = Grid(dimension=1, ticker=p_ticker) p.add_layout(p_x_grid) p.add_layout(p_y_grid) return p
def plot(): # Read data as if uploaded file is now used, Data set 1 data1 = read_csv('app/static/uploads/Data1.csv', sep=',', skipinitialspace=1) xdata1 = data1.values[:,1] # Extract Data ydata1 = data1.values[:,2] colour1 = ['black']*len(xdata1) # Read data as if uploaded file is now used, Data set 2 data2 = read_csv('app/static/uploads/Data2.csv', sep=',', skipinitialspace=1) xdata2 = data2.values[:,1] ydata2 = data2.values[:,2] colour2 = ['green']*len(xdata2) # Read data as if uploaded file is now used, Data set 3 data3 = read_csv('app/static/uploads/Data3.csv', sep=',', skipinitialspace=1) xdata3 = data3.values[:,1] ydata3 = data3.values[:,2] colour3 = ['red']*len(xdata3) # Prepare Data3 # xdata3 = linspace(0, 100, 10) # ydata3 = sin(10*xdata3) # Data_pandas = DataFrame({'Time': xdata3, # 'Value': ydata3}) # Data_pandas.to_csv('app/static/uploads/Data3.csv') # Assign read data to ColumnDataSource objects sourceData1 = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=xdata1, y=ydata1, color=colour1)) sourceData2 = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=xdata2, y=ydata2, color=colour2)) sourceData3 = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=xdata3, y=ydata3, color=colour3)) my_plot = figure(tools=[BoxSelectTool(dimensions=['width'], select_every_mousemove=True), PanTool(), ResetTool(), WheelZoomTool(), BoxZoomTool()], title='Time series data', x_range=(xdata1.min(), xdata1.max()), y_range=(ydata1.min(), ydata1.max()), width=1200) # Create figure object; DEBUG: select_every_mousemove=False my_plot.extra_y_ranges = {# 'Data1': Range1d(start=ydata1.min(), end=ydata1.max()), 'Data2': Range1d(start=ydata2.min(), end=ydata2.max()), 'Data3': Range1d(start=ydata3.min(), end=ydata3.max())}'x', y='y', color='color', source=sourceData1, size=8, alpha=0.8, legend='Data 1') # Add circle elements (glyphs) to the figure'x', y='y', color='color', source=sourceData2, size=5, alpha=0.8, y_range_name='Data2', legend='Data 2')'x', y='y', color='color', source=sourceData3, size=8, alpha=0.5, y_range_name='Data3', legend='Data 3') my_plot.line(x='x', y='y', color='red', source= sourceData3, alpha=0.5, y_range_name='Data3', legend='Data 3') sourceFit = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(xfit=[], yfit=[]))'xfit', y='yfit', source=sourceFit, color='orange', alpha=0.3) # my_plot.add_layout(LinearAxis(y_range_name='Data1', axis_line_color=colour1[0]), 'left') my_plot.add_layout(LinearAxis(y_range_name='Data2', axis_line_color=colour2[0], axis_line_width=3), 'left') my_plot.add_layout(LinearAxis(y_range_name='Data3', axis_line_color=colour3[0], axis_line_width=3), 'left') # sourceAnnotate = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(text=['Foo', 'Bah'], x=[50, 50], y=[0.5, 0], x_offset=[0,0], y_offset=[0,0], text_font_size=['15pt', '15pt'], # text_color=['orange', 'orange'])) # my_plot.text(source=sourceAnnotate, text='text', x='x', y='y', x_offset='x_offset', y_offset='y_offset', text_font_size='text_font_size', text_color='text_color') sourceData1.callback = CustomJS(args=dict(sourceFit=sourceFit), code=("""FirstOrderEyeball(cb_obj, sourceFit)""")) # sourceData.callback = CustomJS(args=dict(sourceFit=sourceFit, sourceAnnotate=sourceAnnotate), code=("""FirstOrderEyeball(cb_obj, sourceFit, sourceAnnotate)""")) script, div = components(my_plot) # Break figure up into component HTML to be added to template return render_template("int_scatter.html", myScript=script, myDiv=div)
source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict( x=timepts, au=au, p1=p1, raw_lp_decim_p1=p1, p2=p2, raw_lp_decim_p2=p2)) # Create the tools for the toolbar ts_cnt = np.arange(3) cross = [CrosshairTool() for n in ts_cnt] hover = [ HoverTool(tooltips=[('time', '$x'), ('sample', '@x')]), HoverTool(tooltips=[('time', '$x'), ('val', '@p1'), ('raw', '@raw_lp_decim_p1')]), HoverTool(tooltips=[('time', '$x'), ('val', '@p2'), ('raw', '@raw_lp_decim_p2')]) ] xzoom = [BoxZoomTool(dimensions=['width']) for n in ts_cnt] xwzoom = [WheelZoomTool(dimensions=['width']) for n in ts_cnt] xsel = [BoxSelectTool(dimensions=['width']) for n in ts_cnt] xtsel = [TapTool() for n in ts_cnt] xpan = [PanTool(dimensions=['width']) for n in ts_cnt] save = [SaveTool() for n in ts_cnt] reset = [ResetTool() for n in ts_cnt] tools = [[ cross[n], hover[n], xpan[n], xzoom[n], xwzoom[n], xsel[n], xtsel[n], save[n], reset[n] ] for n in ts_cnt] data_update_in_progress = False play_all_button = Button(label='Play', button_type='success', width=60) play_all_button.on_click(play_all) play_all_sox_button = Button(label='Play sox', button_type='success', width=60) play_all_sox_button.on_click(play_all_sox)
('ma-slow', '@ma_slow{0.2f}'), ('ma-fast', '@ma_fast{0.2f}'), ('time', '@time{%F %T}') ] box_zoom = BoxZoomTool() pan_tool = PanTool(dimensions='width') wheel_zoom = WheelZoomTool() reset_tool = ResetTool() crosshair = CrosshairTool() save = SaveTool() hover_tool = HoverTool( tooltips=tooltips_top, formatters={'@time': 'datetime'} ) box_selection = BoxSelectTool() tools_top = [ box_zoom, pan_tool, wheel_zoom, reset_tool, crosshair, save, hover_tool, box_selection ] p1 = figure(plot_width=PLOT_WIDTH, plot_height=340, tools=tools_top,
# create widgets expt_select = Select(title='Experiment:', options=expts, value=expts[0]) refresh = Button(label='Update') div = Div(width=1000) # hover tools hover = HoverTool(tooltips=[('variable', '@variable'), ('start', '@time_start{%F}'), ('end', '@time_end{%F}'), ('run', '@run'), ('file', '@ncfile')], formatters={ 'time_start': 'datetime', 'time_end': 'datetime' }) tap = TapTool() box_select = BoxSelectTool() tools = [hover, box_select, tap, 'pan', 'box_zoom', 'wheel_zoom', 'reset'] df = get_data(expt_select.value) freqs = df.frequency.unique() cmap = factor_cmap('frequency', palette=bokeh.palettes.Category10[10], factors=freqs) cds = ColumnDataSource(df, callback=print_selected(div)) p = figure(y_range=df.variable.unique(), x_range=(df.iloc[0].time_start, df.iloc[-1].time_end), title=expt_select.value, tools=tools) cmap = factor_cmap('frequency', palette=bokeh.palettes.Category10[10],
from import BoxSelectTool from bokeh.plotting import figure, show # prepare some data x = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] y = [1, 4, 2, 4, 5] # create a new plot, with no tools p = figure(tools="", width=400, height=400) # Adding a tool, with custom tooltip p.add_tools(BoxSelectTool(description="My tool")) # add a line renderer with legend and line thickness p.line(x, y, legend_label="Temp.", line_width=2) # show the results show(p)
from import BoxSelectTool from bokeh.plotting import figure, show # prepare some data x = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] y = [1, 4, 2, 4, 5] # create a new figure with no tools p = figure(tools="", width=400, height=400) # Adding a tool with custom icon p.add_tools(BoxSelectTool(icon="xpan")) # add a line renderer with legend and line thickness p.line(x, y, legend_label="Temp.", line_width=2) # show the results show(p)