from import show, curdoc, output_file from bokeh.plotting import figure from bokeh.layouts import widgetbox as wb, layout from bokeh.models import widgets as wd, ColumnDataSource from import value import string import pymssql paragraph = wd.Paragraph(text="option") optionGroup = wd.RadioGroup(labels=["and", "or"], active=0, width=100, inline=True) btnGroupLetters = wd.RadioButtonGroup(labels=list(string.ascii_uppercase), active=-1) title_input = wd.TextInput(value="", title="Title:", placeholder="comtains....") dept_input = wd.TextInput(value="", title="Department", placeholder="contains....") btnGroupTitle = wd.RadioButtonGroup( name='title', labels=["begin with...", "...comtains...", "...ends with"], active=1) refresh = wd.Button(label="Refresh") btnGroupDept = wd.RadioButtonGroup( name='dept', labels=["begin with...", "...contains...", "...end with"], active=1)
rows = fetchRows( "select * from lgu.course where title like '{}%'".format(letter)) updateCourseData(rows) btnGroupLetters.on_click(refreshByButton) # filter by text filtr = ['begins with...', '...contains...', '...ends with'] btnGroupTitle = wd.RadioButtonGroup(labels=filtr, active=1) btnGroupDept = wd.RadioButtonGroup(labels=filtr, active=1) refresh = wd.Button(label='Refresh') title_input = wd.TextInput(value='', title='Title:', placeholder='') dept_input = wd.TextInput(value='', title='Department:', placeholder='') optionGroup = wd.RadioGroup(labels=['and', 'or'], active=0, width=100, inline=True) def refreshByFilter(): conj = optionGroup.labels[] title, dept = title_input.value, dept_input.value titleCondition = "title like '{}'".format( [title + '%', '%' + title + '%', '%' + title][]) deptCondition = "dept_name like '{}'".format( [dept + '%', '%' + dept + '%', '%' + dept][]) rows = fetchRows("select * from lgu.course where {} {} {}".format( titleCondition, conj, deptCondition)) updateCourseData(rows)
) #Middl6e of the highest frequency bin scSlider = widgets.Slider(title="Frequency (MHz)", value=scEnd, start=scStart, end=scEnd, step=scStep) flSlider = widgets.Slider(title="Folding Frequency (Hz)", value=psr_dict['F0'] / 2, start=psr_dict['F0'] / 4, end=psr_dict['F0'] * 3, step=psr_dict['F0'] * .01) question1Group = widgets.RadioGroup(labels=[ "The plot would have 2 pulses with a larger Signal to Noise ratio", "The plot would have 1 pulse with a larger Signal to Noise ratio", "The plot would have 1 pulse with the same Signal to Noise ratio" ], active=None) question1Button = widgets.Button(label='Submit answer', button_type='success') question2Group = widgets.RadioGroup(labels=[ "Lower frequencies arrive earlier than higher frequencies", "Higher frequencies arrive earlier than lower frequencies" ], active=None) question2Button = widgets.Button(label='Submit answer', button_type='success') question3Group = widgets.RadioGroup(labels=["t > 1", "t = 1", "t < 1"], active=None) question3Button = widgets.Button(label='Submit answer', button_type='success')