def update_table(): item_list =['id'] if isinstance(item_list, pandas.core.series.Series): item_list = item_list.values.tolist() if len(current_indices)>0 and len(item_list)>0: selected_id = list() for i in current_indices: selected_item_id = item_list[i] selected_id.append(selected_item_id) new_df = df[(df.attr_name==table_selected_attribute) & (].groupby(['attr_value']).agg({'id':'count'}).sort_values(by='id', ascending=False).rename(columns={'id':'n'}) joined_df = calculate_ratio(new_df) = ColumnDataSource._data_from_df(joined_df) else: new_df = df[(df.attr_name==table_selected_attribute)].groupby(['attr_value']).agg({'id':'count'}).sort_values(by='id', ascending=False).rename(columns={'id':'n'}) joined_df = calculate_ratio(new_df) = ColumnDataSource._data_from_df(joined_df)
def update_select(select_sec, app): # TODO: Definitely needs a better design to avoid using globals... global source global csource global df global index ss = app.objects['select_sec'].value df = load_symbol(ss) index = df.pop('dt') df = df[num_columns] df['ind'] = list(range(len(index))) for name in num_columns: stdv = df[name].std() values = [stdv for x in df.index] df['%s_std_dv' % name] = values source = ColumnDataSource(df) source.tags = ['main_source'] ndt = DataTable(source=source, columns=[], editable=True, width=500) charts_box = AppVBox(app=app, children=[], name='charts_box') templ = """FOUND %s CRASHES FOR SYMBOL %s""" crashes_info = check_for_crash(ss) crashes_source = ColumnDataSource(crashes_info) ccolumns = [TableColumn(field=x, title=x, editor=NumberEditor()) for x in crashes_info.columns] txt = PreText(text=templ % (len(crashes_info), ss), width=500, height=100) crashes_dt = DataTable(source=crashes_source, columns=ccolumns, editable=True, width=500) crashes_box = AppVBox(app=app, children=[txt, crashes_dt], name='crash_stats') new_ms = MultiSelect.create(options=[], name='ms') return { 'charts_box': charts_box, 'dt': ndt, 'crash_stats': crashes_box, 'ms': new_ms, }
def candle_stix(dataframe): ''' This function takes in dataframes and makes a candlesticks plot using bokeh Parameters ---------- dataframe Stock dataframe This frame has elements: Open, Volume, Close, High, Low, Symbol and Date ''' # Develop Aspects and Calculations mids = (dataframe["Open"] + dataframe["Close"])/2 spans = abs(dataframe.Close-dataframe.Open) inc = dataframe.Close > dataframe.Open dec = dataframe.Open > dataframe.Close w = 12*60*60*1000 #width about a half day in width # Define Hover tool tips Gain = ColumnDataSource(ColumnDataSource.from_df(dataframe[inc])) Loss = ColumnDataSource(ColumnDataSource.from_df(dataframe[dec])) hover = HoverTool( tooltips=[ ("Price","$y"), ("High","@High"), ("Low","@Low"), ("Open","@Open"), ("Close","@Close"), ("Volume(M)","@Volume") ] ) # Build Plot output_file("candlestix.html", title="Candlestix") TOOLS = "pan,wheel_zoom,box_zoom" p = figure(x_axis_type="datetime",tools=[TOOLS,hover],plot_width=800,toolbar_location="left") p.segment(dataframe.Time, dataframe.Low ,dataframe.Time, dataframe.High , color="black") p.rect(dataframe.Time[inc], mids[inc], w, spans[inc], source=Gain, fill_color="white", line_color="black") p.rect(dataframe.Time[dec], mids[dec], w, spans[dec], source=Loss, fill_color="black", line_color="black") p.title = str(str(dataframe["Symbol"][1])) show(p)
def create_objects(cls, securities): ranks = utils.get_pumps_rank() quotient_metrics = utils.get_quotient_metrics() ranks['quotient'] = quotient_metrics['quotient'] foo = lambda x: utils.spam_counts.get(x, 0) ranks['spams'] = map(foo, ranks['symbol']) ranks = ranks.sort('quotient', ascending=False) cls._pre_filtered_ranks = { 'All': {k: ranks[k] for k in ranks.columns}, 'Stocks with Spam': dict(ranks[ranks['symbol']. isin(plugins.spam_counts.keys())]. sort('quotient', ascending=False)), 'Stocks without Spam': dict(ranks[~ranks['symbol']. isin(plugins.spam_counts.keys())]. sort('quotient', ascending=False)), } source_stocks_rank = ColumnDataSource(cls._pre_filtered_ranks['Stocks with Spam']) table_stocks_rank = DataTable( source=source_stocks_rank, width=785, height=400, selectable=True, editable=True, columns=[ TableColumn(field='symbol', title='symbol', editor=StringEditor()), TableColumn(field='quotient', title='quotient', editor=StringEditor()), TableColumn(field='rank', title='rank', editor=StringEditor()), TableColumn(field='spams', title='spams', editor=StringEditor()), ]) callback = Callback( args={'tr': table_stocks_rank, 'sr': source_stocks_rank}, code=callbacks.source_stocks_rank ) source_stocks_rank.callback = callback return locals()
def set_sources_heatmap(self): from bokeh.plotting import ColumnDataSource # initialize empty source if not hasattr(self, '_source'): self._source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict()) # remove mask from data -> not necessary soon? / convert to nan? var = self._source.add([var], 'image') self._source.add([self._data_xmin], 'x') self._source.add([self._data_ymin], 'y') self._source.add([self._data_xmax - self._data_xmin], 'dw') self._source.add([self._data_ymax - self._data_ymin], 'dh')
def make_dashboard(motors, xy_train, operating_earnings, maintenance_cost, repair_cost, run_interval): #calculate revenue vs time dataframe print '...generating dashboard...' events = get_events(motors) events['earnings'] = 0.0 events.loc[events.state == 'operating', 'earnings'] = operating_earnings events['expenses'] = 0.0 events.loc[events.state == 'maintenance', 'expenses'] = maintenance_cost events.loc[events.state == 'repair', 'expenses'] = repair_cost money = events.groupby('Time').sum()[['earnings', 'expenses']] money['revenue'] = money.earnings - money.expenses money['cumulative_earnings'] = money.earnings.cumsum() money['cumulative_expenses'] = money.expenses.cumsum() money['cumulative_revenue'] = money.revenue.cumsum() #map the (P,T) decision surface T_min = 50 T_max = 150 P_min = 0 P_max = 100 T_axis = np.arange(T_min, T_max, 0.5) P_axis = np.arange(P_min, P_max, 0.5) x, y = np.meshgrid(T_axis, P_axis) ttf = np.zeros((len(P_axis), len(T_axis))) import copy m = copy.deepcopy(motors[0]) for p_idx in np.arange(len(P_axis)): for t_idx in np.arange(len(T_axis)): m.Temp = T_axis[t_idx] m.Pressure = P_axis[p_idx] ttf[p_idx, t_idx] = m.predicted_time_to_fail() #plot decision surface from bokeh.plotting import figure, show, output_file, ColumnDataSource, vplot from bokeh.models import HoverTool, Callback from import vform output_file('dashboard.html', title='Smart Maintenance Dashboard') source = ColumnDataSource( data=dict( x = xy_train.Temp, y = xy_train.Pressure, ttf = xy_train.time_to_fail, size = 0.6*xy_train.time_to_fail, ) ) dec_fig = figure(x_range=[T_min, T_max], y_range=[P_min, P_max], title='SVM Decision Surface', x_axis_label='Temperature', y_axis_label='Pressure', tools='box_zoom,reset,hover,crosshair', width=600, plot_height=600) dec_fig.title_text_font_size = '18pt' dec_fig.xaxis.axis_label_text_font_size = '14pt' dec_fig.yaxis.axis_label_text_font_size = '14pt' dec_fig.image(image=[-ttf], x=[T_min], y=[P_min], dw=[T_max - T_min], dh=[P_max - P_min], palette='RdYlGn8') dec_fig.x('x', 'y', size='size', source=source, fill_alpha=0.5, fill_color='navy', line_color='navy', line_width=1, line_alpha=0.5) hover = hover.tooltips = [ ("Temperature", "@x"), ("Pressure", "@y"), ("measured lifetime", "@ttf"), ] #plot earnings vs time source = ColumnDataSource( data=dict( t = money.index, earnings = money.cumulative_earnings/1.e6, expenses = money.cumulative_expenses/1.e6, revenue = money.cumulative_revenue/1.e6, zero = money.cumulative_revenue*0, ) ) earn_fig = figure(title='Cumulative Earnings & Expenses', x_axis_label='Time', y_axis_label='Earnings & Expenses (M$)', tools='box_zoom,reset,hover,crosshair', width=1000, plot_height=300, x_range=[0, 1200], y_range=[0, 120]) earn_fig.title_text_font_size = '15pt' earn_fig.xaxis.axis_label_text_font_size = '11pt' earn_fig.yaxis.axis_label_text_font_size = '11pt' earn_fig.line('t', 'earnings', color='blue', source=source, line_width=5, legend='earnings') earn_fig.line('t', 'expenses', color='red', source=source, line_width=5, legend='expenses') earn_fig.legend.orientation = "bottom_right" earn_fig.patch([0, 200, 200, 0], [0, 0, 120, 120], color='lightsalmon', alpha=0.35, line_width=0) earn_fig.patch([200, 400, 400, 200], [0, 0, 120, 120], color='gold', alpha=0.35, line_width=0) earn_fig.patch([400, 1200, 1200, 400], [0, 0, 120, 120], color='darkseagreen', alpha=0.35, line_width=0) earn_fig.text([45], [101], ['run-to-fail']) earn_fig.text([245], [101], ['scheduled']) earn_fig.text([245], [90], ['maintenance']) earn_fig.text([445], [101], ['predictive']) earn_fig.text([445], [90], ['maintenance']) hover = hover.tooltips = [ (" Time", "@t"), (" earning (M$)", "@earnings"), ("expenses (M$)", "@expenses"), ] #plot revenue vs time rev_fig = figure(title='Cumulative Revenue', x_axis_label='Time', y_axis_label='Revenue (M$)', tools='box_zoom,reset,hover,crosshair', width=1000, plot_height=300, x_range=[0, 1200], y_range=[-15, 10]) rev_fig.title_text_font_size = '15pt' rev_fig.xaxis.axis_label_text_font_size = '11pt' rev_fig.yaxis.axis_label_text_font_size = '11pt' rev_fig.line('t', 'revenue', color='green', source=source, line_width=5, legend='revenue') rev_fig.line('t', 'zero', color='purple', source=source, line_width=3, alpha=0.5, line_dash=[10, 5]) rev_fig.legend.orientation = "bottom_right" rev_fig.patch([0, 200, 200, 0], [-15, -15, 10, 10], color='lightsalmon', alpha=0.35, line_width=0) rev_fig.patch([200, 400, 400, 200], [-15, -15, 10, 10], color='gold', alpha=0.35, line_width=0) rev_fig.patch([400, 1200, 1200, 400], [-15, -15, 10, 10], color='darkseagreen', alpha=0.35, line_width=0) hover = hover.tooltips = [ (" Time", "@t"), (" revenue (M$)", "@revenue"), ] #plot number of motors vs time N = events.groupby(['Time', 'state']).count().unstack()['id'].reset_index() N.fillna(value=0, inplace=True) N['total'] = N.maintenance + N.operating + s1 = ColumnDataSource( data=dict( Time = N.Time, operating = N.operating, maintenance = N.maintenance, repair =, total =, ) ) motor_fig = figure(title='Number of Motors', x_axis_label='Time', y_axis_label='Number of motors', tools='box_zoom,reset,hover,crosshair', width=1000, plot_height=300, x_range=[0, 1200], y_range=[-10, 210]) motor_fig.title_text_font_size = '15pt' motor_fig.xaxis.axis_label_text_font_size = '11pt' motor_fig.yaxis.axis_label_text_font_size = '11pt' motor_fig.line('Time', 'total', color='blue', source=s1, line_width=3, legend='total') motor_fig.line('Time', 'operating', color='green', source=s1, line_width=3, legend='operating') motor_fig.line('Time', 'maintenance', color='orange', source=s1, line_width=3, legend='maintenance') motor_fig.line('Time', 'repair', color='red', source=s1, line_width=3, legend='repair') motor_fig.legend.orientation = "top_right" motor_fig.patch([0, 200, 200, 0], [-10, -10, 210, 210], color='lightsalmon', alpha=0.35, line_width=0) motor_fig.patch([200, 400, 400, 200], [-10, -10, 210, 210], color='gold', alpha=0.35, line_width=0) motor_fig.patch([400, 1200, 1200, 400], [-10, -10, 210, 210], color='darkseagreen', alpha=0.35, line_width=0) #display N table from bokeh.models.widgets import DataTable, TableColumn from import vform columns = [ TableColumn(field='Time', title='Time'), TableColumn(field='operating', title='operating'), TableColumn(field='maintenance', title='maintenance'), TableColumn(field='repair', title='repair'), TableColumn(field='total', title='total'), ] s2 = s1.clone() N_table = DataTable(source=s2, columns=columns, width=600, height=300) s1.callback = Callback(args=dict(s2=s2), code=""" var inds = cb_obj.get('selected')['1d'].indices; var d1 = cb_obj.get('data'); var d2 = s2.get('data'); d2['Time'] = [] d2['operating'] = [] d2['maintenance'] = [] d2['repair'] = [] d2['total'] = [] for (i = 0; i < inds.length; i++) { d2['Time'].push(d1['Time'][inds[i]]) d2['operating'].push(d1['operating'][inds[i]]) d2['maintenance'].push(d1['maintenance'][inds[i]]) d2['repair'].push(d1['repair'][inds[i]]) d2['total'].push(d1['total'][inds[i]]) } s2.trigger('change'); """) #export plot to html and return plot_grid = vplot(dec_fig, earn_fig, rev_fig, motor_fig, vform(N_table)) show(plot_grid, new='tab') return money, events,N
def create_objects(cls, symbol, df, securities): descr_box = Paragraph(text='content loading...') btn_close_loading = Button(label='Close Loading') dialog_loading = Dialog( title='loading', content=vplot(descr_box), name='loading_dialog', buttons=[btn_close_loading], visible=False) source_data = dict(df) main_source = ColumnDataSource(dict(df)) source = ColumnDataSource(source_data) # TODO: REMOVE THIS COMMENTED CODE! IT'S JUST THE PREVIOUS # VERSION USED BEFORE NEW P&D Cached results and algorithm # get the cached results of the P&D algorithm computed with the # "default" configuration # intervals = utils.cached_pumps.get(symbol, pumps.to_dicts(((),(),(),(),(),()))) # intervals['bottom'] = [0] * len(intervals['start']) # intervals['values'] = [max(df['price'])] * len(intervals['start']) # # intervals = pd.DataFrame(intervals) # new version stats = utils.get_symbols_cached_stats()[symbol] intervals = pd.DataFrame(stats) intervals['bottom'] = [0] * len(intervals['start']) intervals['values'] = [max(df['price'])] * len(intervals['start']) conv = lambda x: utils.to_seconds(pd.to_datetime(x)) intervals = intervals[ (pd.to_datetime(intervals['start']) > conv(config.date_range[0])) & (pd.to_datetime(intervals['start']) < conv(config.date_range[1])) ] # Create P&Ds intervals DataSource intervals_source = ColumnDataSource(intervals) source.tags = ['main_source'] trends = utils.load_trends_data(symbol, start_date=min(df['dt'])) trends_source = ColumnDataSource(trends) trades = Slider( title="trades", name='trades', value=0, start=0, end=124, step=1 ) # Selectors symbol = Select.create( options=securities, value=symbol, name='symbol', title="" ) window_selector = Select.create( options=['---'], name='period_selector', title="Search intervals with:" ) symbol_filter = Select.create( options=['All', 'Stocks with Spam', 'Stocks without Spam'], name='symbol_filter', title="Filter Symbols:", value='Stocks with Spam' ) callback = Callback( args={'symbol_filter': symbol_filter, 'dialog_loading': dialog_loading}, code=callbacks.symbol_filter ) symbol_filter.callback = callback btn_detect_pumps = Button(label='Configure P&D Detection', name='config_pumps') main_tab = Panel(title="Main") tabs = Tabs() # Create STOCKS TABLE ranks = utils.get_pumps_rank() # quotient_metrics = utils.get_quotient_metrics() # ranks['quotient'] = quotient_metrics['quotient'] foo = lambda x: utils.spams_count.get(x, 0) ranks['spams'] = map(foo, ranks['symbol']) ranks = ranks.sort(['spams', 'vol_quotient'], ascending=False) cls._pre_filtered_ranks = { 'All': {k: ranks[k] for k in ranks.columns}, 'Stocks with Spam': dict(ranks[ranks['spams'] > 0]. sort('vol_quotient', ascending=False)), 'Stocks without Spam': dict(ranks[ranks['spams'] == 0]. sort('vol_quotient', ascending=False)), } source_stocks_rank = ColumnDataSource(cls._pre_filtered_ranks['All']) table_stocks_rank = DataTable( source=source_stocks_rank, width=560, height=450, selectable=True, editable=True, columns=[ TableColumn(field='symbol', title='symbol', width=130, editor=StringEditor()), TableColumn(field='vol_quotient', title='volume ratio', editor=StringEditor(), default_sort='descending'), TableColumn(field='risk_score', title='risk', width=100, editor=StringEditor(), default_sort='descending'), TableColumn(field='spams', title='spams', width=130, editor=StringEditor(), default_sort='descending'), ]) callback = Callback(args={'tr': table_stocks_rank, 'sr': source_stocks_rank, 'symb': symbol, 'dialog_loading': dialog_loading}, code=callbacks.source_stocks_rank) source_stocks_rank.callback = callback return locals()
def low_state_bars(death_types, death_type_state, states_dict): output_file("low_bar_state.html") high_low_states = [ 'Hawaii', 'Rhode Island', 'New Hampshire', 'Massachusetts' ] all_types_list = [] for word in death_types: type_list = [] for state in high_low_states: type_list.append(death_type_state[state][word]) all_types_list.append(type_list) colors = [ "#2ad123", "#1b7c17", "#1518d8", "#4e50e5", "#4d71e5", "#4d9be5", "#f9ed3b", "#bc7f14", "#b74207", "#e51010", "#ff8c1a" ] data = { 'States': high_low_states, death_types[0]: all_types_list[0], death_types[1]: all_types_list[1], death_types[2]: all_types_list[2], death_types[3]: all_types_list[3], death_types[4]: all_types_list[4], death_types[5]: all_types_list[5], death_types[6]: all_types_list[6], death_types[7]: all_types_list[7], death_types[8]: all_types_list[8], death_types[9]: all_types_list[9], death_types[10]: all_types_list[10] } source = ColumnDataSource(data=data) TOOLS = "pan,wheel_zoom,reset,save" p = figure( x_range=high_low_states, plot_height=400, plot_width=600, title="Causes of death in states with lowest amount of incidents", toolbar_location=None, tools=TOOLS) rs = p.vbar_stack(death_types, x='States', width=0.9, color=colors, source=source) p.y_range.start = 0 p.x_range.range_padding = 0.1 p.xgrid.grid_line_color = None p.axis.minor_tick_line_color = None p.outline_line_color = None p.xaxis.major_label_orientation = "vertical" p.yaxis[0].formatter = NumeralTickFormatter(format='0 %') legend = Legend(items=[(death, [r]) for (death, r) in zip(death_types, rs)], location=(0, 30)) p.add_layout(legend, 'right')
def make_html_plot(d, output_dir=os.path.join(my_config.figure_location, 'mouseover'), n=30000, num_imgs=2000, title=""): """Make an HTML tooltip mouse-over plot.""" required_fields = ['image', 'embedding'] d = update_data(d, required_fields, n=n) embedding = d['embedding'] specs = d['image'] # Write the tooltip images. if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir) num_imgs = min(len(specs), num_imgs) for i in tqdm(range(num_imgs)): save_image(specs[i], os.path.join(output_dir, str(i) + '.jpg')) output_file(os.path.join(output_dir, "mouseover.html")) source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict( x=embedding[:num_imgs, 0], y=embedding[:num_imgs, 1], imgs=[ os.path.join(output_dir, str(i) + '.jpg') for i in range(num_imgs) ], )) source2 = ColumnDataSource(data=dict( x=embedding[num_imgs:, 0], y=embedding[num_imgs:, 1], )) p = figure(plot_width=800, plot_height=600, title=title) p.scatter('x', 'y', size=3, fill_color='blue', fill_alpha=0.1, source=source2) tooltip_points = p.scatter('x', 'y', size=5, fill_color='red', source=source) hover = HoverTool(renderers=[tooltip_points], tooltips=""" <div> <div> <img src="@imgs" height="128" alt="@imgs" width="128" style="float: left; margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px;" border="1" ></img> </div> </div> """) p.add_tools(hover) p.title.align = "center" p.title.text_font_size = "25px" p.axis.visible = False p.xgrid.visible = False p.ygrid.visible = False show(p)
from bokeh.plotting import ColumnDataSource # Import output_file and show from from import output_file, show N = 4 state = "NY" # Create a ColumnDataSource: source source = ColumnDataSource( data={ 'positive': df_full[df_full.state == state].iloc[:(N + 2)].positive.tolist(), 'new_cases': df_full[df_full.state == state].iloc[:(N + 2)].new_cases.tolist(), "date_string": df_full[df_full.state == state].iloc[:(N + 2)].date_string.tolist(), "week_number": df_full[df_full.state == state].iloc[:(N + 2)].week_number.tolist(), "death": df_full[df_full.state == state].iloc[:(N + 2)].death.tolist(), "color_test": df_full[df_full.state == state].iloc[:(N + 2)].color.tolist() }) # Create a figure with x_axis_type='datetime': p p = figure(tools="", title="COVID-19 development in each US state", plot_width=700 * 0.65, plot_height=400 * 0.65, x_axis_type='log', y_axis_type='log',
f = open("mappingdf.pkl", 'rb') df = pickle.load(f) f.close reset_output() def display_data(selectedYear): yr = selectedYear df_yr = df[df['year_of_sale'] == yr] df_yr = df_yr[df_yr['sale_price'] >= 100000] return df_yr source = ColumnDataSource(data=display_data(2017)) pal = RdYlGn[6] mapper = log_cmap(field_name="sale_price", palette=pal, low=100000, low_color='green', high=23000000) tooltips = [("Price", "@sale_price"), ("Address", "@address"), ("Neighborhood", "@neighborhood")] slider = Slider(start=2003, end=2017, step=1, value=2017, title='Year') fig = figure(x_axis_type='mercator', y_axis_type='mercator', tooltips=tooltips,
def plot_with_bokeh(self, figure_width=5): """Plot the graphic record using Bokeh. Examples -------- >>> """ if not BOKEH_AVAILABLE: raise ImportError("``plot_with_bokeh`` requires Bokeh installed.") if not PANDAS_AVAILABLE: raise ImportError("``plot_with_bokeh`` requires Pandas installed.") ax, (features_levels, plot_data) = self.plot(figure_width=figure_width) width, height = [int(100 * e) for e in ax.figure.get_size_inches()] plt.close(ax.figure) max_y = max([data["annotation_y"] for f, data in plot_data.items()] + list(features_levels.values())) hover = HoverTool(tooltips="@hover_html") p = figure(plot_width=width, plot_height=height, tools=[hover, "xpan,xwheel_zoom,reset,tap"], x_range=Range1d(0, self.sequence_length), y_range=Range1d(-1, max_y + 1)) p.patches(xs='xs', ys='ys', color='color', line_color="#000000", source=ColumnDataSource( pd.DataFrame.from_records([ bokeh_feature_patch( self, feature.start, feature.end, feature.strand, level=level, color=feature.color, label=feature.label, hover_html=(feature.html if feature.html is not None else feature.label)) for feature, level in features_levels.items() ]))) if plot_data != {}: p.text(x='x', y='y', text='text', text_align="center", text_font_size='12px', text_font="arial", text_font_style="normal", source=ColumnDataSource( pd.DataFrame.from_records([ dict(x=feature.x_center, y=pdata["annotation_y"], text=feature.label, color=feature.color) for feature, pdata in plot_data.items() ]))) p.segment(x0='x0', x1='x1', y0='y0', y1='y1', line_width=0.5, color="#000000", source=ColumnDataSource( pd.DataFrame.from_records([ dict(x0=feature.x_center, x1=feature.x_center, y0=pdata["annotation_y"], y1=pdata["feature_y"]) for feature, pdata in plot_data.items() ]))) p.yaxis.visible = False p.outline_line_color = None p.grid.grid_line_color = None p.toolbar.logo = None return p
def dataGatherer(m, qdata): """ Instrument/plot/query specific contortions needed to make the bulk of the plot code generic and abstract. I feel ok hardcoding stuff in here at least, since this will always be namespace protected and unambigious (e.g. instrumentTelem.dataGatherer). """ pdata = OrderedDict() for qtag in m.queries.keys(): pdata.update({qtag: qdata[qtag]}) r = pdata['q_tcssv'] r2 = pdata['q_tcslois'] r3 = pdata['q_cubeinstcover'] r4 = pdata['q_cubefolds'] r5 = pdata['q_aossv'] # Common "now" time to compare everything against now = np.datetime64(dt.datetime.utcnow()) # These are from other data sources, so get their values too domeshut = bplot.getLast(r2, "DomeShutter", compTime=now) mirrorcov = bplot.getLast(r, "MirrorCover", compTime=now) # We use the nullVal parameter for these so we can catch the # .likelyInvalid parameters in the final table data collection since # they have special logic a little down below instcover = bplot.getLast(r3, "InstCover", compTime=now, nullVal=-1) portT = bplot.getLast(r4, 'PortThru', compTime=now, nullVal=-1) portA = bplot.getLast(r4, 'PortA', compTime=now, nullVal=-1) portB = bplot.getLast(r4, 'PortB', compTime=now, nullVal=-1) portC = bplot.getLast(r4, 'PortC', compTime=now, nullVal=-1) portD = bplot.getLast(r4, 'PortD', compTime=now, nullVal=-1) m2piston = bplot.getLast(r5, 'M2PistonDemand', label="Demand M2 Piston", compTime=now, scaleFactor=1e6, fstr="%.3f") totfocus = bplot.getLast(r5, 'totalFocusOffset', label="Total Focus Offset", compTime=now, scaleFactor=1e6, fstr="%.3f") # Finally done! Now put it all into a list so it can be passed # back a little easier and taken from there tableDat = [ domeshut, mirrorcov, instcover, m2piston, totfocus, portT, portA, portB, portC, portD ] values = [] labels = [] tooold = [] for each in tableDat: if each.label == "InstCover": # Special conversion to text for this one if each.value == 0: values.append("Closed") elif each.value == -1: values.append(bplot.funnyValues()) else: values.append("Open") labels.append(each.label) elif each.label.startswith("Port"): if each.value == 0: values.append("Inactive") elif each.value == -1: values.append(bplot.funnyValues()) else: values.append("Active") labels.append(each.label) else: values.append(each.value) labels.append(each.label) # Rather than put this in each elif, I'll just do it here. # Add in our age comparison column, for color/styling later tooold.append(each.tooOld) mds = dict(labels=labels, values=values, ageStatement=tooold) cds = ColumnDataSource(mds) return cds
def calculate_proxy_svg(snp, pop, request, r2_d="r2"): # Set data directories using config.yml with open('config.yml', 'r') as f: config = yaml.load(f) vcf_dir = config['data']['vcf_dir'] tmp_dir = "./tmp/" # Ensure tmp directory exists if not os.path.exists(tmp_dir): os.makedirs(tmp_dir) if request is False: request = str(time.strftime("%I%M%S")) # Create JSON output # Find coordinates (GRCh37/hg19) for SNP RS number # Connect to Mongo snp database client = MongoClient( 'mongodb://' + username + ':' + password + '@localhost/admin', port) db = client["LDLink"] def get_coords(db, rsid): rsid = rsid.strip("rs") query_results = db.dbsnp151.find_one({"id": rsid}) query_results_sanitized = json.loads(json_util.dumps(query_results)) return query_results_sanitized # Query genomic coordinates def get_rsnum(db, coord): temp_coord = coord.strip("chr").split(":") chro = temp_coord[0] pos = temp_coord[1] query_results = db.dbsnp151.find({ "chromosome": chro.upper() if chro == 'x' or chro == 'y' else chro, "position": pos }) query_results_sanitized = json.loads(json_util.dumps(query_results)) return query_results_sanitized # Replace input genomic coordinates with variant ids (rsids) def replace_coord_rsid(db, snp): if snp[0:2] == "rs": return snp else: snp_info_lst = get_rsnum(db, snp) print("snp_info_lst") print(snp_info_lst) if snp_info_lst != None: if len(snp_info_lst) > 1: var_id = "rs" + snp_info_lst[0]['id'] ref_variants = [] for snp_info in snp_info_lst: if snp_info['id'] == snp_info['ref_id']: ref_variants.append(snp_info['id']) if len(ref_variants) > 1: var_id = "rs" + ref_variants[0] elif len(ref_variants) == 0 and len(snp_info_lst) > 1: var_id = "rs" + snp_info_lst[0]['id'] else: var_id = "rs" + ref_variants[0] return var_id elif len(snp_info_lst) == 1: var_id = "rs" + snp_info_lst[0]['id'] return var_id else: return snp else: return snp return snp snp = replace_coord_rsid(db, snp) # Find RS number in snp database snp_coord = get_coords(db, snp) # Get population ids from tmp output files pop_list = open(tmp_dir + "pops_" + request + ".txt").readlines() ids = [] for i in range(len(pop_list)): ids.append(pop_list[i].strip()) pop_ids = list(set(ids)) # Extract query SNP phased genotypes vcf_file = vcf_dir + \ snp_coord['chromosome'] + ".phase3_shapeit2_mvncall_integrated_v5.20130502.genotypes.vcf.gz" tabix_snp_h = "tabix -H {0} | grep CHROM".format(vcf_file) proc_h = subprocess.Popen(tabix_snp_h, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) head = [x.decode('utf-8') for x in proc_h.stdout.readlines()][0].strip().split() tabix_snp = "tabix {0} {1}:{2}-{2} | grep -v -e END > {3}".format( vcf_file, snp_coord['chromosome'], snp_coord['position'], tmp_dir + "snp_no_dups_" + request + ".vcf"), shell=True) # Check SNP is in the 1000G population, has the correct RS number, and not # monoallelic vcf = open(tmp_dir + "snp_no_dups_" + request + ".vcf").readlines() if len(vcf) == 0:"rm " + tmp_dir + "pops_" + request + ".txt", shell=True)"rm " + tmp_dir + "*" + request + "*.vcf", shell=True) return None elif len(vcf) > 1: geno = [] for i in range(len(vcf)): if vcf[i].strip().split()[2] == snp: geno = vcf[i].strip().split() if geno == []:"rm " + tmp_dir + "pops_" + request + ".txt", shell=True)"rm " + tmp_dir + "*" + request + "*.vcf", shell=True) return None else: geno = vcf[0].strip().split() if geno[2] != snp: snp = geno[2] if "," in geno[3] or "," in geno[4]:"rm " + tmp_dir + "pops_" + request + ".txt", shell=True)"rm " + tmp_dir + "*" + request + "*.vcf", shell=True) return None index = [] for i in range(9, len(head)): if head[i] in pop_ids: index.append(i) genotypes = {"0": 0, "1": 0} for i in index: sub_geno = geno[i].split("|") for j in sub_geno: if j in genotypes: genotypes[j] += 1 else: genotypes[j] = 1 if genotypes["0"] == 0 or genotypes["1"] == 0:"rm " + tmp_dir + "pops_" + request + ".txt", shell=True)"rm " + tmp_dir + "*" + request + "*.vcf", shell=True) return None # Define window of interest around query SNP window = 500000 coord1 = int(snp_coord['position']) - window if coord1 < 0: coord1 = 0 coord2 = int(snp_coord['position']) + window # Calculate proxy LD statistics in parallel threads = 4 block = (2 * window) // 4 commands = [] for i in range(threads): if i == min(range(threads)) and i == max(range(threads)): command = "python " + "True " + snp + " " + \ snp_coord['chromosome'] + " " + str(coord1) + " " + \ str(coord2) + " " + request + " " + str(i) elif i == min(range(threads)): command = "python " + "True " + snp + " " + \ snp_coord['chromosome'] + " " + str(coord1) + " " + \ str(coord1 + block) + " " + request + " " + str(i) elif i == max(range(threads)): command = "python " + "True " + snp + " " + snp_coord[ 'chromosome'] + " " + str( coord1 + (block * i) + 1) + " " + str(coord2) + " " + request + " " + str(i) else: command = "python " + "True " + snp + " " + snp_coord[ 'chromosome'] + " " + str( coord1 + (block * i) + 1) + " " + str(coord1 + (block * (i + 1))) + " " + request + " " + str(i) commands.append(command) processes = [ subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) for command in commands ] # collect output in parallel def get_output(process): return process.communicate()[0].splitlines() if not hasattr(threading.current_thread(), "_children"): threading.current_thread()._children = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary() pool = Pool(len(processes)) out_raw =, processes) pool.close() pool.join() # Aggregate output out_prox = [] for i in range(len(out_raw)): for j in range(len(out_raw[i])): col = out_raw[i][j].decode('utf-8').strip().split("\t") col[6] = int(col[6]) col[7] = float(col[7]) col[8] = float(col[8]) col.append(abs(int(col[6]))) out_prox.append(col) # Sort output if r2_d not in ["r2", "d"]: r2_d = "r2" out_dist_sort = sorted(out_prox, key=operator.itemgetter(14)) if r2_d == "r2": out_ld_sort = sorted(out_dist_sort, key=operator.itemgetter(8), reverse=True) else: out_ld_sort = sorted(out_dist_sort, key=operator.itemgetter(7), reverse=True) # Organize scatter plot data q_rs = [] q_allele = [] q_coord = [] q_maf = [] p_rs = [] p_allele = [] p_coord = [] p_maf = [] dist = [] d_prime = [] d_prime_round = [] r2 = [] r2_round = [] corr_alleles = [] regdb = [] funct = [] color = [] size = [] for i in range(len(out_ld_sort)): q_rs_i, q_allele_i, q_coord_i, p_rs_i, p_allele_i, p_coord_i, dist_i, d_prime_i, r2_i, corr_alleles_i, regdb_i, q_maf_i, p_maf_i, funct_i, dist_abs = out_ld_sort[ i] if float(r2_i) > 0.01: q_rs.append(q_rs_i) q_allele.append(q_allele_i) q_coord.append(float(q_coord_i.split(":")[1]) / 1000000) q_maf.append(str(round(float(q_maf_i), 4))) if p_rs_i == ".": p_rs_i = p_coord_i p_rs.append(p_rs_i) p_allele.append(p_allele_i) p_coord.append(float(p_coord_i.split(":")[1]) / 1000000) p_maf.append(str(round(float(p_maf_i), 4))) dist.append(str(round(dist_i / 1000000.0, 4))) d_prime.append(float(d_prime_i)) d_prime_round.append(str(round(float(d_prime_i), 4))) r2.append(float(r2_i)) r2_round.append(str(round(float(r2_i), 4))) corr_alleles.append(corr_alleles_i) # Correct Missing Annotations if regdb_i == ".": regdb_i = "" regdb.append(regdb_i) if funct_i == ".": funct_i = "" if funct_i == "NA": funct_i = "none" funct.append(funct_i) # Set Color if i == 0: color_i = "blue" elif funct_i != "none" and funct_i != "": color_i = "red" else: color_i = "orange" color.append(color_i) # Set Size size_i = 9 + float(p_maf_i) * 14.0 size.append(size_i) # Begin Bokeh Plotting from collections import OrderedDict from bokeh.embed import components, file_html from bokeh.layouts import gridplot from bokeh.models import HoverTool, LinearAxis, Range1d from bokeh.plotting import ColumnDataSource, curdoc, figure, output_file, reset_output, save from bokeh.resources import CDN from import export_svgs import svgutils.compose as sg reset_output() # Proxy Plot x = p_coord if r2_d == "r2": y = r2 else: y = d_prime whitespace = 0.01 xr = Range1d(start=coord1 / 1000000.0 - whitespace, end=coord2 / 1000000.0 + whitespace) yr = Range1d(start=-0.03, end=1.03) sup_2 = "\u00B2" proxy_plot = figure( title="Proxies for " + snp + " in " + pop, min_border_top=2, min_border_bottom=2, min_border_left=60, min_border_right=60, h_symmetry=False, v_symmetry=False, plot_width=900, plot_height=600, x_range=xr, y_range=yr, tools="hover,tap,pan,box_zoom,box_select,undo,redo,reset,previewsave", logo=None, toolbar_location="above") proxy_plot.title.align = "center" # Get recomb from tmp output files filename = tmp_dir + "recomb_" + request + ".txt" recomb_raw = open(filename).readlines() recomb_x = [] recomb_y = [] for i in range(len(recomb_raw)): chr, pos, rate = recomb_raw[i].strip().split() recomb_x.append(int(pos) / 1000000.0) recomb_y.append(float(rate) / 100.0) data = { 'x': x, 'y': y, 'qrs': q_rs, 'q_alle': q_allele, 'q_maf': q_maf, 'prs': p_rs, 'p_alle': p_allele, 'p_maf': p_maf, 'dist': dist, 'r': r2_round, 'd': d_prime_round, 'alleles': corr_alleles, 'regdb': regdb, 'funct': funct, 'size': size, 'color': color } source = ColumnDataSource(data) proxy_plot.line(recomb_x, recomb_y, line_width=1, color="black", alpha=0.5)'x', y='y', size='size', color='color', alpha=0.5, source=source) hover = hover.tooltips = OrderedDict([ ("Query Variant", "@qrs @q_alle"), ("Proxy Variant", "@prs @p_alle"), ("Distance (Mb)", "@dist"), ("MAF (Query,Proxy)", "@q_maf,@p_maf"), ("R" + sup_2, "@r"), ("D\'", "@d"), ("Correlated Alleles", "@alleles"), ("RegulomeDB", "@regdb"), ("Functional Class", "@funct"), ]) proxy_plot.text(x, y, text=regdb, alpha=1, text_font_size="7pt", text_baseline="middle", text_align="center", angle=0) if r2_d == "r2": proxy_plot.yaxis.axis_label = "R" + sup_2 else: proxy_plot.yaxis.axis_label = "D\'" proxy_plot.extra_y_ranges = {"y2_axis": Range1d(start=-3, end=103)} proxy_plot.add_layout( LinearAxis(y_range_name="y2_axis", axis_label="Combined Recombination Rate (cM/Mb)"), "right") # Rug Plot y2_ll = [-0.03] * len(x) y2_ul = [1.03] * len(x) yr_rug = Range1d(start=-0.03, end=1.03) data_rug = { 'x': x, 'y': y, 'y2_ll': y2_ll, 'y2_ul': y2_ul, 'qrs': q_rs, 'q_alle': q_allele, 'q_maf': q_maf, 'prs': p_rs, 'p_alle': p_allele, 'p_maf': p_maf, 'dist': dist, 'r': r2_round, 'd': d_prime_round, 'alleles': corr_alleles, 'regdb': regdb, 'funct': funct, 'size': size, 'color': color } source_rug = ColumnDataSource(data_rug) rug = figure(x_range=xr, y_range=yr_rug, border_fill_color='white', y_axis_type=None, title="", min_border_top=2, min_border_bottom=2, min_border_left=60, min_border_right=60, h_symmetry=False, v_symmetry=False, plot_width=900, plot_height=50, tools="xpan,tap", logo=None) rug.segment(x0='x', y0='y2_ll', x1='x', y1='y2_ul', source=source_rug, color='color', alpha=0.5, line_width=1) rug.toolbar_location = None # Gene Plot # Get genes from tmp output files filename = tmp_dir + "genes_" + request + ".txt" genes_raw = open(filename).readlines() genes_plot_start = [] genes_plot_end = [] genes_plot_y = [] genes_plot_name = [] exons_plot_x = [] exons_plot_y = [] exons_plot_w = [] exons_plot_h = [] exons_plot_name = [] exons_plot_id = [] exons_plot_exon = [] lines = [0] gap = 80000 tall = 0.75 if genes_raw != None: for i in range(len(genes_raw)): bin, name_id, chrom, strand, txStart, txEnd, cdsStart, cdsEnd, exonCount, exonStarts, exonEnds, score, name2, cdsStartStat, cdsEndStat, exonFrames = genes_raw[ i].strip().split() name = name2 id = name_id e_start = exonStarts.split(",") e_end = exonEnds.split(",") # Determine Y Coordinate i = 0 y_coord = None while y_coord == None: if i > len(lines) - 1: y_coord = i + 1 lines.append(int(txEnd)) elif int(txStart) > (gap + lines[i]): y_coord = i + 1 lines[i] = int(txEnd) else: i += 1 genes_plot_start.append(int(txStart) / 1000000.0) genes_plot_end.append(int(txEnd) / 1000000.0) genes_plot_y.append(y_coord) genes_plot_name.append(name + " ") for i in range(len(e_start) - 1): if strand == "+": exon = i + 1 else: exon = len(e_start) - 1 - i width = (int(e_end[i]) - int(e_start[i])) / 1000000.0 x_coord = int(e_start[i]) / 1000000.0 + (width / 2) exons_plot_x.append(x_coord) exons_plot_y.append(y_coord) exons_plot_w.append(width) exons_plot_h.append(tall) exons_plot_name.append(name) exons_plot_id.append(id) exons_plot_exon.append(exon) n_rows = len(lines) genes_plot_yn = [n_rows - x + 0.5 for x in genes_plot_y] exons_plot_yn = [n_rows - x + 0.5 for x in exons_plot_y] yr2 = Range1d(start=0, end=n_rows) data_gene_plot = { 'exons_plot_x': exons_plot_x, 'exons_plot_yn': exons_plot_yn, 'exons_plot_w': exons_plot_w, 'exons_plot_h': exons_plot_h, 'exons_plot_name': exons_plot_name, 'exons_plot_id': exons_plot_id, 'exons_plot_exon': exons_plot_exon } source_gene_plot = ColumnDataSource(data_gene_plot) if len(lines) < 3: plot_h_pix = 150 else: plot_h_pix = 150 + (len(lines) - 2) * 50 gene_plot = figure( x_range=xr, y_range=yr2, border_fill_color='white', title="", min_border_top=2, min_border_bottom=2, min_border_left=60, min_border_right=60, h_symmetry=False, v_symmetry=False, plot_width=900, plot_height=plot_h_pix, tools="hover,tap,xpan,box_zoom,undo,redo,reset,previewsave", logo=None) gene_plot.segment(genes_plot_start, genes_plot_yn, genes_plot_end, genes_plot_yn, color="black", alpha=1, line_width=2) gene_plot.rect(x='exons_plot_x', y='exons_plot_yn', width='exons_plot_w', height='exons_plot_h', source=source_gene_plot, fill_color="grey", line_color="grey") gene_plot.xaxis.axis_label = "Chromosome " + \ snp_coord['chromosome'] + " Coordinate (Mb)(GRCh37)" gene_plot.yaxis.axis_label = "Genes" gene_plot.ygrid.grid_line_color = None gene_plot.yaxis.axis_line_color = None gene_plot.yaxis.minor_tick_line_color = None gene_plot.yaxis.major_tick_line_color = None gene_plot.yaxis.major_label_text_color = None hover = hover.tooltips = OrderedDict([ ("Gene", "@exons_plot_name"), ("ID", "@exons_plot_id"), ("Exon", "@exons_plot_exon"), ]) gene_plot.text(genes_plot_start, genes_plot_yn, text=genes_plot_name, alpha=1, text_font_size="7pt", text_font_style="bold", text_baseline="middle", text_align="right", angle=0) gene_plot.toolbar_location = "below" # Change output backend to SVG temporarily for headless export # Will be changed back to canvas in LDlink.js proxy_plot.output_backend = "svg" rug.output_backend = "svg" gene_plot.output_backend = "svg" export_svgs(proxy_plot, filename=tmp_dir + "proxy_plot_1_" + request + ".svg") export_svgs(gene_plot, filename=tmp_dir + "gene_plot_1_" + request + ".svg") # 1 pixel = 0.0264583333 cm svg_height = str(20.00 + (0.0264583333 * plot_h_pix)) + "cm" svg_height_scaled = str(100.00 + (0.1322916665 * plot_h_pix)) + "cm" # Concatenate svgs sg.Figure("24.59cm", svg_height, sg.SVG(tmp_dir + "proxy_plot_1_" + request + ".svg"), sg.SVG(tmp_dir + "gene_plot_1_" + request + ".svg").move( 0, 630)).save(tmp_dir + "proxy_plot_" + request + ".svg") sg.Figure( "122.95cm", svg_height_scaled, sg.SVG(tmp_dir + "proxy_plot_1_" + request + ".svg").scale(5), sg.SVG(tmp_dir + "gene_plot_1_" + request + ".svg").scale(5).move( 0, 3150)).save(tmp_dir + "proxy_plot_scaled_" + request + ".svg") # Export to PDF"phantomjs ./rasterize.js " + tmp_dir + "proxy_plot_" + request + ".svg " + tmp_dir + "proxy_plot_" + request + ".pdf", shell=True) # Export to PNG"phantomjs ./rasterize.js " + tmp_dir + "proxy_plot_scaled_" + request + ".svg " + tmp_dir + "proxy_plot_" + request + ".png", shell=True) # Export to JPEG"phantomjs ./rasterize.js " + tmp_dir + "proxy_plot_scaled_" + request + ".svg " + tmp_dir + "proxy_plot_" + request + ".jpeg", shell=True) # Remove individual SVG files after they are combined"rm " + tmp_dir + "proxy_plot_1_" + request + ".svg", shell=True)"rm " + tmp_dir + "gene_plot_1_" + request + ".svg", shell=True) # Remove scaled SVG file after it is converted to png and jpeg"rm " + tmp_dir + "proxy_plot_scaled_" + request + ".svg", shell=True) reset_output() # Remove temporary files"rm " + tmp_dir + "pops_" + request + ".txt", shell=True)"rm " + tmp_dir + "*" + request + "*.vcf", shell=True)"rm " + tmp_dir + "genes_" + request + ".txt", shell=True)"rm " + tmp_dir + "recomb_" + request + ".txt", shell=True) # Return plot output return None
def station_bar_plot(summary_csv, layer, out_dir=None, x_label=None, y_label=None, title=None, subtitle=None, year_subtitle=True): """ Produce an interactive bar chart comparing multiple climate stations to each other for a particular variable, e.g. bias ratios or interpolated residuals. Arguments: summary_csv (str): path to summary CSV produced by either :func:`gridwxcomp.calc_bias_ratios` or by :func:`gridwxcomp.interpolate`. Should contain ``layer`` data for plot. layer (str): name of variable to plot. Keyword Arguments: out_dir (str or None): default None. Output directory path, default is 'station_bar_plots' in parent directory of ``summary_csv``. x_label (str or None): default None. Label for x-axis. y_label (str or None): default None. Label for y-axis, defaults to ``layer``. title (str or None): default None. Title of plot. subtitle (str, list, or None): default None. Additional subtitle(s) for plot. year_subtitle (bool): default True. If true print subtitle on plot with the max year range used for station data, e.g. 'years: 1995-2005' Example: Let's say we want to compare the mean growing seasion bias ratios of reference evapotranspiration (ETr) for the selection of stations we used to calculate bias ratios. The summary CSV file containing the ratios should be first created using :func:`gridwxcomp.calc_bias_ratios`. >>> from gridwxcomp.plot import station_bar_plot >>> # path to summary CSV with station data >>> in_file = 'monthly_ratios/etr_mm_summary_all_yrs.csv' >>> layer = 'growseason_mean' >>> station_bar_plot(in_file, layer) The resulting file will be saved using the layer name as a file name:: 'monthly_ratios/station_bar_plots/growseason_mean.html' The plot file will contain the mean growing season bias ratios of ETr for each station, sorted from smallest to largest values. This function may also be used for any numerical data in the summary CSV files that are created by :func:`gridwxcomp.interpolate` in addition to those created by :func:`gridwxcomp.calc_bias_ratios`. The main requirement is that ``summary_csv`` must contain the column 'STATION_ID' and the ``layer`` keyword argument. Raises: FileNotFoundError: if ``summary_csv`` is not found. KeyError: if ``layer`` does not exist as a column name in ``summary_csv``. """ if not Path(summary_csv).is_file(): err_msg = '\n{} is not a valid path to a summary CSV file!'.\ format(summary_csv) raise FileNotFoundError(err_msg) df = pd.read_csv(summary_csv, na_values=[-999]) if not layer in df.columns: err_msg = '\nColumn {} was not found in {}'.format(layer, summary_csv) raise KeyError(err_msg) df.sort_values(layer, inplace=True) source = ColumnDataSource(df) # hover tooltip with station and value tooltips = [ ("station", "@STATION_ID"), ("value", "@{}".format(layer)), ] hover = models.HoverTool(tooltips=tooltips) if not y_label: y_label = layer # save to working directory in 'station_bar_plots' if not specified if not out_dir: out_dir = Path(summary_csv).parent / 'station_bar_plots' else: out_dir = Path(out_dir) if not out_dir.is_dir(): print('\n{}\nDoes not exist, making directory'.format( out_dir.absolute())) out_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) out_file = out_dir / '{}.html'.format(layer) print('\nCreating station bar plot for variable: ', layer, '\nUsing data from file: ', Path(summary_csv).absolute()) output_file(out_file) p = figure(x_range=df.STATION_ID, y_axis_label=y_label, title=title) p.vbar(x='STATION_ID', top=layer, width=0.8, source=source) p.xaxis.major_label_orientation = pi / 2 p.add_tools(hover, models.BoxSelectTool()) if year_subtitle: # add data range (years start to end) as subtitle min_yr = df.start_year.min().astype(int) max_yr = df.end_year.max().astype(int) if min_yr == max_yr: year_str = 'year: {}'.format(min_yr) else: year_str = 'years: {}-{}'.format(min_yr, max_yr) # caution note if not all stations use full year range if not (df.end_year == max_yr).all() or not (df.start_year == min_yr).all(): year_str = '{} (less years exist for some stations)'.\ format(year_str) p.add_layout(models.Title(text=year_str, text_font_style="italic"), 'above') # add arbitrary number of custom subtitles as lines above plot if isinstance(subtitle, (list, tuple)): for st in subtitle: p.add_layout(models.Title(text=st, text_font_style="italic"), 'above') elif subtitle: p.add_layout(models.Title(text=subtitle, text_font_style="italic"), 'above') save(p) print('\nPlot saved to: ', out_file.absolute())
def main(): # file where .html should be saved output_file('docs/amount_staff_scatter.html', title='Scatterplot: Amount of Students per Staff Member') # reads df from file df = pd.read_csv('../../university_ranking.csv', index_col=0) colormap = {2016: 'red', 2017: 'green', 2018: 'blue'} years = [2016, 2017, 2018] # gets top 800 for every year and puts into list dfs = [df.loc[df['year'] == year].head(200) for year in years] df = dfs[0].append(dfs[1].append(dfs[2])) # creates all data we need year_list = [] # creates list of years for every datapoint for year in years: for i in range(200): year_list.append(year) # creates list of colors for every datapoint colors = [colormap[x] for x in df['year']] # all data collected in a dictionary data = { 'ranking': df['ranking'], 'no_student_p_staff': df['no_student_p_staff'], 'years': year_list, 'color': colors, 'university': df['university_name'] } m, b = best_fit_line(df['ranking'], df['no_student_p_staff']) m = round(m, 4) b = round(b, 4) x = [i for i in range(201)] y = [m * x + b for x in range(len(x))] source = ColumnDataSource(data) hover = HoverTool(tooltips=[('Year', '@years'), ('Ranking', '@ranking'), ('Amount of Students per Staff', '@no_student_p_staff'), ('University', '@university')], names=['scatter']) p = figure(tools=[hover], title="Scatterplot: Amount of Students per Staff Member") p.xaxis.axis_label = 'International Ranking' p.yaxis.axis_label = 'Amount of Students per Staff Member' p.scatter('ranking', 'no_student_p_staff', source=source, color='color', name='scatter', legend='years') r1 = p.line(x, y, line_width=2, color='black') legend = Legend(items=[("{0}x + {1}".format(m, b), [r1])]) p.add_layout(legend, 'above') show(p)
# Define parameter vector to be included for the similrity calculation # or we can use all cap parameters for this claculation (?) ShortParList = [ 'sac_UZTWM', 'sac_UZFWM', 'sac_LZTWM', 'sac_LZFSM', 'sac_LZFPM', 'sac_ZPERC', 'sac_UZK', 'sac_REXP', 'sac_PFREE', 'sac_LZSK', 'sac_LZPK' ] # cell 13 ############################################################# # Read Calibrated Parameter Sets for the basins to be regionalized results = {} sources = {} for Basin in Basins: print Basin results[Basin] = genResult(Basin, NASA_RUNS) sources[Basin] = ColumnDataSource(results[Basin]) print results, sources # cell 14 ############################################################### """ Que - what is 'F2'? why set 20 as the value ans: F2 penalty function. default 20 Note - Normalize F1,F2,F3 result - calculate the mean of the normalized F1-F3 result: results[Basin]['Obj'] - rank the mean of normalized F1-F3 result: results[Basin]['obj_rank'] """ # Normalize objective functions, calculate rank of mean normalized objective functions
colors = ["green", "red", "cyan", "yellow", "blue"] color_src = [] for i in range(len(x_corr)): color_src.append(colors[labels[i]]) from bokeh.plotting import figure, output_file, show, ColumnDataSource from bokeh.models import HoverTool #,BoxZoomTool, ResetTool,ResizeTool,WheelZoomTool output_file("toolbar.html") TOOLS = "resize,crosshair,pan,wheel_zoom,box_zoom,reset,tap,previewsave,box_select,poly_select,lasso_select" source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict( x=x_corr, y=y_corr, desc=label, # colors=color_src, )) hover = HoverTool(tooltips=""" <div> <div> <span style="font-size: 17px; font-weight: bold;">@desc</span> <span style="font-size: 15px; color: #966;">[$index]</span> </div> <div> <span style="font-size: 15px;">Location</span> <span style="font-size: 10px; color: #696;">($x, $y)</span> </div> </div> """)
from bokeh.plotting import figure, ColumnDataSource def resample_wrapper(): numpoints = 1 = resample(numpoints, covariance_slider.value) = dict(xs=[n + 1 for n in range(numpoints + 1)], ys=[['x1'][0],['x2'][0]]) def update_all(): = drawContour(covariance_slider.value) resample_wrapper() source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x1=[0], x2=[0])) source2 = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(xs=[0], ys=[0])) source3 = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(xs=[0], ys=[0])) plot = figure(y_range=(-3, 3), x_range=(-3, 3), plot_width=400, plot_height=400) plot.scatter('x1', 'x2', source=source, line_width=3, line_alpha=0.6) plot.multi_line(xs='xs', ys='ys', line_color='line_color', source=source2) plot2 = figure(y_range=(-3, 3), x_range=(0, 3), plot_width=400, plot_height=400, x_axis_type=None,
from bokeh.models.widgets import RangeSlider import pandas from import Action # Spans (line-type annotations) have a single dimension (width or height) and extend to the edge of the plot area. from bokeh.models import Span import numpy as np import copy import csv # from import show # from import ButtonClick # from bokeh.models.widgets import Button #Read in CSV df = pandas.read_csv("Data/Cs6s.csv") #Create ColumnDataSource from Data Frame - ColumnDataSource gives more features like hover,tooltips source = ColumnDataSource(df) df2 = pandas.read_csv("Data/cs7p3m3.csv") source2 = ColumnDataSource(df2) # dividing data to get line graph from separate parts dfdiff = pandas.read_csv('Data/cs7p3m1.csv').sort_values(by=['wavelength'], ignore_index=True) # sorted_diff = dfdiff.sort_values(by=['wavelength']) print(dfdiff) # there is dissociation where y==0 def data_function(input_data): data = [] data2 = []
def figure_as_html(builds_data, nodes=None, title=None, with_labels=False): ''' For every build in builds_data draw rectangle with data: :center_x: = left(=timestamp) + width/2 :center y: = builtOn :width: = duration :height: = 100 :color: = result_to_color(result) :label: = fullDisplayName ''' # Data center_x = [] center_y = [] width = [] left = [] height = 0.95 label = [] color = [] max_time = datetime_to_timestamp( for build_data in builds_data: logger.debug("Processing build %s" % build_data) build_left = build_data['timestamp'] if build_data['duration'] == 0 and not build_data['result']: logger.debug("Build %s is still running" % build_data['fullDisplayName']) duration = max_time - build_data['timestamp'] build_width = duration else: build_width = build_data['duration'] build_label = build_data['fullDisplayName'] build_color = get_build_color(build_data) left.append(build_left) width.append(build_width) label.append(build_label) center_x.append(build_left + build_width/2) center_y.append(build_data['builtOn']) color.append(build_color) source = ColumnDataSource( data=dict( x=center_x, y=center_y, width=width, left=left, color=color, label=label, ) ) if not nodes: nodes = sorted(list(set(center_y))) # Plot properties TOOLS="pan,xwheel_zoom,box_zoom,reset,previewsave,hover,resize" p = figure(x_axis_type="datetime", y_range=nodes, width=900, tools=TOOLS, title=title, toolbar_location="below", height=max(min(len(nodes)* 40, 800),100), ) hover = hover.tooltips = '<font color="@color">•</font> @label' # Draw data p.rect('x', 'y', 'width', height, color='color', source=source, line_width=1, line_color='white', line_alpha=0.4, fill_alpha=0.4, ) if with_labels: # Add labels layer p.text('left', 'y', 'label', source=source, angle=0.3, name="Labels", text_font_size='6pt', text_baseline='middle', text_alpha=0.8, x_offset=map(lambda x: x % 3 * 20, xrange(len(label))), y_offset=map(lambda y: y % 2 * 10 -5 , xrange(len(label))), ) # To HTML script, div = components(p) return script + div
#import numpy as np import pandas as pd #from bokeh.charts import Bar #from bokeh.plotting import hbar from bokeh.plotting import ColumnDataSource, figure from import output_file, show output_file('pop-life.html') file = 'country-pops.csv' countries = pd.read_csv(file, nrows=5) countries_array = np.array(countries.head) #print(countries_array) #bar_chart = hbar(countries, 'Country_English', values='Population', title='Population', legend=False) #show(bar_chart) country_data = ColumnDataSource(countries) plot = figure(x_axis_label='Population', y_axis_label='Life Expectancy')'Population', y='Life_expectancy', source=country_data, size=15) show(plot)
def main(): shp_link = "data/LSOA_2011_London_gen_MHW.shp" # Read in LSOA shapefile try: shp = gpd.read_file(shp_link, crs="+init=epsg:4326") # Set CRS for later mapping shp = shp.to_crs(epsg=3857) except: # Unzip file if not done already zip = ZipFile('') zip.extractall() shp = gpd.read_file(shp_link, crs="+init=epsg:4326") # Set CRS for later mapping shp = shp.to_crs(epsg=3857) # Read PTAL table PTAL_AV = pd.read_csv("data/AVPTAL2015_LSOA2011.csv") # Rename column for merge PTAL_AV = PTAL_AV.rename(columns = {'LSOA2011':'LSOA11CD'}) PTAL = shp.merge(PTAL_AV, on='LSOA11CD') # Rename average PTAL col to easier name PTAL = PTAL.rename(columns = {'AvPTAI2015':'AV_PTAL'}) # Read in bokeh modules from collections import OrderedDict from bokeh.plotting import figure, show, output_notebook, ColumnDataSource from bokeh.models import HoverTool from import output_file, show #Scatter # Convert geomertries from gpd to bokeh format lons, lats = gpd_bokeh(PTAL) # Create PTAL Rate quantile bins in pysal bins_q5 = ps.Quantiles(PTAL.AV_PTAL, k=5) # Creat colour classes from bins bwr ='Reds') bwr(.76) c5 = [bwr(c) for c in [0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.7, 1.0]] classes = bins_q5.yb colors = [c5[i] for i in classes] colors5 = ["#F1EEF6", "#D4B9DA", "#C994C7", "#DF65B0", "#DD1C77"] colors = [colors5[i] for i in classes] p = figure(title="London PTAI 2015 Quintiles", toolbar_location='left', plot_width=1100, plot_height=700) p.patches(lons, lats, fill_alpha=0.7, fill_color=colors, line_color="#884444", line_width=2, line_alpha=0.3) # Now for interactive plot from bokeh.models import HoverTool from bokeh.plotting import figure, show, output_file, ColumnDataSource from bokeh.tile_providers import STAMEN_TERRAIN, CARTODBPOSITRON_RETINA source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict( x=lons, y=lats, color=colors, name=PTAL.LSOA11NM, rate=PTAL.AV_PTAL )) # Add bokeh tools for interactive mapping TOOLS = "pan, wheel_zoom, box_zoom, reset, hover, save" p = figure(title="London Average PTAL Index ", tools=TOOLS, plot_width=900, plot_height=900) p.patches('x', 'y', source=source, fill_color='color', fill_alpha=0.7, line_color='white', line_width=0.5) # Define what info shows with mouse hover hover = p.select_one(HoverTool) hover.point_policy = 'follow_mouse' hover.tooltips = [ ("Name", "@name"), ("PTAL rank", "@rate"), ] # Turn off axis p.axis.visible = False # Add basemap p.add_tile(CARTODBPOSITRON_RETINA) # Output file to html output_file("London_PTAL2015.html", title="Average_PTAL_2015") show(p)
def _set_logo_CDS(self): data = dict(url=[self.url_descr_map['init']], x=[0]) source = ColumnDataSource(data) return source
def calculate_assoc_svg(file, region, pop, request, genome_build, myargs, myargsName, myargsOrigin): # Set data directories using config.yml with open('config.yml', 'r') as yml_file: config = yaml.load(yml_file) env = config['env'] api_mongo_addr = config['api']['api_mongo_addr'] data_dir = config['data']['data_dir'] tmp_dir = config['data']['tmp_dir'] genotypes_dir = config['data']['genotypes_dir'] aws_info = config['aws'] mongo_username = config['database']['mongo_user_readonly'] mongo_password = config['database']['mongo_password'] mongo_port = config['database']['mongo_port'] num_subprocesses = config['performance']['num_subprocesses'] export_s3_keys = retrieveAWSCredentials() # Ensure tmp directory exists if not os.path.exists(tmp_dir): os.makedirs(tmp_dir) chrs = [ "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18", "19", "20", "21", "22", "X", "Y" ] # Define parameters for --variant option if region == "variant": if myargsOrigin == "None": return None if myargsOrigin != "None": # Find coordinates (GRCh37/hg19) or (GRCh38/hg38) for SNP RS number if myargsOrigin[0:2] == "rs": snp = myargsOrigin # Connect to Mongo snp database if env == 'local': mongo_host = api_mongo_addr else: mongo_host = 'localhost' client = MongoClient( 'mongodb://' + mongo_username + ':' + mongo_password + '@' + mongo_host + '/admin', mongo_port) db = client["LDLink"] def get_coords_var(db, rsid): rsid = rsid.strip("rs") query_results = db.dbsnp.find_one({"id": rsid}) query_results_sanitized = json.loads( json_util.dumps(query_results)) return query_results_sanitized # Find RS number in snp database var_coord = get_coords_var(db, snp) if var_coord == None: return None elif myargsOrigin.split(":")[0].strip("chr") in chrs and len( myargsOrigin.split(":")) == 2: snp = myargsOrigin #var_coord=[None,myargsOrigin.split(":")[0].strip("chr"),myargsOrigin.split(":")[1]] var_coord = { 'chromosome': myargsOrigin.split(":")[0].strip("chr"), 'position': myargsOrigin.split(":")[1] } else: return None chromosome = var_coord['chromosome'] org_coord = var_coord[genome_build_vars[genome_build]['position']] # Open Association Data header_list = [] header_list.append(myargs['chr']) header_list.append(myargs['bp']) header_list.append(myargs['pval']) # Load input file with open(file) as fp: header = fp.readline().strip().split() first = fp.readline().strip().split() if len(header) != len(first): return None # Check header for item in header_list: if item not in header: return None len_head = len(header) chr_index = header.index(myargs['chr']) pos_index = header.index(myargs['bp']) p_index = header.index(myargs['pval']) # Define window of interest around query SNP if myargs['window'] == None: if region == "variant": window = 500000 elif region == "gene": window = 100000 else: window = 0 else: window = myargs['window'] if region == "variant": coord1 = int(org_coord) - window if coord1 < 0: coord1 = 0 coord2 = int(org_coord) + window elif region == "gene": if myargsName == "None": return None def get_coords_gene(gene_raw, db): gene = gene_raw.upper() mongoResult = db.genes_name_coords.find_one({"name": gene}) #format mongo output if mongoResult != None: geneResult = [ mongoResult["name"], mongoResult[genome_build_vars[genome_build]['chromosome']], mongoResult[genome_build_vars[genome_build]['gene_begin']], mongoResult[genome_build_vars[genome_build]['gene_end']] ] return geneResult else: return None # Find RS number in snp database gene_coord = get_coords_gene(myargsName, db) if gene_coord == None or gene_coord[2] == 'NA' or gene_coord == 'NA': return None # Define search coordinates coord1 = int(gene_coord[2]) - window if coord1 < 0: coord1 = 0 coord2 = int(gene_coord[3]) + window # Run with --origin option if myargsOrigin != "None": if gene_coord[1] != chromosome: return None if coord1 > int(org_coord) or int(org_coord) > coord2: return None else: chromosome = gene_coord[1] elif region == "region": if myargs['start'] == None: return None if myargs['end'] == None: return None # Parse out chr and positions for --region option if len(myargs['start'].split(":")) != 2: return None if len(myargs['end'].split(":")) != 2: return None chr_s = myargs['start'].strip("chr").split(":")[0] coord_s = myargs['start'].split(":")[1] chr_e = myargs['end'].strip("chr").split(":")[0] coord_e = myargs['end'].split(":")[1] if chr_s not in chrs: return None if chr_e not in chrs: return None if chr_s != chr_e: return None if coord_s >= coord_e: return None coord1 = int(coord_s) - window if coord1 < 0: coord1 = 0 coord2 = int(coord_e) + window # Run with --origin option if myargsOrigin != "None": if chr_s != chromosome: return None if coord1 > int(org_coord) or int(org_coord) > coord2: return None else: chromosome = chr_s # Generate coordinate list and P-value dictionary max_window = 3000000 if coord2 - coord1 > max_window: return None assoc_coords = [] a_pos = [] assoc_dict = {} assoc_list = [] with open(file) as fp: for line in fp: col = line.strip().split() if len(col) == len_head: if col[chr_index].strip("chr") == chromosome: try: int(col[pos_index]) except ValueError: continue else: if coord1 <= int(col[pos_index]) <= coord2: try: float(col[p_index]) except ValueError: continue else: coord_i = genome_build_vars[genome_build][ '1000G_chr_prefix'] + col[chr_index].strip( "chr") + ":" + col[ pos_index] + "-" + col[pos_index] assoc_coords.append(coord_i) a_pos.append(col[pos_index]) assoc_dict[coord_i] = [col[p_index]] assoc_list.append( [coord_i, float(col[p_index])]) # Coordinate list checks if len(assoc_coords) == 0: return None # Get population ids from population output file from pop_list = open(tmp_dir + "pops_" + request + ".txt").readlines() ids = [] for i in range(len(pop_list)): ids.append(pop_list[i].strip()) pop_ids = list(set(ids)) # Define LD origin coordinate try: org_coord except NameError: for var_p in sorted(assoc_list, key=operator.itemgetter(1)): snp = "chr" + var_p[0].split("-")[0] # Extract lowest P SNP phased genotypes vcf_filePath = "%s/%s%s/%s" % ( config['aws']['data_subfolder'], genotypes_dir, genome_build_vars[genome_build]["1000G_dir"], genome_build_vars[genome_build]["1000G_file"] % (chromosome)) vcf_file = "s3://%s/%s" % (config['aws']['bucket'], vcf_filePath) checkS3File(aws_info, config['aws']['bucket'], vcf_filePath) tabix_snp_h = export_s3_keys + " cd {1}; tabix -HD {0} | grep CHROM".format( vcf_file, data_dir + genotypes_dir + genome_build_vars[genome_build]['1000G_dir']) head = [ x.decode('utf-8') for x in subprocess.Popen( tabix_snp_h, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.readlines() ][0].strip().split() # Check lowest P SNP is in the 1000G population and not monoallelic from output file vcf = open(tmp_dir + "snp_no_dups_" + request + ".vcf").readlines() if len(vcf) == 0: continue elif len(vcf) > 1: geno = vcf[0].strip().split() geno[0] = geno[0].lstrip('chr') else: geno = vcf[0].strip().split() geno[0] = geno[0].lstrip('chr') if "," in geno[3] or "," in geno[4]: continue index = [] for i in range(9, len(head)): if head[i] in pop_ids: index.append(i) genotypes = {"0": 0, "1": 0} for i in index: sub_geno = geno[i].split("|") for j in sub_geno: if j in genotypes: genotypes[j] += 1 else: genotypes[j] = 1 if genotypes["0"] == 0 or genotypes["1"] == 0: continue org_coord = var_p[0].split("-")[1] break else: if genome_build_vars[genome_build][ '1000G_chr_prefix'] + chromosome + ":" + org_coord + "-" + org_coord not in assoc_coords: return None # Extract query SNP phased genotypes vcf_filePath = "%s/%s%s/%s" % ( config['aws']['data_subfolder'], genotypes_dir, genome_build_vars[genome_build]["1000G_dir"], genome_build_vars[genome_build]["1000G_file"] % (chromosome)) vcf_file = "s3://%s/%s" % (config['aws']['bucket'], vcf_filePath) checkS3File(aws_info, config['aws']['bucket'], vcf_filePath) tabix_snp_h = export_s3_keys + " cd {1}; tabix -HD {0} | grep CHROM".format( vcf_file, data_dir + genotypes_dir + genome_build_vars[genome_build]['1000G_dir']) head = [ x.decode('utf-8') for x in subprocess.Popen(tabix_snp_h, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.readlines() ][0].strip().split() # Check query SNP is in the 1000G population, has the correct RS number, and not monoallelic vcf = open(tmp_dir + "snp_no_dups_" + request + ".vcf").readlines() if len(vcf) == 0:"rm " + tmp_dir + "pops_" + request + ".txt", shell=True)"rm " + tmp_dir + "*" + request + "*.vcf", shell=True) return None elif len(vcf) > 1: geno = [] for i in range(len(vcf)): if vcf[i].strip().split()[2] == snp: geno = vcf[i].strip().split() geno[0] = geno[0].lstrip('chr') if geno == []:"rm " + tmp_dir + "pops_" + request + ".txt", shell=True)"rm " + tmp_dir + "*" + request + "*.vcf", shell=True) return None else: geno = vcf[0].strip().split() geno[0] = geno[0].lstrip('chr') if geno[2] != snp and snp[0:2] == "rs" and "rs" in geno[2]: snp = geno[2] if "," in geno[3] or "," in geno[4]:"rm " + tmp_dir + "pops_" + request + ".txt", shell=True)"rm " + tmp_dir + "*" + request + "*.vcf", shell=True) return None index = [] for i in range(9, len(head)): if head[i] in pop_ids: index.append(i) genotypes = {"0": 0, "1": 0} for i in index: sub_geno = geno[i].split("|") for j in sub_geno: if j in genotypes: genotypes[j] += 1 else: genotypes[j] = 1 if genotypes["0"] == 0 or genotypes["1"] == 0:"rm " + tmp_dir + "pops_" + request + ".txt", shell=True)"rm " + tmp_dir + "*" + request + "*.vcf", shell=True) return None # Calculate proxy LD statistics in parallel if len(assoc_coords) < 60: num_subprocesses = 1 # else: # threads=4 assoc_coords_subset_chunks = np.array_split(assoc_coords, num_subprocesses) # block=len(assoc_coords) // num_subprocesses commands = [] # for i in range(num_subprocesses): # if i==min(range(num_subprocesses)) and i==max(range(num_subprocesses)): # command="python3 "+snp+" "+chromosome+" "+"_".join(assoc_coords)+" "+request+" "+str(i) # elif i==min(range(num_subprocesses)): # command="python3 "+snp+" "+chromosome+" "+"_".join(assoc_coords[:block])+" "+request+" "+str(i) # elif i==max(range(num_subprocesses)): # command="python3 "+snp+" "+chromosome+" "+"_".join(assoc_coords[(block*i)+1:])+" "+request+" "+str(i) # else: # command="python3 "+snp+" "+chromosome+" "+"_".join(assoc_coords[(block*i)+1:block*(i+1)])+" "+request+" "+str(i) # commands.append(command) for subprocess_id in range(num_subprocesses): subprocessArgs = " ".join([ str(snp), str(chromosome), str("_".join(assoc_coords_subset_chunks[subprocess_id])), str(request), str(genome_build), str(subprocess_id) ]) commands.append("python3 " + subprocessArgs) processes = [ subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) for command in commands ] # collect output in parallel def get_output(process): return process.communicate()[0].splitlines() pool = Pool(len(processes)) out_raw =, processes) pool.close() pool.join() # Aggregate output out_prox = [] for i in range(len(out_raw)): for j in range(len(out_raw[i])): col = out_raw[i][j].decode('utf-8').strip().split("\t") col[6] = int(col[6]) col[7] = float(col[7]) col[8] = float(col[8]) col.append(abs(int(col[6]))) pos_i_j = col[5].split(":")[1] coord_i_j = genome_build_vars[genome_build][ '1000G_chr_prefix'] + chromosome + ":" + pos_i_j + "-" + pos_i_j if coord_i_j in assoc_dict: col.append(float(assoc_dict[coord_i_j][0])) out_prox.append(col) out_dist_sort = sorted(out_prox, key=operator.itemgetter(14)) out_p_sort = sorted(out_dist_sort, key=operator.itemgetter(15), reverse=False) # Organize scatter plot data q_rs = [] q_allele = [] q_coord = [] q_maf = [] p_rs = [] p_allele = [] p_coord = [] p_pos = [] p_maf = [] dist = [] d_prime = [] d_prime_round = [] r2 = [] r2_round = [] corr_alleles = [] regdb = [] funct = [] color = [] alpha = [] size = [] p_val = [] neg_log_p = [] for i in range(len(out_p_sort)): q_rs_i, q_allele_i, q_coord_i, p_rs_i, p_allele_i, p_coord_i, dist_i, d_prime_i, r2_i, corr_alleles_i, regdb_i, q_maf_i, p_maf_i, funct_i, dist_abs, p_val_i = out_p_sort[ i] q_rs.append(q_rs_i) q_allele.append(q_allele_i) q_coord.append(float(q_coord_i.split(":")[1]) / 1000000) q_maf.append(str(round(float(q_maf_i), 4))) if p_rs_i == ".": p_rs_i = p_coord_i p_rs.append(p_rs_i) p_allele.append(p_allele_i) p_coord.append(float(p_coord_i.split(":")[1]) / 1000000) p_pos.append(p_coord_i.split(":")[1]) p_maf.append(str(round(float(p_maf_i), 4))) dist.append(str(round(dist_i / 1000000.0, 4))) d_prime.append(float(d_prime_i)) d_prime_round.append(str(round(float(d_prime_i), 4))) r2.append(float(r2_i)) r2_round.append(str(round(float(r2_i), 4))) corr_alleles.append(corr_alleles_i) # P-value p_val.append(p_val_i) neg_log_p.append(-log10(p_val_i)) # Correct Missing Annotations if regdb_i == ".": regdb_i = "" regdb.append(regdb_i) if funct_i == ".": funct_i = "" if funct_i == "NA": funct_i = "none" funct.append(funct_i) # Set Color reds = [ "#FFCCCC", "#FFCACA", "#FFC8C8", "#FFC6C6", "#FFC4C4", "#FFC2C2", "#FFC0C0", "#FFBEBE", "#FFBCBC", "#FFBABA", "#FFB8B8", "#FFB6B6", "#FFB4B4", "#FFB1B1", "#FFAFAF", "#FFADAD", "#FFABAB", "#FFA9A9", "#FFA7A7", "#FFA5A5", "#FFA3A3", "#FFA1A1", "#FF9F9F", "#FF9D9D", "#FF9B9B", "#FF9999", "#FF9797", "#FF9595", "#FF9393", "#FF9191", "#FF8F8F", "#FF8D8D", "#FF8B8B", "#FF8989", "#FF8787", "#FF8585", "#FF8383", "#FF8181", "#FF7E7E", "#FF7C7C", "#FF7A7A", "#FF7878", "#FF7676", "#FF7474", "#FF7272", "#FF7070", "#FF6E6E", "#FF6C6C", "#FF6A6A", "#FF6868", "#FF6666", "#FF6464", "#FF6262", "#FF6060", "#FF5E5E", "#FF5C5C", "#FF5A5A", "#FF5858", "#FF5656", "#FF5454", "#FF5252", "#FF5050", "#FF4E4E", "#FF4B4B", "#FF4949", "#FF4747", "#FF4545", "#FF4343", "#FF4141", "#FF3F3F", "#FF3D3D", "#FF3B3B", "#FF3939", "#FF3737", "#FF3535", "#FF3333", "#FF3131", "#FF2F2F", "#FF2D2D", "#FF2B2B", "#FF2929", "#FF2727", "#FF2525", "#FF2323", "#FF2121", "#FF1F1F", "#FF1D1D", "#FF1B1B", "#FF1818", "#FF1616", "#FF1414", "#FF1212", "#FF1010", "#FF0E0E", "#FF0C0C", "#FF0A0A", "#FF0808", "#FF0606", "#FF0404", "#FF0202", "#FF0000" ] if q_coord_i == p_coord_i: color_i = "#0000FF" alpha_i = 0.7 else: if myargs['dprime'] == True: color_i = reds[int(d_prime_i * 100.0)] alpha_i = 0.7 elif myargs['dprime'] == False: color_i = reds[int(r2_i * 100.0)] alpha_i = 0.7 color.append(color_i) alpha.append(alpha_i) # Set Size size_i = 9 + float(p_maf_i) * 14.0 size.append(size_i) # Pull out SNPs from association file not found in 1000G p_plot_pos = [] p_plot_pval = [] p_plot_pos2 = [] p_plot_pval2 = [] p_plot_dist = [] index_var_pos = float(q_coord_i.split(":")[1]) / 1000000 for input_pos in a_pos: if input_pos not in p_pos: p_plot_pos.append(float(input_pos) / 1000000) p_plot_pval.append(-log10( float(assoc_dict[chromosome + ":" + input_pos + "-" + input_pos][0]))) p_plot_pos2.append("chr" + chromosome + ":" + input_pos) p_plot_pval2.append( float(assoc_dict[chromosome + ":" + input_pos + "-" + input_pos][0])) p_plot_dist.append( str(round(float(input_pos) / 1000000 - index_var_pos, 4))) # Begin Bokeh Plotting from collections import OrderedDict from bokeh.embed import components, file_html from bokeh.layouts import gridplot from bokeh.models import HoverTool, LinearAxis, Range1d from bokeh.plotting import ColumnDataSource, curdoc, figure, output_file, reset_output, save from bokeh.resources import CDN from import export_svgs import svgutils.compose as sg reset_output() data_p = { 'p_plot_posX': p_plot_pos, 'p_plot_pvalY': p_plot_pval, 'p_plot_pos2': p_plot_pos2, 'p_plot_pval2': p_plot_pval2, 'p_plot_dist': p_plot_dist } source_p = ColumnDataSource(data_p) # Assoc Plot x = p_coord y = neg_log_p data = { 'x': x, 'y': y, 'qrs': q_rs, 'q_alle': q_allele, 'q_maf': q_maf, 'prs': p_rs, 'p_alle': p_allele, 'p_maf': p_maf, 'dist': dist, 'r': r2_round, 'd': d_prime_round, 'alleles': corr_alleles, 'regdb': regdb, 'funct': funct, 'p_val': p_val, 'size': size, 'color': color, 'alpha': alpha } source = ColumnDataSource(data) whitespace = 0.01 xr = Range1d(start=coord1 / 1000000.0 - whitespace, end=coord2 / 1000000.0 + whitespace) yr = Range1d(start=-0.03, end=max(y) * 1.03) sup_2 = "\u00B2" assoc_plot = figure( title="P-values and Regional LD for " + snp + " in " + pop, min_border_top=2, min_border_bottom=2, min_border_left=60, min_border_right=60, h_symmetry=False, v_symmetry=False, plot_width=900, plot_height=600, x_range=xr, y_range=yr, tools= "tap,pan,box_zoom,wheel_zoom,box_select,undo,redo,reset,previewsave", logo=None, toolbar_location="above") assoc_plot.title.align = "center" # Add recombination rate from output file recomb_file = tmp_dir + "recomb_" + request + ".json" recomb_raw = open(recomb_file).readlines() recomb_x = [] recomb_y = [] for recomb_raw_obj in recomb_raw: recomb_obj = json.loads(recomb_raw_obj) recomb_x.append( int(recomb_obj[genome_build_vars[genome_build]['position']]) / 1000000.0) recomb_y.append(float(recomb_obj['rate']) / 100 * max(y)) assoc_plot.line(recomb_x, recomb_y, line_width=1, color="black", alpha=0.5) # Add genome-wide significance a = [coord1 / 1000000.0 - whitespace, coord2 / 1000000.0 + whitespace] b = [-log10(0.00000005), -log10(0.00000005)] assoc_plot.line(a, b, color="blue", alpha=0.5) assoc_points_not1000G ='p_plot_posX', y='p_plot_pvalY', size=9 + float("0.25") * 14.0, source=source_p, line_color="gray", fill_color="white") assoc_points ='x', y='y', size='size', color='color', alpha='alpha', source=source) assoc_plot.add_tools( HoverTool(renderers=[assoc_points_not1000G], tooltips=OrderedDict([("Variant", "@p_plot_pos2"), ("P-value", "@p_plot_pval2"), ("Distance (Mb)", "@p_plot_dist")]))) hover = HoverTool(renderers=[assoc_points]) hover.tooltips = OrderedDict([ ("Variant", "@prs @p_alle"), ("P-value", "@p_val"), ("Distance (Mb)", "@dist"), ("MAF", "@p_maf"), ("R" + sup_2 + " (" + q_rs[0] + ")", "@r"), ("D\' (" + q_rs[0] + ")", "@d"), ("Correlated Alleles", "@alleles"), ("RegulomeDB", "@regdb"), ("Functional Class", "@funct"), ]) assoc_plot.add_tools(hover) # Annotate RebulomeDB scores if myargs['annotate'] == True: assoc_plot.text(x, y, text=regdb, alpha=1, text_font_size="7pt", text_baseline="middle", text_align="center", angle=0) assoc_plot.yaxis.axis_label = "-log10 P-value" assoc_plot.extra_y_ranges = {"y2_axis": Range1d(start=-3, end=103)} assoc_plot.add_layout( LinearAxis(y_range_name="y2_axis", axis_label="Combined Recombination Rate (cM/Mb)"), "right") ## Need to confirm units # Rug Plot y2_ll = [-0.03] * len(x) y2_ul = [1.03] * len(x) yr_rug = Range1d(start=-0.03, end=1.03) data_rug = { 'x': x, 'y': y, 'y2_ll': y2_ll, 'y2_ul': y2_ul, 'qrs': q_rs, 'q_alle': q_allele, 'q_maf': q_maf, 'prs': p_rs, 'p_alle': p_allele, 'p_maf': p_maf, 'dist': dist, 'r': r2_round, 'd': d_prime_round, 'alleles': corr_alleles, 'regdb': regdb, 'funct': funct, 'p_val': p_val, 'size': size, 'color': color, 'alpha': alpha } source_rug = ColumnDataSource(data_rug) rug = figure(x_range=xr, y_range=yr_rug, border_fill_color='white', y_axis_type=None, title="", min_border_top=2, min_border_bottom=2, min_border_left=60, min_border_right=60, h_symmetry=False, v_symmetry=False, plot_width=900, plot_height=50, tools="xpan,tap,wheel_zoom", logo=None) rug.segment(x0='x', y0='y2_ll', x1='x', y1='y2_ul', source=source_rug, color='color', alpha='alpha', line_width=1) rug.toolbar_location = None # Gene Plot (All Transcripts) if myargs['transcript'] == True: # Get genes from output file genes_file = tmp_dir + "genes_" + request + ".json" genes_raw = open(genes_file).readlines() genes_plot_start = [] genes_plot_end = [] genes_plot_y = [] genes_plot_name = [] exons_plot_x = [] exons_plot_y = [] exons_plot_w = [] exons_plot_h = [] exons_plot_name = [] exons_plot_id = [] exons_plot_exon = [] message = ["Too many genes to plot."] lines = [0] gap = 80000 tall = 0.75 if genes_raw != None and len(genes_raw) > 0: for gene_raw_obj in genes_raw: gene_obj = json.loads(gene_raw_obj) bin = gene_obj["bin"] name_id = gene_obj["name"] chrom = gene_obj["chrom"] strand = gene_obj["strand"] txStart = gene_obj["txStart"] txEnd = gene_obj["txEnd"] cdsStart = gene_obj["cdsStart"] cdsEnd = gene_obj["cdsEnd"] exonCount = gene_obj["exonCount"] exonStarts = gene_obj["exonStarts"] exonEnds = gene_obj["exonEnds"] score = gene_obj["score"] name2 = gene_obj["name2"] cdsStartStat = gene_obj["cdsStartStat"] cdsEndStat = gene_obj["cdsEndStat"] exonFrames = gene_obj["exonFrames"] name = name2 id = name_id e_start = exonStarts.split(",") e_end = exonEnds.split(",") # Determine Y Coordinate i = 0 y_coord = None while y_coord == None: if i > len(lines) - 1: y_coord = i + 1 lines.append(int(txEnd)) elif int(txStart) > (gap + lines[i]): y_coord = i + 1 lines[i] = int(txEnd) else: i += 1 genes_plot_start.append(int(txStart) / 1000000.0) genes_plot_end.append(int(txEnd) / 1000000.0) genes_plot_y.append(y_coord) genes_plot_name.append(name + " ") for i in range(len(e_start) - 1): if strand == "+": exon = i + 1 else: exon = len(e_start) - 1 - i width = (int(e_end[i]) - int(e_start[i])) / 1000000.0 x_coord = int(e_start[i]) / 1000000.0 + (width / 2) exons_plot_x.append(x_coord) exons_plot_y.append(y_coord) exons_plot_w.append(width) exons_plot_h.append(tall) exons_plot_name.append(name) exons_plot_id.append(id) exons_plot_exon.append(exon) n_rows = len(lines) genes_plot_yn = [n_rows - x + 0.5 for x in genes_plot_y] exons_plot_yn = [n_rows - x + 0.5 for x in exons_plot_y] yr2 = Range1d(start=0, end=n_rows) data_gene_plot = { 'exons_plot_x': exons_plot_x, 'exons_plot_yn': exons_plot_yn, 'exons_plot_w': exons_plot_w, 'exons_plot_h': exons_plot_h, 'exons_plot_name': exons_plot_name, 'exons_plot_id': exons_plot_id, 'exons_plot_exon': exons_plot_exon } source_gene_plot = ColumnDataSource(data_gene_plot) max_genes = 40 # if len(lines) < 3 or len(genes_raw) > max_genes: if len(lines) < 3: plot_h_pix = 250 else: plot_h_pix = 250 + (len(lines) - 2) * 50 gene_plot = figure( min_border_top=2, min_border_bottom=0, min_border_left=100, min_border_right=5, x_range=xr, y_range=yr2, border_fill_color='white', title="", h_symmetry=False, v_symmetry=False, logo=None, plot_width=900, plot_height=plot_h_pix, tools= "hover,xpan,box_zoom,wheel_zoom,tap,undo,redo,reset,previewsave") # if len(genes_raw) <= max_genes: gene_plot.segment(genes_plot_start, genes_plot_yn, genes_plot_end, genes_plot_yn, color="black", alpha=1, line_width=2) gene_plot.rect(x='exons_plot_x', y='exons_plot_yn', width='exons_plot_w', height='exons_plot_h', source=source_gene_plot, fill_color="grey", line_color="grey") gene_plot.text(genes_plot_start, genes_plot_yn, text=genes_plot_name, alpha=1, text_font_size="7pt", text_font_style="bold", text_baseline="middle", text_align="right", angle=0) hover = hover.tooltips = OrderedDict([ ("Gene", "@exons_plot_name"), ("Transcript ID", "@exons_plot_id"), ("Exon", "@exons_plot_exon"), ]) # else: # x_coord_text = coord1/1000000.0 + (coord2/1000000.0 - coord1/1000000.0) / 2.0 # gene_plot.text(x_coord_text, n_rows / 2.0, text=message, alpha=1, # text_font_size="12pt", text_font_style="bold", text_baseline="middle", text_align="center", angle=0) gene_plot.xaxis.axis_label = "Chromosome " + chromosome + " Coordinate (Mb)(" + genome_build_vars[ genome_build]['title'] + ")" gene_plot.yaxis.axis_label = "Genes (All Transcripts)" gene_plot.ygrid.grid_line_color = None gene_plot.yaxis.axis_line_color = None gene_plot.yaxis.minor_tick_line_color = None gene_plot.yaxis.major_tick_line_color = None gene_plot.yaxis.major_label_text_color = None gene_plot.toolbar_location = "below" # Change output backend to SVG temporarily for headless export assoc_plot.output_backend = "svg" rug.output_backend = "svg" gene_plot.output_backend = "svg" export_svgs(assoc_plot, filename=tmp_dir + "assoc_plot_1_" + request + ".svg") export_svgs(gene_plot, filename=tmp_dir + "gene_plot_1_" + request + ".svg") # 1 pixel = 0.0264583333 cm svg_height = str(20.00 + (0.0264583333 * plot_h_pix)) + "cm" svg_height_scaled = str(100.00 + (0.1322916665 * plot_h_pix)) + "cm" # Concatenate svgs sg.Figure( "24.59cm", svg_height, sg.SVG(tmp_dir + "assoc_plot_1_" + request + ".svg"), sg.SVG(tmp_dir + "gene_plot_1_" + request + ".svg").move( -40, 630)).save(tmp_dir + "assoc_plot_" + request + ".svg") sg.Figure( "122.95cm", svg_height_scaled, sg.SVG(tmp_dir + "assoc_plot_1_" + request + ".svg").scale(5), sg.SVG(tmp_dir + "gene_plot_1_" + request + ".svg").scale(5).move( -200, 3150)).save(tmp_dir + "assoc_plot_scaled_" + request + ".svg") # Export to PDF"phantomjs ./rasterize.js " + tmp_dir + "assoc_plot_" + request + ".svg " + tmp_dir + "assoc_plot_" + request + ".pdf", shell=True) # Export to PNG"phantomjs ./rasterize.js " + tmp_dir + "assoc_plot_scaled_" + request + ".svg " + tmp_dir + "assoc_plot_" + request + ".png", shell=True) # Export to JPEG"phantomjs ./rasterize.js " + tmp_dir + "assoc_plot_scaled_" + request + ".svg " + tmp_dir + "assoc_plot_" + request + ".jpeg", shell=True) # Remove individual SVG files after they are combined"rm " + tmp_dir + "assoc_plot_1_" + request + ".svg", shell=True)"rm " + tmp_dir + "gene_plot_1_" + request + ".svg", shell=True) # Remove scaled SVG file after it is converted to png and jpeg"rm " + tmp_dir + "assoc_plot_scaled_" + request + ".svg", shell=True) # Gene Plot (Collapsed) else: # Get genes from output file genes_c_file = tmp_dir + "genes_c_" + request + ".json" genes_c_raw = open(genes_c_file).readlines() genes_c_plot_start = [] genes_c_plot_end = [] genes_c_plot_y = [] genes_c_plot_name = [] exons_c_plot_x = [] exons_c_plot_y = [] exons_c_plot_w = [] exons_c_plot_h = [] exons_c_plot_name = [] exons_c_plot_id = [] message_c = ["Too many genes to plot."] lines_c = [0] gap = 80000 tall = 0.75 if genes_c_raw != None and len(genes_c_raw) > 0: for gene_raw_obj in genes_c_raw: gene_c_obj = json.loads(gene_raw_obj) chrom = gene_c_obj["chrom"] txStart = gene_c_obj["txStart"] txEnd = gene_c_obj["txEnd"] exonStarts = gene_c_obj["exonStarts"] exonEnds = gene_c_obj["exonEnds"] name2 = gene_c_obj["name2"] transcripts = gene_c_obj["transcripts"] name = name2 e_start = exonStarts.split(",") e_end = exonEnds.split(",") e_transcripts = transcripts.split(",") # Determine Y Coordinate i = 0 y_coord = None while y_coord == None: if i > len(lines_c) - 1: y_coord = i + 1 lines_c.append(int(txEnd)) elif int(txStart) > (gap + lines_c[i]): y_coord = i + 1 lines_c[i] = int(txEnd) else: i += 1 genes_c_plot_start.append(int(txStart) / 1000000.0) genes_c_plot_end.append(int(txEnd) / 1000000.0) genes_c_plot_y.append(y_coord) genes_c_plot_name.append(name + " ") # for i in range(len(e_start)): for i in range(len(e_start) - 1): width = (int(e_end[i]) - int(e_start[i])) / 1000000.0 x_coord = int(e_start[i]) / 1000000.0 + (width / 2) exons_c_plot_x.append(x_coord) exons_c_plot_y.append(y_coord) exons_c_plot_w.append(width) exons_c_plot_h.append(tall) exons_c_plot_name.append(name) exons_c_plot_id.append(e_transcripts[i].replace("-", ",")) n_rows_c = len(lines_c) genes_c_plot_yn = [n_rows_c - x + 0.5 for x in genes_c_plot_y] exons_c_plot_yn = [n_rows_c - x + 0.5 for x in exons_c_plot_y] yr2_c = Range1d(start=0, end=n_rows_c) data_gene_c_plot = { 'exons_c_plot_x': exons_c_plot_x, 'exons_c_plot_yn': exons_c_plot_yn, 'exons_c_plot_w': exons_c_plot_w, 'exons_c_plot_h': exons_c_plot_h, 'exons_c_plot_name': exons_c_plot_name, 'exons_c_plot_id': exons_c_plot_id } source_gene_c_plot = ColumnDataSource(data_gene_c_plot) max_genes_c = 40 # if len(lines_c) < 3 or len(genes_c_raw) > max_genes_c: if len(lines_c) < 3: plot_c_h_pix = 250 else: plot_c_h_pix = 250 + (len(lines_c) - 2) * 50 gene_c_plot = figure( min_border_top=2, min_border_bottom=0, min_border_left=100, min_border_right=5, x_range=xr, y_range=yr2_c, border_fill_color='white', title="", h_symmetry=False, v_symmetry=False, logo=None, plot_width=900, plot_height=plot_c_h_pix, tools= "hover,xpan,box_zoom,wheel_zoom,tap,undo,redo,reset,previewsave") # if len(genes_c_raw) <= max_genes_c: gene_c_plot.segment(genes_c_plot_start, genes_c_plot_yn, genes_c_plot_end, genes_c_plot_yn, color="black", alpha=1, line_width=2) gene_c_plot.rect(x='exons_c_plot_x', y='exons_c_plot_yn', width='exons_c_plot_w', height='exons_c_plot_h', source=source_gene_c_plot, fill_color="grey", line_color="grey") gene_c_plot.text(genes_c_plot_start, genes_c_plot_yn, text=genes_c_plot_name, alpha=1, text_font_size="7pt", text_font_style="bold", text_baseline="middle", text_align="right", angle=0) hover = hover.tooltips = OrderedDict([ ("Gene", "@exons_c_plot_name"), ("Transcript IDs", "@exons_c_plot_id"), ]) # else: # x_coord_text = coord1/1000000.0 + (coord2/1000000.0 - coord1/1000000.0) / 2.0 # gene_c_plot.text(x_coord_text, n_rows_c / 2.0, text=message_c, alpha=1, # text_font_size="12pt", text_font_style="bold", text_baseline="middle", text_align="center", angle=0) gene_c_plot.xaxis.axis_label = "Chromosome " + chromosome + " Coordinate (Mb)(" + genome_build_vars[ genome_build]['title'] + ")" gene_c_plot.yaxis.axis_label = "Genes (Transcripts Collapsed)" gene_c_plot.ygrid.grid_line_color = None gene_c_plot.yaxis.axis_line_color = None gene_c_plot.yaxis.minor_tick_line_color = None gene_c_plot.yaxis.major_tick_line_color = None gene_c_plot.yaxis.major_label_text_color = None gene_c_plot.toolbar_location = "below" # Change output backend to SVG temporarily for headless export assoc_plot.output_backend = "svg" rug.output_backend = "svg" gene_c_plot.output_backend = "svg" export_svgs(assoc_plot, filename=tmp_dir + "assoc_plot_1_" + request + ".svg") export_svgs(gene_c_plot, filename=tmp_dir + "gene_plot_1_" + request + ".svg") # 1 pixel = 0.0264583333 cm svg_height = str(20.00 + (0.0264583333 * plot_c_h_pix)) + "cm" svg_height_scaled = str(100.00 + (0.1322916665 * plot_c_h_pix)) + "cm" # Concatenate svgs sg.Figure( "24.59cm", svg_height, sg.SVG(tmp_dir + "assoc_plot_1_" + request + ".svg"), sg.SVG(tmp_dir + "gene_plot_1_" + request + ".svg").move( -40, 630)).save(tmp_dir + "assoc_plot_" + request + ".svg") sg.Figure( "122.95cm", svg_height_scaled, sg.SVG(tmp_dir + "assoc_plot_1_" + request + ".svg").scale(5), sg.SVG(tmp_dir + "gene_plot_1_" + request + ".svg").scale(5).move( -200, 3150)).save(tmp_dir + "assoc_plot_scaled_" + request + ".svg") # Export to PDF"phantomjs ./rasterize.js " + tmp_dir + "assoc_plot_" + request + ".svg " + tmp_dir + "assoc_plot_" + request + ".pdf", shell=True) # Export to PNG"phantomjs ./rasterize.js " + tmp_dir + "assoc_plot_scaled_" + request + ".svg " + tmp_dir + "assoc_plot_" + request + ".png", shell=True) # Export to JPEG"phantomjs ./rasterize.js " + tmp_dir + "assoc_plot_scaled_" + request + ".svg " + tmp_dir + "assoc_plot_" + request + ".jpeg", shell=True) # Remove individual SVG files after they are combined"rm " + tmp_dir + "assoc_plot_1_" + request + ".svg", shell=True)"rm " + tmp_dir + "gene_plot_1_" + request + ".svg", shell=True) # Remove scaled SVG file after it is converted to png and jpeg"rm " + tmp_dir + "assoc_plot_scaled_" + request + ".svg", shell=True) reset_output() # Remove temporary files"rm " + tmp_dir + "pops_" + request + ".txt", shell=True)"rm " + tmp_dir + "*" + request + "*.vcf", shell=True)"rm " + tmp_dir + "genes_*" + request + "*.json", shell=True)"rm " + tmp_dir + "recomb_" + request + ".json", shell=True)"rm " + tmp_dir + "assoc_args" + request + ".json", shell=True) print("Bokeh high quality image export complete!") # Return plot output return None
def _init_all_descr_CDS(self): data = dict(descr=list(self.descr_key_title_map.values()), score=["0" for __ in range(5)]) source = ColumnDataSource(data) return source
def stacked_chart(death_types, death_list): if len(death_list[0]) > 6: x_axis_labels = [ 'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mrt', 'Apr', 'Mei', 'Juni', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Okt', 'Nov', 'Dec' ] output_file("stacked_months.html") elif len(death_list[0]) < 6: x_axis_labels = [ "male victim", "male suspect", 'female victim', "female suspect" ] output_file("stacked_gender.html") else: output_file("stacked_years.html") x_axis_labels = ['2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018'] colors = [ "#2ad123", "#1b7c17", "#1518d8", "#4e50e5", "#4d71e5", "#4d9be5", "#f9ed3b", "#bc7f14", "#b74207", "#e51010", "#ff8c1a" ] data = { 'Months': x_axis_labels, death_types[0]: death_list[0], death_types[1]: death_list[1], death_types[2]: death_list[2], death_types[3]: death_list[3], death_types[4]: death_list[4], death_types[5]: death_list[5], death_types[6]: death_list[6], death_types[7]: death_list[7], death_types[8]: death_list[8], death_types[9]: death_list[9], death_types[10]: death_list[10] } source = ColumnDataSource(data=data) p = figure(x_range=x_axis_labels, plot_height=400, title="Causes of deaths", toolbar_location=None, tools="") rs = p.vbar_stack(death_types, x='Months', width=0.9, color=colors, source=source) p.y_range.start = 0 p.x_range.range_padding = 0.1 p.xgrid.grid_line_color = None p.axis.minor_tick_line_color = None p.outline_line_color = None p.legend.location = "top_right" p.legend.orientation = "horizontal" p.yaxis[0].formatter = NumeralTickFormatter(format='0 %') legend = Legend(items=[(death, [r]) for (death, r) in zip(death_types, rs)], location=(0, 30)) p.add_layout(legend, 'right') #show(p) return (p)
def _init_input_res_CDS(self): data = dict(resno=["" for __ in range(31)], match_vals=["" for __ in range(31)]) source = ColumnDataSource(data) return source
def plot_3DModel_bokeh(filename, map_data_all_slices, map_depth_all_slices, \ color_range_all_slices, profile_data_all, boundary_data, \ style_parameter): ''' Plot shear velocity maps and velocity profiles using bokeh Input: filename is the filename of the resulting html file map_data_all_slices contains the velocity model parameters saved for map view plots map_depth_all_slices is a list of depths color_range_all_slices is a list of color ranges profile_data_all constains the velocity model parameters saved for profile plots boundary_data is a list of boundaries style_parameter contains plotting parameters Output: None ''' xlabel_fontsize = style_parameter['xlabel_fontsize'] # colorbar_data_all_left = [] colorbar_data_all_right = [] map_view_ndepth = style_parameter['map_view_ndepth'] ncolor = len(palette) colorbar_top = [0.1 for i in range(ncolor)] colorbar_bottom = [0 for i in range(ncolor)] map_data_all_slices_depth = [] for idepth in range(map_view_ndepth): color_min = color_range_all_slices[idepth][0] color_max = color_range_all_slices[idepth][1] color_step = (color_max - color_min)*1./ncolor colorbar_left = np.linspace(color_min,color_max-color_step,ncolor) colorbar_right = np.linspace(color_min+color_step,color_max,ncolor) colorbar_data_all_left.append(colorbar_left) colorbar_data_all_right.append(colorbar_right) map_depth = map_depth_all_slices[idepth] map_data_all_slices_depth.append('Depth: {0:8.1f} km'.format(map_depth)) # palette_r = palette[::-1] # data for the colorbar colorbar_data_one_slice = {} colorbar_data_one_slice['colorbar_left'] = colorbar_data_all_left[style_parameter['map_view_default_index']] colorbar_data_one_slice['colorbar_right'] = colorbar_data_all_right[style_parameter['map_view_default_index']] colorbar_data_one_slice_bokeh = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(colorbar_top=colorbar_top,colorbar_bottom=colorbar_bottom,\ colorbar_left=colorbar_data_one_slice['colorbar_left'],\ colorbar_right=colorbar_data_one_slice['colorbar_right'],\ palette_r=palette_r)) colorbar_data_all_slices_bokeh = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(colorbar_data_all_left=colorbar_data_all_left,\ colorbar_data_all_right=colorbar_data_all_right)) # map_view_label_lon = style_parameter['map_view_depth_label_lon'] map_view_label_lat = style_parameter['map_view_depth_label_lat'] map_data_one_slice_depth = map_data_all_slices_depth[style_parameter['map_view_default_index']] map_data_one_slice_depth_bokeh = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(lat=[map_view_label_lat], lon=[map_view_label_lon], map_depth=[map_data_one_slice_depth], left=[style_parameter['profile_plot_xmin']], \ right=[style_parameter['profile_plot_xmax']])) # map_view_default_index = style_parameter['map_view_default_index'] #map_data_one_slice = map_data_all_slices[map_view_default_index] # map_color_all_slices = [] for i in range(len(map_data_all_slices)): vmin, vmax = color_range_all_slices[i] map_color = val_to_rgb(map_data_all_slices[i], palette_r, vmin, vmax) map_color_all_slices.append(map_color) map_color_one_slice = map_color_all_slices[map_view_default_index] # map_data_one_slice_bokeh = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=[style_parameter['map_view_image_lon_min']],\ y=[style_parameter['map_view_image_lat_min']],dw=[style_parameter['nlon']*style_parameter['dlon']],\ dh=[style_parameter['nlat']*style_parameter['dlat']],map_data_one_slice=[map_color_one_slice])) map_data_all_slices_bokeh = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(map_data_all_slices=map_color_all_slices,\ map_data_all_slices_depth=map_data_all_slices_depth)) # ------------------------------ nprofile = len(profile_data_all) grid_lat_list = [] grid_lon_list = [] width_list = [] height_list = [] for iprofile in range(nprofile): aprofile = profile_data_all[iprofile] grid_lat_list.append(aprofile['lat']) grid_lon_list.append(aprofile['lon']) width_list.append(style_parameter['map_view_grid_width']) height_list.append(style_parameter['map_view_grid_height']) grid_data_bokeh = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(lon=grid_lon_list,lat=grid_lat_list,\ width=width_list, height=height_list)) profile_default_index = style_parameter['profile_default_index'] selected_dot_on_map_bokeh = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(lat=[grid_lat_list[profile_default_index]], \ lon=[grid_lon_list[profile_default_index]], \ width=[style_parameter['map_view_grid_width']],\ height=[style_parameter['map_view_grid_height']],\ index=[profile_default_index])) # ------------------------------ profile_vs_all = [] profile_depth_all = [] profile_ndepth = style_parameter['profile_ndepth'] profile_lat_label_list = [] profile_lon_label_list = [] for iprofile in range(nprofile): aprofile = profile_data_all[iprofile] vs_raw = aprofile['vs'] top_raw = aprofile['top'] profile_lat_label_list.append('Lat: {0:12.1f}'.format(aprofile['lat'])) profile_lon_label_list.append('Lon: {0:12.1f}'.format(aprofile['lon'])) vs_plot = [] depth_plot = [] for idepth in range(profile_ndepth): vs_plot.append(vs_raw[idepth]) depth_plot.append(top_raw[idepth]) vs_plot.append(vs_raw[idepth]) depth_plot.append(top_raw[idepth+1]) profile_vs_all.append(vs_plot) profile_depth_all.append(depth_plot) profile_data_all_bokeh = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(profile_vs_all=profile_vs_all, \ profile_depth_all=profile_depth_all)) selected_profile_data_bokeh = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(vs=profile_vs_all[profile_default_index],\ depth=profile_depth_all[profile_default_index])) selected_profile_lat_label_bokeh = ColumnDataSource(data=\ dict(x=[style_parameter['profile_lat_label_x']], y=[style_parameter['profile_lat_label_y']],\ lat_label=[profile_lat_label_list[profile_default_index]])) selected_profile_lon_label_bokeh = ColumnDataSource(data=\ dict(x=[style_parameter['profile_lon_label_x']], y=[style_parameter['profile_lon_label_y']],\ lon_label=[profile_lon_label_list[profile_default_index]])) all_profile_lat_label_bokeh = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(profile_lat_label_list=profile_lat_label_list)) all_profile_lon_label_bokeh = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(profile_lon_label_list=profile_lon_label_list)) # button_ndepth = style_parameter['button_ndepth'] button_data_all_vs = [] button_data_all_vp = [] button_data_all_rho = [] button_data_all_top = [] for iprofile in range(nprofile): aprofile = profile_data_all[iprofile] button_data_all_vs.append(aprofile['vs'][:button_ndepth]) button_data_all_vp.append(aprofile['vp'][:button_ndepth]) button_data_all_rho.append(aprofile['rho'][:button_ndepth]) button_data_all_top.append(aprofile['top'][:button_ndepth]) button_data_all_bokeh = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(button_data_all_vs=button_data_all_vs,\ button_data_all_vp=button_data_all_vp,\ button_data_all_rho=button_data_all_rho,\ button_data_all_top=button_data_all_top)) # ============================== map_view = Figure(plot_width=style_parameter['map_view_plot_width'], plot_height=style_parameter['map_view_plot_height'], \ tools=style_parameter['map_view_tools'], title=style_parameter['map_view_title'], \ y_range=[style_parameter['map_view_figure_lat_min'], style_parameter['map_view_figure_lat_max']],\ x_range=[style_parameter['map_view_figure_lon_min'], style_parameter['map_view_figure_lon_max']]) # map_view.image_rgba('map_data_one_slice',x='x',\ y='y',dw='dw',dh='dh', source=map_data_one_slice_bokeh, level='image') depth_slider_callback = CustomJS(args=dict(map_data_one_slice_bokeh=map_data_one_slice_bokeh,\ map_data_all_slices_bokeh=map_data_all_slices_bokeh,\ colorbar_data_all_slices_bokeh=colorbar_data_all_slices_bokeh,\ colorbar_data_one_slice_bokeh=colorbar_data_one_slice_bokeh,\ map_data_one_slice_depth_bokeh=map_data_one_slice_depth_bokeh), code=""" var d_index = Math.round(cb_obj.value) var map_data_all_slices =['map_data_one_slice'] = [map_data_all_slices['map_data_all_slices'][d_index]] map_data_one_slice_bokeh.change.emit() var color_data_all_slices =['colorbar_left'] = color_data_all_slices['colorbar_data_all_left'][d_index]['colorbar_right'] = color_data_all_slices['colorbar_data_all_right'][d_index] colorbar_data_one_slice_bokeh.change.emit()['map_depth'] = [map_data_all_slices['map_data_all_slices_depth'][d_index]] map_data_one_slice_depth_bokeh.change.emit() """) depth_slider = Slider(start=0, end=style_parameter['map_view_ndepth']-1, \ value=map_view_default_index, step=1, \ width=style_parameter['map_view_plot_width'],\ title=style_parameter['depth_slider_title'], height=50, \ callback=depth_slider_callback) # ------------------------------ # add boundaries to map view # country boundaries map_view.multi_line(boundary_data['country']['longitude'],\ boundary_data['country']['latitude'],color='black',\ line_width=2, level='underlay',nonselection_line_alpha=1.0,\ nonselection_line_color='black') # marine boundaries map_view.multi_line(boundary_data['marine']['longitude'],\ boundary_data['marine']['latitude'],color='black',\ level='underlay',nonselection_line_alpha=1.0,\ nonselection_line_color='black') # shoreline boundaries map_view.multi_line(boundary_data['shoreline']['longitude'],\ boundary_data['shoreline']['latitude'],color='black',\ line_width=2, level='underlay',nonselection_line_alpha=1.0,\ nonselection_line_color='black') # state boundaries map_view.multi_line(boundary_data['state']['longitude'],\ boundary_data['state']['latitude'],color='black',\ level='underlay',nonselection_line_alpha=1.0,\ nonselection_line_color='black') # ------------------------------ # add depth label map_view.rect(style_parameter['map_view_depth_box_lon'], style_parameter['map_view_depth_box_lat'], \ width=style_parameter['map_view_depth_box_width'], height=style_parameter['map_view_depth_box_height'], \ width_units='screen',height_units='screen', color='#FFFFFF', line_width=1., line_color='black', level='underlay') map_view.text('lon', 'lat', 'map_depth', source=map_data_one_slice_depth_bokeh,\ text_font_size=style_parameter['annotating_text_font_size'],text_align='left',level='underlay') # ------------------------------ map_view.rect('lon', 'lat', width='width', \ width_units='screen', height='height', \ height_units='screen', line_color='gray', line_alpha=0.5, \ selection_line_color='gray', selection_line_alpha=0.5, selection_fill_color=None,\ nonselection_line_color='gray',nonselection_line_alpha=0.5, nonselection_fill_color=None,\ source=grid_data_bokeh, color=None, line_width=1, level='glyph') map_view.rect('lon', 'lat',width='width', \ width_units='screen', height='height', \ height_units='screen', line_color='#00ff00', line_alpha=1.0, \ source=selected_dot_on_map_bokeh, fill_color=None, line_width=3.,level='glyph') # ------------------------------ grid_data_js = CustomJS(args=dict(selected_dot_on_map_bokeh=selected_dot_on_map_bokeh, \ grid_data_bokeh=grid_data_bokeh,\ profile_data_all_bokeh=profile_data_all_bokeh,\ selected_profile_data_bokeh=selected_profile_data_bokeh,\ selected_profile_lat_label_bokeh=selected_profile_lat_label_bokeh,\ selected_profile_lon_label_bokeh=selected_profile_lon_label_bokeh, \ all_profile_lat_label_bokeh=all_profile_lat_label_bokeh, \ all_profile_lon_label_bokeh=all_profile_lon_label_bokeh, \ ), code=""" var inds = cb_obj.indices var grid_data =['lat'] = [grid_data['lat'][inds]]['lon'] = [grid_data['lon'][inds]]['index'] = [inds] selected_dot_on_map_bokeh.change.emit() var profile_data_all =['vs'] = profile_data_all['profile_vs_all'][inds]['depth'] = profile_data_all['profile_depth_all'][inds] selected_profile_data_bokeh.change.emit() var all_profile_lat_label =['profile_lat_label_list'] var all_profile_lon_label =['profile_lon_label_list']['lat_label'] = [all_profile_lat_label[inds]]['lon_label'] = [all_profile_lon_label[inds]] selected_profile_lat_label_bokeh.change.emit() selected_profile_lon_label_bokeh.change.emit() """) grid_data_bokeh.selected.js_on_change('indices', grid_data_js) # ------------------------------ # change style map_view.title.text_font_size = style_parameter['title_font_size'] map_view.title.align = 'center' map_view.title.text_font_style = 'normal' map_view.xaxis.axis_label = style_parameter['map_view_xlabel'] map_view.xaxis.axis_label_text_font_style = 'normal' map_view.xaxis.axis_label_text_font_size = xlabel_fontsize map_view.xaxis.major_label_text_font_size = xlabel_fontsize map_view.yaxis.axis_label = style_parameter['map_view_ylabel'] map_view.yaxis.axis_label_text_font_style = 'normal' map_view.yaxis.axis_label_text_font_size = xlabel_fontsize map_view.yaxis.major_label_text_font_size = xlabel_fontsize map_view.xgrid.grid_line_color = None map_view.ygrid.grid_line_color = None map_view.toolbar.logo = None map_view.toolbar_location = 'above' map_view.toolbar_sticky = False # ============================== # plot colorbar colorbar_fig = Figure(tools=[], y_range=(0,0.1),plot_width=style_parameter['map_view_plot_width'], \ plot_height=style_parameter['colorbar_plot_height'],title=style_parameter['colorbar_title']) colorbar_fig.toolbar_location=None colorbar_fig.quad(top='colorbar_top',bottom='colorbar_bottom',left='colorbar_left',right='colorbar_right',\ color='palette_r',source=colorbar_data_one_slice_bokeh) colorbar_fig.yaxis[0].ticker=FixedTicker(ticks=[]) colorbar_fig.xgrid.grid_line_color = None colorbar_fig.ygrid.grid_line_color = None colorbar_fig.xaxis.axis_label_text_font_size = xlabel_fontsize colorbar_fig.xaxis.major_label_text_font_size = xlabel_fontsize colorbar_fig.xaxis[0].formatter = PrintfTickFormatter(format="%5.2f") colorbar_fig.title.text_font_size = xlabel_fontsize colorbar_fig.title.align = 'center' colorbar_fig.title.text_font_style = 'normal' # ============================== profile_xrange = Range1d(start=style_parameter['profile_plot_xmin'], end=style_parameter['profile_plot_xmax']) profile_yrange = Range1d(start=style_parameter['profile_plot_ymax'], end=style_parameter['profile_plot_ymin']) profile_fig = Figure(plot_width=style_parameter['profile_plot_width'], plot_height=style_parameter['profile_plot_height'],\ x_range=profile_xrange, y_range=profile_yrange, tools=style_parameter['profile_tools'],\ title=style_parameter['profile_title']) profile_fig.line('vs','depth',source=selected_profile_data_bokeh, line_width=2, line_color='black') # ------------------------------ # add lat, lon profile_fig.rect([style_parameter['profile_label_box_x']], [style_parameter['profile_label_box_y']],\ width=style_parameter['profile_label_box_width'], height=style_parameter['profile_label_box_height'],\ width_units='screen', height_units='screen', color='#FFFFFF', line_width=1., line_color='black',\ level='underlay') profile_fig.text('x','y','lat_label', source=selected_profile_lat_label_bokeh) profile_fig.text('x','y','lon_label', source=selected_profile_lon_label_bokeh) # ------------------------------ # change style profile_fig.xaxis.axis_label = style_parameter['profile_xlabel'] profile_fig.xaxis.axis_label_text_font_style = 'normal' profile_fig.xaxis.axis_label_text_font_size = xlabel_fontsize profile_fig.xaxis.major_label_text_font_size = xlabel_fontsize profile_fig.yaxis.axis_label = style_parameter['profile_ylabel'] profile_fig.yaxis.axis_label_text_font_style = 'normal' profile_fig.yaxis.axis_label_text_font_size = xlabel_fontsize profile_fig.yaxis.major_label_text_font_size = xlabel_fontsize profile_fig.xgrid.grid_line_dash = [4, 2] profile_fig.ygrid.grid_line_dash = [4, 2] profile_fig.title.text_font_size = style_parameter['title_font_size'] profile_fig.title.align = 'center' profile_fig.title.text_font_style = 'normal' profile_fig.toolbar_location = 'above' profile_fig.toolbar_sticky = False profile_fig.toolbar.logo = None # ============================== profile_slider_callback = CustomJS(args=dict(selected_dot_on_map_bokeh=selected_dot_on_map_bokeh,\ grid_data_bokeh=grid_data_bokeh, \ profile_data_all_bokeh=profile_data_all_bokeh, \ selected_profile_data_bokeh=selected_profile_data_bokeh,\ selected_profile_lat_label_bokeh=selected_profile_lat_label_bokeh,\ selected_profile_lon_label_bokeh=selected_profile_lon_label_bokeh, \ all_profile_lat_label_bokeh=all_profile_lat_label_bokeh, \ all_profile_lon_label_bokeh=all_profile_lon_label_bokeh), code=""" var p_index = Math.round(cb_obj.value) var grid_data =['lat'] = [grid_data['lat'][p_index]]['lon'] = [grid_data['lon'][p_index]]['index'] = [p_index] selected_dot_on_map_bokeh.change.emit() var profile_data_all =['vs'] = profile_data_all['profile_vs_all'][p_index]['depth'] = profile_data_all['profile_depth_all'][p_index] selected_profile_data_bokeh.change.emit() var all_profile_lat_label =['profile_lat_label_list'] var all_profile_lon_label =['profile_lon_label_list']['lat_label'] = [all_profile_lat_label[p_index]]['lon_label'] = [all_profile_lon_label[p_index]] selected_profile_lat_label_bokeh.change.emit() selected_profile_lon_label_bokeh.change.emit() """) profile_slider = Slider(start=0, end=nprofile-1, value=style_parameter['profile_default_index'], \ step=1, title=style_parameter['profile_slider_title'], \ width=style_parameter['profile_plot_width'], height=50,\ callback=profile_slider_callback) profile_slider_callback.args['profile_index'] = profile_slider # ============================== simple_text_button_callback = CustomJS(args=dict(button_data_all_bokeh=button_data_all_bokeh,\ selected_dot_on_map_bokeh=selected_dot_on_map_bokeh), \ code=""" var index =['index'] var button_data_vs =['button_data_all_vs'][index] var button_data_vp =['button_data_all_vp'][index] var button_data_rho =['button_data_all_rho'][index] var button_data_top =['button_data_all_top'][index] var csvContent = "data:text;charset=utf-8," var i = 0 var temp = csvContent temp += "# Layer Top (km) Vs(km/s) Vp(km/s) Rho(g/cm^3) \\n" while(button_data_vp[i]) { temp+=button_data_top[i].toPrecision(6) + " " + button_data_vs[i].toPrecision(4) + " " + \ button_data_vp[i].toPrecision(4) + " " + button_data_rho[i].toPrecision(4) + "\\n" i = i + 1 } var encodedUri = encodeURI(temp) link = document.createElement('a'); link.setAttribute('href', encodedUri); link.setAttribute('download', 'vel_model.txt');; """) simple_text_button = Button(label=style_parameter['simple_text_button_label'], button_type='default', width=style_parameter['button_width'],\ callback=simple_text_button_callback) # ------------------------------ model96_button_callback = CustomJS(args=dict(button_data_all_bokeh=button_data_all_bokeh,\ selected_dot_on_map_bokeh=selected_dot_on_map_bokeh), \ code=""" var index =['index'] var lat =['lat'] var lon =['lon'] var button_data_vs =['button_data_all_vs'][index] var button_data_vp =['button_data_all_vp'][index] var button_data_rho =['button_data_all_rho'][index] var button_data_top =['button_data_all_top'][index] var csvContent = "data:text;charset=utf-8," var i = 0 var temp = csvContent temp += "MODEL." + index + " \\n" temp += "ShearVelocityModel Lat: "+ lat +" Lon: " + lon + "\\n" temp += "ISOTROPIC \\n" temp += "KGS \\n" temp += "SPHERICAL EARTH \\n" temp += "1-D \\n" temp += "CONSTANT VELOCITY \\n" temp += "LINE08 \\n" temp += "LINE09 \\n" temp += "LINE10 \\n" temp += "LINE11 \\n" temp += " H(KM) VP(KM/S) VS(KM/S) RHO(GM/CC) QP QS ETAP ETAS FREFP FREFS \\n" while(button_data_vp[i+1]) { var thickness = button_data_top[i+1] - button_data_top[i] temp+=" " +thickness.toPrecision(6) + " " + button_data_vp[i].toPrecision(4) + " " + button_data_vs[i].toPrecision(4) \ + " " + button_data_rho[i].toPrecision(4) + " 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00" + "\\n" i = i + 1 } var encodedUri = encodeURI(temp) link = document.createElement('a'); link.setAttribute('href', encodedUri); link.setAttribute('download', 'vel_model96.txt');; """) model96_button = Button(label=style_parameter['model96_button_label'], button_type='default', width=style_parameter['button_width'],\ callback=model96_button_callback) # ============================== # annotating text annotating_fig01 = Div(text=style_parameter['annotating_html01'], \ width=style_parameter['annotation_plot_width'], height=style_parameter['annotation_plot_height']) annotating_fig02 = Div(text=style_parameter['annotating_html02'],\ width=style_parameter['annotation_plot_width'], height=style_parameter['annotation_plot_height']) # ============================== output_file(filename,title=style_parameter['html_title'], mode=style_parameter['library_source']) left_column = Column(depth_slider, map_view, colorbar_fig, annotating_fig01, width=style_parameter['left_column_width']) button_pannel = Row(simple_text_button, model96_button) right_column = Column(profile_slider, profile_fig, button_pannel, annotating_fig02, width=style_parameter['right_column_width']) layout = Row(left_column, right_column) save(layout)
def plot(): if request.method == 'POST': symbol = request.form['symbol'] # Get Stock DataFrame # msft = yf.Ticker("MSFT") msft = yf.Ticker(symbol) hist = msft.history(period='max') # Define constants W_PLOT = 1000 H_PLOT = 400 TOOLS = 'pan,wheel_zoom,hover,reset' VBAR_WIDTH = 0.2 RED = Category20[7][6] GREEN = Category20[5][4] BLUE = Category20[3][0] BLUE_LIGHT = Category20[3][1] ORANGE = Category20[3][2] PURPLE = Category20[9][8] BROWN = Category20[11][10] def get_symbol_df(symbol=None): df = pd.DataFrame(hist)[-50:] df.reset_index(inplace=True) df["Date"] = pd.to_datetime(df["Date"]) return df def plot_stock_price(stock): p = figure(plot_width=W_PLOT, plot_height=H_PLOT, tools=TOOLS, title="Stock price", toolbar_location='above') inc =['Close'] >['Open'] dec =['Open'] >['Close'] view_inc = CDSView(source=stock, filters=[BooleanFilter(inc)]) view_dec = CDSView(source=stock, filters=[BooleanFilter(dec)]) # map dataframe indices to date strings and use as label overrides p.xaxis.major_label_overrides = { i + int(['index'][0]): date.strftime('%b %d') for i, date in enumerate(pd.to_datetime(["Date"])) } p.xaxis.bounds = (['index'][0],['index'][-1]) p.segment(x0='index', x1='index', y0='Low', y1='High', color=RED, source=stock, view=view_inc) p.segment(x0='index', x1='index', y0='Low', y1='High', color=GREEN, source=stock, view=view_dec) p.vbar(x='index', width=VBAR_WIDTH, top='Open', bottom='Close', fill_color=BLUE, line_color=BLUE, source=stock, view=view_inc, name="price") p.vbar(x='index', width=VBAR_WIDTH, top='Open', bottom='Close', fill_color=RED, line_color=RED, source=stock, view=view_dec, name="price") p.legend.location = "top_left" p.legend.border_line_alpha = 0 p.legend.background_fill_alpha = 0 p.legend.click_policy = "mute" p.yaxis.formatter = NumeralTickFormatter(format='$ 0,0[.]000') p.x_range.range_padding = 0.05 p.xaxis.ticker.desired_num_ticks = 40 p.xaxis.major_label_orientation = 3.14 / 4 # Select specific tool for the plot price_hover = # Choose, which glyphs are active by glyph name price_hover.names = ["price"] # Creating tooltips price_hover.tooltips = [("Datetime", "@Date{%Y-%m-%d}"), ("Open", "@Open{$0,0.00}"), ("Close", "@Close{$0,0.00}"), ("Volume", "@Volume{($ 0.00 a)}")] price_hover.formatters = {"Date": 'datetime'} return p stock = ColumnDataSource( data=dict(Date=[], Open=[], Close=[], High=[], Low=[], index=[])) #stock = AjaxDataSource(data=dict(Date=[], Open=[], Close=[], High=[], Low=[],index=[]),data_url='',polling_interval=1000,mode='append') #symbol = 'msft' df = get_symbol_df(symbol) = stock.from_df(df) elements = list() # update_plot() p_stock = plot_stock_price(stock) elements.append(p_stock) curdoc().add_root(column(elements)) curdoc().title = 'Bokeh stocks historical prices' #show(p_stock) script, div = components(p_stock) kwargs = {'script': script, 'div': div} #kwargs['title'] = 'bokeh-with-flask' return render_template('index.html', **kwargs) #return redirect(url_for('index', **kwargs)) #return kwargs #return json.dumps(json_item(p_stock,"myplot")) #return redirect(url_for('index')) return "OK"
# Specify the name of the output file and show the result output_file('auto-df.html') show(p) #################################### #The Bokeh ColumnDataSource #################################### # Import the ColumnDataSource class from bokeh.plotting from bokeh.plotting import ColumnDataSource # Create a ColumnDataSource: source source = ColumnDataSource(df) # Add circle glyphs to the figure p'Year', y='Time', color='color', size=8, source=source) # Specify the name of the output file and show the result output_file('sprint.html') show(p) ################################### #Selection and non-selection glyphs #################################### # Create a figure with the "box_select" tool: p
class PlotterBokeh(Plotter): def __init__(self, ds, x, y, z=None, **kwargs): """ """ # bokeh custom options / defaults kwargs['return_fig'] = kwargs.pop('return_fig', False) self._interactive = kwargs.pop('interactive', False) super().__init__(ds, x, y, z, **kwargs, backend='BOKEH') def prepare_axes(self): """Make the bokeh plot figure and set options. """ from bokeh.plotting import figure if self.add_to_axes is not None: self._plot = self.add_to_axes else: # Currently axes scale type must be set at figure creation? self._plot = figure( # convert figsize to roughly matplotlib dimensions width=int(self.figsize[0] * 80 + (100 if self._use_legend else 0) + (20 if self._ytitle else 0) + (20 if not self.yticklabels_hide else 0)), height=int(self.figsize[1] * 80 + (20 if self.title else 0) + (20 if self._xtitle else 0) + (20 if not self.xticklabels_hide else 0)), x_axis_type=('log' if self.xlog else 'linear'), y_axis_type=('log' if self.ylog else 'linear'), y_axis_location=('right' if self.ytitle_right else 'left'), title=self.title, toolbar_location="above", toolbar_sticky=False, active_scroll="wheel_zoom", ) def set_axes_labels(self): """Set the labels on the axes. """ if self._xtitle: self._plot.xaxis.axis_label = self._xtitle if self._ytitle: self._plot.yaxis.axis_label = self._ytitle def set_axes_range(self): """Set the plot ranges of the axes, and the panning limits. """ from bokeh.models import DataRange1d self.calc_data_range() # plt_x_centre = (self._data_xmax + self._data_xmin) / 2 # plt_x_range = self._data_xmax - self._data_xmin # xbounds = (plt_x_centre - plt_x_range, plt_x_centre + plt_x_range) xbounds = None self._plot.x_range = (DataRange1d(start=self._xlims[0], end=self._xlims[1], bounds=xbounds) if self._xlims else DataRange1d(bounds=xbounds)) # plt_y_centre = (self._data_ymax + self._data_ymin) / 2 # plt_y_range = abs(self._data_ymax - self._data_ymin) # ybounds = (plt_y_centre - plt_y_range, plt_y_centre + plt_y_range) ybounds = None self._plot.y_range = (DataRange1d(start=self._ylims[0], end=self._ylims[1], bounds=ybounds) if self._ylims else DataRange1d(bounds=ybounds)) def set_spans(self): """Set custom horizontal and verical line spans. """ from bokeh.models import Span span_opts = { 'level': 'glyph', 'line_dash': 'dashed', 'line_color': (127, 127, 127), 'line_width': self.span_width, } if self.hlines: for hl in self.hlines: self._plot.add_layout(Span( location=hl, dimension='width', **span_opts)) if self.vlines: for vl in self.vlines: self._plot.add_layout(Span( location=vl, dimension='height', **span_opts)) def set_gridlines(self): """Set whether to use gridlines or not. """ if not self.gridlines: self._plot.xgrid.visible = False self._plot.ygrid.visible = False else: self._plot.xgrid.grid_line_dash = self.gridline_style self._plot.ygrid.grid_line_dash = self.gridline_style def set_tick_marks(self): """Set custom locations for the tick marks. """ from bokeh.models import FixedTicker if self.xticks: self._plot.xaxis[0].ticker = FixedTicker(ticks=self.xticks) if self.yticks: self._plot.yaxis[0].ticker = FixedTicker(ticks=self.yticks) if self.xticklabels_hide: self._plot.xaxis.major_label_text_font_size = '0pt' if self.yticklabels_hide: self._plot.yaxis.major_label_text_font_size = '0pt' def set_sources_heatmap(self): from bokeh.plotting import ColumnDataSource # initialize empty source if not hasattr(self, '_source'): self._source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict()) # remove mask from data -> not necessary soon? / convert to nan? var = self._source.add([var], 'image') self._source.add([self._data_xmin], 'x') self._source.add([self._data_ymin], 'y') self._source.add([self._data_xmax - self._data_xmin], 'dw') self._source.add([self._data_ymax - self._data_ymin], 'dh') def set_sources(self): """Set the source dictionaries to be used by the plotter functions. This is seperate to allow interactive updates of the data only. """ from bokeh.plotting import ColumnDataSource # check if heatmap if hasattr(self, '_heatmap_var'): return self.set_sources_heatmap() # 'copy' the zlabels iterator into src_zlbs self._zlbls, src_zlbs = itertools.tee(self._zlbls) # Initialise with empty dicts if not hasattr(self, "_sources"): self._sources = [ColumnDataSource(dict()) for _ in range(len(self._z_vals))] # range through all data and update the sources for i, (zlabel, data) in enumerate(zip(src_zlbs, self._gen_xy())): self._sources[i].add(data['x'], 'x') self._sources[i].add(data['y'], 'y') self._sources[i].add([zlabel] * len(data['x']), 'z_coo') # check for color for scatter plot if 'c' in data: self._sources[i].add(data['c'], 'c') # check if should set y_err as well if 'ye' in data: y_err_p = data['y'] + data['ye'] y_err_m = data['y'] - data['ye'] self._sources[i].add( list(zip(data['x'], data['x'])), 'y_err_xs') self._sources[i].add(list(zip(y_err_p, y_err_m)), 'y_err_ys') # check if should set x_err as well if 'xe' in data: x_err_p = data['x'] + data['xe'] x_err_m = data['x'] - data['xe'] self._sources[i].add( list(zip(data['y'], data['y'])), 'x_err_ys') self._sources[i].add(list(zip(x_err_p, x_err_m)), 'x_err_xs') def plot_legend(self, legend_items=None): """Add a legend to the plot. """ if self._use_legend: from bokeh.models import Legend loc = {'best': 'top_left'}.get(self.legend_loc, self.legend_loc) where = {None: 'right'}.get(self.legend_where, self.legend_where) # might be manually specified, e.g. from multiplot if legend_items is None: legend_items = self._lgnd_items lg = Legend(items=legend_items) lg.location = loc lg.click_policy = 'hide' self._plot.add_layout(lg, where) # Don't repeatedly redraw legend self._use_legend = False def set_mappable(self): from bokeh.models import LogColorMapper, LinearColorMapper import matplotlib as plt mappr_fn = (LogColorMapper if self.colormap_log else LinearColorMapper) bokehpalette = [plt.colors.rgb2hex(m) for m in self.cmap(range(256))] self.mappable = mappr_fn(palette=bokehpalette, low=self._zmin, high=self._zmax) def plot_colorbar(self): if self._use_colorbar: where = {None: 'right'}.get(self.legend_where, self.legend_where) from bokeh.models import ColorBar, LogTicker, BasicTicker ticker = LogTicker if self.colormap_log else BasicTicker color_bar = ColorBar(color_mapper=self.mappable, location=(0, 0), ticker=ticker(desired_num_ticks=6), title=self._ctitle) self._plot.add_layout(color_bar, where) def set_tools(self): """Set which tools appear for the plot. """ from bokeh.models import HoverTool self._plot.add_tools(HoverTool(tooltips=[ ("({}, {})".format(self.x_coo, self.y_coo if isinstance(self.y_coo, str) else None), "(@x, @y)"), (self.z_coo, "@z_coo")])) def update(self): from import push_notebook self.set_sources() push_notebook() def show(self, **kwargs): """Show the produced figure. """ if self.return_fig: return self._plot bshow(self._plot, **kwargs) return self def prepare_plot(self): self.prepare_axes() self.set_axes_labels() self.set_axes_range() self.set_spans() self.set_gridlines() self.set_tick_marks() self.set_sources()
df.to_excel("test.xlsx", sheet_name="sheet1", index=False) ######################################################################## # REVIEW restart here! source_song = ColumnDataSource( data=dict( x=embedding[voc_size:, 0], y=embedding[voc_size:, 1], size=[start_size] * (lyrics_size), title=title_list, album=album_list, artist=artist_list, ids=sorted_ids, # voc = voc_list, alpha=[start_alpha] * (lyrics_size), lyrics=lyrics_list # SorV = [0]*(voc_size)+[1]*(lyrics_size) ) ) lyrics_data.lyricsinfos[0].voc_dict() title_list[0] album_list[0] [voc_list[e] for e in lyrics_list[0].keys()] # TODO change the source_voc to the displaying property, and elsewhere for storing DF TF source_voc = ColumnDataSource( data=dict( x=embedding[:voc_size, 0],
title_list = [""]*voc_size+title_list album_list = [""]*voc_size+album_list artist_list = [""]*voc_size+artist_list len(voc_list) len(title_list) len(album_list) len(artist_list) #REVIEW restart here! source_song = ColumnDataSource( data=dict( x=embedding_matrix[:,0], y=embedding_matrix[:,1], size = [0]*(voc_size)+[1]*(lyrics_size), title=title_list, album=album_list, artist=artist_list, voc = voc_list, alpha=[0.1]*(lyrics_size+voc_size), color=colors, SorV = [0]*(voc_size)+[1]*(lyrics_size) ) ) source_voc = ColumnDataSource( data=dict( x=embedding_matrix[:,0], y=embedding_matrix[:,1], size = [1]*(voc_size)+[0]*(lyrics_size), title=title_list, album=album_list, artist=artist_list, voc = voc_list,
for i in path_n: img_list_n.append(os.path.abspath(i)) img_list_ne = [] for i in path_ne: img_list_ne.append(os.path.abspath(i)) img_list_se = [] for i in path_se: img_list_se.append(os.path.abspath(i)) # Set up interactive plot tile_providers= get_provider(Vendors.STAMEN_TERRAIN) source_sw = ColumnDataSource(data=dict( x=xList_sw, y=yList_sw, desc = nameList_sw, imgs=img_list_sw, )) source_nw = ColumnDataSource(data=dict( x=xList_nw, y=yList_nw, desc = nameList_nw, imgs=img_list_nw, )) source_n = ColumnDataSource(data=dict( x=xList_n, y=yList_n, desc = nameList_n, imgs=img_list_n,
def _line_for_patches(self, data, chart, renderer, series_name): """ Add a line along the top edge of a Patch in a stacked Area Chart; return the new Glyph for addition to HoverTool. :param data: original data for the graph :type data: dict :param chart: Chart to add the line to :type chart: bokeh.charts.Chart :param renderer: GlyphRenderer containing one Patches glyph, to draw the line for :type renderer: bokeh.models.renderers.GlyphRenderer :param series_name: the data series name this Patches represents :type series_name: str :return: GlyphRenderer for a Line at the top edge of this Patch :rtype: bokeh.models.renderers.GlyphRenderer """ # @TODO this method needs a major refactor # get the original x and y values, and color xvals = deepcopy(['x_values'][0]) yvals = deepcopy(['y_values'][0]) line_color = renderer.glyph.fill_color # save original values for logging if needed orig_xvals = [x for x in xvals] orig_yvals = [y for y in yvals] # get a list of the values new_xvals = [x for x in xvals] new_yvals = [y for y in yvals] # so when a Patch is made, the first point is (0,0); trash it xvals = new_xvals[1:] yvals = new_yvals[1:] # then, we can tell the last point in the "top" line because it will be # followed by a point with the same x value and a y value of 0. last_idx = None for idx, val in enumerate(xvals): if yvals[idx+1] == 0 and xvals[idx+1] == xvals[idx]: last_idx = idx break if last_idx is None: logger.error('Unable to find top line of patch (x_values=%s ' 'y_values=%s', orig_xvals, orig_yvals) return None # truncate our values to just what makes up the top line xvals = xvals[:last_idx+1] yvals = yvals[:last_idx+1] # Currently (bokeh 0.12.1) HoverTool won't show the tooltip for the last # point in our line. As a hack for this, add a point with the same Y value # and an X slightly before it. lastx = xvals[-1] xvals[-1] = lastx - 1000 # 1000 nanoseconds xvals.append(lastx) yvals.append(yvals[-1]) # get the actual download counts from the original data download_counts = [data[series_name][y] for y in range(0, len(yvals) - 1)] download_counts.append(download_counts[-1]) # create a ColumnDataSource for the new overlay line data2 = { 'x': xvals, # Date/x values are numpy.datetime64 'y': yvals, # the following are hacks for data that we want in the HoverTool tooltip 'SeriesName': [series_name for _ in yvals], # formatted date 'FmtDate': [self.datetime64_to_formatted_date(x) for x in xvals], # to show the exact value, not where the pointer is 'Downloads': download_counts } # set the formatted date for our hacked second-to-last point to the # same value as the last point data2['FmtDate'][-2] = data2['FmtDate'][-1] # create the CloumnDataSource, then the line for it, then the Glyph line_ds = ColumnDataSource(data2) line = Line(x='x', y='y', line_color=line_color) lineglyph = chart.add_glyph(line_ds, line) return lineglyph
def selection_plot(response): # Let's move these into a settings file somewhere? # height/width could potentially be driven by the request? # Include color data in the ColumnDataSource to allow for changing the color on # the client side. urls = [x[0] for x in response["pages"]] xdata = [x[1] for x in response["pages"]] ydata = [x[2] for x in response["pages"]] tags = [x[3] for x in response["pages"]] color = [] custom_tags = ["Custom tags"] for tag in tags: custom = False if tag: for t in tag: if t not in ["Relevant", "Irrelevant", ""]: custom = True if t not in custom_tags: custom_tags.append(t) if not custom: color.append(colormap(tag[0])) else: color.append(colormap("Custom")) else: color.append(colormap(None)) source = ColumnDataSource( data=dict( x=xdata, y=ydata, urls=urls, tags=tags, color=color, ) ) # Callback code for CDS. source.callback = CustomJS(code=""" var inds = cb_obj.get('selected')["1d"].indices; var data = cb_obj.get('data'); BokehPlots.showPages(inds); """) # Create the figure with FIGURE_WIDTH and FIGURE_HEIGHT p = figure( tools="hover,wheel_zoom,reset", width=FIGURE_WIDTH, responsive=True, tags=["clusterPlot"], ) # Ensure that the lasso only selects with mouseup, not mousemove. p.add_tools( LassoSelectTool(select_every_mousemove=False), ) # These turn off the x/y axis ticks p.axis.visible = None # These turn the major grid off p.xgrid.grid_line_color = None p.ygrid.grid_line_color = None # Plot non-selected circles with a particular style using CIRCLE_SIZE and # 'color' list"x", "y", size=13, line_width=2, line_alpha=1, line_color=None, fill_alpha=1, color='color', source=source, name="urls") nonselected_circle = Circle(fill_alpha=0.1, line_alpha=0.1, fill_color='color', line_color='color') renderer ="urls") renderer.nonselection_glyph = nonselected_circle # Create buttons and their callbacks, use button_code string for callbacks. button_code = """ event.preventDefault(); var inds = source.get('selected')["1d"].indices; var data = source.get('data'); var selected = []; tag = "%s"; for(var i = 0; i < inds.length; i++){ selected.push({ x: data.x[inds[i]], y: data.y[inds[i]], url: data.urls[inds[i]], tags: data.tags[inds[i]], selected: true, possible: false, }); data["color"][inds[i]] = "%s"; } BokehPlots.updateTags(selected, tag, "Apply"); source.trigger("change"); """ textinput_code = """ event.preventDefault(); var inds = source.get('selected')["1d"].indices; var data = source.get('data'); var selected = []; var tag = cb_obj.get("value"); // Reinitialise to the default value cb_obj.set("value", "Add custom tag...") if(tag.indexOf("Add custom tag...") < 0) { //Update the custom tags selection list var options = custom_tags_select.get("options"); if(options.indexOf(tag) < 0){ options.push(tag); custom_tags_select.set("options", options); } for(var i = 0; i < inds.length; i++){ selected.push({ x: data.x[inds[i]], y: data.y[inds[i]], url: data.urls[inds[i]], tags: data.tags[inds[i]], selected: true, possible: false, }); data["color"][inds[i]] = "%s"; } BokehPlots.updateTags(selected, tag, "Apply"); source.trigger("change"); } """ selectinput_code = """ event.preventDefault(); var inds = source.get('selected')["1d"].indices; var data = source.get('data'); var selected = []; var tag = cb_obj.get("value"); cb_obj.set("value", "Enter tags...") if(tag.indexOf("Add custom tag...") < 0) { for(var i = 0; i < inds.length; i++){ selected.push({ x: data.x[inds[i]], y: data.y[inds[i]], url: data.urls[inds[i]], tags: data.tags[inds[i]], selected: true, possible: false, }); data["color"][inds[i]] = "%s"; } BokehPlots.updateTags(selected, tag, "Apply"); source.trigger("change"); } """ # Create buttons and their callbacks, use button_code string for callbacks. crawl_code = """ event.preventDefault(); var inds = source.get('selected')["1d"].indices; var data = source.get('data'); var selected = []; var crawl = '%s'; for(var i = 0; i < inds.length; i++){ selected.push(data.urls[inds[i]]); } BokehPlots.crawlPages(selected, crawl); source.trigger("change"); """ # Supply color with print formatting. but_relevant = Button(label="Relevant", type="success") but_relevant.callback = CustomJS(args=dict(source=source), code=button_code % ("Relevant", POSITIVE_COLOR)) but_irrelevant = Button(label="Irrelevant", type="success") but_irrelevant.callback = CustomJS(args=dict(source=source), code=button_code % ("Irrelevant", NEGATIVE_COLOR)) but_neutral = Button(label="Neutral", type="success") but_neutral.callback = CustomJS(args=dict(source=source), code=button_code % ("Neutral", NEUTRAL_COLOR)) custom_tag_input = TextInput(value="Add custom tag...") custom_tag_input.callback = CustomJS(args=dict(source=source), code=textinput_code % (CUSTOM_COLOR)) custom_tag_select = Select(value="Custom tags", options=custom_tags) custom_tag_select.callback = CustomJS(args=dict(source=source), code=selectinput_code % (CUSTOM_COLOR)) custom_tag_input.callback.args["custom_tags_select"] = custom_tag_select but_backward_crawl = Button(label="Backlinks", type="success") but_backward_crawl.callback = CustomJS(args=dict(source=source), code=crawl_code % ("backward")) but_forward_crawl = Button(label="Forwardlinks", type="success") but_forward_crawl.callback = CustomJS(args=dict(source=source), code=crawl_code % ("forward")) # Adjust what attributes are displayed by the HoverTool hover = hover.tooltips = [ ("urls", "@urls"), ] tags = hplot(custom_tag_input, custom_tag_select, but_neutral, but_relevant, but_irrelevant) tags_crawl = hplot(but_backward_crawl, but_forward_crawl) layout = vplot(p, tags, tags_crawl) # Combine script and div into a single string. plot_code = components(layout) return plot_code[0] + plot_code[1]
sizing_mode="scale_both") print((nominal_image_stack.max())) layer = Slider(start=0, end=len(nominal_image_stack), value=0, step=1, title="z layer") threshold = Slider(start=0, end=nominal_image_stack.max(), value=nominal_image_stack.mean(), step=1, title="threshold") prev_threshold = nominal_image_stack.mean() segmented_image_source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict( image=[segmented_image_stack[0]])) nominal_image_source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict( image=[nominal_image_stack[0]])) main_fig.image(source=nominal_image_source, image="image", x=0, y=0, dw=10, dh=10, level="image", palette=RGreens7) main_fig.image( source=segmented_image_source, image="image", x=0,
def selection_plot(response): # Let's move these into a settings file somewhere? # height/width could potentially be driven by the request? # Include color data in the ColumnDataSource to allow for changing the color on # the client side. urls = [x[0] for x in response["pages"]] xdata = [x[1] for x in response["pages"]] ydata = [x[2] for x in response["pages"]] tags = [x[3] for x in response["pages"]] color = [colormap(x[0]) if x else colormap(None) for x in tags] source = ColumnDataSource( data=dict( x=xdata, y=ydata, urls=urls, tags=tags, color=color, ) ) # Callback code for CDS. source.callback = CustomJS(code=""" var inds = cb_obj.get('selected')["1d"].indices; var data = cb_obj.get('data'); BokehPlots.showPages(inds); """) # Create the figure with FIGURE_WIDTH and FIGURE_HEIGHT p = figure(tools="hover", width=FIGURE_WIDTH, toolbar_location=None, responsive=True, tags=["clusterPlot"]) # Ensure that the lasso only selects with mouseup, not mousemove. p.add_tools(LassoSelectTool(select_every_mousemove=False)) # These turn off the x/y axis ticks p.axis.visible = None # These turn the major grid off p.xgrid.grid_line_color = None p.ygrid.grid_line_color = None # Plot non-selected circles with a particular style using CIRCLE_SIZE and # 'color' list"x", "y", size=13, line_width=2, line_alpha=1, line_color=None, fill_alpha=1, color='color', source=source, name="urls") nonselected_circle = Circle(fill_alpha=0.1, line_alpha=0.1, fill_color='color', line_color='color') renderer ="urls") renderer.nonselection_glyph = nonselected_circle # Create buttons and their callbacks, use button_code string for callbacks. button_code = """ event.preventDefault(); var inds = source.get('selected')["1d"].indices; var data = source.get('data'); var selected = []; tag = "%s"; for(var i = 0; i < inds.length; i++){ selected.push({ x: data.x[inds[i]], y: data.y[inds[i]], url: data.urls[inds[i]], tags: data.tags[inds[i]], selected: true, possible: false, }); data["color"][inds[i]] = "%s"; } BokehPlots.updateTags(selected, tag, inds); source.trigger("change"); """ # Supply color with print formatting. button1 = Button(label="Relevant", type="success") button1.callback = CustomJS(args=dict(source=source), code=button_code % ("Relevant", POSITIVE_COLOR)) button2 = Button(label="Irrelevant", type="success") button2.callback = CustomJS(args=dict(source=source), code=button_code % ("Irrelevant", NEGATIVE_COLOR)) button3 = Button(label="Neutral", type="success") button3.callback = CustomJS(args=dict(source=source), code=button_code % ("Neutral", NEUTRAL_COLOR)) # Adjust what attributes are displayed by the HoverTool hover = hover.tooltips = [ ("urls", "@urls"), ] layout = vform(p, button1, button2, button3) # Combine script and div into a single string. plot_code = components(layout) return plot_code[0] + plot_code[1]
md_data = md_data.interpolate(method='linear', axis=0).ffill().bfill() # Tell Bokeh where to save the interactive chart output_file('us_marriages_divorces_per_capita.html', title='144 years of marriage and divorce in the U.S.A.') # Set up the data sources for the lines we'll be plotting. # We need separate data sources for each line because we're # displaying different data in the hover tool. source_marriages = ColumnDataSource(data=dict( # x-axis (Years) for the chart x=md_data.Year.values, # y-axis (Marriages per capita) for the chart y=md_data.Marriages_per_1000.values, # The string version of the y-value that is displayed in the hover box y_text=md_data.Marriages_per_1000.apply( lambda x: '{}'.format(round(x, 1))), # Extra descriptive text that is displayed in the hover box desc=['marriages per 1,000 people'] * len(md_data), )) source_divorces = ColumnDataSource(data=dict( # x-axis (Years) for the chart x=md_data.Year.values, # y-axis (Marriages per capita) for the chart y=md_data.Divorces_per_1000.values, # The string version of the y-value that is displayed in the hover box y_text=md_data.Divorces_per_1000.apply(lambda x: '{}'.format(round(x, 1))), # Extra descriptive text that is displayed in the hover box desc=['divorces and annulments per 1,000 people'] * len(md_data),
def compare(): # if proj among arguments, show this tree first. try: proj_a = int(request.args.get('proj_a', None)) proj_b = int(request.args.get('proj_b', None)) except (TypeError, ValueError): proj_a = proj_b = None include = request.args.get('include', None) # list of projects (and proj_names) used to create dropdown project selector upload_list = UserFile.query.filter_by(\ filter_by(run_complete=True).order_by(UserFile.file_id).all() if len(upload_list) > 1: # Use specified project from args or highest file_id as CURRENT PROJECT current_proj = upload_list[-1] # override if valid proj specified if proj_a and proj_b: current_temp_a = [u for u in upload_list if u.file_id == proj_a] current_temp_b = [u for u in upload_list if u.file_id == proj_b] # if not among user's finished projects, use highest file_id if len(current_temp_a) == 1 and len(current_temp_b) == 1: current_proj_a = current_temp_a[0] current_proj_b = current_temp_b[0] else: current_proj_a = upload_list[-2] current_proj_b = upload_list[-1] else: current_proj_a = upload_list[-2] current_proj_b = upload_list[-1] detail_path1 = naming_rules.get_detailed_path(current_proj_a) detail_path2 = naming_rules.get_detailed_path(current_proj_b) js_name1 = naming_rules.get_js_name(current_proj_a) js_name2 = naming_rules.get_js_name(current_proj_b) xlabel = u"Effect size ({})".format(current_proj_a.get_fancy_filename()) ylabel = u"Effect size ({})".format(current_proj_b.get_fancy_filename()) # load pathways with 1+ mutation in 1+ patients, # ignoring ones with 'cancer' etc in name all_paths1 = load_pathway_list_from_file(detail_path1) all_paths2 = load_pathway_list_from_file(detail_path2) # IDs with p<0.05 and +ve effect sig_p = OrderedDict( [(i.path_id, i.nice_name) for i in all_paths1 if i.gene_set]) sig_pids1 = [i for i in sig_p] sig_p2 = OrderedDict( [(i.path_id, i.nice_name) for i in all_paths2 if i.gene_set]) sig_pids2 = [i for i in sig_p2] sig_p.update(sig_p2) # ORDERED by proj1 effect size # BUILD DATAFRAME WITH ALL sig PATHWAYS, proj1 object order. pway_names = sig_p.values() # order important columns = ['path_id', 'pname', 'ind1', 'ind2', 'e1', 'e2', 'e1_only', 'e2_only', 'q1', 'q2'] df = pd.DataFrame(index=sig_p.keys(), data={'pname': pway_names}, columns=columns) for path_group, evar, qvar, ind, sigs in \ [(all_paths1, 'e1', 'q1', 'ind1', sig_pids1), (all_paths2, 'e2', 'q2', 'ind2', sig_pids2)]: for path in path_group: path_id = path.path_id if path_id not in sig_p: continue df.loc[path_id, evar] = get_effect(path) df.loc[path_id, qvar] = get_q(path) temp_ind = sigs.index(path_id) if path_id in sigs else -1 df.loc[path_id, ind] = temp_ind df.ind1.fillna(-1, inplace=True) df.ind2.fillna(-1, inplace=True) df.e1_only = df.where(df.e2.isnull())['e1'] df.e2_only = df.where(df.e1.isnull())['e2'] inds1 = list(df.ind1) inds2 = list(df.ind2) source = ColumnDataSource(data=df) source_full = ColumnDataSource(data=df), = 'data_visible', 'data_full' # SET UP FIGURE minx = df.e1.min() minx *= 1 - minx / abs(minx) * 0.2 miny = df.e2.min() miny *= 1 - miny/abs(miny) * 0.2 maxx = df.e1.max() * 1.2 maxy = df.e2.max() * 1.2 TOOLS = "lasso_select,box_select,hover,crosshair,pan,wheel_zoom,"\ "box_zoom,reset,tap,help" # poly_select,lasso_select, previewsave # SUPLOTS p = figure(plot_width=DIM_COMP_W, plot_height=DIM_COMP_H, tools=TOOLS, title=None, logo=None, toolbar_location="above", x_range=Range1d(minx, maxx), y_range=Range1d(miny, maxy), x_axis_type="log", y_axis_type="log" ) pb = figure(plot_width=DIM_COMP_SM, plot_height=DIM_COMP_H, tools=TOOLS, y_range=p.y_range, x_axis_type="log", y_axis_type="log") pa = figure(plot_width=DIM_COMP_W, plot_height=DIM_COMP_SM, tools=TOOLS, x_range=p.x_range, x_axis_type="log", y_axis_type="log") pp = figure(plot_width=DIM_COMP_SM, plot_height=DIM_COMP_SM, tools=TOOLS, outline_line_color=None) # SPANS p.add_layout(plot_fns.get_span(1, 'height')) p.add_layout(plot_fns.get_span(1, 'width')) pa.add_layout(plot_fns.get_span(1, 'height')) pb.add_layout(plot_fns.get_span(1, 'width')) # STYLE for ax in [p, pa, pb]: ax.grid.visible = False ax.outline_line_width = 2 ax.background_fill_color = 'whitesmoke' for ax in [pa, pb]: ax.xaxis.visible = False ax.yaxis.visible = False pa.title.text = xlabel pb.title.text = ylabel pa.title_location, pa.title.align = 'below', 'center' pb.title_location, pb.title.align = 'left', 'center' # WIDGETS q_input = TextInput(value='', title="P* cutoff", placeholder='e.g. 0.05') gene_input = TextInput(value='', title="Gene list", placeholder='e.g. TP53,BRAF') radio_include = RadioGroup(labels=["Include", "Exclude"], active=0) widgets = widgetbox(q_input, gene_input, radio_include, width=200, css_classes=['widgets_sg']) grid = gridplot([[pb, p, widgets], [Spacer(width=DIM_COMP_SM), pa, Spacer()]], sizing_mode='fixed') cb_inclusion = CustomJS(args=dict(genes=gene_input), code=""" var gene_str = genes.value if (!gene_str) return; var include = == 0 ? true : false selectPathwaysByGenes(gene_str, include); """) cb_genes = CustomJS(args=dict(radio=radio_include), code=""" var gene_str = cb_obj.value if (!gene_str) return; var include = == 0 ? true : false selectPathwaysByGenes(gene_str, include); """) radio_include.js_on_change('active', cb_inclusion) gene_input.js_on_change('value', cb_genes) # SCATTER"e1", "e2", source=source, **SCATTER_KW)'e1_only', 1, source=source, **SCATTER_KW), 'e2_only', source=source, **SCATTER_KW) # HOVER for hover in hover.tooltips = OrderedDict([ ("name", "@pname"), ("effects", "(@e1, @e2)"), ("P*", ("(@q1, @q2)")) ]) # ADD Q FILTERING CALLBACK callback = CustomJS(args=dict(source=source, full=source_full), code=""" // get old selection indices, if any var prv_selected = source.selected['1d'].indices; var prv_select_full = [] for(var i=0; i<prv_selected.length; i++){ prv_select_full.push(scatter_array[prv_selected[i]]) } var new_selected = [] var q_val = cb_obj.value; if(q_val == '') q_val = 1 var fullset =; var n_total = fullset['e1'].length; // Convert float64arrays to array var col_names = %s ; col_names.forEach(function(col_name){[col_name] = [][col_name])[col_name].length = 0 }) scatter_array.length = 0; var j = -1; // new glyph indices for (i = 0; i < n_total; i++) { this_q1 = fullset['q1'][i]; this_q2 = fullset['q2'][i]; if(this_q1 <= q_val || this_q2 <= q_val){ j++; // preserve previous selection if still visible col_names.forEach(function(col){[col].push(fullset[col][i]); }) scatter_array.push(i) if($.inArray(i, prv_select_full) > -1){ new_selected.push(j); } } } source.selected['1d'].indices = new_selected; source.trigger('change'); updateIfSelectionChange_afterWait(); """ % columns) q_input.js_on_change('value', callback) script, div = plot_fns.get_bokeh_components(grid) proj_dir_a = naming_rules.get_project_folder(current_proj_a) proj_dir_b = naming_rules.get_project_folder(current_proj_b) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(proj_dir_a, 'matrix_svg_cnv')) and \ os.path.exists(os.path.join(proj_dir_b, 'matrix_svg_cnv')): has_cnv = True else: has_cnv = False else: # not enough projects yet! flash("Two completed projects are required for a comparison.", "warning") return redirect(url_for('.index')) return render_template('pway/compare.html', current_projs=[current_proj_a, current_proj_b], inds_use=[inds1, inds2], has_cnv=has_cnv, js_name_a=js_name1, js_name_b=js_name2, projects=upload_list, bokeh_script=script, bokeh_div=div, include_genes=include, resources=plot_fns.resources)
import numpy as np from import vform from bokeh.models import CustomJS, Slider from bokeh.plotting import figure, hplot, output_file, show, ColumnDataSource x = np.linspace(0, 10, 500) y = np.sin(x) source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=x, y=y)) plot = figure(y_range=(-10, 10), plot_width=400, plot_height=400) plot.line('x', 'y', source=source, line_width=3, line_alpha=0.6) callback = CustomJS(args=dict(source=source), code=""" var data = source.get('data'); var A = amp.get('value') var k = freq.get('value') var phi = phase.get('value') var B = offset.get('value') x = data['x'] y = data['y'] for (i = 0; i < x.length; i++) { y[i] = B + A*Math.sin(k*x[i]+phi); } source.trigger('change'); """) amp_slider = Slider(start=0.1,
def dashboard(): """ Creates the main app objects """ # TODO: Should find a better design and remove those global objs... global source global csource source = ColumnDataSource(df) source.tags = ['main_source'] csource = ColumnDataSource(cdf) csource.tags = ['crash_source'] select_sec = Select.create(options=SECURITIES, name='select_sec', title="") asel = Select.create(options=df.columns, name='field_to_add', title="") chart_sel = Select.create(options=chart_types, name='chart_to_add', title="") msel = MultiSelect.create(options=[], name='ms') abutton = Button(label="add", type="success", name='add_button') rbutton = Button(label="remove", type="danger", name='remove_button') add_chart_button = Button(label="add chart", type="success", name='add_chart') data_table = DataTable(source=source, editable=True, width=500, height=400) ccolumns = [TableColumn(field=x, title=x, editor=NumberEditor()) for x in cdf.columns] crashes_table = DataTable(source=csource, editable=True, width=1200, height=400, columns=ccolumns) charts_box = AppVBox(children=[], name='charts_box') counts = cdf['crashes'] crashes_hist = charts.Histogram({'crash_counts': counts}, bins=20, height=300, title="# Crashes per Symbol") crashes_scatter = create_crashes_scatter() main_tab = VBox(children=[], name='d_box') dlg = Dialog(buttons=[], content=main_tab , visible=False) options = CheckboxGroup( labels=['Show peaks', 'Show Std. Dev.', 'Bolinger Bands'], name='new_chart_options' ) select_palette = Select.create(options=brewer.keys(), name='select_palette', title="Palette") return { # security tab 'select_sec': select_sec, 'field_to_add': asel, 'chart_to_add': chart_sel, 'ms': msel, 'dt': data_table, 'add_button': abutton, 'remove_button': rbutton, 'add_chart': add_chart_button, 'charts_box': charts_box, 'dlg': dlg, # Crashes tab objs 'crashes_hist': crashes_hist, 'crashes_scatter': crashes_scatter, 'crashes_table': crashes_table, 'crash_stats': PreText(text="NO CRASHES FOR SYMBOL %s" % SYMBOL, width=300), # 'chart_values': MultiSelect.create(options=df.columns, name="chart_values", title="Values"), 'new_chart_index': Select.create(options=['---']+list(df.columns), title="Chart index", name="new_chart_index"), 'new_chart_title': TextInput(title="Chart Title", name='new_chart_title', value=''), 'new_chart_options': options, 'select_palette': select_palette, # ANNOTATIONS "annotations": MultiSelect.create(options=[], name="annotations", title="Annotations"), "add_annotation": Button(label="add", type="success", name='add_annotation'), "delete_annotation": Button(label="remove", type="danger", name='delete_annotation'), "show_annotation": Button(label="Show", type="link", name='show_annotation'), 'new_annotation_dlg': Dialog(buttons=[], content=main_tab , visible=False), 'annotation_txt': TextInput(title="New Annotation", name='annotation_txt', value=''), 'new_annotation_options': CheckboxGroup(labels=[], name='new_annotation_options'), }
'cause'] = 'Judy Garland stars as Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz movie (1939)' data.loc[ data.Name == 'Whitney', 'cause'] = 'The singer Whitney Houston was No. 1 artist of the year and her album was the No. 1 album of the year on the 1986 Billboard year-end charts.' data.loc[ data.Name == 'Ashanti', 'cause'] = 'In April 2002 the singer Ashanti released her eponymous debut album, which featured the hit song "Foolish", and sold over 503,000 copies in its first week of release throughout the U.S.' data.loc[data.Name == 'Woodrow', 'cause'] = 'Woodrow Wilson ran for president of the USA in 1912.' data.loc[data.Name == 'Jacqueline', 'cause'] = 'Jacqueline Kennedy becomes First Lady' data.loc[data.cause != '', 'text_color'] = data['color'] # In[ ]: source_noexpl = ColumnDataSource(data=data.loc[data.cause == '']) source_expl = ColumnDataSource(data=data.loc[data.cause != '']) hover = HoverTool(tooltips=""" <div> <div> <span style="font-size: 17px; font-weight: bold;">@Name</span> <span style="font-size: 15px; color: #966;">@BestYearPopDiff</span> </div> <div style='max-width: 300px'> <span style="font-size: 15px;">@cause</span> </div> </div> """) p = figure(plot_width=800,
from bokeh.plotting import ColumnDataSource, figure, gridplot, output_file, show from bokeh.sampledata.autompg import autompg output_file("brushing.html") # Load some Automobile data into a data source. Interesting columns are: # "yr" - Year manufactured # "mpg" - miles per gallon # "displ" - engine displacement # "hp" - engine horsepower # "cyl" - number of cylinders source = ColumnDataSource(autompg.to_dict("list")) source.add(autompg["yr"], name="yr") # define some tools to add TOOLS = "pan,wheel_zoom,box_zoom,box_select,lasso_select"# Let's set up some plot options in a dict that we can re-use on multiple plots # Let's set up some plot options in a dict that we can re-use on multiple plots plot_config = dict(plot_width=300, plot_height=300, tools=TOOLS) # First let's plot the "yr" vs "mpg" using the plot config above # Note that we are supplying our our data source to the renderer explicitly p1 = figure(title="MPG by Year", **plot_config)"yr", "mpg", color="blue", source=source) # EXERCISE: make another figure p2 with circle renderer, for "hp" vs "displ" with # color "green". This renderer should use the same data source as the renderer # above, that is what will cause the plots selections to be linked p2 = figure(title="HP vs. Displacement", **plot_config)"hp", "displ", color="green", source=source)
def _heatmap_summary(pvals, coefs, plot_width=1200, plot_height=400): """ Plots heatmap of coefficients colored by pvalues Parameters ---------- pvals : pd.DataFrame Table of pvalues where rows are balances and columns are covariates. coefs : pd.DataFrame Table of coefficients where rows are balances and columns are covariates. plot_width : int, optional Width of plot. plot_height : int, optional Height of plot. Returns ------- bokeh.charts.Heatmap Heatmap summarizing the regression statistics. """ c = coefs.reset_index() c = c.rename(columns={'index': 'balance'}) # fix alpha in fdr to account for the number of covariates def fdr(x): return multipletests(x, method='fdr_bh', alpha=0.05 / pvals.shape[1])[1] cpvals = pvals.apply(fdr, axis=0) # log scale for coloring log_p = -np.log10(cpvals+1e-200) log_p = log_p.reset_index() log_p = log_p.rename(columns={'index': 'balance'}) p = pvals.reset_index() p = p.rename(columns={'index': 'balance'}) cp = cpvals.reset_index() cp = cp.rename(columns={'index': 'balance'}) cm = pd.melt(c, id_vars='balance', var_name='Covariate', value_name='Coefficient') pm = pd.melt(p, id_vars='balance', var_name='Covariate', value_name='Pvalue') cpm = pd.melt(cp, id_vars='balance', var_name='Covariate', value_name='Corrected_Pvalue') logpm = pd.melt(log_p, id_vars='balance', var_name='Covariate', value_name='log_Pvalue') m = pd.merge(cm, pm, left_on=['balance', 'Covariate'], right_on=['balance', 'Covariate']) m = pd.merge(m, logpm, left_on=['balance', 'Covariate'], right_on=['balance', 'Covariate']) m = pd.merge(m, cpm, left_on=['balance', 'Covariate'], right_on=['balance', 'Covariate']) hover = HoverTool( tooltips=[("Pvalue", "@Pvalue"), ("Corrected Pvalue", "@Corrected_Pvalue"), ("Coefficient", "@Coefficient")] ) N, _min, _max = len(palette), m.log_Pvalue.min(), m.log_Pvalue.max() X = pd.Series(np.arange(len(pvals.index)), index=pvals.index) Y = pd.Series(np.arange(len(pvals.columns)), index=pvals.columns) m['X'] = [X.loc[i] for i in m.balance] m['Y'] = [Y.loc[i] for i in m.Covariate] # fill in nans with zero. Sometimes the pvalue calculation fails. m = m.fillna(0) for i in m.index: x = m.loc[i, 'log_Pvalue'] ind = int(np.floor((x - _min) / (_max - _min) * (N - 1))) m.loc[i, 'color'] = palette[ind] source = ColumnDataSource(ColumnDataSource.from_df(m)) hm = figure(title='Regression Coefficients Summary', plot_width=1200, plot_height=400, tools=[hover, PanTool(), BoxZoomTool(), WheelZoomTool(), ResetTool(), SaveTool()]) hm.rect(x='X', y='Y', width=1, height=1, fill_color='color', line_color="white", source=source) Xlabels = pd.Series(pvals.index, index=np.arange(len(pvals.index))) Ylabels = pd.Series(pvals.columns, index=np.arange(len(pvals.columns)), ) hm.xaxis[0].ticker = FixedTicker(ticks=Xlabels.index) hm.xaxis.formatter = FuncTickFormatter(code=""" var labels = %s; return labels[tick]; """ % Xlabels.to_dict()) hm.yaxis[0].ticker = FixedTicker(ticks=Ylabels.index) hm.yaxis.formatter = FuncTickFormatter(code=""" var labels = %s; return labels[tick]; """ % Ylabels.to_dict()) return hm