Example #1
def main():
    # Use a linear grid from 0 to 60 eV with 500 intervals.
    gr = grid.LinearGrid(0, 10, 200)

    # Initiate the solver instance
    bsolver = solver.BoltzmannSolver(gr)

    # Parse the cross-section file in BOSIG+ format and load it into the
    # solver.
    with open("itikawa-2009-O2.txt") as fp:

    # Set the conditions.  And initialize the solver
    T = 1000
    P = 101325
    ND = P / co.k / T
    bsolver.target['O2'].density = 1.0
    bsolver.kT = T * co.k / co.eV
    E = 1e5
    bsolver.EN = E / ND

    # Start with Maxwell EEDF as initial guess.  Here we are starting with
    # with an electron temperature of 2 eV
    f0 = bsolver.maxwell(2.0)

    # Solve the Boltzmann equation with a tolerance rtol and maxn iterations.
    f1 = bsolver.converge(f0, maxn=200, rtol=1e-5)

    # Calculate the properties.
    print("mobility  = %.3f  1/m/V/s" % (bsolver.mobility(f1) / ND))
    print("diffusion  = %.3f  1/m/s" % (bsolver.diffusion(f1) / ND))
    print("average energy = %.3f  eV" % bsolver.mean_energy(f1))
    print("electron temperature = %.3f K" % bsolver.electron_temperature(f1))
Example #2
def main():
    argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser()

                           help="File with cross-sections in BOLSIG+ format")
    argparser.add_argument("bolsigdata", help="File with BOLSIG+ rates")
        help="If set, produce a lot of output for debugging",
    args = argparser.parse_args()

    if args.debug:
        logging.basicConfig(format='[%(asctime)s] %(module)s.%(funcName)s: '
                            datefmt='%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S',

    # Use a linear grid from 0 to 60 eV with 100 intervals.
    gr = grid.LinearGrid(0.001, 80., 400)

    # Initiate the solver instance
    bsolver = solver.BoltzmannSolver(gr)

    # Parse the cross-section file in BOSIG+ format and load it into the
    # solver.
    with open(args.input) as fp:
        processes = parser.parse(fp)
    processes = bsolver.load_collisions(processes)

    # Set the conditions.  And initialize the solver
    bsolver.target['N2'].density = 0.8
    bsolver.target['O2'].density = 0.2

    # Calculate rates only for N2 and O2
    processes = [p for p in processes if p.target.density > 0]

    bolsig = np.loadtxt(args.bolsigdata)

    # Electric fields in the BOLSIG+ file
    en = bolsig[:, 1]

    # Create an array to store our results
    bolos = np.empty((len(en), len(processes)))

    # Start with Maxwell EEDF as initial guess.  Here we are starting with
    # with an electron temperature of 2 eV
    f0 = bsolver.maxwell(2.0)

    # Solve for each E/n
    for i, ien in enumerate(en):
        bsolver.grid = gr

        logging.info("E/n = %f Td" % ien)
        bsolver.EN = ien * solver.TOWNSEND
        bsolver.kT = 300 * co.k / co.eV

        # Note that for each E/n we start with the previous E/n as
        # a reasonable first guess.
        f1 = bsolver.converge(f0, maxn=200, rtol=1e-4)

        # Second pass: with an automatic grid and a lower tolerance.
        mean_energy = bsolver.mean_energy(f1)
        newgrid = grid.QuadraticGrid(0, 15 * mean_energy, 200)
        bsolver.grid = newgrid

        f2 = bsolver.grid.interpolate(f1, gr)
        f2 = bsolver.converge(f2, maxn=200, rtol=1e-5)

        bolos[i, :] = [bsolver.rate(f2, p) for p in processes]

    for k, p in enumerate(processes):
        print "%.3d:  %-40s   %s eV" % (k, p, p.threshold or 0.0)

        plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8))
        plt.subplot(2, 1, 1)

        plt.plot(en, bolos[:, k], lw=2.0, c='r', label="BOLOS")
        plt.plot(en, bolsig[:, k + 3], lw=2.0, ls='--', c='k', label="Bolsig+")
        plt.ylabel("k (cm$^\mathdefault{3}$/s)")
        plt.legend(loc='lower right')

        plt.subplot(2, 1, 2)
                 abs(bolos[:, k] - bolsig[:, k + 3]) / bolsig[:, k + 3],

        plt.xlabel("E/n (Td)")
                 str(p) + " %s eV" % p.threshold,

        plt.savefig("%.3d.pdf" % k)
def main():

    # fig, ax = plt.subplots()

    args = parse_args()


    if args.debug:
        logging.basicConfig(format='[%(asctime)s] %(module)s.%(funcName)s: '
                            datefmt='%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S',

    temp = 300
    E_N = 10
    list_ion_degree = [0, 1e-6, 1e-5, 1e-4, 1e-3]

    for ion_degree in list_ion_degree:
        print("Ion degree = %.1e" % ion_degree)
        # fichier_out.write('R%d\n' % (index+1))
        # fichier_out.write('------------------------------------------------------------\n')
        # fichier_out.write('Electric field / N (Td)                    %.1f \n'% reduced_e )
        # fichier_out.write('Gas temperature (K)                        %.1f \n'% temp )
        # Use a linear grid from 0 to 60 eV with 500 intervals.
        gr = grid.LinearGrid(0, 60, 200)
        # gr = grid.QuadraticGrid(0, maxgrid[index], 400)

        # Initiate the solver instance
        bsolver = solver.BoltzmannSolver(gr)

        # Parse the cross-section file in BOSIG+ format and load it into the
        # solver.
        with open(args.input) as fp:

        # Set the conditions.  And initialize the solver
        bsolver.target['Ar'].density = 1.0
        bsolver.kT = temp * co.k / co.eV
        bsolver.EN = E_N * solver.TOWNSEND
        bsolver.coulomb = True
        bsolver.electron_density = 1e18
        bsolver.ion_degree = ion_degree
        bsolver.growth_model = 1

        # Start with Maxwell EEDF as initial guess.  Here we are starting with
        # with an electron temperature of 2 eV
        f0 = bsolver.maxwell(4)

        # ax.plot(bsolver.grid.c, f0, label='Init')
        # Solve the Boltzmann equation with a tolerance rtol and maxn iterations.
        f0 = bsolver.converge(f0, maxn=200, rtol=1e-4)
        # plt.plot(bsolver.grid.c, f0, label='f0 n/N = %.1e' % ion_degree)
        # ax.plot(bsolver.grid.c, f0, label='First convergence')
        # Second pass: with an automatic grid and a lower tolerance.
        mean_energy = bsolver.mean_energy(f0)
        # newgrid = grid.QuadraticGrid(0, 10 * mean_energy, 400)
        newgrid = grid.QuadraticGrid(0, 15 * mean_energy, 300)
        bsolver.grid = newgrid

        f1 = bsolver.grid.interpolate(f0, gr)
        f1 = bsolver.converge(f1, maxn=200, rtol=1e-6)
        plt.plot(bsolver.grid.c, f1, label='n/N = %.1e' % ion_degree)

        # Search for a particular process in the solver and print its rate.
        #k = bsolver.search('N2 -> N2^+')
        #print "THE REACTION RATE OF %s IS %g\n" % (k, bsolver.rate(f1, k))

        # You can also iterate over all processes or over processes of a certain
        # type.

        # # Calculate the mobility and diffusion.
        # fichier_out.write('------------------------------------------------------------\n')
        # fichier_out.write("TRANSPORT PARAMETERS:\n")
        # fichier_out.write("Mean energy (eV)                          %.4e  \n" % bsolver.mean_energy(f1))
        # fichier_out.write("Mobility *N (1/m/V/s)                     %.4e  \n" % bsolver.mobility(f1))
        # fichier_out.write("Diffusion coefficient *N (1/m/s)          %.4e  \n" % bsolver.diffusion(f1))

        # fichier_out.write('------------------------------------------------------------\n')
        # fichier_out.write("Rate coefficients (m3/s)\n")
        # for t, p in bsolver.iter_all():
        #     fichier_out.write("%-40s   %.4e\n" % (str(p), bsolver.rate(f1, p)))

        # fichier_out.write('------------------------------------------------------------\n')
        # fichier_out.write("Energy (eV) EEDF (eV-3/2)\n")
        # for i in range(len(bsolver.grid.c)):
        #     fichier_out.write("%.4e    %.4e\n" % (bsolver.grid.c[i],f1[i]))

        # fichier_out.write('\n\n\n')

        # ax.plot(bsolver.grid.c, f1, label='Final Solution')
    plt.xlim([0, 35])
    plt.ylim([1e-9, 1])
    plt.xlabel(r'$\epsilon$ (eV)')
    plt.ylabel(r'$F_0$ (eV$^{-3/2}$)')

    plt.savefig('FIGURES/Ar_10Td_coulomb_2it.png', bbox_inches='tight')
Example #4
def main():
    args = parse_args()

    if args.debug:
        logging.basicConfig(format='[%(asctime)s] %(module)s.%(funcName)s: '
                            datefmt='%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S',

    # Use a linear grid from 0 to 60 eV with 500 intervals.
    gr = grid.LinearGrid(0, 60., 500)

    # Initiate the solver instance
    bsolver = solver.BoltzmannSolver(gr)

    # Parse the cross-section file in BOSIG+ format and load it into the
    # solver.
    with open(args.input) as fp:

    # Set the conditions.  And initialize the solver
    bsolver.target['N2'].density = 0.8
    bsolver.target['O2'].density = 0.2
    bsolver.kT = args.temp * co.k / co.eV
    bsolver.EN = args.en * solver.TOWNSEND

    # Start with Maxwell EEDF as initial guess.  Here we are starting with
    # with an electron temperature of 2 eV
    f0 = bsolver.maxwell(2.0)

    # Solve the Boltzmann equation with a tolerance rtol and maxn iterations.
    f0 = bsolver.converge(f0, maxn=200, rtol=1e-4)

    # Second pass: with an automatic grid and a lower tolerance.
    mean_energy = bsolver.mean_energy(f0)
    newgrid = grid.QuadraticGrid(0, 150 * mean_energy, 200)
    bsolver.grid = newgrid

    f1 = bsolver.grid.interpolate(f0, gr)
    f1 = bsolver.converge(f1, maxn=200, rtol=1e-5)

    # Search for a particular process in the solver and print its rate.
    #k = bsolver.search('N2 -> N2^+')
    #print "THE REACTION RATE OF %s IS %g\n" % (k, bsolver.rate(f1, k))

    # You can also iterate over all processes or over processes of a certain
    # type.
    print "\nREACTION RATES:\n"
    for t, p in bsolver.iter_all():
        print "%-40s   %.3e m^3/s" % (str(p), bsolver.rate(f1, p))

    # Calculate the mobility and diffusion.
    print "mobility * N   = %.3e  1/m/V/s" % bsolver.mobility(f1)
    print "diffusion * N  = %.3e  1/m/s" % bsolver.diffusion(f1)
    print "average energy = %.3e  eV" % bsolver.mean_energy(f1)

    import pylab
    pylab.plot(bsolver.grid.c, f1)
def main():

    args = parse_args()


    if args.debug:
        logging.basicConfig(format='[%(asctime)s] %(module)s.%(funcName)s: '
                            datefmt='%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S',

    temp = 300
    list_ion_degree = [0, 1e-6, 1e-5, 1e-4, 1e-3]
    # list_ion_degree = [1e-4, 1e-3]
    list_EN = np.geomspace(0.1, 600, num=20)

    # Initialize the solver
    gr = grid.LinearGrid(0, 60, 200)
    bsolver = solver.BoltzmannSolver(gr)
    # Parse the cross-section file in BOSIG+ format and load it into the
    # solver.
    with open(args.input) as fp:
    bsolver.target['Ar'].density = 1.0
    bsolver.kT = temp * co.k / co.eV

    for ion_degree in list_ion_degree:
        mean_epsilon = []
        ion_rate = []
        for index, EN in enumerate(list_EN):
            print("Ion degree = %.1e\nE/N = %.2f" % (ion_degree, EN))

            # Set the conditions.  And initialize the solver
            # if index != 0:
            #     gr = newgrid
            # else:
            #     gr = grid.LinearGrid(0, 60, 200)

            gr = grid.LinearGrid(0, 60, 200)

            bsolver.grid = gr
            bsolver.EN = EN * solver.TOWNSEND
            bsolver.coulomb = True
            bsolver.electron_density = 1e18
            bsolver.ion_degree = ion_degree
            bsolver.growth_model = 1

            # if index == 0:
            #     f2 = bsolver.maxwell(2.0)
            if index == 0:
                f1 = bsolver.maxwell(1.0)

            # Solve the Boltzmann equation with a tolerance rtol and maxn iterations.
            f1 = bsolver.converge(f1, maxn=200, rtol=1e-6, m=8.0, delta0=2e14)
            # Second pass: with an automatic grid and a lower tolerance.
            # mean_energy = bsolver.mean_energy(f1)
            # print("Mean energy first pass = %.2f" % mean_energy)
            # # newgrid = grid.QuadraticGrid(0, 15 * mean_energy, 400)
            # newgrid = grid.LinearGrid(0, 60, 200)
            # bsolver.grid = newgrid
            # bsolver.init()

            # f2 = bsolver.grid.interpolate(f1, gr)
            # # f2 = bsolver.converge(f2, maxn=200, rtol=1e-6, m=8.0, delta0=2e14)
            # f2 = bsolver.converge(f2, maxn=200, rtol=1e-6, m=4.0, delta0=1e14)

            # mean_epsilon.append(bsolver.mean_energy(f2))
            # for t, p in bsolver.iter_inelastic():
            #     if p.kind[:3] == 'ION':
            #         ion_rate.append(bsolver.rate(f2, p))

            for t, p in bsolver.iter_inelastic():
                if p.kind[:3] == 'ION':
                    ion_rate.append(bsolver.rate(f1, p))
            print("Mean energy = %.2f\nIonization rate = %.2e" %
                  (mean_epsilon[-1], ion_rate[-1]))

        plt.plot(mean_epsilon, ion_rate, label='n/N = %.1e' % ion_degree)

        # Search for a particular process in the solver and print its rate.
        #k = bsolver.search('N2 -> N2^+')
        #print "THE REACTION RATE OF %s IS %g\n" % (k, bsolver.rate(f1, k))

        # You can also iterate over all processes or over processes of a certain
        # type.

    plt.xlim([1, 10])
    plt.ylim([1e-21, 1e-14])
    plt.xlabel(r'$\epsilon$ (eV)')
    plt.ylabel(r'Ionization rate coefficient (m$^3$/s)')
    plt.savefig('FIGURES/Ar_coulomb_rates', bbox_inches='tight')

    plt.savefig('FIGURES/Ar_10Td_coulomb_2it.png', bbox_inches='tight')
Example #6
k2BodyAttach = np.zeros(nEf)
k3BodyAttach = np.zeros(nEf)
mean_energy = np.zeros(nEf)
elastic = np.zeros(nEf)

EArray[0] = EStart
for i in range(0, nEf - 1):
    EArray[i + 1] = EArray[i] * mult

# Set-up the electron energy grid we want to compute the electron
# energy distribution on
en_start = 0.0
en_fin = 60.0
en_bins = 200
gr = grid.QuadraticGrid(en_start, en_fin, en_bins)
boltzmann = solver.BoltzmannSolver(gr)
with open('/home/alexlindsay/bolos/LXCat-June2013.txt') as fp:
    processes = parser.parse(fp)
boltzmann.target['N2'].density = xN2
boltzmann.target['O2'].density = xO2
boltzmann.kT = T * co.k / solver.ELECTRONVOLT
for i in range(0, nEf):
    EField = EArray[i]
    En = EField / N
    boltzmann.EN = En
    fMaxwell = boltzmann.maxwell(2.0)
    f1 = boltzmann.converge(fMaxwell, maxn=100, rtol=1e-5)
    mean_energy[i] = boltzmann.mean_energy(f1)
    mu[i] = boltzmann.mobility(f1) / N
Example #7
def main():
    args = parse_args()


    if args.debug:
        logging.basicConfig(format='[%(asctime)s] %(module)s.%(funcName)s: '
                            datefmt='%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S',

    temp = 300
    E_N = [0.1, 20, 100]
    maxgrid = [20, 60, 60]
    inital_energy = [0.1, 1, 2]
    fichier_out = open("IST_Lisbon_air_bolos.dat", "w")

    for index, reduced_e in enumerate(E_N):
        fichier_out.write('R%d\n' % (index + 1))
            'Electric field / N (Td)                    %.1f \n' % reduced_e)
            'Gas temperature (K)                        %.1f \n' % temp)
        # Use a linear grid from 0 to 60 eV with 500 intervals.
        gr = grid.LinearGrid(0.001, maxgrid[index], 200)

        # Initiate the solver instance
        bsolver = solver.BoltzmannSolver(gr)

        # Parse the cross-section file in BOSIG+ format and load it into the
        # solver.
        with open(args.input) as fp:

        # Set the conditions.  And initialize the solver
        bsolver.target['N2'].density = 0.8
        bsolver.target['O2'].density = 0.2
        bsolver.kT = temp * co.k / co.eV
        bsolver.EN = reduced_e * solver.TOWNSEND

        # Start with Maxwell EEDF as initial guess.  Here we are starting with
        # with an electron temperature of 2 eV
        f0 = bsolver.maxwell(2.0)
        # plt.plot(bsolver.grid.c, bsolver.grid.c**(1/2)*f0, label='Init')

        # Solve the Boltzmann equation with a tolerance rtol and maxn iterations.
        f0 = bsolver.converge(f0, maxn=200, rtol=1e-4)
        # plt.plot(bsolver.grid.c, bsolver.grid.c**(1/2)*f0, label='First iteration')

        # Second pass: with an automatic grid and a lower tolerance.
        mean_energy = bsolver.mean_energy(f0)
        newgrid = grid.QuadraticGrid(0, 12 * mean_energy, 200)
        bsolver.grid = newgrid

        f1 = bsolver.grid.interpolate(f0, gr)
        f1 = bsolver.converge(f1, maxn=200, rtol=1e-5)

        # plt.plot(bsolver.grid.c, bsolver.grid.c**(1/2)*f1, label='Second iteration')
        # plt.legend()
        # plt.show()

        # Search for a particular process in the solver and print its rate.
        #k = bsolver.search('N2 -> N2^+')
        #print "THE REACTION RATE OF %s IS %g\n" % (k, bsolver.rate(f1, k))

        # You can also iterate over all processes or over processes of a certain
        # type.

        # Calculate the mobility and diffusion.
        fichier_out.write("TRANSPORT PARAMETERS:\n")
            "Mean energy (eV)                          %.4e  \n" %
            "Mobility *N (1/m/V/s)                     %.4e  \n" %
            "Diffusion coefficient *N (1/m/s)          %.4e  \n" %

        fichier_out.write("Rate coefficients (m3/s)\n")
        for t, p in bsolver.iter_all():
            fichier_out.write("%-40s   %.4e\n" % (str(p), bsolver.rate(f1, p)))

        fichier_out.write("Energy (eV) EEDF (eV-3/2)\n")
        for i in range(len(bsolver.grid.c)):
            fichier_out.write("%.4e    %.4e\n" % (bsolver.grid.c[i], f1[i]))

Example #8
def main():

    # fig, ax = plt.subplots()

    args = parse_args()

    if args.debug:
        logging.basicConfig(format='[%(asctime)s] %(module)s.%(funcName)s: '
                            datefmt='%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S',

    temp = 300
    growth_model_string = ['None', 'Temporal', 'Spatial']
    list_growth_model = [0, 1, 2]
    list_EN = np.linspace(30, 600, 30)
    color = ['k', 'b', 'g']

    #search for the mean of the elastic cross sections in log energy space
    # gr = grid.LinearGrid(0, 120, 200)
    # bsolver = solver.BoltzmannSolver(gr)
    # with open(args.input) as fp:
    #     bsolver.load_collisions(parser.parse(fp))
    # bsolver.target['Ar'].density = 1.0
    # list_kT = np.linspace(1, 15, 15)
    # list_mean_cs = []
    # for t, p in bsolver.iter_all():
    #     if p.kind[:3] == 'ELA':
    #         mean_en_cs = np.max(p.y)
    #         for kT in list_kT:
    #             maxwell =  (2 * np.sqrt(1 / np.pi) * kT**(-3./2.) * np.exp(-p.x / kT))
    #             mean_en_cs = integrate.simps(maxwell * p.y * np.sqrt(p.x), x=p.x)
    #             list_mean_cs.append(mean_en_cs)

    # mean_en_cs = np.max(np.array(list_mean_cs))
    # print(mean_en_cs)
    #             # print('kT = %.1f, mean_cs = %.2e' % (kT, mean_en_cs))
    # print(temp * co.k / co.e * 1.5)
    # plt.plot(list_EN, 2 / 3 * list_EN * np.sqrt(np.pi / 12 / 1e-3) / mean_en_cs * 1e-21 + temp * co.k / co.e * 1.5)
    # plt.show()
    # list_initial_energy = 2 / 3 * list_EN * np.sqrt(np.pi / 12 / 1e-3) / mean_en_cs * 1e-21 + temp * co.k / co.e * 1.5
    # print('EN = %.2f, epsilon = %.2f' % (EN, mean_energy))

    # intial energy at 5eV for all
    list_initial_energy = 5 * np.ones(len(list_EN))

    for growth_model in list_growth_model:
        mean_epsilon = []
        ion_rate = []
        for i, EN in enumerate(list_EN):
            print("Growth model = %s \nE/N = %.2f Td\nInitial energy = %.2f" %
                  (growth_model_string[growth_model], EN,
            # fichier_out.write('R%d\n' % (index+1))
            # fichier_out.write('------------------------------------------------------------\n')
            # fichier_out.write('Electric field / N (Td)                    %.1f \n'% reduced_e )
            # fichier_out.write('Gas temperature (K)                        %.1f \n'% temp )
            # Use a linear grid from 0 to 60 eV with 500 intervals.
            # gr = grid.LinearGrid(0, 120, 200)
            # gr = grid.QuadraticGrid(0, maxgrid[index], 400)
            mean_energy = list_initial_energy[i]
            gr = grid.LinearGrid(0, 12 * mean_energy, 200)
            # Initiate the solver instance
            bsolver = solver.BoltzmannSolver(gr)

            # Parse the cross-section file in BOSIG+ format and load it into the
            # solver.
            with open(args.input) as fp:

            # Set the conditions.  And initialize the solver
            bsolver.target['Ar'].density = 1.0
            bsolver.kT = temp * co.k / co.eV
            bsolver.EN = EN * solver.TOWNSEND
            bsolver.coulomb = False
            bsolver.growth_model = growth_model

            # plot_cross_sections(bsolver, 'cross_sections_Ar_Phelps')

            # Start with Maxwell EEDF as initial guess.  Here we are starting with
            # with an electron temperature of 2 eV
            f0 = bsolver.maxwell(mean_energy)

            # ax.plot(bsolver.grid.c, f0, label='Init')
            # Solve the Boltzmann equation with a tolerance rtol and maxn iterations.
            f0 = bsolver.converge(f0, maxn=200, rtol=1e-4)
            # plt.plot(bsolver.grid.c, f0, label='f0 growth_model = %d' % growth_model)
            # ax.plot(bsolver.grid.c, f0, label='First convergence')
            # Second pass: with an automatic grid and a lower tolerance.
            mean_energy = bsolver.mean_energy(f0)
            print('Mean Energy = %.2e' % mean_energy)
            # newgrid = grid.QuadraticGrid(0, 10 * mean_energy, 400)
            newgrid = grid.QuadraticGrid(0, 12 * mean_energy, 800)
            bsolver.grid = newgrid

            f1 = bsolver.grid.interpolate(f0, gr)
            f1 = bsolver.converge(f1, maxn=200, rtol=1e-6)
            # plt.plot(bsolver.grid.c, f1, color=color[growth_model], label='Growth model = %s' % growth_model_string[growth_model])

            mean_energy = bsolver.mean_energy(f1)

            for t, p in bsolver.iter_inelastic():
                if p.kind[:3] == 'ION':
                    ion_rate.append(bsolver.rate(f1, p))

            #update for the spatial pass
            list_initial_energy[i] = 0.4 * mean_energy

        # print(mean_epsilon)
        # print(ion_rate)
                 label='Growth model = %s' % growth_model_string[growth_model])
        # Search for a particular process in the solver and print its rate.
        #k = bsolver.search('N2 -> N2^+')
        #print "THE REACTION RATE OF %s IS %g\n" % (k, bsolver.rate(f1, k))

        # You can also iterate over all processes or over processes of a certain
        # type.

        # # Calculate the mobility and diffusion.
        # fichier_out.write('------------------------------------------------------------\n')
        # fichier_out.write("TRANSPORT PARAMETERS:\n")
        # fichier_out.write("Mean energy (eV)                          %.4e  \n" % bsolver.mean_energy(f1))
        # fichier_out.write("Mobility *N (1/m/V/s)                     %.4e  \n" % bsolver.mobility(f1))
        # fichier_out.write("Diffusion coefficient *N (1/m/s)          %.4e  \n" % bsolver.diffusion(f1))

        # fichier_out.write('------------------------------------------------------------\n')
        # fichier_out.write("Rate coefficients (m3/s)\n")
        # for t, p in bsolver.iter_all():
        #     fichier_out.write("%-40s   %.4e\n" % (str(p), bsolver.rate(f1, p)))

        # fichier_out.write('------------------------------------------------------------\n')
        # fichier_out.write("Energy (eV) EEDF (eV-3/2)\n")
        # for i in range(len(bsolver.grid.c)):
        #     fichier_out.write("%.4e    %.4e\n" % (bsolver.grid.c[i],f1[i]))

        # fichier_out.write('\n\n\n')

        # ax.plot(bsolver.grid.c, f1, label='Final Solution')
    plt.xlim([5, 10])
    plt.ylim([1e-18, 1e-14])
    plt.xlabel(r'$\epsilon$ (eV)')
    plt.ylabel(r'Ionization rate coefficient (m$^3$/s)')
    plt.savefig('FIGURES/Ar_growth_rates', bbox_inches='tight')