Example #1
 def add_if_not_when_issued_or_dup(self, security):
     Add securities that satisfy specs to self.value, self.list_CUSIPs.
     if len(security["interestRate"]) > 0 and not (security["cusip"] in self.list_CUSIPs):
         ust_mat_date = self.get_maturity_date(security)
         time_to_maturity = (ust_mat_date - date.today()).days / 365.25
         time_to_maturity = str('%.2f' % time_to_maturity)
         price = self.get_bond_prices(security['cusip'])
         new_bond = bond.Bond(ust_mat_date, self.settle_date, float(security['interestRate']) / 100, 2)
         self.value.append({'mat_date': ''.join([security["maturityDate"][0:10]]), 'int_rate': round(float(security["interestRate"]), 3), \
              'cpns_per_yr': 2, 'ttm': time_to_maturity, 'cusip': security["cusip"], 'issue_date': security['issueDate'][0:10], \
              'yield': new_bond.bond_yield(price), 'price': price})
Example #2
    def percieveBonds(self):
        """ This method attempts to percieve bonds

            It works by comparing atom distances to covalent radii of the atoms.
            It is not optimized in any way.

        for iat, atom1 in enumerate(self.getAtoms()):
            for jat, atom2 in enumerate(self.getAtoms()):
                if iat <= jat: continue
                dr = atom2.getCoordinate() - atom1.getCoordinate()
                R2 = dr.dot(dr)

                dr_cov = atom1.getCovalentRadius() + atom2.getCovalentRadius(
                ) + self._bond_threshold
                R2_cov = dr_cov**2
                if R2 < R2_cov:
                    yield bond.Bond(id1=iat, id2=jat)
Example #3
def main():
    exchange = connect()
    write_to_exchange(exchange, {"type": "hello", "team": team_name.upper()})
    hello_from_exchange = read_from_exchange(exchange)

    # A common mistake people make is to call write_to_exchange() > 1
    # time for every read_from_exchange() response.
    # Since many write messages generate marketdata, this will cause an
    # exponential explosion in pending messages. Please, don't do that!

    cash = [0]
    positions = {
        'BOND': 0,
        'BABZ': 0,
        'BABA': 0,
        'AAPL': 0,
        'MSFT': 0,
        'GOOG': 0,
        'XLK': 0
    book = {}
    all_trades = {}
    order_obj = Order()

    # print("The exchange replied:", hello_from_exchange, file=sys.stderr)
    # print(type(hello_from_exchange))
    # print(hello_from_exchange.keys())

    for item in hello_from_exchange["symbols"]:
        positions[item['symbol']] = item['position']
    # print(positions)

    bond_obj = bond.Bond()

    # bond_obj.hello()

    trades = bond_obj.trade(order_obj, positions, all_trades)
    for trade in trades:
        all_trades[trade['order_id']] = trade
        write_to_exchange(exchange, trade)

    baaz_obj = baaz.Baaz()
    trades = baaz_obj.trade(book, order_obj, positions, all_trades)
    for trade in trades:
        all_trades[trade['order_id']] = trade
        write_to_exchange(exchange, trade)

    trades = baaz_obj.baba2baaz(book, order_obj, positions)
    for trade in trades:
        all_trades[trade['order_id']] = trade
        write_to_exchange(exchange, trade)

    trades = baaz_obj.baaz2baba(book, order_obj, positions)
    for trade in trades:
        all_trades[trade['order_id']] = trade
        write_to_exchange(exchange, trade)

    shoe_obj = shoe.Shoe()
    trades = shoe_obj.trade(book, order_obj, positions, all_trades)
    for trade in trades:
        all_trades[trade['order_id']] = trade
        write_to_exchange(exchange, trade)

    counter = 0

    reply = read_from_exchange(exchange)
    if (reply['type'] == 'reject'):

    book_ctr = 0
    trade_ctr = 0
    OK_ctr = 0
    while (1):
        # book_ctr += 1
        if (book_ctr % 100 == 0):
            if 'SHOE' in book and 'BAAZ' in book and 'NIKE' in book and 'ADID' in book and 'FYUE' in book and 'BOND' in book and \
              len(book['BOND']['sell']) > 0 and len(book['BOND']['buy']) > 0 and \
              len(book['SHOE']['sell']) > 0 and len(book['SHOE']['buy']) > 0 and \
              len(book['BAAZ']['sell']) > 0 and len(book['BAAZ']['buy']) > 0 and \
              len(book['NIKE']['sell']) > 0 and len(book['NIKE']['buy']) > 0 and \
              len(book['ADID']['sell']) > 0 and len(book['ADID']['buy']) > 0 and \
              len(book['FYUE']['sell']) > 0 and len(book['FYUE']['buy']) > 0:
                shoe_sell = 10 * book['SHOE']['sell'][0][0]
                other_sell = 3 * book['BOND']['sell'][0][0] + 2 * book['NIKE']['sell'][0][0] + \
                       3 * book['ADID']['sell'][0][0] + 2 * book['FYUE']['sell'][0][0]
                shoe_buy = 10 * book['SHOE']['buy'][0][0]
                other_buy = 3 * book['BOND']['buy'][0][0] + 2 * book['NIKE']['buy'][0][0] + \
                      3 * book['ADID']['buy'][0][0] + 2 * book['FYUE']['buy'][0][0]
                # trade_ctr += 1
                # if shoe_sell < other_buy or other_sell < shoe_buy:
                # 	OK_ctr += 1

                # print("SHOE: ", 'sell:', 10 * book['SHOE']['sell'][0][0], ' buy:', 10 * book['SHOE']['buy'][0][0], ' ', end="")
                # print("OTHERS: ", 'sell:', 3 * book['BOND']['sell'][0][0] + 2 * book['NIKE']['sell'][0][0] +\
                # 			3 * book['ADID']['sell'][0][0] + 2 * book['FYUE']['sell'][0][0],
                # 			' buy:', 3 * book['BOND']['buy'][0][0] + 2 * book['NIKE']['buy'][0][0] +\
                # 			3 * book['ADID']['buy'][0][0] + 2 * book['FYUE']['buy'][0][0])
                # print("OK percent: ", float(OK_ctr) / trade_ctr, "OK: ", OK_ctr)
            book_ctr = 0

        reply = read_from_exchange(exchange)

        if (reply['type'] == 'book'):
            counter += 1
            if counter % 100 == 0:
                print("im running ", counter)
                counter = 0
            # print(1)
            # print("book: ", reply)
            book[reply['symbol']] = {
                'buy': reply['buy'],
                'sell': reply['sell']
            trades = baaz_obj.baba2baaz(book, order_obj, positions)
            for trade in trades:
                all_trades[trade['order_id']] = trade
                write_to_exchange(exchange, trade)

            trades = baaz_obj.baaz2baba(book, order_obj, positions)
            for trade in trades:
                all_trades[trade['order_id']] = trade
                write_to_exchange(exchange, trade)

            trades = baaz_obj.trade(book, order_obj, positions, all_trades)
            for trade in trades:
                all_trades[trade['order_id']] = trade
                write_to_exchange(exchange, trade)

            trades = shoe_obj.shoe2other(book, order_obj, positions)
            for trade in trades:
                all_trades[trade['order_id']] = trade
                write_to_exchange(exchange, trade)

            trades = shoe_obj.other2shoe(book, order_obj, positions)
            for trade in trades:
                all_trades[trade['order_id']] = trade
                write_to_exchange(exchange, trade)

            trades = shoe_obj.trade(book, order_obj, positions, all_trades)
            for trade in trades:
                all_trades[trade['order_id']] = trade
                write_to_exchange(exchange, trade)

        elif (reply['type'] == 'fill'):
            # print(2)
            if (reply['dir'] == 'buy'):
                positions[reply['symbol']] += reply['size']
                cash -= reply['size'] * reply['price']
                all_trades[reply['order_id']] -= reply['size']
                if (all_trades[reply['order_id']] == 0):

            elif (reply['dir'] == 'sell'):
                # print(3)
                positions[reply['symbol']] -= reply['size']
                cash += reply['size'] * reply['price']
                all_trades[reply['order_id']] -= reply['size']
                if (all_trades[reply['order_id']] == 0):
            # print("log, fill-reply received: ", reply)

        elif (reply['type'] == 'out'):
            # print(4)
            trades = bond_obj.trade(order_obj, positions, all_trades)
            for trade in trades:
                all_trades[trade['order_id']] = trade
                write_to_exchange(exchange, trade)

        elif (reply['type'] == 'ack'):
            # print("ack", reply)
        elif (reply['type'] == 'reject'):
            # print("reject", reply)
Example #4
def main():
    settle_date = date(2018, 7, 5)
    b1 = bond.Bond(date(2020, 6, 30), settle_date, 0.025, 2)
    return b1.bond_yield()
Example #5
 def test_yield6(self):
     settle_date = date(2018, 7, 9)
     expiration_date = date(2020, 9, 30)
     b1 = bond.Bond(expiration_date, settle_date, 0.01375, 2)
     self.assertEqual(round(b1.bond_yield(97.375), 3), 2.595)
Example #6
 def test_yield5(self):
     settle_date = date(2018, 7, 9)
     expiration_date = date(2020, 6, 15)
     b1 = bond.Bond(expiration_date, settle_date, 0.015, 2)
     self.assertEqual(round(b1.bond_yield(98), 3), 2.566)
Example #7
 def test_yield2(self):
     settle_date = date(2018, 7, 9)
     expiration_date = date(2020, 9, 15)
     b2 = bond.Bond(expiration_date, settle_date, 0.01375, 2)
     self.assertEqual(round(b2.bond_yield(97.406), 3), 2.604)
Example #8
 def test_yield7(self):
     settle_date = date(2018, 7, 9)
     expiration_date = date(2020, 8, 31)
     b1 = bond.Bond(expiration_date, settle_date, 0.01375, 2)
     self.assertEqual(round(b1.bond_yield(97.469), 3), 2.596)
Example #9
 def test_yield8(self):
     settle_date = date(2018, 7, 9)
     expiration_date = date(2020, 7, 31)
     b1 = bond.Bond(expiration_date, settle_date, 0.01625, 2)
     self.assertEqual(round(b1.bond_yield(98.094), 3), 2.58)
Example #10
 def test_yield9(self):
     settle_date = date(2018, 7, 9)
     expiration_date = date(2020, 6, 30)
     b1 = bond.Bond(expiration_date, settle_date, 0.01625, 2)
     self.assertEqual(round(b1.bond_yield(98.188), 3), 2.571)
Example #11
 def test_yield1(self):
     settle_date = date(2018, 7, 9)
     expiration_date = date(2020, 6, 30)
     b1 = bond.Bond(expiration_date, settle_date, 0.025, 2)
     self.assertEqual(round(b1.bond_yield(99.875), 3), 2.565)