Example #1
    def parseBonds(self):
        read some bond attributes
        bonds = {}        # dictionary with bond objects, both orientations
        atom_pairs = []   # atom index pairs only, unique

        for bond in self.tkmol.iterateBonds():
            # start, end, bond_type, stereo = numbers
            start = bond.source().index()
            end = bond.destination().index()

            bond_type = bond.bondOrder() # 1,2,3,4 for single, double, triple, aromatic
            stereo = bond.bondStereo()

            start_atom = self.atoms[start]
            end_atom = self.atoms[end]

            bond = Bond(self.options, start_atom, end_atom, bond_type, stereo)

            # we store both orientations of the bond, since we don't know yet
            # which way it will be used
            bonds[(start, end)] = bond
            bonds[(end, start)] = bond.invert()

            atom_pairs.append((start, end))

        return bonds, atom_pairs
Example #2
    def link_atoms(self, x, y):
        connect atoms with indexes x and y using a pseudo bond.
        Helper for connect_fragments
        start_atom = self.atoms[x]
        end_atom = self.atoms[y]

        bond = Bond(self.options, start_atom, end_atom)

        self.bonds[(x, y)] = bond
        self.bonds[(y, x)] = bond.invert()
