Example #1
    def magic_func(self, args=''):
        args = args.split()
        if (mpd_command_dict[command_name][0] is not None and
                len(args) not in mpd_command_dict[command_name][0]):
            raise TypeError(_("%s takes one of %r arguments (%d given)") % (
                    command_name, mpd_command_dict[command_name][0], len(args)))

        # Convert them to correct type
        typ = mpd_command_dict[command_name][1]
        if typ is not None:
            index = 0
            while index < len(args):
                    args[index] = typ[index](args[index])
                except ValueError:
                    raise ValueError(_("%r is not %s") % (args[index], typ))
                index += 1

        if args:
            self.api.ex("_ret = getattr(_mpc, '%s')(*%r)" % (command_name, args))
            self.api.ex("_ret = getattr(_mpc, '%s')()" % command_name)

        if getattr(self.api.user_ns["config"], "ret"):
            return self.api.user_ns["_ret"]
Example #2
def connect(self, args=''):
    """Connect to mpd server.
    usage: %connect [<string host>] [<int port>]"""
    if not args:
        host = port = None
        split_args = args.split()
        if len(split) != 2:
            raise TypeError(_("%s takes %d or %d arguments (%d given)" %\
                ("connect()", 0, 2, len(split_args))))
            host = split[0]
            port = int(split[1])

import time as _time
import thread as _thread
_disconnecting = False

_ret = _mpc.connect(%s, %s)
_connected = True
def _pinger():
    while not _disconnecting:
        if config.ping:
_thread.start_new_thread(_pinger, ())""" % (host, port))
    return self.api.user_ns["_ret"]
Example #3
File: util.py Project: alip/boogie
def asHuman(seconds, highest=3):
    """Convert seconds to human readable form.
    highest determines the highest time unit to return
    1 : minutes
    2 : hours
    3 : days
    seconds = int(seconds)

    if highest > 3 or highest < 1:
        raise TypeError("highest must be a number between 1 and 3")

    if highest == 3:
        days = seconds / SECSPERDAY
        seconds %= SECSPERDAY
    if highest >= 2:
        hours = seconds / SECSPERHOUR
        seconds %= SECSPERHOUR
    if highest >= 1:
        minutes = seconds / SECSPERMIN
        seconds %= SECSPERMIN
        raise TypeError("highest must be a number between 1 and 3")

    if highest == 1:
        return "%02d:%02d" % (minutes, seconds)
    elif highest == 2:
        return "%d:%02d:%02d" % (hours, minutes, seconds)
    elif highest == 3:
        return str(days) + " " + _("days") + ", " + "%d:%02d:%02d" % (hours,
                                                            minutes, seconds)
Example #4
 def authenticate(self, funcname):
     """authenticate with the server if not allowed to execute funcname."""
     if funcname in self.mpd_notcommands:
         authfunc = self.__super.__getattr__("password")
         if config_data.has_option("mpd", "password"):
             authfunc(config_data.get("mpd", "password"))
             import getpass
             printByName("askpass", command=funcname)
             authfunc(getpass.getpass(_("Password: "******"notcommands")()
Example #5
def disconnect(self, args=''):
    """Disconnect from mpd server."""
    if args:
        raise TypeError(_("%s takes exactly %d arguments (%d given)") %\
            ("disconnect()", 0, len(args.split())))

_disconnecting = True
_ret = _mpc.disconnect()
_connected = False""")
    if getattr(self.api.user_ns["config"], "ret"):
        return self.api.user_ns["_ret"]
Example #6
def mpdshell(conn):
    cwd = os.getcwd()

    # Change dir so we can load the mpd profile and copy files
    profiledir = os.path.join(boogie.__path__[0], "console")

    if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(console_dir, "ipythonrc")):
        shutil.copy("ipythonrc", os.path.join(console_dir, "ipythonrc"))
    if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(console_dir, "ipy_user_conf.py")):
        shutil.copy("ipy_user_conf.py", os.path.join(console_dir,

    args = "-profile mpd -ipythondir %s" % console_dir
    args = args.split()
    banner = _("mpd console") + ", boogie %s ipy %s" % (
            boogie.__version__, Release.version)
    exit_msg = _("leaving mpd console")

    namespace = { "_config_data": config_data, "_mpc":conn, "config":config() }
    ipshell = IPShellEmbed(args, banner=banner,
            exit_msg=_("leaving mpd console"), user_ns=namespace)
Example #7
def exc_handler(cls, etype, value, tb):
    """Exception handler for mpd console."""
    print((bold(red(_("error:"))) + " " +\
            bold(green(etype.__name__ + ":")) + " " + bold(str(value))))
Example #8
from boogie import mpd
from boogie.config import config_data
from boogie.templates import printByName, printError
from boogie.util import parseTimeSpec, parseTimeStatus
from boogie.i18n import _

BOOLEAN_TRUE  = ("1", "on", "true", "yes")
BOOLEAN_FALSE = ("0", "off", "false", "no")

# MPD commands, format is:
# command_name :
#       ((number of args), type conversion, group, since, usage, explanation)
mpd_command_dict = {
        # Admin Commands
        "disableoutput":((1,), (lambda a: int(a)-1,) ,"admin", _("Admin Commands"),
            "0", _("<output #>"), _("Turn an output off")),
        "enableoutput":((1,), (lambda a: int(a)-1,), "admin", _("Admin Commands"), "0",
            _("<output #>"), _("Turn an output on")),
        "kill":((0,), None, "admin", _("Admin Commands"), "0", "",
            "Stop MPD from running, in a safe way"),
        "update":(None, None, "admin", _("Admin Commands"), "0", _("[<path>]"),
            _("Scan path for updates, path defaults to music_directory")),
        # Informational commands
        "status":((0,), None, "read", _("Informational Commands"), "0", "",
            _("Report the current status of mpd")),
        "stats":((0,), None, "read", _("Informational Commands"), "0", "",
            _("Display statistics")),
        "outputs":((0,), None, "read",  _("Informational Commands"), "0", "",
            _("Show information about all outputs")),
        "commands":((0,), None, "read", _("Informational Commands"), "0", "",
Example #9
File: util.py Project: alip/boogie
def parseTimeSpec(timespec, elapsedtime, totaltime):
    """Parse a timespec in format [+-][HH:MM:SS]|<0-100>%
    Returns seconds which can be passed to seek() and seekid().
    Raises TimeSpecError if the format isn't valid."""

    # Check if it's a relative seek
    relative = 0
    if timespec.startswith("+"):   relative = 1
    elif timespec.startswith("-"): relative = -1

    # Check if seeking by percent
    if timespec.endswith("%"):
        perc = float(timespec[:-1])
        if (not relative and (perc < 0 or perc > 100)) or (relative and perc > 100):
            raise TimeSpecError(_("'%s' is not a number between 0 and 100")
                                % timespec[-1] )

        seekchange = perc * totaltime / 100 + 0.5

    else: # Seeking by absolute time
        if ":" in timespec:
            timespec_split = timespec.split(":")
            if len(timespec_split) == 3:
                hours, minutes, seconds = timespec_split

                # Hours exist, check if minutes is more than two digits
                if len(minutes) > 2:
                    raise TimeSpecError(_("'%s' is not two digits")
                                        % minutes)
                hours = int(hours)

            elif len(timespec_split) == 2:
                hours = 0
                minutes, seconds = timespec_split

                # Minutes exist, check if seconds is more than two digits
                if len(seconds) > 2:
                    raise TimeSpecError(_("'%s' is not two digits")
                                        % seconds)

                minutes = int(minutes)
                seconds = int(seconds)

            elif len(timespec_split) == 1:
                hours = minutes = 0
                seconds = timespec_split

                raise TimeSpecError(_("More than two colons in timespec"))

            # Make sure they're not above 60 if higher unit exists.
            if minutes != 0 and seconds > 60:
                raise TimeSpecError(_("%d is greater than 60") % seconds)
            elif hours != 0 and minutes > 60:
                raise TimeSpecError(_("%d is greater than 60") % minutes)

            totalseconds = ( hours * 3600 ) + ( minutes * 60 ) + seconds

        else: # Absolute seek in seconds
            totalseconds = float(timespec)

            if not relative and totalseconds < 0:
                raise TimeSpecError(_("'%s' is not a positive number")
                                    % timespec)

        seekchange = totalseconds

    if relative == 1:
        seekto = elapsedtime + seekchange
    elif relative == -1:
        seekto = elapsedtime + seekchange
        seekto = seekchange

    if seekto > totaltime:
        raise TimeSpecError(_("Seek amount would seek past the end of the song"))

    return int(seekto)