def return_book(self, bookCopyID): """Return the given book to it's owner Arguments: bookCopyID: an ID representing a BookCopy object, the book to be returned Return Value: A message describing the success or failure or the operation """ from bookout.books.models import BookCopy from bookout.activity.models import ConfirmReturn bookcopy = BookCopy.get_by_id(int(bookCopyID)) # verify the bookCopyID was valid if(bookcopy == None): return "Invalid book ID" if(bookcopy.owner == self.key): bookcopy.return_book() bookcopy.put() return "Book successfully returned to your library" elif (bookcopy.borrower == self.key): notification = ConfirmReturn(useraccount=bookcopy.owner,book=bookcopy.key) notification.put() return "Notice sent to owner, awaiting their confirmantion" else: return "You are not the owner of this book, nor are you borrowing it"
def change_due_date(self, bookCopyID, newDueDate): """Update the date that a book is due Arguments: bookCopyID: an ID representing a BookCopy object, the book to be returned newDueDate: a string representing the new due date of the book Return Value: A message describing the success or failure or the operation """ from bookout.books.models import BookCopy from bookout.activity.models import DueDateExtension bookcopy = BookCopy.get_by_id(int(bookCopyID)) new_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(newDueDate, '%Y-%m-%d') if(bookcopy == None): return "Invalid book ID" if(bookcopy.owner == self.key): bookcopy.update_due_date(new_date) bookcopy.put() return "Due date successfully updated" elif (bookcopy.borrower == self.key): import datetime notification = DueDateExtension(useraccount=bookcopy.owner,book=bookcopy.key,due_date=new_date) notification.put() return "Request sent to owner" else: return "You are not the owner of this book, nor are you borrowing it"
def borrow_book(self, bookID, lenderID, due_date = None): """Borrow a book from another user Arguments: bookID: an ID representing the bookCopy object that will be borrowed lenderID: an ID representing the user that will lend the book due_date: the date the book should be returned, if none is given the default for the lender is used Return value: A string describing the success or failure of the operation """ from bookout.books.models import BookCopy bookCopy = BookCopy.get_by_id(bookID) # check to see if the book copy is valid if(bookCopy == None): return "Invalid book ID" if( != lenderID): return "That user does not own this book" if(bookCopy.borrower != None): return "That book is not avaiable to be lent out" bookCopy.lend(, due_date) bookCopy.put() return "Book successfully borrowed"