Example #1
def main():
    myMessage = '''If a man is offered a fact which goes against his
instincts, he will scrutinize it closely, and unless the evidence
is overwhelming, he will refuse to believe it. If, on the other
hand, he is offered something which affords a reason for acting
in accordance to his instincts, he will accept it even on the
slightest evidence. The origin of myths is explained in this way.
-Bertrand Russell'''
    myMode = 'encrypt'  # Set to 'encrypt' or 'decrypt'.

    if not keyIsValid(myKey):
        sys.exit('There is an error in the key or symbol set.')
    if myMode == 'encrypt':
        translated = encryptMessage(myKey, myMessage)
    elif myMode == 'decrypt':
        translated = decryptMessage(myKey, myMessage)
    print('Using key %s' % myKey)
    print('The %sed message is:' % myMode)
    print('This message has been copied to the clipboard.')

    if myMode == 'encrypt':
        print("\nDecrypted message is:")
        print(decryptMessage(myKey, translated))
Example #2
def main():
    ciphertext = """Tzx isnz eccjxkg nfq lol mys bbqq I lxcz."""
    hackedMessage = hackVigenereDictionary(ciphertext)

    if hackedMessage:
        print('Copying hacked message to clipboard:')
        print('Failed to hack encryption.')
Example #3
def main():
    myMessage = "Cenoonommstmme oo snnio. s s c"
    myKey = 8

    plaintext = decryptMessage(myKey, myMessage)

    # Print with a | (called "pipe" character) after it in case
    # there are spaces at the end of the decrypted message:
    print(plaintext + '|')

def main():
    # Instead of typing this ciphertext out, you can copy & paste it
    # from https://www.nostarch.com/crackingcodes/:
    ciphertext = """Adiz Avtzqeci Tmzubb wsa m Pmilqev halpqavtakuoi, lgouqdaf, kdmktsvmztsl, izr xoexghzr kkusitaaf. Vz wsa twbhdg ubalmmzhdad qz hce vmhsgohuqbo ox kaakulmd gxiwvos, krgdurdny i rcmmstugvtawz ca tzm ocicwxfg jf "stscmilpy" oid "uwydptsbuci" wabt hce Lcdwig eiovdnw. Bgfdny qe kddwtk qjnkqpsmev ba pz tzm roohwz at xoexghzr kkusicw izr vrlqrwxist uboedtuuznum. Pimifo Icmlv Emf DI, Lcdwig owdyzd xwd hce Ywhsmnemzh Xovm mby Cqxtsm Supacg (GUKE) oo Bdmfqclwg Bomk, Tzuhvif'a ocyetzqofifo ositjm. Rcm a lqys ce oie vzav wr Vpt 8, lpq gzclqab mekxabnittq tjr Ymdavn fihog cjgbhvnstkgds. Zm psqikmp o iuejqf jf lmoviiicqg aoj jdsvkavs Uzreiz qdpzmdg, dnutgrdny bts helpar jf lpq pjmtm, mb zlwkffjmwktoiiuix avczqzs ohsb ocplv nuby swbfwigk naf ohw Mzwbms umqcifm. Mtoej bts raj pq kjrcmp oo tzm Zooigvmz Khqauqvl Dincmalwdm, rhwzq vz cjmmhzd gvq ca tzm rwmsl lqgdgfa rcm a kbafzd-hzaumae kaakulmd, hce SKQ. Wi 1948 Tmzubb jgqzsy Msf Zsrmsv'e Qjmhcfwig Dincmalwdm vt Eizqcekbqf Pnadqfnilg, ivzrw pq onsaafsy if bts yenmxckmwvf ca tzm Yoiczmehzr uwydptwze oid tmoohe avfsmekbqr dn eifvzmsbuqvl tqazjgq. Pq kmolm m dvpwz ab ohw ktshiuix pvsaa at hojxtcbefmewn, afl bfzdakfsy okkuzgalqzu xhwuuqvl jmmqoigve gpcz ie hce Tmxcpsgd-Lvvbgbubnkq zqoxtawz, kciup isme xqdgo otaqfqev qz hce 1960k. Bgfdny'a tchokmjivlabk fzsmtfsy if i ofdmavmz krgaqqptawz wi 1952, wzmz vjmgaqlpad iohn wwzq goidt uzgeyix wi tzm Gbdtwl Wwigvwy. Vz aukqdoev bdsvtemzh rilp rshadm tcmmgvqg (xhwuuqvl uiehmalqab) vs sv mzoejvmhdvw ba dmikwz. Hpravs rdev qz 1954, xpsl whsm tow iszkk jqtjrw pug 42id tqdhcdsg, rfjm ugmbddw xawnofqzu. Vn avcizsl lqhzreqzsy tzif vds vmmhc wsa eidcalq; vds ewfvzr svp gjmw wfvzrk jqzdenmp vds vmmhc wsa mqxivmzhvl. Gv 10 Esktwunsm 2009, fgtxcrifo mb Dnlmdbzt uiydviyv, Nfdtaat Dmiem Ywiikbqf Bojlab Wrgez avdw iz cafakuog pmjxwx ahwxcby gv nscadn at ohw Jdwoikp scqejvysit xwd "hce sxboglavs kvy zm ion tjmmhzd." Sa at Haq 2012 i bfdvsbq azmtmd'g widt ion bwnafz tzm Tcpsw wr Zjrva ivdcz eaigd yzmbo Tmzubb a kbmhptgzk dvrvwz wa efiohzd."""
    hackedMessage = hackVigenere(ciphertext)

    if hackedMessage is not None:
        print('Copying hacked message to clipboard:')
        print('Failed to hack encryption.')
Example #5
def main():
    myMessage = 'Common sense is not so common.'
    myKey = 8

    ciphertext = encryptMessage(myKey, myMessage)

    # Print the encrypted string in ciphertext to the screen, with
    # a | ("pipe" character) after it in case there are spaces at
    # the end of the encrypted message:
    print(ciphertext + '|')

    # Copy the encrypted string in cipher text to the clipboard:
def main():
    # You might want to copy & paste this text from the source code at
    # https://www.nostarch.com/crackingcodes/:
    myMessage = """AaKoosoeDe5 b5sn ma reno ora'lhlrrceey e  enlh na  indeit n uhoretrm au ieu v er Ne2 gmanw,forwnlbsya apor tE.no euarisfatt  e mealefedhsppmgAnlnoe(c -or)alat r lw o eb  nglom,Ain one dtes ilhetcdba. t tg eturmudg,tfl1e1 v  nitiaicynhrCsaemie-sp ncgHt nie cetrgmnoa yc r,ieaa  toesa- e a0m82e1w shcnth  ekh gaecnpeutaaieetgn iodhso d ro hAe snrsfcegrt NCsLc b17m8aEheideikfr aBercaeu thllnrshicwsg etriebruaisss  d iorr."""

    hackedMessage = hackTransposition(myMessage)

    if hackedMessage is None:
        print('Failed to hack encryption.')
        print('Copying hacked message to clipboard:')
Example #7
def main():
    # You might want to copy & paste this text from the source code at
    # https://www.nostarch.com/crackingcodes/.
    myMessage = """5QG9ol3La6QI93!xQxaia6faQL9QdaQG1!!axQARLa!!AuaRLQ

    hackedMessage = hackAffine(myMessage)

    if hackedMessage is not None:
        # The plaintext is displayed on the screen. For the convenience of
        # the user, we copy the text of the code to the clipboard:
        print('Copying hacked message to clipboard:')
        print('Failed to hack encryption.')
def main():
    # This text can be downloaded from https://www.nostarch.com/crackingcodes/:
    myMessage = """Alan Mathison Turing was a British mathematician, logician, cryptanalyst, and computer scientist."""
    myKey = 'ASIMOV'
    myMode = 'encrypt'  # Set to either 'encrypt' or 'decrypt'.

    if myMode == 'encrypt':
        translated = encryptMessage(myKey, myMessage)
    elif myMode == 'decrypt':
        translated = decryptMessage(myKey, myMessage)

    print('%sed message:' % (myMode.title()))
    print('The message has been copied to the clipboard.')

    if myMode == 'encrypt':
        print("\nDecrypted message: ")
        print(decryptMessage(myKey, translated))
def main():
    myMessage = """"A computer would deserve to be called intelligent if it 
    could deceive a human into believing that it was human." -Alan Turing"""
    myKey = 2894
    myMode = 'encrypt'  # Set to either 'encrypt' or 'decrypt'.

    if myMode == 'encrypt':
        translated = encryptMessage(myKey, myMessage)
    elif myMode == 'decrypt':
        translated = decryptMessage(myKey, myMessage)
    print('Key: %s' % myKey)
    print('%sed text:' % (myMode.title()))
    print('Full %sed text copied to clipboard.' % myMode)

    if myMode == 'encrypt':
        print("Decrypted text:")
        translated = decryptMessage(myKey, translated)

    return None
SYMBOLS = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890 !?.'

# Store the encrypted/decrypted form of the message:
translated = ''

for symbol in message:
    # Note: Only symbols in the SYMBOLS string can be encrypted/decrypted.
    if symbol in SYMBOLS:
        symbolIndex = SYMBOLS.find(symbol)

        # Perform encryption/decryption:
        if mode == 'encrypt':
            translatedIndex = symbolIndex + key
        elif mode == 'decrypt':
            translatedIndex = symbolIndex - key

        # Handle wraparound, if needed:
        if translatedIndex >= len(SYMBOLS):
            translatedIndex -= len(SYMBOLS)
        elif translatedIndex < 0:
            translatedIndex += len(SYMBOLS)

        translated += SYMBOLS[translatedIndex]
        # Append the symbol without encrypting/decrypting:
        translated += symbol

# Output the translated string: