def constructImage(self): line = Line() line.xValues = range(5) line.yValues = [2, 3, 5, 7, 9] line.label = "A Line" linePlot1 = Plot() linePlot1.title = "Small Legend" linePlot1.add(line) linePlot1.hasLegend() linePlot1.legendLabelSize = 10 linePlot2 = Plot() linePlot2.title = "Large Legend" linePlot2.add(line) linePlot2.hasLegend() linePlot2.legendLabelSize = 30 linePlot3 = Plot() linePlot3.title = "Inherited from Layout" linePlot3.add(line) linePlot3.hasLegend() layout = PlotLayout() layout.width = 2 layout.addPlot(linePlot1) layout.addPlot(linePlot2) layout.addPlot(linePlot3) layout.legendLabelSize = 15
def constructImage(self): xVals = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] yVals = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] def generatePlot(stepType): line = Line() line.xValues = xVals line.yValues = yVals line.marker = 'o' line.stepFunction(stepType) plot = Plot() plot.add(line) plot.title = r'"%s" Steps' % (stepType) plot.xLimits = (0, 6) plot.yLimits = (0, 6) return plot prePlot = generatePlot("pre") midPlot = generatePlot("mid") postPlot = generatePlot("post") layout = PlotLayout() layout.width = 3 layout.addPlot(prePlot) layout.addPlot(midPlot) layout.addPlot(postPlot)
def constructImage(self): line = Line() line.xValues = range(5) line.yValues = [2,3,5,7,9] line.label = "A Line" linePlot1 = Plot() linePlot1.title = "Small Legend" linePlot1.add(line) linePlot1.hasLegend() linePlot1.legendLabelSize = 10 linePlot2 = Plot() linePlot2.title = "Large Legend" linePlot2.add(line) linePlot2.hasLegend() linePlot2.legendLabelSize = 30 linePlot3 = Plot() linePlot3.title = "Inherited from Layout" linePlot3.add(line) linePlot3.hasLegend() layout = PlotLayout() layout.width = 2 layout.addPlot(linePlot1) layout.addPlot(linePlot2) layout.addPlot(linePlot3) layout.legendLabelSize = 15
def constructImage(self): def generatePlot(stepType): line = Line() line.xValues = xVals line.yValues = yVals line.marker = 'o' line.stepFunction(stepType) plot = Plot() plot.add(line) plot.setTitle(r'"%s" Steps' % (stepType)) plot.setXLimits(0, 6) plot.setYLimits(0, 6) return plot xVals = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] yVals = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] prePlot = generatePlot("pre") midPlot = generatePlot("mid") postPlot = generatePlot("post") layout = PlotLayout() layout.width = 3 layout.addPlot(prePlot) layout.addPlot(midPlot) layout.addPlot(postPlot) layout.setPlotParameters(right=0.96, left=0.04)
def constructImage(self): layout = PlotLayout() plotBase10 = Plot() plotBase10.loglog = True lineBase10 = Line() lineBase10.marker = 'x' lineBase10.xValues = [1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000] lineBase10.yValues = [1, 25, 140, 1024, 10342] plotBase10.add(lineBase10) plotBase2 = Plot() plotBase2.logx = True plotBase2.logbase = 2 lineBase2 = Line() lineBase2.marker = 'x' lineBase2.xValues = [1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64] lineBase2.yValues = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] plotBase2.add(lineBase2) layout.addPlot(plotBase10) layout.addPlot(plotBase2) layout.width = 2
def histogram_plot(experiment_log_dir, plot_spec_string, output_filename, has_legend, x_limit, verbose): queries = [ plot_utils.plot_spec_string_to_query(plot_spec_string, 0, "HIST")] plot_data = metaprogram_utils.process_queries( queries, experiment_log_dir, verbose) if "plot_points" not in plot_data: warnings.warn("No data to plot!") return histogram_data = plot_data["plot_points"][0] cumulative_histogram = {} layout = PlotLayout() layout.dpi = 250 for stat_name in histogram_data: plot = Plot() plot.setTitle(stat_name) if has_legend: plot.hasLegend(labelSize=8) if x_limit is not None: plot.setXLimits(0, x_limit) style_plot(plot, stat_name) for key, points in sorted(histogram_data[stat_name].items()): for size, count in itertools.izip(points["bin"], points["count"]): if size not in cumulative_histogram: cumulative_histogram[size] = 0 cumulative_histogram[size] += count line = Line() line.stepFunction("pre") line.label = str(key) line.xValues = points["bin"] line.yValues = points["count"] plot.add(line) layout.addPlot(plot) cumulative_plot = Plot() if x_limit is not None: cumulative_plot.setXLimits(0, x_limit) cumulative_plot.setTitle("Cumulative Histogram for " + stat_name) style_plot(cumulative_plot, stat_name) line = Line() line.stepFunction("pre") line.xValues = sorted(cumulative_histogram.keys()) line.yValues = [cumulative_histogram[key] for key in line.xValues] cumulative_plot.add(line) layout.addPlot(cumulative_plot)
def constructImage(self): line = Line() line.xValues = range(5) line.yValues = [2,3,5,7,9] line.label = "A Line" linePlot1 = Plot() linePlot1.setTitle("Small Legend") linePlot1.add(line) linePlot1.hasLegend() linePlot1.setLegendLabelSize(10) linePlot2 = Plot() linePlot2.setTitle("Large Legend") linePlot2.add(line) linePlot2.hasLegend() linePlot2.setLegendLabelSize(30) linePlot3 = Plot() linePlot3.setTitle("Inherited from Layout") linePlot3.add(line) linePlot3.hasLegend() layout = PlotLayout() layout.setWidth(2) layout.addPlot(linePlot1) layout.addPlot(linePlot2) layout.addPlot(linePlot3) layout.setLegendLabelSize(15) layout.setPlotParameters(left=0.03, bottom=0.03, right=0.98, top=0.94)
def constructImage(self): line = Line() line.xValues = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] line.yValues = [0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, 100] plot = Plot() plot.useLatexLabels() plot.setXLabel(r"$x$") plot.setYLabel(r"$f(x) = x^2$") plot.setTitle(r"LaTeX is Number $\sum_{n=1}^{\infty}\frac{-e^{i\pi}}{2^n}$") plot.add(line) layout = PlotLayout() layout.useLatexLabels() layout.addPlot(plot) layout.setAxesLabelSize(18) layout.setPlotParameters(top=0.84)
def save_time_series_plots(plots, output_directory): if os.path.exists(output_directory): for filename in os.listdir(output_directory): if filename[-3:] == "png": os.unlink(os.path.join(output_directory, filename)) os.rmdir(output_directory) os.makedirs(output_directory) for group in sorted(plots.keys()): layout = PlotLayout() layout.dpi = 250 output_filename = os.path.join( output_directory, "_".join(map(str, group)) + ".png") for subplot in plots[group]: layout.addPlot(subplot, grouping=group)
def save_time_series_plots(plots, output_directory): if os.path.exists(output_directory): for filename in os.listdir(output_directory): if filename[-3:] == "png": os.unlink(os.path.join(output_directory, filename)) os.rmdir(output_directory) os.makedirs(output_directory) for group in sorted(plots.keys()): layout = PlotLayout() layout.dpi = 250 output_filename = os.path.join(output_directory, "_".join(map(str, group)) + ".png") for subplot in plots[group]: layout.addPlot(subplot, grouping=group)
def constructImage(self): line = Line() line.xValues = numpy.arange(0, 150, 0.01) line.yValues = numpy.cos(.02 * numpy.pi * line.xValues) plot = Plot() plot.add(line) plot.xLimits = (0, 150) plot.yLimits = (-1, 1) plot.xLabel = "X" plot.yLabel = "cos(X)" splitPlots = plot.split(2) layout = PlotLayout() layout.width = 2 layout.addPlot(plot, grouping="unsplit") for s in splitPlots: layout.addPlot(s, grouping="splits")
def constructImage(self): line = Line() line.xValues = range(5) line.yValues = [2, 4, 6, 8, 10] linePlot = Plot() linePlot.add(line) linePlot.setXLabel("X Data") linePlot.setYLabel("Y Data") linePlot.setTitle("Data as Line") bar = Bar() bar.xValues = range(5) bar.yValues = [2, 4, 6, 8, 10] barPlot = Plot() barPlot.add(bar) barPlot.setXLabel("X Data") barPlot.setYLabel("Y Data") barPlot.setTitle("Data as Bars") scatter = Scatter() scatter.xValues = range(5) scatter.yValues = [2, 4, 6, 8, 10] scatterPlot = Plot() scatterPlot.add(scatter) scatterPlot.setXLabel("X Data") scatterPlot.setYLabel("Y Data") scatterPlot.setTitle("Data as Points") layout = PlotLayout() # Plots in the same grouping are placed together on the same line layout.addPlot(linePlot, grouping="topRow") layout.addPlot(barPlot, grouping="topRow") # Plots without a grouping are arranged as follows: # * While you can make a row of N plots, where N is the size of the plot # grouping with the largest size, do so. # * If you can't make a row of N plots, make the plots stretch across a # single row. layout.addPlot(scatterPlot) # Set values similar to those given in the "Configure subplots" sliders # in the interactive figure layout.setPlotParameters(hspace=0.48)
def latency(output_graph_filename, csv_file_dir_list): """ Plots three graphs side-by-side. First, redis performance; second, pkt-in latency; third, pkt-out latency. """ layout = PlotLayout() redis_plot = Plot() pkt_in_plot = Plot() flow_mod_plot = Plot() redis_plot.yLabel = 'CDF' flow_mod_plot.hasLegend(location='lower right') flow_mod_plot.legendLabelSize = 12 redis_plot.xLabel = '(a) Query completion time (ms)' pkt_in_plot.xLabel = '(b) Switch processing time for ingress (ms)' flow_mod_plot.xLabel = '(c) Switch processing time for egress (ms)' for csv_dir in csv_file_dir_list: color = colors.pop(0) line_style = line_styles.pop(0) line_label = csv_dir.split('/')[-2] attr_dict = {'color': color, 'label': capitalize(line_label), 'yLimits': (0, 1), 'lineStyle': line_style} redis_line = get_line_from_csv(os.path.join(csv_dir, 'async_redis_latency.csv'), xLimits=(0,400), **attr_dict) pkt_in_line = get_line_from_csv(os.path.join(csv_dir, 'pkt_in_durations.csv'), xLimits=(0,140), **attr_dict) flow_mod_line = get_line_from_csv(os.path.join(csv_dir, 'flow_mod_durations.csv'), xLimits=(0,140), **attr_dict) redis_plot.add(redis_line) pkt_in_plot.add(pkt_in_line) flow_mod_plot.add(flow_mod_line) layout.addPlot(redis_plot) layout.addPlot(pkt_in_plot) layout.addPlot(flow_mod_plot) layout.width = 3 layout.setPlotDimensions(4.5,4.5*0.618)'data/graphs/' + output_graph_filename + '.pdf') print 'Done.'
def constructImage(self): line = Line() line.xValues = range(5) line.yValues = [2, 4, 6, 8, 10] linePlot = Plot() linePlot.add(line) linePlot.xLabel = "X Data" linePlot.yLabel = "Y Data" linePlot.title = "Data as Line" bar = Bar() bar.xValues = range(5) bar.yValues = [2, 4, 6, 8, 10] barPlot = Plot() barPlot.add(bar) barPlot.xLabel = "X Data" barPlot.yLabel = "Y Data" barPlot.title = "Data as Bars" scatter = Scatter() scatter.xValues = range(5) scatter.yValues = [2, 4, 6, 8, 10] scatterPlot = Plot() scatterPlot.add(scatter) scatterPlot.xLabel = "X Data" scatterPlot.yLabel = "Y Data" scatterPlot.title = "Data as Points" layout = PlotLayout() layout.addPlot(linePlot, grouping="topRow") layout.addPlot(barPlot, grouping="topRow") layout.addPlot(scatterPlot)
### Plotting scatter = Scatter() scatter.xValues = x scatter.yValues = surf scatter.markerSize = 1 scatterPlot = Plot() scatterPlot.add(scatter) scatterPlot.xLabel = "X Data" scatterPlot.yLabel = "Height" scatterPlot.title = "Surface (raw)" layout = PlotLayout() layout.addPlot(scatterPlot) #layout.plot()"profile1.png") # now plot the gradient scatter.yValues = surfGradient scatterPlot.yLabel = "dHeight/dX" scatterPlot.title = "Surface - Gradient" layout = PlotLayout() layout.addPlot(scatterPlot) #layout.plot()"profile1_gradient.png") #now plot the fft of the surface line = Line()
def plot_timeline_for_phase(log_directory, job, phase, phase_data): min_timestamp = phase_data["min_timestamp"] max_timestamp = phase_data["max_timestamp"] description = Description(os.path.join(log_directory, job, "description")) stage_ordering = description.getStageOrdering(phase) duration_lists = {} for stage in stage_ordering: duration_lists[stage] = [] for key in phase_data: if key in ["min_timestamp", "max_timestamp"]: continue hostname, stage, worker_id = key worker_duration_info = Duration( hostname.split('.')[0], stage, worker_id, (phase_data[key][0] - min_timestamp) / 1000000.0, (phase_data[key][1] - min_timestamp) / 1000000.0) duration_lists[stage].append(worker_duration_info) def sort_function(x): return (x.hostname, x.worker_id, x.start_time, x.stop_time) layout = PlotLayout() for stage in stage_ordering: duration_list = duration_lists[stage] duration_list.sort(key=sort_function) bars = {} # Set up a "padding" bar that will appear to move bars up so that they # start when the worker starts start_bar = Bar() start_bar.linewidth = 0 start_bar.color = "white" for i, duration in enumerate(duration_list): if duration.hostname not in bars: bars[duration.hostname] = Bar() bars[duration.hostname].yValues.append( duration.stop_time - duration.start_time) start_bar.yValues.append(duration.start_time) # Make sure that all bars have the same number of y-axis values, # give them x-axis values and set their colors start_bar.xValues = range(len(start_bar.yValues)) start_bar.xTickLabelProperties = { "rotation" : 90 } bar_colors = ["red", "blue", "green", "orange", "gray", "pink", "purple", "black"] offset = 0 for i, (hostname, bar) in enumerate(bars.items()): # Pad y axis with zeroes so that bars can be laid out next to # each other with a StackedBars num_y_values = len(bar.yValues) bar.yValues = (([0] * offset) + bar.yValues + ([0] * (len(duration_list) - (num_y_values + offset)))) # Put the label for this hostname roughly in the middle of its bar # cluster start_bar.xTickLabels.append(hostname) # Subtracting 0.5 to account for half the width of the bar start_bar.xTickLabelPoints.append(offset + (num_y_values / 2.0) - 0.5) offset += num_y_values bar.xValues = range(len(bar.yValues)) bar.color = bar_colors[i % len(bar_colors)] bar.label = hostname stacked_bars = StackedBars() stacked_bars.add(start_bar) for hostname in sorted(bars.keys()): stacked_bars.add(bars[hostname]) plot = Plot() plot.setYLimits(0, ((max_timestamp - min_timestamp) / 1000000.0) * 1.05) plot.setXLabel("Worker") plot.setYLabel("Time (s)") plot.setTitle(stage) plot.add(stacked_bars) layout.addPlot(plot) return layout
#!/usr/bin/env python from boomslang import Plot, Line, PlotLayout import numpy line = Line() line.xValues = numpy.arange(0, 150, 0.01) line.yValues = numpy.cos(.02 * numpy.pi * line.xValues) plot = Plot() plot.add(line) plot.setXLimits(0, 150) plot.setYLimits(-1, 1) plot.setXLabel("X") plot.setYLabel("cos(X)") splitPlots = plot.split(2) layout = PlotLayout() layout.width = 2 layout.addPlot(plot, grouping="unsplit") for s in splitPlots: layout.addPlot(s, grouping="splits")"split.png")
def histogram_plot(experiment_log_dir, plot_spec_string, output_filename, has_legend, x_limit, verbose): queries = [ plot_utils.plot_spec_string_to_query(plot_spec_string, 0, "HIST") ] plot_data = metaprogram_utils.process_queries(queries, experiment_log_dir, verbose) if "plot_points" not in plot_data: warnings.warn("No data to plot!") return histogram_data = plot_data["plot_points"][0] cumulative_histogram = {} layout = PlotLayout() layout.dpi = 250 for stat_name in histogram_data: plot = Plot() plot.setTitle(stat_name) if has_legend: plot.hasLegend(labelSize=8) if x_limit is not None: plot.setXLimits(0, x_limit) style_plot(plot, stat_name) for key, points in sorted(histogram_data[stat_name].items()): for size, count in itertools.izip(points["bin"], points["count"]): if size not in cumulative_histogram: cumulative_histogram[size] = 0 cumulative_histogram[size] += count line = Line() line.stepFunction("pre") line.label = str(key) line.xValues = points["bin"] line.yValues = points["count"] plot.add(line) layout.addPlot(plot) cumulative_plot = Plot() if x_limit is not None: cumulative_plot.setXLimits(0, x_limit) cumulative_plot.setTitle("Cumulative Histogram for " + stat_name) style_plot(cumulative_plot, stat_name) line = Line() line.stepFunction("pre") line.xValues = sorted(cumulative_histogram.keys()) line.yValues = [cumulative_histogram[key] for key in line.xValues] cumulative_plot.add(line) layout.addPlot(cumulative_plot)
barPlot.setTitle("Data as Bars") scatter = Scatter() scatter.xValues = range(5) scatter.yValues = [2, 4, 6, 8, 10] scatterPlot = Plot() scatterPlot.add(scatter) scatterPlot.setXLabel("X Data") scatterPlot.setYLabel("Y Data") scatterPlot.setTitle("Data as Points") layout = PlotLayout() # Plots in the same grouping are placed together on the same line layout.addPlot(linePlot, grouping="topRow") layout.addPlot(barPlot, grouping="topRow") # Plots without a grouping are arranged as follows: # * While you can make a row of N plots, where N is the size of the plot # grouping with the largest size, do so. # * If you can't make a row of N plots, make the plots stretch across a # single row. layout.addPlot(scatterPlot) # Set values similar to those given in the "Configure subplots" sliders in the # interactive figure layout.setPlotParameters(hspace=0.48)
def plot_timeline_for_phase(log_directory, job, phase, phase_data): min_timestamp = phase_data["min_timestamp"] max_timestamp = phase_data["max_timestamp"] description = Description(os.path.join(log_directory, job, "description")) stage_ordering = description.getStageOrdering(phase) duration_lists = {} for stage in stage_ordering: duration_lists[stage] = [] for key in phase_data: if key in ["min_timestamp", "max_timestamp"]: continue hostname, stage, worker_id = key worker_duration_info = Duration( hostname.split('.')[0], stage, worker_id, (phase_data[key][0] - min_timestamp) / 1000000.0, (phase_data[key][1] - min_timestamp) / 1000000.0) duration_lists[stage].append(worker_duration_info) def sort_function(x): return (x.hostname, x.worker_id, x.start_time, x.stop_time) layout = PlotLayout() for stage in stage_ordering: duration_list = duration_lists[stage] duration_list.sort(key=sort_function) bars = {} # Set up a "padding" bar that will appear to move bars up so that they # start when the worker starts start_bar = Bar() start_bar.linewidth = 0 start_bar.color = "white" for i, duration in enumerate(duration_list): if duration.hostname not in bars: bars[duration.hostname] = Bar() bars[duration.hostname].yValues.append(duration.stop_time - duration.start_time) start_bar.yValues.append(duration.start_time) # Make sure that all bars have the same number of y-axis values, # give them x-axis values and set their colors start_bar.xValues = range(len(start_bar.yValues)) start_bar.xTickLabelProperties = {"rotation": 90} bar_colors = [ "red", "blue", "green", "orange", "gray", "pink", "purple", "black" ] offset = 0 for i, (hostname, bar) in enumerate(bars.items()): # Pad y axis with zeroes so that bars can be laid out next to # each other with a StackedBars num_y_values = len(bar.yValues) bar.yValues = (([0] * offset) + bar.yValues + ([0] * (len(duration_list) - (num_y_values + offset)))) # Put the label for this hostname roughly in the middle of its bar # cluster start_bar.xTickLabels.append(hostname) # Subtracting 0.5 to account for half the width of the bar start_bar.xTickLabelPoints.append(offset + (num_y_values / 2.0) - 0.5) offset += num_y_values bar.xValues = range(len(bar.yValues)) bar.color = bar_colors[i % len(bar_colors)] bar.label = hostname stacked_bars = StackedBars() stacked_bars.add(start_bar) for hostname in sorted(bars.keys()): stacked_bars.add(bars[hostname]) plot = Plot() plot.setYLimits(0, ((max_timestamp - min_timestamp) / 1000000.0) * 1.05) plot.setXLabel("Worker") plot.setYLabel("Time (s)") plot.setTitle(stage) plot.add(stacked_bars) layout.addPlot(plot) return layout
def plotExperiments(script_arguments_file): script_arguments_fp = open(script_arguments_file, "r") script_arguments = json.load(script_arguments_fp) script_arguments_fp.close() disk = script_arguments["disk"] sort_strategies = script_arguments["sort_strategies"] max_key_lengths = map(int, script_arguments["max_key_lengths"]) max_value_lengths = map(int, script_arguments["max_value_lengths"]) pareto_as = map(float, script_arguments["pareto_as"]) pareto_bs = map(int, script_arguments["pareto_bs"]) byte_counts = map(int, script_arguments["byte_counts"]) timeout = script_arguments["timeout"] experiments = [(sort_strategy, max_key_length, max_value_length, pareto_a, pareto_b, byte_count) for sort_strategy in sort_strategies for max_key_length in max_key_lengths for max_value_length in max_value_lengths for pareto_a in pareto_as for pareto_b in pareto_bs for byte_count in byte_counts] # Open each file and store information about the experiment file_id = 0 experiment_outcomes = {} for experiment in experiments: filename = os.path.join(disk, "stats_%d.json" % file_id) sort_time = None scratch_size = None if os.path.exists(filename): fp = open(filename, "r") try: stats_json = json.load(fp) # time might not be present if the run timed out if "time" in stats_json: # sort time in seconds sort_time = stats_json["time"] / 1000000.0 # scratch size in megabytes scratch_size = stats_json["scratch_size"] / 1000000.0 except ValueError: # If the JSON somehow doesn't parse, just skip this file pass experiment_outcomes[experiment] = (sort_time, scratch_size) file_id += 1 # Specify colors manually so we can sync up a line to its scatter colors = ["red", "green", "blue", "teal", "orange"] if len(sort_strategies) > len(colors): print >> sys.stderr, "Only %d colors but %d lines" % ( len(colors), len(sort_strategies)) sys.exit(1) # Plot sort time vs scratch size plot = Plot() plot.setXLabel("Scratch Size (MB)") plot.setYLabel("Sort Time (s)") plot.hasLegend(labelSize=8, columns=3) plot.setTitle("Sort Time vs Scratch Size") lines = {} for (sort_strategy, color) in zip(sort_strategies, colors): line = LineAndScatter(sort_strategy, color) lines[sort_strategy] = line for experiment, (sort_time, scratch_size) in \ experiment_outcomes.iteritems(): # Mark this experiment on the line corresponding to its sort strategy line = lines[experiment[0]] if scratch_size is not None: line.add_point(scratch_size, sort_time) map(lambda l: l.add_to_plot(plot), lines.values()) layout = PlotLayout() layout.addPlot(plot) output_file = os.path.join(disk, "SortTimeVsScratchSize.pdf") # Plot Sort time vs Scratch Size of a particular strategy: # First sort the experiments by sort strategy strategy_outcomes = {} for experiment in experiments: sort_strategy = experiment[0] parameters = experiment[1:] if parameters not in strategy_outcomes: strategy_outcomes[parameters] = {} strategy_outcomes[parameters][sort_strategy] = \ experiment_outcomes[experiment] # Create one plot per strategy, with that strategy's scratch size # on the x-axis layout = PlotLayout() for major_sort_strategy in sort_strategies: # Set up plot boilerplate plot = Plot() plot.setXLabel("Scratch Size of %s (MB)" % (major_sort_strategy)) plot.setYLabel("Sort Time (s)") plot.hasLegend(labelSize=8, columns=3) plot.setTitle("Sort Time vs Scratch Size of %s" % (major_sort_strategy)) lines = {} for (sort_strategy, color) in zip(sort_strategies, colors): line = LineAndScatter(sort_strategy, color) lines[sort_strategy] = line # For each configuration, plot the sort times on the y axis, and the # scratch time for the major_sort_strategy on the x-axis for outcome_by_strategy in strategy_outcomes.values(): scratch_size = outcome_by_strategy[major_sort_strategy][1] if scratch_size is not None: # Plot the sort time of each strategy using this scratch # As the x-axis value. for sort_strategy in sort_strategies: sort_time = outcome_by_strategy[sort_strategy][0] lines[sort_strategy].add_point(scratch_size, sort_time) map(lambda l: l.add_to_plot(plot), lines.values()) layout.addPlot(plot) output_file = os.path.join(disk, "SortTimeVsScratchSizeByStrategy.pdf") # Plot individual parameter graphs using median parameters median_max_key_length = median(max_key_lengths) median_max_value_length = median(max_value_lengths) median_pareto_a = median(pareto_as) median_pareto_b = median(pareto_bs) median_byte_count = median(byte_counts) for (parameter_name, x_label, parameter_values, fixed_parameters) in [ ("MaxKeyLength", "Max Key Length (bytes)", max_key_lengths, (None, median_max_value_length, median_pareto_a, median_pareto_b, median_byte_count)), ("MaxValueLength", "Max Value Length (bytes)", max_value_lengths, (median_max_key_length, None, median_pareto_a, median_pareto_b, median_byte_count)), ("ParetoA", "Pareto A", pareto_as, (median_max_key_length, median_max_value_length, None, median_pareto_b, median_byte_count)), ("ParetoB", "Pareto B (bytes)", pareto_bs, (median_max_key_length, median_max_value_length, median_pareto_a, None, median_byte_count)), ("FileSize", "File Size (bytes)", byte_counts, (median_max_key_length, median_max_value_length, median_pareto_a, median_pareto_b, None)) ]: time_plot = Plot() size_plot = Plot() for (plot, label, unit) in [(time_plot, "Sort Time", "s"), (size_plot, "Scratch Size", "MB")]: plot.setXLabel(x_label) plot.setYLabel("%s (%s)" % (label, unit)) plot.hasLegend(labelSize=8, columns=3) plot.setTitle("%s vs %s" % (label, parameter_name)) for (sort_strategy, color) in zip(sort_strategies, colors): # Each sort strategy has its own line on each of the two plots time_line = LineAndScatter(sort_strategy, color) size_line = LineAndScatter(sort_strategy, color) # Compute the set of parameters corresponding to this experiment. for parameter in parameter_values: # Apply this parameter to the None value in the tuple of # fixed parameters. parameters = [sort_strategy] for fixed_parameter in fixed_parameters: if fixed_parameter is None: parameters.append(parameter) else: parameters.append(fixed_parameter) # Plot sort time and scratch size for this experiment (sort_time, scratch_size) = experiment_outcomes[tuple(parameters)] time_line.add_point(parameter, sort_time) size_line.add_point(parameter, scratch_size) # Add lines to plots time_line.add_to_plot(time_plot) size_line.add_to_plot(size_plot) # Save the plot as a pdf layout = PlotLayout() layout.addPlot(time_plot) layout.addPlot(size_plot) output_file = os.path.join(disk, "%s.pdf" % (parameter_name))
xVals = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] yVals = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] def generatePlot(stepType): line = Line() line.xValues = xVals line.yValues = yVals line.marker = 'o' line.stepFunction(stepType) plot = Plot() plot.add(line) plot.setTitle(r'"%s" Steps' % (stepType)) plot.setXLimits(0, 6) plot.setYLimits(0, 6) return plot prePlot = generatePlot("pre") midPlot = generatePlot("mid") postPlot = generatePlot("post") layout = PlotLayout() layout.width = 3 layout.addPlot(prePlot) layout.addPlot(midPlot) layout.addPlot(postPlot) layout.setPlotParameters(right=0.96, left=0.04)"steps.png")
#!/usr/bin/env python from boomslang import Line, Plot, PlotLayout line = Line() line.xValues = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] line.yValues = [0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, 100] plot = Plot() plot.useLatexLabels() plot.setXLabel(r"$x$") plot.setYLabel(r"$f(x) = x^2$") plot.setTitle(r"LaTeX is Number $\sum_{n=1}^{\infty}\frac{-e^{i\pi}}{2^n}$") plot.add(line) layout = PlotLayout() layout.addPlot(plot) layout.setAxesLabelSize(18) layout.setPlotParameters(top=0.84)"latex.png")