def __init__(self): #Paxos info = getPiNum() self.ballot = [0, pid] self.acceptBallot = [0, 0] self.acceptVal = "" self.depth = 0 #Maintaining paxos data as messages come in self.acceptCountDict = {} #key=ballot, value = acceptCount #This is what we will propose in phase II from leader self.initialVal = None self.proposingBool = False #For timeouts self.ackCount = 0 self.phaseTwoList = [] self.TOTAL_PIS_CONNECTED = 0
import JSON #Cusom msg formatter for JSON import math import json import random from queue import Queue NUMPIS = 5 OTHERPIS = NUMPIS - 1 TOTAL_PIS_CONNECTED = 0 acceptedCount = 0 sendSockets = [socket.socket() for i in range(OTHERPIS)] #ID of each PI MY_PI = boot.getPiNum() #Queues to share messages over send and receive recvQueue = Queue() sendQueue = Queue() #Maps to map IP to corresponding send/recv socket recvMap = {} sendMap = {} #Set of other addresses ipAddrs = set() #Lock for concurrency lock = threading.Lock()
import threading import paxos import network import boot import JSON #Cusom msg formatter for JSON import json from queue import Queue PORT = 10000 NUMPIS = 3 OTHERPIS = NUMPIS-1 TOTAL_PIS_CONNECTED = 0 #ID of each PI MY_PI = boot.getPiNum() #Queues to share messages over send and receive recvQueue = Queue() sendQueue = Queue() pVals = paxos.paxosValues() socketMap = {} ipToSock = {} def mapResponse(msg): _json = json.loads(msg) STATE = _json["state"]
def processNetworkData(pVals, msg): global lock lock.acquire() global ackCount global ballot global phaseTwoList global acceptBallot global acceptVal global acceptCountDict global sendQueue global transactions global proposingBool #Convert msg string to json and get its contents _json = json.loads(msg) state = _json["state"] src = _json["src"] dest = _json["dest"] #receivedBal = _json["ballot"] if state == "PREPARE": receivedBal = _json["ballot"] #Cannot accept smaller ballots in the future if receivedBal >= pVals.ballot: pVals.ballot[0] = receivedBal[0] dest = _json["src"] _json = jsonMsg(name, dest, state="ACK", ballot=receivedBal, acceptBallot=acceptBallot, acceptVal=pVals.acceptVal) return (dest, _json) #sendQueue.put(_json) #If bal smaller than myBal --> Don't respond else: lock.release() return elif state == "ACCEPT": receivedBal = _json["ballot"] #TODO:Received val should be x_y_coord receivedV = _json["x_y_coord"] #Check if we received the ballot before #if first time receiving ballot --> set ballot count to 1 #else --> increment ballot count if str(receivedBal) not in pVals.acceptCountDict.keys(): pVals.acceptCountDict[str(receivedBal)] = 1 else: pVals.acceptCountDict[str(receivedBal)] += 1 #Grab the accept count acceptCount = pVals.acceptCountDict[str(receivedBal)] if acceptCount == 1: #case (not leader) #received ballot >= currentballot number, then we "commit" to that value if receivedBal[0] >= ballot[0]: acceptBallot = receivedBal acceptVal = receivedV src = _json["src"] _json = jsonMsg(name, src, ballot=receivedBal, blockString=acceptVal, state="ACCEPT") #sendQueue.put(_json) lock.release() return [_json] #TODO: Set Majority to not be 3 but variable if acceptCount == 3: #case (leader) #if acceptCount == pVals.majority messages = [] #Broadcast messages for dest in names: _json = jsonMsg(name, dest, ballot=receivedBal, x_y_coord=receivedV, state="DECIDE") messages.append(_json) #Send message to myself #TODO: MODIFY VALUES SO THAT WE CAN FIGURE OUT WHEN TO DECIDE #_json = jsonMsg(name,name,ballot=receivedBal,x_y_coord=receivedV,state="DECIDE") messages.append(_json) #remove block from transaction queue #only pop if proposing own value!!!!!!!!!! if receivedV == pVals.initialVal: ackCount = 0 #set proposing to false proposingBool = False #return the messages return messages #We have decided the value and will append the block to the blockchain elif state == "DECIDE": x_y_coord = _json["x_y_coord"] # _variable indicates variable from the received JSON #_blockString = _json["blockString"] #convert the string to a json object that has the block data #_block = json.loads(_blockString) #_depth = int(_block["blockDepth"]) """ TODO: Configure for x_y_coordinate if _depth<=depth: #already recieved this block!!!! #IGNORE THAT MF THANG print("Ignoring repeated block") """ #TODO: Write to file containing paxos values # #reset paxos vals for next round pVals.proposingBool = False pVals.acceptBallot = [0, 0] pVals.acceptVal = "" pVals.ackCount = 0 #call paxos to see if it should run paxos(pVals) elif state == "ACK": pVals.ackCount += 1 if pVals.ackCount == 2: threading.Thread(target=startTimer, args=()).start() #Received from acceptor phase I --> leader phase II receivedVal = _json["acceptVal"] receivedBal = _json["acceptBallot"] #acceptPair <-- acceptBallot , acceptval acceptPair = [receivedBal, receivedVal] pVals.phaseTwoList.append(acceptPair) #Received from majority #if len if len(pVals.phaseTwoList) == 3: #Vars to hold highest ballot and checking flags myValChosen = True highestBal = [-1, -1] #Init myVal to be none to be sent out soon myVal = None for pair in phaseTwoList: #case acceptor node has accepted value pairVal = pair[1] if pairVal != "": myValChosen = False #We were not accepted as the leader. Need to restart #find highestBallot if (pair[0] > highestBal): pairBal = pair[0] highestBal = pairBal myVal = pairVal if myValChosen == True: myVal = pVals.initialVal #send accept, ballot,myVal to all for dest in names: _json = jsonMsg(name, dest, blockString=myVal, ballot=ballot, state="ACCEPT") sendQueue.put(_json) _json = jsonMsg(name, name, blockString=myVal, ballot=ballot, state="ACCEPT") sendQueue.put(_json) elif state == "PING": #load up each block in the chain and send it dest = _json["src"] _json = jsonMsg(name, dest, blockString, ballot=ballot, state="UPDATE") return [_json] #sendQueue.put(_json) elif state == "UPDATE": theirBallot = _json["ballot"] if theirBallot[0] > pVals.ballot[0]: pVals.ballot[0] = theirBallot[0] """ _block = stringToBlock(_json["blockString"]) _depth = _block.header.blockDepth if _depth-depth==1: # print(_block) depth= _depth blockChain.add(_block) """ elif state == "ABORT": #Reset paxos values proposingBool = False acceptBallot = [0, 0] acceptVal = "" ackCount = 0 #Remove transactions from the list #NOTE: Consider what it means to drop an x_y_coord ''' for i in range(2): transactions.pop(0) ''' #Drop the values from the paxos class return None #serv.sendClient('Unable to complete transaction') elif state == "REVEAL": myId = getPiNum() msg = jsonMsg(myId, src, acceptVal=None, state="REVEAL_RESPONSE") #Return type should be a list return [msg] elif state == "ALL_CONNECTED": pVals.TOTAL_PIS_CONNECTED += 1 return None lock.release()
# ballot = <Num, pid, depth of block> # "An acceptor doesnot accept, prepare, or accept messages from a contending leader # if the depth of the block being proposed is lower than the acceptor’s depth of # its copy of the blockchain" ''' ''' class PaxosValues(): def __init__(self): ''' NUMPIS = 3 OTHERPIS = NUMPIS - 1 #Paxos info pid = getPiNum() ballot = [0, pid] acceptBallot = [0, 0] acceptVal = "" depth = 0 #Maintaining paxos data as messages come in acceptCountDict = {} #key=ballot, value = acceptCount #This is what we will propose in phase II from leader initialVal = None proposingBool = False class paxosValues: def __init__(self):