def import_template(template, template_name, description, template_type='bootstrap'): """ Imports a template into the templates/imports directory and saves the metadata into the app config :param template: string of the template text :param template_name: name of the file to save :param description: description to save in the configured templates :param template_type: type of the template to save. Enum with options 'bootstrap', 'init-cfg', and 'config-snippet' :return: boolean """ try: t = Template.query.filter( == template_name).first() if t is None: print('Adding new record to db') unescaped_template = unescape(template) t = Template(name=template_name, description=description, template=unescaped_template, type=template_type) db_session.add(t) db_session.commit() else: print('template exists in db') return True except SQLAlchemyError as sqe: print('Could not import file') print(str(sqe)) return False
def delete_template(file_name): """ Deletes an imported template :param file_name: name of the file to save :return: boolean """ try: t = Template.query.filter( == file_name).first() if t is not None: db_session.delete(t) db_session.commit() return True except SQLAlchemyError as sqe: print('Could not delete template!') print(sqe) return False
def import_templates(): """ Ensures all default and imported templates exist in the template table :return: None """ loaded_config = load_config() config = load_config() print('config is %s' % config) default_bootstrap_name = config.get('default_template', 'Default') default = Template.query.filter( == default_bootstrap_name).first() if default is None: print('Importing default bootstrap.xml files') default_file_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(app.root_path, '..', 'templates/panos/bootstrap.xml')) try: with open(default_file_path, 'r') as dfpf: t = Template(name=default_bootstrap_name, description='Default Bootstrap template',, type='bootstrap') db_session.add(t) db_session.commit() except OSError: print('Could not open file for importing') print('Importing init-cfg-static') init_cfg_static = Template.query.filter( == 'init-cfg-static.txt').first() if init_cfg_static is None: print('Importing default init-cfg-static') ics_file_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(app.root_path, '..', 'templates/panos/init-cfg-static.txt')) try: print( 'opening file init-cfg-static' ) with open(ics_file_path, 'r') as icsf: i = Template(name='init-cfg-static.txt', description='Init-Cfg with static management IP addresses',, type='init-cfg') print('add to db') db_session.add(i) print('commit to db') db_session.commit() except OSError: print('Could not open file for importing') init_cfg_dhcp = Template.query.filter( == 'Default Init-Cfg DHCP').first() if init_cfg_dhcp is None: print('Importing default init-cfg-dhcp') icd_file_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(app.root_path, '..', 'templates/panos/init-cfg-dhcp.txt')) try: with open(icd_file_path, 'r') as icdf: i = Template(name='Default Init-Cfg DHCP', description='Init-Cfg with DHCP Assigned IP addresses',, type='init-cfg') db_session.add(i) db_session.commit() except OSError: print('Could not open file for importing') rel_import_directory = loaded_config.get('template_import_directory', 'templates/import/bootstrap') import_directory = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(app.root_path, '..', rel_import_directory)) all_imported_files = os.listdir(import_directory) print('Importing bootstrap templates') for it in all_imported_files: t = Template.query.filter( == it).first() if t is None: print('this template does not exist %s' % it) try: with open(os.path.join(import_directory, it), 'r') as tf: t = Template(name=it, description="Imported Template",, type='bootstrap') db_session.add(t) db_session.commit() except OSError: print('Could not import bootstrap template!')