Example #1
def test_read_write_info():
    data_dir = _get_test_data_dir()
    raw = create_fake_raw(n_channels=4, n_samples=5, sfreq=25.)
    raw.set_channel_types({'a': 'eeg', 'b': 'ecog', 'c': 'eeg', 'd': 'ecog'})

    fname = op.join(data_dir, 'temp_info.hdf5')
    if op.isfile(fname):
        os.remove(op.join(data_dir, fname))

    write_info(fname, raw.info)
    info = read_info(fname)
    compare_info(info, raw.info)

    raw = mne.io.read_raw_fif(op.join(data_dir, 'rest_sample_data-raw.fif'))
    write_info(fname, raw.info, overwrite=True)
    info = read_info(fname)
    compare_info(info, raw.info)
Example #2
from borsar.cluster import Clusters, read_cluster
from borsar.cluster.checks import (_clusters_safety_checks, _check_description,
from borsar.cluster.utils import (_check_stc, _label_from_cluster, _get_clim,
                                  _prepare_cluster_description, _handle_dims,
                                  _aggregate_cluster, _get_units,
                                  _get_dimcoords, _get_mass_range,
                                  _format_cluster_pvalues, _index_from_dim,
                                  _full_dimname, _human_readable_dimlabel)
from borsar.cluster.viz import _label_axis, _move_axes_to

# setup
data_dir = _get_test_data_dir()
fwd_fname = 'DiamSar-eeg-oct-6-fwd.fif'
fwd = mne.read_forward_solution(op.join(data_dir, fwd_fname))

def _create_random_clusters(dims='ch_tm', n_clusters=1):
    n_channels, n_times, n_freqs = 15, 35, 15

        # mne > 0.18
        mntg = mne.channels.make_standard_montage('standard_1020')
    except AttributeError:
        # mne 0.18 and below
        mntg = mne.channels.read_montage('standard_1020')

    ch_names = mntg.ch_names[slice(0, 89, 6)]
Example #3
def test_psd_class():
    mne_version = version.parse(mne.__version__)
    # get data
    data_dir = _get_test_data_dir()

    # read data
    raw_fname = op.join(data_dir, 'DiamSar_023_rest_raw.fif')
    raw = mne.io.read_raw_fif(raw_fname, preload=True)

    # compute psd
    event_id = {'S 11': 11}
    events, _ = mne.events_from_annotations(raw, event_id=event_id)
    psd = compute_psd(raw, tmin=0.5, tmax=20.5, winlen=2.,
                      step=0.5, events=events, event_id=[11])

    # make sure plotting does not error
    if mne_version > version.parse('0.18'):
        psd.plot(dB=False, fmax=40, show=False)
        psd.plot(fmax=40, average=True, show=False)
        with pytest.raises(ImportError):
            psd.plot(dB=False, fmax=40, show=False)

    topo = psd.plot_topomap(freqs=[11], show=False)
    assert isinstance(topo.axes, plt.Axes)

    topo = psd.plot_topomap(freqs=[6, 11], show=False)
    assert len(topo.axes) == 2

    topo = psd.plot_topomap(freqs=[8, 10, 12], show=False)
    assert len(topo.axes) == 3

    # data shape checks
    assert len(psd.ch_names) == len(raw.ch_names)
    assert psd.data.shape[-1] == len(psd.freqs)
    assert psd.data.shape[-2] == len(raw.ch_names)

    psd_orig = psd.copy()
    psd2 = psd.average()
    assert (psd.data == psd2.data).all()

    psd.crop(fmin=10, fmax=15)
    assert (psd.freqs[0] - 10) < 0.5
    assert (psd.freqs[-1] - 15) < 0.5

    # test for (deep)copy
    psd2 = psd.copy()
    psd2.data[0, 0] = 23
    assert not (psd._data[0, 0] == 23)

    # test to_evoked
    psd2 = psd_orig.copy().average()
    evoked = psd_orig.to_evoked()
    assert isinstance(evoked, mne.Evoked)
    assert (evoked.data == psd2.data).all()

    # test plot_joint()

    # psd with Epochs
    # ---------------
    epochs = mne.Epochs(raw, events, event_id, tmin=0., tmax=23.,
                        baseline=None, preload=True)
    psd_epo = compute_psd(epochs, tmin=0.5, tmax=20.5, winlen=2.,
                          step=0.5, events=events, event_id=[11])

    if mne_version > version.parse('0.18'):

    psd_avg = psd_epo.copy().average()
    assert psd_epo.data.ndim == 3
    assert psd_avg.data.ndim == 2

    arr = np.random.randn(23, 48)
    with pytest.raises(TypeError, match='works only with Raw or Epochs'):
        psd_epo = compute_psd(arr, tmin=0.5, tmax=20.5, winlen=2.,
                              step=0.5, events=events, event_id=[11])

    # psd construction
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='has to be 3d'):
        use_data = psd_epo.data[..., np.newaxis]
        psd = PSD(use_data, psd_epo.freqs, raw.info)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='or 2d'):
        use_data = psd_epo.data[0, :, 0]
        psd = PSD(use_data, psd_epo.freqs, raw.info)

    # test for __repr__
    psd_epo2 = psd_epo.copy().crop(fmin=8, fmax=12)
    rpr = '<borsar.freq.PSD (2 epochs, 64 channels, 9 frequencies), 8 - 12 Hz>'
    assert str(psd_epo2) == rpr

    # test chaining
    psd_epo3 = psd_epo.copy().crop(fmin=8, fmax=12).average()
    rpr = '<borsar.freq.PSD (64 channels, 9 frequencies), 8 - 12 Hz>'
    assert str(psd_epo3) == rpr

    # test channel picking
    psd2 = psd_epo.copy().pick_channels(['Fz', 'Pz'])
    assert psd2.data.shape[1] == 2

    # missing:
    # compute_rest_psd when events is None

    # Epochs with metadata
    # --------------------
    # read data
    epochs_fname = op.join(data_dir, 'GabCon-48_epo.fif')
    epochs = mne.read_epochs(epochs_fname, preload=True)

    assert epochs.metadata is not None

    psd = compute_psd(epochs, tmin=0.5, tmax=1.)
    assert psd.data.ndim == 3
    assert psd.data.shape[0] == epochs._data.shape[0]

    psd_slow = psd['RT > 0.65']
    epochs_slow = epochs['RT > 0.65']
    # TODO: later use len(psd_slow) here
    assert len(epochs_slow) == psd_slow.data.shape[0]
Example #4
def test_cluster_based_regression():
    data_dir = _get_test_data_dir()

    # TEST 1
    # ======

    # read data and fieldtrip's stat results
    stat = loadmat(op.join(data_dir, 'ft_stat_test_01.mat'),
    all_data = loadmat(op.join(data_dir, 'cluster_regr_test_01.mat'),

    data = all_data['data']
    pred = all_data['pred']

    t_values, clusters, cluster_p, distrib = cluster_based_regression(
        data, pred, return_distribution=True, progressbar=False)

    # cluster p values should be very similar
    # ---------------------------------------
    cluster_p_ft = np.concatenate([

    # for small p-values the differences should be smaller,
    # for large they could reach up to 0.095
    assert (np.abs(cluster_p_ft - cluster_p) < [0.01, 0.095, 0.11]).all()

    # distributions should be very similar
    # ------------------------------------
    distrib_ft = {
        prefix: stat['{}distribution'.format(prefix)].item()
        for prefix in ['pos', 'neg']

    vals = np.array([5., 15, 30, 50, 100])
    max_perc_error = np.array([7, 7, 5, 5, 4.5]) / 100.

    for fun, prefix, vls in zip([np.less, np.greater], ['pos', 'neg'],
                                [vals, vals * -1]):
        ft = np.array([fun(distrib_ft[prefix], v).mean() for v in vls])
        brsr = np.array([fun(distrib[prefix], v).mean() for v in vls])
        assert (np.abs(ft - brsr) < max_perc_error).all()

    # masks should be the same
    # ------------------------
    posmat = stat['posclusterslabelmat'].item()
    negmat = stat['negclusterslabelmat'].item()
    assert ((posmat == 1) == clusters[0]).all()
    assert ((posmat == 2) == clusters[1]).all()
    assert ((negmat == 1) == clusters[2]).all()

    # t values should be almost the same
    # ----------------------------------
    np.testing.assert_allclose(stat['stat'].item(), t_values, rtol=1e-10)

    # TEST 2
    # ======
    # smoke test for running cluster_based_regression with adjacency
    data = np.random.random((15, 4, 4))
    preds = np.random.random(15)

    T, F = True, False
    adjacency = sparse.coo_matrix([[F, T, T, F], [T, F, T, F], [T, T, F, T],
                                   [F, F, T, F]])

    tvals, clst, clst_p = cluster_based_regression(data,