Example #1
    def decode(data):
        """!Decodes ZVEI

        @param data: ZVEI for decoding
        @return BOSWatch ZVEI packet or None"""
        if re.search("[0-9E]{5}", data[7:12]):
            logging.debug("found valid ZVEI")

            bwPacket = Packet()
            bwPacket.set("mode", "zvei")
            bwPacket.set("zvei", ZveiDecoder._solveDoubleTone(data[7:12]))

            return bwPacket

        logging.warning("no valid ZVEI")
        return None
Example #2
    def decode(data):
        """!Decodes FMS

        @param data: FMS for decoding
        @return BOSWatch FMS packet or None"""
        if "CRC correct" in data:
            service = data[19]
            country = data[36]
            location = data[61:63]
            vehicle = data[72:76]
            status = data[84]
            direction = data[101]
            directionText = data[103:110]
            tacticalInfo = data[114:117]
            fms_id = service + country + location + vehicle + status + direction

            if re.search("[0-9a-f]{8}[0-9a-f][01]", fms_id):
                logging.debug("found valid FMS")

                bwPacket = Packet()
                bwPacket.set("mode", "fms")
                bwPacket.set("fms", fms_id)
                bwPacket.set("service", service)
                bwPacket.set("country", country)
                bwPacket.set("location", location)
                bwPacket.set("vehicle", vehicle)
                bwPacket.set("status", status)
                bwPacket.set("direction", direction)
                bwPacket.set("directionText", directionText)
                bwPacket.set("tacticalInfo", tacticalInfo)

                return bwPacket

            logging.warning("no valid FMS")
            return None
        logging.warning("CRC Error")
        return None
Example #3
        while 1:
            if incomingQueue.empty():  # pause only when no data
                time.sleep(0.1)  # reduce cpu load (wait 100ms)
                # in worst case a packet have to wait 100ms until it will be processed

                data = incomingQueue.get()

                logging.info("get data from %s (waited in queue %0.3f sec.)",
                             time.time() - data[2])
                logging.debug("%s packet(s) still waiting in queue",
                bwPacket = Packet((data[1]))

                bwPacket.set("clientIP", data[0])
                misc.addServerDataToPacket(bwPacket, bwConfig)

                logging.debug("[ ---   ALARM   --- ]")
                bwRoutMan.runRouters(bwConfig.get("alarmRouter"), bwPacket)
                logging.debug("[ --- END ALARM --- ]")


except KeyboardInterrupt:  # pragma: no cover
    logging.warning("Keyboard interrupt")
except SystemExit:  # pragma: no cover
    logging.error("BOSWatch interrupted by an error")
except:  # pragma: no cover
    logging.exception("BOSWatch interrupted by an error")
Example #4
    def decode(data):
        """!Decodes POCSAG

        @param data: POCSAG for decoding
        @return BOSWatch POCSAG packet or None"""
        bitrate, ric, subric = PocsagDecoder._getBitrateRicSubric(data)

        if re.search("[0-9]{7}", ric) and re.search("[1-4]", subric):
            if "Alpha:" in data:
                message = data.split('Alpha:   ')[1].strip()
                message = message.replace('<NUL>', '').replace(
                    '<NUL', '').replace('< NUL>', '').replace('<EOT>',
                message = ""
            subricText = subric.replace("1", "a").replace("2", "b").replace(
                "3", "c").replace("4", "d")

            logging.debug("found valid POCSAG")

            bwPacket = Packet()
            bwPacket.set("mode", "pocsag")
            bwPacket.set("bitrate", bitrate)
            bwPacket.set("ric", ric)
            bwPacket.set("subric", subric)
            bwPacket.set("subricText", subricText)
            bwPacket.set("message", message)

            return bwPacket

        logging.warning("no valid POCSAG")
        return None