Example #1
    def test_until_expiration_normal_usage(self):
        """until_expiration should work for normal usage, across various durations."""
        test_cases = (
            ('2019-12-12T00:01:00Z', datetime(2019, 12, 11, 12, 0, 5), 2,
             '12 hours and 55 seconds'),
            ('2019-12-12T00:01:00Z', datetime(2019, 12, 11, 12, 0,
                                              5), 1, '12 hours'),
            ('2019-12-12T00:00:00Z', datetime(2019, 12, 11, 23,
                                              59), 2, '1 minute'),
            ('2019-11-23T20:09:00Z', datetime(2019, 11, 15, 20,
                                              15), 2, '7 days and 23 hours'),
            ('2019-11-23T20:09:00Z', datetime(2019, 4, 25, 20,
                                              15), 2, '6 months and 28 days'),
            ('2019-11-23T20:58:00Z', datetime(2019, 11, 23, 20,
                                              53), 2, '5 minutes'),
            ('2019-11-24T00:00:00Z', datetime(2019, 11, 23, 23, 59,
                                              0), 2, '1 minute'),
            ('2019-11-23T23:59:00Z', datetime(2017, 7, 21, 23,
                                              0), 2, '2 years and 4 months'),
            ('2019-11-23T23:59:00Z', datetime(2019, 11, 23, 23, 49, 5), 2,
             '9 minutes and 55 seconds'),
            (None, datetime(2019, 11, 23, 23, 49, 5), 2, None),

        for expiry, now, max_units, expected in test_cases:
            with self.subTest(expiry=expiry,
                self.assertEqual(time.until_expiration(expiry, now, max_units),
Example #2
    def test_until_expiration_with_duration_custom_units(self):
        """until_expiration should work for custom max_units."""
        test_cases = (('3000-12-12T00:01:00Z', '<t:32533488060:R>'),
                      ('3000-11-23T20:09:00Z', '<t:32531918940:R>'))

        for expiry, expected in test_cases:
            with self.subTest(expiry=expiry, expected=expected):
                self.assertEqual(time.until_expiration(expiry, ), expected)
Example #3
    def test_until_expiration_with_duration_custom_units(self):
        """until_expiration should work for custom max_units."""
        test_cases = (
            ('2019-12-12T00:01:00Z', datetime(2019, 12, 11, 12, 5, 5), 6, '11 hours, 55 minutes and 55 seconds'),
            ('2019-11-23T20:09:00Z', datetime(2019, 4, 25, 20, 15), 20, '6 months, 28 days, 23 hours and 54 minutes')

        for expiry, now, max_units, expected in test_cases:
            with self.subTest(expiry=expiry, now=now, max_units=max_units, expected=expected):
                self.assertEqual(time.until_expiration(expiry, now, max_units), expected)
Example #4
    def test_until_expiration_normal_usage(self):
        """until_expiration should work for normal usage, across various durations."""
        test_cases = (
            ('3000-12-12T00:01:00Z', '<t:32533488060:R>'),
            ('3000-12-12T00:01:00Z', '<t:32533488060:R>'),
            ('3000-12-12T00:00:00Z', '<t:32533488000:R>'),
            ('3000-11-23T20:09:00Z', '<t:32531918940:R>'),
            ('3000-11-23T20:09:00Z', '<t:32531918940:R>'),
            (None, None),

        for expiry, expected in test_cases:
            with self.subTest(expiry=expiry, expected=expected):
                self.assertEqual(time.until_expiration(expiry), expected)
Example #5
    def test_until_expiration_with_duration_none_expiry(self):
        """until_expiration should work for None expiry."""
        test_cases = (
            (None, None, None, None),

            # To make sure that now and max_units are not touched
            (None, 'Why hello there!', None, None),
            (None, None, float('inf'), None),
            (None, 'Why hello there!', float('inf'), None),

        for expiry, now, max_units, expected in test_cases:
            with self.subTest(expiry=expiry, now=now, max_units=max_units, expected=expected):
                self.assertEqual(time.until_expiration(expiry, now, max_units), expected)
Example #6
    def infraction_to_string(self, infraction: utils.Infraction) -> str:
        """Convert the infraction object to a string representation."""
        actor_id = infraction["actor"]
        guild = self.bot.get_guild(constants.Guild.id)
        actor = guild.get_member(actor_id)
        active = infraction["active"]
        user_id = infraction["user"]
        hidden = infraction["hidden"]
        created = time.format_infraction(infraction["inserted_at"])

        if active:
            remaining = time.until_expiration(
                infraction["expires_at"]) or "Expired"
            remaining = "Inactive"

        if infraction["expires_at"] is None:
            expires = "*Permanent*"
            date_from = datetime.strptime(created, time.INFRACTION_FORMAT)
            expires = time.format_infraction_with_duration(
                infraction["expires_at"], date_from)

        lines = textwrap.dedent(f"""
            {"**===============**" if active else "==============="}
            Status: {"__**Active**__" if active else "Inactive"}
            User: {self.bot.get_user(user_id)} (`{user_id}`)
            Type: **{infraction["type"]}**
            Shadow: {hidden}
            Created: {created}
            Expires: {expires}
            Remaining: {remaining}
            Actor: {actor.mention if actor else actor_id}
            ID: `{infraction["id"]}`
            Reason: {infraction["reason"] or "*None*"}
            {"**===============**" if active else "==============="}

        return lines.strip()
Example #7
        active = infraction["active"]
        user = infraction["user"]
        expires_at = infraction["expires_at"]
        created = time.format_infraction(infraction["inserted_at"])

        # Format the user string.
        if user_obj := self.bot.get_user(user["id"]):
            # The user is in the cache.
            user_str = messages.format_user(user_obj)
            # Use the user data retrieved from the DB.
            name = escape_markdown(user['name'])
            user_str = f"<@{user['id']}> ({name}#{user['discriminator']:04})"

        if active:
            remaining = time.until_expiration(expires_at) or "Expired"
            remaining = "Inactive"

        if expires_at is None:
            expires = "*Permanent*"
            date_from = datetime.strptime(created, time.INFRACTION_FORMAT)
            expires = time.format_infraction_with_duration(expires_at, date_from)

        lines = textwrap.dedent(f"""
            {"**===============**" if active else "==============="}
            Status: {"__**Active**__" if active else "Inactive"}
            User: {user_str}
            Type: **{infraction["type"]}**
            Shadow: {infraction["hidden"]}
Example #8
 def test_until_expiration_with_duration_none_expiry(self):
     """until_expiration should work for None expiry."""
     self.assertEqual(time.until_expiration(None), None)