#This is how many posts you want to retrieve all at once. PRAW can download 100 at a time. WAIT = 20 #This is how many seconds you will wait between cycles. The bot is completely inactive during this time. '''All done!''' WAITS = str(WAIT) try: import bot #This is a file in my python library which contains my Bot's username and password. I can push code to Git without showing credentials USERNAME = bot.getuG() PASSWORD = bot.getpG() USERAGENT = bot.getaG() except ImportError: pass sql = sqlite3.connect('sql.db') print('Loaded SQL Database') cur = sql.cursor() cur.execute('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS oldposts(ID TEXT)') print('Loaded Completed table') sql.commit() r = praw.Reddit(USERAGENT) r.login(USERNAME, PASSWORD)
#This is how many posts you want to retrieve all at once. PRAW can download 100 at a time. WAIT = 20 #This is how many seconds you will wait between cycles. The bot is completely inactive during this time. '''All done!''' NUMS = string.digits PUNC = string.digits + string.punctuation WAITS = str(WAIT) try: import bot #This is a file in my python library which contains my Bot's username and password. I can push code to Git without showing credentials USERNAME = bot.getuG() PASSWORD = bot.getpG() USERAGENT = bot.getaG() except ImportError: pass sql = sqlite3.connect('sql.db') print('Loaded SQL Database') cur = sql.cursor() cur.execute('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS oldposts(ID TEXT)') print('Loaded Completed table') sql.commit() r = praw.Reddit(USERAGENT) r.login(USERNAME, PASSWORD)