Example #1
def witch(sock, line):
    username = botStandard.getUsername(line)
    if not (botFileIO.readTime("witch", username) == "null"):
        if (botFileIO.isThreeHour(botFileIO.readTime("witch", username), botFileIO.getCurrentDateTime()) == 0):
            botCore.sendLine(sock, username, "Be patient, collector of WITCHES. It is not yet your TIME. There are yet " + str(botFileIO.timeLeft(botFileIO.readTime("witch", username), botFileIO.getCurrentDateTime())) + " seconds REMAINING.")
            witchEditing(sock, line, username, 0)
        witchEditing(sock, line, username, 1)
Example #2
 #Output the line to the console if not empty
 if not (line == []):
     botCore.consoleOutputLine(sock, line)
 if (len(line) >= 1):
     #Handler for NickServ identification and ajoining channels
     for x in range(0, len(line)):
         if (line[x] == "/MOTD"):
             botCore.sendLine(sock, "NickServ", "IDENTIFY " + botConfig.get('Bot', 'bot_nickserv_password'))
             botCore.joinChannels(sock, string.split(botConfig.get('Bot', 'ajoin_channels'), " "))
     #Ping response
     if (line[0] == "PING"):
         sock.send("PONG %s\r\n" % line[1])
     if (len(line) >= 4):
         #Version response
         if (line[3] == ":VERSION"):
             botCore.sendNotice(sock, botStandard.getUsername(line), ("VERSION " + botConfig.get('Bot', 'version_text') + ""))
         #Command processing (public and private), looking for & command delimiter
         if (len(list(line[3])) >= 2):
             if ((list(line[3]))[1] == "&"):
                 #Public command processing
                 caughtPublic = botStandard.publicCommands(sock, line)
                 #Private command processing (only if it wasn't a public command, to save time)
                 if (caughtPublic == False):
                     botStandard.privateCommands(sock, line, botConfig)