Example #1
def rigidTransformMessageFromFrame(transform):
    Given a vtkTransform, returns a bot_core.rigid_transform_t message
    msg = bot_core.rigid_transform_t()
    msg.trans, msg.quat = transformUtils.poseFromTransform(transform)
    return msg
Example #2
def rigidTransformMessageFromFrame(transform):
    Given a vtkTransform, returns a bot_core.rigid_transform_t message
    msg = bot_core.rigid_transform_t()
    msg.trans, msg.quat = transformUtils.poseFromTransform(transform)
    return msg
def box_state_handler(channel, data):
    if (have_gt_transform):
        latest_state = robot_state_t.decode(data)
        last_transform = numpy.identity(4)
        last_transform[0:3, 3] = numpy.array([
            latest_state.pose.translation.x, latest_state.pose.translation.y,
        last_transform[0:3, 0:3] = quaternion_matrix(
                latest_state.pose.rotation.w, latest_state.pose.rotation.x,
                latest_state.pose.rotation.y, latest_state.pose.rotation.z
            ]))[0:3, 0:3]

        kinect2local = numpy.dot(robot2local, numpy.linalg.inv(kinect2robot))
        local2kinect = numpy.linalg.inv(kinect2local)

        err_local = numpy.dot(numpy.linalg.inv(gt_transform), last_transform)

        # figure out corrections in local frame, then transfer to kinect frmae
        rotation_error = numpy.dot(gt_transform[0:3, 0:3],
                                   numpy.linalg.inv(last_transform[0:3, 0:3]))
        extra_correction = -numpy.dot(
            rotation_error, kinect2local[0:3, 3]) + kinect2local[0:3, 3]
        print extra_correction
        translation_error = gt_transform[0:3, 3] - last_transform[0:3, 3]
        print translation_error

        print numpy.dot(rotation_error,
                        last_transform[0:3, 3]) - last_transform[0:3, 3]

        local_correction = numpy.identity(4)
        local_correction[0:3, 3] = translation_error
        local_correction[0:3, 0:3] = rotation_error

        print "local corr", local_correction

        correction_in_camera = numpy.identity(4)
        #correction_in_camera[0:3, 0:3] = numpy.linalg.inv(rotation_error)
        correction_in_camera[0:3, 3] = -numpy.dot(local2kinect[0:3, 0:3],
                                                  local_correction[0:3, 3])
        print "camera corr", correction_in_camera

        new_local2kinect = numpy.dot(correction_in_camera, local2kinect)

        # undo each transform in sequence
        final_transform = numpy.dot(new_local2kinect, robot2local)
        print kinect2robot
        print final_transform

        print "\n\n\n"
        msg = rigid_transform_t()
        msg.utime = 0
        msg.trans = final_transform[0:3, 3]
        msg.quat = quaternion_from_matrix(final_transform[0:3, 0:3])
        print msg.trans, msg.quat
        lc.publish("GT_CAMERA_OFFSET", msg.encode())
Example #4
 def __init__(self, mode=Mode.translating, safe=True):
     self.mode = mode
     self.safe = safe  # Don't send atlas behavior commands (to ensure that the robot never starts walking accidentally when running tests)
     self.lc = lcm.LCM()
     if self.mode == Mode.plotting:
         self.gl = gl
         self.gl = None
     self.bdi_step_queue_in = []
     self.delivered_index = None
     self.use_spec = True
     self.drift_from_plan = np.zeros((3, 1))
     self.behavior = Behavior.BDI_STEPPING
     self.T_local_to_localbdi = bot_core.rigid_transform_t()
     self.T_local_to_localbdi.trans = np.zeros(3)
     self.T_local_to_localbdi.quat = ut.rpy2quat([0, 0, 0])
     self.last_params = None
     self.executing = False
     self.last_footstep_plan_time = -np.inf
Example #5
 def __init__(self, mode=Mode.translating, safe=True):
     self.mode = mode
     self.safe = safe  # Don't send atlas behavior commands (to ensure that the robot never starts walking accidentally when running tests)
     self.lc = lcm.LCM()
     if self.mode == Mode.plotting:
         self.gl = gl
         self.gl = None
     self.bdi_step_queue_in = []
     self.delivered_index = None
     self.use_spec = True
     self.drift_from_plan = np.zeros((3,1))
     self.behavior = Behavior.BDI_STEPPING
     self.T_local_to_localbdi = bot_core.rigid_transform_t()
     self.T_local_to_localbdi.trans = np.zeros(3)
     self.T_local_to_localbdi.quat = ut.rpy2quat([0,0,0])
     self.last_params = None
     self.executing = False
     self.last_footstep_plan_time = -np.inf
Example #6

import lcm
import drc
from bot_core import rigid_transform_t
import sys
import time

if len(sys.argv) != 9:
    print "Usage: publish_transform <channel> <x> <y> <z> <w> <x> <y> <z>"

channel = sys.argv[1]
x = float(sys.argv[2])
y = float(sys.argv[3])
z = float(sys.argv[4])
ww = float(sys.argv[5])
wx = float(sys.argv[6])
wy = float(sys.argv[7])
wz = float(sys.argv[8])

lc = lcm.LCM()
msg = rigid_transform_t()
msg.utime = 0
msg.trans = [x, y, z]
msg.quat = [ww, wx, wy, wz]

while (1):
    lc.publish(channel, msg.encode())