async def get_tag(self, ctx): try: command = bot_tools.parse_command(ctx.message.content, 1) except ValueError: try: command = bot_tools.parse_command(ctx.message.content, 0) except: await ctx.send(embed=bot_tools.create_simple_embed( ctx=ctx, _title='Error', _description= f'{ctx.command.usage}. Use `!help {}` for more details.' )) return if len(command) == 1: tags = [t['name'] for t in bot_db.get_all_tags()] await ctx.send(embed=bot_tools.create_list_embed( ctx=ctx, _title='Tags', _description='Here is a list of all the tags you can use.', _field_name='Tags', items=tags)) else: [_, tag_name] = command tag = bot_db.get_tag(tag_name) if not bot_db.exists_tag(tag_name): await ctx.send(embed=bot_tools.create_simple_embed( ctx=ctx, _title='Error', _description=f'The Tag `{tag_name}` does not exists.')) else: await ctx.send(tag['response'])
async def get_tag(ctx): try: command = bot_tools.parse_command(ctx.message.content, 1) except ValueError: await ctx.send('Error: Tags are all one word.') return [_, tag_name] = command tag = bot_db.get_tag(tag_name) if not bot_db.exists_tag(tag_name): await ctx.send(f'Error: The tag `{tag_name}` does not exist.') else: await ctx.send(tag['response'])
async def remove_tag(ctx): if bot_tools.is_admin( try: command = bot_tools.parse_command(ctx.message.content, 1) except ValueError: await ctx.send('Error: To remove a tag, use !t_remove followed by just the name of tag.') return [_, tag_name] = command if not bot_db.exists_tag(tag_name): await ctx.send(f'Error: `{tag_name}` does not exists!') return else: bot_db.remove_tag(tag_name) await ctx.send(f'Sucessfully removed tag `{tag_name}`.') else: await ctx.send('Erorr: **You must be an admin to use this command!**')
async def add_tag(ctx): if bot_tools.is_admin( try: command = bot_tools.parse_command(ctx.message.content, 2) except ValueError: await ctx.send('Error: To create tags, use !t_add followed by the name followed by the messsage.') return [_, tag_name, tag_content] = command if bot_db.exists_tag(tag_name): await ctx.send(f'Error: The tag `{tag_name}` already exists.') return else: bot_db.add_tag(tag_name, tag_content) await ctx.send(f'Successfully added tag `{tag_name}`!') else: await ctx.send('Error: **You must be an admin to use this command!**')
async def add_tag_command(self, ctx): if not bot_db.is_mod( utils.log_body('[Bot#add_tag_command] Access denied to ' + return try: command = bot_tools.parse_command(ctx.message.content, 2) except ValueError: return await ctx.send('Usage: add_tag <tag_name> <tag_response>') [_, tag_name, tag_response] = command utils.log_kv('Adding tag', [tag_name, tag_response]) if bot_db.exists_tag(tag_name): await ctx.send(f'Tag {tag_name} already exists.') else: bot_db.add_tag(tag_name, tag_response) self.add_command(Command(name=tag_name, func=self.get_tag, aliases=[], instance=None)) await ctx.send(f'Added tag {tag_name}.')
async def remove_tag_command(self, ctx): if not bot_db.is_mod( utils.log_body('[Bot#remove_tag_command] Access denied to ' + return try: command = bot_tools.parse_command(ctx.message.content, 1) except ValueError: return await ctx.send('Usage: remove_tag <tag_name>') [_, tag_name] = command utils.log_kv('Removing tag', tag_name) if bot_db.exists_tag(tag_name): bot_db.remove_tag(tag_name) async def dummy_func(): pass self.remove_command(Command(name=tag_name, func=dummy_func)) await ctx.send(f'Removed tag {tag_name}.') else: await ctx.send(f'Tag {tag_name} does not exist.')
async def remove_tag(self, ctx): try: command = bot_tools.parse_command(ctx.message.content, 1) except ValueError: await ctx.send(embed=bot_tools.create_simple_embed( ctx=ctx, _title='Error', _description= f'{ctx.command.usage}. Use `!help {}` for more details.' )) return [_, tag_name] = command if not bot_db.exists_tag(tag_name): await ctx.send(embed=bot_tools.create_simple_embed( ctx=ctx, _title='Error', _description=f'`{tag_name}` does not exists!')) return else: bot_db.remove_tag(tag_name) await ctx.send(embed=bot_tools.create_simple_embed( ctx=ctx, _title='Tag', _description=f'Successfully removed tag `{tag_name}`'))
async def add_tag(self, ctx): try: command = bot_tools.parse_command(ctx.message.content, 2) except ValueError: await ctx.send(embed=bot_tools.create_simple_embed( ctx=ctx, _title='Error', _description= f'{ctx.command.usage}. Use `!help {}` for more details.' )) return [_, tag_name, tag_content] = command if bot_db.exists_tag(tag_name): await ctx.send(embed=bot_tools.create_simple_embed( ctx=ctx, _title='Error', _description=f'The tag `{tag_name}` already exists.')) return else: bot_db.add_tag(tag_name, tag_content) await ctx.send(embed=bot_tools.create_simple_embed( ctx=ctx, _title='Tag', _description=f'Successfully added tag `{tag_name}`!'))