Example #1
    def who_face(self, message, message_data, answer):
        Post process who intent
        Infer if there is someone in the room
        If positive, get the last frame in which a face is detected and return
        # Get path to todays' detections
        now = datetime.datetime.now()
        todaypath = '/'.join(('..', 'detected', str(now.year), str(now.month) + '. ' + now.strftime('%B'), str(now.day)))
        # Get paths for all frames detected today
        detections = list()
        for (_, _, filenames) in os.walk(todaypath):
        detections = [d for d in detections if not d.endswith('.log')]
        # If no detection was made today, infer that nobody went to the lab
        if len(detections) == 0:
            answer.append({'type': 'text', 'text': 'Nobody was here today.'})
            # Load dlib face detector
            detector = dlib.get_frontal_face_detector()
            # If there was a detection today, get the last frame
            lastframepath = os.path.join(todaypath, detections[0])
            lastframe = cv2.imread(lastframepath)
            # Check the state of lights
            light = numpy.mean(im2float(lastframe).flatten())
            # Infer if there is someone in the lab
            if light > 0.3:
                answer.append({'type': 'text', 'text': 'Someone is here!'})
                # Check frames from recent to older and try to find a person, skipping 10 by 10
                for i in range(0, len(detections), 10):
                    detection = detections[i]
                    # Get frame
                    framepath = os.path.join(todaypath, detection)
                    frame = cv2.imread(framepath)
                    # Try face detection
                    faces = detector(frame)
                    # If a face was detected, draw a rectangle over it and save, then answer!
                    if len(faces) > 0:
                        for f in faces:
                            cv2.rectangle(frame, (f.left(), f.top()), (f.right(), f.bottom()), (0,0,255), 2)
                        cv2.imwrite('.found.jpg', frame)
                        answer.append({'type': 'text', 'text': 'Target acquired.'})
                        answer.append({'type': 'image', 'url': '.found.jpg'})
                answer.append({'type': 'text', 'text': 'Nobody here.'})

        return answer
Example #2
 def someone(self, message, message_data, answer):
     Postprocess someone intent
     Get the last detected frame
     Check if lights are turned off or on
     Infer if the room is empty or not based on lights
     # Get path to todays' detections
     now = datetime.datetime.now()
     todaypath = '/'.join(('..', 'detected', str(now.year), str(now.month) + '. ' + now.strftime('%B'), str(now.day)))
     # Get paths for all frames detected today
     detections = list()
     for (_, _, filenames) in os.walk(todaypath):
     # If no detection was made today, infer that nobody went to the lab
     if len(detections) == 0:
         answer.append({'type': 'text', 'text': 'I think nobody went to the lab today'})
         # If there was a detection today, get the last frame
         lastframepath = os.path.join(todaypath, detections[-1])
         lastframe = cv2.imread(lastframepath)
         # Check the state of lights
         light = numpy.mean(im2float(lastframe).flatten())
         # Infer if there is someone in the lab
         if light > 0.3: answer.append({'type': 'text', 'text': 'Someone is in the lab!'})
         else: answer.append({'type': 'text', 'text': 'I think the lab is empty'})
         # Send last detected frame
         answer.append({'type': 'image', 'url': lastframepath})
     return answer
Example #3
 def someone(self, message, message_data, answer):
     Postprocess someone intent
     Get the last detected frame
     Check if lights are turned off or on
     Infer if the room is empty or not based on lights
     # Get path to todays' detections
     now = datetime.datetime.now()
     todaypath = '/'.join(('..', 'detected', str(now.year), str(now.month) + '. ' + now.strftime('%B'), str(now.day)))
     # Get paths for all frames detected today
     detections = list()
     for (_, _, filenames) in os.walk(todaypath):
     detections = [d for d in detections if not d.endswith('.log')]
     # If no detection was made today, infer that nobody went to the lab
     if len(detections) == 0:
         answer.append({'type': 'text', 'text': 'Nobody was here today.'})
         # If there was a detection today, get the last frame
         lastframepath = os.path.join(todaypath, detections[0])
         lastframe = cv2.imread(lastframepath)
         # Check the state of lights
         light = numpy.mean(im2float(lastframe).flatten())
         # Infer if there is someone in the lab
         if light > 0.3: answer.append({'type': 'text', 'text': 'Someone is here!'})
         else: answer.append({'type': 'text', 'text': 'Nobody here.'})
         # Send last detected frame
         answer.append({'type': 'image', 'url': lastframepath})
     return answer
Example #4
 def who(self, message, message_data, answer):
     Post process who intent
     Infer if there is someone in the room
     If positive, get the last frame in which a face is detected and return
     # Get path to todays' detections
     now = datetime.datetime.now()
     todaypath = '/'.join(('..', 'detected', str(now.year), str(now.month) + '. ' + now.strftime('%B'), str(now.day)))
     # Get paths for all frames detected today
     detections = list()
     for (_, _, filenames) in os.walk(todaypath):
     # If no detection was made today, infer that nobody went to the lab
     if len(detections) == 0:
         answer.append({'type': 'text', 'text': 'I think nobody went to the lab today'})
         # Load dlib face detector
         detector = dlib.get_frontal_face_detector()
         # If there was a detection today, get the last frame
         lastframepath = os.path.join(todaypath, detections[0])
         lastframe = cv2.imread(lastframepath)
         # Check the state of lights
         light = numpy.mean(im2float(lastframe).flatten())
         # Infer if there is someone in the lab
         if light > 0.3:
             answer.append({'type': 'text', 'text': 'Someone is in the lab!'})
             # Check frames from recent to older and try to find a person, skipping 10 by 10
             for i in range(0, len(detections), 10):
                 detection = detections[i]
                 # Get frame
                 framepath = os.path.join(todaypath, detection)
                 frame = cv2.imread(framepath)
                 # Try face detection
                 faces = detector(frame)
                 # If a face was detected, draw a rectangle over it and save, then answer!
                 if len(faces) > 0:
                     for f in faces:
                         cv2.rectangle(frame, (f.left(), f.top()), (f.right(), f.bottom()), (0,0,255), 2)
                     cv2.imwrite('.found.jpg', frame)
                     answer.append({'type': 'text', 'text': 'Just found this test subject'})
                     answer.append({'type': 'image', 'url': '.found.jpg'})
             answer.append({'type': 'text', 'text': 'I think the lab is empty'})
     return answer
Example #5
    def deactivate(self, message, message_data, answer):
        Post process deactivate intent
        Infer what needs to be deactivated
        feature = ''
        if 'text_en' in message_data and 'notification' in message_data['text_en'] \
            or 'text' in message_data and 'notification' in message_data['text']:
            feature = 'notifications'

        if feature != '':
            context = botkit.nlu.Context()
            context.write(message['username'], feature, False)
            answer.append({'type': 'text', 'text': '%s deactivated' % (feature.capitalize())})
            answer.append({'type': 'text', 'text': 'Unknown error...'})

        return answer
Example #6
    def activity_graph(self, message, message_data, answer):
        Post process activity_graph intent
        Generates daily activity graph
        # Get path to todays' detections
        now = datetime.datetime.now()
        todaypath = '/'.join(('..', 'detected', str(now.year), str(now.month) + '. ' + now.strftime('%B'), str(now.day)))
        # Get paths for all frames detected today
        detections = list()
        for (_, _, filenames) in os.walk(todaypath):
        detections = [d for d in detections if not d.endswith('.log')]
        # If no detection was made today, infer that nobody went to the lab
        if len(detections) == 0:
            answer.append({'type': 'text', 'text': 'Nobody was here today.'})
            message = ''
            counts = numpy.zeros(24*60*60)
            # Check frames from recent to older and accumulate counts
            for i in range(0, len(detections)):
                t = detections[i]
                h = int(t.split()[1].split('h')[0])
                m = int(t.split()[1].split('h')[1].split('m')[0])
                s = int(t.split()[1].split('h')[1].split('m')[1].split('.')[0])
                counts[3600*h + 60*m + s] += 1
            offset = 3600*h + 60*m + s
            counts = numpy.trim_zeros(counts)
            xaxis = numpy.arange(offset, offset + len(counts))
            # Generate graph
            fig, ax = plt.subplots()
            ax.plot(xaxis, counts)
            ax.set(xlabel='Time', ylabel='Detections', title='Activity Graph')
            formatter = matplotlib.ticker.FuncFormatter(lambda s, x: '%02d:%02d' % (s//3600,(s%3600)//60))
            fig.savefig(".activity.png", dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight')
            # Answer with graph
            answer.append({'type': 'text', 'text': 'Sending you today\'s activity graph...'})
            answer.append({'type': 'image', 'url': '.activity.png'})

        return answer
Example #7
    def who_activity_graph(self, message, message_data, answer):
        Post process who intent
        Infer if there is someone in the room
        If positive, return last five events
        # Get path to todays' detections
        now = datetime.datetime.now()
        todaypath = '/'.join(('..', 'detected', str(now.year), str(now.month) + '. ' + now.strftime('%B'), str(now.day)))
        # Get paths for all frames detected today
        detections = list()
        for (_, _, filenames) in os.walk(todaypath):
        detections = [d for d in detections if not d.endswith('.log')]
        # If no detection was made today, infer that nobody went to the lab
        if len(detections) == 0:
            answer.append({'type': 'text', 'text': 'Nobody was here today.'})
            message = ''
            counts = numpy.zeros(24*60*60)
            # Check frames from recent to older and accumulate counts
            for i in range(0, len(detections)):
                t = detections[i]
                h = int(t.split()[1].split('h')[0])
                m = int(t.split()[1].split('h')[1].split('m')[0])
                s = int(t.split()[1].split('h')[1].split('m')[1].split('.')[0])
                counts[3600*h + 60*m + s] += 1
            xaxis = numpy.arange(0, len(counts))
            # Generate graph
            fig, ax = plt.subplots()
            # Identify peaks
            peaks, _ = scipy.signal.find_peaks(counts, height=8, distance=6)
            ax.plot(xaxis, counts)
            ax.plot(peaks, counts[peaks], "x")
            ax.set(xlabel='Time', ylabel='Detections', title='Activity Graph')
            formatter = matplotlib.ticker.FuncFormatter(lambda s, x: '%02d:%02d' % (s//3600,(s%3600)//60))
            fig.savefig(".activity.png", dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight')
            if len(peaks) > 0:
                # Iterate over the peaks
                answer.append({'type': 'text', 'text': 'Targets acquired.'})
                selected_frames = list()
                for peak in peaks[::-1][:5]:
                    t = '%02dh%02dm%02d' % (peak//3600,(peak%3600)//60, peak%60)
                    for i in range(0, len(detections)):
                        if detections[i].split()[1].startswith(t):
                            # Selecting
                            j = i + 6
                            framepath = os.path.join(todaypath, detections[j])
                            frame = cv2.imread(framepath)
                for i, f in enumerate(selected_frames):
                    cv2.imwrite('.found-%02d.jpg' % (i), f)
                    answer.append({'type': 'image', 'url': '.found-%02d.jpg' % (i)})
                answer.append({'type': 'text', 'text': 'Oops, there was no significant activity today.'})

        return answer
Example #8
    def who_all(self, message, message_data, answer):
        Post process who intent
        Infer if there is someone in the room
        If positive, get the last frame in which a face is detected and return
        # Get path to todays' detections
        now = datetime.datetime.now()
        todaypath = '/'.join(('..', 'detected', str(now.year), str(now.month) + '. ' + now.strftime('%B'), str(now.day)))
        # Get paths for all frames detected today
        detections = list()
        for (_, _, filenames) in os.walk(todaypath):
        detections = [d for d in detections if not d.endswith('.log')]
        # If no detection was made today, infer that nobody went to the lab
        if len(detections) == 0:
            answer.append({'type': 'text', 'text': 'Nobody was here today.'})
            # If there was a detection today, get the last frame
            lastframepath = os.path.join(todaypath, detections[0])
            lastframe = cv2.imread(lastframepath)
            # Check the state of lights
            light = numpy.mean(im2float(lastframe).flatten())
            # Infer if there is someone in the lab
            if light > 0.3:
                people = list()
                answer.append({'type': 'text', 'text': 'Someone is here!'})
                # Check frames from recent to older and try to find a person, skipping 10 by 10
                for i in range(0, len(detections), 10):
                    detection = detections[i]
                    # Get frame
                    framepath = os.path.join(todaypath, detection)
                    frame = cv2.imread(framepath)
                    # Try upperbody detection
                    # If upperbody was detected, draw a rectangle over it and save, then answer!
                    frame, found, rects = single_cascade(frame, drawboxes=False, return_objects=True)
                    if found: people.append((frame, rects))
                    if len(people) > 15: break
                # Clustering
                features = list()
                for frame, rects in people:
                    x, y, w, h = rects[0]
                    crop = frame[y:h, x:w].astype(numpy.float32)
                    crop_ch0 = crop[:,:,0]
                    crop_ch1 = crop[:,:,1]
                    crop_ch2 = crop[:,:,2]
                    hist0 = skimage.exposure.histogram(crop_ch0, nbins=12, normalize=True)[0]
                    hist1 = skimage.exposure.histogram(crop_ch1, nbins=12, normalize=True)[0]
                    hist2 = skimage.exposure.histogram(crop_ch2, nbins=12, normalize=True)[0]
                    ft = numpy.concatenate((hist0, hist1, hist2), axis=None)
                features = numpy.array(features)
                clustering = sklearn.cluster.AffinityPropagation()
                labels = clustering.labels_
                n_labels = len(numpy.unique(labels))
                # Selecting
                selected_labels = list()
                selected_frames = list()
                for i, p in enumerate(people):
                    if labels[i] not in selected_labels:
                answer.append({'type': 'text', 'text': 'Targets acquired.'})
                for i, f in enumerate(selected_frames):
                    cv2.imwrite('.found-%02d.jpg' % (i), f)
                    answer.append({'type': 'image', 'url': '.found-%02d.jpg' % (i)})
                answer.append({'type': 'text', 'text': 'This was a test using affinity propagation clustering.'})
                answer.append({'type': 'text', 'text': 'Nobody here.'})

        return answer