#!/usr/bin/env python import botlib, time b = botlib.bot("localhost", 'python_doommarine_2') print "success! python second doom marine is alive" print "trying to get my id", i = b.me() print "yes..." print "the python marine id is", i print "the location of python marine is", b.getpos(i) for i in range(1, b.maxobj() + 1): print "the location of python bot", i, "is", b.getpos(i) while True: for a in range(0, 360, 30): b.turn(a) time.sleep(3) time.sleep(5) b.right(100, 100) time.sleep(5) b.forward(100, 100) time.sleep(5) b.left(100, 100) time.sleep(5) b.back(100, 100) time.sleep(5) b.stepvec(100, 100, 10) time.sleep(5) b.stepvec(-100, 100, 10) time.sleep(5) """
#!/usr/bin/env python import botlib, time, sys if len(sys.argv) <= 1: print "you must invoke this script with an instance id after the script name" sys.exit(1) b = botlib.bot("localhost", "python_demon_hellknight " + sys.argv[1]) print "success! python is alive" i = b.me() print "the python bot id is", i print "the location of python bot is", b.getpos(i) for i in range(1, b.maxobj() + 1): print "the location of python bot", i, "is", b.getpos(i) while True: for d in range(64): print b.step(float(d) / 10.0) time.sleep(1)
def botMain(b): global me print("success! python doom marine is alive") print("trying to get my id...", end=' ') me = b.me() print("yes") print("the python marine id is", me) pos = b.getpos(me) pen = b.d2pv(pos) print("pos = ", pos, "pen coords =", pen) ### # an ugly hack to test entity label lookup ### label_entity_no = b._cache.getEntityNo("label", "the_ammo_loc") print("entity number of label =", label_entity_no) print("entity position =", b._cache.getEntityPos(label_entity_no)) ### # end of an ugly hack to test entity label lookup ### print("finishing now") sys.exit(0) if len(sys.argv) > 1: doommarine = int(sys.argv[1]) b = botlib.bot("localhost", "python_doommarine %d" % (doommarine)) execBot(b, False)
#!/usr/bin/env python import botlib, time b = botlib.bot("localhost", 'python_demon_hellknight_1') print "success! python is alive" i = b.me() print "the python bot id is", i print "the location of python bot is", b.getpos(i) for i in range(1, b.maxobj() + 1): print "the location of python bot", i, "is", b.getpos(i) while True: for d in range(64): print b.step(float(d) / 10.0) time.sleep(1)