def manage_subscription(bot, update): chat_id = user_id = if util.is_group_message(update): admins = bot.get_chat_administrators(chat_id) if user_id not in admins: bot.formatter.send_failure( chat_id, "Sorry, but only Administrators of this group are allowed " "to manage subscriptions.") return text = "Would you like to be notified when new bots arrive at the @BotList?" buttons = [[ InlineKeyboardButton(util.success("Yes"), callback_data=util.callback_for_action( CallbackActions.SET_NOTIFICATIONS, {'value': True})), InlineKeyboardButton("No", callback_data=util.callback_for_action( CallbackActions.SET_NOTIFICATIONS, {'value': False})) ]] reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(buttons) msg = util.send_md_message(bot, chat_id, text, reply_markup=reply_markup) return ConversationHandler.END
def accept_bot_submission(bot, update, of_bot: Bot, category): uid = util.uid_from_update(update) message_id = util.mid_from_update(update) user = User.from_update(update) try: of_bot.category = category of_bot.date_added = of_bot.approved = True of_bot.approved_by = user buttons = [ [ InlineKeyboardButton( "Edit {} details".format(of_bot.username), callback_data=util.callback_for_action( CallbackActions.EDIT_BOT, {"id":} ), ) ] ] reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(buttons) bot.formatter.send_or_edit( uid, "{} has been accepted to the Botlist. ".format( of_bot ), to_edit=message_id, reply_markup=reply_markup, ) log_msg = "{} accepted by {}.".format(of_bot.username, uid) # notify submittant if of_bot.submitted_by != user: try: bot.sendMessage( of_bot.submitted_by.chat_id, util.success( messages.ACCEPTANCE_PRIVATE_MESSAGE.format( of_bot.username, of_bot.category ) ), ) log_msg += "\nUser {} was notified.".format(str(of_bot.submitted_by)) except TelegramError: log_msg += "\nUser {} could NOT be contacted/notified in private.".format( str(of_bot.submitted_by) ) except: bot.formatter.send_failure(uid, "An error has occured. Bot not added.")
def set_notifications(bot, update, value: bool): cid = try: notifications = Notifications.get(Notifications.chat_id == cid) except Notifications.DoesNotExist: notifications = Notifications(chat_id=cid) notifications.enabled = value Statistic.of(update, ('enabled' if value else 'disabled') + ' notifications for their group {}'.format(cid)) msg = util.success("Nice! Notifications enabled." ) if value else "Ok, notifications disabled." msg += '\nYou can always adjust this setting with the /subscribe command.' bot.formatter.send_or_edit(cid, msg, to_edit=util.mid_from_update(update)) return ConversationHandler.END
def notify_submittant_rejected(bot, admin_user, notify_submittant, reason, to_reject): notification_successful = False msg = "{} rejected by {}.".format(to_reject.username, admin_user) if notify_submittant or reason: try: if reason: bot.send_message( to_reject.submitted_by.chat_id, util.failure( messages.REJECTION_WITH_REASON.format( to_reject.username, reason=reason ) ), ) else: bot.sendMessage( to_reject.submitted_by.chat_id, util.failure( messages.REJECTION_PRIVATE_MESSAGE.format(to_reject.username) ), ) msg += "\nUser {} was notified.".format(str(to_reject.submitted_by)) notification_successful = True except TelegramError: msg += "\nUser {} could NOT be contacted/notified in private.".format( str(to_reject.submitted_by) ) notification_successful = False text = util.success("{} rejected.".format(to_reject.username)) if notification_successful is True: text += " User {} was notified.".format(to_reject.submitted_by.plaintext) elif notification_successful is False: try: text += " " + mdformat.failure( "Could not contact {}.".format(to_reject.submitted_by.plaintext) ) except: pass else: text += " No notification sent." return msg
def finish(self): # set last update = self._save_channel() new_bots = Bot.select_new_bots() if not self.silent and len(new_bots) > 0: self.notify_admin("Sending notifications to subscribers...") subscribers = Notifications.enabled == True) notification_count = 0 for sub in subscribers: try: util.send_md_message(, sub.chat_id, messages.BOTLIST_UPDATE_NOTIFICATION.format( n_bots=len(new_bots), new_bots=Bot.get_new_bots_markdown())) notification_count += 1 sub.last_notification = except TelegramError: pass self.sent[ 'notifications'] = "Notifications sent to {} users.".format( notification_count) changes_made = len(self.sent) > 1 or len(self.sent['category']) > 0 if changes_made: text = util.success('{}{}'.format( 'BotList updated successfully:\n\n', mdformat.results_list(self.sent))) else: text = mdformat.none_action("No changes were necessary."), text, to_edit=self.message_id)
def notify_bot_offline(bot, update, args=None): tg_user = update.message.from_user user = User.from_telegram_object(tg_user) reply_to = util.original_reply_id(update) if args: text = " ".join(args) else: text = update.message.text command_no_args = ( len(re.findall(r"^/new\s*$", text)) > 0 or text.lower().strip() == "/offline@botlistbot" ) if command_no_args: update.message.reply_text( util.action_hint( "Please use this command with an argument. For example:\n/offline @mybot" ), reply_to_message_id=reply_to, ) return # `#offline` is already checked by handler try: username = re.match(settings.REGEX_BOT_IN_TEXT, text).groups()[0] if username == "@" + settings.SELF_BOT_NAME:"Ignoring {}".format(text)) return except AttributeError: if args: update.message.reply_text( util.failure("Sorry, but you didn't send me a bot `@username`."), quote=True, parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN, reply_to_message_id=reply_to, ) else:"Ignoring {}".format(text)) # no bot username, ignore update pass return try: offline_bot = Bot.get( fn.lower(Bot.username) ** username.lower(), Bot.approved == True ) try: Suggestion.get(action="offline", subject=offline_bot) except Suggestion.DoesNotExist: suggestion = Suggestion( user=user, action="offline",, subject=offline_bot, ) update.message.reply_text( util.success( "Thank you! We will review your suggestion and set the bot offline." ), reply_to_message_id=reply_to, ) except Bot.DoesNotExist: update.message.reply_text( util.action_hint("The bot you sent me is not in the @BotList."), reply_to_message_id=reply_to, ) return ConversationHandler.END
def new_bot_submission(bot, update, chat_data, args=None, bot_checker=None): tg_user = update.message.from_user user = User.from_telegram_object(tg_user) if util.stop_banned(update, user): return reply_to = util.original_reply_id(update) if args: text = " ".join(args) else: text = update.message.text command_no_args = ( len(re.findall(r"^/new\s*$", text)) > 0 or text.lower().strip() == "/new@botlistbot" ) if command_no_args: update.message.reply_text( util.action_hint( "Please use this command with an argument. For example:\n/new @mybot 🔎" ), reply_to_message_id=reply_to, ) return # `#new` is already checked by handler try: username = re.match(settings.REGEX_BOT_IN_TEXT, text).groups()[0] if username.lower() == "@" + settings.SELF_BOT_NAME.lower():"Ignoring {}".format(text)) return except AttributeError: if args: update.message.reply_text( util.failure("Sorry, but you didn't send me a bot `@username`."), quote=True, parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN, reply_to_message_id=reply_to, )"Ignoring {}".format(text)) # no bot username, ignore update return try: new_bot = Bot.by_username(username, include_disabled=True) if new_bot.disabled: update.message.reply_text( util.failure( "{} is banned from the @BotList.".format(new_bot.username) ), reply_to_message_id=reply_to, ) elif new_bot.approved: update.message.reply_text( util.action_hint( "Sorry fool, but {} is already in the @BotList 😉".format( new_bot.username ) ), reply_to_message_id=reply_to, ) else: update.message.reply_text( util.action_hint( "{} has already been submitted. Please have patience...".format( new_bot.username ) ), reply_to_message_id=reply_to, ) return except Bot.DoesNotExist: new_bot = Bot( revision=Revision.get_instance().next, approved=False, username=username, submitted_by=user, ) new_bot.inlinequeries = "🔎" in text new_bot.official = "🔹" in text # find language languages = for lang in languages: if lang.emoji in text: = lang new_bot.date_added = description_reg = re.match(settings.REGEX_BOT_IN_TEXT + " -\s?(.*)", text) description_notify = "" if description_reg: description = new_bot.description = description description_notify = " Your description was included." if ( util.is_private_message(update) and util.uid_from_update(update) in settings.MODERATORS ): from botlistbot.components.explore import send_bot_details send_bot_details(bot, update, chat_data, new_bot) else: update.message.reply_text( util.success( "You submitted {} for approval.{}".format(new_bot, description_notify) ), parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN, reply_to_message_id=reply_to, ) # Ask the user to fill in the bot details util.send_md_message( bot,, "Congratulations, you just submitted a bot to the @BotList. Please help us fill in the details below:", ) edit_bot(bot, update, chat_data, to_edit=new_bot) try: check_submission(bot, bot_checker, new_bot) except Exception as e: log.exception(e) return ConversationHandler.END