Example #1
    async def _check_region(self):
        """Lookup the region via bucket name, then update the host to match.

        Manually constructing the connection hostname allows us to use OrdinaryCallingFormat
        instead of SubdomainCallingFormat, which can break on buckets with periods in their name.
        The default region, US East (N. Virginia), is represented by the empty string and does not
        require changing the host.  Ireland is represented by the string 'EU', with the host
        parameter 'eu-west-1'.  All other regions return the host parameter as the region name.

        Region Naming: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/rande.html#s3_region
        if self.region is None:
            self.region = await self._get_bucket_region()
            if self.region == 'EU':
                self.region = 'eu-west-1'

            if self.region != '':
                self.connection.host = self.connection.host.replace(
                    's3.', 's3-' + self.region + '.', 1)
                self.connection._auth_handler = get_auth_handler(
                    self.connection.host, boto_config,

        self.metrics.add('region', self.region)
Example #2
    async def _check_region(self):
        """Lookup the region via bucket name, then update the host to match.

        Manually constructing the connection hostname allows us to use OrdinaryCallingFormat
        instead of SubdomainCallingFormat, which can break on buckets with periods in their name.
        The default region, US East (N. Virginia), is represented by the empty string and does not
        require changing the host.  Ireland is represented by the string 'EU', with the host
        parameter 'eu-west-1'.  All other regions return the host parameter as the region name.

        Region Naming: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/rande.html#s3_region
        if self.region is None:
            self.region = await self._get_bucket_region()
            if self.region == 'EU':
                self.region = 'eu-west-1'

            if self.region != '':
                self.connection.host = self.connection.host.replace('s3.', 's3-' + self.region + '.', 1)
                self.connection._auth_handler = get_auth_handler(
                    self.connection.host, boto_config, self.connection.provider, self.connection._required_auth_capability())
Example #3
    def __init__(self, host, aws_access_key_id=None,
                 is_secure=True, port=None, proxy=None, proxy_port=None,
                 proxy_user=None, proxy_pass=None, debug=0,
                 https_connection_factory=None, path='/',
                 provider='aws', security_token=None,
                 validate_certs=True, profile_name=None):
        :type host: str
        :param host: The host to make the connection to

        :keyword str aws_access_key_id: Your AWS Access Key ID (provided by
            Amazon). If none is specified, the value in your
            ``AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID`` environmental variable is used.
        :keyword str aws_secret_access_key: Your AWS Secret Access Key
            (provided by Amazon). If none is specified, the value in your
            ``AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY`` environmental variable is used.
        :keyword str security_token: The security token associated with
            temporary credentials issued by STS.  Optional unless using
            temporary credentials.  If none is specified, the environment
            variable ``AWS_SECURITY_TOKEN`` is used if defined.

        :type is_secure: boolean
        :param is_secure: Whether the connection is over SSL

        :type https_connection_factory: list or tuple
        :param https_connection_factory: A pair of an HTTP connection
            factory and the exceptions to catch.  The factory should have
            a similar interface to L{http_client.HTTPSConnection}.

        :param str proxy: Address/hostname for a proxy server

        :type proxy_port: int
        :param proxy_port: The port to use when connecting over a proxy

        :type proxy_user: str
        :param proxy_user: The username to connect with on the proxy

        :type proxy_pass: str
        :param proxy_pass: The password to use when connection over a proxy.

        :type port: int
        :param port: The port to use to connect

        :type suppress_consec_slashes: bool
        :param suppress_consec_slashes: If provided, controls whether
            consecutive slashes will be suppressed in key paths.

        :type validate_certs: bool
        :param validate_certs: Controls whether SSL certificates
            will be validated or not.  Defaults to True.

        :type profile_name: str
        :param profile_name: Override usual Credentials section in config
            file to use a named set of keys instead.
        self.suppress_consec_slashes = suppress_consec_slashes
        self.num_retries = 6
        # Override passed-in is_secure setting if value was defined in config.
        if config.has_option('Boto', 'is_secure'):
            is_secure = config.getboolean('Boto', 'is_secure')
        self.is_secure = is_secure
        # Whether or not to validate server certificates.
        # The default is now to validate certificates.  This can be
        # overridden in the boto config file are by passing an
        # explicit validate_certs parameter to the class constructor.
        self.https_validate_certificates = config.getbool(
            'Boto', 'https_validate_certificates',
        if self.https_validate_certificates and not HAVE_HTTPS_CONNECTION:
            raise BotoClientError(
                    "SSL server certificate validation is enabled in boto "
                    "configuration, but Python dependencies required to "
                    "support this feature are not available. Certificate "
                    "validation is only supported when running under Python "
                    "2.6 or later.")
        certs_file = config.get_value(
                'Boto', 'ca_certificates_file', DEFAULT_CA_CERTS_FILE)
        if certs_file == 'system':
            certs_file = None
        self.ca_certificates_file = certs_file
        if port:
            self.port = port
            self.port = PORTS_BY_SECURITY[is_secure]

        self.handle_proxy(proxy, proxy_port, proxy_user, proxy_pass)
        # define exceptions from http_client that we want to catch and retry
        self.http_exceptions = (http_client.HTTPException, socket.error,
                                socket.gaierror, http_client.BadStatusLine)
        # define subclasses of the above that are not retryable.
        self.http_unretryable_exceptions = []

        # define values in socket exceptions we don't want to catch
        self.socket_exception_values = (errno.EINTR,)
        if https_connection_factory is not None:
            self.https_connection_factory = https_connection_factory[0]
            self.http_exceptions += https_connection_factory[1]
            self.https_connection_factory = None
        if (is_secure):
            self.protocol = 'https'
            self.protocol = 'http'
        self.host = host
        self.path = path
        # if the value passed in for debug
        if not isinstance(debug, six.integer_types):
            debug = 0
        self.debug = config.getint('Boto', 'debug', debug)
        self.host_header = None

        # Timeout used to tell http_client how long to wait for socket timeouts.
        # Default is to leave timeout unchanged, which will in turn result in
        # the socket's default global timeout being used. To specify a
        # timeout, set http_socket_timeout in Boto config. Regardless,
        # timeouts will only be applied if Python is 2.6 or greater.
        self.http_connection_kwargs = {}
        if (sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1]) >= (2, 6):
            # If timeout isn't defined in boto config file, use 70 second
            # default as recommended by
            # http://docs.aws.amazon.com/amazonswf/latest/apireference/API_PollForActivityTask.html
            self.http_connection_kwargs['timeout'] = config.getint(
                'Boto', 'http_socket_timeout', 70)

        if isinstance(provider, Provider):
            # Allow overriding Provider
            self.provider = provider
            self._provider_type = provider
            self.provider = Provider(self._provider_type,

        # Allow config file to override default host, port, and host header.
        if self.provider.host:
            self.host = self.provider.host
        if self.provider.port:
            self.port = self.provider.port
        if self.provider.host_header:
            self.host_header = self.provider.host_header

        self._pool = ConnectionPool()
        self._connection = (self.host, self.port, self.is_secure)
        self._last_rs = None
        self._auth_handler = auth.get_auth_handler(
              host, config, self.provider, self._required_auth_capability())
        if getattr(self, 'AuthServiceName', None) is not None:
            self.auth_service_name = self.AuthServiceName
        self.request_hook = None
Example #4
    def __init__(self, host, aws_access_key_id=None, aws_secret_access_key=None,
                 is_secure=True, port=None, proxy=None, proxy_port=None,
                 proxy_user=None, proxy_pass=None, debug=0,
                 https_connection_factory=None, path='/', provider='aws'):
        :type host: str
        :param host: The host to make the connection to

        :keyword str aws_access_key_id: Your AWS Access Key ID (provided by
            Amazon). If none is specified, the value in your
            ``AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID`` environmental variable is used.
        :keyword str aws_secret_access_key: Your AWS Secret Access Key
            (provided by Amazon). If none is specified, the value in your
            ``AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY`` environmental variable is used.

        :type is_secure: boolean
        :param is_secure: Whether the connection is over SSL

        :type https_connection_factory: list or tuple
        :param https_connection_factory: A pair of an HTTP connection
                                         factory and the exceptions to catch.
                                         The factory should have a similar
                                         interface to L{httplib.HTTPSConnection}.

        :param str proxy: Address/hostname for a proxy server

        :type proxy_port: int
        :param proxy_port: The port to use when connecting over a proxy

        :type proxy_user: str
        :param proxy_user: The username to connect with on the proxy

        :type proxy_pass: str
        :param proxy_pass: The password to use when connection over a proxy.

        :type port: int
        :param port: The port to use to connect
        self.num_retries = 5
        # Override passed-in is_secure setting if value was defined in config.
        if config.has_option('Boto', 'is_secure'):
            is_secure = config.getboolean('Boto', 'is_secure')
        self.is_secure = is_secure
        self.handle_proxy(proxy, proxy_port, proxy_user, proxy_pass)
        # define exceptions from httplib that we want to catch and retry
        self.http_exceptions = (httplib.HTTPException, socket.error,
        # define values in socket exceptions we don't want to catch
        self.socket_exception_values = (errno.EINTR,)
        if https_connection_factory is not None:
            self.https_connection_factory = https_connection_factory[0]
            self.http_exceptions += https_connection_factory[1]
            self.https_connection_factory = None
        if (is_secure):
            self.protocol = 'https'
            self.protocol = 'http'
        self.host = host
        self.path = path
        if debug:
            self.debug = debug
            self.debug = config.getint('Boto', 'debug', debug)
        if port:
            self.port = port
            self.port = PORTS_BY_SECURITY[is_secure]

        self.provider = Provider(provider,

        # allow config file to override default host
        if self.provider.host:
            self.host = self.provider.host

        # cache up to 20 connections per host, up to 20 hosts
        self._pool = ConnectionPool(20, 20)
        self._connection = (self.server_name(), self.is_secure)
        self._last_rs = None
        self._auth_handler = auth.get_auth_handler(
            host, config, self.provider, self._required_auth_capability())
Example #5
    def __init__(
        :type host: str
        :param host: The host to make the connection to

        :keyword str aws_access_key_id: Your AWS Access Key ID (provided by
            Amazon). If none is specified, the value in your
            ``AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID`` environmental variable is used.
        :keyword str aws_secret_access_key: Your AWS Secret Access Key
            (provided by Amazon). If none is specified, the value in your
            ``AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY`` environmental variable is used.

        :type is_secure: boolean
        :param is_secure: Whether the connection is over SSL

        :type https_connection_factory: list or tuple
        :param https_connection_factory: A pair of an HTTP connection
            factory and the exceptions to catch.  The factory should have
            a similar interface to L{httplib.HTTPSConnection}.

        :param str proxy: Address/hostname for a proxy server

        :type proxy_port: int
        :param proxy_port: The port to use when connecting over a proxy

        :type proxy_user: str
        :param proxy_user: The username to connect with on the proxy

        :type proxy_pass: str
        :param proxy_pass: The password to use when connection over a proxy.

        :type port: int
        :param port: The port to use to connect

        :type suppress_consec_slashes: bool
        :param suppress_consec_slashes: If provided, controls whether
            consecutive slashes will be suppressed in key paths.

        :type validate_certs: bool
        :param validate_certs: Controls whether SSL certificates
            will be validated or not.  Defaults to True.
        self.suppress_consec_slashes = suppress_consec_slashes
        self.num_retries = 6
        # Override passed-in is_secure setting if value was defined in config.
        if config.has_option("Boto", "is_secure"):
            is_secure = config.getboolean("Boto", "is_secure")
        self.is_secure = is_secure
        # Whether or not to validate server certificates.
        # The default is now to validate certificates.  This can be
        # overridden in the boto config file are by passing an
        # explicit validate_certs parameter to the class constructor.
        self.https_validate_certificates = config.getbool("Boto", "https_validate_certificates", validate_certs)
        if self.https_validate_certificates and not HAVE_HTTPS_CONNECTION:
            raise BotoClientError(
                "SSL server certificate validation is enabled in boto "
                "configuration, but Python dependencies required to "
                "support this feature are not available. Certificate "
                "validation is only supported when running under Python "
                "2.6 or later."
        self.ca_certificates_file = config.get_value("Boto", "ca_certificates_file", DEFAULT_CA_CERTS_FILE)
        self.handle_proxy(proxy, proxy_port, proxy_user, proxy_pass)
        # define exceptions from httplib that we want to catch and retry
        self.http_exceptions = (httplib.HTTPException, socket.error, socket.gaierror, httplib.BadStatusLine)
        # define subclasses of the above that are not retryable.
        self.http_unretryable_exceptions = []

        # define values in socket exceptions we don't want to catch
        self.socket_exception_values = (errno.EINTR,)
        if https_connection_factory is not None:
            self.https_connection_factory = https_connection_factory[0]
            self.http_exceptions += https_connection_factory[1]
            self.https_connection_factory = None
        if is_secure:
            self.protocol = "https"
            self.protocol = "http"
        self.host = host
        self.path = path
        # if the value passed in for debug
        if not isinstance(debug, (int, long)):
            debug = 0
        self.debug = config.getint("Boto", "debug", debug)
        if port:
            self.port = port
            self.port = PORTS_BY_SECURITY[is_secure]

        # Timeout used to tell httplib how long to wait for socket timeouts.
        # Default is to leave timeout unchanged, which will in turn result in
        # the socket's default global timeout being used. To specify a
        # timeout, set http_socket_timeout in Boto config. Regardless,
        # timeouts will only be applied if Python is 2.6 or greater.
        self.http_connection_kwargs = {}
        if (sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1]) >= (2, 6):
            if config.has_option("Boto", "http_socket_timeout"):
                timeout = config.getint("Boto", "http_socket_timeout")
                self.http_connection_kwargs["timeout"] = timeout

        if isinstance(provider, Provider):
            # Allow overriding Provider
            self.provider = provider
            self._provider_type = provider
            self.provider = Provider(self._provider_type, aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key, security_token)

        # allow config file to override default host
        if self.provider.host:
            self.host = self.provider.host

        self._pool = ConnectionPool()
        self._connection = (self.server_name(), self.is_secure)
        self._last_rs = None
        self._auth_handler = auth.get_auth_handler(host, config, self.provider, self._required_auth_capability())
        if getattr(self, "AuthServiceName", None) is not None:
            self.auth_service_name = self.AuthServiceName