Example #1
def main():

    # pseudocode (repeats in code comments below)
    # check for autoscale group
    # if autoscale group not present, create it
    # else read launchconfig name from asg
    # define new launchconfig
    # assign launchconfig
    # delete old launchconfig - we can only have so many

    # read config
    print "reading configuration ..."
    config = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser(allow_no_value=True)
    # This assumes that the file is either in the local directory being ran, or in the home/aws/ folder
    # We have to use the second option because XLD does not run the script in the same location that it's located
    config.read(['ec2-deploy.conf', os.path.expanduser('/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/AWS-Demo/cm/ec2-deploy.conf')])
    # check for autoscale group
    # FIXME: Should connect to region there
    # FIXME: proxy information?
    print "connecting to ec2..."
    #asconn = boto.ec2.autoscale.AutoScaleConnection(aws_access_key_id=config.get('auth', 'AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'), 
        #aws_secret_access_key=config.get('auth', 'AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'), security_token=config.get('auth', 'AWS_SECURITY_TOKEN'))
    asconn = boto.ec2.autoscale.AutoScaleConnection()

    print "validating autoscaling group ..."
    asg = get_autoscale_group(config.get('autoscalegroup','name'), asconn)
    oldlc = None
    # read userdata
    userdata = ""
    with open(config.get('launchconfig', 'userdata_filename'), 'r') as udf:
    # define new launchconfig

    timenow = str(datetime.now()).split(".")[0]
    timenow = timenow.replace(" ", "").replace("-", "").replace(":", "")

    lcname = config.get('autoscalegroup', 'name') + "-lc-" + timenow
    print "Creating new launch config '{}'".format(lcname)
    newlc = LaunchConfiguration(
        name = lcname,
        image_id = config.get('launchconfig', 'ami'),
        key_name = config.get('launchconfig', 'keypair'),
        instance_type = config.get('launchconfig', 'instancetype'),
        # security_groups = sgnames_to_list( config.get('launchconfig', 'sgnames') , config.get('ec2', 'region')),
        security_groups = str(config.get('launchconfig', 'security_groups')).split(','),
        # classic_link_vpc_security_groups = str(config.get('launchconfig', 'security_groups')).split(','),         
        user_data = userdata,
        associate_public_ip_address = True,
        delete_on_termination = True,
        instance_monitoring = False,
        instance_profile_name = config.get('launchconfig', 'instance_profile_name')
    print "new lc created"
    print "lc associated, now checking if asg exists"
    # if autoscale group not present, create it
    if asg is None:
        print "Autoscaling Group '{}' not found, creating...".format(config.get('autoscalegroup', 'name'))
        azlist = str(config.get('autoscalegroup', 'azs')).split(',')
        elblist = str(config.get('autoscalegroup', 'elbs')).split(',')
        vpclist = str(config.get('launchconfig', 'subnet')).split(',')
        asg = AutoScalingGroup(
            connection = asconn,
            name = config.get('autoscalegroup', 'name'),
            load_balancers = elblist,
            availability_zones = azlist,
            desired_capacity = config.getint('autoscalegroup','desired_capacity'),
            launch_config = newlc,
            max_size = config.getint('autoscalegroup','max_size'),
            min_size = config.getint('autoscalegroup','min_size'),
            vpc_zone_identifier = vpclist
        # else read launchconfig name from asg
        # Note that the oldlc is just the name of the lc we're about to delete
        oldlc = asg.launch_config_name
        print "Replacing launch configuration '{}' with new lc '{}'.".format(oldlc, lcname)
        asg.endElement("LaunchConfigurationName", lcname, asconn)
        # this part now terminates each instance individually
        autoscale = boto.connect_autoscale()
        ec2 = boto.connect_ec2()
        group = autoscale.get_all_groups([config.get('autoscalegroup', 'name')])[0]
        instance_ids = [i.instance_id for i in group.instances]
        # reservations = ec2.get_all_instances(instance_ids)
        # instances = [i for r in reservations for i in r.instances]
        for i in instance_ids:

    # delete old launchconfig - we can only have so many

    if oldlc is not None:
        print "Deleting old launch configuration ... "
        print "done."
    # end main
    print "Now injecting the Name Tag"
    # can't figure out a better way to inject the boto Tag tag class - will need to fix later to make it look better
    taglist = Tag(key='Name', value=config.get('tags', 'name'), propagate_at_launch=True, resource_id=config.get('autoscalegroup', 'name'))