def s3_download_file( bucket: str, s3_client: boto3.Session.client, filename: str, out_dir: Path, prefix: Optional[str] = "", ) -> None: """Downloads file with given prefix from s3 bucket. :param bucket: The name of the s3 bucket to download file from. :pram s3_client: The s3 client to download the files. :param filename: The name of a file in s3 bucket. :param prefix: The prefix to s3 file structure. :param out_dir: The output directory to store the the file. :return: None. The file is downloaded to out_dir. :raises: FileNotFoundError: If `filename` is not in s3 bucket. """ paginator = s3_client.get_paginator("list_objects_v2", ) for _page in paginator.paginate(Bucket=bucket, Prefix=prefix): for content in _page["Contents"]: _key = content["Key"] if Path(_key).name == filename: s3_client.download_file( bucket, _key, out_dir.joinpath(Path(_key).name).as_posix()) return raise FileNotFoundError(f"{filename} not found in s3 {bucket}")
def s3_upload_file( up_file: Union[str, Path], s3_client: boto3.Session.client, bucket: str, prefix: Optional[str] = "", ) -> None: """Uploads file into s3_bucket in a prefix folder. :param up_file: The full path to a file to be uploaded. :param s3_client: s3 client to upload the files. :param bucket: The name of s3 bucket to upload the files into. :param prefix: The output directory to put file in s3 bucket. :raises: ValueError if file fails to upload to s3 bucket. """ filename = Path(up_file).name s3_path = f"{prefix}/{filename}" try: s3_client.head_object(Bucket=s3_bucket, Key=s3_path)"{filename} exists in {bucket}/{prefix}, skipped upload") except: try: s3_client.upload_file(up_file.as_posix(), bucket, Key=s3_path) except ClientError as e: raise ValueError( f"failed to upload {filename} at {bucket}/{prefix}")
def ingest_data(write_client: boto3.Session.client, device: str, r_min: float, r_max: float, curr_time: str): # curr_time = get_curr_time_milli() # Initialize dimensions (metadata) dimensions = [ { "Name": "region", "Value": "us-east-1" }, { "Name": "device_group", "Value": "ah-sms" }, { "Name": "device", "Value": device }, ] # Initialize measures (data) temperature = { "Dimensions": dimensions, "MeasureName": "temperature", "MeasureValue": str(round(random.uniform(r_min, r_max))), "MeasureValueType": "DOUBLE", "Time": curr_time } # Store all measures as a list of records records = [temperature] # Write data try: result = write_client.write_records(DatabaseName="Iot-Test", TableName="TestTable", Records=records, CommonAttributes={}) except write_client.exceptions.RejectedRecordsException as err: print(f"Rejected Records: {err}") except Exception as err: print(f"Error: {err}")
def s3_upload( up_file: Union[str, Path], s3_client: boto3.Session.client, bucket: str, prefix: Optional[str] = "", replace: Optional[bool] = True, ): """Uploads file into s3_bucket in a prefix folder. :param up_file: Full path to file that will be uploaded to s3. :param s3_client: s3 client to upload the files. :param bucket: The name of s3 bucket to upload the files into. :param prefix: The output directory to put file in s3 bucket. :param replace: Optional parameter to specify if files in s3 bucket is to be replaced if it exists. :return: True if uploaded, else False :raises: ValueError if file fails to upload to s3 bucket. """ filename = Path(up_file).name s3_path = f"{prefix}/{filename}" try: s3_client.head_object(Bucket=bucket, Key=s3_path) if replace: s3_client.upload_file(up_file.as_posix(), bucket, Key=s3_path) return True else: f"{filename} exists in {bucket}/{prefix}, skipped upload") return False except ClientError: try: s3_client.upload_file(up_file.as_posix(), bucket, Key=s3_path) return True except ClientError: raise ValueError( f"failed to upload {filename} at {bucket}/{prefix}")
def get_current_account_id(sts_client: boto3.Session.client) -> str: """Get the current account ID""" response = sts_client.get_caller_identity() current_account_id: str = response.get("Account", "") return current_account_id
def _get_key_id_with_alias(self, name: str, client: boto3.Session.client) -> str: """Given an alias, return the key ID""" response = client.describe_key(KeyId=name) key_id = response.get("KeyMetadata").get("KeyId") return key_id
def get_current_account_id(sts_client: boto3.Session.client) -> str: response = sts_client.get_caller_identity() current_account_id = response.get("Account") return current_account_id