def init(self): = self.param['window'] self.cols = self.param['col'] self.types = self.param['type'] self.translation_cols = self.param.get('translation') self.scale_cols = self.param.get('scale') self.move_window_mapping = { "mean": lambda c, s, t, w: bn.move_mean(c, w) * s + t, "std": lambda c, s, t, w: bn.move_std(c, w) * s, "var": lambda c, s, t, w: bn.move_var(c, w) * s * s, "min": lambda c, s, t, w: bn.move_min(c, w) * s + t, "max": lambda c, s, t, w: bn.move_max(c, w) * s + t, "rank": lambda c, s, t, w: bn.move_rank(c, w), "sum": lambda c, s, t, w: bn.move_sum(c, w) * s + t * w, "ema": lambda c, s, t, w: F. ema(c, 2.0 / (w + 1), start_indices=self.base.start_indices) * s + t, "rsi": lambda c, s, t, w: F.rsi( c, w, start_indices=self.base.start_indices), "psy": lambda c, s, t, w: F.psy( c, w, start_indices=self.base.start_indices), "bias": lambda c, s, t, w: F.bias( c, w, start_indices=self.base.start_indices) }
def Ts_max(A, n): ''' 计算n天(包括当天)的最大值 n >= 1 ''' if n < 1: #print ("计算n天的最大值,n不得小于1,返回输入") return A result = bk.move_max(A, n, min_count=1, axis=0) result[np.isnan(A)] = np.nan return result
def _wr(arr_h, arr_l, arr_c, arr_o, window, start_indices): high_n = bn.move_max(arr_h,window) low_n = bn.move_min(arr_l,window) res = np.where(high_n - low_n!=0, 100*(high_n - arr_c) / (high_n - low_n), 50) pre_cnt = 0.0 N = arr_c.shape[0] N_GROUP = start_indices.shape[0] j = 0 for i in range(N): if j < N_GROUP and start_indices[j] == i: pre_cnt = 0 j += 1 if pre_cnt < window: res[i] = np.nan pre_cnt += 1 return res
def plot(self, window=100, alpha=0.2, save=False, close_plots=False, pre_fix=""): plt.figure() plt.title(pre_fix + "Mean") p = plt.plot(bn.move_mean(self.reward_hist, window=window))[0] if alpha > 0: plt.plot(self.reward_hist, color=p.get_color(), alpha=alpha) plt.xlim(xmin=0) plt.grid(True) if not save is False: plt.savefig(os.path.join(save, "move_mean.svg")) if not close_plots: else: plt.close() plt.figure() plt.title(pre_fix + "Min") plt.plot(bn.move_min(self.reward_hist, window=window)) plt.xlim(xmin=0) plt.grid(True) if not save is False: plt.savefig(os.path.join(save, "move_min.svg")) if not close_plots: else: plt.close() plt.figure() plt.title(pre_fix + "Max") plt.plot(bn.move_max(self.reward_hist, window=window)) plt.xlim(xmin=0) plt.grid(True) if not save is False: plt.savefig(os.path.join(save, "move_max.svg")) if not close_plots: else: plt.close()
def time_move_max(self, dtype, shape, order, axis, window): bn.move_max(self.arr, window, axis=axis)
def time_move_max(self, dtype, shape, window): bn.move_max(self.arr, window)
def cosine_similarity_continuous(run, group, tracetype='deconvolved', trange=(0, 1), rectify=False, exclude_outliers=False, remove_group=None, drop_glm_zeros=False, weight_by_protovector=False, smooth_method=None, smooth_window=None, glm_type='simpglm'): """ Calculate the cosine distance between a GLM protovector and the population. Parameters ---------- run : Run group : str Group in GLM.groups. tracetype : str Type of trace to compare to the GLM protovector. trange : 2-element tuple of float Time range to look at for the protovector. rectify : bool If True, set negative values of the reconstructed vector (before averaging acoss `trange`) to 0. exclude_outliers : bool Not currently supported, eventually exclude some cells from the calculation. remove_group : str, optional If not None, remove this group protovector from the result. drop_glm_zeros : bool If True, remove all cells in which the GLM protovector is <= 0. weight_by_protovector : bool If True, weight each cell's contribution to the cosine similarity by it's protovector weight. smooth_method : {'max'}, optional If not None, method uses to smooth trace before calculating similarity. Has no effect on the protovector itself. smooth_window : int Size of smoothing window. glm_type : str Type of GLM to use. Returns ------- np.ndarray Array of length number of time points corresponding to the cosine similarity between the specified protovector and the population response. 1==most similar, 0==orthogonal, -1==anti-correlated """ glm = run.parent.glm(glm_type=glm_type) unit = glm.protovector(group, trange=trange, rectify=rectify, err=-1, remove_group=remove_group) trace = run.trace2p().trace(tracetype) # Drop cells with any non-finite values keep = np.isfinite(unit) keep = keep & np.all(np.isfinite(trace), axis=1) # Optionally drop outliers if exclude_outliers: keep = keep & cell_activity.keep(run.parent, run_type=run.run_type) # Optionally drop non-positive GLM coefficients if drop_glm_zeros: keep = keep & (unit > 0) # Do the dropping unit = unit[keep] trace = trace[keep, :] if smooth_method == 'max': trace = move_max(trace, window=smooth_window, axis=1) n_processes = cpu_count() - 2 pool = Pool(processes=n_processes) n_frames = trace.shape[1] chunksize = min(200, n_frames // n_processes) result = np.empty(n_frames, dtype=float) if not weight_by_protovector: for idx, res in enumerate( pool.imap(_unpack_cosine, izip(trace.T, repeat(unit)), chunksize=chunksize)): result[idx] = res else: weights = np.clip(unit, 0., 1.) for idx, res in enumerate( pool.imap(_unpack_cosine, izip(trace.T, repeat(unit), repeat(weights)), chunksize=chunksize)): result[idx] = res pool.close() # scipy.spatial.distance.cdist should be able to do this, but as of 190207 # it keeps silently crashing the kernel (at least in Jupyter notebooks) # result = [cosine(trace_t, unit) for trace_t in trace.T] return 1.0 - np.array(result)