Example #1
def ts_rank_m(x, period):
    #    res = np.zeros(x.shape) * np.nan
    #    for ix in range(0, x.shape[0] - period + 1):
    #        res[ix + period - 1] = (np.argsort(np.argsort(x[ix:ix + period], axis=0), axis=0)[-1] + 1) * 1. / period
    #    res[np.isnan(x)] = np.nan
    res = bn.move_rank(x, period, min_count=1, axis=0)
    return res
Example #2
def getStatsTS(X, Y, quantile=10, window=500, minCnt=250):
    X: Input factor, shape should be 40320*1082
    Y: Existing factor, price
    Calculate the return of 10, 20 ,30 by
    Standardized Return_i = (Price_t+i-Price_t)/Price_t/i
    def calcFwdRet(price, window=30):
        fwd = np.roll(price, -window, axis=0)
        fwd[-window:, :] = np.nan

        return fwd / price - 1

    print('Now Calculating IC and IR matrix, start counting...')
    t0 = time.time()
    X = np.asarray(X)
    Y = np.asarray(Y)
    Y_ = np.zeros(Y.shape)
    for i in range(len(Y) - 30):
        for j in range(Y.shape[1]):
            Y_[i, j] = (Y[i + 30, j] - Y[i, j]) / Y[i, j] / 30

    Y = Y_
    if X.shape != Y.shape:
    N = len(X)
    IC = np.zeros((N, ))

    bottom = 1.0 / quantile
    top = 1 - bottom

    # ts rank
    X = bn.move_rank(X, window=window, min_count=minCnt, axis=0)
    # norm to [0, 1]
    X = 0.5 * (X + 1)

    # get common data
    X = np.where((~np.isnan(X) & (~np.isnan(Y))), X, np.nan)
    Y = np.where((~np.isnan(X) & (~np.isnan(Y))), Y, np.nan)
    # cross-rank Y
    Y_rk = bn.nanrankdata(Y, axis=1)
    Y_rk /= bn.nanmax(Y_rk, axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]

    # ls
    LS = np.nanmean(np.where(X > top, Y, np.nan), axis=1) \
         - np.nanmean(np.where(X < bottom, Y, np.nan), axis=1)

    # Loop
    for ii in range(N):
        IC[ii] = np.corrcoef(X[ii][~np.isnan(X[ii])],
                             Y_rk[ii][~np.isnan(Y_rk[ii])])[0, 1]

    t1 = time.time()
    print("total time used for IC and LS matrix calculation is:", (t1 - t0))
    return IC, LS
Example #3
 def init(self):
     self.windows = self.param['window']
     self.cols = self.param['col']
     self.types = self.param['type']
     self.translation_cols = self.param.get('translation')
     self.scale_cols = self.param.get('scale')
     self.move_window_mapping = {
         lambda c, s, t, w: bn.move_mean(c, w) * s + t,
         lambda c, s, t, w: bn.move_std(c, w) * s,
         lambda c, s, t, w: bn.move_var(c, w) * s * s,
         lambda c, s, t, w: bn.move_min(c, w) * s + t,
         lambda c, s, t, w: bn.move_max(c, w) * s + t,
         lambda c, s, t, w: bn.move_rank(c, w),
         lambda c, s, t, w: bn.move_sum(c, w) * s + t * w,
         lambda c, s, t, w: F.
         ema(c, 2.0 /
             (w + 1), start_indices=self.base.start_indices) * s + t,
         lambda c, s, t, w: F.rsi(
             c, w, start_indices=self.base.start_indices),
         lambda c, s, t, w: F.psy(
             c, w, start_indices=self.base.start_indices),
         lambda c, s, t, w: F.bias(
             c, w, start_indices=self.base.start_indices)
def Ts_rank(A, n):
    if n < 2:
        #print ("计算周期的排序,n不得小于2,返回输入")
        return A
    result = bk.move_rank(A, n, axis=0, min_count=1)
    result[np.isnan(A)] = np.nan
    result = result + 2  # 不希望值中出现0
    return result
Example #5
def ts_rank(data,period):
    result = bk.move_rank(data,window=period, min_count=1,axis = 0)
    return (result+1)/2
def main():

    lines = getLines()

    hdr = getHdr(lines)  # array

    if sys.argv[1] == 'hdrs':
        hdrList = '\n'.join(hdr)

    colRefs = getColRefs(hdr)
    #print('colRefs: {}'.format(colRefs))

    windowPeriod = int(sys.argv[1])

    workingColumns = []
    for column in sys.argv[2:]:

    validateWorkingColumns(hdr, workingColumns)

    #print('working columns: {}'.format(' - '.join(workingColumns)))
    #print('first line: {}'.format(lines[0]))

    # get the position in the data array for each column to check
    colNums = [colRefs[i] for i in workingColumns]
    #print('colNums: {}'.format(colNums))


    # this is a dict of lists, where each list is all values for the column
    #colValues = getDataSet(colRefs[workingColumns[0]],lines)
    colValues = getDataSet(colRefs, workingColumns, lines)


    ratesRising = False

    for colName in workingColumns:
        colNum = colRefs[colName]
        ma = bn.move_rank(colValues[colNum], window=windowPeriod)

        #print('len(ma): {}'.format(len(ma)))
        #for i in range(0,len(ma)):

        #if math.isnan(ma[i]):

        #if i%72 == 0:

        # skip the first windowPeriod of values, as they are 'nan'
        avgFirstPeriod = average(ma[windowPeriod:windowPeriod * 2])

        midStart = int(len(ma) - (windowPeriod / 2))

        avgMiddlePeriod = average(ma[midStart:midStart + windowPeriod])
        avgLastPeriod = average(ma[len(ma) - windowPeriod:])

        if (avgMiddlePeriod > avgFirstPeriod > 0) and (avgLastPeriod >
                                                       avgMiddlePeriod > 0):
            #if True:
            ratesRising = True
            #print('{} is rising: {} {} {}'.format(colName,avgFirstPeriod,avgMiddlePeriod,avgLastPeriod))
            print('{} is rising'.format(colName))
            print(' avgFirstPeriod: {:0.6f}'.format(avgFirstPeriod))
            print('avgMiddlePeriod: {:0.6f}'.format(avgMiddlePeriod))
            print('  avgLastPeriod: {:0.6f}'.format(avgLastPeriod))
            print('     %increased: {:5.0f}'.format(
                ((avgLastPeriod / avgFirstPeriod) - 1) * 100))


    if ratesRising:
Example #7
 def time_move_rank(self, dtype, shape, order, axis, window):
     bn.move_rank(self.arr, window, axis=axis)
Example #8
 def time_move_rank(self, dtype, shape, window):
     bn.move_rank(self.arr, window)