Example #1
async def find_by_id(message: types.Message, state: FSMContext):
    _id = re.match("^/?[i|I][d|D]\s*:?\s*([0-9a-z]{24})", message.text).group(1)
    res = botutils.get_from_wiki(id=_id, ret_fields=["name"])["_id"]
    if res:
        async with state.proxy() as idp:
            idp["_id"] = res["_id"]
        await EditProcess._id.set()
        await message.answer(f"Found : {res['name']}")
        await message.answer("Are you sure you want to edit this one?", reply_markup=botutils.get_replymarkup_yesno())
Example #2
async def finish_adding_media(message: types.Message, state: FSMContext):
    async with state.proxy() as data:
        _id = data["_id"]
        new_attachments = data.get("new_field_media", [])
        old_field = data["old_field"]
        access_token = data.get("access_token", "")
    res = botutils.update_in_wiki(_id, {old_field : new_attachments}, access_token)
    await message.answer(f"Send to API {len(new_attachments)} items.", reply_markup=botutils.get_replymarkup_yesno())
    if res == 1:
        await message.answer(f"You have succesfully updated field '{old_field}'.")
        await message.answer(f"Something went wrong, the field was not updated. Try /login command.")
    await message.answer(f"Do you want to change another one?")
    await EditProcess._id.set()
Example #3
async def process_name(message: types.Message, state: FSMContext):
    async with state.proxy() as data:
        matches = re.match("(.*) \((.+)\)", message.text)
        if matches is None:
        name, _id = matches.groups()
        for word_id, word_name in data['names'].items():
            if word_name == name and str(word_id)[-5:] == _id:
                data["_id"] = word_id
                data["word_info"] = botutils.get_from_wiki(id=word_id)["_id"]
                word_info = data["word_info"]
    await EditProcess._id.set()
    await message.answer(botutils.format_page_info(word_info))
    await message.answer("Are you sure you want to edit this one?", reply_markup=botutils.get_replymarkup_yesno())
Example #4
async def process_name(message: types.Message, state: FSMContext):
    async with state.proxy() as data:
        data["_id"] = data['names'][message.text]
    await EditProcess._id.set()
    await message.answer("Are you sure want to edit this one?",
Example #5
async def get_new_field_value(message: types.Message, state: FSMContext):
    global ARRAY_FIELDS
    async with state.proxy() as data:
        _id = data["_id"]
        old_field = data["old_field"]
        access_token = data.get("access_token", "")
    if old_field in ARRAY_FIELDS:
        new_val = [x.strip() for x in message.text.strip().lstrip("[").rstrip("]").split(",")]
        new_val = message.text
    res = botutils.update_in_wiki(_id, {old_field : new_val}, access_token)
    if res == 1:
        await message.answer(f"You have succesfully updated the field '{old_field}'.", reply_markup=botutils.get_replymarkup_yesno())
        await message.answer(f"Something went wrong, the field is not updated. Try /login command.", reply_markup=botutils.get_replymarkup_yesno())
    await message.answer(f"Do you want to change another one?")
    await EditProcess._id.set()
Example #6
async def edit_or_delete(message: types.Message, state: FSMContext):
    async with state.proxy() as data:
        data["word_info"] = botutils.get_from_wiki(id=data["_id"])["_id"]
        word_info = data["word_info"]
        if message.text == 'Edit':
            logging.debug(f"User {message.from_user.id} is edititng {data['_id']}")
            del word_info["_id"]
            await EditProcess.old_field.set()
            await message.answer("What field do you want to change? (or create a new one)", reply_markup=botutils.get_replymarkup_fields(word_info))
        elif message.text == 'Delete':
            await EditProcess.delete_confirmation.set()
            await message.answer('Are you sure you want to delete this object?', reply_markup=botutils.get_replymarkup_yesno())
Example #7
async def confirm_new_obj(message: types.Message, state: FSMContext):
    await CreateProcess.confiramtion.set()
    await message.answer("Are you sure you want to create this one?", reply_markup=botutils.get_replymarkup_yesno())