Example #1
def slab(nx, ny, nz,
         Lx=0.1, Ly=10., Lz = 1.,
         Bt=1.0, Bp = 0.1, Bpprime = 1.0):
    nx  - Number of radial points
    ny  - Number of toroidal points (NOTE: Different to BOUT++ standard)
    nz  - Number of poloidal points

    Lx  - Radial domain size  [m]
    Ly  - Toroidal domain size [m]
    Lz  - Poloidal domain size [m]

    Bt  - Toroidal magnetic field [T]
    Bp  - Poloidal magnetic field [T]
    Bpprime - Gradient of Bp [T/m]  Bp(x) = Bp + Bpprime * x

    MXG = 2

    # Make sure input types are sane
    nx = int(nx)
    ny = int(ny)
    nz = int(nz)

    Lx = float(Lx)
    Ly = float(Ly)
    Lz = float(Lz)

    delta_x = old_div(Lx,(nx-2.*MXG))
    delta_pol = old_div(Lz,(nz))
    delta_tor = old_div(Ly,(ny))

    # Coord arrays
    x = Lx * (np.arange(nx) - MXG + 0.5)/(nx - 2.*MXG)  # 0 and 1 half-way between cells
    y = np.linspace(0,Ly,ny)
    z = np.linspace(0,Lz,nz,endpoint=False)


    # Effective major radius
    R = old_div(Ly, (2.*pi))

    # Set poloidal magnetic field

    Bpx = Bp + (x-old_div(Lx,2)) * Bpprime

    Bpxy = np.transpose(np.resize(Bpx, (nz, ny, nx)), (2,1,0))

    Bxy = np.sqrt(Bpxy**2 + Bt**2)

    class Mappoint(object):
        def __init__(self, xt, zt):
            self.xt = xt
            self.zt = zt

            self.xt_prime = old_div(xt,delta_x) + MXG - 0.5
            self.zt_prime = old_div(zt,delta_pol)

    def unroll_map_coeff(map_list, coeff):
        coeff_array = np.transpose(np.resize(np.array([getattr(f, coeff) for f in map_list]).reshape( (nx,nz) ), (ny, nx, nz) ), (1, 0, 2) )
        return coeff_array

    def b_field(vector, y):
        x0 = old_div(Lx,2.)                    # Centre of box, where bz = 0.
        x, z = vector;
        bx = 0.
        bz = Bp + (x-x0) * Bpprime

        return [bx, bz]

    def field_line_tracer(direction, map_list):

        result = np.zeros( (nx, nz, 2) )

        for i in np.arange(0,nx):
            for k in np.arange(0,nz):
                result[i,k,:] = odeint(b_field, [x[i], z[k]], [0, delta_tor*direction])[1,:]
                result[i,k,1] = np.mod(result[i,k,1], Lz)


        return result

    forward_map = []
    forward_coords = field_line_tracer(+1, forward_map)
    backward_map = []
    backward_coords = field_line_tracer(-1, backward_map)

    X,Y = np.meshgrid(x,y,indexing='ij')
    x0 = 0.5
    g_22 = old_div(((Bp + (X-x0) * Lx * Bpprime)**2 + Bt**2), Bt**2)

    with bdata.DataFile(filename, write=True, create=True) as f:
        f.write('nx', nx)
        f.write('ny', ny)
        f.write('nz', nz)
        f.write("dx", delta_x)
        f.write("dy", delta_tor)
        f.write("g_22", g_22)
        f.write("Bxy", transform3D(Bxy))

        # Note: If "nz" is put into the file, then 3D variables
        # should not be transformed since they will be read directly into
        # BOUT++ arrays without Fourier transforming

        xt_prime = unroll_map_coeff(forward_map, 'xt_prime')
        #f.write('forward_xt_prime', transform3D(xt_prime))
        f.write('forward_xt_prime', xt_prime)
        zt_prime = unroll_map_coeff(forward_map, 'zt_prime')
        #f.write('forward_zt_prime', transform3D(zt_prime))
        f.write('forward_zt_prime', zt_prime)

        xt_prime = unroll_map_coeff(backward_map, 'xt_prime')
        #f.write('backward_xt_prime', transform3D(xt_prime))
        f.write('backward_xt_prime', xt_prime)
        zt_prime = unroll_map_coeff(backward_map, 'zt_prime')
        #f.write('backward_zt_prime', transform3D(zt_prime))
        f.write('backward_zt_prime', zt_prime)
Example #2
if __name__ == "__main__":

    forward_map = []
    forward_coords = field_line_tracer(+1, forward_map)
    backward_map = []
    backward_coords = field_line_tracer(-1, backward_map)

    X,Y = np.meshgrid(x,y,indexing='ij')
    x0 = 0.5
    g_22 = np.sqrt(((Bp + (X-x0) * Lx * Bpprime)**2 + 1))

    with bdata.DataFile('fci.grid.nc', write=True, create=True) as f:
        f.write('nx', nx)
        f.write('ny', ny)
        f.write('nz', nz)
        f.write("dx", delta_x)
        f.write("dy", delta_tor)
        f.write("g_22", g_22)
        f.write("Bxy", transform3D(Bxy))
        xt_prime = unroll_map_coeff(forward_map, 'xt_prime')
        f.write('forward_xt_prime', transform3D(xt_prime))
        zt_prime = unroll_map_coeff(forward_map, 'zt_prime')
        f.write('forward_zt_prime', transform3D(zt_prime))

        xt_prime = unroll_map_coeff(backward_map, 'xt_prime')
        f.write('backward_xt_prime', transform3D(xt_prime))
        zt_prime = unroll_map_coeff(backward_map, 'zt_prime')
        f.write('backward_zt_prime', transform3D(zt_prime))
Example #3
import boututils.datafile as bdata
from boutdata.input import transform3D

# Parameters
nx = 10
ny = 20
nz = 8

shape = [nx, ny, nz]

xt_prime = zeros(shape)
zt_prime = zeros(shape)

for x in range(nx):
    # No interpolation in x
    xt_prime[x,:,:] = x

    # Each y slice scans between neighbouring z points
    for z in range(nz):
        zt_prime[x,:,z] = z + concatenate([linspace(-1, 1, ny-1), [0]])

with bdata.DataFile('simple_test.nc', write=True, create=True) as f:
    for direction_name in ['forward', 'backward']:
        f.write(direction_name + '_xt_prime', transform3D(xt_prime))
        f.write(direction_name + '_zt_prime', transform3D(zt_prime))
Example #4
def slab(nx,
    nx  - Number of radial points
    ny  - Number of toroidal points (NOTE: Different to BOUT++ standard)
    nz  - Number of poloidal points
    Lx  - Radial domain size  [m]
    Ly  - Toroidal domain size [m]
    Lz  - Poloidal domain size [m]
    Bt  - Toroidal magnetic field [T]
    Bp  - Poloidal magnetic field [T]
    Bpprime - Gradient of Bp [T/m]  Bp(x) = Bp + Bpprime * x

    MXG = 2

    # Make sure input types are sane
    nx = int(nx)
    ny = int(ny)
    nz = int(nz)

    Lx = float(Lx)
    Ly = float(Ly)
    Lz = float(Lz)

    delta_x = old_div(Lx, (nx - 2. * MXG))
    delta_pol = old_div(Lz, (nz))
    delta_tor = old_div(Ly, (ny))

    # Coord arrays
    x = Lx * (np.arange(nx) - MXG + 0.5) / (nx - 2. * MXG
                                            )  # 0 and 1 half-way between cells
    y = np.linspace(0, Ly, ny)
    z = np.linspace(0, Lz, nz, endpoint=False)


    # Effective major radius
    R = old_div(Ly, (2. * pi))

    # Set poloidal magnetic field

    Bpx = Bp + (x - old_div(Lx, 2)) * Bpprime

    Bpxy = np.transpose(np.resize(Bpx, (nz, ny, nx)), (2, 1, 0))

    Bxy = np.sqrt(Bpxy**2 + Bt**2)

    class Mappoint(object):
        def __init__(self, xt, zt):
            self.xt = xt
            self.zt = zt

            self.xt_prime = old_div(xt, delta_x) + MXG - 0.5
            self.zt_prime = old_div(zt, delta_pol)

    def unroll_map_coeff(map_list, coeff):
        coeff_array = np.transpose(
                np.array([getattr(f, coeff) for f in map_list]).reshape(
                    (nx, nz)), (ny, nx, nz)), (1, 0, 2))
        return coeff_array

    def b_field(vector, y):
        x0 = old_div(Lx, 2.)  # Centre of box, where bz = 0.
        x, z = vector
        bx = 0.
        bz = Bp + (x - x0) * Bpprime

        return [bx, bz]

    def field_line_tracer(direction, map_list):

        result = np.zeros((nx, nz, 2))

        for i in np.arange(0, nx):
            for k in np.arange(0, nz):
                result[i, k, :] = odeint(b_field, [x[i], z[k]],
                                         [0, delta_tor * direction])[1, :]
                result[i, k, 1] = np.mod(result[i, k, 1], Lz)

                map_list.append(Mappoint(result[i, k, 0], result[i, k, 1]))

        return result

    forward_map = []
    forward_coords = field_line_tracer(+1, forward_map)
    backward_map = []
    backward_coords = field_line_tracer(-1, backward_map)

    X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y, indexing='ij')
    x0 = 0.5
    g_22 = old_div(((Bp + (X - x0) * Lx * Bpprime)**2 + Bt**2), Bt**2)

    with bdata.DataFile(filename, write=True, create=True) as f:
        f.write('nx', nx)
        f.write('ny', ny)
        f.write('nz', nz)
        f.write("dx", delta_x)
        f.write("dy", delta_tor)
        f.write("g_22", g_22)
        f.write("Bxy", transform3D(Bxy))

        # Note: If "nz" is put into the file, then 3D variables
        # should not be transformed since they will be read directly into
        # BOUT++ arrays without Fourier transforming

        xt_prime = unroll_map_coeff(forward_map, 'xt_prime')
        #f.write('forward_xt_prime', transform3D(xt_prime))
        f.write('forward_xt_prime', xt_prime)
        zt_prime = unroll_map_coeff(forward_map, 'zt_prime')
        #f.write('forward_zt_prime', transform3D(zt_prime))
        f.write('forward_zt_prime', zt_prime)

        xt_prime = unroll_map_coeff(backward_map, 'xt_prime')
        #f.write('backward_xt_prime', transform3D(xt_prime))
        f.write('backward_xt_prime', xt_prime)
        zt_prime = unroll_map_coeff(backward_map, 'zt_prime')
        #f.write('backward_zt_prime', transform3D(zt_prime))
        f.write('backward_zt_prime', zt_prime)
Example #5
def write_maps(grid,
    """Write FCI maps to BOUT++ grid file

    grid           - Grid generated by Zoidberg
    magnetic_field - Zoidberg magnetic field object
    maps           - Dictionary of FCI maps
    gridfile       - Output filename
    legacy         - If true, write FCI maps using FFTs

    nx, ny, nz = (grid.nx, grid.ny, grid.nz)
    xarray, yarray, zarray = (grid.xarray, grid.yarray, grid.zarray)

    g_22 = np.zeros((nx, ny)) + 1. / grid.Rmaj**2

    totalbx = np.zeros((nx, ny, nz))
    totalbz = np.zeros((nx, ny, nz))
    Bxy = np.zeros((nx, ny, nz))
    for i in np.arange(0, nx):
        for j in np.arange(0, ny):
            for k in np.arange(0, nz):
                Bxy[i, j, k] = np.sqrt((
                    magnetic_field.Bxfunc(xarray[i], zarray[k], yarray[j])**2 +
                    magnetic_field.Bzfunc(xarray[i], zarray[k], yarray[j])**2))
                totalbx[i, j,
                        k] = magnetic_field.Bxfunc(xarray[i], zarray[k],
                totalbz[i, j,
                        k] = magnetic_field.Bzfunc(xarray[i], zarray[k],

    with bdata.DataFile(gridfile, write=True, create=True) as f:
        ixseps = nx + 1
        f.write('nx', grid.nx)
        f.write('ny', grid.ny)
        if not legacy:
            # Legacy files don't need nz
            f.write('nz', grid.nz)

        f.write("dx", grid.delta_x)
        f.write("dy", grid.delta_y)

        f.write("ixseps1", ixseps)
        f.write("ixseps2", ixseps)

        f.write("g_22", g_22)

        f.write("Bxy", Bxy[:, :, 0])
        f.write("bx", totalbx)
        f.write("bz", totalbz)

        # Legacy grid files need to FFT 3D arrays
        if legacy:
            from boutdata.input import transform3D
            f.write('forward_xt_prime', transform3D(maps['forward_xt_prime']))
            f.write('forward_zt_prime', transform3D(maps['forward_zt_prime']))

            f.write('forward_xt_prime', maps['forward_xt_prime'])
            f.write('forward_zt_prime', maps['forward_zt_prime'])

            f.write('backward_xt_prime', maps['backward_xt_prime'])
            f.write('backward_zt_prime', maps['backward_zt_prime'])