def imageInstall(self): if self.check_free_space(): pluginpath = '/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/NFR4XBoot' myerror = '' source = self.source.value.replace(' ', '') target =' ', '') for fn in os.listdir('/media/nfr4xboot/NFR4XBootI'): if fn == target: myerror = _('Sorry, an Image with the name ') + target + _( ' is already installed.\n Please try another name.') continue if source == 'None': myerror = _( 'You have to select one Image to install.\nPlease, upload your zip file in the folder: /media/nfr4xboot/NFR4XBootUpload and select the image to install.' ) if target == '': myerror = _('You have to provide a name for the new Image.') if target == 'Flash': myerror = _( 'Sorry this name is reserved. Choose another name for the new Image.' ) if len(target) > 35: myerror = _('Sorry the name of the new Image is too long.') if myerror: myerror, myerror, MessageBox.TYPE_INFO) else: myerror message = "echo -e '\n\n" message += _('NFR4XBoot will install the new image.\n\n') message += _( 'Please: DO NOT reboot your STB and turn off the power.\n\n' ) message += _( 'The new image will be installed and auto booted in few minutes.\n\n' ) message += "'" if fileExists(pluginpath + '/'): cmd1 = 'python ' + pluginpath + '/' elif fileExists(pluginpath + '/ex_init.pyc'): cmd1 = 'python ' + pluginpath + '/ex_init.pyc' else: cmd1 = 'python ' + pluginpath + '/ex_init.pyo' cmd = '%s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s' % ( cmd1, source, target.replace(' ', '.'), str( self.sett.value), str( self.bootquest.value), str(self.zipdelete.value), getImageFolder(), getMachineRootFile(), getImageArch()) print('[NFR4X-BOOT]: ', cmd), _('NFR4XBoot: Install new image'), [message, cmd])
def getFFmpegVersionString(): try: from glob import glob if not getImageArch() == "aarch64": ffmpeg = [ x.split("Version: ") for x in open( glob("/var/lib/opkg/info/ffmpeg.control")[0], "r") if x.startswith("Version:") ][0] else: ffmpeg = [ x.split("Version: ") for x in open( glob("/var/lib/opkg/info/ffmpeg.control")[0], "r") if x.startswith("Version:") ][0] return "%s" % ffmpeg[1].split("-")[0].replace("\n", "") except: return _("unknown")
def green(self, ret = None): sel = self['imageList'].l.getCurrentSelection() if sel == None: print 'Nothing to select !!' return else: file_name = self.imagePath + '/' + sel self.filename = file_name self.sel = sel box = self.hide() if self.distro == 'openvix': url = self.feedurl + '/openvix-builds/' + box[1] + '/' + sel elif self.distro == 'openpli': url = '' + box[0] + '/' + sel elif self.distro == 'openeight': url = self.feedurl + '/images/' + box[0] + '/' + sel elif self.distro == 'openhdf': url = self.feedurl + '/' + sel #url = '' + box[0] + '/' + sel elif self.distro == 'pure2': url = '' + BRANDOEM + '/' + sel elif self.distro == 'opendroid': url = self.feedurl + '/' + BRANDOEMDROID + '/' + MASCHINEBUILD + '/' + sel elif self.distro == 'satdreamgr': url = self.feedurl + '/' + sel elif self.distro == 'hdmu': self.feedurl2 = '' if "cortexa15hf" in getImageArch(): url = '' + box[0] + '/' + sel else: url = '' + box[0] + '/' + sel elif self.distro == 'egami': if box[0] == "ax51": url = '' + sel else: url = '' + box[0] + '/' + sel elif self.distro == 'opendroid': url = self.feedurl + '/' + box[0] + '/' + box[1] + '/' + sel else: url = self.feedurl + '/' + box[0] + '/' + sel print '[NFR4XBoot] Image download url: ', url try: u = urllib2.urlopen(url) except:, _('The URL to this image is not correct !!'), type=MessageBox.TYPE_ERROR) self.close() f = open(file_name, 'wb') f.close() try: meta = file_size = int(meta.getheaders('Content-Length')[0]) print 'Downloading: %s Bytes: %s' % (sel, file_size) job = ImageDownloadJob(url, file_name, sel) job.afterEvent = 'close' job_manager.AddJob(job) job_manager.failed_jobs = [] self.session.openWithCallback(self.ImageDownloadCB, JobView, job, backgroundable=False, afterEventChangeable=False) return except:, _('The URL to this image is not correct !!'), type=MessageBox.TYPE_ERROR) self.close()
def getInfo(session=None, need_fullinfo=False): # TODO: get webif versione somewhere! info = {} global STATICBOXINFO if not (STATICBOXINFO is None or need_fullinfo): return STATICBOXINFO info['brand'] = getBoxBrand() info['model'] = getBoxType() info['platform'] = boxbranding.getMachineBuild() try: info['procmodel'] = getBoxProc() except: # noqa: E722 info['procmodel'] = boxbranding.getMachineProcModel() try: info['procmodeltype'] = getBoxProcType() except: # noqa: E722 info['procmodeltype'] = None try: info['lcd'] = getLcd() except: # noqa: E722 info['lcd'] = 0 try: info['grabpip'] = getGrabPip() except: # noqa: E722 info['grabpip'] = 0 cpu = about.getCPUInfoString() info['chipset'] = cpu info['cpubrand'] = about.getCPUBrand() info['socfamily'] = boxbranding.getSoCFamily() info['cpuarch'] = about.getCPUArch() if config.OpenWebif.about_benchmark.value is True: info['cpubenchmark'] = about.getCPUBenchmark() else: info['cpubenchmark'] = _("Disabled in configuration") info['flashtype'] = about.getFlashType() memFree = 0 for line in open("/proc/meminfo", 'r'): parts = line.split(':') key = parts[0].strip() if key == "MemTotal": info['mem1'] = parts[1].strip().replace("kB", _("kB")) elif key in ("MemFree", "Buffers", "Cached"): memFree += int(parts[1].strip().split(' ', 1)[0]) info['mem2'] = "%s %s" % (memFree, _("kB")) info['mem3'] = _("%s free / %s total") % (info['mem2'], info['mem1']) info['uptime'] = about.getBoxUptime() info["webifver"] = OPENWEBIFVER info['imagedistro'] = boxbranding.getImageDistro() info['oever'] = boxbranding.getImageBuild() info['visionversion'] = boxbranding.getVisionVersion() info['visionrevision'] = boxbranding.getVisionRevision() info['visionmodule'] = about.getVisionModule() if fileExists("/etc/openvision/multiboot"): multibootflag = open("/etc/openvision/multiboot", "r").read().strip() if multibootflag == "1": info['multiboot'] = _("Yes") else: info['multiboot'] = _("No") else: info['multiboot'] = _("Yes") info['enigmaver'] = getEnigmaVersionString() info['driverdate'] = about.getDriverInstalledDate() info['kernelver'] = boxbranding.getKernelVersion() info['dvbapitype'] = about.getDVBAPI() info['gstreamerversion'] = about.getGStreamerVersionString(cpu) info['ffmpegversion'] = about.getFFmpegVersionString() info['pythonversion'] = about.getPythonVersionString() try: info['hwserial'] = getHWSerial() except: # noqa: E722 info['hwserial'] = None if (info['hwserial'] is None or info['hwserial'] == "unknown"): info['hwserial'] = about.getCPUSerial() try: info['boxrctype'] = getBoxRCType() except: # noqa: E722 info['boxrctype'] = None if (info['boxrctype'] is None or info['boxrctype'] == "unknown"): if fileExists("/usr/bin/remotecfg"): info['boxrctype'] = _("Amlogic remote") elif fileExists("/usr/sbin/lircd"): info['boxrctype'] = _("LIRC remote") info['ovrctype'] = boxbranding.getRCType() info['ovrcname'] = boxbranding.getRCName() info['ovrcidnum'] = boxbranding.getRCIDNum() info['transcoding'] = boxbranding.getHaveTranscoding() info['multitranscoding'] = boxbranding.getHaveMultiTranscoding() info['displaytype'] = boxbranding.getDisplayType() info['updatedatestring'] = about.getUpdateDateString() info['enigmadebuglvl'] = eGetEnigmaDebugLvl() info['imagearch'] = boxbranding.getImageArch() info['imagefolder'] = boxbranding.getImageFolder() info['imagefilesystem'] = boxbranding.getImageFileSystem() info['feedsurl'] = boxbranding.getFeedsUrl() info['developername'] = boxbranding.getDeveloperName() info['builddatestring'] = about.getBuildDateString() info['imagefpu'] = boxbranding.getImageFPU() info['havemultilib'] = boxbranding.getHaveMultiLib() try: info['fp_version'] = getFPVersion() except: # noqa: E722 info['fp_version'] = None info['tuners'] = [] for i in list(range(0, nimmanager.getSlotCount())): print( "[OpenWebif] -D- tuner '%d' '%s' '%s'" % (i, nimmanager.getNimName(i), nimmanager.getNim(i).getSlotName())) info['tuners'].append({ "name": nimmanager.getNim(i).getSlotName(), "type": nimmanager.getNimName(i) + " (" + nimmanager.getNim(i).getFriendlyType() + ")", "rec": "", "live": "" }) info['ifaces'] = [] ifaces = iNetwork.getConfiguredAdapters() for iface in ifaces: info['ifaces'].append({ "name": iNetwork.getAdapterName(iface), "friendlynic": getFriendlyNICChipSet(iface), "linkspeed": getLinkSpeed(iface), "mac": iNetwork.getAdapterAttribute(iface, "mac"), "dhcp": iNetwork.getAdapterAttribute(iface, "dhcp"), "ipv4method": getIPv4Method(iface), "ip": formatIp(iNetwork.getAdapterAttribute(iface, "ip")), "mask": formatIp(iNetwork.getAdapterAttribute(iface, "netmask")), "v4prefix": sum([ bin(int(x)).count('1') for x in formatIp( iNetwork.getAdapterAttribute(iface, "netmask")).split('.') ]), "gw": formatIp(iNetwork.getAdapterAttribute(iface, "gateway")), "ipv6": getAdapterIPv6(iface)['addr'], "ipmethod": getIPMethod(iface), "firstpublic": getAdapterIPv6(iface)['firstpublic'] }) info['hdd'] = [] for hdd in harddiskmanager.hdd: dev = hdd.findMount() if dev: stat = os.statvfs(dev) free = stat.f_bavail * stat.f_frsize / 1048576. else: free = -1 if free <= 1024: free = "%i %s" % (free, _("MB")) else: free = free / 1024. free = "%.1f %s" % (free, _("GB")) size = hdd.diskSize() * 1000000 / 1048576. if size > 1048576: size = "%.1f %s" % ((size / 1048576.), _("TB")) elif size > 1024: size = "%.1f %s" % ((size / 1024.), _("GB")) else: size = "%d %s" % (size, _("MB")) iecsize = hdd.diskSize() # Harddisks > 1000 decimal Gigabytes are labelled in TB if iecsize > 1000000: iecsize = (iecsize + 50000) // float(100000) / 10 # Omit decimal fraction if it is 0 if (iecsize % 1 > 0): iecsize = "%.1f %s" % (iecsize, _("TB")) else: iecsize = "%d %s" % (iecsize, _("TB")) # Round harddisk sizes beyond ~300GB to full tens: 320, 500, 640, 750GB elif iecsize > 300000: iecsize = "%d %s" % (((iecsize + 5000) // 10000 * 10), _("GB")) # ... be more precise for media < ~300GB (Sticks, SSDs, CF, MMC, ...): 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 ... 256GB elif iecsize > 1000: iecsize = "%d %s" % (((iecsize + 500) // 1000), _("GB")) else: iecsize = "%d %s" % (iecsize, _("MB")) info['hdd'].append({ "model": hdd.model(), "capacity": size, "labelled_capacity": iecsize, "free": free, "mount": dev, "friendlycapacity": _("%s free / %s total") % (free, size + ' ("' + iecsize + '")') }) info['shares'] = [] autofiles = ('/etc/', '/etc/auto.network_vti') for autofs in autofiles: if fileExists(autofs): method = "autofs" for line in open(autofs).readlines(): if not line.startswith('#'): # Replace escaped spaces that can appear inside credentials with underscores # Not elegant but we wouldn't want to expose credentials on the OWIF anyways tmpline = line.replace("\ ", "_") tmp = tmpline.split() if not len(tmp) == 3: continue name = tmp[0].strip() type = "unknown" if "cifs" in tmp[1]: # Linux still defaults to SMBv1 type = "SMBv1.0" settings = tmp[1].split(",") for setting in settings: if setting.startswith("vers="): type = setting.replace("vers=", "SMBv") elif "nfs" in tmp[1]: type = "NFS" # Default is r/w mode = _("r/w") settings = tmp[1].split(",") for setting in settings: if setting == "ro": mode = _("r/o") uri = tmp[2] parts = [] parts = tmp[2].split(':') if parts[0] == "": server = uri.split('/')[2] uri = uri.strip()[1:] else: server = parts[0] ipaddress = None if server: # Will fail on literal IPs try: # Try IPv6 first, as will Linux if has_ipv6: tmpaddress = None tmpaddress = getaddrinfo(server, 0, AF_INET6) if tmpaddress: ipaddress = "[" + list( tmpaddress)[0][4][0] + "]" # Use IPv4 if IPv6 fails or is not present if ipaddress is None: tmpaddress = None tmpaddress = getaddrinfo(server, 0, AF_INET) if tmpaddress: ipaddress = list(tmpaddress)[0][4][0] except: # noqa: E722 pass friendlyaddress = server if ipaddress is not None and not ipaddress == server: friendlyaddress = server + " (" + ipaddress + ")" info['shares'].append({ "name": name, "method": method, "type": type, "mode": mode, "path": uri, "host": server, "ipaddress": ipaddress, "friendlyaddress": friendlyaddress }) # TODO: fstab info['EX'] = '' if session: try: # gets all current stream clients for images using eStreamServer # TODO: merge eStreamServer and streamList # TODO: get tuner info for streams # TODO: get recoding/timer info if more than one info['streams'] = [] try: from enigma import eStreamServer streamServer = eStreamServer.getInstance() if streamServer is not None: for x in streamServer.getConnectedClients(): servicename = ServiceReference( x[1]).getServiceName() or "(unknown service)" if int(x[2]) == 0: strtype = "S" else: strtype = "T" info['streams'].append({ "ref": x[1], "name": servicename, "ip": x[0], "type": strtype }) except Exception as error: print("[OpenWebif] -D- no eStreamServer %s" % error) recs = NavigationInstance.instance.getRecordings() if recs: # only one stream and only TV from import streamList s_name = '' # s_cip = '' print("[OpenWebif] -D- streamList count '%d'" % len(streamList)) if len(streamList) == 1: from Screens.ChannelSelection import service_types_tv # from enigma import eEPGCache # epgcache = eEPGCache.getInstance() serviceHandler = eServiceCenter.getInstance() services = serviceHandler.list( eServiceReference('%s ORDER BY name' % (service_types_tv))) channels = services and services.getContent("SN", True) s = streamList[0] srefs = s.ref.toString() for channel in channels: if srefs == channel[0]: s_name = channel[1] + ' (' + s.clientIP + ')' break print("[OpenWebif] -D- s_name '%s'" % s_name) # only for debug for stream in streamList: srefs = stream.ref.toString() print("[OpenWebif] -D- srefs '%s'" % srefs) sname = '' timers = [] for timer in NavigationInstance.instance.RecordTimer.timer_list: if timer.isRunning() and not timer.justplay: timers.append( removeBad(timer.service_ref.getServiceName())) print("[OpenWebif] -D- timer '%s'" % timer.service_ref.getServiceName()) # TODO: more than one recording if len(timers) == 1: sname = timers[0] if sname == '' and s_name != '': sname = s_name print("[OpenWebif] -D- recs count '%d'" % len(recs)) for rec in recs: feinfo = rec.frontendInfo() frontendData = feinfo and feinfo.getAll(True) if frontendData is not None: cur_info = feinfo.getTransponderData(True) if cur_info: nr = frontendData['tuner_number'] info['tuners'][nr]['rec'] = getOrbitalText( cur_info) + ' / ' + sname service = session.nav.getCurrentService() if service is not None: sname = feinfo = service.frontendInfo() frontendData = feinfo and feinfo.getAll(True) if frontendData is not None: cur_info = feinfo.getTransponderData(True) if cur_info: nr = frontendData['tuner_number'] info['tuners'][nr]['live'] = getOrbitalText( cur_info) + ' / ' + sname except Exception as error: info['EX'] = error info['timerpipzap'] = False info['timerautoadjust'] = False try: timer = RecordTimerEntry('', 0, 0, '', '', 0) if hasattr(timer, "pipzap"): info['timerpipzap'] = True if hasattr(timer, "autoadjust"): info['timerautoadjust'] = True except Exception as error: print("[OpenWebif] -D- RecordTimerEntry check %s" % error) STATICBOXINFO = info return info
def hassoftcaminstalled(): from Tools.camcontrol import CamControl return len(CamControl("softcam").getList()) > 1 def getBootdevice(): dev = ("root" in cmdline and cmdline["root"].startswith("/dev/")) and cmdline["root"][5:] while dev and not fileExists("/sys/block/%s" % dev): dev = dev[:-1] return dev model = getBoxType() brand = getBoxBrand() platform = getMachineBuild() displaytype = getDisplayType() architecture = getImageArch() socfamily = getSoCFamily() SystemInfo["InDebugMode"] = eGetEnigmaDebugLvl() >= 4 SystemInfo["CommonInterface"] = eDVBCIInterfaces.getInstance().getNumOfSlots() SystemInfo["CommonInterfaceCIDelay"] = fileCheck("/proc/stb/tsmux/rmx_delay") for cislot in range(0, SystemInfo["CommonInterface"]): SystemInfo["CI%dSupportsHighBitrates" % cislot] = fileCheck("/proc/stb/tsmux/ci%d_tsclk" % cislot) SystemInfo["CI%dRelevantPidsRoutingSupport" % cislot] = fileCheck("/proc/stb/tsmux/ci%d_relevant_pids_routing" % cislot) SystemInfo["HasSoftcamInstalled"] = hassoftcaminstalled() SystemInfo["NumVideoDecoders"] = getNumVideoDecoders() SystemInfo["Udev"] = not fileExists("/dev/.devfsd") SystemInfo["PIPAvailable"] = SystemInfo["NumVideoDecoders"] > 1 SystemInfo["CanMeasureFrontendInputPower"] = eDVBResourceManager.getInstance().canMeasureFrontendInputPower() SystemInfo["12V_Output"] = Misc_Options.getInstance().detected_12V_output() SystemInfo["ZapMode"] = fileCheck("/proc/stb/video/zapmode") or fileCheck("/proc/stb/video/zapping_mode")
def __init__(self, session): Screen.__init__(self, session) self.setTitle(_("Open Vision information")) OpenVisionInformationText = _("Open Vision information") + "\n" OpenVisionInformationText += "\n" if config.misc.OVupdatecheck.value is True: try: if boxbranding.getVisionVersion().startswith("10"): ovurl = "" else: ovurl = "" ovresponse = urllib.request.urlopen(ovurl) ovrevision = ovrevisionupdate = ovrevision.split('r')[1][:3] except Exception as e: ovrevisionupdate = _("Requires internet connection") else: ovrevisionupdate = _("Disabled in configuration") if fileExists("/etc/openvision/visionversion"): visionversion = open("/etc/openvision/visionversion", "r").read().strip() OpenVisionInformationText += _("Open Vision version: ") + visionversion + "\n" else: OpenVisionInformationText += _("Open Vision version: ") + boxbranding.getVisionVersion() + "\n" if fileExists("/etc/openvision/visionrevision"): visionrevision = open("/etc/openvision/visionrevision", "r").read().strip() OpenVisionInformationText += _("Open Vision revision: ") + visionrevision + " " + _("(Latest revision on github: ") + str(ovrevisionupdate) + ")" + "\n" else: OpenVisionInformationText += _("Open Vision revision: ") + boxbranding.getVisionRevision() + " " + _("(Latest revision on github: ") + str(ovrevisionupdate) + ")" + "\n" if fileExists("/etc/openvision/visionlanguage"): visionlanguage = open("/etc/openvision/visionlanguage", "r").read().strip() OpenVisionInformationText += _("Open Vision language: ") + visionlanguage + "\n" OpenVisionInformationText += _("Open Vision module: ") + about.getVisionModule() + "\n" OpenVisionInformationText += _("Flash type: ") + about.getFlashType() + "\n" OpenVisionInformationText += "\n" boxrctype = getBoxRCType() if boxrctype is not None and boxrctype != "unknown": OpenVisionInformationText += _("Factory RC type: ") + boxrctype + "\n" if boxrctype is not None and boxrctype == "unknown": if fileExists("/usr/bin/remotecfg"): OpenVisionInformationText += _("RC type: ") + _("Amlogic remote") + "\n" elif fileExists("/usr/sbin/lircd"): OpenVisionInformationText += _("RC type: ") + _("LIRC remote") + "\n" OpenVisionInformationText += _("Open Vision RC type: ") + boxbranding.getRCType() + "\n" OpenVisionInformationText += _("Open Vision RC name: ") + boxbranding.getRCName() + "\n" OpenVisionInformationText += _("Open Vision RC ID number: ") + boxbranding.getRCIDNum() + "\n" OpenVisionInformationText += "\n" if SystemInfo["HiSilicon"]: OpenVisionInformationText += _("HiSilicon dedicated information") + "\n" grab = os.popen("opkg list-installed | grep -- -grab | cut -f4 -d'-'").read().strip() if grab != "" and grab != "r0": OpenVisionInformationText += _("Grab: ") + grab + "\n" hihalt = os.popen("opkg list-installed | grep -- -hihalt | cut -f4 -d'-'").read().strip() if hihalt != "": OpenVisionInformationText += _("Halt: ") + hihalt + "\n" libs = os.popen("opkg list-installed | grep -- -libs | cut -f4 -d'-'").read().strip() if libs != "": OpenVisionInformationText += _("Libs: ") + libs + "\n" partitions = os.popen("opkg list-installed | grep -- -partitions | cut -f4 -d'-'").read().strip() if partitions != "": OpenVisionInformationText += _("Partitions: ") + partitions + "\n" reader = os.popen("opkg list-installed | grep -- -reader | cut -f4 -d'-'").read().strip() if reader != "": OpenVisionInformationText += _("Reader: ") + reader + "\n" showiframe = os.popen("opkg list-installed | grep -- -showiframe | cut -f4 -d'-'").read().strip() if showiframe != "": OpenVisionInformationText += _("Showiframe: ") + showiframe + "\n" OpenVisionInformationText += "\n" OpenVisionInformationText += _("Image architecture: ") + boxbranding.getImageArch() + "\n" if boxbranding.getImageFolder() != "": OpenVisionInformationText += _("Image folder: ") + boxbranding.getImageFolder() + "\n" if boxbranding.getImageFileSystem() != "": OpenVisionInformationText += _("Image file system: ") + boxbranding.getImageFileSystem() + "\n" OpenVisionInformationText += _("Image: ") + boxbranding.getImageDistro() + "\n" OpenVisionInformationText += _("Feed URL: ") + boxbranding.getFeedsUrl() + "\n" OpenVisionInformationText += _("Compiled by: ") + boxbranding.getDeveloperName() + "\n" OpenVisionInformationText += _("Build date: ") + about.getBuildDateString() + "\n" OpenVisionInformationText += _("OE: ") + boxbranding.getImageBuild() + "\n" OpenVisionInformationText += "\n" if boxbranding.getImageFPU() != "": OpenVisionInformationText += _("FPU: ") + boxbranding.getImageFPU() + "\n" if boxbranding.getImageArch() == "aarch64": if boxbranding.getHaveMultiLib() == "True": OpenVisionInformationText += _("MultiLib: ") + _("Yes") + "\n" else: OpenVisionInformationText += _("MultiLib: ") + _("No") + "\n" OpenVisionInformationText += "\n" if boxbranding.getMachineMtdBoot() != "": OpenVisionInformationText += _("MTD boot: ") + boxbranding.getMachineMtdBoot() + "\n" if boxbranding.getMachineMtdRoot() != "": OpenVisionInformationText += _("MTD root: ") + boxbranding.getMachineMtdRoot() + "\n" if boxbranding.getMachineMtdKernel() != "": OpenVisionInformationText += _("MTD kernel: ") + boxbranding.getMachineMtdKernel() + "\n" if boxbranding.getMachineRootFile() != "": OpenVisionInformationText += _("Root file: ") + boxbranding.getMachineRootFile() + "\n" if boxbranding.getMachineKernelFile() != "": OpenVisionInformationText += _("Kernel file: ") + boxbranding.getMachineKernelFile() + "\n" if boxbranding.getMachineMKUBIFS() != "": OpenVisionInformationText += _("MKUBIFS: ") + boxbranding.getMachineMKUBIFS() + "\n" if boxbranding.getMachineUBINIZE() != "": OpenVisionInformationText += _("UBINIZE: ") + boxbranding.getMachineUBINIZE() + "\n" OpenVisionInformationText += "\n" if fileExists("/proc/device-tree/amlogic-dt-id"): devicetid = open("/proc/device-tree/amlogic-dt-id", "r").read().strip() OpenVisionInformationText += _("Device id: ") + devicetid + "\n" if fileExists("/proc/device-tree/le-dt-id"): giventid = open("/proc/device-tree/le-dt-id", "r").read().strip() OpenVisionInformationText += _("Given device id: ") + giventid + "\n" self["AboutScrollLabel"] = ScrollLabel(OpenVisionInformationText) self["key_red"] = Button(_("Close")) self["actions"] = ActionMap(["ColorActions", "SetupActions", "DirectionActions"], { "cancel": self.close, "ok": self.close, "up": self["AboutScrollLabel"].pageUp, "down": self["AboutScrollLabel"].pageDown })
mem_info = [] entrie = os.popen('cat /proc/cmdline').read() if getBoxType() in ('vusolo4k', 'zgemmah7', 'zgemmah9t', 'zgemmah9s', 'e4hdultra'): mem = re.findall('_cma=(.*?)M', entrie) else: mem = re.findall('bmem=(.*?)M', entrie) for info in mem: mem_info.append((info)) if len(mem_info) > 1: bmem = int(mem_info[0]) + int(mem_info[1]) else: if getImageArch() == 'cortexa15hf-neon-vfpv4' or getBoxType() in ( 'zgemmah9s', 'e4hdultra'): bmem = 250 else: bmem = int(mem_info[0]) SkinModeList = [] SkinModeList.append(("hd", _("HD Skin 1280 x 720"))) if bmem > 180: SkinModeList.append(("fullhd", _("FullHD Skin 1920 x 1080"))) #if bmem > 440: # if getBoxType() == 'vusolo4k': # SkinModeList.append(("uhd", _("UHD Skin 3840 x 2160"))) #SkinModeList.append(("4khd", _("4K Skin 4096 x 2160"))) #if bmem > 880: #SkinModeList.append(("fulluhd", _("FullUHD Skin 7680 x 4320")))
print("getMachineRootFile=%s<" %boxbranding.getMachineRootFile()) print("getMachineMKUBIFS=%s<" %boxbranding.getMachineMKUBIFS()) print("getMachineUBINIZE=%s<" %boxbranding.getMachineUBINIZE()) print("getBoxType=%s<" %boxbranding.getBoxType()) print("getBrandOEM=%s<" %boxbranding.getBrandOEM()) print("getOEVersion=%s<" %boxbranding.getOEVersion()) print("getDriverDate=%s<" %boxbranding.getDriverDate()) print("getImageVersion=%s<" %boxbranding.getImageVersion()) print("getImageBuild=%s<" %boxbranding.getImageBuild()) print("getImageDistro=%s<" %boxbranding.getImageDistro()) print("getImageFolder=%s<" %boxbranding.getImageFolder()) print("getImageFileSystem=%s<" %boxbranding.getImageFileSystem()) print("getImageDevBuild=%s<" %boxbranding.getImageDevBuild()) print("getImageType=%s<" %boxbranding.getImageType()) print("getMachineMake=%s<" %boxbranding.getMachineMake()) print("getImageArch=%s<" %boxbranding.getImageArch()) print("getFeedsUrl=%s<" %boxbranding.getFeedsUrl()) print("getDisplayType=%s<" %boxbranding.getDisplayType()) print("getHaveHDMI%s<" %boxbranding.getHaveHDMI()) print("getHaveYUV%s<" %boxbranding.getHaveYUV()) print("getHaveRCA%s<" %boxbranding.getHaveRCA()) print("getHaveAVJACK%s<" %boxbranding.getHaveAVJACK()) print("getHaveSCART%s<" %boxbranding.getHaveSCART()) print("getHaveSCARTYUV%s<" %boxbranding.getHaveSCARTYUV()) print("getHaveDVI%s<" %boxbranding.getHaveDVI()) print("getHaveMiniTV%s<" %boxbranding.getHaveMiniTV()) print("getHaveHDMIinHD%s<" %boxbranding.getHaveHDMIinHD()) print("getHaveHDMIinFHD%s<" %boxbranding.getHaveHDMIinFHD()) print("getHaveWOL%s<" %boxbranding.getHaveWOL()) print("getHaveWWOL%s<" %boxbranding.getHaveWWOL()) print("getHaveTranscoding1%s<" %boxbranding.getHaveTranscoding1())
from Tools.Profile import profile, profile_final profile("PYTHON_START") import Tools.RedirectOutput import enigma from boxbranding import getBoxType, getBrandOEM, getMachineBuild, getImageArch import eConsoleImpl import eBaseImpl enigma.eTimer = eBaseImpl.eTimer enigma.eSocketNotifier = eBaseImpl.eSocketNotifier enigma.eConsoleAppContainer = eConsoleImpl.eConsoleAppContainer boxtype = getBoxType() if getImageArch() in ("aarch64"): import usb.core import usb.backend.libusb1 usb.backend.libusb1.get_backend(find_library=lambda x: "/lib64/") #if os.path.isfile("/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/MediaPortal/plugin.pyo") and boxtype in ('dm7080','dm820','dm520','dm525','dm900','dm920'): # import pyo_patcher from traceback import print_exc profile("ClientMode") import Components.ClientMode Components.ClientMode.InitClientMode() profile("Geolocation") import Tools.Geolocation
def startShow(self): self.count = 0 self['connect'].setPixmapNum(0) if startselectedcam.endswith('.sh'): if path.exists('/tmp/SoftcamsScriptsRunning'): file = open('/tmp/SoftcamsScriptsRunning') data = file.close() if data.find(startselectedcam) >= 0: filewrite = open('/tmp/SoftcamsScriptsRunning.tmp', 'w') fileread = open('/tmp/SoftcamsScriptsRunning') filewrite.writelines([l for l in fileread.readlines() if startselectedcam not in l]) fileread.close() filewrite.close() rename('/tmp/SoftcamsScriptsRunning.tmp', '/tmp/SoftcamsScriptsRunning') elif data.find(startselectedcam) < 0: fileout = open('/tmp/SoftcamsScriptsRunning', 'a') line = startselectedcam + '\n' fileout.write(line) fileout.close() else: fileout = open('/tmp/SoftcamsScriptsRunning', 'w') line = startselectedcam + '\n' fileout.write(line) fileout.close() print('[SoftcamManager] Starting ' + startselectedcam) output = open('/tmp/cam.check.log', 'a') now = output.write(now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") + ": Starting " + startselectedcam + "\n") output.close() self.Console.ePopen('/usr/softcams/' + startselectedcam + ' start') else: if path.exists('/tmp/SoftcamsDisableCheck'): file = open('/tmp/SoftcamsDisableCheck') data = file.close() if data.find(startselectedcam) >= 0: output = open('/tmp/cam.check.log', 'a') now = output.write(now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") + ": Initialised timed check for " + stopselectedcam + "\n") output.close() fileread = open('/tmp/SoftcamsDisableCheck') filewrite = open('/tmp/SoftcamsDisableCheck.tmp', 'w') filewrite.writelines([l for l in fileread.readlines() if startselectedcam not in l]) fileread.close() filewrite.close() rename('/tmp/SoftcamsDisableCheck.tmp', '/tmp/SoftcamsDisableCheck') print('[SoftcamManager] Starting ' + startselectedcam) output = open('/tmp/cam.check.log', 'a') now = output.write(now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") + ": Starting " + startselectedcam + "\n") output.close() if startselectedcam.lower().startswith('wicardd'): self.Console.ePopen('/usr/softcams/' + startselectedcam + ' -c' + ' /etc/tuxbox/config/wicardd/wicardd.conf') if startselectedcam.lower().startswith('CCcam'): self.Console.ePopen('/usr/softcams/' + startselectedcam) if getImageArch() == "armv7vehf-neon-vfpv4" and startselectedcam.lower().startswith('mgcamd') or getImageArch() == "cortexa15hf-neon-vfpv4" and startselectedcam.lower().startswith('mgcamd') or getImageArch() == "armv7ahf-neon" and startselectedcam.lower().startswith('mgcamd'): self.Console.ePopen('/usr/bin/env LD_PRELOAD=/usr/local/lib/ /usr/softcams/' + startselectedcam) if startselectedcam.lower().startswith('oscam') or startselectedcam.lower().startswith('ncam') or startselectedcam.lower().startswith('oscam-smod') or startselectedcam.lower().startswith('oscam-emu'): self.Console.ePopen('ulimit -s 1024;/usr/softcams/' + startselectedcam + ' -b') self.activityTimer.start(1)
def makeActionOnDownloadItem(self, ret): item = self.getSelItem() if None != ret and None != item: printDBG("makeActionOnDownloadItem " + ret[1] + (" for downloadIdx[%d]" % item.downloadIdx)) if ret[1] == "play": title = item.fileName try: title = os_path.basename(title) title = os_path.splitext(title)[0] except Exception: printExc() # when we watch we no need update sts self.DM.setUpdateProgress(False) player = ret[2] if "mini" == player: self.session.openWithCallback(self.leaveMoviePlayer, IPTVMiniMoviePlayer, item.fileName, title) elif player in ["exteplayer", "extgstplayer"]: additionalParams = {} if item.fileName.split('.')[-1] in [ 'mp3', 'm4a', 'ogg', 'wma', 'fla', 'wav', 'flac' ]: additionalParams[ 'show_iframe'] = config.plugins.iptvplayer.show_iframe.value additionalParams[ 'iframe_file_start'] = config.plugins.iptvplayer.iframe_file.value additionalParams[ 'iframe_file_end'] = config.plugins.iptvplayer.clear_iframe_file.value if getImageArch() == "sh4": additionalParams['iframe_continue'] = True else: additionalParams['iframe_continue'] = False if "exteplayer" == player: self.session.openWithCallback(self.leaveMoviePlayer, IPTVExtMoviePlayer, item.fileName, title, None, 'eplayer', additionalParams) else: self.session.openWithCallback(self.leaveMoviePlayer, IPTVExtMoviePlayer, item.fileName, title, None, 'gstplayer', additionalParams) else: self.session.openWithCallback(self.leaveMoviePlayer, IPTVStandardMoviePlayer, item.fileName, title) elif self.localMode: if ret[1] == "remove": try: os_remove(item.fileName) for idx in range(len(self.localFiles)): if item.fileName == self.localFiles[idx].fileName: del self.localFiles[idx] self.reloadList(True) break except Exception: printExc() elif ret[1] == "continue": self.DM.continueDownloadItem(item.downloadIdx) elif ret[1] == "retry": self.DM.retryDownloadItem(item.downloadIdx) elif ret[1] == "stop": self.DM.stopDownloadItem(item.downloadIdx) elif ret[1] == "remove": self.DM.removeDownloadItem(item.downloadIdx) elif ret[1] == "delet": self.DM.deleteDownloadItem(item.downloadIdx) elif ret[1] == "move": self.DM.moveToTopDownloadItem(item.downloadIdx)
enigma.eConsoleAppContainer = eConsoleImpl.eConsoleAppContainer model = getBoxType() brand = getBoxBrand() if fileHas ("/var/log/samba/log.nmbd","ERROR: Could not determine network interfaces") and not fileHas ("/var/log/samba/log.nmbd","daemon_ready"): from Components.Console import Console print("[mytest] Try load all network interfaces.") Console = Console() Console.ePopen('/etc/init.d/networking restart ; /etc/init.d/ restart ; mount -a -t nfs,smbfs,cifs,ncpfs') print("[mytest] All network interfaces loaded.") from Components.SystemInfo import SystemInfo from traceback import print_exc if getImageArch() == "aarch64": import usb.core import usb.backend.libusb1 usb.backend.libusb1.get_backend(find_library=lambda x: "/lib/") profile("ClientMode") import Components.ClientMode Components.ClientMode.InitClientMode() profile("SimpleSummary") from Screens import InfoBar from Screens.SimpleSummary import SimpleSummary from sys import stdout profile("Bouquets")
"e4hdhybrid", "valalinux", "lunix", "tmnanom3", "purehd", "force2nano", "purehdse") or brand in ("linkdroid", "wetek") SystemInfo["SecondCheckModel"] = model in ( "osninopro", "osnino", "osninoplus", "dm7020hd", "dm7020hdv2", "9910lx", "9911lx", "9920lx", "tmnanose", "tmnanoseplus", "tmnanosem2", "tmnanosem2plus", "tmnanosecombo", "force2plus", "force2", "force2se", "optimussos", "fusionhd", "fusionhdse", "force2plushv") or brand == "ixuss" SystemInfo["ThirdCheckModel"] = model in ("gbtrio4k", "gbip4k", "sf8008", "sf8008m", "ustym4kpro", "beyonwizv2", "viper4k") SystemInfo["DifferentLCDSettings"] = model in ("spycat4kmini", "osmega") SystemInfo["CanBTAudio"] = fileCheck("/proc/stb/audio/btaudio") SystemInfo["CanBTAudioDelay"] = fileCheck("/proc/stb/audio/btaudio_delay") SystemInfo["ArchIsARM64"] = brand in ("linkdroid", "mecool") or model in ( "wetekplay2", "wetekhub", "osmio4k", "osmio4kplus", "osmini4k") or getImageArch() == "aarch64" SystemInfo["ArchIsARM"] = SystemInfo["HiSilicon"] or brand in ( "rpi", "maxytec", "octagon" ) or model in ( "cube", "su980", "wetekplay", "x8hp", "odroidc2", "beyonwizu4", "bre2ze4k", "hd51", "hd60", "hd61", "h7", "h9", "h9combo", "h10", "i55plus", "e4hdultra", "protek4k", "vs1500", "et1x000", "et13000", "vusolo4k", "vuuno4k", "vuuno4kse", "vuzero4k", "vuultimo4k", "vuduo4k", "revo4k", "tmtwin4k", "galaxy4k", "tm4ksuper", "lunix34k", "force4", "lunix4k") or model.startswith("spycat4") or model.startswith( "dm9") or model.startswith("force3u") or SystemInfo["GigaBlueAudio"] SystemInfo["SeekStatePlay"] = False SystemInfo["StatePlayPause"] = False SystemInfo["StandbyState"] = False SystemInfo["LEDButtons"] = model == "vuultimo" SystemInfo["HasH9SD"] = model in ("h9",
print 'getMachineUBINIZE=%s<' % boxbranding.getMachineUBINIZE() print 'getBoxType=%s<' % boxbranding.getBoxType() print 'getBrandOEM=%s<' % boxbranding.getBrandOEM() print 'getOEVersion=%s<' % boxbranding.getOEVersion() print 'getDriverDate=%s<' % boxbranding.getDriverDate() print 'getImageVersion=%s<' % boxbranding.getImageVersion() print 'getImageBuild=%s<' % boxbranding.getImageBuild() print 'getImageDevBuild=%s<' % boxbranding.getImageDevBuild() print 'getImageType=%s<' % boxbranding.getImageType() print 'getImageDistro=%s<' % boxbranding.getImageDistro() print 'getImageFolder=%s<' % boxbranding.getImageFolder() print 'getImageFileSystem=%s<' % boxbranding.getImageFileSystem() print 'getImageDevBuild=%s<' % boxbranding.getImageDevBuild() print 'getImageType=%s<' % boxbranding.getImageType() print 'getMachineMake=%s<' % boxbranding.getMachineMake() print 'getImageArch=%s<' % boxbranding.getImageArch() print 'getFeedsUrl=%s<' % boxbranding.getFeedsUrl() print 'getDisplayType=%s<' % boxbranding.getDisplayType() print 'getHaveHDMI=%s<' % boxbranding.getHaveHDMI() print 'getHaveYUV=%s<' % boxbranding.getHaveYUV() print 'getHaveRCA=%s<' % boxbranding.getHaveRCA() print 'getHaveAVJACK=%s<' % boxbranding.getHaveAVJACK() print 'getHaveSCART=%s<' % boxbranding.getHaveSCART() print 'getHaveSCARTYUV=%s<' % boxbranding.getHaveSCARTYUV() print 'getHaveDVI=%s<' % boxbranding.getHaveDVI() print 'getHaveMiniTV=%s<' % boxbranding.getHaveMiniTV() print 'getHaveHDMIinHD=%s<' % boxbranding.getHaveHDMIinHD() print 'getHaveHDMIinFHD=%s<' % boxbranding.getHaveHDMIinFHD() print 'getHaveWOL=%s<' % boxbranding.getHaveWOL() print 'getHaveWWOL=%s<' % boxbranding.getHaveWWOL() print 'getHaveTranscoding1=%s<' % boxbranding.getHaveTranscoding1()
def runSetup(self): list = [] list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Remember last watched position"), config.plugins.iptvplayer.remember_last_position)) if config.plugins.iptvplayer.remember_last_position.value: list.append(getConfigListEntry(" " + _("Skip video shorter than [min]"), config.plugins.iptvplayer.remember_last_position_time)) if getDesktop(0).size().width() >= 800: list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Info bar clock format"), config.plugins.iptvplayer.extplayer_infobanner_clockformat)) list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Create LCD/VFD summary screen"), config.plugins.iptvplayer.extplayer_summary)) list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("----------------- External exteplayer3 options -----------------"), config.plugins.iptvplayer.fakeExtePlayer3)) list.append(getConfigListEntry(" " + _("RAM buffer size [MB] for network protocols"), config.plugins.iptvplayer.rambuffer_sizemb_network_proto)) list.append(getConfigListEntry(" " + _("RAM buffer size [MB] for local files"), config.plugins.iptvplayer.rambuffer_sizemb_files)) list.append(getConfigListEntry(" " + _("Use software decoder for the %s") % 'AAC', config.plugins.iptvplayer.aac_software_decode)) list.append(getConfigListEntry(" " + _("Use software decoder for the %s") % 'AC3', config.plugins.iptvplayer.ac3_software_decode)) list.append(getConfigListEntry(" " + _("Use software decoder for the %s") % 'EAC3', config.plugins.iptvplayer.eac3_software_decode)) list.append(getConfigListEntry(" " + _("Use software decoder for the %s") % 'DTS', config.plugins.iptvplayer.dts_software_decode)) list.append(getConfigListEntry(" " + _("Use software decoder for the %s") % 'WMA', config.plugins.iptvplayer.wma_software_decode)) list.append(getConfigListEntry(" " + _("Use software decoder for the %s") % 'MP3', config.plugins.iptvplayer.mp3_software_decode)) if getImageArch() != "sh4": list.append(getConfigListEntry(" " + _("Software decoding as"), config.plugins.iptvplayer.software_decode_as)) list.append(getConfigListEntry(" " + _("Stereo downmix mode for software decoder"), config.plugins.iptvplayer.stereo_software_decode)) if self.ac3_mix_avaliable: list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("AC3 downmix mode"), config.plugins.iptvplayer.ac3_mix)) if self.aac_mix_avaliable: list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("AAC downmix mode"), config.plugins.iptvplayer.aac_mix)) list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Info bar timeout"), config.plugins.iptvplayer.extplayer_infobar_timeout)) if self.aspect_avaliable: list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Default video aspect ratio"), config.plugins.iptvplayer.extplayer_aspect) ) if self.policy_avaliable: list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Default video policy for 16:9"), config.plugins.iptvplayer.extplayer_policy) ) if self.policy2_avaliable: list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Default video policy for 4:3"), config.plugins.iptvplayer.extplayer_policy2) ) list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Automatically turn on external subtitles"), config.plugins.iptvplayer.extplayer_subtitle_auto_enable) ) list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Subtitle line wrapping"), config.plugins.iptvplayer.extplayer_subtitle_wrapping_enabled) ) list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Subtitle font"), config.plugins.iptvplayer.extplayer_subtitle_font) ) list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Subtitle font size"), config.plugins.iptvplayer.extplayer_subtitle_font_size) ) if not config.plugins.iptvplayer.extplayer_subtitle_wrapping_enabled.value: list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Subtitle line height"), config.plugins.iptvplayer.extplayer_subtitle_line_height) ) list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Line Spacing"), config.plugins.iptvplayer.extplayer_subtitle_line_spacing) ) elif 'transparent' != config.plugins.iptvplayer.extplayer_subtitle_background.value: list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Subtitle line height"), config.plugins.iptvplayer.extplayer_subtitle_line_height) ) list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Subtitle font color"), config.plugins.iptvplayer.extplayer_subtitle_font_color) ) list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Subtitle background"), config.plugins.iptvplayer.extplayer_subtitle_background) ) list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Subtitle box position"), config.plugins.iptvplayer.extplayer_subtitle_pos) ) if config.plugins.iptvplayer.extplayer_subtitle_wrapping_enabled.value: if 'transparent' == config.plugins.iptvplayer.extplayer_subtitle_background.value: list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Subtitle box height"), config.plugins.iptvplayer.extplayer_subtitle_box_height) ) list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Subtitle vertical alignment"), config.plugins.iptvplayer.extplayer_subtitle_box_valign) ) if self.subtitle_border_avaliable: list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Subtitle border enabled"), config.plugins.iptvplayer.extplayer_subtitle_border_enabled) ) if config.plugins.iptvplayer.extplayer_subtitle_border_enabled.value: list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Subtitle border color"), config.plugins.iptvplayer.extplayer_subtitle_border_color) ) list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Subtitle border width"), config.plugins.iptvplayer.extplayer_subtitle_border_width) ) list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Subtitle shadow enabled"), config.plugins.iptvplayer.extplayer_subtitle_shadow_enabled) ) if config.plugins.iptvplayer.extplayer_subtitle_shadow_enabled.value: list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Subtitle shadow color"), config.plugins.iptvplayer.extplayer_subtitle_shadow_color) ) list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Subtitle shadow X offset"), config.plugins.iptvplayer.extplayer_subtitle_shadow_xoffset) ) list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Subtitle shadow Y offset"), config.plugins.iptvplayer.extplayer_subtitle_shadow_yoffset) ) list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Inject black iframe at video playback finish"), config.plugins.iptvplayer.use_clear_iframe)) list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Show iframe during audio playback"), config.plugins.iptvplayer.show_iframe)) if config.plugins.iptvplayer.show_iframe.value: list.append(getConfigListEntry(" " + _("Radio iframe file"), config.plugins.iptvplayer.iframe_file)) if getImageArch() != "sh4" and (config.plugins.iptvplayer.show_iframe.value or config.plugins.iptvplayer.use_clear_iframe.value): list.append(getConfigListEntry(" " + _("Black iframe file"), config.plugins.iptvplayer.clear_iframe_file)) self.list = list ConfigBaseWidget.runSetup(self)
SystemInfo["grautec"] = fileExists("/tmp/usbtft") SystemInfo["CanAC3plusTranscode"] = fileExists("/proc/stb/audio/ac3plus_choices") SystemInfo["CanDTSHD"] = fileExists("/proc/stb/audio/dtshd_choices") SystemInfo["CanWMAPRO"] = fileExists("/proc/stb/audio/wmapro") SystemInfo["CanDownmixAACPlus"] = fileExists("/proc/stb/audio/aacplus_choices") SystemInfo["CanAACTranscode"] = fileExists("/proc/stb/audio/aac_transcode_choices") SystemInfo["GraphicLCD"] = model in ("vuultimo","xpeedlx3","et10000","hd2400","sezammarvel","atemionemesis","mbultra","beyonwizt4","osmio4kplus") SystemInfo["LCDMiniTV"] = fileExists("/proc/stb/lcd/mode") SystemInfo["LCDMiniTVPiP"] = SystemInfo["LCDMiniTV"] and model not in ("gb800ueplus","gbquad4k","gbue4k") SystemInfo["DefaultDisplayBrightness"] = platform == "dm4kgen" and 8 or 5 SystemInfo["ConfigDisplay"] = SystemInfo["FrontpanelDisplay"] and getDisplayType() != "7segment" SystemInfo["DreamBoxAudio"] = platform == "dm4kgen" or model in ("dm7080","dm800") SystemInfo["AmlogicFamily"] = fileExists("/proc/device-tree/amlogic-dt-id") or fileExists("/usr/bin/amlhalt") or pathExists("/sys/module/amports") SystemInfo["VFDDelay"] = model in ("sf4008","beyonwizu4") SystemInfo["VFDRepeats"] = brand != "ixuss" and getDisplayType() != "7segment" SystemInfo["FirstCheckModel"] = model in ("tmtwin4k","mbmicrov2","revo4k","force3uhd","mbmicro","e4hd","e4hdhybrid","valalinux","lunix","tmnanom3","purehd","force2nano","purehdse") or brand in ("linkdroid","wetek") SystemInfo["SecondCheckModel"] = model in ("osninopro","osnino","osninoplus","dm7020hd","dm7020hdv2","9910lx","9911lx","9920lx","tmnanose","tmnanoseplus","tmnanosem2","tmnanosem2plus","tmnanosecombo","force2plus","force2","force2se","optimussos","fusionhd","fusionhdse","force2plushv") or brand == "ixuss" SystemInfo["DifferentLCDSettings"] = model in ("spycat4kmini","osmega") SystemInfo["CanBTAudio"] = fileCheck("/proc/stb/audio/btaudio") SystemInfo["CanBTAudioDelay"] = fileCheck("/proc/stb/audio/btaudio_delay") SystemInfo["ArchIsARM64"] = getImageArch() == "aarch64" or "64" in getImageArch() SystemInfo["ArchIsARM"] = getImageArch().startswith("arm") or getImageArch().startswith("cortex") SystemInfo["SeekStatePlay"] = False SystemInfo["StatePlayPause"] = False SystemInfo["StandbyState"] = False SystemInfo["LEDButtons"] = model == "vuultimo" SystemInfo["HasH9SD"] = model in ("h9","i55plus") and pathExists("/dev/mmcblk0p1") SystemInfo["HasSDnomount"] = model in ("h9","h3","i55plus") and (False, "none") or model in ("multibox","h9combo","h3") and (True, "mmcblk0") SystemInfo["canBackupEMC"] = model in ("hd51","h7") and ("disk.img", "%s" % SystemInfo["MultibootStartupDevice"]) or platform == "edision4k" and ("emmc.img", "%s" % SystemInfo["MultibootStartupDevice"]) or SystemInfo["DefineSat"] and ("usb_update.bin", "none") SystemInfo["CanSyncMode"] = fileExists("/proc/stb/video/sync_mode_choices")
def JobStart(self): self.autostartcams = config.softcammanager.softcams_autostart.value self.Console = Console() if path.exists("/tmp/cam.check.log"): if path.getsize("/tmp/cam.check.log") > 40000: fh = open("/tmp/cam.check.log", "rb+"), 2) data = # rewind fh.write(data) fh.truncate() fh.close() if SystemInfo["OScamInstalled"] and not path.exists("/usr/softcams/oscam"): self.Console.ePopen('ln -s /usr/bin/*oscam* /usr/softcams/') if SystemInfo["NCamInstalled"] and not path.exists("/usr/softcams/ncam"): self.Console.ePopen('ln -s /usr/bin/ncam /usr/softcams/') if path.exists("/usr/bin/wicardd") and not path.exists("/usr/softcams/wicardd"): self.Console.ePopen('ln -s /usr/bin/wicardd /usr/softcams/') if path.exists("/usr/bin/mgcamd_1.38") and not path.exists("/usr/softcams/mgcamd_1.38") or path.exists("/usr/bin/mgcamd_1.35a") and not path.exists("/usr/softcams/mgcamd_1.35a"): self.Console.ePopen('ln -s /usr/bin/*mgcamd* /usr/softcams/') if path.exists("/usr/bin/CCcam") and not path.exists("/usr/softcams/CCcam"): self.Console.ePopen('ln -s /usr/bin/CCcam /usr/softcams/') if not path.exists("/usr/bin/CCcam") and path.islink("/usr/softcams/CCcam"): self.Console.ePopen('rm -f /usr/softcams/CCcam ') if not path.exists("/usr/bin/mgcamd_1.38") and path.islink("/usr/softcams/mgcamd_1.38"): self.Console.ePopen('rm -f /usr/softcams/mgcamd_1.38 ') if not path.exists("/usr/bin/mgcamd_1.35a") and path.islink("/usr/softcams/mgcamd_1.35a"): self.Console.ePopen('rm -f /usr/softcams/mgcamd_1.35a ') if not path.exists("/usr/bin/wicardd") and path.islink("/usr/softcams/wicardd"): self.Console.ePopen('rm -f /usr/softcams/wicardd ') if not path.exists("/usr/bin/oscam") and path.islink("/usr/softcams/oscam"): self.Console.ePopen('rm -f /usr/softcams/oscam ') if not path.exists("/usr/bin/ncam") and path.islink("/usr/softcams/ncam"): self.Console.ePopen('rm -f /usr/softcams/ncam ') if not path.exists("/usr/bin/oscam-emu") and path.islink("/usr/softcams/oscam-emu"): self.Console.ePopen('rm -f /usr/softcams/oscam-emu ') if path.exists("/etc/CCcam.cfg"): f = open("/etc/CCcam.cfg", "r") logwarn = "" for line in f.readlines(): if line.find("LOG WARNINGS") != -1: parts = line.strip().split() logwarn = parts[2] if logwarn.find(":") >= 0: logwarn = logwarn.replace(":", "") if logwarn == "": logwarn = parts[3] else: logwarn = "" if path.exists(logwarn): if path.getsize(logwarn) > 40000: fh = open(logwarn, "rb+"), 2) data = # rewind fh.write(data) fh.truncate() fh.close() f.close() for softcamcheck in self.autostartcams: softcamcheck = softcamcheck.replace("/usr/softcams/", "") softcamcheck = softcamcheck.replace("\n", "") if softcamcheck.endswith(".sh"): if path.exists("/tmp/SoftcamsDisableCheck"): file = open("/tmp/SoftcamsDisableCheck") data = file.close() else: data = "" if data.find(softcamcheck) < 0: if path.exists("/tmp/SoftcamsScriptsRunning"): file = open("/tmp/SoftcamsScriptsRunning") data = file.close() if data.find(softcamcheck) < 0: fileout = open("/tmp/SoftcamsScriptsRunning", "a") line = softcamcheck + "\n" fileout.write(line) fileout.close() print("[SoftcamManager] Starting " + softcamcheck) self.Console.ePopen("/usr/softcams/" + softcamcheck + " start") else: fileout = open("/tmp/SoftcamsScriptsRunning", "w") line = softcamcheck + "\n" fileout.write(line) fileout.close() print("[SoftcamManager] Starting " + softcamcheck) self.Console.ePopen("/usr/softcams/" + softcamcheck + " start") else: if path.exists("/tmp/SoftcamsDisableCheck"): file = open("/tmp/SoftcamsDisableCheck") data = file.close() else: data = "" if data.find(softcamcheck) < 0: import process p = process.ProcessList() softcamcheck_process = str(p.named(softcamcheck)).strip("[]") if softcamcheck_process != "": if path.exists("/tmp/frozen"): remove("/tmp/frozen") if path.exists("/tmp/status.html"): remove("/tmp/status.html") if path.exists("/tmp/index.html"): remove("/tmp/index.html") print("[SoftcamManager] " + softcamcheck + " already running") output = open("/tmp/cam.check.log", "a") now = output.write(now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") + ": " + softcamcheck + " running OK\n") output.close() if softcamcheck.lower().startswith("oscam"): if path.exists("/tmp/status.html"): remove("/tmp/status.html") port = "" if path.exists('/etc/tuxbox/config/oscam/oscam.conf'): oscamconf = '/etc/tuxbox/config/oscam/oscam.conf' elif path.exists('/etc/tuxbox/config/ncam/ncam.conf'): oscamconf = '/etc/tuxbox/config/ncam/ncam.conf' elif path.exists('/etc/tuxbox/config/oscam-emu/oscam.conf'): oscamconf = '/etc/tuxbox/config/oscam-emu/oscam.conf' elif path.exists('/etc/tuxbox/config/oscam-smod/oscam.conf'): oscamconf = '/etc/tuxbox/config/oscam-smod/oscam.conf' f = open(oscamconf, 'r') for line in f.readlines(): if line.find("httpport") != -1: port = re.sub("\D", "", line) f.close() print("[SoftcamManager] Checking if " + softcamcheck + " is frozen") if port == "": port = "16000" self.Console.ePopen("wget -T 1" + port + "/status.html -O /tmp/status.html &> /tmp/frozen") sleep(2) f = open("/tmp/frozen") frozen = f.close() if frozen.find("Unauthorized") != -1 or frozen.find("Authorization Required") != -1 or frozen.find("Forbidden") != -1 or frozen.find("Connection refused") != -1 or frozen.find("100%") != -1 or path.exists("/tmp/status.html"): print("[SoftcamManager] " + softcamcheck + " is responding like it should") output = open("/tmp/cam.check.log", "a") now = output.write(now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") + ": " + softcamcheck + " is responding like it should\n") output.close() else: print("[SoftcamManager] " + softcamcheck + " is frozen, Restarting...") output = open("/tmp/cam.check.log", "a") now = output.write(now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") + ": " + softcamcheck + " is frozen, Restarting...\n") output.close() print("[SoftcamManager] Stopping " + softcamcheck) output = open("/tmp/cam.check.log", "a") now = output.write(now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") + ": AutoStopping: " + softcamcheck + "\n") output.close() self.Console.ePopen("killall -9 " + softcamcheck) sleep(1) self.Console.ePopen("ps.procps | grep softcams | grep -v grep | awk 'NR==1' | awk '{print $5}'| awk -F'[/]' '{print $4}' > /tmp/oscamRuningCheck.tmp") sleep(2) file = open("/tmp/oscamRuningCheck.tmp") cccamcheck_process = file.close() cccamcheck_process = cccamcheck_process.replace("\n", "") if cccamcheck_process.lower().find("cccam") != -1: try: print("[SoftcamManager] Stopping ", cccamcheck_process) output = open("/tmp/cam.check.log", "a") now = output.write(now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") + ": AutoStopping: " + cccamcheck_process + "\n") output.close() self.Console.ePopen("killall -9 /usr/softcams/" + str(cccamcheck_process)) except: pass print("[SoftcamManager] Starting " + softcamcheck) output = open("/tmp/cam.check.log", "a") now = output.write(now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") + ": AutoStarting: " + softcamcheck + "\n") output.close() self.Console.ePopen("ulimit -s 1024;/usr/softcams/" + softcamcheck + " -b") sleep(10) elif softcamcheck.lower().startswith("cccam"): if path.exists("/tmp/index.html"): remove("/tmp/index.html") allow = "no" port = "" f = open("/etc/CCcam.cfg", "r") for line in f.readlines(): if line.find("ALLOW WEBINFO") != -1: if not line.startswith("#"): parts = line.replace("ALLOW WEBINFO", "") parts = parts.replace(":", "") parts = parts.replace(" ", "") parts = parts.strip().split() if parts[0].startswith("yes"): allow = parts[0] if line.find("WEBINFO LISTEN PORT") != -1: port = re.sub("\D", "", line) f.close() if allow.lower().find("yes") != -1: print("[SoftcamManager] Checking if " + softcamcheck + " is frozen") if port == "": port = "16001" self.Console.ePopen("wget -T 1" + port + " -O /tmp/index.html &> /tmp/frozen") sleep(2) f = open("/tmp/frozen") frozen = f.close() if frozen.find("Unauthorized") != -1 or frozen.find("Authorization Required") != -1 or frozen.find("Forbidden") != -1 or frozen.find("Connection refused") != -1 or frozen.find("100%") != -1 or path.exists("/tmp/index.html"): print("[SoftcamManager] " + softcamcheck + " is responding like it should") output = open("/tmp/cam.check.log", "a") now = output.write(now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") + ": ' + softcamcheck + ' is responding like it should\n") output.close() else: print("[SoftcamManager] " + softcamcheck + " is frozen, Restarting...") output = open("/tmp/cam.check.log", "a") now = output.write(now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") + ": " + softcamcheck + " is frozen, Restarting...\n") output.close() print("[SoftcamManager] Stopping " + softcamcheck) self.Console.ePopen("killall -9 " + softcamcheck) sleep(1) print("[SoftcamManager] Starting " + softcamcheck) self.Console.ePopen("ulimit -s 1024;/usr/softcams/" + softcamcheck) elif allow.lower().find("no") != -1: print("[SoftcamManager] Telnet info not allowed, can not check if frozen") output = open("/tmp/cam.check.log", "a") now = output.write(now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") + ": Webinfo info not allowed, can not check if frozen,\n\tplease enable 'ALLOW WEBINFO: YES'\n") output.close() else: print("[SoftcamManager] Webinfo info not setup, please enable 'ALLOW WEBINFO= YES'") output = open("/tmp/cam.check.log", "a") now = output.write(now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") + ": Telnet info not setup, can not check if frozen,\n\tplease enable 'ALLOW WEBINFO: YES'\n") output.close() elif softcamcheck_process == "": print("[SoftcamManager] Couldn't find " + softcamcheck + " running, Starting " + softcamcheck) output = open("/tmp/cam.check.log", "a") now = output.write(now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") + ": Couldn't find " + softcamcheck + " running, Starting " + softcamcheck + "\n") output.close() if softcamcheck.lower().startswith("oscam"): self.Console.ePopen("ps.procps | grep softcams | grep -v grep | awk 'NR==1' | awk '{print $5}'| awk -F'[/]' '{print $4}' > /tmp/softcamRuningCheck.tmp") sleep(2) file = open("/tmp/softcamRuningCheck.tmp") cccamcheck_process = cccamcheck_process = cccamcheck_process.replace("\n", "") file.close() if cccamcheck_process.find("cccam") >= 0 or cccamcheck_process.find("CCcam") >= 0: try: print("[SoftcamManager] Stopping ", cccamcheck_process) output = open("/tmp/cam.check.log", "a") now = output.write(now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") + ": AutoStopping: " + cccamcheck_process + "\n") output.close() self.Console.ePopen("killall -9 /usr/softcams/" + str(cccamcheck_process)) except: pass self.Console.ePopen("ulimit -s 1024;/usr/softcams/" + softcamcheck + " -b") sleep(10) remove("/tmp/softcamRuningCheck.tmp") elif softcamcheck.lower().startswith("sbox"): self.Console.ePopen("ulimit -s 1024;/usr/softcams/" + softcamcheck) sleep(7) elif softcamcheck.lower().startswith("gbox"): self.Console.ePopen("ulimit -s 1024;/usr/softcams/" + softcamcheck) sleep(3) self.Console.ePopen("start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --background --exec /usr/bin/gbox") elif softcamcheck.lower().startswith('wicardd'): self.Console.ePopen('/usr/softcams/' + softcamcheck + " -c" + " /etc/tuxbox/config/wicardd/wicardd.conf") elif getImageArch() == "armv7vehf-neon-vfpv4" and softcamcheck.lower().startswith('mgcamd') or getImageArch() == "cortexa15hf-neon-vfpv4" and softcamcheck.lower().startswith('mgcamd') or getImageArch() == "armv7ahf-neon" and softcamcheck.lower().startswith('mgcamd'): self.Console.ePopen('/usr/bin/env LD_PRELOAD=/usr/local/lib/ /usr/softcams/' + softcamcheck) else: self.Console.ePopen("ulimit -s 1024;/usr/softcams/" + softcamcheck)
"e4hdhybrid", "valalinux", "lunix", "tmnanom3", "purehd", "force2nano", "purehdse") or brand in ("linkdroid", "wetek") SystemInfo["SecondCheckModel"] = model in ( "osninopro", "osnino", "osninoplus", "dm7020hd", "dm7020hdv2", "9910lx", "9911lx", "9920lx", "tmnanose", "tmnanoseplus", "tmnanosem2", "tmnanosem2plus", "tmnanosecombo", "force2plus", "force2", "force2se", "optimussos", "fusionhd", "fusionhdse", "force2plushv") or brand == "ixuss" SystemInfo["ThirdCheckModel"] = model in ("gbtrio4k", "gbip4k", "sf8008", "sf8008m", "cc1", "ustym4kpro", "beyonwizv2", "viper4k") SystemInfo["DifferentLCDSettings"] = model in ("spycat4kmini", "osmega") SystemInfo["CanBTAudio"] = fileCheck("/proc/stb/audio/btaudio") SystemInfo["CanBTAudioDelay"] = fileCheck("/proc/stb/audio/btaudio_delay") SystemInfo["ArchIsARM64"] = brand in ("linkdroid", "mecool") or model in ( "wetekplay2", "wetekhub", "osmio4k", "osmio4kplus", "osmini4k", "dreamone") or getImageArch() == "aarch64" SystemInfo["ArchIsARM"] = SystemInfo["HiSilicon"] or brand in ( "rpi", "maxytec", "octagon" ) or model in ( "cube", "su980", "wetekplay", "x8hp", "odroidc2", "beyonwizu4", "bre2ze4k", "hd51", "hd60", "hd61", "h7", "h9", "h9combo", "h10", "i55plus", "e4hdultra", "protek4k", "vs1500", "et1x000", "et13000", "vusolo4k", "vuuno4k", "vuuno4kse", "vuzero4k", "vuultimo4k", "vuduo4k", "revo4k", "tmtwin4k", "galaxy4k", "tm4ksuper", "lunix34k", "force4", "lunix4k") or model.startswith("spycat4") or model.startswith( "dm9") or model.startswith("force3u") or SystemInfo["GigaBlueAudio"] SystemInfo["SeekStatePlay"] = False SystemInfo["StatePlayPause"] = False SystemInfo["StandbyState"] = False SystemInfo["LEDButtons"] = model == "vuultimo"
import boxbranding print "getMachineBuild=%s<" %boxbranding.getMachineBuild() print "getMachineMake=%s<" %boxbranding.getMachineMake() print "getMachineProcModel=%s<" %boxbranding.getMachineProcModel() print "getMachineBrand=%s<" %boxbranding.getMachineBrand() print "getMachineName=%s<" %boxbranding.getMachineName() print "getMachineMtdKernel=%s<" %boxbranding.getMachineMtdKernel() print "getMachineKernelFile=%s<" %boxbranding.getMachineKernelFile() print "getMachineMtdRoot=%s<" %boxbranding.getMachineMtdRoot() print "getMachineRootFile=%s<" %boxbranding.getMachineRootFile() print "getMachineMKUBIFS=%s<" %boxbranding.getMachineMKUBIFS() print "getMachineUBINIZE=%s<" %boxbranding.getMachineUBINIZE() print "getBoxType=%s<" %boxbranding.getBoxType() print "getBrandOEM=%s<" %boxbranding.getBrandOEM() print "getOEVersion=%s<" %boxbranding.getOEVersion() print "getDriverDate=%s<" %boxbranding.getDriverDate() print "getImageVersion=%s<" %boxbranding.getImageVersion() print "getImageBuild=%s<" %boxbranding.getImageBuild() print "getImageDevBuild=%s<" %boxbranding.getImageDevBuild() print "getImageType=%s<" %boxbranding.getImageType() print "getImageDistro=%s<" %boxbranding.getImageDistro() print "getImageFolder=%s<" %boxbranding.getImageFolder() print "getImageFileSystem=%s<" %boxbranding.getImageFileSystem() print "getImageArch=%s<" %boxbranding.getImageArch()
pass if os.path.isfile("/usr/lib/enigma2/python/"): sys.path.append("/usr/lib/enigma2/python/") from Tools.Profile import profile, profile_final profile("PYTHON_START") import Tools.RedirectOutput from boxbranding import getBoxType, getBrandOEM, getImageCodeName, getImageType, getImageVersion, getImageBuild, getMachineBuild, getImageArch print "----------------------------" print "[Image Type] %s" % getImageType() print "[Image Version] %s" % getImageVersion() print "[Image Build] %s" % getImageBuild() print "[Image CodeName] %s" % getImageCodeName() print "[Image Arch] %s" % getImageArch() print "----------------------------" import enigma import eConsoleImpl import eBaseImpl enigma.eTimer = eBaseImpl.eTimer enigma.eSocketNotifier = eBaseImpl.eSocketNotifier enigma.eConsoleAppContainer = eConsoleImpl.eConsoleAppContainer print "Init Import modules for test" from enigma import eTimer from Screens.MessageBox import MessageBox from Screens.Screen import Screen from Components.config import config, configfile, ConfigSubsection, getConfigListEntry, ConfigSelectionNumber, ConfigSelection, ConfigSlider, ConfigYesNo, NoSave, ConfigNumber, ConfigText
def __init__(self, session): Screen.__init__(self, session) self.setTitle(_("About")) hddsplit = skin.parameters.get("AboutHddSplit", 0) procmodel = getBoxProc() AboutText = _("Hardware: ") + about.getHardwareTypeString() + "\n" if procmodel != about.getHardwareTypeString(): AboutText += _("Proc model: ") + procmodel + "\n" if fileExists("/proc/stb/info/sn"): hwserial = open("/proc/stb/info/sn", "r").read().strip() AboutText += _("Hardware serial: ") + hwserial + "\n" AboutText += _("Brand: ") + about.getHardwareBrand() + "\n" cpu = about.getCPUInfoString() AboutText += _("CPU: ") + cpu + "\n" AboutText += _("CPU brand: ") + about.getCPUBrand() + "\n" AboutText += _("CPU architecture: ") + about.getCPUArch() + "\n" if boxbranding.getImageFPU() != "": AboutText += _("FPU: ") + boxbranding.getImageFPU() + "\n" AboutText += _( "Image architecture: ") + boxbranding.getImageArch() + "\n" if boxbranding.getImageArch() == "aarch64": if boxbranding.getHaveMultiLib() == "True": AboutText += _("MultiLib: ") + _("Yes") + "\n" else: AboutText += _("MultiLib: ") + _("No") + "\n" AboutText += _("Flash type: ") + about.getFlashType() + "\n" AboutText += "\n" + _("Image: ") + about.getImageTypeString() + "\n" AboutText += _("Feed URL: ") + boxbranding.getFeedsUrl() + "\n" AboutText += _( "Open Vision version: ") + about.getVisionVersion() + "\n" AboutText += _( "Open Vision revision: ") + about.getVisionRevision() + "\n" AboutText += _("Open Vision module: ") + about.getVisionModule() + "\n" AboutText += _("Build date: ") + about.getBuildDateString() + "\n" AboutText += _("Last update: ") + about.getUpdateDateString() + "\n" # [WanWizard] Removed until we find a reliable way to determine the installation date # AboutText += _("Installed: ") + about.getFlashDateString() + "\n" EnigmaVersion = about.getEnigmaVersionString() EnigmaVersion = EnigmaVersion.rsplit("-", EnigmaVersion.count("-") - 2) if len(EnigmaVersion) == 3: EnigmaVersion = EnigmaVersion[0] + " (" + EnigmaVersion[ 2] + "-" + EnigmaVersion[1] + ")" else: EnigmaVersion = EnigmaVersion[0] + " (" + EnigmaVersion[1] + ")" EnigmaVersion = _("Enigma version: ") + EnigmaVersion self["EnigmaVersion"] = StaticText(EnigmaVersion) AboutText += "\n" + EnigmaVersion + "\n" AboutText += _( "Enigma (re)starts: %d\n") % config.misc.startCounter.value AboutText += _("Enigma debug level: %d\n") % eGetEnigmaDebugLvl() AboutText += "\n" + _( "Kernel version: ") + about.getKernelVersionString() + "\n" AboutText += _( "DVB driver version: ") + about.getDriverInstalledDate() + "\n" AboutText += _("DVB API: ") + about.getDVBAPI() + "\n" if fileExists("/usr/bin/dvb-fe-tool"): import time try: cmd = 'dvb-fe-tool > /tmp/dvbfetool.txt' res = Console().ePopen(cmd) time.sleep(0.1) except: pass if fileExists("/tmp/dvbfetool.txt"): if fileHas("/tmp/dvbfetool.txt", "DVBC") or fileHas( "/tmp/dvbfetool.txt", "DVB-C"): AboutText += _("DVB-C: ") + _("Yes") + "\n" else: AboutText += _("DVB-C: ") + _("No") + "\n" if fileHas("/tmp/dvbfetool.txt", "DVBS") or fileHas( "/tmp/dvbfetool.txt", "DVB-S"): AboutText += _("DVB-S: ") + _("Yes") + "\n" else: AboutText += _("DVB-S: ") + _("No") + "\n" if fileHas("/tmp/dvbfetool.txt", "DVBT") or fileHas( "/tmp/dvbfetool.txt", "DVB-T"): AboutText += _("DVB-T: ") + _("Yes") + "\n" else: AboutText += _("DVB-T: ") + _("No") + "\n" if fileHas("/tmp/dvbfetool.txt", "MULTISTREAM"): AboutText += _("Multistream: ") + _("Yes") + "\n" else: AboutText += _("Multistream: ") + _("No") + "\n" if fileHas("/tmp/dvbfetool.txt", "ANNEX_A") or fileHas( "/tmp/dvbfetool.txt", "ANNEX-A"): AboutText += _("ANNEX-A: ") + _("Yes") + "\n" else: AboutText += _("ANNEX-A: ") + _("No") + "\n" if fileHas("/tmp/dvbfetool.txt", "ANNEX_B") or fileHas( "/tmp/dvbfetool.txt", "ANNEX-B"): AboutText += _("ANNEX-B: ") + _("Yes") + "\n" else: AboutText += _("ANNEX-B: ") + _("No") + "\n" if fileHas("/tmp/dvbfetool.txt", "ANNEX_C") or fileHas( "/tmp/dvbfetool.txt", "ANNEX-C"): AboutText += _("ANNEX-C: ") + _("Yes") + "\n" else: AboutText += _("ANNEX-C: ") + _("No") + "\n" GStreamerVersion = _("GStreamer version: " ) + about.getGStreamerVersionString(cpu).replace( "GStreamer", "") self["GStreamerVersion"] = StaticText(GStreamerVersion) AboutText += "\n" + GStreamerVersion + "\n" FFmpegVersion = _("FFmpeg version: ") + about.getFFmpegVersionString() self["FFmpegVersion"] = StaticText(FFmpegVersion) AboutText += FFmpegVersion + "\n" AboutText += _( "Python version: ") + about.getPythonVersionString() + "\n" fp_version = getFPVersion() if fp_version is None: fp_version = "" else: fp_version = _("Frontprocessor version: %s") % fp_version AboutText += fp_version + "\n" self["FPVersion"] = StaticText(fp_version) if boxbranding.getHaveTranscoding() != "": AboutText += _("Transcoding: ") + _("Yes") + "\n" else: AboutText += _("Transcoding: ") + _("No") + "\n" if boxbranding.getHaveMultiTranscoding() != "": AboutText += _("MultiTranscoding: ") + _("Yes") + "\n" else: AboutText += _("MultiTranscoding: ") + _("No") + "\n" AboutText += _('Skin & Resolution: %s (%sx%s)\n') % ('/')[0], getDesktop(0).size().width(), getDesktop(0).size().height()) self["TunerHeader"] = StaticText(_("Detected NIMs:")) AboutText += "\n" + _("Detected NIMs:") + "\n" nims = nimmanager.nimListCompressed() for count in range(len(nims)): if count < 4: self["Tuner" + str(count)] = StaticText(nims[count]) else: self["Tuner" + str(count)] = StaticText("") AboutText += nims[count] + "\n" self["HDDHeader"] = StaticText(_("Detected HDD:")) AboutText += "\n" + _("Detected HDD:") + "\n" hddlist = harddiskmanager.HDDList() hddinfo = "" if hddlist: formatstring = hddsplit and "%s:%s, %.1f %sB %s" or "%s\n(%s, %.1f %sB %s)" for count in range(len(hddlist)): if hddinfo: hddinfo += "\n" hdd = hddlist[count][1] if int( > 1024: hddinfo += formatstring % (hdd.model(), hdd.capacity(), / 1024.0, "G", _("free")) else: hddinfo += formatstring % (hdd.model(), hdd.capacity(),, "M", _("free")) else: hddinfo = _("none") self["hddA"] = StaticText(hddinfo) AboutText += hddinfo + "\n\n" + _("Network Info:") for x in about.GetIPsFromNetworkInterfaces(): AboutText += "\n" + x[0] + ": " + x[1] self["AboutScrollLabel"] = ScrollLabel(AboutText) self["key_green"] = Button(_("Translations")) self["key_red"] = Button(_("Latest Commits")) self["key_yellow"] = Button(_("Troubleshoot")) self["key_blue"] = Button(_("Memory Info")) self["actions"] = ActionMap( ["ColorActions", "SetupActions", "DirectionActions"], { "cancel": self.close, "ok": self.close, "red": self.showCommits, "green": self.showTranslationInfo, "blue": self.showMemoryInfo, "yellow": self.showTroubleshoot, "up": self["AboutScrollLabel"].pageUp, "down": self["AboutScrollLabel"].pageDown })