def frame(self, new_frame):
     # user can manually change the reference frame. If the origin is different, then the points are going to move!
     assert isinstance(new_frame, trf.CoordFrame)
     # this line moves the points, and explicitly specifies that the new frame was specified in world coordinates.
     self.origin = trf.PointCloud(np.array([new_frame.origin]),
     # the orientation of the frame is simply taken from new_frame (vectors will be normalized!)
     self._frame = trf.CoordFrame(i=new_frame.i,
 def frame(self, new_frame):
     # User can manually change the reference frame. Points follow frame.
     assert isinstance(new_frame, trf.CoordFrame)
     new_frame = trf.CoordFrame(
         new_frame.m)  # to ensure new_frame matrix has unit vectors vectors
     # The relative positions of the points don't change because the points are following the frame
     self.pts = trf.PointCloud(self.pts.in_frame(self.frame).co, new_frame)
     self._frame = new_frame
 def origin(self, new_origin):
     # moving the origin for this type of mesh will move the points!
     assert isinstance(new_origin, trf.PointCloud)
     tfmat = np.array(
         mathutils.Matrix.Translation(new_origin.in_world().co[0, :] -
     new_frame = trf.CoordFrame(tfmat @ self.frame.m)
     self.frame = new_frame
 def normal(self, new_normal):
     """new_normal is a 'direction' in world coordinates."""
     assert isinstance(new_normal, trf.PointCloud)
     # trf.normal2tfmat takes a unit vector (or normalizes it) and computes a transformation matrix required to transform the point (0, 0, 1) to nhat
     n2tf = trf.m4(
         trf.normal2tfmat(new_normal.in_frame(self.frame).co[0, :]))
     # the new frame of reference is the transformed coordinate system pushed into the world.
     new_frame = trf.CoordFrame(self.frame.m @ n2tf)
     self.frame = new_frame
 def frame(self):
     # ensure i, j, k are unit vectors, and origin is at the center of the points
     k_vec = self.normal
     pts_in_world = self.pts.in_world()
     x_vec =[0, :] -[0, :]
     j_vec = np.cross(k_vec, x_vec)
     i_vec = np.cross(j_vec, k_vec)
     return trf.CoordFrame(i=i_vec,
Example #6
def _transform_bones(bones, articulation_center_rel,
                     articulation_center_frames, articulation_angle):
    :param bones: (list of bpn.core.MeshObject) list of bones to be transformed
    :param articulation_center_rel: (3-element np array) location of the center of transformation. The position of the rotation center does not change in this frame.
    :param articulation_center_frames: (list of CoordFrames, same length as number of keyframes) 
        The coordinate frame in which articulation center is specified (specifies the frame in world coordinates)
    :param articulation angle: (radians) how much to articulate that joint
    for tkf in range(1, n_keyframes):
        articulation_center = trf.PointCloud(
            articulation_center_frames[tkf]).in_world().co[0, :]
        progress = (tkf / n_keyframes)**1
        q = trf.Quat([1, 0, 0], articulation_angle * progress,
        for b in bones:
            all_frames[][tkf] = q * all_frames[][tkf]
    def __init__(self, parent, **kwargs):
        :param parent: (core.MeshObject)
        :param vi: (1D int32 numpy array) indices of parent vertices
        :param ei: (1D int32 numpy array) indices of parent edges
        :param fi: (1D int32 numpy array) indices of parent faces
        kwargs_def = {
            'vi': [],
            'ei': [],
            'fi': [],
            'tags': [],
            'call_stack': None,
            'frame': None
        kwargs_alias = {
            'vi': ['vi', 'v_idx'],
            'ei': ['ei', 'e_idx'],
            'fi': ['fi', 'f_idx'],
            'tags': ['tags'],
            'call_stack': ['call_stack'],
            'frame': ['frame', 'coord_frame', 'm']
        kwargs_curr, _ = pn.clean_kwargs(kwargs, kwargs_def, kwargs_alias)
        self.parent = parent = kwargs_curr['vi']
        self.ei = kwargs_curr['ei'] = kwargs_curr['fi']
        self.tags = kwargs_curr['tags']
        self.call_stack = kwargs_curr['call_stack']

        if not kwargs_curr['frame']:
            self._frame = self.parent.frame
            if not isinstance(kwargs_curr['frame'], trf.CoordFrame):
                self._frame = trf.CoordFrame(m=kwargs_curr['frame'])
                self._frame = kwargs_curr['frame']

        self._frame = self.frame  # run the getter! This might seem trivial for this class, but look at the inherited classes and it should make sense
Example #8
c.key(est_frames, 'theta', np.pi - 15 * np.pi / 180)
c.key(1, 'fov', 90)
c.key(est_frames, 'fov', 37)
c.key(1, 'center', (0, 0, 1))
c.key(est_frames, 'center', (0, 0, 0.4))
c.key(1, 'target', (0, 0, 1))
c.key(est_frames, 'target', (0, 0, 0.25))

keyframe_offset = est_frames

nutations_in, nutations_out = nutations.load_nutation_coordframes()

nutation_trf_out2in = {}
nutation_trf_in2out = {}
for bone_name in nutations_in:
    nutation_trf_out2in[bone_name] = trf.CoordFrame(
        nutations_in[bone_name].m @ np.linalg.inv(nutations_out[bone_name].m))
    nutation_trf_in2out[bone_name] = trf.CoordFrame(
        nutations_out[bone_name].m @ np.linalg.inv(nutations_in[bone_name].m))

if 'Skeletal_Sys' not in [ for c in]:
    SKELETON = "D:\\Dropbox (MIT)\\Anatomy\\Workspace\\Ultimate_Human_Anatomy_Rigged_Blend_2-81\\skeletalSystem_originAtCenter_bkp02.blend"
    anatomy.load_coll('Skeletal_Sys', SKELETON)

n_keyframes = 22
n_keyframes_nutation = 20
n_keyframes_hold = 10

hip_articulation_center_world = (-0.10529670119285583, 0.007387260906398296,
knee_articulation_center_world = (-0.10663662105798721, 0.03164456784725189,
 def frame(self):
     # ensure i, j, k are unit vectors, and origin is at the center of the points
     return trf.CoordFrame(i=self._frame.i,
Example #10
def capsule():
    """Capsule for saving to URDF"""
    import os
    name = "capsule01"
    rel_dir_name = "robots"
    sav_dir = str(Path(utils.PATH["cache"]).parent.joinpath(rel_dir_name))
    sav_file = ''.join([sav_dir, os.sep, name])

    # create the capsule using the module
    r = 0.25
    h = 2
    s1 = new.sphere(name, r=r, v=9)
    tmp1 = s1.v
    # elongate the lower half
    tmp1[tmp1[:, -1] < -0.001,
         -1] = tmp1[tmp1[:, -1] < -0.001, -1] - (h - 2 * r)
    s1.v = tmp1
    s1.vertex_center = np.array([0, 0, 0])

    # save STL file
    # Note that the STL file does not 'bake' the pose information in
    # Specify that info in the URDF file (3 times - for inertia, visuals and collisions)
    s1.export(sav_file + ".stl")

    # pose, mass, inertia tensor, mesh file name -> URDF file
    import urdfpy as u

    def make_link(link_name, mesh_name, mesh, density, pose, scale=None):
        if scale is None:
            scale = [1, 1, 1]
        mesh.density = density
        geometry = u.Geometry(
            mesh=u.Mesh(mesh_name, meshes=[mesh], scale=scale))
        inertia = u.Inertial(mesh.mass, mesh.moment_inertia, pose)
        visuals = [u.Visual(geometry, origin=pose)]
        collisions = [u.Collision(link_name + "_coll", pose, geometry)]
        return u.Link(link_name, inertia, visuals, collisions)

    import trimesh
    st = trimesh.load_mesh(sav_file + ".stl")
    links = []

    # For the first link, create a transformation matrix as you would in blender
    s1.frame = trf.CoordFrame(origin=[0, 0, -0.5 * (h + r)])
    s1.frame = trf.Quat([1, 0, 0], np.pi / 4, trf.CoordFrame()) * s1.frame
    links.append(make_link("left", name + ".stl", st, 10, s1.frame.m))

    # create the joint before creating the second link!
    j2 = new.empty("left_right")
    j2.frame = trf.Quat([1, 0, 0], -np.pi / 4, j2.frame) * j2.frame

    # the second link (child in joint 2) will have its coordinate frame defined in j2
    s2 = s1.deepcopy()
    s2.frame = trf.CoordFrame(origin=[0, 0, -0.5 * (h + r)])
        make_link("right", name + ".stl", st, 1, s2.frame.m, [1, 1, 1]))

    joints = [
                axis=[1, 0, 0],
    r = u.URDF(name, links, joints) + ".urdf")

    # add friction and restitution information to the URDF file
    from lxml import etree
    tree = etree.parse(sav_file + ".urdf",
    root = tree.getroot()
    for link in root:
        if link.tag == 'link':
            contact = etree.SubElement(link, "contact")
            etree.SubElement(contact, "restitution").set("value", "1.0")
            etree.SubElement(contact, "rolling_friction").set("value", "0.001")
                             "spinning_friction").set("value", "0.001")

    f = open(sav_file + ".urdf", "w")
        etree.tostring(root, pretty_print=True,