Example #1
def test_json_load_repeated_schema():
    transformer = JsonDataLiteralTransformer().use_datetime_like_cast()
    query = transformer.load(
    assert query == (
        "(select ['str with quote \\'', cast(null as STRING), "
        "'and backslash \\\\'] as f_string, [from_base64('YW55'), "
        "from_base64('c3RyaW5n'), cast(null as BYTES)] as f_bytes, [cast(null as INT64), "
        "cast(1 as INT64), cast(2 as INT64)] as f_int, [cast(1.5 as FLOAT64), cast(null as FLOAT64), "
        "cast(2.6 as FLOAT64)] as f_float, "
        "[true, false, cast(null as BOOLEAN)] as f_bool, "
        "[cast(null as TIMESTAMP), cast('2020-11-26 17:09:03.967259 UTC' as TIMESTAMP), "
        "cast('2019-11-26 17:09:03.967259 UTC' as TIMESTAMP)] as f_timestamp, "
        "[cast('2020-11-26' as DATE), cast(null as DATE), cast('2019-11-26' as DATE)] as f_date, "
        "[cast('11:09:03' as TIME), cast('10:09:03' as TIME), cast(null as TIME)] as f_time, "
        "[cast(null as DATETIME), cast('2020-11-26 17:09:03' as DATETIME), "
        "cast('2019-11-26 17:09:03' as DATETIME)] as f_datetime, [cast(1.6 as NUMERIC), "
        "cast(null as NUMERIC), cast(1.7 as NUMERIC)] as f_numeric, "
        "[struct(cast(null as ARRAY<STRING>) as f_string, [from_base64('dG9fYnl0ZXM=')] as f_bytes), "
        "struct(['a_string'] as f_string, cast(null as ARRAY<BYTES>) as f_bytes), "
        "cast(null as STRUCT<f_string ARRAY<STRING>, f_bytes ARRAY<BYTES>>)] as f_nested)"
Example #2
def test_invalid_json_load():
    transformer = JsonDataLiteralTransformer()
    with pytest.raises(RowParsingException):
def test_json_complex_schema(bqtk: BQTestKit):
    complex_schema_pfl = PackageFileLoader(
    transformer = JsonDataLiteralTransformer()
    complex_schema = SchemaMixin().to_schema_field_list(complex_schema_pfl)
    query = transformer.load(
        ), complex_schema_pfl)
    result = bqtk.query_template(from_=query).run()

    assert result.schema == complex_schema
Example #4
def test_json_empty_complex_schema():
    expected = (
        "(select * from (select cast(null as STRING) as f_string, cast(null as BYTES) as f_bytes, "
        "cast(null as INT64) as f_int, cast(null as FLOAT64) as f_float, cast(null as BOOLEAN) as f_bool,"
        " cast(null as TIMESTAMP) as f_timestamp, cast(null as DATE) as f_date, "
        "cast(null as TIME) as f_time, cast(null as DATETIME) as f_datetime, "
        "cast(null as NUMERIC) as f_numeric, cast(null as GEOGRAPHY) as f_geography, "
        "cast(null as STRUCT<f_string STRING, f_bytes BYTES, f_int INT64, f_float FLOAT64, "
        "f_bool BOOLEAN, f_timestamp TIMESTAMP, f_date DATE, f_time TIME, f_datetime DATETIME, "
        "f_numeric NUMERIC, f_geography GEOGRAPHY, f_repeated_struct ARRAY<STRUCT<f_string STRING, "
        "f_bytes BYTES, f_int INT64, f_float FLOAT64, f_bool BOOLEAN, f_timestamp TIMESTAMP, "
        "f_date DATE, f_time TIME, f_datetime DATETIME, f_numeric NUMERIC, f_geography GEOGRAPHY>>, "
        "f_string_repeated ARRAY<STRING>, f_bytes_repeated ARRAY<BYTES>, f_int_repeated ARRAY<INT64>, "
        "f_float_repeated ARRAY<FLOAT64>, f_bool_repeated ARRAY<BOOLEAN>, "
        "f_timestamp_repeated ARRAY<TIMESTAMP>, f_date_repeated ARRAY<DATE>, "
        "f_time_repeated ARRAY<TIME>, f_datetime_repeated ARRAY<DATETIME>, "
        "f_numeric_repeated ARRAY<NUMERIC>, f_geography_repeated ARRAY<GEOGRAPHY>>) as f_struct, "
        "cast(null as ARRAY<STRUCT<f_string STRING, f_bytes BYTES, f_int INT64, f_float FLOAT64, "
        "f_bool BOOLEAN, f_timestamp TIMESTAMP, f_date DATE, f_time TIME, f_datetime DATETIME, "
        "f_numeric NUMERIC, f_geography GEOGRAPHY>>) as f_repeated_struct, "
        "cast(null as ARRAY<STRING>) as f_string_repeated, "
        "cast(null as ARRAY<BYTES>) as f_bytes_repeated, cast(null as ARRAY<INT64>) as f_int_repeated, "
        "cast(null as ARRAY<FLOAT64>) as f_float_repeated, "
        "cast(null as ARRAY<BOOLEAN>) as f_bool_repeated, "
        "cast(null as ARRAY<TIMESTAMP>) as f_timestamp_repeated, "
        "cast(null as ARRAY<DATE>) as f_date_repeated, "
        "cast(null as ARRAY<TIME>) as f_time_repeated, "
        "cast(null as ARRAY<DATETIME>) as f_datetime_repeated, "
        "cast(null as ARRAY<NUMERIC>) as f_numeric_repeated, cast(null as ARRAY<GEOGRAPHY>) "
        "as f_geography_repeated) limit 0)")
    query = JsonDataLiteralTransformer().load(
    assert query == expected
    query = JsonDataLiteralTransformer(json_format=JsonFormat.JSON_ARRAY).load(
    assert query == expected
    query = JsonDataLiteralTransformer().load(
    assert query == expected
Example #5
def test_json_empty_array_schema():
    expected = (
        "(select struct(cast(null as STRING) as f_string, "
        "cast([] as ARRAY<STRUCT<f_string STRING, f_bytes BYTES, f_int INT64, f_float FLOAT64, "
        "f_bool BOOLEAN, f_timestamp TIMESTAMP, f_date DATE, f_time TIME, f_datetime DATETIME, "
        "f_numeric NUMERIC, f_geography GEOGRAPHY>>) as f_repeated_struct, "
        "cast([] as ARRAY<STRING>) as f_string_repeated, cast([] as ARRAY<BYTES>) as f_bytes_repeated, "
        "cast([] as ARRAY<INT64>) as f_int_repeated, "
        "cast([] as ARRAY<FLOAT64>) as f_float_repeated, cast([] as ARRAY<BOOLEAN>) as f_bool_repeated, "
        "cast([] as ARRAY<TIMESTAMP>) as f_timestamp_repeated, cast([] as ARRAY<DATE>) as f_date_repeated, "
        "cast([] as ARRAY<TIME>) as f_time_repeated, cast([] as ARRAY<DATETIME>) as f_datetime_repeated, "
        "cast([] as ARRAY<NUMERIC>) as f_numeric_repeated, "
        "cast([] as ARRAY<GEOGRAPHY>) as f_geography_repeated) as f_struct, "
        "cast([] as ARRAY<STRUCT<f_string STRING, f_bytes BYTES, f_int INT64, f_float FLOAT64, "
        "f_bool BOOLEAN, f_timestamp TIMESTAMP, f_date DATE, f_time TIME, f_datetime DATETIME, "
        "f_numeric NUMERIC, f_geography GEOGRAPHY>>) as f_repeated_struct, "
        "cast([] as ARRAY<STRING>) as f_string_repeated, "
        "cast([] as ARRAY<BYTES>) as f_bytes_repeated, cast([] as ARRAY<INT64>) as f_int_repeated, "
        "cast([] as ARRAY<FLOAT64>) as f_float_repeated, "
        "cast([] as ARRAY<BOOLEAN>) as f_bool_repeated, "
        "cast([] as ARRAY<TIMESTAMP>) as f_timestamp_repeated, "
        "cast([] as ARRAY<DATE>) as f_date_repeated, "
        "cast([] as ARRAY<TIME>) as f_time_repeated, "
        "cast([] as ARRAY<DATETIME>) as f_datetime_repeated, "
        "cast([] as ARRAY<NUMERIC>) as f_numeric_repeated, cast([] as ARRAY<GEOGRAPHY>) "
        "as f_geography_repeated)")
    query = JsonDataLiteralTransformer(json_format=JsonFormat.JSON_ARRAY).load(
    assert query == expected
Example #6
def test_json_load_simple_schema(json_input):
    transformer = JsonDataLiteralTransformer().use_datetime_like_cast()
    query = transformer.load(
    assert query == (
        "(select 'str with quote \\' and backslash \\\\' as f_string, "
        "from_base64('YW55') as f_bytes, cast(1 as INT64) as f_int, cast(1.5 as FLOAT64) as f_float, "
        "true as f_bool, "
        "cast('2020-11-26 17:09:03.967259 UTC' as TIMESTAMP) as f_timestamp, "
        "cast('2020-11-26' as DATE) as f_date, cast('11:09:03' as TIME) as f_time, "
        "cast('2020-11-26T17:09:03' as DATETIME) as f_datetime, cast(1.6 as NUMERIC) as f_numeric, "
        "ST_GEOGPOINT(-122.35, 47.62) as f_geography, "
        "cast(null as STRUCT<f_datetime DATETIME>) as f_struct)")
Example #7
def test_json_load_nested_schema():
    transformer = JsonDataLiteralTransformer().use_datetime_like_cast()
    query = transformer.load(
    assert query == (
        "(select struct('str with quote \\' and backslash \\\\' as f_string, "
        "from_base64('YW55') as f_bytes, cast(1 as INT64) as f_int, cast(1.5 as FLOAT64) as f_float, "
        "true as f_bool, "
        "cast('2020-11-26 17:09:03.967259 UTC' as TIMESTAMP) as f_timestamp, "
        "cast('2020-11-26' as DATE) as f_date, cast('11:09:03' as TIME) as f_time, "
        "cast('2020-11-26 17:09:03' as DATETIME) as f_datetime, cast(1.6 as NUMERIC) as f_numeric, "
        "cast(null as STRUCT<f_string STRING>) as f_nested2) as f_nested)")
def test_json_empty_array_schema(bqtk: BQTestKit):
    schema = PackageFileLoader(
    query = JsonDataLiteralTransformer(json_format=JsonFormat.JSON_ARRAY).load(
        ), schema)
    result = bqtk.query_template(from_=query).run()
    assert result.schema == SchemaMixin().to_schema_field_list(schema)
Example #9
def test_required_schema():
    transformer = JsonDataLiteralTransformer()

    with pytest.raises(DataLiteralTransformException) as exception:
    assert str(exception.value) == (
        "Exception happened in line 1 with the following errors :\n"
        "\t.f_string is required,\n"
        "\t.f_bytes is required,\n"
        "\t.f_int is required,\n"
        "\t.f_float is required,\n"
        "\t.f_bool is required,\n"
        "\t.f_timestamp is required,\n"
        "\t.f_date is required,\n"
        "\t.f_time is required,\n"
        "\t.f_datetime is required,\n"
        "\t.f_numeric is required,\n"
        "\t.f_geography is required,\n"
        "\t.f_record is required,\n"
        "\t.f_repeated_record[0].f_string is required,\n"
        "\t.f_repeated_record[0].f_int is required,\n"
        "\t.f_repeated_record[0].f_bool is required,\n"
        "\t.f_repeated_record[0].f_date is required,\n"
        "\t.f_repeated_record[0].f_datetime is required,\n"
        "\t.f_repeated_record[0].f_geography is required,\n"
        "\t.f_repeated_record[0].f_record is required,\n"
        "\t.f_repeated_record[0].f_repeated_record[0].f_nested_string is required,\n"
        "\t.f_repeated_record[1].f_string is required,\n"
        "\t.f_repeated_record[1].f_int is required,\n"
        "\t.f_repeated_record[1].f_bool is required,\n"
        "\t.f_repeated_record[1].f_date is required,\n"
        "\t.f_repeated_record[1].f_datetime is required,\n"
        "\t.f_repeated_record[1].f_geography is required,\n"
        "\t.f_repeated_record[1].f_record is required,\n"
        "\t.f_repeated_record[1].f_repeated_record[0].f_nested_string is required"
Example #10
def test_geography_point():
    transformer = JsonDataLiteralTransformer()

    with pytest.raises(DataLiteralTransformException) as exception:
    assert str(exception.value) == (
        "Exception happened in line 6 with the following errors :\n"
        "\t.f_geography is a GEOGRAPHY type. It is expected to match POINT(x y) "
        "where x and y are FLOAT64. Instead get NotPoInT( -122.35  47.62 ). "
        "POINT is case insensitive.\n\n"
        "Exception happened in line 7 with the following errors :\n"
        "\t.f_geography is a GEOGRAPHY type. It is expected to match POINT(x y) "
        "where x and y are FLOAT64. Instead get NotPoInT( -122.35  47.62 ). "
        "POINT is case insensitive.")
Example #11
def test_json_load_with_extra_column():
    transformer = JsonDataLiteralTransformer()
    with pytest.raises(DataLiteralTransformException) as exception:
    assert str(exception.value) == (
        "Exception happened in line 1 with the following errors :\n"
        "\tKey f_string_extra @ . not in schema\n\n"
        "Exception happened in line 2 with the following errors :\n"
        "\tKey f_string_extra2 @ . not in schema")
    query = transformer.ignore_unknown_values().use_datetime_like_cast().load(
    assert query == (
        "(select 'str with quote \\' and backslash \\\\' as f_string, "
        "from_base64('YW55') as f_bytes, cast(1 as INT64) as f_int, cast(1.5 as FLOAT64) as f_float, "
        "true as f_bool, "
        "cast('2020-11-26 17:09:03.967259 UTC' as TIMESTAMP) as f_timestamp, "
        "cast('2020-11-26' as DATE) as f_date, cast('11:09:03' as TIME) as f_time, "
        "cast('2020-11-26 17:09:03' as DATETIME) as f_datetime, cast(1.6 as NUMERIC) as f_numeric, "
        "ST_GEOGPOINT(-122.35, 47.62) as f_geography, "
        "cast(null as STRUCT<f_datetime DATETIME>) as f_struct"
        "\nunion all\n"
        "select 'other string' as f_string, "
        "from_base64('YW55') as f_bytes, cast(2 as INT64) as f_int, cast(2.5 as FLOAT64) as f_float, "
        "true as f_bool, "
        "cast('2020-11-26 17:09:03.967259 UTC' as TIMESTAMP) as f_timestamp, "
        "cast('2020-11-26' as DATE) as f_date, cast('11:09:03' as TIME) as f_time, "
        "cast('2020-11-26 17:09:03' as DATETIME) as f_datetime, cast(2.6 as NUMERIC) as f_numeric, "
        "ST_GEOGPOINT(-122.50, -40.6) as f_geography, "
        "cast(null as STRUCT<f_datetime DATETIME>) as f_struct)")
Example #12
def test_invalid_instance():
    transformer = JsonDataLiteralTransformer()
    with pytest.raises(InvalidInstanceException):
    with pytest.raises(InvalidInstanceException):
Example #13
def test_change_json_format():
    transformer = JsonDataLiteralTransformer()
    assert transformer.json_format == JsonFormat.NEWLINE_DELIMITED_JSON
    transformer = transformer.with_json_format(JsonFormat.JSON_ARRAY)
    assert transformer.json_format == JsonFormat.JSON_ARRAY
Example #14
def test_json_complex_schema():
    transformer = JsonDataLiteralTransformer()
    query = transformer.load(
    assert query == (
        "(select 'f_string' as f_string, from_base64('YW55') as f_bytes, cast(1 as INT64) as f_int, "
        "cast(1.1 as FLOAT64) as f_float, true as f_bool, "
        "timestamp '2020-11-26 17:09:03.967259 UTC' as f_timestamp, date '2020-11-26' as f_date, "
        "time '17:09:03.967259' as f_time, datetime '2020-11-26 17:09:03.967259' as f_datetime, "
        "cast(1.2 as NUMERIC) as f_numeric, ST_GEOGPOINT(1, 2) as f_geography, "
        "struct('f_string' as f_string, from_base64('YW55') as f_bytes, cast(2 as INT64) as f_int, "
        "cast(2.1 as FLOAT64) as f_float, true as f_bool, "
        "timestamp '2019-11-26 17:09:03.967259 UTC' as f_timestamp, date '2019-11-26' as f_date, "
        "time '16:09:03.967259' as f_time, datetime '2019-11-26 17:09:03.967259' as f_datetime, "
        "cast(2.2 as NUMERIC) as f_numeric, ST_GEOGPOINT(1, 2) as f_geography, "
        "[struct('f_string' as f_string, from_base64('YW55') as f_bytes, "
        "cast(1 as INT64) as f_int, cast(1.1 as FLOAT64) as f_float, true as f_bool, "
        "timestamp '2020-11-26 17:09:03.967259 UTC' as f_timestamp, date '2020-11-26' as f_date, "
        "time '17:09:03.967259' as f_time, datetime '2020-11-26 17:09:03.967259' as f_datetime, "
        "cast(1.2 as NUMERIC) as f_numeric, ST_GEOGPOINT(1, 2) as f_geography)] as f_repeated_struct, "
        "['f_string'] as f_string_repeated, [from_base64('YW55')] as f_bytes_repeated, "
        "[cast(1 as INT64)] as f_int_repeated, [cast(1.1 as FLOAT64)] as f_float_repeated, "
        "[true] as f_bool_repeated, [timestamp '2020-11-26 17:09:03.967259 UTC'] as f_timestamp_repeated,"
        " [date '2020-11-26'] as f_date_repeated, [time '17:09:03.967259'] as f_time_repeated, "
        "[datetime '2020-11-26 17:09:03.967259'] as f_datetime_repeated, "
        "[cast(1.2 as NUMERIC)] as f_numeric_repeated, [ST_GEOGPOINT(1, 2)] as f_geography_repeated) "
        "as f_struct, [struct('f_string' as f_string, from_base64('YW55') as f_bytes, "
        "cast(1 as INT64) as f_int, cast(1.1 as FLOAT64) as f_float, true as f_bool, "
        "timestamp '2020-11-26 17:09:03.967259 UTC' as f_timestamp, date '2020-11-26' as f_date, "
        "time '17:09:03.967259' as f_time, datetime '2020-11-26 17:09:03.967259' as f_datetime, "
        "cast(1.2 as NUMERIC) as f_numeric, ST_GEOGPOINT(1, 2) as f_geography)] as f_repeated_struct,"
        " ['f_string'] as f_string_repeated, [from_base64('YW55')] as f_bytes_repeated, "
        "[cast(1 as INT64)] as f_int_repeated, [cast(1.1 as FLOAT64)] as f_float_repeated, "
        "[true] as f_bool_repeated, [timestamp '2020-11-26 17:09:03.967259 UTC'] as f_timestamp_repeated,"
        " [date '2020-11-26'] as f_date_repeated, [time '17:09:03.967259'] as f_time_repeated, "
        "[datetime '2020-11-26 17:09:03.967259'] as f_datetime_repeated, "
        "[cast(1.2 as NUMERIC)] as f_numeric_repeated, [ST_GEOGPOINT(1, 2)] as f_geography_repeated"
        "\nunion all\n"
        "select cast(null as STRING) as f_string, cast(null as BYTES) as f_bytes, "
        "cast(null as INT64) as f_int, cast(null as FLOAT64) as f_float, cast(null as BOOLEAN) as f_bool,"
        " cast(null as TIMESTAMP) as f_timestamp, cast(null as DATE) as f_date, "
        "cast(null as TIME) as f_time, cast(null as DATETIME) as f_datetime, "
        "cast(null as NUMERIC) as f_numeric, cast(null as GEOGRAPHY) as f_geography, "
        "cast(null as STRUCT<f_string STRING, f_bytes BYTES, f_int INT64, f_float FLOAT64, "
        "f_bool BOOLEAN, f_timestamp TIMESTAMP, f_date DATE, f_time TIME, f_datetime DATETIME, "
        "f_numeric NUMERIC, f_geography GEOGRAPHY, f_repeated_struct ARRAY<STRUCT<f_string STRING, "
        "f_bytes BYTES, f_int INT64, f_float FLOAT64, f_bool BOOLEAN, f_timestamp TIMESTAMP, "
        "f_date DATE, f_time TIME, f_datetime DATETIME, f_numeric NUMERIC, f_geography GEOGRAPHY>>, "
        "f_string_repeated ARRAY<STRING>, f_bytes_repeated ARRAY<BYTES>, f_int_repeated ARRAY<INT64>, "
        "f_float_repeated ARRAY<FLOAT64>, f_bool_repeated ARRAY<BOOLEAN>, "
        "f_timestamp_repeated ARRAY<TIMESTAMP>, f_date_repeated ARRAY<DATE>, "
        "f_time_repeated ARRAY<TIME>, f_datetime_repeated ARRAY<DATETIME>, "
        "f_numeric_repeated ARRAY<NUMERIC>, f_geography_repeated ARRAY<GEOGRAPHY>>) as f_struct, "
        "cast(null as ARRAY<STRUCT<f_string STRING, f_bytes BYTES, f_int INT64, f_float FLOAT64, "
        "f_bool BOOLEAN, f_timestamp TIMESTAMP, f_date DATE, f_time TIME, f_datetime DATETIME, "
        "f_numeric NUMERIC, f_geography GEOGRAPHY>>) as f_repeated_struct, "
        "cast(null as ARRAY<STRING>) as f_string_repeated, "
        "cast(null as ARRAY<BYTES>) as f_bytes_repeated, cast(null as ARRAY<INT64>) as f_int_repeated, "
        "cast(null as ARRAY<FLOAT64>) as f_float_repeated, "
        "cast(null as ARRAY<BOOLEAN>) as f_bool_repeated, "
        "cast(null as ARRAY<TIMESTAMP>) as f_timestamp_repeated, "
        "cast(null as ARRAY<DATE>) as f_date_repeated, "
        "cast(null as ARRAY<TIME>) as f_time_repeated, "
        "cast(null as ARRAY<DATETIME>) as f_datetime_repeated, "
        "cast(null as ARRAY<NUMERIC>) as f_numeric_repeated, cast(null as ARRAY<GEOGRAPHY>) "
        "as f_geography_repeated"
        "\nunion all\n"
        "select cast(null as STRING) as f_string, cast(null as BYTES) as f_bytes, "
        "cast(null as INT64) as f_int, cast(null as FLOAT64) as f_float, cast(null as BOOLEAN) as f_bool,"
        " cast(null as TIMESTAMP) as f_timestamp, cast(null as DATE) as f_date, "
        "cast(null as TIME) as f_time, cast(null as DATETIME) as f_datetime, "
        "cast(null as NUMERIC) as f_numeric, cast(null as GEOGRAPHY) as f_geography, "
        "cast(null as STRUCT<f_string STRING, f_bytes BYTES, f_int INT64, f_float FLOAT64, "
        "f_bool BOOLEAN, f_timestamp TIMESTAMP, f_date DATE, f_time TIME, f_datetime DATETIME, "
        "f_numeric NUMERIC, f_geography GEOGRAPHY, f_repeated_struct ARRAY<STRUCT<f_string STRING, "
        "f_bytes BYTES, f_int INT64, f_float FLOAT64, f_bool BOOLEAN, f_timestamp TIMESTAMP, f_date DATE,"
        " f_time TIME, f_datetime DATETIME, f_numeric NUMERIC, f_geography GEOGRAPHY>>, "
        "f_string_repeated ARRAY<STRING>, f_bytes_repeated ARRAY<BYTES>, f_int_repeated ARRAY<INT64>, "
        "f_float_repeated ARRAY<FLOAT64>, f_bool_repeated ARRAY<BOOLEAN>, "
        "f_timestamp_repeated ARRAY<TIMESTAMP>, f_date_repeated ARRAY<DATE>, "
        "f_time_repeated ARRAY<TIME>, f_datetime_repeated ARRAY<DATETIME>, "
        "f_numeric_repeated ARRAY<NUMERIC>, f_geography_repeated ARRAY<GEOGRAPHY>>) as f_struct, "
        "[cast(null as STRUCT<f_string STRING, f_bytes BYTES, f_int INT64, f_float FLOAT64, "
        "f_bool BOOLEAN, f_timestamp TIMESTAMP, f_date DATE, f_time TIME, f_datetime DATETIME, "
        "f_numeric NUMERIC, f_geography GEOGRAPHY>)] as f_repeated_struct, "
        "[cast(null as STRING)] as f_string_repeated, [cast(null as BYTES)] as f_bytes_repeated, "
        "[cast(null as INT64)] as f_int_repeated, [cast(null as FLOAT64)] as f_float_repeated, "
        "[cast(null as BOOLEAN)] as f_bool_repeated, [cast(null as TIMESTAMP)] as f_timestamp_repeated, "
        "[cast(null as DATE)] as f_date_repeated, [cast(null as TIME)] as f_time_repeated, "
        "[cast(null as DATETIME)] as f_datetime_repeated, [cast(null as NUMERIC)] as f_numeric_repeated, "
        "[cast(null as GEOGRAPHY)] as f_geography_repeated)")