Example #1
def _wheel_move_during_closed_loop(re_ts,
    """ Check that the wheel moves by approximately 35 degrees during the closed-loop period
    on trials where a feedback (error sound or valve) is delivered.

    Metric: M = abs(w_resp - w_t0) - threshold_displacement, where w_resp = position at response
        time, w_t0 = position at go cue time, threshold_displacement = displacement required to
        move 35 visual degrees
    Criterion: displacement < tol visual degree
    Units: degrees angle of wheel turn

    :param re_ts: extarcted wheel timestamps in seconds
    :param re_pos: extracted wheel positions in radians
    :param data: a dict with the keys (goCueTrigger_times, response_times, feedback_times,
    position, choice, intervals)
    :param wheel_gain: the 'STIM_GAIN' task setting
    :param tol: the criterion in visual degrees
    if wheel_gain is None:
        _log.warning("No wheel_gain input in function call, returning None")
        return None, None

    # Get tuple of wheel times and positions over each trial's closed-loop period
    traces = traces_by_trial(re_ts,

    metric = np.zeros_like(data["feedback_times"])
    # For each trial find the absolute displacement
    for i, trial in enumerate(traces):
        t, pos = trial
        if pos.size != 0:
            # Find the position of the preceding sample and subtract it
            idx = np.abs(re_ts - t[0]).argmin() - 1
            origin = re_pos[idx]
            metric[i] = np.abs(pos - origin).max()

    # Load wheel_gain and thresholds for each trial
    wheel_gain = np.array([wheel_gain] * len(data["position"]))
    thresh = data["position"]
    # abs displacement, s, in mm required to move 35 visual degrees
    s_mm = np.abs(thresh / wheel_gain)  # don't care about direction
    criterion = cm_to_rad(
        s_mm *
        1e-1)  # convert abs displacement to radians (wheel pos is in rad)
    metric = metric - criterion  # difference should be close to 0
    rad_per_deg = cm_to_rad(1 / wheel_gain * 1e-1)
    passed = (np.abs(metric) < rad_per_deg * tol).astype(
        float)  # less than 1 visual degree off
    metric[data["choice"] == 0] = passed[data["choice"] ==
                                         0] = np.nan  # except no-go trials
    assert data["intervals"].shape[0] == len(metric) == len(passed)
    return metric, passed
Example #2
def load_wheel_move_during_closed_loop(trial_data, wheel_data, wheel_gain):
    """ Wheel should move a sufficient amount during the closed-loop period
    Variable name: wheel_move_during_closed_loop
    Metric: abs(w_resp - w_t0) - threshold_displacement, where w_resp = position at response
        time, w_t0 = position at go cue time, threshold_displacement = displacement required to
        move 35 visual degrees
    Criterion: displacement < 1 visual degree for 99% of non-NoGo trials
    if wheel_gain is None:
        log.warning("No wheel_gain input in function call, retruning None")
        return None

    # Get tuple of wheel times and positions over each trial's closed-loop period
    traces = traces_by_trial(

    metric = np.zeros_like(trial_data["feedback_times"])
    # For each trial find the absolute displacement
    for i, trial in enumerate(traces):
        t, pos = trial
        if pos.size == 0:
            metric[i] = np.nan
            # Find the position of the preceding sample and subtract it
            origin = wheel_data["re_pos"][wheel_data["re_ts"] <= t[0]][-1]
            metric[i] = np.abs(pos - origin).max()

    # Load wheel_gain and thresholds for each trial
    wheel_gain = np.array([wheel_gain] * len(trial_data["position"]))
    thresh = trial_data["position"]
    # abs displacement, s, in mm required to move 35 visual degrees
    s_mm = np.abs(thresh / wheel_gain)  # don't care about direction
    criterion = cm_to_rad(
        s_mm *
        1e-1)  # convert abs displacement to radians (wheel pos is in rad)
    metric = metric - criterion  # difference should be close to 0
    rad_per_deg = cm_to_rad(1 / wheel_gain * 1e-1)
    passed = (np.abs(metric) < rad_per_deg).astype(
        np.float)  # less than 1 visual degree off
    metric[trial_data["choice"] == 0] = np.nan  # except no-go trials
    passed[trial_data["choice"] == 0] = np.nan  # except no-go trials
    assert len(trial_data["intervals_0"]) == len(metric) == len(passed)
    return metric, passed
Example #3
    def extract_onsets_for_trial(self):
        Extracts the movement onsets and offsets for the current trial
        :return: tuple of onsets, offsets on, interpolated timestamps, interpolated positions,
        and position units
        wheel = self._session_data['wheel']
        trials = self._session_data['trials']
        trial_idx = self.trial_num - 1  # Trials num starts at 1
        # Check the values and units of wheel position
        res = np.array([wh.ENC_RES, wh.ENC_RES / 2, wh.ENC_RES / 4])
        # min change in rad and cm for each decoding type
        # [rad_X4, rad_X2, rad_X1, cm_X4, cm_X2, cm_X1]
        min_change = np.concatenate(
            [2 * np.pi / res, wh.WHEEL_DIAMETER * np.pi / res])
        pos_diff = np.median(np.abs(np.ediff1d(wheel['position'])))

        # find min change closest to min pos_diff
        idx = np.argmin(np.abs(min_change - pos_diff))
        if idx < len(res):
            # Assume values are in radians
            units = 'rad'
            encoding = idx
            units = 'cm'
            encoding = idx - len(res)
        thresholds = wh.samples_to_cm(np.array([8, 1.5]),
        if units == 'rad':
            thresholds = wh.cm_to_rad(thresholds)
        kwargs = {
            'pos_thresh': thresholds[0],
            'pos_thresh_onset': thresholds[1]
        #  kwargs = {'make_plots': True, **kwargs}  # Uncomment for plot

        # Interpolate and get onsets
        pos, t = wh.interpolate_position(wheel['timestamps'],
        # Get the positions and times between our trial start and the next trial start
        if self.quick_load or not self.trial_num:
                # End of previous trial to beginning of next
                t_mask = np.logical_and(
                    t >= trials['intervals'][trial_idx - 1, 1],
                    t <= trials['intervals'][trial_idx + 1, 0])
            except IndexError:  # We're on the last trial
                # End of previous trial to end of current
                t_mask = np.logical_and(
                    t >= trials['intervals'][trial_idx - 1, 1],
                    t <= trials['intervals'][trial_idx, 1])
            t_mask = np.ones_like(t, dtype=bool)
        wheel_ts = t[t_mask]
        wheel_pos = pos[t_mask]
        on, off, *_ = wh.movements(wheel_ts, wheel_pos, freq=1000, **kwargs)
        return on, off, wheel_ts, wheel_pos, units
Example #4
    def test_extract_wheel_moves(self):
        test_data = self.test_data[1]
        # Wrangle data into expected form
        re_ts = test_data[0][0]
        re_pos = test_data[0][1]

        logger = logging.getLogger('ibllib')
        with self.assertLogs(logger, level='INFO') as cm:
            wheel_moves = extract_wheel_moves(re_ts, re_pos)
                ['INFO:ibllib:Wheel in cm units using X2 encoding'], cm.output)

        n = 56  # expected number of movements
            wheel_moves['intervals'].shape, (n, 2),
            'failed to return the correct number of intervals')
        self.assertEqual(wheel_moves['peakAmplitude'].size, n)
        self.assertEqual(wheel_moves['peakVelocity_times'].size, n)

        # Check the first 3 intervals
        ints = np.array([[24.78462599,
                          25.22562599], [29.58762599, 31.15062599],
                         [31.64262599, 31.81662599]])
        actual = wheel_moves['intervals'][:3, ]
        self.assertIsNone(np.testing.assert_allclose(actual, ints),
                          'unexpected intervals')

        # Check amplitudes
        actual = wheel_moves['peakAmplitude'][-3:]
        expected = [0.50255486, -1.70103154, 1.00740789]
        self.assertIsNone(np.testing.assert_allclose(actual, expected),
                          'unexpected amplitudes')

        # Check peak velocities
        actual = wheel_moves['peakVelocity_times'][-3:]
        expected = [175.13662599, 176.65762599, 178.57262599]
        self.assertIsNone(np.testing.assert_allclose(actual, expected),
                          'peak times')

        # Test extraction in rad
        re_pos = wh.cm_to_rad(re_pos)
        with self.assertLogs(logger, level='INFO') as cm:
            wheel_moves = ephys_fpga.extract_wheel_moves(re_ts, re_pos)
                ['INFO:ibllib:Wheel in rad units using X2 encoding'],

        # Check the first 3 intervals.  As position thresholds are adjusted by units and
        # encoding, we should expect the intervals to be identical to above
        actual = wheel_moves['intervals'][:3, ]
        self.assertIsNone(np.testing.assert_allclose(actual, ints),
                          'unexpected intervals')
Example #5
def extract_wheel_moves(re_ts, re_pos, display=False):
    Extract wheel positions and times from sync fronts dictionary
    :param re_ts: numpy array of rotary encoder timestamps
    :param re_pos: numpy array of rotary encoder positions
    :param display: bool: show the wheel position and velocity for full session with detected
    movements highlighted
    :return: wheel_moves dictionary
    if len(re_ts.shape) == 1:
        assert re_ts.size == re_pos.size, 'wheel data dimension mismatch'
        _logger.debug('2D wheel timestamps')
        if len(re_pos.shape) > 1:  # Ensure 1D array of positions
            re_pos = re_pos.flatten()
        # Linearly interpolate the times
        x = np.arange(re_pos.size)
        re_ts = np.interp(x, re_ts[:, 0], re_ts[:, 1])

    units, res, enc = infer_wheel_units(re_pos)
    _logger.info('Wheel in %s units using %s encoding', units, enc)

    # The below assertion is violated by Bpod wheel data
    #  assert np.allclose(pos_diff, min_change, rtol=1e-05), 'wheel position skips'

    # Convert the pos threshold defaults from samples to correct unit
    thresholds = wh.samples_to_cm(np.array([8, 1.5]), resolution=res)
    if units == 'rad':
        thresholds = wh.cm_to_rad(thresholds)
    kwargs = {
        'pos_thresh': thresholds[0],
        'pos_thresh_onset': thresholds[1],
        'make_plots': display

    # Interpolate and get onsets
    pos, t = wh.interpolate_position(re_ts, re_pos, freq=1000)
    on, off, amp, peak_vel = wh.movements(t, pos, freq=1000, **kwargs)
    assert on.size == off.size, 'onset/offset number mismatch'
    assert np.all(np.diff(on) > 0) and np.all(
        np.diff(off) > 0), 'onsets/offsets not strictly increasing'
    assert np.all((off - on) > 0), 'not all offsets occur after onset'

    # Put into dict
    wheel_moves = {
        'intervals': np.c_[on, off],
        'peakAmplitude': amp,
        'peakVelocity_times': peak_vel
    return wheel_moves
Example #6
    def load_fake_wheel_data(trial_data, wheel_gain=4):
        # Load a wheel fragment: a numpy array of the form [timestamps, positions], for a wheel
        # movement during one trial.  Wheel is X1 bpod RE in radians.
        wh_path = Path(__file__).parent.joinpath('..', 'fixtures',
        wheel_frag = np.load(wh_path.joinpath('wheel.npy'))
        resolution = np.mean(np.abs(np.diff(
            wheel_frag[:, 1])))  # pos diff between samples
        # abs displacement, s, in mm required to move 35 visual degrees
        POS_THRESH = 35
        s_mm = np.abs(POS_THRESH / wheel_gain)  # don't care about direction
        # convert abs displacement to radians (wheel pos is in rad)
        pos_thresh = cm_to_rad(s_mm * 1e-1)
        # index of threshold cross
        pos_thresh_idx = np.argmax(np.abs(wheel_frag[:, 1]) > pos_thresh)

        def qt_wheel_fill(start, end, t_step=0.001, p_step=None):
            if p_step is None:
                p_step = 2 * np.pi / 1024
            t = np.arange(start, end, t_step)
            p = np.random.randint(-1, 2, len(t))
            t = t[p != 0]
            p = p[p != 0].cumsum() * p_step
            return t, p

        wheel_data = []  # List generated of wheel data fragments
        movement_times = []  # List of generated first movement times

        def add_frag(t, p):
            """Add wheel data fragments to list, adjusting positions to be within one sample of
            one another"""
            last_samp = getattr(add_frag, 'last_samp', (0, 0))
            p += last_samp[1]
            if np.abs(p[0] - last_samp[1]) == 0:
                p += resolution
            wheel_data.append((t, p))
            add_frag.last_samp = (t[-1], p[-1])

        for i in np.arange(len(trial_data['choice'])):
            # Iterate over trials generating wheel samples for the necessary periods
            # trial start to stim on; should be below quiescence threshold
            stimOn_trig = trial_data['stimOnTrigger_times'][i]
            trial_start = trial_data['intervals'][i, 0]
            t, p = qt_wheel_fill(trial_start, stimOn_trig, .5, resolution)
            if len(t) > 0:  # Possible for no movement during quiescence
                add_frag(t, p)

            # stim on to trial end
            trial_end = trial_data['intervals'][i, 1]
            if trial_data['choice'][i] == 0:
                # Add random wheel movements for duration of trial
                goCue = trial_data['goCue_times'][i]
                t, p = qt_wheel_fill(goCue, trial_end, .1, resolution)
                add_frag(t, p)
                # Align wheel fragment with response time
                response_time = trial_data['response_times'][i]
                t = wheel_frag[:,
                               0] + response_time - wheel_frag[pos_thresh_idx,
                p = np.abs(wheel_frag[:, 1]) * trial_data['choice'][i]
                assert t[0] > add_frag.last_samp[0]
                add_frag(t, p)
                # Fill in random movements between end of response and trial end
                t, p = qt_wheel_fill(t[-1] + 0.01,
                add_frag(t, p)

        # Stitch wheel fragments and assert no skips
        wheel_data = np.concatenate(list(map(np.column_stack, wheel_data)))
        assert np.all(
                               0]) > 0), "timestamps don't strictly increase"
        np.testing.assert_allclose(np.abs(np.diff(wheel_data[:, 1])),
        assert len(movement_times) == trial_data['intervals'].shape[0]
        return {
            'wheel_timestamps': wheel_data[:, 0],
            'wheel_position': wheel_data[:, 1],
            'firstMovement_times': np.array(movement_times)
Example #7
    def make(self, key):
        # Load the wheel for this session
        move_key = key.copy()
        one = ONE()
        eid, ver = (acquisition.Session & key).fetch1('session_uuid',
        logger.info('WheelMoves for session %s, %s', str(eid), ver)

        try:  # Should be able to remove this
            wheel = one.load_object(str(eid), 'wheel')
            all_loaded = \
                all([isinstance(wheel[lab], np.ndarray) for lab in wheel]) and \
                all(k in wheel for k in ('timestamps', 'position'))
            assert all_loaded, 'wheel data missing'
            if len(wheel['timestamps'].shape) == 1:
                assert wheel['timestamps'].size == wheel[
                    'position'].size, 'wheel data dimension mismatch'
                assert np.all(
                    np.diff(wheel['timestamps']) > 0
                ), 'wheel timestamps not monotonically increasing'
                logger.debug('2D timestamps')
            # Check the values and units of wheel position
            res = np.array([wh.ENC_RES, wh.ENC_RES / 2, wh.ENC_RES / 4])
            min_change_rad = 2 * np.pi / res
            min_change_cm = wh.WHEEL_DIAMETER * np.pi / res
            pos_diff = np.abs(np.ediff1d(wheel['position']))
            if pos_diff.min() < min_change_cm.min():
                # Assume values are in radians
                units = 'rad'
                encoding = np.argmin(np.abs(min_change_rad - pos_diff.min()))
                min_change = min_change_rad[encoding]
                units = 'cm'
                encoding = np.argmin(np.abs(min_change_cm - pos_diff.min()))
                min_change = min_change_cm[encoding]
            enc_names = {0: '4X', 1: '2X', 2: '1X'}
            logger.info('Wheel in %s units using %s encoding', units,
            if '_iblrig_tasks_ephys' in ver:
                assert np.allclose(pos_diff, min_change,
                                   rtol=1e-05), 'wheel position skips'
        except ValueError:
            logger.exception('Inconsistent wheel data')
        except AssertionError as ex:
        except Exception as ex:

            # Convert the pos threshold defaults from samples to correct unit
            thresholds = wh.samples_to_cm(np.array([8, 1.5]),
            if units == 'rad':
                thresholds = wh.cm_to_rad(thresholds)
            kwargs = {
                'pos_thresh': thresholds[0],
                'pos_thresh_onset': thresholds[1]
            #  kwargs = {'make_plots': True, **kwargs}
            # Interpolate and get onsets
            pos, t = wh.interpolate_position(wheel['timestamps'],
            on, off, amp, peak_vel = wh.movements(t, pos, freq=1000, **kwargs)
            assert on.size == off.size, 'onset/offset number mismatch'
            assert np.all(np.diff(on) > 0) and np.all(np.diff(
                off) > 0), 'onsets/offsets not monotonically increasing'
            assert np.all((off - on) > 0), 'not all offsets occur after onset'
        except ValueError:
            logger.exception('Failed to find movements')
        except AssertionError as ex:
            logger.exception('Wheel integrity check failed: ' + str(ex))

        key['n_movements'] = on.size  # total number of movements within the session
        key['total_displacement'] = float(np.diff(
            pos[[0, -1]]))  # total displacement of the wheel during session
        key['total_distance'] = float(np.abs(
            np.diff(pos)).sum())  # total movement of the wheel
        if units is 'cm':  # convert to radians
            key['total_displacement'] = wh.cm_to_rad(key['total_displacement'])
            key['total_distance'] = wh.cm_to_rad(key['total_distance'])
            amp = wh.cm_to_rad(amp)


        keys = ('move_id', 'movement_onset', 'movement_offset', 'max_velocity',
        moves = [
            dict(zip(keys, (i, on[i], off[i], amp[i], peak_vel[i])))
            for i in np.arange(on.size)
        [x.update(move_key) for x in moves]

Example #8
    def make(self, key, one=None):
        # Load the wheel for this session
        move_key = key.copy()
        change_key = move_key.copy()
        one = one or ONE()
        eid, ver = (acquisition.Session & key).fetch1('session_uuid', 'task_protocol')
        logger.info('WheelMoves for session %s, %s', str(eid), ver)

        try:  # Should be able to remove this
            wheel = one.load_object(str(eid), 'wheel')
            all_loaded = \
                all([isinstance(wheel[lab], np.ndarray) for lab in wheel]) and \
                all(k in wheel for k in ('timestamps', 'position'))
            assert all_loaded, 'wheel data missing'

            # If times and timestamps present, drop times
            if {'times', 'timestamps'}.issubset(wheel):
            wheel_moves = extract_wheel_moves(wheel.timestamps, wheel.position)
        except ValueError:
            logger.exception('Failed to find movements')
        except AssertionError as ex:
        except Exception as ex:

        # Build list of table entries
        keys = ('move_id', 'movement_onset', 'movement_offset', 'max_velocity', 'movement_amplitude')
        on_off, amp, vel_t = wheel_moves.values()  # Unpack into short vars
        moves = [dict(zip(keys, (i, on, off, vel_t[i], amp[i])), **move_key)
                 for i, (on, off) in enumerate(on_off)]

        # Calculate direction changes
        Fs = 1000
        re_ts, re_pos = wheel.timestamps, wheel.position
        if len(re_ts.shape) != 1:
            logger.info('2D wheel timestamps')
            if len(re_pos.shape) > 1:  # Ensure 1D array of positions
                re_pos = re_pos.flatten()
            # Linearly interpolate the times
            x = np.arange(re_pos.size)
            re_ts = np.interp(x, re_ts[:, 0], re_ts[:, 1])

        pos, ts = wh.interpolate_position(re_pos, re_ts, freq=Fs)
        vel, _ = wh.velocity_smoothed(pos, Fs)
        change_mask = np.insert(np.diff(np.sign(vel)) != 0, 0, 0)

        changes = []
        for i, (on, off) in enumerate(on_off.reshape(-1, 2)):
            mask = np.logical_and(ts > on, ts < off)
            ind = np.logical_and(mask, change_mask)
                dict(change_key, move_id=i, change_id=j, change_time=t) for j, t in enumerate(ts[ind])

        # Get the units of the position data
        units, *_ = infer_wheel_units(wheel.position)
        key['n_movements'] = wheel_moves['intervals'].shape[0]  # total number of movements within the session
        key['total_displacement'] = float(np.diff(wheel.position[[0, -1]]))  # total displacement of the wheel during session
        key['total_distance'] = float(np.abs(np.diff(wheel.position)).sum())  # total movement of the wheel
        key['n_direction_changes'] = sum(change_mask)  # total number of direction changes
        if units == 'cm':  # convert to radians
            key['total_displacement'] = wh.cm_to_rad(key['total_displacement'])
            key['total_distance'] = wh.cm_to_rad(key['total_distance'])
            wheel_moves['peakAmplitude'] = wh.cm_to_rad(wheel_moves['peakAmplitude'])

        # Insert the keys in order
Example #9
def extract_wheel_moves(re_ts, re_pos, display=False):
    Extract wheel positions and times from sync fronts dictionary
    :param re_ts: numpy array of rotary encoder timestamps
    :param re_pos: numpy array of rotary encoder positions
    :param display: bool: show the wheel position and velocity for full session with detected
    movements highlighted
    :return: wheel_moves dictionary
    if len(re_ts.shape) == 1:
        assert re_ts.size == re_pos.size, 'wheel data dimension mismatch'
        assert np.all(np.diff(re_ts) > 0
                      ), 'wheel timestamps not monotonically increasing'
        _logger.debug('2D wheel timestamps')

    # Check the values and units of wheel position
    res = np.array([wh.ENC_RES, wh.ENC_RES / 2, wh.ENC_RES / 4])
    # min change in rad and cm for each decoding type
    # [rad_X4, rad_X2, rad_X1, cm_X4, cm_X2, cm_X1]
    min_change = np.concatenate(
        [2 * np.pi / res, wh.WHEEL_DIAMETER * np.pi / res])
    pos_diff = np.abs(np.ediff1d(re_pos)).min()

    # find min change closest to min pos_diff
    idx = np.argmin(np.abs(min_change - pos_diff))
    if idx < len(res):
        # Assume values are in radians
        units = 'rad'
        encoding = idx
        units = 'cm'
        encoding = idx - len(res)
    enc_names = {0: 'X4', 1: 'X2', 2: 'X1'}
    _logger.info('Wheel in %s units using %s encoding', units,

    # The below assertion is violated by Bpod wheel data
    #  assert np.allclose(pos_diff, min_change, rtol=1e-05), 'wheel position skips'

    # Convert the pos threshold defaults from samples to correct unit
    thresholds = wh.samples_to_cm(np.array([8, 1.5]), resolution=res[encoding])
    if units == 'rad':
        thresholds = wh.cm_to_rad(thresholds)
    kwargs = {
        'pos_thresh': thresholds[0],
        'pos_thresh_onset': thresholds[1],
        'make_plots': display

    # Interpolate and get onsets
    pos, t = wh.interpolate_position(re_ts, re_pos, freq=1000)
    on, off, amp, peak_vel = wh.movements(t, pos, freq=1000, **kwargs)
    assert on.size == off.size, 'onset/offset number mismatch'
    assert np.all(np.diff(on) > 0) and np.all(
        np.diff(off) > 0), 'onsets/offsets not monotonically increasing'
    assert np.all((off - on) > 0), 'not all offsets occur after onset'

    # Put into dict
    wheel_moves = {
        'intervals': np.c_[on, off],
        'peakAmplitude': amp,
        'peakVelocity_times': peak_vel
    return wheel_moves