Example #1
    def create(source_set, sink_set, layout, connections):
        def ensure_uniform(l):
            assert min(l) == max(l)
            return l[0]

        sorted_sources = sorted(source_set)
        flat_sources = list(flatten(sorted_sources))
        nesting = convert_to_nested_indices(sorted_sources)

        # get buffer type for hub and assert its uniform
        structs = [
            BufferStructure.from_layout(get_by_path(layout, s))
            for s in flat_sources
        btype = ensure_uniform([s.buffer_type for s in structs])
        # max context size
        context_size = max([s.context_size for s in structs])

        hub = Hub(flat_sources, nesting, sorted(sink_set), btype, context_size)
        hub.sizes = [structs[i].feature_size for i in hub.perm]
        hub.size = sum(hub.sizes)
        hub.is_backward_only = ensure_uniform(
            [structs[i].is_backward_only for i in hub.perm])
        return hub
Example #2
    def create(source_set, sink_set, layout, connections):
        def ensure_uniform(l):
            assert min(l) == max(l)
            return l[0]

        sorted_sources = sorted(source_set)
        flat_sources = list(flatten(sorted_sources))
        nesting = convert_to_nested_indices(sorted_sources)

        # get buffer type for hub and assert its uniform
        structs = [BufferStructure.from_layout(get_by_path(layout, s)) for s in flat_sources]
        btype = ensure_uniform([s.buffer_type for s in structs])
        # max context size
        context_size = max([s.context_size for s in structs])

        hub = Hub(flat_sources, nesting, sorted(sink_set), btype, context_size)
        hub.sizes = [structs[i].feature_size for i in hub.perm]
        hub.size = sum(hub.sizes)
        hub.is_backward_only = ensure_uniform([structs[i].is_backward_only for i in hub.perm])
        return hub
Example #3
def test_convert_to_nested_indices():
    assert list(convert_to_nested_indices(
        ['a', ('b', 'c', 'a'), 'b', ['c', ('c', 'c'), 'b']])) == \
        [0, [1, 2, 3], 4, [5, [6, 7], 8]]
Example #4
def test_convert_to_nested_indices():
    assert list(convert_to_nested_indices(
        ['a', ('b', 'c', 'a'), 'b', ['c', ('c', 'c'), 'b']])) == \
        [0, [1, 2, 3], 4, [5, [6, 7], 8]]