def test_param_with_no_description(param_spec):
    del param_spec['description']
    expected = \
        ":param status: Document your spec, yo! (Default: available) " \
        "(optional)\n" \
        ":type status: array\n"
    assert expected == create_param_docstring(param_spec)
def test_param_with_no_description(param_spec):
    del param_spec['description']
    expected = \
        ":param status: Document your spec, yo! (Default: available) " \
        "(optional)\n" \
        ":type status: array\n"
    assert expected == create_param_docstring(param_spec)
def test_param_with_no_default_value(param_spec):
    del param_spec['default']
    expected = \
        ":param status: the status, yo! (optional)\n" \
        ":type status: array\n"
    assert expected == create_param_docstring(param_spec)
def test_param_in_body(param_in_body_spec):
    expected = \
        ":param body: Pet object that needs to be added to the store " \
        "(optional)\n" \
        ":type body: #/definitions/Pet\n"
    assert expected == create_param_docstring(param_in_body_spec)
def test_param_required_false(param_spec):
    param_spec['required'] = False
    expected = \
        ":param status: the status, yo! (Default: available) (optional)\n" \
        ":type status: array\n"
    assert expected == create_param_docstring(param_spec)
def test_param_with_default_value(param_spec):
    expected = \
        ":param status: the status, yo! (Default: available) (optional)\n" \
        ":type status: array\n"
    assert expected == create_param_docstring(param_spec)
def test_param_in_body(param_in_body_spec):
    expected = \
        ":param body: Pet object that needs to be added to the store " \
        "(optional)\n" \
        ":type body: #/definitions/Pet\n"
    assert expected == create_param_docstring(param_in_body_spec)
def test_param_with_no_default_value(param_spec):
    del param_spec['default']
    expected = \
        ":param status: the status, yo! (optional)\n" \
        ":type status: array\n"
    assert expected == create_param_docstring(param_spec)
def test_param_required_false(param_spec):
    param_spec['required'] = False
    expected = \
        ":param status: the status, yo! (Default: available) (optional)\n" \
        ":type status: array\n"
    assert expected == create_param_docstring(param_spec)
def test_param_with_default_value(param_spec):
    expected = \
        ":param status: the status, yo! (Default: available) (optional)\n" \
        ":type status: array\n"
    assert expected == create_param_docstring(param_spec)