def calc_times(): """ Calculates open/close times from miles, using rules described at Expects one URL-encoded argument, the number of miles. """ app.logger.debug("Got a JSON request") km = request.args.get("km", 0, type=int) start_time = request.args.get("start_tm", 0, type=str) start_date = request.args.get("start_dt", 0, type=str) print(km, start_date, start_time) times = brevet_calc.get_times(km) print(times) new_open_close = brevet_calc.handle_new_time(start_date, start_time, times[0], times[1]) print(new_open_close) rslt = {"new_open": new_open_close[0], "new_close": new_open_close[1]} return jsonify(result=rslt)
def test_calc(dist): print(str(brevet_calc.get_times(dist)))