def load_MNIST():
    Loads MNIST from the datafile under ./mnist.pkl.gz.

    X, Z : matrix
        Feature and Target matrices of the training set, one-hot encoded.
    VX, VZ : matrix
        Feature and Target matrices of the validation set, one-hot encoded.
    TX, TZ : matrix
        Feature and Target matrices of the test set, one-hot encoded.
    image_dims : tuple
        Dimensions of the image
    datafile = 'mnist.pkl.gz'
    # Load data.

    with, 'rb') as f:
        train_set, val_set, test_set = cPickle.load(f)

    X, Z = train_set
    VX, VZ = val_set
    TX, TZ = test_set

    Z = one_hot(Z, 10)
    VZ = one_hot(VZ, 10)
    TZ = one_hot(TZ, 10)
    image_dims = 28, 28
    return X, Z, VX, VZ, TX, TZ, image_dims
Example #2
def load_MNIST():
    Loads MNIST from the datafile under ./mnist.pkl.gz.

    X, Z : matrix
        Feature and Target matrices of the training set, one-hot encoded.
    VX, VZ : matrix
        Feature and Target matrices of the validation set, one-hot encoded.
    TX, TZ : matrix
        Feature and Target matrices of the test set, one-hot encoded.
    image_dims : tuple
        Dimensions of the image
    datafile = 'mnist.pkl.gz'
    # Load data.

    with,'rb') as f:
        train_set, val_set, test_set = cPickle.load(f)

    X, Z = train_set
    VX, VZ = val_set
    TX, TZ = test_set

    Z = one_hot(Z, 10)
    VZ = one_hot(VZ, 10)
    TZ = one_hot(TZ, 10)
    image_dims = 28, 28
    return X, Z, VX, VZ, TX, TZ, image_dims
Example #3
def test_one_hot():
    arr = np.array([0, 1, 2, 1, 3])
    desired = np.zeros((5, 4))
    for i, j in enumerate(arr):
        desired[i, j] = 1

    assert np.allclose(desired, one_hot(arr))
    assert np.allclose(desired, one_hot(arr, 4))
Example #4
def test_one_hot():
    arr = np.array([0, 1, 2, 1, 3])
    desired = np.zeros((5, 4))
    for i, j in enumerate(arr):
        desired[i, j] = 1

    assert np.allclose(desired, one_hot(arr))
    assert np.allclose(desired, one_hot(arr, 4))
def load_data(pars):
    data = h5.File("/nthome/maugust/thesis/train_val_test_crafted_real_int_wo_scaling.hdf5", "r")
    X = data["trainig_set/train_set"]
    Z = data["trainig_labels/real_train_labels"]
    VX = data["validation_set/val_set"]
    VZ = data["validation_labels/real_val_labels"]
    Z = one_hot(Z, 13)
    VZ = one_hot(VZ, 13)

    return (X, Z), (VX, VZ)
def load_data(pars):
   data = h5.File('/nthome/maugust/thesis/train_val_test_crafted_real_int.hdf5','r')
   X = data['trainig_set/train_set']
   Z = data['trainig_labels/real_train_labels']
   VX = data['validation_set/val_set']
   VZ = data['validation_labels/real_val_labels']
   Z = one_hot(Z,13)
   VZ = one_hot(VZ,13)

   return (X, Z), (VX, VZ)
Example #7
def load_data(pars):
   data = h5.File('/nthome/maugust/thesis/usarray_data_scaled_train_val_bin.hdf5','r')
   X = data['trainig_set/train_set'][...][:330000]
   Z = data['trainig_labels/bin_train_labels'][...][:330000]
   VX = data['validation_set/val_set'][...][:140000]
   VZ = data['validation_labels/bin_val_labels'][...][:140000]
   Z = one_hot(Z,2)
   VZ = one_hot(VZ,2)

   return X, Z, VX, VZ
Example #8
    def prepare_data(self):[1] = one_hot([1], np.max([1])+1)[3] = one_hot([3], np.max([3])+1)
        num_batches = len([0])/self.batch_size[0] =[0][:num_batches*self.batch_size][0] = np.array([0], dtype=np.float32)[1] =[1][:num_batches*self.batch_size][1] = np.array([1], dtype=np.float32)
	num_batches = len([2])/self.batch_size[2] =[2][:num_batches*self.batch_size][2] = np.array([2], dtype=np.float32)[3] =[3][:num_batches*self.batch_size][3] = np.array([3], dtype=np.float32)
Example #9
 def prepare_data(self):[1] = one_hot([1], np.max([1]) + 1)[3] = one_hot([3], np.max([3]) + 1)
     num_batches = len([0]) / self.batch_size[0] =[0][:num_batches * self.batch_size][0] = np.array([0], dtype=np.float32)[1] =[1][:num_batches * self.batch_size][1] = np.array([1], dtype=np.float32)
     num_batches = len([2]) / self.batch_size[2] =[2][:num_batches * self.batch_size][2] = np.array([2], dtype=np.float32)[3] =[3][:num_batches * self.batch_size][3] = np.array([3], dtype=np.float32)
def full_rotation(x, z):
    Assuming a batch size of 1.
    More specifically: x is (1, depth, channels, height, width) and z is (1, height*width*depth, classes)
    from scipy.ndimage.interpolation import rotate as rotate_scipy
    from import one_hot
    z_original_shape = z.shape
    n_classes = z.shape[-1]
    ang = float(np.random.uniform(0, 360))
    axes = np.random.permutation(3)[:2]

    nx = np.transpose(x, (0, 2, 3, 4, 1))
    nz = np.reshape(z, (1, x.shape[3], x.shape[4], x.shape[1], n_classes))
    nz = np.transpose(nz, (0, 4, 1, 2, 3))

    nx[0] = [rotate_scipy(modality, ang, axes=axes, order=3, reshape=False) for modality in nx[0]]
    nx = np.transpose(nx, (0, 4, 1, 2, 3))
    nz[0] = [rotate_scipy(class_map, ang, axes=axes, order=3, reshape=False) for class_map in nz[0]]
    nz = nz[0].argmax(axis=0)
    nz = np.reshape(nz, (-1,))
    nz = np.reshape(one_hot(nz, n_classes), z_original_shape)

    nx = np.asarray(nx, dtype=x.dtype)
    nz = np.asarray(nz, dtype=z.dtype)

    return (nx, nz)
def swirl_transform(x, z):
    Adds a swirl effect to every depth slice.
    Assuming a batch size of 1.
    More specifically: x is (1, depth, channels, height, width) and z is (1, height*width*depth, classes)
    from import one_hot
    strength = np.random.uniform(1, 2)
    radius = np.random.randint(90, 140)
    z_original_shape = z.shape
    n_classes = z.shape[-1]

    nx = np.transpose(x, (0, 2, 1, 3, 4))
    nz = np.reshape(z, (1, x.shape[3], x.shape[4], x.shape[1], n_classes))
    nz = np.transpose(nz, (0, 4, 3, 1, 2))
    nx[0] = [swirl_(modality, strength, radius) for modality in nx[0]]
    nx = np.transpose(nx, (0, 2, 1, 3, 4))
    nz[0] = [swirl_(class_map, strength, radius) for class_map in nz[0]]
    nz = nz[0].argmax(axis=0)
    nz = np.transpose(nz, (1, 2, 0))
    nz = np.reshape(nz, (-1, ))
    nz = np.reshape(one_hot(nz, n_classes), z_original_shape)

    nx = np.asarray(nx, dtype=x.dtype)
    nz = np.asarray(nz, dtype=z.dtype)

    return (nx, nz)
def swirl_transform(x, z):
    Adds a swirl effect to every depth slice.
    Assuming a batch size of 1.
    More specifically: x is (1, depth, channels, height, width) and z is (1, height*width*depth, classes)
    from import one_hot
    strength = np.random.uniform(1, 2)
    radius = np.random.randint(90, 140)
    z_original_shape = z.shape
    n_classes = z.shape[-1]

    nx = np.transpose(x, (0, 2, 1, 3, 4))
    nz = np.reshape(z, (1, x.shape[3], x.shape[4], x.shape[1], n_classes))
    nz = np.transpose(nz, (0, 4, 3, 1, 2))
    nx[0] = [swirl_(modality, strength, radius) for modality in nx[0]]
    nx = np.transpose(nx, (0, 2, 1, 3, 4))
    nz[0] = [swirl_(class_map, strength, radius) for class_map in nz[0]]
    nz = nz[0].argmax(axis=0)
    nz = np.transpose(nz, (1, 2, 0))
    nz = np.reshape(nz, (-1,))
    nz = np.reshape(one_hot(nz, n_classes), z_original_shape)

    nx = np.asarray(nx, dtype=x.dtype)
    nz = np.asarray(nz, dtype=z.dtype)

    return (nx, nz)
Example #13
def discrete(seg, n_classes):
    original_shape = seg.shape
    discrete_seg = seg.argmax(axis=3)
    discrete_seg = np.reshape(discrete_seg, (-1, ))
    discrete_seg = np.reshape(one_hot(discrete_seg, n_classes), original_shape)

    return discrete_seg
def percentile_filter(x, z):
    from scipy.ndimage import percentile_filter
    from import one_hot
    percentile = np.random.randint(0, 10)

    nx = np.transpose(x, (0, 2, 1, 3, 4))
    nx[0] = [
        percentile_filter(modality, percentile, (2, 2, 2))
        for modality in nx[0]
    nx = np.transpose(nx, (0, 2, 1, 3, 4))

    n_classes = z.shape[-1]
    nz = np.reshape(z, (x.shape[3], x.shape[4], x.shape[1], n_classes))
    nz = np.transpose(nz, (3, 0, 1, 2))
    nz = np.array([
        percentile_filter(class_map, percentile, (2, 2, 2)) for class_map in nz
    nz = nz.argmax(axis=0)
    nz = np.reshape(nz, (-1, ))
    nz = np.reshape(one_hot(nz, n_classes), z.shape)

    nx = np.asarray(nx, dtype=x.dtype)
    nz = np.asarray(nz, dtype=z.dtype)

    return (nx, nz)
Example #15
def visualize_tsne(args):
    data_dir = os.path.abspath(args['<data>'])

    data = h5.File(data_dir,'r')
    TX = data['test_set/test_set'][:5000]
    TZ = data['test_labels/real_test_labels'][:5000]
    TZ = one_hot(TZ,13)
    n_input = TX.shape[1]
    print 'data loaded.'
    tsne = Tsne(n_input, 2, perplexity=5)
    print 'TSNE initialized.'
    TX_r = tsne.fit_transform(TX)
    print 'data TSNEd.'

    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16, 16))
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
    TZ_am = TZ.argmax(axis=1)
    ax.scatter(TX_r[TZ_am==0, 0], TX_r[TZ_am==0, 1], c='g', lw=0, alpha=1, s=100, marker='o')
    ax.scatter(TX_r[TZ_am==1, 0], TX_r[TZ_am==1, 1], c='b', lw=0, alpha=1, s=100, marker='v')
    ax.scatter(TX_r[TZ_am==2, 0], TX_r[TZ_am==2, 1], c='yellow', lw=0, alpha=1, s=100, marker='^')
    ax.scatter(TX_r[TZ_am==3, 0], TX_r[TZ_am==3, 1], c='r', lw=0, alpha=1, s=100, marker='<')
    ax.scatter(TX_r[TZ_am==4, 0], TX_r[TZ_am==4, 1], c='g', lw=0, alpha=1, s=100, marker='>')
    ax.scatter(TX_r[TZ_am==5, 0], TX_r[TZ_am==5, 1], c='m', lw=0, alpha=1, s=100, marker='8')
    ax.scatter(TX_r[TZ_am==6, 0], TX_r[TZ_am==6, 1], c='crimson', lw=0, alpha=1, s=100, marker='s')
    ax.scatter(TX_r[TZ_am==7, 0], TX_r[TZ_am==7, 1], c='lawngreen', lw=0, alpha=1, s=100, marker='p')
    ax.scatter(TX_r[TZ_am==8, 0], TX_r[TZ_am==8, 1], c='gold', lw=0, alpha=1, s=100, marker='*')
    ax.scatter(TX_r[TZ_am==9, 0], TX_r[TZ_am==9, 1], c='darkorange', lw=0, alpha=1, s=100, marker='h')
    ax.scatter(TX_r[TZ_am==10, 0], TX_r[TZ_am==10, 1], c='k', lw=0, alpha=1, s=100, marker='H')
    ax.scatter(TX_r[TZ_am==11, 0], TX_r[TZ_am==11, 1], c='magenta', lw=0, alpha=1, s=100, marker='d')
    ax.scatter(TX_r[TZ_am==12, 0], TX_r[TZ_am==12, 1], c='turquoise', lw=0, alpha=1, s=100, marker='D')
def discrete(seg, n_classes):
    original_shape = seg.shape
    discrete_seg = seg.argmax(axis=3)
    discrete_seg = np.reshape(discrete_seg, (-1,))
    discrete_seg = np.reshape(one_hot(discrete_seg, n_classes), original_shape)

    return discrete_seg
def full_rotation(x, z):
    Assuming a batch size of 1.
    More specifically: x is (1, depth, channels, height, width) and z is (1, height*width*depth, classes)
    from scipy.ndimage.interpolation import rotate as rotate_scipy
    from import one_hot
    z_original_shape = z.shape
    n_classes = z.shape[-1]
    ang = float(np.random.uniform(0, 360))
    axes = np.random.permutation(3)[:2]

    nx = np.transpose(x, (0, 2, 3, 4, 1))
    nz = np.reshape(z, (1, x.shape[3], x.shape[4], x.shape[1], n_classes))
    nz = np.transpose(nz, (0, 4, 1, 2, 3))

    nx[0] = [
        rotate_scipy(modality, ang, axes=axes, order=3, reshape=False)
        for modality in nx[0]
    nx = np.transpose(nx, (0, 4, 1, 2, 3))
    nz[0] = [
        rotate_scipy(class_map, ang, axes=axes, order=3, reshape=False)
        for class_map in nz[0]
    nz = nz[0].argmax(axis=0)
    nz = np.reshape(nz, (-1, ))
    nz = np.reshape(one_hot(nz, n_classes), z_original_shape)

    nx = np.asarray(nx, dtype=x.dtype)
    nz = np.asarray(nz, dtype=z.dtype)

    return (nx, nz)
def make_report(pars, trainer, data):
    data = h5.File('/nthome/maugust/thesis/train_val_test_crafted_real_int.hdf5','r')
    TX = data['test_set/test_set']
    TZ = data['test_labels/real_test_labels']
    TZ = one_hot(TZ,13)
    current_pars =[...] = trainer.best_pars

    n_wrong = 1 - T.eq(T.argmax(trainer.model.exprs['output'], axis=1),
                               T.argmax(trainer.model.exprs['target'], axis=1)).mean()
    f_n_wrong = trainer.model.function(['inpt', 'target'], n_wrong)

    f_pos = T.mean(T.neq(T.argmax(trainer.model.exprs['output'], axis=1),0) * T.eq(T.argmax(trainer.model.exprs['target'], axis=1), 0))
    f_f_pos = trainer.model.function(['inpt', 'target'], f_pos)

    f_neg = T.mean(T.eq(T.argmax(trainer.model.exprs['output'], axis=1),0) * T.neq(T.argmax(trainer.model.exprs['target'], axis=1), 0))
    f_f_neg = trainer.model.function(['inpt', 'target'], f_neg)

    emp_loss = f_n_wrong(TX,TZ)
    f_p = f_f_pos(TX,TZ)
    f_n = f_f_neg(TX,TZ)

    P_pos = np.argmax(trainer.model.predict(TX),axis=1)
    Z_pos = np.argmax(TZ, axis=1)

    neighbour_fails = .0
    relevant_fails = 0

    for i in np.arange(len(P_pos)):
        if P_pos[i] > 0 and Z_pos[i] > 0 and P_pos[i] != Z_pos[i]:
            relevant_fails += 1
            if is_neighbour(P_pos[i],Z_pos[i]):
                neighbour_fails += 1

    if relevant_fails > 0:
        neighbour_fails /= relevant_fails

    emp_loss_s = 'model achieved %f%% classification error on the test set' %emp_loss
    f_p_s = '\nmodel achieved %f%% false positives on the test set' %f_p
    f_n_s = '\nmodel achieved %f%% false negatives on the test set' %f_n
    neigh_s = '\nmodel achieved %f%% neighbour misspredictions on the test set' %neighbour_fails

    print emp_loss_s
    print f_p_s
    print f_n_s
    print neigh_s
    with open(os.path.join('.','eval_result.txt'),'w') as f:
        f.write(neigh_s)[...] = current_pars

    return {'train_loss': trainer.score(*trainer.eval_data['train']),
            'val_loss': trainer.score(*trainer.eval_data['val']),
            'best_emp_test_loss': emp_loss}
def groundtruth_(gt):
    """Takes a discrete label volume with zero-indexed labels and applies one_hot encoding."""
    n_classes = gt.max() + 1
    shape = gt.shape
    l = np.reshape(gt, (-1,))
    l = np.reshape(one_hot(l, n_classes), (-1, n_classes))
    gt_onehot = np.reshape(l, shape + (n_classes,))
    return gt_onehot
def process_gt(gt, n_classes, downsize=False):
	if downsize:
		gt = zoom(gt, 0.5, order=0)
		gt = np.asarray(gt, dtype='int8')
	gt = np.transpose(gt, (1, 2, 0))
	l = np.reshape(gt, (-1,))
	l = np.reshape(one_hot(l, n_classes), (-1, n_classes))
	return l
Example #21
def groundtruth_(gt):
    """Takes a discrete label volume with zero-indexed labels and applies one_hot encoding."""
    n_classes = gt.max() + 1
    shape = gt.shape
    l = np.reshape(gt, (-1, ))
    l = np.reshape(one_hot(l, n_classes), (-1, n_classes))
    gt_onehot = np.reshape(l, shape + (n_classes, ))
    return gt_onehot
def process_gt(gt, n_classes, downsize=False):
    if downsize:
        gt = zoom(gt, 0.5, order=0)
        gt = np.asarray(gt, dtype='int8')
    gt = np.transpose(gt, (1, 2, 0))
    l = np.reshape(gt, (-1, ))
    l = np.reshape(one_hot(l, n_classes), (-1, n_classes))
    return l
def get_gt(gt, n_classes, downsize=False):
    if not downsize:
        return gt
    original_shape = gt.shape
    gt_onehot = np.reshape(gt, (-1,))
    gt_onehot = np.reshape(one_hot(gt_onehot, n_classes), original_shape + (n_classes,))
    gt_onehot = np.transpose(gt_onehot, (3, 0, 1, 2))
    zoom_gt = np.array([zoom(class_map, 0.5, order=1) for class_map in gt_onehot])
    zoom_gt = zoom_gt.argmax(axis=0)
    zoom_gt = np.asarray(zoom_gt, dtype='int8')
    return zoom_gt
Example #24
def visualize_tsne(args):
    model_dir = os.path.abspath(args['<model>'])
    data_dir = os.path.abspath(args['<data>'])
    cps = contrib.find_checkpoints('.')

    if cps:
        with[-1], 'rb') as fp:
                trainer = cPickle.load(fp)
      [...] = trainer.best_pars
                data = h5.File(data_dir,'r')
                TX = data['test_set/test_set'][:5000]
                TZ = data['test_labels/real_test_labels'][:5000]
                TZ = one_hot(TZ,13)
                print 'data loaded.'

                if args['<mode>'] == 'cnn':
                    f_transformed = trainer.model.function(['inpt'],'mlp-layer-2-inpt')
                    print 'transform-function generated.'
                    data = minibatches(TX, trainer.model.batch_size, 0)
                    trans_TX = np.concatenate([f_transformed(element) for element in data], axis=0)
                    f_transformed = trainer.model.function(['inpt'],'layer-2-inpt')
                    print 'transform-function generated.'
                    trans_TX = f_transformed(TX)

                trans_TX = np.array(trans_TX, dtype=np.float32)
                print 'data transformed'
                trans_n_input = trans_TX.shape[1]
                trans_tsne = Tsne(trans_n_input, 2, perplexity=5)
                print 'TSNE initialized.'
                trans_TX_r = trans_tsne.fit_transform(trans_TX)
                print 'data TSNEd'

                fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16, 16))
                ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
                TZ_am = TZ.argmax(axis=1)
                ax.scatter(trans_TX_r[TZ_am==0, 0], trans_TX_r[TZ_am==0, 1], c='g', lw=0, alpha=1, s=100, marker='o')
                ax.scatter(trans_TX_r[TZ_am==1, 0], trans_TX_r[TZ_am==1, 1], c='b', lw=0, alpha=1, s=100, marker='v')
                ax.scatter(trans_TX_r[TZ_am==2, 0], trans_TX_r[TZ_am==2, 1], c='yellow', lw=0, alpha=1, s=100, marker='^')
                ax.scatter(trans_TX_r[TZ_am==3, 0], trans_TX_r[TZ_am==3, 1], c='r', lw=0, alpha=1, s=100, marker='<')
                ax.scatter(trans_TX_r[TZ_am==4, 0], trans_TX_r[TZ_am==4, 1], c='g', lw=0, alpha=1, s=100, marker='>')
                ax.scatter(trans_TX_r[TZ_am==5, 0], trans_TX_r[TZ_am==5, 1], c='m', lw=0, alpha=1, s=100, marker='8')
                ax.scatter(trans_TX_r[TZ_am==6, 0], trans_TX_r[TZ_am==6, 1], c='crimson', lw=0, alpha=1, s=100, marker='s')
                ax.scatter(trans_TX_r[TZ_am==7, 0], trans_TX_r[TZ_am==7, 1], c='lawngreen', lw=0, alpha=1, s=100, marker='p')
                ax.scatter(trans_TX_r[TZ_am==8, 0], trans_TX_r[TZ_am==8, 1], c='gold', lw=0, alpha=1, s=100, marker='*')
                ax.scatter(trans_TX_r[TZ_am==9, 0], trans_TX_r[TZ_am==9, 1], c='darkorange', lw=0, alpha=1, s=100, marker='h')
                ax.scatter(trans_TX_r[TZ_am==10, 0], trans_TX_r[TZ_am==10, 1], c='k', lw=0, alpha=1, s=100, marker='H')
                ax.scatter(trans_TX_r[TZ_am==11, 0], trans_TX_r[TZ_am==11, 1], c='magenta', lw=0, alpha=1, s=100, marker='d')
                ax.scatter(trans_TX_r[TZ_am==12, 0], trans_TX_r[TZ_am==12, 1], c='turquoise', lw=0, alpha=1, s=100, marker='D')
def get_gt(gt, n_classes, downsize=False):
    if not downsize:
        return gt
    original_shape = gt.shape
    gt_onehot = np.reshape(gt, (-1, ))
    gt_onehot = np.reshape(one_hot(gt_onehot, n_classes),
                           original_shape + (n_classes, ))
    gt_onehot = np.transpose(gt_onehot, (3, 0, 1, 2))

    zoom_gt = np.array(
        [zoom(class_map, 0.5, order=1) for class_map in gt_onehot])
    zoom_gt = zoom_gt.argmax(axis=0)
    zoom_gt = np.asarray(zoom_gt, dtype='int8')

    return zoom_gt
def percentile_filter(x, z):
    from scipy.ndimage import percentile_filter
    from import one_hot
    percentile = np.random.randint(0, 10)

    nx = np.transpose(x, (0, 2, 1, 3, 4))
    nx[0] = [percentile_filter(modality, percentile, (2, 2, 2)) for modality in nx[0]]
    nx = np.transpose(nx, (0, 2, 1, 3, 4))

    n_classes = z.shape[-1]
    nz = np.reshape(z, (x.shape[3], x.shape[4], x.shape[1], n_classes))
    nz = np.transpose(nz, (3, 0, 1, 2))
    nz = np.array([percentile_filter(class_map, percentile, (2, 2, 2)) for class_map in nz])
    nz = nz.argmax(axis=0)
    nz = np.reshape(nz, (-1,))
    nz = np.reshape(one_hot(nz, n_classes), z.shape)

    nx = np.asarray(nx, dtype=x.dtype)
    nz = np.asarray(nz, dtype=z.dtype)

    return (nx, nz)
    def __call__(self, x):
        n_classes = self.n_classes
        image = np.transpose(x[0], (1, 2, 3, 0))
        sections = np.array([to_sections(modality) for modality in image], dtype='int16') # mod sect h w d
        sections = np.transpose(sections, (1, 4, 0, 2, 3))
        seg_sections = []
        for section in sections:
            depth, n_chans, height, width = section.shape
            model_output = self.predict(section[np.newaxis])
            model_output = model_output.as_numpy_array() if isinstance(model_output, gnumpy.garray) else model_output
            seg = np.reshape(
                (height, width, depth, n_classes)
            seg = seg.argmax(axis=3)
        final_seg = from_sections(seg_sections, original_shape=(x.shape[3], x.shape[4], x.shape[1]))

        seg_onehot = np.reshape(final_seg, (-1,))
        seg_onehot = np.reshape(one_hot(seg_onehot, n_classes), (-1, n_classes))

        return seg_onehot
Example #28
    def __call__(self, x):
        n_classes = self.n_classes
        image = np.transpose(x[0], (1, 2, 3, 0))
        sections = np.array([to_sections(modality) for modality in image],
                            dtype='int16')  # mod sect h w d
        sections = np.transpose(sections, (1, 4, 0, 2, 3))
        seg_sections = []
        for section in sections:
            depth, n_chans, height, width = section.shape
            model_output = self.predict(section[np.newaxis])
            model_output = model_output.as_numpy_array() if isinstance(
                model_output, gnumpy.garray) else model_output
            seg = np.reshape(model_output, (height, width, depth, n_classes))
            seg = seg.argmax(axis=3)
        final_seg = from_sections(seg_sections,
                                  original_shape=(x.shape[3], x.shape[4],

        seg_onehot = np.reshape(final_seg, (-1, ))
        seg_onehot = np.reshape(one_hot(seg_onehot, n_classes),
                                (-1, n_classes))

        return seg_onehot
Example #29
import climin.initialize

from breze.learn.mlp import Mlp
from import one_hot

datafile = 'mnist.pkl.gz'
# Load data.

with,'rb') as f:
    train_set, val_set, test_set = cPickle.load(f)

X, Z = train_set
VX, VZ = val_set
TX, TZ = test_set

Z = one_hot(Z, 10)
VZ = one_hot(VZ, 10)
TZ = one_hot(TZ, 10)

image_dims = 28, 28

max_passes = 150
batch_size = 250
max_iter = max_passes * X.shape[0] / batch_size
n_report = X.shape[0] / batch_size

stop = climin.stops.AfterNIterations(max_iter)
pause = climin.stops.ModuloNIterations(n_report)

#optimizer = 'rmsprop', {'steprate': 0.0001, 'momentum': 0.95, 'decay': 0.8}
optimizer = 'gd', {'steprate': 0.1}
Example #30
def convolutional_nets_on_CIFAR10():

    #### load data ####
    train_file = 'pylearn2_gcn_whitened/train.pkl'
    test_file = 'pylearn2_gcn_whitened/test.pkl'
    # Load data.

    f = open(train_file,'rb')
    train_set = cPickle.load(f)
    f = open(test_file)
    test_set = cPickle.load(f)

    X, Z = train_set.get_data()
    VX, VZ = test_set.get_data()

    Z = one_hot(Z, 10)
    VZ = one_hot(VZ, 10)

    X = X[:128*390]#390]
    Z = Z[:128*390]#390]
    VX = VX[:128*78]#*78]
    VZ = VZ[:128*78]#*78]
    X = np.array(X, dtype=np.float32)
    Z = np.array(Z, dtype=np.float32)
    VZ = np.array(VZ, dtype=np.float32)
    VX = np.array(VX, dtype=np.float32)
    #### initialize model ####

    max_passes = 500
    batch_size = 128
    max_iter = max_passes * X.shape[0] / batch_size
    n_report = X.shape[0] / (5*batch_size)

    stop = climin.stops.any_([

    pause = climin.stops.modulo_n_iterations(n_report)
    #optimizer = 'rmsprop', {'steprate': 0.1, 'momentum': 0.8, 'decay': 0.9, 'step_adapt': 0.001}
    optimizer = 'gd', {'steprate': 0.01, 'momentum': 0.9}
    #optimizer = dropout_optimizer_conf(steprate_0=1, n_repeats=1)
    #m = Cnn(3072, [96, 192, 192], [500], 10, ['tanh', 'tanh', 'tanh'], ['tanh'], out_transfer='softmax',
                #loss='nce', image_height=32, image_width=32, n_image_channel=3, optimizer=optimizer,
                #batch_size=batch_size, max_iter=max_iter, pool_shapes=[[4, 4], [4, 4], [2, 2]],
                #filter_shapes=[[8, 8], [8, 8], [5, 5]], pool_strides=[[2, 2], [2, 2], [2, 2]],
    m = Cnn(3072, [32, 64, 128], [50], 10, ['rectifier', 'rectifier', 'rectifier'], ['rectifier'], out_transfer='softmax',
                loss='nce', image_height=32, image_width=32, n_image_channel=3, optimizer=optimizer,
                batch_size=batch_size, max_iter=max_iter, pool_shapes=[[3, 3], [3, 3], [3, 3]],
                filter_shapes=[[5, 5], [5, 5], [5, 5]], pool_strides=[[2, 2], [2, 2], [2, 2]],
                padding=[2,2,2], lrnorm=[True, True, False], init_weights_stdev=[0.01, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1])

    #m = Cnn(3072, [32, 32, 64], [64, 10], 10, ['rectifier', 'rectifier', 'rectifier'],  ['rectifier', 'rectifier'], out_transfer='softmax',
    #            loss='nce', image_height=32, image_width=32, n_image_channel=3, optimizer=optimizer,
    #            batch_size=batch_size, max_iter=max_iter, pool_shapes=[[2, 2], [2, 2], [1, 1]],
    #            filter_shapes=[[5, 5], [5, 5], [5, 5]], pool_strides=[[2, 2], [2, 2], [1, 1]])[...] = np.random.normal(0, 0.1,
    #inits = m.sample_conv_weights()
    #for name, val in inits:
    #    m.parameters[name] = val
    weight_decay = 0.04*((m.parameters.in_to_hidden**2).sum()) + 0.04*((m.parameters.hidden_conv_to_hidden_conv_0**2).sum()) + 0.04*((m.parameters.hidden_conv_to_hidden_conv_1**2).sum()) + 2*(m.parameters.hidden_conv_to_hidden_full**2).sum()
    weight_decay /= m.exprs['inpt'].shape[0]
    m.exprs['true_loss'] = m.exprs['loss']
    m.exprs['loss'] = m.exprs['loss'] + weight_decay

    n_wrong = 1 - T.eq(T.argmax(m.exprs['output'], axis=1), T.argmax(m.exprs['target'], axis=1)).mean()
    f_n_wrong = m.function(['inpt', 'target'], n_wrong)
    losses = []
    v_losses = []
    print 'max iter', max_iter

    #### train model ####

    start = time.time()
    # Set up a nice printout.
    keys = '#', 'val loss', 'seconds', 'train emp', 'val emp'
    max_len = max(len(i) for i in keys)
    header = '\t'.join(i for i in keys)
    print header
    print '-' * len(header)

    f_loss = m.function(['inpt', 'target'], ['loss'])
    for i, info in enumerate(m.powerfit((X, Z), (VX, VZ), stop, pause, eval_train_loss=False)):
        if info['n_iter'] % n_report != 0:
        passed = time.time() - start

        #img = tile_raster_images(fe.parameters['in_to_hidden'].T, image_dims, feature_dims, (1, 1))
        #save_and_display(img, 'filters-%i.png' % i
        f_wrong_val = m.apply_minibatches_function(f_n_wrong, VX, VZ)*VX.shape[0]
	f_wrong_train = m.apply_minibatches_function(f_n_wrong, X[:len(VX)], Z[:len(VZ)])*len(VX)
            'time': passed,
            'val_emp': f_wrong_val,
	    'train_emp': f_wrong_train
        row = '%(n_iter)i\t%(val_loss)g\t%(time)g\t%(train_emp)g\t%(val_emp)g' % info
        print row
Example #31
    data = h5.File("/local-home/moritz/PycharmProjects/usaray_learning/usarray_data_scaled_train_val_bin.hdf5", "r")
    X = data['trainig_set/train_set'][...]
    Z = data['trainig_labels/bin_train_labels'][...]
    VX = data['validation_set/val_set'][...]
    VZ = data['validation_labels/bin_val_labels'][...]

    print len(X)
    print len(Z)
    print len(VX)
    print len(VZ)

    X = X[:333000]
    Z = Z[:333000]
    VX = VX[:142000]
    VZ = VZ[:142000]
    Z = one_hot(Z, 2)
    VZ = one_hot(VZ, 2)

    results = open('results.txt','w')
    archs = [[100,100],[200,200],[500,500]]
    funcs = [['sigmoid','sigmoid'],['tanh','tanh'],['rectifier','rectifier']]
    steps =[0.1,0.01,0.001,0.0001,0.00001]
    batches = [500,1000,5000,10000]
    inits = [0.1,0.01,0.001,0.0001,0.00001]
    wds = [0.1,0.01,0.001,0.0001,0.00001]

    while 1==1:

        arch_ind = int(np.random.random_sample() * len(archs))
    #with'../patches/patches'+p_code+'/im'+str(count)+'.pkl.gz', 'rb') as f:
    with'../patches/noisy_bi_images/im' + str(count) + '.pkl.gz',
                   'rb') as f:
        patches, labels = pickle.load(f)

    patches, labels = shuffle_ims(patches, labels)
    patches, labels = z_mirror_ims(patches, labels)
    print labels.shape
    for i, lbl in enumerate(labels):
        mean = lbl.mean()
        means[count - 1, i] = mean
        print 'Mean value: ', mean
    labels = np.reshape(labels, (-1, ))
    labels = np.asarray(labels, dtype='int16')
    full_x[index, :, :, 0, :, :] = np.transpose(patches, (0, 3, 1, 2))
    l = np.reshape(one_hot(labels, 2), (b_size, dimprod, -1))
    full_y[index, :, :, :] = np.asarray(l, dtype='float32')
    #plt.imshow(full_x[index,dims[2]/2,0,:,:], cmap='Greys_r')
    gt = np.reshape(labels[:dimprod], dims)
    #plt.imshow(gt[:,:,dims[2]/2], cmap='Greys_r')
    index += 1
    count += 1

rand_indices = np.random.permutation(30)
#rand_indices = np.arange(30)

train_x[:, :, :, :, :] = np.reshape(
    full_x[rand_indices[:train_n], :, :, :, :, :], train_x.shape)
train_y[:, :, :] = np.reshape(full_y[rand_indices[:train_n], :, :, :],
Example #33
def convolutional_nets_on_CIFAR10():

    #### load data ####
    train_file = 'pylearn2_gcn_whitened/train.pkl'
    test_file = 'pylearn2_gcn_whitened/test.pkl'
    # Load data.

    f = open(train_file, 'rb')
    train_set = cPickle.load(f)
    f = open(test_file)
    test_set = cPickle.load(f)

    X, Z = train_set.get_data()
    VX, VZ = test_set.get_data()

    Z = one_hot(Z, 10)
    VZ = one_hot(VZ, 10)

    X = X[:128 * 390]  #390]
    Z = Z[:128 * 390]  #390]
    VX = VX[:128 * 78]  #*78]
    VZ = VZ[:128 * 78]  #*78]
    X = np.array(X, dtype=np.float32)
    Z = np.array(Z, dtype=np.float32)
    VZ = np.array(VZ, dtype=np.float32)
    VX = np.array(VX, dtype=np.float32)
    #### initialize model ####

    max_passes = 500
    batch_size = 128
    max_iter = max_passes * X.shape[0] / batch_size
    n_report = X.shape[0] / (5 * batch_size)

    stop = climin.stops.any_([

    pause = climin.stops.modulo_n_iterations(n_report)
    #optimizer = 'rmsprop', {'steprate': 0.1, 'momentum': 0.8, 'decay': 0.9, 'step_adapt': 0.001}
    optimizer = 'gd', {'steprate': 0.01, 'momentum': 0.9}
    #optimizer = dropout_optimizer_conf(steprate_0=1, n_repeats=1)
    #m = Cnn(3072, [96, 192, 192], [500], 10, ['tanh', 'tanh', 'tanh'], ['tanh'], out_transfer='softmax',
    #loss='nce', image_height=32, image_width=32, n_image_channel=3, optimizer=optimizer,
    #batch_size=batch_size, max_iter=max_iter, pool_shapes=[[4, 4], [4, 4], [2, 2]],
    #filter_shapes=[[8, 8], [8, 8], [5, 5]], pool_strides=[[2, 2], [2, 2], [2, 2]],
    m = Cnn(3072, [32, 64, 128], [50],
            10, ['rectifier', 'rectifier', 'rectifier'], ['rectifier'],
            pool_shapes=[[3, 3], [3, 3], [3, 3]],
            filter_shapes=[[5, 5], [5, 5], [5, 5]],
            pool_strides=[[2, 2], [2, 2], [2, 2]],
            padding=[2, 2, 2],
            lrnorm=[True, True, False],
            init_weights_stdev=[0.01, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1])

    #m = Cnn(3072, [32, 32, 64], [64, 10], 10, ['rectifier', 'rectifier', 'rectifier'],  ['rectifier', 'rectifier'], out_transfer='softmax',
    #            loss='nce', image_height=32, image_width=32, n_image_channel=3, optimizer=optimizer,
    #            batch_size=batch_size, max_iter=max_iter, pool_shapes=[[2, 2], [2, 2], [1, 1]],
    #            filter_shapes=[[5, 5], [5, 5], [5, 5]], pool_strides=[[2, 2], [2, 2], [1, 1]])[...] = np.random.normal(0, 0.1,
    #inits = m.sample_conv_weights()
    #for name, val in inits:
    #    m.parameters[name] = val
    weight_decay = 0.04 * ((m.parameters.in_to_hidden**2).sum()) + 0.04 * (
        (m.parameters.hidden_conv_to_hidden_conv_0**2).sum()) + 0.04 * (
            (m.parameters.hidden_conv_to_hidden_conv_1**2).sum()) + 2 * (
    weight_decay /= m.exprs['inpt'].shape[0]
    m.exprs['true_loss'] = m.exprs['loss']
    m.exprs['loss'] = m.exprs['loss'] + weight_decay

    n_wrong = 1 - T.eq(T.argmax(m.exprs['output'], axis=1),
                       T.argmax(m.exprs['target'], axis=1)).mean()
    f_n_wrong = m.function(['inpt', 'target'], n_wrong)

    losses = []
    v_losses = []
    print 'max iter', max_iter

    #### train model ####

    start = time.time()
    # Set up a nice printout.
    keys = '#', 'val loss', 'seconds', 'train emp', 'val emp'
    max_len = max(len(i) for i in keys)
    header = '\t'.join(i for i in keys)
    print header
    print '-' * len(header)

    f_loss = m.function(['inpt', 'target'], ['loss'])
    for i, info in enumerate(
            m.powerfit((X, Z), (VX, VZ), stop, pause, eval_train_loss=False)):
        if info['n_iter'] % n_report != 0:
        passed = time.time() - start

        #img = tile_raster_images(fe.parameters['in_to_hidden'].T, image_dims, feature_dims, (1, 1))
        #save_and_display(img, 'filters-%i.png' % i
        f_wrong_val = m.apply_minibatches_function(f_n_wrong, VX,
                                                   VZ) * VX.shape[0]
        f_wrong_train = m.apply_minibatches_function(f_n_wrong, X[:len(VX)],
                                                     Z[:len(VZ)]) * len(VX)
            'time': passed,
            'val_emp': f_wrong_val,
            'train_emp': f_wrong_train
        row = '%(n_iter)i\t%(val_loss)g\t%(time)g\t%(train_emp)g\t%(val_emp)g' % info
        print row
def convert_gt_to_onehot(gt, n_classes):
    gt_onehot = np.transpose(gt, (1, 2, 0))
    gt_onehot = np.reshape(gt_onehot, (-1, ))
    gt_onehot = np.reshape(one_hot(gt_onehot, n_classes), (-1, n_classes))

    return gt_onehot
Example #35
#import fasttsne

import theano
theano.config.compute_test_value = 'ignore'  #'raise'

datafile = 'mnist.pkl.gz'
# Load data.

with, 'rb') as f:
    train_set, val_set, test_set = cPickle.load(f)

X, Z = train_set
VX, VZ = val_set
TX, TZ = test_set

Z = one_hot(Z, 10)
VZ = one_hot(VZ, 10)
TZ = one_hot(TZ, 10)

image_dims = 28, 28

X, Z, VX, VZ, TX, TZ = [
    cast_array_to_local_type(i) for i in (X, Z, VX, VZ, TX, TZ)

batch_size = 100
#optimizer = 'rmsprop', {'step_rate': 1e-4, 'momentum': 0.95, 'decay': .95, 'offset': 1e-6}
#optimizer = 'adam', {'step_rate': .5, 'momentum': 0.9, 'decay': .95, 'offset': 1e-6}
optimizer = 'gd'

fast_dropout = True
Example #36
def evaluate_mlp(args):
    dir = os.path.abspath(args['<location>'])
    data = os.path.abspath(args['<data>'])
    mode = args['<mode>']
    cps = contrib.find_checkpoints('.')

    if cps:
        with[-1], 'rb') as fp:
            trainer = cPickle.load(fp)
  [...] = trainer.best_pars
            cPickle.dump(trainer.best_pars, open('best_pars.pkl','wb'))
            data = h5.File(data,'r')
            TX = data['test_set/test_set']
            TA = data['test_annotations/test_annotations']
            TZ = data['test_labels/real_test_labels']
            TZ = one_hot(TZ,13)

            n_wrong = 1 - T.eq(T.argmax(trainer.model.exprs['output'], axis=1),
                               T.argmax(trainer.model.exprs['target'], axis=1)).mean()
            f_n_wrong = trainer.model.function(['inpt', 'target'], n_wrong)

            f_pos = T.mean(T.neq(T.argmax(trainer.model.exprs['output'], axis=1),0) * T.eq(T.argmax(trainer.model.exprs['target'], axis=1), 0))
            f_f_pos = trainer.model.function(['inpt', 'target'], f_pos)

            f_neg = T.mean(T.eq(T.argmax(trainer.model.exprs['output'], axis=1),0) * T.neq(T.argmax(trainer.model.exprs['target'], axis=1), 0))
            f_f_neg = trainer.model.function(['inpt', 'target'], f_neg)

            if mode == 'cnn':
                print 'using cnn model'
                emp_loss = trainer.model.apply_minibatches_function(f_n_wrong,TX,TZ)
                f_p = trainer.model.apply_minibatches_function(f_f_pos,TX,TZ)
                f_n = trainer.model.apply_minibatches_function(f_f_neg,TX,TZ)
                emp_loss = f_n_wrong(TX,TZ)
                f_p = f_f_pos(TX,TZ)
                f_n = f_f_neg(TX,TZ)

            P_pos = np.argmax(trainer.model.predict(TX),axis=1)
            Z_pos = np.argmax(TZ, axis=1)

            neighbour_fails = .0
            relevant_fails = 0

            for i in np.arange(len(P_pos)):
                if P_pos[i] > 0 and Z_pos[i] > 0 and P_pos[i] != Z_pos[i]:
                    relevant_fails += 1
                    if is_neighbour(P_pos[i],Z_pos[i]):
                        neighbour_fails += 1

            if not relevant_fails == 0:
		neighbour_fails /= relevant_fails

            emp_loss_s = 'model achieved %f%% classification error on the test set' %emp_loss
            f_p_s = '\nmodel achieved %f%% false positives on the test set' %f_p
            f_n_s = '\nmodel achieved %f%% false negatives on the test set' %f_n
            neigh_s = '\nmodel achieved %f%% neighbour misspredictions on the test set' %neighbour_fails

            print emp_loss_s
            print f_p_s
            print f_n_s
            print neigh_s
            with open(os.path.join(dir,'eval_result.txt'),'w') as f:

    return 0

    '''indices = np.random.rand(50) * 10000
    print 'Reading image ', count
    #with'../patches/patches'+p_code+'/im'+str(count)+'.pkl.gz', 'rb') as f:
    with'../patches/noisy_bi_images/im'+str(count)+'.pkl.gz', 'rb') as f:
        patches, labels = pickle.load(f)
    patches, labels = shuffle_ims(patches, labels)
    patches, labels = z_mirror_ims(patches, labels)
    print labels.shape
    for i, lbl in enumerate(labels):
        mean = lbl.mean()
        means[count-1,i] = mean
        print 'Mean value: ', mean
    labels = np.reshape(labels, (-1,))
    labels = np.asarray(labels, dtype='int16')
    full_x[index,:,:,0,:,:] = np.transpose(patches, (0, 3, 1, 2))
    l = np.reshape(one_hot(labels, 2), (b_size, dimprod, -1))
    full_y[index,:,:,:] = np.asarray(l, dtype='float32')
    #plt.imshow(full_x[index,dims[2]/2,0,:,:], cmap='Greys_r')
    gt = np.reshape(labels[:dimprod], dims)
    #plt.imshow(gt[:,:,dims[2]/2], cmap='Greys_r')
    index += 1
    count += 1

rand_indices = np.random.permutation(30)
#rand_indices = np.arange(30)

train_x[:,:,:,:,:] = np.reshape(full_x[rand_indices[:train_n],:,:,:,:,:], train_x.shape)
train_y[:,:,:] = np.reshape(full_y[rand_indices[:train_n],:,:,:], train_y.shape)
train_mean = means[rand_indices[:train_n],:]
# Make sure directory 'datasets' exists:
if not os.path.exists(DATA_HOME):

ds = (64, 80, 72)
dp =
n_chans = 4
x_size = 2
v_size = t_size = 1

n_classes = 5

x = np.random.randn(x_size, ds[2], 4, ds[0], ds[1])
y = np.random.randint(low=0, high=n_classes, size=(x_size, dp))
y = one_hot(np.reshape(y, (-1, )), n_classes)
y = np.reshape(y, (x_size, dp, n_classes))

vx = np.random.randn(v_size, ds[2], 4, ds[0], ds[1])
vy = np.random.randint(low=0, high=n_classes, size=(1, dp))
vy = one_hot(np.reshape(vy, (-1, )), n_classes)
vy = np.reshape(vy, (v_size, dp, n_classes))

tx = np.random.randn(t_size, ds[2], 4, ds[0], ds[1])
ty = np.random.randint(low=0, high=n_classes, size=(1, dp))
ty = one_hot(np.reshape(ty, (-1, )), n_classes)
ty = np.reshape(ty, (t_size, dp, n_classes))

f = h5py.File(os.path.join(DATA_HOME, 'dummy45.hdf5'), 'w')
train_x = f.create_dataset('train_x', x.shape, dtype='float32')
train_y = f.create_dataset('train_y', y.shape, dtype='float32')
# Make sure directory 'datasets' exists:
if not os.path.exists(DATA_HOME):

ds = (64, 80, 72)
dp =
n_chans = 4
x_size = 2
v_size = t_size = 1

n_classes = 5

x = np.random.randn(x_size, ds[2], 4, ds[0], ds[1])
y = np.random.randint(low=0,high=n_classes,size=(x_size, dp))
y = one_hot(np.reshape(y, (-1,)), n_classes)
y = np.reshape(y, (x_size, dp, n_classes))

vx = np.random.randn(v_size, ds[2], 4, ds[0], ds[1])
vy = np.random.randint(low=0,high=n_classes,size=(1, dp))
vy = one_hot(np.reshape(vy, (-1,)), n_classes)
vy = np.reshape(vy, (v_size, dp, n_classes))

tx = np.random.randn(t_size, ds[2], 4, ds[0], ds[1])
ty = np.random.randint(low=0,high=n_classes,size=(1, dp))
ty = one_hot(np.reshape(ty, (-1,)), n_classes)
ty = np.reshape(ty, (t_size, dp, n_classes))

f = h5py.File(os.path.join(DATA_HOME, 'dummy45.hdf5'), 'w')
train_x = f.create_dataset('train_x', x.shape, dtype='float32')
train_y = f.create_dataset('train_y', y.shape, dtype='float32')
def convert_gt_to_onehot(gt, n_classes):
    gt_onehot = np.transpose(gt, (1, 2, 0))
    gt_onehot = np.reshape(gt_onehot, (-1,))
    gt_onehot = np.reshape(one_hot(gt_onehot, n_classes), (-1, n_classes))
    return gt_onehot