Example #1
    def __init__(self, synapses):
        Variable.__init__(self, Unit(1), value=self, constant=True)
        self.source = synapses.source
        self.target = synapses.target
        source_len = len(synapses.source)
        target_len = len(synapses.target)
        self.synapses = weakref.proxy(synapses)
        dtype = smallest_inttype(MAX_SYNAPSES)
        self.synaptic_pre = DynamicArray1D(0, dtype=dtype)
        self.synaptic_post = DynamicArray1D(0, dtype=dtype)
        self.pre_synaptic = [
            DynamicArray1D(0, dtype=dtype) for _ in xrange(source_len)
        self.post_synaptic = [
            DynamicArray1D(0, dtype=dtype) for _ in xrange(target_len)

        self._registered_variables = []

        self.variables = {
            'i': DynamicArrayVariable('i', Unit(1), self.synaptic_pre),
            'j': DynamicArrayVariable('j', Unit(1), self.synaptic_post)
        self.i = IndexView(self.synaptic_pre, self)
        self.j = IndexView(self.synaptic_post, self)
        self.k = SynapseIndexView(self)
Example #2
def test_apply_loop_invariant_optimisation_no_optimisation():
    variables = {
        'v1': Variable('v1', scalar=False),
        'v2': Variable('v2', scalar=False),
        'N': Constant('N', 10),
        's1': Variable('s1', scalar=True, dtype=float),
        's2': Variable('s2', scalar=True, dtype=float),
        'rand': DEFAULT_FUNCTIONS['rand']
    statements = [
        # This hould not be simplified to 0!
        Statement('v1', '=', 'rand() - rand()', '', np.float),
        Statement('v1', '=', '3*rand() - 3*rand()', '', np.float),
        Statement('v1', '=', '3*rand() - ((1+2)*rand())', '', np.float),
        # This should not pull out rand()*N
        Statement('v1', '=', 's1*rand()*N', '', np.float),
        Statement('v1', '=', 's2*rand()*N', '', np.float),
        # This is not important mathematically, but it would change the numbers
        # that are generated
        Statement('v1', '=', '0*rand()*N', '', np.float),
        Statement('v1', '=', '0/rand()*N', '', np.float)
    scalar, vector = optimise_statements([], statements, variables)
    for vs in vector[:3]:
        assert vs.expr.count(
        ) == 2, 'Expression should still contain two rand() calls, but got ' + str(
    for vs in vector[3:]:
        assert vs.expr.count(
        ) == 1, 'Expression should still contain a rand() call, but got ' + str(
Example #3
    def __init__(self, synapses):
        Variable.__init__(self, Unit(1), value=self, constant=True)
        self.source = synapses.source
        self.target = synapses.target
        source_len = len(synapses.source)
        target_len = len(synapses.target)
        self.synapses = weakref.proxy(synapses)
        dtype = smallest_inttype(MAX_SYNAPSES)
        self.synaptic_pre = DynamicArray1D(0, dtype=dtype)
        self.synaptic_post = DynamicArray1D(0, dtype=dtype)
        self.pre_synaptic = [DynamicArray1D(0, dtype=dtype)
                             for _ in xrange(source_len)]
        self.post_synaptic = [DynamicArray1D(0, dtype=dtype)
                              for _ in xrange(target_len)]

        self._registered_variables = []

        self.variables = {'i': DynamicArrayVariable('i',
                          'j': DynamicArrayVariable('j',
        self.i = IndexView(self.synaptic_pre, self)
        self.j = IndexView(self.synaptic_post, self)
        self.k = SynapseIndexView(self)
Example #4
def test_nested_subexpressions():
    This test checks that code translation works with nested subexpressions.
    code = '''
    x = a + b + c
    c = 1
    x = a + b + c
    d = 1
    x = a + b + c
    variables = {
        'a': Subexpression(name='a', dtype=np.float32, owner=FakeGroup(variables={}), device=None,
        'b': Subexpression(name='b', dtype=np.float32, owner=FakeGroup(variables={}), device=None,
        'c': Variable(name='c'),
        'd': Variable(name='d'),
    scalar_stmts, vector_stmts = make_statements(code, variables, np.float32)
    assert len(scalar_stmts) == 0
    evalorder = ''.join(stmt.var for stmt in vector_stmts)
    # This is the order that variables ought to be evaluated in (note that
    # previously this test did not expect the last "b" evaluation, because its
    # value did not change (c was not changed). We have since removed this
    # subexpression caching, because it did not seem to apply in practical
    # use cases)
    assert evalorder == 'baxcbaxdbax'
Example #5
def test_nested_subexpressions():
    This test checks that code translation works with nested subexpressions.
    code = '''
    x = a + b + c
    c = 1
    x = a + b + c
    d = 1
    x = a + b + c
    variables = {
        Variable(unit=None, name='c'),
        Variable(unit=None, name='d'),
    stmts = make_statements(code, variables, np.float32)
    evalorder = ''.join(stmt.var for stmt in stmts)
    # This is the order that variables ought to be evaluated in
    assert evalorder == 'baxcbaxdax'
Example #6
def test_apply_loop_invariant_optimisation_constant_evaluation():
    variables = {
        'v1': Variable('v1', scalar=False),
        'v2': Variable('v2', scalar=False),
        'i1': Variable('i1', scalar=False, dtype=int),
        'N': Constant('N', 10),
        's1': Variable('s1', scalar=True, dtype=float),
        's2': Variable('s2', scalar=True, dtype=float),
        'exp': DEFAULT_FUNCTIONS['exp']
    statements = [
        Statement('v1', '=', 'v1 * (1 + 2 + 3)', '', np.float),
        Statement('v1', '=', 'exp(N)*v1', '', np.float),
        Statement('v1', '=', 'exp(0)*v1', '', np.float),
    scalar, vector = optimise_statements([], statements, variables)
    # exp(N) should be pulled out of the vector statements, the rest should be
    # evaluated in place
    assert len(scalar) == 1
    assert scalar[0].expr == 'exp(N)'
    assert len(vector) == 3
    expr = vector[0].expr.replace(' ', '')
    assert expr == '_lio_1*v1' or 'v1*_lio_1'
    expr = vector[1].expr.replace(' ', '')
    assert expr == '6.0*v1' or 'v1*6.0'
    assert vector[2].expr == 'v1'
Example #7
def test_apply_loop_invariant_optimisation_boolean():
    variables = {'v1': Variable('v1', scalar=False),
                 'v2': Variable('v2', scalar=False),
                 'N': Constant('N', 10),
                 'b': Variable('b', scalar=True, dtype=bool),
                 'c': Variable('c', scalar=True, dtype=bool),
                 'int': DEFAULT_FUNCTIONS['int'],
                 'foo': Function(lambda x: None,
                                 arg_units=[Unit(1)], return_unit=Unit(1),
                                 arg_types=['boolean'], return_type='float',
    # The calls for "foo" cannot be pulled out, since foo is marked as stateful
    statements = [Statement('v1', '=', '1.0*int(b and c)', '', np.float32),
                  Statement('v1', '=', '1.0*foo(b and c)', '', np.float32),
                  Statement('v2', '=', 'int(not b and True)', '', np.float32),
                  Statement('v2', '=', 'foo(not b and True)', '', np.float32)
    scalar, vector = optimise_statements([], statements, variables)
    assert len(scalar) == 4
    assert scalar[0].expr == '1.0 * int(b and c)'
    assert scalar[1].expr == 'b and c'
    assert scalar[2].expr == 'int((not b) and True)'
    assert scalar[3].expr == '(not b) and True'
    assert len(vector) == 4
    assert vector[0].expr == '_lio_1'
    assert vector[1].expr == 'foo(_lio_2)'
    assert vector[2].expr == '_lio_3'
    assert vector[3].expr == 'foo(_lio_4)'
Example #8
    def __init__(self, source, variables, record=None, when=None,
                 name='statemonitor*', codeobj_class=None):
        self.source = weakref.proxy(source)
        self.codeobj_class = codeobj_class

        # run by default on source clock at the end
        scheduler = Scheduler(when)
        if not scheduler.defined_clock:
            scheduler.clock = source.clock
        if not scheduler.defined_when:
            scheduler.when = 'end'

        BrianObject.__init__(self, when=scheduler, name=name)

        # variables should always be a list of strings
        if variables is True:
            variables = source.equations.names
        elif isinstance(variables, str):
            variables = [variables]
        #: The variables to record
        self.record_variables = variables

        # record should always be an array of ints
        self.record_all = False
        if record is True:
            self.record_all = True
            record = source.item_mapping[:]
        elif record is None or record is False:
            record = np.array([], dtype=np.int32)
        elif isinstance(record, int):
            record = np.array([source.item_mapping[record]], dtype=np.int32)
            record = np.array(source.item_mapping[record], dtype=np.int32)
        #: The array of recorded indices
        self.indices = record
        # create data structures
        # Setup variables
        self.variables = {}
        for varname in variables:
            var = source.variables[varname]
            if not (np.issubdtype(var.dtype, np.float64) and
                        np.issubdtype(np.float64, var.dtype)):
                raise NotImplementedError(('Cannot record %s with data type '
                                           '%s, currently only values stored as '
                                           'doubles can be recorded.') %
                                          (varname, var.dtype))
            self.variables[varname] = var
            self.variables['_recorded_'+varname] = Variable(Unit(1),

        self.variables['_t'] = Variable(Unit(1), self._t)
        self.variables['_clock_t'] = AttributeVariable(second, self.clock, 't_')
        self.variables['_indices'] = ArrayVariable('_indices', Unit(1),

        self._group_attribute_access_active = True
Example #9
    def __init__(self,
        self.source = weakref.proxy(source)

        # run by default on source clock at the end
        scheduler = Scheduler(when)
        if not scheduler.defined_clock:
            scheduler.clock = source.clock
        if not scheduler.defined_when:
            scheduler.when = 'end'

        self.codeobj_class = codeobj_class
        BrianObject.__init__(self, when=scheduler, name=name)

        # create data structures

        self.variables = {
            't': AttributeVariable(second, self.clock, 't'),
            'dt': AttributeVariable(second, self.clock, 'dt', constant=True),
            '_spikes': AttributeVariable(Unit(1), self.source, 'spikes'),
            # The template needs to have access to the
            # DynamicArray here, having access to the underlying
            # array is not enough since we want to do the resize
            # in the template
            '_rate': Variable(Unit(1), self._rate),
            '_t': Variable(Unit(1), self._t),
            '_num_source_neurons': Variable(Unit(1), len(self.source))
Example #10
 def __init__(self, N, offset, group):
     self.N = N
     self.offset = int(offset)
     self.group = weakref.proxy(group)
     self._indices = np.arange(self.N + self.offset)
     self.variables = {'i': ArrayVariable('i',
                                           self._indices - self.offset)}
     Variable.__init__(self, Unit(1), value=self, constant=True)
Example #11
def test_repeated_subexpressions():
    variables = {
    # subexpression a (referring to z) is used twice, but can be reused the
    # second time (no change to z)
    code = '''
    x = a
    y = a
    scalar_stmts, vector_stmts = make_statements(code, variables, np.float32)
    assert len(scalar_stmts) == 0
    assert [stmt.var for stmt in vector_stmts] == ['a', 'x', 'y']
    assert vector_stmts[0].constant

    code = '''
    x = a
    z *= 2
    scalar_stmts, vector_stmts = make_statements(code, variables, np.float32)
    assert len(scalar_stmts) == 0
    assert [stmt.var for stmt in vector_stmts] == ['a', 'x', 'z']
    # Note that we currently do not mark the subexpression as constant in this
    # case, because its use after the "z *=2" line would actually redefine it.
    # Our algorithm is currently not smart enough to detect that it is actually
    # not used afterwards

    # a refers to z, therefore we have to redefine a after z changed, and a
    # cannot be constant
    code = '''
    x = a
    z *= 2
    y = a
    scalar_stmts, vector_stmts = make_statements(code, variables, np.float32)
    assert len(scalar_stmts) == 0
    assert [stmt.var for stmt in vector_stmts] == ['a', 'x', 'z', 'a', 'y']
    assert not any(stmt.constant for stmt in vector_stmts)
Example #12
def test_apply_loop_invariant_optimisation():
    variables = {'v': Variable('v', scalar=False),
                 'w': Variable('w', scalar=False),
                 'dt': Constant('dt', dimensions=second.dim, value=0.1*ms),
                 'tau': Constant('tau', dimensions=second.dim, value=10*ms),
                 'exp': DEFAULT_FUNCTIONS['exp']}
    statements = [Statement('v', '=', 'dt*w*exp(-dt/tau)/tau + v*exp(-dt/tau)', '', np.float32),
                  Statement('w', '=', 'w*exp(-dt/tau)', '', np.float32)]
    scalar, vector = optimise_statements([], statements, variables)
    # The optimisation should pull out at least exp(-dt / tau)
    assert len(scalar) >= 1
    assert np.issubdtype(scalar[0].dtype, np.floating)
    assert scalar[0].var == '_lio_1'
    assert len(vector) == 2
    assert all('_lio_' in stmt.expr for stmt in vector)
Example #13
def analyse_identifiers(code, variables, recursive=False):
    Analyses a code string (sequence of statements) to find all identifiers by type.
    In a given code block, some variable names (identifiers) must be given as inputs to the code
    block, and some are created by the code block. For example, the line::
        a = b+c
    This could mean to create a new variable a from b and c, or it could mean modify the existing
    value of a from b or c, depending on whether a was previously known.
    code : str
        The code string, a sequence of statements one per line.
    variables : dict of `Variable`, set of names
        Specifiers for the model variables or a set of known names
    recursive : bool, optional
        Whether to recurse down into subexpressions (defaults to ``False``).
    newly_defined : set
        A set of variables that are created by the code block.
    used_known : set
        A set of variables that are used and already known, a subset of the
        ``known`` parameter.
    unknown : set
        A set of variables which are used by the code block but not defined by
        it and not previously known. Should correspond to variables in the
        external namespace.
    if isinstance(variables, collections.Mapping):
        known = set(k for k, v in variables.iteritems()
                    if not isinstance(k, AuxiliaryVariable))
        known = set(variables)
        variables = dict(
            (k, Variable(unit=None, name=k, dtype=np.float64)) for k in known)

    scalar_stmts, vector_stmts = make_statements(code, variables, np.float64)
    stmts = scalar_stmts + vector_stmts
    defined = set(stmt.var for stmt in stmts if stmt.op == ':=')
    if len(stmts) == 0:
        allids = set()
    elif recursive:
        if not isinstance(variables, collections.Mapping):
            raise TypeError('Have to specify a variables dictionary.')
        allids = get_identifiers_recursively(
             for stmt in stmts], variables) | set([stmt.var for stmt in stmts])
        allids = set.union(*[get_identifiers(stmt.expr)
                             for stmt in stmts]) | set(
                                 [stmt.var for stmt in stmts])
    dependent = allids.difference(defined, known)
    used_known = allids.intersection(known) - STANDARD_IDENTIFIERS
    return defined, used_known, dependent
Example #14
def test_apply_loop_invariant_optimisation_integer():
    variables = {
        'v': Variable('v', scalar=False),
        'N': Constant('N', 10),
        'b': Variable('b', scalar=True, dtype=int),
        'c': Variable('c', scalar=True, dtype=int),
        'd': Variable('d', scalar=True, dtype=int),
        'y': Variable('y', scalar=True, dtype=float),
        'z': Variable('z', scalar=True, dtype=float),
        'w': Variable('w', scalar=True, dtype=float),
    statements = [
        Statement('v', '=', 'v % (2*3*N)', '', np.float32),
        # integer version doesn't get rewritten but float version does
        Statement('a', ':=', 'b//(c//d)', '', int),
        Statement('x', ':=', 'y/(z/w)', '', float),
    scalar, vector = optimise_statements([], statements, variables)
    assert len(scalar) == 3
    assert np.issubdtype(scalar[0].dtype, np.signedinteger)
    assert scalar[0].var == '_lio_1'
    expr = scalar[0].expr.replace(' ', '')
    assert expr == '6*N' or expr == 'N*6'
    assert np.issubdtype(scalar[1].dtype, np.signedinteger)
    assert scalar[1].var == '_lio_2'
    expr = scalar[1].expr.replace(' ', '')
    assert expr == 'b//(c//d)'
    assert np.issubdtype(scalar[2].dtype, np.floating)
    assert scalar[2].var == '_lio_3'
    expr = scalar[2].expr.replace(' ', '')
    assert expr == '(y*w)/z' or expr == '(w*y)/z'
Example #15
def test_analyse_identifiers():
    Test that the analyse_identifiers function works on a simple clear example.
    code = '''
    a = b+c
    d = e+f
    known = {'b': Variable(name='b'),
             'c': Variable(name='c'),
             'd': Variable(name='d'),
             'g': Variable(name='g')}
    defined, used_known, dependent = analyse_identifiers(code, known)
    assert 'a' in defined  # There might be an additional constant added by the
                           # loop-invariant optimisation
    assert used_known == {'b', 'c', 'd'}
    assert dependent == {'e', 'f'}
Example #16
def test_apply_loop_invariant_optimisation_integer():
    variables = {
        'v': Variable('v', Unit(1), scalar=False),
        'N': Constant('N', Unit(1), 10)
    statements = [Statement('v', '=', 'v % (2*3*N)', '', np.float32)]
    scalar, vector = apply_loop_invariant_optimisations(
        statements, variables, np.float64)
    # The optimisation should not pull out 2*N
    assert len(scalar) == 0
Example #17
def test_analyse_identifiers():
    Test that the analyse_identifiers function works on a simple clear example.
    code = '''
    a = b+c
    d = e+f
    known = {
        'b': Variable(unit=None, name='b'),
        'c': Variable(unit=None, name='c'),
        'd': Variable(unit=None, name='d'),
        'g': Variable(unit=None, name='g')

    defined, used_known, dependent = analyse_identifiers(code, known)

    assert defined == set(['a'])
    assert used_known == set(['b', 'c', 'd'])
    assert dependent == set(['e', 'f'])
Example #18
def test_write_to_subexpression():
    variables = {
        'a': Subexpression(name='a', dtype=np.float32,
                           owner=FakeGroup(variables={}), device=None,
        'z': Variable(name='z')

    # Writing to a subexpression is not allowed
    code = 'a = z'
    assert_raises(SyntaxError, make_statements, code, variables, np.float32)
Example #19
def test_apply_loop_invariant_optimisation():
    variables = {
        'v': Variable('v', Unit(1), scalar=False),
        'w': Variable('w', Unit(1), scalar=False),
        'dt': Constant('dt', second, 0.1 * ms),
        'tau': Constant('tau', second, 10 * ms),
        'exp': DEFAULT_FUNCTIONS['exp']
    statements = [
        Statement('v', '=', 'dt*w*exp(-dt/tau)/tau + v*exp(-dt/tau)', '',
        Statement('w', '=', 'w*exp(-dt/tau)', '', np.float32)
    scalar, vector = apply_loop_invariant_optimisations(
        statements, variables, np.float64)
    # The optimisation should pull out exp(-dt / tau)
    assert len(scalar) == 1
    assert scalar[0].dtype == np.float64  # We asked for this dtype above
    assert scalar[0].var == '_lio_const_1'
    assert len(vector) == 2
    assert all('_lio_const_1' in stmt.expr for stmt in vector)
Example #20
def test_get_identifiers_recursively():
    Test finding identifiers including subexpressions.
    variables = {}
    variables['sub1'] = Subexpression(Unit(1), np.float32, 'sub2 * z',
                                      variables, {})
    variables['sub2'] = Subexpression(Unit(1), np.float32, '5 + y', variables,
    variables['x'] = Variable(unit=None)
    identifiers = get_identifiers_recursively('_x = sub1 + x', variables)
    assert identifiers == set(['x', '_x', 'y', 'z', 'sub1', 'sub2'])
Example #21
def test_get_identifiers_recursively():
    Test finding identifiers including subexpressions.
    variables = {'sub1': Subexpression(name='sub1',
                                       dtype=np.float32, expr='sub2 * z',
                 'sub2': Subexpression(name='sub2',
                                       dtype=np.float32, expr='5 + y',
                 'x': Variable(name='x')}
    identifiers = get_identifiers_recursively(['_x = sub1 + x'],
    assert identifiers == {'x', '_x', 'y', 'z', 'sub1', 'sub2'}
Example #22
def test_apply_loop_invariant_optimisation_simplification():
    variables = {
        'v1': Variable('v1', scalar=False),
        'v2': Variable('v2', scalar=False),
        'i1': Variable('i1', scalar=False, dtype=int),
        'N': Constant('N', 10)
    statements = [
        # Should be simplified to 0.0
        Statement('v1', '=', 'v1 - v1', '', np.float),
        Statement('v1', '=', 'N*v1 - N*v1', '', np.float),
        Statement('v1', '=', 'v1*N * 0', '', np.float),
        Statement('v1', '=', 'v1 * 0', '', np.float),
        Statement('v1', '=', 'v1 * 0.0', '', np.float),
        Statement('v1', '=', '0.0 / (v1*N)', '', np.float),
        # Should be simplified to 0
        Statement('i1', '=', 'i1*N * 0', '', np.int),
        Statement('i1', '=', '0 * i1', '', np.int),
        Statement('i1', '=', '0 * i1*N', '', np.int),
        Statement('i1', '=', 'i1 * 0', '', np.int),
        # Should be simplified to v1*N
        Statement('v2', '=', '0 + v1*N', '', np.float),
        Statement('v2', '=', 'v1*N + 0.0', '', np.float),
        Statement('v2', '=', 'v1*N - 0', '', np.float),
        Statement('v2', '=', 'v1*N - 0.0', '', np.float),
        Statement('v2', '=', '1 * v1*N', '', np.float),
        Statement('v2', '=', '1.0 * v1*N', '', np.float),
        Statement('v2', '=', 'v1*N / 1.0', '', np.float),
        Statement('v2', '=', 'v1*N / 1', '', np.float),
        # Should be simplified to i1
        Statement('i1', '=', 'i1*1', '', int),
        Statement('i1', '=', 'i1//1', '', int),
        Statement('i1', '=', 'i1+0', '', int),
        Statement('i1', '=', '0+i1', '', int),
        Statement('i1', '=', 'i1-0', '', int),
        # Should *not* be simplified (because it would change the type,
        # important for integer division, for example)
        Statement('v1', '=', 'i1*1.0', '', float),
        Statement('v1', '=', '1.0*i1', '', float),
        Statement('v1', '=', 'i1/1.0', '', float),
        Statement('v1', '=', 'i1/1', '', float),
        Statement('v1', '=', 'i1+0.0', '', float),
        Statement('v1', '=', '0.0+i1', '', float),
        Statement('v1', '=', 'i1-0.0', '', float),
        ## Should *not* be simplified, flooring division by 1 changes the value
        Statement('v1', '=', 'v2//1.0', '', float),
        Statement('i1', '=', 'i1//1.0', '', float)  # changes type
    scalar, vector = optimise_statements([], statements, variables)
    assert len(scalar) == 0
    for s in vector[:6]:
        assert s.expr == '0.0'
    for s in vector[6:10]:
        assert s.expr == '0', s.expr  # integer
    for s in vector[10:18]:
        expr = s.expr.replace(' ', '')
        assert expr == 'v1*N' or expr == 'N*v1'
    for s in vector[18:23]:
        expr = s.expr.replace(' ', '')
        assert expr == 'i1'
    for s in vector[23:27]:
        expr = s.expr.replace(' ', '')
        assert expr == '1.0*i1' or expr == 'i1*1.0' or expr == 'i1/1.0'
    for s in vector[27:30]:
        expr = s.expr.replace(' ', '')
        assert expr == '0.0+i1' or expr == 'i1+0.0'
    for s in vector[30:31]:
        expr = s.expr.replace(' ', '')
        assert expr == 'v2//1.0' or expr == 'v2//1'
    for s in vector[31:]:
        expr = s.expr.replace(' ', '')
        assert expr == 'i1//1.0'
Example #23
    def __init__(self, synapses, code, prepost, objname=None):
        self.code = code
        if prepost == 'pre':
            self.source = synapses.source
            self.target = synapses.target
            self.synapse_indices = synapses.item_mapping.pre_synaptic
        elif prepost == 'post':
            self.source = synapses.target
            self.target = synapses.source
            self.synapse_indices = synapses.item_mapping.post_synaptic
            raise ValueError('prepost argument has to be either "pre" or '
        self.synapses = synapses

        if objname is None:
            objname = prepost + '*'

                                 when=(synapses.clock, 'synapses'),
                                 name=synapses.name + '_' + objname)

        self._delays = DynamicArray1D(synapses.N, dtype=np.float64)
        # Register the object with the `SynapticIndex` object so it gets
        # automatically resized
        self.queue = SpikeQueue()
        self.spiking_synapses = []
        self.variables = {
            Variable(Unit(1), self.source.offset, constant=True),
            Variable(Unit(1), self.target.offset, constant=True),

        # Re-extract the last part of the name from the full name
        self.objname = self.name[len(synapses.name) + 1:]

        #: The simulation dt (necessary for the delays)
        self.dt = self.synapses.clock.dt_

        self.item_mapping = synapses.item_mapping

        self.indices = self.synapses.indices

        # Enable access to the delay attribute via the specifier
Example #24
    def _add_synapses(self, sources, targets, n, p, condition=None, level=0):

        if condition is None:
            sources = np.atleast_1d(sources)
            targets = np.atleast_1d(targets)
            n = np.atleast_1d(n)
            p = np.atleast_1d(p)
            if not len(p) == 1 or p != 1:
                use_connections = np.random.rand(len(sources)) < p
                sources = sources[use_connections]
                targets = targets[use_connections]
                n = n[use_connections]
            sources = sources.repeat(n)
            targets = targets.repeat(n)
            new_synapses = len(sources)

            old_N = self.N
            new_N = old_N + new_synapses

            self.synaptic_pre[old_N:new_N] = sources
            self.synaptic_post[old_N:new_N] = targets
            synapse_idx = old_N
            for source, target in zip(sources, targets):
                synapses = self.pre_synaptic[source]
                synapses.resize(len(synapses) + 1)
                synapses[-1] = synapse_idx
                synapses = self.post_synaptic[target]
                synapses.resize(len(synapses) + 1)
                synapses[-1] = synapse_idx
                synapse_idx += 1
            abstract_code = '_cond = ' + condition + '\n'
            abstract_code += '_n = ' + str(n) + '\n'
            abstract_code += '_p = ' + str(p)
            namespace = get_local_namespace(level + 1)
            additional_namespace = ('implicit-namespace', namespace)
            variables = {
                              self.source.item_mapping[:] - self.source.offset,
                              self.target.item_mapping[:] - self.target.offset,
                # The template needs to have access to the DynamicArray here,
                # having access to the underlying array (which would be much
                # faster), is not enough
                Variable(Unit(1), self.synaptic_pre, constant=True),
                Variable(Unit(1), self.synaptic_post, constant=True),
                Variable(Unit(1), self.pre_synaptic, constant=True),
                Variable(Unit(1), self.post_synaptic, constant=True),
                # Will be set in the template
                Variable(unit=Unit(1), constant=True),
                Variable(unit=Unit(1), constant=True)
            codeobj = create_runner_codeobj(
            number = len(self.synaptic_pre)
            for variable in self._registered_variables:
Example #25
    def _create_variables(self):
        Create the variables dictionary for this `Synapses`, containing
        entries for the equation variables and some standard entries.
        # Add all the pre and post variables with _pre and _post suffixes
        v = {}
        self.variable_indices = defaultdict(lambda: '_idx')
        for name, var in getattr(self.source, 'variables', {}).iteritems():
            if isinstance(var, (ArrayVariable, Subexpression)):
                v[name + '_pre'] = var
                self.variable_indices[name + '_pre'] = '_presynaptic_idx'
        for name, var in getattr(self.target, 'variables', {}).iteritems():
            if isinstance(var, (ArrayVariable, Subexpression)):
                v[name + '_post'] = var
                self.variable_indices[name + '_post'] = '_postsynaptic_idx'
                # Also add all the post variables without a suffix -- if this
                # clashes with the name of a state variable defined in this
                # Synapses group, the latter will overwrite the entry later and
                # take precedence
                v[name] = var
                self.variable_indices[name] = '_postsynaptic_idx'

        # Standard variables always present
            AttributeVariable(second, self.clock, 't_', constant=False),
            AttributeVariable(second, self.clock, 'dt_', constant=True),
            Variable(Unit(1), len(self.source), constant=True),
            Variable(Unit(1), len(self.target), constant=True),
            DynamicArrayVariable('_synaptic_pre', Unit(1),
            DynamicArrayVariable('_synaptic_pre', Unit(1),
            # We don't need "proper" specifier for these -- they go
            # back to Python code currently
            Variable(Unit(1), self.item_mapping.pre_synaptic),
            Variable(Unit(1), self.item_mapping.post_synaptic)

        for eq in itertools.chain(
                if self.event_driven is not None else []):
            if eq.type in (DIFFERENTIAL_EQUATION, PARAMETER):
                array = self.arrays[eq.varname]
                constant = ('constant' in eq.flags)
                # We are dealing with dynamic arrays here, code generation
                # shouldn't directly access the specifier.array attribute but
                # use specifier.get_value() to get a reference to the underlying
                # array
                v[eq.varname] = DynamicArrayVariable(eq.varname,
                if eq.varname in self.variable_indices:
                    # we are overwriting a postsynaptic variable of the same
                    # name, delete the reference to the postsynaptic index
                    del self.variable_indices[eq.varname]
                # Register the array with the `SynapticItemMapping` object so
                # it gets automatically resized
            elif eq.type == STATIC_EQUATION:
                raise AssertionError('Unknown type of equation: ' + eq.eq_type)

        # Stochastic variables
        for xi in self.equations.stochastic_variables:
            v.update({xi: StochasticVariable()})

        return v
Example #26
def check_units_statements(code, variables):
    Check the units for a series of statements. Setting a model variable has to
    use the correct unit. For newly introduced temporary variables, the unit
    is determined and used to check the following statements to ensure
    code : str
        The statements as a (multi-line) string
    variables : dict of `Variable` objects
        The information about all variables used in `code` (including
        `Constant` objects for external variables)
        In case on of the identifiers cannot be resolved.
        If an unit mismatch occurs during the evaluation.
    # Avoid a circular import
    from brian2.codegen.translation import analyse_identifiers
    known = set(variables.keys())
    newly_defined, _, unknown = analyse_identifiers(code, known)
    if len(unknown):
        raise AssertionError(('Encountered unknown identifiers, this should '
                             'not happen at this stage. Unkown identifiers: %s'
                             % unknown))

    code = re.split(r'[;\n]', code)
    for line in code:
        line = line.strip()
        if not len(line):
            continue  # skip empty lines
        varname, op, expr, comment = parse_statement(line)
        if op in ('+=', '-=', '*=', '/=', '%='):
            # Replace statements such as "w *=2" by "w = w * 2"
            expr = '{var} {op_first} {expr}'.format(var=varname,
            op = '='
        elif op == '=':
            raise AssertionError('Unknown operator "%s"' % op) 

        expr_unit = parse_expression_unit(expr, variables)

        if varname in variables:
            expected_unit = variables[varname].unit
            fail_for_dimension_mismatch(expr_unit, expected_unit,
                                        ('The right-hand-side of code '
                                         'statement ""%s" does not have the '
                                         'expected unit %r') % (line,
        elif varname in newly_defined:
            # note the unit for later
            variables[varname] = Variable(name=varname, unit=expr_unit,
            raise AssertionError(('Variable "%s" is neither in the variables '
                                  'dictionary nor in the list of undefined '
                                  'variables.' % varname))
Example #27
def test_determination():
    Test the determination of suitable state updaters.
    # To save some typing
    determine_stateupdater = StateUpdateMethod.determine_stateupdater
    # Save state before tests
    before = list(StateUpdateMethod.stateupdaters)
    eqs = Equations('dv/dt = -v / (10*ms) : 1')
    # Just make sure that state updaters know about the two state variables
    variables = {'v': Variable(name='v', unit=None),
                 'w': Variable(name='w', unit=None)}
    # all methods should work for these equations.
    # First, specify them explicitly (using the object)
    for integrator in (linear, euler, exponential_euler, #TODO: Removed "independent" here due to the issue in sympy 0.7.4
                       rk2, rk4, milstein):
        with catch_logs() as logs:
            returned = determine_stateupdater(eqs, variables,
            assert returned is integrator, 'Expected state updater %s, got %s' % (integrator, returned)
            assert len(logs) == 0, 'Got %d unexpected warnings: %s' % (len(logs), str([l[2] for l in logs]))
    # Equation with multiplicative noise, only milstein should work without
    # a warning
    eqs = Equations('dv/dt = -v / (10*ms) + v*xi*second**-.5: 1')
    for integrator in (linear, independent, euler, exponential_euler, rk2, rk4):
        with catch_logs() as logs:
            returned = determine_stateupdater(eqs, variables,
            assert returned is integrator, 'Expected state updater %s, got %s' % (integrator, returned)
            # We should get a warning here
            assert len(logs) == 1, 'Got %d warnings but expected 1: %s' % (len(logs), str([l[2] for l in logs]))
    with catch_logs() as logs:
        returned = determine_stateupdater(eqs, variables,
        assert returned is milstein, 'Expected state updater milstein, got %s' % (integrator, returned)
        # No warning here
        assert len(logs) == 0, 'Got %d unexpected warnings: %s' % (len(logs), str([l[2] for l in logs]))
    # Arbitrary functions (converting equations into abstract code) should
    # always work
    my_stateupdater = lambda eqs: 'x_new = x'
    with catch_logs() as logs:
        returned = determine_stateupdater(eqs, variables,
        assert returned is my_stateupdater
        # No warning here
        assert len(logs) == 0
    # Specification with names
    eqs = Equations('dv/dt = -v / (10*ms) : 1')
    for name, integrator in [('linear', linear), ('euler', euler),
                             #('independent', independent), #TODO: Removed "independent" here due to the issue in sympy 0.7.4
                             ('exponential_euler', exponential_euler),
                             ('rk2', rk2), ('rk4', rk4),
                             ('milstein', milstein)]:
        with catch_logs() as logs:
            returned = determine_stateupdater(eqs, variables,
        assert returned is integrator
        # No warning here
        assert len(logs) == 0    

    # Now all except milstein should refuse to work
    eqs = Equations('dv/dt = -v / (10*ms) + v*xi*second**-.5: 1')
    for name in ['linear', 'independent', 'euler', 'exponential_euler',
                 'rk2', 'rk4']:
        assert_raises(ValueError, lambda: determine_stateupdater(eqs,
    # milstein should work
    with catch_logs() as logs:
        determine_stateupdater(eqs, variables, method='milstein')
        assert len(logs) == 0
    # non-existing name
    assert_raises(ValueError, lambda: determine_stateupdater(eqs,
    # Automatic state updater choice should return linear for linear equations,
    # euler for non-linear, non-stochastic equations and equations with
    # additive noise, milstein for equations with multiplicative noise
    eqs = Equations('dv/dt = -v / (10*ms) : 1')
    assert determine_stateupdater(eqs, variables) is linear
    # This is conditionally linear
    eqs = Equations('''dv/dt = -(v + w**2)/ (10*ms) : 1
                       dw/dt = -w/ (10*ms) : 1''')
    assert determine_stateupdater(eqs, variables) is exponential_euler

    eqs = Equations('dv/dt = sin(t) / (10*ms) : 1')
    assert determine_stateupdater(eqs, variables) is independent

    eqs = Equations('dv/dt = -sqrt(v) / (10*ms) : 1')
    assert determine_stateupdater(eqs, variables) is euler

    eqs = Equations('dv/dt = -v / (10*ms) + 0.1*second**-.5*xi: 1')
    assert determine_stateupdater(eqs, variables) is euler

    eqs = Equations('dv/dt = -v / (10*ms) + v*0.1*second**-.5*xi: 1')
    assert determine_stateupdater(eqs, variables) is milstein

    # remove all registered state updaters --> automatic choice no longer works
    StateUpdateMethod.stateupdaters = {}
    assert_raises(ValueError, lambda: determine_stateupdater(eqs, variables))

    # reset to state before the test
    StateUpdateMethod.stateupdaters = before
Example #28
def test_determination():
    Test the determination of suitable state updaters.
    # To save some typing
    apply_stateupdater = StateUpdateMethod.apply_stateupdater

    eqs = Equations('dv/dt = -v / (10*ms) : 1')
    # Just make sure that state updaters know about the two state variables
    variables = {'v': Variable(name='v'), 'w': Variable(name='w')}

    # all methods should work for these equations.
    # First, specify them explicitly (using the object)
    for integrator in (
            exponential_euler,  #TODO: Removed "independent" here due to the issue in sympy 0.7.4
        with catch_logs() as logs:
            returned = apply_stateupdater(eqs, variables, method=integrator)
            assert len(logs) == 0, 'Got %d unexpected warnings: %s' % (
                len(logs), str([l[2] for l in logs]))

    # Equation with multiplicative noise, only milstein and heun should work
    eqs = Equations('dv/dt = -v / (10*ms) + v*xi*second**-.5: 1')
    for integrator in (linear, independent, euler, exponential_euler, rk2,
                      lambda: apply_stateupdater(eqs, variables, integrator))

    for integrator in (heun, milstein):
        with catch_logs() as logs:
            returned = apply_stateupdater(eqs, variables, method=integrator)
            assert len(logs) == 0, 'Got %d unexpected warnings: %s' % (
                len(logs), str([l[2] for l in logs]))

    # Arbitrary functions (converting equations into abstract code) should
    # always work
    my_stateupdater = lambda eqs, vars, options: 'x_new = x'
    with catch_logs() as logs:
        returned = apply_stateupdater(eqs, variables, method=my_stateupdater)
        # No warning here
        assert len(logs) == 0

    # Specification with names
    eqs = Equations('dv/dt = -v / (10*ms) : 1')
    for name, integrator in [
        ('exact', exact),
        ('linear', linear),
        ('euler', euler),
            #('independent', independent), #TODO: Removed "independent" here due to the issue in sympy 0.7.4
        ('exponential_euler', exponential_euler),
        ('rk2', rk2),
        ('rk4', rk4),
        ('heun', heun),
        ('milstein', milstein)
        with catch_logs() as logs:
            returned = apply_stateupdater(eqs, variables, method=name)
            # No warning here
            assert len(logs) == 0

    # Now all except heun and milstein should refuse to work
    eqs = Equations('dv/dt = -v / (10*ms) + v*xi*second**-.5: 1')
    for name in [
            'linear', 'exact', 'independent', 'euler', 'exponential_euler',
            'rk2', 'rk4'
                      lambda: apply_stateupdater(eqs, variables, method=name))

    # milstein should work
    with catch_logs() as logs:
        apply_stateupdater(eqs, variables, method='milstein')
        assert len(logs) == 0

    # heun should work
    with catch_logs() as logs:
        apply_stateupdater(eqs, variables, method='heun')
        assert len(logs) == 0

    # non-existing name
        lambda: apply_stateupdater(eqs, variables, method='does_not_exist'))

    # Automatic state updater choice should return linear for linear equations,
    # euler for non-linear, non-stochastic equations and equations with
    # additive noise, heun for equations with multiplicative noise
    # Because it is somewhat fragile, the "independent" state updater is not
    # included in this list
    all_methods = [
        'linear', 'exact', 'exponential_euler', 'euler', 'heun', 'milstein'
    eqs = Equations('dv/dt = -v / (10*ms) : 1')
    with catch_logs(log_level=logging.INFO) as logs:
        apply_stateupdater(eqs, variables, all_methods)
        assert len(logs) == 1
        assert ('linear' in logs[0][2]) or ('exact' in logs[0][2])

    # This is conditionally linear
    eqs = Equations('''dv/dt = -(v + w**2)/ (10*ms) : 1
                       dw/dt = -w/ (10*ms) : 1''')
    with catch_logs(log_level=logging.INFO) as logs:
        apply_stateupdater(eqs, variables, all_methods)
        assert len(logs) == 1
        assert 'exponential_euler' in logs[0][2]

    # # Do not test for now
    # eqs = Equations('dv/dt = sin(t) / (10*ms) : 1')
    # assert apply_stateupdater(eqs, variables) is independent

    eqs = Equations('dv/dt = -sqrt(v) / (10*ms) : 1')
    with catch_logs(log_level=logging.INFO) as logs:
        apply_stateupdater(eqs, variables, all_methods)
        assert len(logs) == 1
        assert "'euler'" in logs[0][2]

    eqs = Equations('dv/dt = -v / (10*ms) + 0.1*second**-.5*xi: 1')
    with catch_logs(log_level=logging.INFO) as logs:
        apply_stateupdater(eqs, variables, all_methods)
        assert len(logs) == 1
        assert "'euler'" in logs[0][2]

    eqs = Equations('dv/dt = -v / (10*ms) + v*0.1*second**-.5*xi: 1')
    with catch_logs(log_level=logging.INFO) as logs:
        apply_stateupdater(eqs, variables, all_methods)
        assert len(logs) == 1
        assert "'heun'" in logs[0][2]
Example #29
def check_units_statements(code, namespace, variables):
    Check the units for a series of statements. Setting a model variable has to
    use the correct unit. For newly introduced temporary variables, the unit
    is determined and used to check the following statements to ensure
    expression : str
        The expression to evaluate.
    namespace : dict-like
        The namespace of external variables.
    variables : dict of `Variable` objects
        The information about the internal variables
        In case on of the identifiers cannot be resolved.
        If an unit mismatch occurs during the evaluation.
    known = set(variables.keys()) | set(namespace.keys())
    newly_defined, _, unknown = analyse_identifiers(code, known)

    if len(unknown):
        raise AssertionError(
            ('Encountered unknown identifiers, this should '
             'not happen at this stage. Unkown identifiers: %s' % unknown))

    # We want to add newly defined variables to the variables dictionary so we
    # make a copy now
    variables = dict(variables)

    code = re.split(r'[;\n]', code)
    for line in code:
        line = line.strip()
        if not len(line):
            continue  # skip empty lines

        varname, op, expr = parse_statement(line)
        if op in ('+=', '-=', '*=', '/=', '%='):
            # Replace statements such as "w *=2" by "w = w * 2"
            expr = '{var} {op_first} {expr}'.format(var=varname,
            op = '='
        elif op == '=':
            raise AssertionError('Unknown operator "%s"' % op)

        expr_unit = parse_expression_unit(expr, namespace, variables)

        if varname in variables:
            fail_for_dimension_mismatch(variables[varname].unit, expr_unit,
                                        ('Code statement "%s" does not use '
                                         'correct units' % line))
        elif varname in newly_defined:
            # note the unit for later
            variables[varname] = Variable(expr_unit,
            raise AssertionError(('Variable "%s" is neither in the variables '
                                  'dictionary nor in the list of undefined '
                                  'variables.' % varname))
Example #30
def check_units_statements(code, variables):
    Check the units for a series of statements. Setting a model variable has to
    use the correct unit. For newly introduced temporary variables, the unit
    is determined and used to check the following statements to ensure
    code : str
        The statements as a (multi-line) string
    variables : dict of `Variable` objects
        The information about all variables used in `code` (including
        `Constant` objects for external variables)
        In case on of the identifiers cannot be resolved.
        If an unit mismatch occurs during the evaluation.
    variables = dict(variables)
    # Avoid a circular import
    from brian2.codegen.translation import analyse_identifiers
    newly_defined, _, unknown = analyse_identifiers(code, variables)

    if len(unknown):
        raise AssertionError(
            f"Encountered unknown identifiers, this should not "
            f"happen at this stage. Unknown identifiers: {unknown}")

    code = re.split(r'[;\n]', code)
    for line in code:
        line = line.strip()
        if not len(line):
            continue  # skip empty lines

        varname, op, expr, comment = parse_statement(line)
        if op in ('+=', '-=', '*=', '/=', '%='):
            # Replace statements such as "w *=2" by "w = w * 2"
            expr = f'{varname} {op[0]} {expr}'
        elif op == '=':
            raise AssertionError(f'Unknown operator "{op}"')

        expr_unit = parse_expression_dimensions(expr, variables)

        if varname in variables:
            expected_unit = variables[varname].dim
                                        ('The right-hand-side of code '
                                         'statement "%s" does not have the '
                                         'expected unit {expected}') % line,
        elif varname in newly_defined:
            # note the unit for later
            variables[varname] = Variable(name=varname,
            raise AssertionError(
                f"Variable '{varname}' is neither in the variables "
                f"dictionary nor in the list of undefined "